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Merton's Correspondence with:

Abbot Jean Leclercq; Dom Jean Leclercq, Dom; Fr. Jean Leclercq, Fr.

Leclercq, Jean, Dom, O.S.B., 1911-1993  printer


Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence
Dates of materials: 1950-1973
Volume: 213 item(s); 406 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Leclercq, Jean, Dom, O.S.B.".


Dom Jean Leclercq was a Benedictine priest, prolific writer and scholar of the history of monasticism. Born in France, he joined the Abbey of Clervaux in Luxembourg. He first came into contact with Merton concerning the history of the Trappists. Later, during the changes occurring within the Catholic Church before and after the Second Vatican Council, they carry on a crucial dialog on the role and future of monasticism.

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Please click here for general restrictions concerning Merton's correspondence.

Related Information and Links

See most published letters between Merton and Leclercq in Survival or Prophecy; see also published letters to Leclercq in The School of Charity; and see also the "Dijk, Willibrord Chr. van", "Fox, James" and "Gillet, Ignace" files.

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#DateFrom/ToFirst LinesPub ✓Notes
 y/m/dMerton Scan ✉ 
1. 1950/01/28 HLS to Merton Merci de votre lettre du 15 janvier. Je vous envoie la description de vos manuscrits [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
2. 1950/03/no? HLS to Merton J'ai bien reçu les films de vos manuscrits de S. Bernard et je vous en remercie. [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
3. 1950/04/22 (#01) TALS from Merton Another film of the St Bernard Sermons is now on the way to you. This time I looked it over to see «detailed view»
4. 1950/04/22 (#02) other   Census of Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canda by Semour de Ricci [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - handwritten notes and a notecard, the notecard explains that information contained informs footnotes of 1950/04/22 letter from Merton to Leclercq] «detailed view»
5. 1950/05/05 HLS to Merton I was just going to write to you when I received, yesterday, your new letter. Thank you [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
6. 1950/07/29 HLS to Merton Immobilisé à Bruxelles par la grève, je trouve enfin le temps de répondre à votre longue [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
7. 1950/10/09 TALS from Merton It is a long time since I received your July letter which I read and pondered on with deep «detailed view»
8. 1950/10/26 HLS to Merton I received some weeks ago the nice little book Spirit of [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
9. 1952/06/17 transcript to Merton Thank you very much indeed for your last letter and for The Last of the Fathers. [photocopy from book of published letters] «detailed view»
10. 1953/01/25 HLS to Merton Thank you for the Rifau. [..] Not yet answer from the censors… I begin to get anxious… I remember [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
11. 1953/03/17 HLS to Merton It has been very kind of you, indeed, to send me your Sign of Jonas. Thank you sincerely. [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
12. 1953/05/18 TALS from Merton Forgive me for my delay in answering your good letter. Jonas is already being translated «detailed view»
13. 1953/05/29 TALS to Merton Le livre de Casel Die Mônchsweihe ne paraîtra pas prochainement, car on attend une nouvelle [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
14. 1953/08/21 TALS from Merton You must think me a very churlish and ungrateful person to leave your letter so long unanswered. «detailed view»
15. 1953/09/23 HLS to Merton I received your very good letter of Aug. 21 just before leaving Clervaux for Dijon, where I had [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
16. 1953/10/13 HLS[x] to Merton I write to ask you a service. But of course, you are quite free to refuse it; I shall understand it [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
17. 1953/11/05 TALS from Merton It was a satisfaction to me when Father Abbot gave me permission to write the preface for your «detailed view»
18. 1953/11/23 HLS to Merton I have received your letter, and then the Preface. I have read it and shall translate it. [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
19. 1953/12/07 HCS from Merton Many thanks for your very kind letter of Nov 23. I am glad the preface satisfied you, and am still «detailed view»
20. 1954/01/08 HALS from Merton Many thanks for your translation of the Preface. I have read it with pleasure and satisfaction «detailed view»
21. 1954/04/07 TLS to Merton Je reçois à l'instant votre beau volume Bread in the Wilderness. Je vous remercie beaucoup d'avoir [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
22. 1954/04/27 TALS from Merton I have just written to the Agent. I suspect that Plon is unjustly penalizing you because the Agent «detailed view»
