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Merton's Correspondence with:

Elizabeth Bartelme

Bartelme, Elizabeth  printer


Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence
Dates of materials: 1962-1968
Volume: 19 item(s); 23 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Bartelme, Elizabeth".


Elizabeth Bartelme was a publishing agent for Macmillan. She seemed to know some acquaintances of Merton's, such as Philip and Dan Berrigan and Ed Rice, and keep him informed of what was happening with them.

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#DateFrom/ToFirst LinesPub ✓Notes
 y/m/dMerton Scan ✉ 
1. 1962/02/13 TLS to Merton Your articles that have recently appeared in The Catholic Worker and in Commonweal on articles on nuclear war and fallout shelters / asking for Merton to write on Christian responsibility to atmospheric nuclear testing / offer of advance payment against royalties for such a book «detailed view»
2. 1962/02/27 TALS to Merton Thank you so much for sending me your article, as well as the off-print from Pax. I had not possibility of publishing a collection of Merton's prior essays / difficulty through agreement with Farrar Straus in doing a book for Macmillan / peace demonstrations in New York and other cities and the contribution of Merton's writing to the cause «detailed view»
3. 1962/03/22 TL[c] from Merton Many thanks for your letter of February 27th. I have of course been thinking seriously about your creating list of peace articles for book / arrangements with Farrar Straus and Cudahy / Blackfriars article "Letter to Pablo Antonio Cuadra Concerning Giants" / peace book may not get imprimatur / "first strike attitude" in some Catholics - Communism will take the Church without more H-bombs «detailed view»
4. 1962/03/27 TLS to Merton Thank you so much for your letter which raised my hopes very high that you will be doing the book on possibility of publishing without an imprimatur / terms of agreement for book «detailed view»
5. 1962/06/06 TL[c] from Merton Well, I finally have an answer for you on the Peace Book. The book is finished all right, but I am Merton not able to publish book because of controversial nature / circulating copies of sections to friends as letters (what would become known as the Cold War Letters) «detailed view»
6. 1962/08/08 TL[c] from Merton Recently I have gone over a manuscript that has been waiting for revision, and I have completed the Principles of Prayer - "draws… on patristic sources and Church documents" - more formal than Seeds of Contemplation / timetable for publishing with Macmillan «detailed view»
7. 1962/09/14 TLS to Merton I am so delighted to have your new manuscript, and I have read it very carefully and think it is a terms of agreement for Principles of Prayer / division of chapters and timing in sending to the printer / Merton's hospital stay / Fr. Berrigan «detailed view»
8. 1962/09/25 TL[c] from Merton Thanks for the good letter of the 14th. I see your point about making the additions before the book chapter on "Liturgy and Social Concern" / visit from unexpected visitors like Jean Leclercq / foreign rights problems - Merton asking to handle foreign rights, except in Paris (Marie Tadié as translator and agent there) / Dagmar Henne - German agent «detailed view»
9. 1963/01/23 TALS to Merton You must think that I have been out of the country, as it has taken me so long to get to your letter timetable for publication / proofs to Fr. Diekmann and two Cardinals / Farrar Straus / Ed Rice / Thomas McDonnell / possibility of publishing a different collection of essays / imprimi potest and imprimatur «detailed view»
10. 1963/05/20 TLS to Merton I was most distressed to receive your letter of May 16th, and I can only say that I am very sorry Merton in bad situation with Farrar Straus because of Macmillan contract / Naomi Burton [Stone] to serve as agent «detailed view»
11. 1963/08/12 TLS to Merton Our manufacturing department has now returned to me the manuscript [original in Section C.2, the Setting Copy of the unpublished manuscript, "Prayer as Worship and Experience" / photocopy in correspondence file] regret over dispute concerning book and that it would not be published «detailed view»
12. 1964/10/07 TLS to Merton Father Philip Berrigan asked me to get the address of Chris McNair for you, and it is: 61 Sixth Merton's article in the New York Review «detailed view»
13. 1965/02/02 TLS to Merton I am so happy to have your introduction to Father Philip Berrigan's book, and I can't thank you introduction to Philip Berrigan's book / copyright issues «detailed view»
14. 1965/12/03 TL[c] from Merton I am sorry to see how long it is since I got your letter and Dan's proofs. Did not think the weeks description of poems to be published by Dan [Berrigan?] - priest dealing with questions in a world of "Dachau and Hiroshima, Selma and Saigon" / whereabouts of Dan [Berrigan?] «detailed view»
15. 1965/12/08 TLS[x] to Merton Thank you ever so much for your very fine remarks on Father Berrigan's poems. I am afraid it is [filed by Dom James Fox in a box of Macmillan Company files at Gethsemani] Merton's remarks on Fr. Daniel Berrigan's poems / contact information for "Dan", Msgr. Ivan D. Illich in Cuernavaca / Jack English «detailed view»
16. 1967/09/13 TLS to Merton I am sending you a copy of a book that we are publishing in October by John L'Heureux, S. J. which I John L'Heureux's book Picnic in Babylon - 3 years at Woodstock / Merton's letter in National Catholic Reporter in answer to Martin Marty / Merton, Dorothy Day, and Dan Berrigan - "white hope of the Christian radicals" / non-violence and civil rights / send-off for Ed Rice / demise of Jubilee «detailed view»
17. 1967/10/03 TL[c] from Merton Thanks so much for your cheering letter of last month, and for John L'Heureux's book. Thanks too Ed Rice and "troubles in Asia" / John L'Heureux's book Picnic in Babylon and words about his diary being prudent / Merton's statement, "My diaries aren't prudent." / book by Fr. Ciszek / Michele Murrays criticism of Merton and Ciszek «detailed view»
18. 1968/05/24 TLS to Merton I am sending you herewith a copy of the Catholic Worker Reader, A Penny a Copy as you are «detailed view»
19. 1968/05/31 TL[c] from Merton Thanks so much for Penny a Copy. Tom and Jim did a fine job of editing and I think it is a Church in the twentieth century and the Catholic Worker / sentencing of Dan and Phil [Berrigan] for burning of draft records «detailed view»

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