The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Heretic Blood: The Spiritual Geography of Thomas Merton

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Prophetic monk seen in a new lightDecember 10, 1998, will mark the 30th anniversary of the sudden death of Thomas MertonImbach, Jeff Calgary Herald [Canada] (5 December 1998): 23.
02Father Louis Up CloseThe 20th century has concluded.Hauser, Richard J. America 182.7 (4 March 2000): 23-27.
03Teologia e interiori contraddizioni nella vicenda spirituale di Thomas Merton: Un monaco dall'istinto ereticoIl monaco trappista americano Thomas Merton, nato nei Pirenei francesi nel 1915, da padreCanzoni, Gualtiero Gazetta del Sud (18 February 2002).
04A Journey Through the I and Not-IHaving agreed to talk with Michael HigginsMiller, Judith Grail 14.4 (Dec 1998); 117-121.
JOURNAL It is becoming a regular feature of the Merton industry that most years onePearson, Paul M. Merton Journal [UK] 7.1 (Easter 2000): 51-53.
SEASONALMapping Merton Through BlakeIt's a precarious enterprise to use one poet's imaginative conception of the world as the frameworkKeeler, Robert F. Merton Seasonal 24:1 (Spring 1999): 20-22.