23. 1954/07/13 TLS[x] to Merton Je comprends vos soucis. Je comprends aussi le point de vue de vos supérieurs. Ce n'est sans doute [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
24. 1954/07/28 TALS from Merton Yesterday I heard from our Reverendissime Pere and I hasten to let you know that he raises «detailed view»
25. 1954/08/06 HLS to Merton I received here, where I have been lecturing on S Bernard's Mariology, your letter of July 28. [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - written from Maria Laach, Germany] «detailed view»
26. 1954/08/30 HLS to Merton Many thanks indeed for your new pages, which I enjoyed translating them [sic]. I appreciated you [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
27. 1954/10/05 HLS to Merton The French edition of The Last of the Fathers came out yesterday. It has been quite [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
28. 1954/11/04 TALS from Merton It was good to receive the good news in your last letter. I will look forward to seeing «detailed view»
29. 1954/11/17 HLS to Merton I just wrote the 1st publisher to [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
30. 1955/04/27 TLS from Merton On vient de terminer, il y a quelques jours, notre visite reguliere dans laquelle l'Abbe Visiteur «detailed view»
31. 1955/05/17 HLS to Merton Many thanks for sending me the photograph of your Antiphony. And for all [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
32. 1955/05/18 (#01) TLS[x] from Fox, James Good Father Louis wrote you a letter towards the end of April. From the very nature of the case, I [copied from "Fox, James" file - Fox's letter to Montini attached] Merton "disturbed emotionally" in letter to Archbishop Giovanni Montini in Milan / Merton to remain with Order and become grounds keeper of woods surrounding Gethsemani «detailed view»
33. 1955/05/18 (#02) TL[c]  from Fox, James / to Giovanni Montini Thisis [sic] the first letter I have ever written to you, Your Excellency, but we have received many [carbon copy sent to Leclercq of Fox's letter to Archbishop Giovanni Montini dated 1955-05-16 (who would later be Pope Paul VI)] «detailed view»
34. 1955/05/26 (#01) HLS[x] to Fox, James I thank you for sending me a note, together with the letter of Fr. Louis. As you must realize, [for original see "Fox, James", Series 29] «detailed view»
35. 1955/05/26 (#02) transcript to Fox, James I thank you for sending me a note, together with the letter of Fr. Louis. As you must realize, [for original see "Fox, James", Series 29] «detailed view»
36. 1955/06/03 TALS from Merton Many thanks for your letter of May 26. I wish I had received it sooner. Early in May, having «detailed view»
37. 1955/06/08 HL from Levy-Duplatt, Maurizio J'ai lu la lettre du P. Louis et celles de son abbé. Ils semblent [incomplete letter / addressee crossed out and signed "Maurizio" - likely Levy-Duplatt letter to Leclercq regarding Merton and forwarded to Merton] «detailed view»
38. 1955/06/13 TALS from Fox, James We received your very kind letter of May 26. Do not think there is any quarrel between good Father [copies from "Fox, James" file] no quarrel between Fox and Merton / agrees with Leclercq that Merton - "Too much of an extrovert." and that he would not be able to give up writing - Gabriel Sortais agrees he should give up writing for 5 years / Merton's "love of adventure" - would not stay long with the Camaldolese «detailed view»
39. 1955/08/11 TALS from Merton Thank you for your last letter. I am sending this together with a note to your good Reverend Father «detailed view»
40. 1955/09/25 TLS from Merton Here is the manuscript which I spoke of-- let us say that about half of it is on solitude. «detailed view»
41. 1955/10/21 HLS to Merton I received your manuscript and read it. Thank you too for your letter of Sept 25. I didn't answer [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
42. 1955/11/19 HLS to Merton I received a few days ago the first copies of [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
43. 1955/12/03 TLS from Merton You had heard from Dom Gabriel Sortais the issue of the discussions about my vocation. But you had «detailed view»
44. 1956/02/06 TALS from Merton It is already a long time since I had the pleasure of receiving your finished and published work «detailed view»
45. 1956/09/01? TALS from Merton [missing first part...] has a spiritual significance. More than that, I hope the book is suitable. [undated - Fall 1956] «detailed view»
46. 1956/09/07 (#01) HLS to Merton D. Gabriel kindly sends me his approval and Imprimi potest for your 37 meditations translated [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
47. 1956/09/07? (#02) HLS to Merton Thank you for your Celts. I sent the new text to the nun who had already finished the translation, [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - no date but stapled to letter of 1956/09/07] «detailed view»
48. 1957/10/19 TALS from Merton It has been a long time since I have had the satisfaction of writing to you. However, Father Abbot «detailed view»
