The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Audio Recordings by Merton

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Vatican II : The sacred liturgy and the religious life / Thomas Merton 2012
The veil of the Virgin - face of the virgin. Cyprian, Tertullian. 1962/07/08
Vespers and funeral mass of Thomas Merton - 3:30 pm, 12/17/1968, continued. 1968/12/17
Vespers and funeral mass of Thomas Merton - 3:30 pm, 12/17/1968. 1968/12/17
The Virgin Mary 2004
The Virgin Mary 1988
The Virtue of Temperance II 2001
The Virtue of Temperance I 2001
Virtue of temperance. 1962/06
The Virtue of Temperance 2001
Virtues: temperance. 1962/06/19
Vis cogitativa 1962/06/15
The voice of Thomas Merton on ascetism and solitude 2007
The voice of Thomas Merton on love 2007
The voice of Thomas Merton on prayer : part 1 2007
The voice of Thomas Merton on prayer : part 2 2007
The voice of Thomas Merton on self actualization 2007
The vow of chastity: the spirit of purity 1962/09
Vow of chastity. 1965/08/16
Vow of chastity. 1965/08/09
Vow of chastity. 1965/07/05
A vow of conversation, excerpts, November 1964 through January 1965, read by Chris McDonnell 1988
Vow of conversion of manners - conversio and conversation. 1964/11/25
Vow of conversion of manners. 1964/10/28
Vow of conversion of manners. 1965/05/03
Vow of conversion of manners. 1964/08/19
Vow of conversion of manners. 1964/10/14
Vow of conversion of manners. 1964/09/16
Vow of conversion of manners. 1964/08/26
Vow of conversion of manners. 1964/09/02
The vow of conversion 1988
Vow of obedience - obedience not of a slave or child. 1964/04/01
Vow of obedience and the change of habit. 1964/02/05
Vow of obedience likened to Christ's obedience in his passion. 1964/03/25
Vow of obedience. Lee Oswald. 1964/02/26
Vow of obedience. 1964/07/08
Vow of obedience. 1964/07/01
Vow of obedience. 1964/05/13
Vow of obedience. 1964/06/03
Vow of obedience. 1964/05/20
Vow of obedience. 1964/04/22
Vow of obedience. 1964/07/29
Vow of poverty: ownership. 1962/10
Vow of poverty: proprietorship. 1962/11
Vow of poverty, ornamentation and beauty. 1962/10
Vow of poverty, sins against. 1962
Vow of poverty, technical details. 1962/10
Vow of poverty. (Cont.) 1962/10
Vow of poverty; attachments. Sociological, psychological, patrological view. 1962/12
Vow of poverty; community and individual views. 1962
Vow of poverty; distribution of goods. 1962
Vow of poverty; interior and exterior characteristics. 1962
Vow of poverty; little exordium. 1962
The vow of poverty 1988
Vow of stability - perseverance. 1963/08/28
Vow of stability. Cases of sickness or greater spiritual good. 1963/11/27
Vow of stability. 1963/09/04
Vow of stability. 1963/10/23
Vow of stability. 1963/12/07
Vows: certainty in regard to making vows. 1963/03/11
Vows: different acts of will. 1963/03/04
Vows: effects of will, importance of consent; place of hope in life. 1963/04/01
Vows: the mutual obligations involved. 1963/02/23
Vows. Community life; respect; unity of purpose. 1963/02/04
The vows. Remarks on renewal problems. 1963/01/07
Vows; fidelity on the psychological and theological plane. 1963/04/17
The vows; idea of community. 1963/01/29
Vows; positive view of vows. 1963/02/18
Vows; poverty. 1963/05/08
Vows; real meaning of vows. 1963/02/11
The vows; religious profession. 1963/01/14

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