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Merton's Correspondence with:

Fr. Tarcisius Conner, O.C.S.O.; Conner, James, Fr., O.C.S.O.; Fr. Jim Conner, Jim, Fr.

Conner, Tarcisius, Fr., O.C.S.O. (Fr. James Conner)  printer


Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence
Dates of materials: 1962-1963, 1966
Volume: 9 item(s); 25 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Conner, Tarcisius, Fr., O.C.S.O. (Fr. James Conner)".


Fr. Tarcisius Conner was a monk of Gethsemani assigned to the Vatican at the beginning of their correspondence. He writes to Merton from Rome, Paris, and Mont des Cats Abbey in Northern France.

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Please click here for general restrictions concerning Merton's correspondence.

Related Information and Links

See letters from Merton to Conner in The School of Charity, pp. 157-158, 173-175, 315-317.

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#DateFrom/ToFirst LinesPub ✓Notes
 y/m/dMerton Scan ✉ 
1. 1962/11/27 (#01) TAL[c] from Merton Thanks for your good letter from Paris. It reached me after about five weeks, and I enjoyed it. Marie Tadié / La communauté et l'abbé dans la règle de saint Benoît by Adalbert de Vogüé - true meaning of cenobitic life - not "chummy picnic cum hairshirts" / merging of two novitiates - monastic formation program by Fr. Flavian / asks for the "inside secrets" of the Second Vatican Council «detailed view»
2. 1962/11/27 (#02) TALS[x] from Merton Thanks for your good letter from Paris. It reached me after about five weeks, and I enjoyed it. [copied from Sub-Section H.7, Accession 2, Hart Working Files] Marie Tadié / La communauté et l'abbé dans la règle de saint Benoît by Adalbert de Vogüé - true meaning of cenobitic life - not "chummy picnic cum hairshirts" / merging of two novitiates - monastic formation program by Fr. Flavian / asks for the "inside secrets" of the Second Vatican Council «detailed view»
3. 1963/06/23 TAL[c] from Merton Thanks for your letter and for your frivolous card in Italian. Even the Italians are now infected Dom André from Mont des Cats pleased with Berryville and Monastic Studies / monastic formation program - ignorance of the brothers of the Church Fathers - myth that tradition is dead / De Rancé - some will not accept that someone can be a saint and an "obsessive neurotic" / Merton's planned book on Cassian «detailed view»
4. 1963/08/26 HLS to Merton A belated feast day greeting to you! I thought of you yesterday but didn't get a chance to begin [from Mont des Cats Abbey] Serge Bolshakoff visiting / does not know of a centenary celebration for De Rancé but next issue of Collectanea will feature articles on him / Jean Leclercq - closeness between European Benedictines and American Trappists / Cardinal Montini chosen as pope [Pope Paul VI] «detailed view»
5. 1963/12/16 HLS to Merton Greetings and a very blessed Christmas season to you! I am enclosing a card of Our Lady which [from Mont des Cats Abbey] inside information from the Second Vatican Council - debate over "Skema on Communications Media" - books Inside the Council by Robert Kaiser and Letters from the Vatican by Xavier Rhyne / Dom Jean Leclercq's class at San Anselmo «detailed view»
6. 1966/08/no? TN[c] from Merton Thanks for the documents you have sent over. I have not yet finished some of them. I like best the [to Conner at Gethsemani] notes by Dom Willibrord on the Usages / proposed conferences by Conner «detailed view»
7. 1966/10/01 (#01) TL[c] from Merton Thanks for letting me see the conference of Fr Orsy. It is as you say very good and should be made comments and criticism of the conference notes of Fr. Orsy - monastic life and relation of monks to their superior - what is meant by the "will of God" «detailed view»
8. 1966/10/01 (#02) TLS from Merton Thanks for letting me see the conference of Fr Orsy. It is as you say very good and should be made comments and criticism of the conference notes of Fr. Orsy - monastic life and relation of monks to their superior - what is meant by the "will of God" «detailed view»
9. 1966/10/01 (#03) other[x]   GOVERNMENT IN RELIGIOUS LIFE: THE COUNCIL'S TEACHING [-] Conference by Ladislaus Orsy, s.j. [copied from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] «detailed view»

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