49. 1957/10/31 HLS to Merton I immediately wrote to the publisher, and I just receive the enclosed answer. Please tell him [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
50. 1957/11/13 TLS from Merton Many thanks for your prompt and cooperative reply. I was relieved to hear that the book had not yet «detailed view»
51. 1957/12/30 TLS from Fox, James Your good letter to Father Louis arrived some time ago. It was caught in the annual Christmas [copies from "Fox, James" file] Merton back from hospital and recovering / false reports of Merton contributing article to book on Dom Alexis - letters from Fr. Bernard Besret and M. Daniel-Rops «detailed view»
52. 1958/05/22    Some time ago questions were asked about the French translation of [see 1959/05/22 - incorrectly dated 1958 in Survival or Prophecy] «detailed view»
53. 1959/05/22 TALS from Merton Sometime ago questions were asked about the French translation of Thoughts in Solitude, [incorrectly dated 1958 in Survival or Prophecy] «detailed view»
54. 1959/06/02 HLS to Merton I never heard, myself, about your ms. since the last time you asked to have it again in order «detailed view»
55. 1959/10/08 TLS from Merton I am writing to ask if by any chance it might be possible for me to get back the English text «detailed view»
56. 1959/10/23 HLS to Merton I found your dear letter when arriving in Rome until February. I shall find the english text «detailed view»
57. 1959/11/09 TALS from Fox, James Your letter of October 23 to Father Louis arrived. But I deemed it better not to give it to him as [copies from "Fox, James" file] Fox has not given Leclercq's letter to Merton - thinks Leclercq is misguided in advising Merton on a vocation as a hermit - asks that Leclercq not mention this to Merton in the future, but to stick to "literary matters, …the Preface, THOUGHTS IN SOLITUDE, etc. «detailed view»
58. 1959/11/19 TALS from Merton Me voici encore, et c'est le meme sujet, de la traduction "les Chemins de la joie". Mon agent «detailed view»
59. 1959/11/28 (#01) HLS to Merton Merci pour l'interest que vous [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
60. 1959/11/28 (#02) transcript to Merton I pray a lot for you. All that you tell me interests me intensely. It is always difficult to see [photocopy from book of published letters] «detailed view»
61. 1959/11/28 (#03) transcript to Merton Thank you for the interest you have in the translation of the nun of Thoughts in Solitude. [transcript of complete letter - published letter is missing some sentences - transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
62. 1959/12/18 HLS to Merton Mr Wittmann answers:"As soon as I Kowl had the definitive translation of Thoughts in Solitude [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
63. 1960/01/08 HLS to Merton Many many thanks, dear Fr Louis, for your very fine book on Guerric. It will contribute to a better [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
64. 1960/01/17 HLS to Merton I have written to Wittman as you said. Thank you for your kindness. I am as glad that you have [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
65. 1960/01/26 TALS from Fox, James We understand that you are giving quite a few lectures in Rome. We are very happy that you are [copies from "Fox, James" file] asking for Leclercq's address to the Generals of the Religious Orders on obedience «detailed view»
66. 1960/01/no? TLS from Merton An answer was received from Rome-- from Cardinal Valeri,-- which makes it quite definite that God's [it seems the first part of letter cut off - answered by Leclercq's letter of 1960/01/17] «detailed view»
67. 1960/12/13 HLS to Merton Mr Wittmann write me now that he wrote you concerning the translation of Thoughts in Solitude [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
68. 1960/12/24 TALS from Merton Well, I don't understand the situation either. I certainly remember that a long time ago I took up «detailed view»
69. 1960/12/31 HLS to Merton Thanks for your letter. If I did not meet you, I at least met D. James at Genesee. I shall be [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - original from H.7, previously held as photocopy] «detailed view»
70. 1961/02/02 HLS to Merton Immediately wrote to a confrere of yours to get the ms. And to give it to Mrs. [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
71. 1961/02/03 HLS to Merton J'ai téléphoné à M. Wittmann, qui m'a répondu qu'il refusait de me remettre le manuscrit de la [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
72. 1961/04/04 HLS from Juglar, Jean Thanks for your news. Glad that the book will soon appear. I think it may bring - [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - original from H.7, previously held as photocopy - seems to be from Fr. Jean Juglar, O.S.B. from the Abbaye Sainte-Marie de Paris to Dom Jean Leclercq; Leclercq includes a note to Merton at the end of the letter] «detailed view»
