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Merton's Correspondence with:

Cliff Shaw; Clifford Shaw, Clifford

Shaw, Cliff  printer


Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence
Dates of materials: 1967
Volume: 13 item(s); 14 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Shaw, Cliff".


Clifford Shaw was a composer living in Louisville, Kentucky. He discussed setting some of Thomas Merton's poems to music.

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#DateFrom/ToFirst LinesPub ✓Notes
 y/m/dMerton Scan ✉ 
1. 1959/03/30 TLS[x] from Merton Your note of March 18 reached me and I was very sorry to hear that your health had given out on you. «detailed view»
2. 1959/05/22 TLS[x] from Merton Thanks for your letter. I am glad to hear that things are going better with you. [includes a note signed by Cliff Shaw regarding the letter] «detailed view»
3. 1959/06/18 HLS[x] from Merton The 24th is a feast day and I regret that feasts are not too convenient for us - if you are coming [includes a note signed by Cliff Shaw regarding the letter] «detailed view»
4. 1959/07/17 HLS[x] from Merton Sorry to hear of your latest mishap. Have a quiet time - the summer is a good time to be lazy. «detailed view»
5. 1959/08/14 TLS[x] from Merton Decidely we are not having very much luck in getting together out here. Yesterday was the one day [includes a note signed by Cliff Shaw regarding the letter] «detailed view»
6. 1959/09/30 HLS[x] from Merton I was glad to get your letter. Congratulations on the record, it sounds as if it would be wonderful [includes a note signed by Cliff Shaw regarding the letter] «detailed view»
7. 1959/10/08 TLS[x] from Merton I have received and played Eileen Farrell's record and I find the Blake song completely charming. [includes a note signed by Cliff Shaw regarding the letter] Merton sends suggestions for some songs he hopes Shaw would set to music «detailed view»
8. 1960/02/06 TLS[x] from Merton This is a new one- with all the lyricism as it were compressed inside and implicit like a tree «detailed view»
9. 1963/11/18 TLS[x] from Merton I was very sorry indeed to hear the sad news about Mary Frances' father - will you please give her «detailed view»
10. 1964/02/29 TNS[x] from Merton Congratulations on your success and thanks for letting me know! God bless you fr m Louis [verso: print of whale and fish - "O ye whales and all that move in the waters, bless the Lord. Benedicite"] «detailed view»
11. 1967/08/19 TLS to Merton Although I do not hear from you, I hope it is permissible to continue to write you. I have been «detailed view»
12. undated/no/no (#01) HLS[x] from Merton I am terribly sorry to miss you. I got your letter and tried to call you to say I [includes a note - "When received was in copy of Secular Journal which is inscribed to Shaw"] «detailed view»
13. undated/no/no (#02) HNS[x] from Merton +for Cliff Shaw with very best wishes f m Louis [note on the title page of a broadside of "Boris Pasternak and the people with watch chains" by Thomas Merton] «detailed view»

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