This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Prince, Raymond (Raymond H.)".
Raymond H. Prince was a professor of Psychiatry at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He was the editor of the R. M. Bucke Memorial Society Newsletter, which discussed the intersection of religion and psychiatry and trends of the time such as psychotropic, "mind-expanding", drugs and the similarities and differences between these "trips" and mystical religious experience. He became Director of the Division of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry and editor of Transcultural Psychiatry Research Review. They first came into contact through Linda Parsons (now Linda Sabbath). (Source: The Hidden Ground of Love, pp. 492-493.)
Please click here for general restrictions concerning Merton's correspondence.
See also the "Parsons, Linda" and the "Lazure, Martha" files; and see also published letters from Merton to Dr. Prince published in The Hidden Ground of Love, pp. 492-496.
If the person in correspondence with Merton has full text records in the Merton Center Digital Collections, there will be a numeric link to them below.
This Record Sub-Group is not divided into Series and is arranged chronologically.
Click icons for links: ✓="Published | Library Record", ✉="Scanned" | 🗷="Scanned, Viewable Only at Merton Center"
# | Date | From/To | First Lines | Pub ✓ | Notes |
| y/m/d | Merton | | Scan ✉ | |
1. |
1965/05/12 |
TLS to Merton |
Mrs. Parsons has passed your kind letter of April 25th on to me. We were particularly grateful |
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2. |
1965/05/22 |
TAL[c] from Merton |
I am grateful for the mimeographed conference proceedings on PERSONALITY CHANGE |
✓ |
[3 carbon copies]
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3. |
1965/08/11 |
HLS to Merton |
Thank you for your kind letter of May 22nd and for your kindness in sending us the collection |
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4. |
1965/12/28 |
TL[c] from Merton |
I still have your long interesting letter of last summer, which I have been wanting to answer, |
✓ |
[incorrectly dated in published correspondence as 1965/12/18]
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5. |
1984/03/19 |
TLS from Prince, Raymond / to William Shannon |
Further to our conversation about Thomas Merton's letters, I am sorry that I could only find one of |
[enclosing a couple of poems, the C. V. of Doctor Prince, and the first issue of the Bucke Society Newsletter which includes a 1965/05/22 letter from Merton]
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6. |
1984/05/19 |
TLS[x] from Shannon, William / to Raymond Prince |
I fear I have been more eager to receive information from people than to reply in proper time with |
thanks for information sent by Doctor Prince (McGill U) / also Shannon's biography of Dr. Prince
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