73. 1961/06/11 HLS to Merton I am sending you back a volume of K Rahner Free Speech in the Church. I enjoyed it very «detailed view»
74. 1961/07/12 (#01) HLS to Merton I sought in vain the Imprimatur to Living in Silence. What I found was the ones concerning [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
75. 1961/07/12 (#02) transcript to Merton I sought the Imprimatur to Living in Silence. What I found was the one concerning [photocopy from book of published letters] «detailed view»
76. 1961/07/31 HLS to Merton Fr. Michael of St [..] asked for a copy of my [..] I cannot refuse. But I copy you just to [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - some words difficult to decipher] «detailed view»
77. 1963/06/10 TL[c] from Merton How are you? I do not know where this letter will find you, but I suppose the best thing to do «detailed view»
78. 1963/06/18 HLS from Merton Glad to read you! I am well and, strange enough, in Clervaux. My trip in the States last autumn [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - original from H.7, previously held as photocopy] «detailed view»
79. 1963/07/23 TL[c] from Merton It was very kind of you to send the material on Grimlaic. I will keep working on the idea «detailed view»
80. 1963/08/14? HNS to Merton Thanks for your little. Would you have a carbon copy of your translation of the Presenza al mondo [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
81. 1963/10/26 (#01) HLS to Merton I have just visited all the Trappist abbey of Ireland, and visited again those of England. [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
82. 1963/10/26 (#02) transcript to Merton I have just visited all the Trappist abbeys of Ireland, and visited again those of England. [photocopy from book of published letters] «detailed view»
83. 1963/11/10 (#01) TAL[c] from Merton First of all I hope the translation of your article on Benedictine work reached you in Ireland. «detailed view»
84. 1963/11/10 (#02) TAL[x] from Merton First of all I hope the translation of your article on Benedictine work reached you in Ireland. [top half of page with handwritten annotations (by Leclercq?)] «detailed view»
85. 1963/11/12 HLS to Merton Thanks for the translation on Benedictine work, which I received in due time. I realize it was not [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - original from H.7, previously held as photocopy] «detailed view»
86. 1964/01/12 (#01) TAL[c] from Merton First I want to thank you for your kindness in sending me the mimeograph of p. Hausherr's study «detailed view»
87. 1964/01/12 (#02) TALS from Merton First I want to thank you for your kindness in sending me the mimeograph of p. Hausherr's study «detailed view»
88. 1964/03/23 HLS to Merton Sorry to have not yet acknowledged your last papers. I have been talking in different places, [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - original from H.7, previously held as photocopy] «detailed view»
89. 1964/03/28 TALS from Merton Thanks for your note about Fr Ronald Roloff. As a matter of fact I think you have guessed that what [dated "Holy Saturday" 1964] «detailed view»
90. 1964/04/15 HLS to Merton I had read and appreciated your Diaspora, before going to a Congress in Italy on Islam [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - original from H.7, previously held as photocopy] «detailed view»
91. 1964/05/26 (#01) other[x] to Merton NOTE POUR LA PRESSE Du jeudi 21 au merdi 26 mai, s'est tenue au manastère bénédictin de Boaké [copy from Sub-Section D.7, Periodicals used by Merton - no indication of author, but fits time period Leclercq was visiting a Benedictine monastery at Bouaké in the Ivory Coast] «detailed view»
92. 1964/05/26? (#02) HPCS to Merton Just arriving, find your letter, gave to P Denis your news and wishes [black and white photograph of a monk in the cloister of the Benedictine monastery of Bouaké in the Ivory Coast / no date, but Leclercq visiting this monastery at this time period] «detailed view»
93. 1964/06/30? HNS to Merton I have a French translation [by?] mimeo of your Rahner article in Commonweal. [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
94. 1964/07/no? HLS to Merton Dans le ms. Mazarine 771 [..] le texte ne [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - no date but answered in letter of 1964/08/02] «detailed view»
95. 1964/08/02 TAL[c] from Merton Many thanks for your letter. I am grateful for the information about Mazarine 771, even though [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
96. 1964/08/20 (#01) TLS  from Gillet, Ignace / to Merton Vous trouverez sous cette enveloppe la copie de la lettre que je viens d'adresser à dom Jean [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - from Dom Ignace Gillet, Abbot General of the Trappists, to Merton] «detailed view»
97. 1964/08/20 (#02) TL[c] from Gillet, Ignace J'ai lu, aussi vite que mes occupations me le permettent, l'article du Père Merton que vous avez [from Dom Ignace Gillet, Abbot General of the Trappists] «detailed view»
98. 1964/08/23 HN to Merton D. Ignace writes me he sends you a copy of his long letter to me. It is clean, and it is OK. «detailed view»
99. 1964/08/28 TL[c] from Merton I am very sorry you have had to have so much trouble with this "Monk in Diaspora" article. [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
100. 1964/08/29 (#01) HLS[x] to Merton Thanks for your nice letter of Aug 19. «detailed view»
101. 1964/08/29 (#02) TALS from Pennington, Basil Thank you for your kind letter of July 29th, which I am only now getting to answer. I have been «detailed view»
102. 1964/09/28 TALS from Merton Dom Paulus Gordan is publishing a German translation of "Monk in Diaspora" in Erbe und Auftrag. «detailed view»
103. 1964/10/10 HLS[x] to Merton Several english abbots or monks who were at Scourmont for the funeral «detailed view»
104. 1964/10/22 TL[c] from Merton Many thanks for your most recent letter, and your news. It is all right if the Monk in the Diaspora «detailed view»
105. 1964/12/10 HLS[x] to Merton Thanks for all your new papers. I have them sent by read by different people. I took profit «detailed view»
106. 1965/04/02 (#01) TLS from Merton Forgive me for keeping your offprint on the letter of St Peter Damian so long. I am returning it, «detailed view»
107. 1965/04/02 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Forgive me for keeping your offprint on the letter of St Peter Damian so long. I am returning it, «detailed view»
108. 1965/04/09 HLS to Merton Thanks for your letter and the news, which are not excellent, except from the viewpoint of «detailed view»
109. 1965/05/11 (#01) TL[c] from Merton This is to thank you for the books and offprints which arrived safely. I have done my chronique «detailed view»
110. 1965/05/11 (#02) TALS from Merton This is to thank you for the books and offprints which arrived safely. I have done my chronique [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
111. 1965/05/29 HLS to Merton I got your letter of May 11 when coming from the Obout Trappist monastery in Cameroons «detailed view»
112. 1965/06/14? (#01) HPCS to Merton I enjoy immensely staying in this St Maur's Priory, Hangar, P.O. Songea, Tanzania, which is [verso: colorized photograph of Masai warrior - letter from Tanzania / published as a postscript to letter of 1965/05/29] «detailed view»
113. 1965/06/14? (#02) transcript to Merton I enjoy immensely staying in St Maur's Priory, Hangar, P.O. Songea, Tanzania, which is the only [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 / published as a postscript to letter of 1965/05/29] «detailed view»
114. 1965/07/05 (#01) TALS from Merton Many thanks for the offprint on African Monasticism and for your letter from Togo. I am convinced, «detailed view»
115. 1965/07/05 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Many thanks for the offprint on African Monasticism and for your letter from Togo. I am convinced, «detailed view»
116. 1965/07/10 (#01) HLS to Merton Thanks, Father, for your letter of July 5 and for your invitation to address the novices. «detailed view»
117. 1965/07/10 (#02) other   L'eremitismo in Occidente nei secoli XI e XII [-] Atti della II Settimana Internazionale di [enclosure with Leclercq's 1965/07/10 letter - pamphlet on western hermits of the 11th to 12th centuries, published by the Università Cattolica del S. Cuore in Milan] «detailed view»
118. 1965/07/10 (#03) other   Dahomean style. [card with west African art of the Dahomean style on one side and Leclercq's handwritten note on the other side] «detailed view»
119. 1965/07/10 (#04) other   recesioni [-] GIUSEPPE VIOLA, Un contemplativo nel mondo - Don Luigi Pelloux, Morcelliana, [an article on Don Luigi Pelloux] «detailed view»
120. 1965/09/18 (#01) TAL[c] from Merton Your two packages of papers have arrived from Collegeville and they are in thehands [sic] of our «detailed view»
121. 1965/09/18 (#02) TALS from Merton Your two packages of papers have arrived from Collegeville and they are in thehands [sic] of our [verso: Leclercq's handwritten annotations] «detailed view»
122. 1965/10/18 HLS to Merton I had [indecipherable word..] these abstracts. I send you a copy of them for Fr. J. Eudes. «detailed view»
123. 1965/11/05 HLS to Merton It's in Aevum 389 (1965) p 370-378 that then is an article of Francesus Casoth «detailed view»
124. 1965/11/13 (#01) TALS from Merton Happy feast: it is the day of all the saints of the Order, and I am sure you have countless friends «detailed view»
125. 1965/11/13 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Happy feast: it is the day of all the saints of the Order, and I am sure you have countless friends «detailed view»
126. 1966/01/28 HLS from Merton Reading Delamille's contribution to Eremitismo, (tr by Meniola Volume, Milan 1965) I find he «detailed view»
127. 1966/02/08 HLS to Merton Have written to Schomelb and shall tell you if he answers. But does not always. I don't think this «detailed view»
128. 1966/06/27 HLS to Merton I got your letter in Africa. We were working (and I had in my turn, adding some comments) in the [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - traveling between or to Einsiedeln and Clervaux] «detailed view»
129. 1966/07/07 (#01) TL[c] from Merton Thanks for your good card from Africa. I have sent some mimeographs and books to the monks of Hanga «detailed view»
130. 1966/07/07 (#02) TAL from Merton Thanks for your good card from Africa. I have sent some mimeographs and books to the monks of Hanga [top have of original letter only with Leclercq's annotations] «detailed view»
131. 1966/07/14 (#01) HLS to Merton Thanks for your letter of Jul 7, which I found coming back from Africa and Madagascar. «detailed view»
132. 1966/07/14 (#02) TALS from Squire, Aelred I was deeply touched at your having troubled to write to me from Africa. The situation for my book [letter to Leclercq from Fr. Aelred Squire, a Dominican priest from St. Vith, Belgium (see "Squire, Aelred" file for letters to Merton) - see next record for note to Merton from Leclercq] «detailed view»
133. 1966/07/14 (#03) HNS to Merton did [indecipherable name..] speak to you of the book of F. Aelred Squire, a[n] English Dominican, [note dated 1966/07/15 written on the bottom of the letter from Fr. Aelred Squire to Leclercq] «detailed view»
134. 1966/07/21 (#01) TL[c] from Merton Thanks for your two recent notes. I will certainly do what I can to help Fr Aelred Squire to get [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
135. 1966/07/21 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Thanks for your two recent notes. I will certainly do what I can to help Fr Aelred Squire to get «detailed view»
136. 1966/08/16 HLS to Merton I know now that I shall land down at Louisville Airport on Sat. 27 Aug at 21.05 Fl. A A 741. «detailed view»
137. 1966/10/10 HLS to Merton Several english abbots or monks who were at Scourmont for the funeral of D. Belongey[?] suggested «detailed view»
138. 1966/11/18 (#01) TALS from Merton Yesterday your Chances de la spiritualite occidentale arrived and I want to thank you very «detailed view»
139. 1966/11/18 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Yesterday your Chances de la spiritualite occidentale arrived and I want to thank you very «detailed view»
140. 1966/12/10 HLS to Merton Thanks for all your new papers. I have them read by different people. I took profit by them «detailed view»
141. 1966/12/12 HLS to Merton Thanks for the last essays you sent. Work on! The AIM is preparing a journey for me, [AIM is an acronym for Aide à l'Implantation Monastique] «detailed view»
142. 1967/02/17 (#01) TALS from Merton Forgive my long delay in answering your pre Christmas letter. I was swamped by letters in December «detailed view»
143. 1967/02/17 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Forgive my long delay in answering your pre Christmas letter. I was swamped by letters in December «detailed view»
144. 1967/04/11 (#01) TAL[x] to Merton L'Asie a commencé à Orly, deuxième étape de ce boeing Londres-Tokyo de Air-India avec ses hôtesses [written from the Asirvanam Monastery in Kengeri, India / see "Series 2"] «detailed view»
145. 1967/04/11 (#02) TAL to Merton L'Asie a commencé à Orly, deuxième étape de ce boeing Londres-Tokyo de Air-India avec ses hôtesses [written from the Asirvanam Monastery in Kengeri, India] «detailed view»
146. 1967/04/13 TL to Merton Je continue la retraite ici à raison de trois causeries par jour. Il y a de la beauté dans le site «detailed view»
147. 1967/04/19 TL from Merton La retraite à Asirvanam dura jusqu'à samedi soir. Ce dernier après-midi, avec un moine indien, «detailed view»
148. 1967/04/21 TL to Merton Voici achevée cette expérience de l'Ashram chrétien, dont je ne sais si je pourrai vous dire grand «detailed view»
149. 1967/04/23 TL to Merton Trois heures de vol lent et bas dans un petit Volker des India Air Lines, comme ceux de Luxair, «detailed view»
150. 1967/04/27 TL to Merton Voici déjà qu'approche la fin de mon séjour en ce monastère si tué au bord de la mer, près des «detailed view»
151. 1967/04/30 TL to Merton Un dernier mot avant de quitter ce Cambodge si attachant, parce que si plein de problèmes, et aussi «detailed view»
152. 1967/04/no? HPCS to Merton Thank you for sending books to Sweden. You know that surface mail is slow, especially [1 postcard and 1 extra page - verso of postcard: color photograph of a bust of Egyptian King Tutankhamen] «detailed view»
153. 1967/05/05 TL to Merton Voici déjà presque une semaine passée dans ce pays en guerre. Les premières images que «detailed view»
154. 1967/05/07 TAL to Merton J'avais passé la dernière nuit à Saïgon dans la procure de l'un des ordres religieux. «detailed view»
155. 1967/05/22 TL to Merton Avant-hier samedi, après un vol d'une demi-heure, nous arrivons à Ban-me-Thuot. Comme je devais [begins midway of page 17 on last page of 1967/05/07] «detailed view»
156. 1967/05/23 HLS to Merton I am glad to leave this country of VN after 26 days of anger. Not because of the war, which «detailed view»
157. 1967/05/24 TAL to Merton Hier, anniversaire de la naissance de Bouddha, journée de trêve pour la guerre, ou plutôt pour «detailed view»
158. 1967/05/25 TL to Merton Je passe cette Fête-Dieu au monastère cistercien de Phuoc Son, à une trentaine de kilomètres [begins midway of page 27 on last page of 1967/05/24] «detailed view»
159. 1967/05/26 TL to Merton Vol Saïgon-Manila. Ce matin, dernière causerie à Mhuoc Son. Le jeune Père qui me conduisait [begins midway of page 31 on last page of 1967/05/25] «detailed view»
160. 1967/05/31 TL to Merton Je trouve enfin le moment pour vous écrire après ces premières journées à Manille, qui furent très «detailed view»
161. 1967/05/no? HPCS to Merton it's a joy for me to hear that your book, translated, give a good idea of US in this country. [verso: color photograph of "People praying at the main altar of the Xa Loi Pagoda, downtown Saigon"] «detailed view»
162. 1967/06/01 TL to Merton Ce matin, on m'a gentiment conduit voir l'un des "barrios", villages pauvres comme il y en a dans «detailed view»
163. 1967/06/04 TAL to Merton Ces derniers jours à Manille m'ont beaucoup instruit sur les Philippines et sur les chances «detailed view»
164. 1967/06/07 TL[c] from Merton I don't know if you are still in the Philippines or [w]hether you are on your way back to Europe. [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
165. 1967/06/11 TL to Merton C'est seulement dans le train de nuit qui m'emmène vers Djakharta que je trouve le temps de vous «detailed view»
166. 1967/06/12 TAL to Merton Dans le train qui me ramène de Rawaseneng à Djakarta, et pendent que mes souvenirs de votre «detailed view»
167. 1967/06/29 HLS to Merton Thanks for your private and circular letters. I flew back from Djakarta to Vichy via Singapore, «detailed view»
168. 1967/07/02 TL[c] from Merton Many thanks for the booklet about the charming little Abbey of St Vincent de Chantelle. [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
169. 1967/07/18 (#01) TLS from Merton I have just finished reading your collection of letters on your Asian journey. Quite an experience! [see "Series 2" for the referenced collection of letters of Leclercq's Asian journey] «detailed view»
170. 1967/07/18 (#02) TL[c] from Merton I have just finished reading your collection of letters on your Asian journey. Quite an experience! [see "Series 2" for the referenced collection of letters of Leclercq's Asian journey] «detailed view»
171. 1967/07/20 HLS to Merton I come from a conference on monastic liturgy in Orval: 100 monks and cloistered nuns OSB. OCSO. «detailed view»
172. 1967/08/08 HLS to Merton First, thank you for your kind judgment on my letters from Asia. I plan, during my flights in US «detailed view»
173. 1967/08/23 HLS to Merton I understand that I have to stay in the hotel on a weekend, from Sat to Mo. OK. As it would be «detailed view»
174. 1967/08/29 HLS to Merton Thanks for your new letter of Aug 19. I maintain the date I fixed, weekend of Sept 9-10, unless you «detailed view»
175. 1967/10/28 HLS to Merton I had just commented [on] the Message of the Contemplatives to the Synod, in the wonderful Carmel «detailed view»
176. 1967/11/10 (#01) TLS from Merton Sorry to have been silent so long. I have been over my ears in letters etc and cannot handle it. [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»
177. 1967/11/10 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Sorry to have been silent so long. I have been over my ears in letters etc and cannot handle it. «detailed view»
178. 1967/12/30 HLS to Merton Thanks, dear P. Louis, for the papers you sent me. I gave the envelope to a confrère who had heard «detailed view»
179. 1968/01/09 TLS to Merton Je commence par vous accuser réception du chèque destiné au Dr. Bolshakoff et que nous tenons «detailed view»
180. 1968/01/14 (#01) TLS from Merton Annuntio tibi gaudium magnum: habemus abbatem-- I waited for the election before replying to your «detailed view»
181. 1968/01/14 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Annuntio tibi gaudium magnum: habemus abbatem-- I waited for the election before replying to your «detailed view»
182. 1968/01/21 HLS to Merton Thanks for the good news. And for the contemplatives' forum. I had heard of it, but not read. «detailed view»
183. 1968/01/30 (#01) TALS from Merton Many thanks for your letter of the 21st about the Bangkok meeting. I have discussed it with the new [Leclercq's annotations] «detailed view»
184. 1968/01/30 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Many thanks for your letter of the 21st about the Bangkok meeting. I have discussed it with the new «detailed view»
185. 1968/01/30 (#03) transcript from Merton Merci beaucoup de votre lettre du 21 au sujet de la rencontre de Bangkok. J'en ai discuté avec [French translation of Merton's letter to Leclercq of 1968/01/30] «detailed view»
186. 1968/02/02 HLS to Merton Thanks for your letter which I received today. I read it to Abbot de Floris, who brought me «detailed view»
187. 1968/03/09 (#01) TL[c] from Merton I am afraid I cannot yet give any definite answer on the Bangkok project. Fr Flavian has not said «detailed view»
188. 1968/03/09 (#02) transcript from Merton I am afraid I cannot yet give any definite answer on the Bangkok project. Fr Flavian has not said «detailed view»
189. 1968/04/no? HNS from Merton Here is a new thing for modern monks!! I invite my fellow Goliards to publish with me. Remember [no date - Merton's note written on the first page of the Spring issue of Monks Pond sent to Leclercq] «detailed view»
190. 1968/06/01 HNS to Merton Nothing new, except that the former Prior of the Bénédictines of Thien An has been killed in Saigon «detailed view»
191. 1968/06/14 TL[c] from Merton Thanksfirst [sic] of all for Ecclesia saltans, who will appear in due course dancing «detailed view»
192. 1968/07/23 (#01) TALS[x] from Merton Thanks for your good letter about the arrangements for Bangkok. I will be glad to give the talk «detailed view»
193. 1968/07/23 (#02) other   Thanks for your good lettre [sic] about the arrangements for Bangkok. I will be glad to give [retyped portion of the letter of 1968/07/23] «detailed view»
194. 1968/10/15 (#01) HLS to Merton When do you plan to be in Japan? I still plat to be here from Nov. 25 around, until Dec 6-7, [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - writing from Clervaux] «detailed view»
195. 1968/10/15 (#02) HLS to Burns, Flavian I suppose you know where is F. Louis. Could you forward this letter to him, and already if you know [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - writing from Clervaux] «detailed view»
196. 1968/11/03 TALS from de Floris, Marie, Abbé, O.S.B. Un mois seulement nous sépare désormais de la rencontre de Bangkok. [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - addressed, "Mon Révérend Père, Ma Révérende Mère,"] travel details and schedule of speakers for Bangkok conference where Merton died (and was one of the speakers) «detailed view»
197. 1968/11/08 HLS to Merton I shall be in New Delhi (American Express, International Hotel. Wellesley Rd) from Nov 23 05.25 am [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 - writing from Rome] «detailed view»
198. 1971/03/22 HLS to Center from Leclercq, Jean I enclose what I have and find at the moment of the letters of T. Merton. I may have more «detailed view»
199. 1971/04/12 TL[x] from Center to Leclercq, Jean Forgive me for being so long in answering your letter, but Fr. Pooler asked me to write you since «detailed view»
200. 1971/06/11 HLS[x] to Center from Leclercq, Jean I have still found this letter of T. Merton which may be important for his biography and I send you «detailed view»
201. 1971/06/18 TL[x] from Center to Leclercq, Jean You were so kind to send us another letter of Fr. Louis' for our Thomas Merton Collection. «detailed view»
202. 1972/07/26 HLS to Center from Leclercq, Jean I still found these 2 letters of T. Merton which I think it could be interesting for you to have. «detailed view»
203. 1972/11/07 TL[c] from Center to Leclercq, Jean Your recent letter and the Merton correspondence attached to it, addressed to Mrs. Hays «detailed view»
204. 1972/11/20 TL[c] from Center to Leclercq, Jean Thank you so very much for the original letters of Thomas Merton you sent us for our Merton «detailed view»
205. 1973/06/10 other to Center from Leclercq, Jean The Thomas Merton Studies Center has my permission to permit scholars to read my personal «detailed view»
206. undated/09/16 TALS from Maurice, Fr., Er. Cam. Vous savez sans doute déjà que notre dernier Chapitre Général a décidé de tenter une fondation [Fr. Maurice of the Camaldolese Hermits of the Congregation of Monte Corona, Holy Family Hermitage in McConnelsville, Ohio - likely to Leclercq] «detailed view»
207. undated/no/no (#01) TL to Merton Je vais demander un conseil sur la pratique du voeu de pauvreté et vous exprimer en même temps [first page only - the rest missing] «detailed view»
208. undated/no/no (#02) HLS[x] to Merton They have service specifically for that, they send many books [partial letter - page two and three - missing first page] «detailed view»
209. undated/no/no (#03) other   Xtianity is beyond religion and beyond culture. [notes by Merton?] «detailed view»
210. undated/no/no (#04) HLS[x] to Merton I am not an authority, but I find The Night of Destiny OK. «detailed view»
211. undated/no/no (#05) HLS to Merton I never hound myself about «detailed view»
212. undated/no/no (#06) other by Leclercq, Jean 1. Demander "ce que l'Afrique attend des moines", c'est peut-être ne pas bien poser [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2 / Title: "Perspectives sur l'avenir du monachisme africain"] «detailed view»
213. undated/no/no (#07) HNS to Merton P.S. Thanks for your new letter. P. Erwinis Fraternité de la Vierge des Pauvres BOURRICOS | PAR [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»

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