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Merton's Correspondence with:

Ping Ferry; Wilbur Hugh Ferry; Ferry, Ping; Wilbur Hugh "Ping" Ferry; Wilbur Ferry, Ping

Ferry, Wilbur Hugh "Ping", 1910-1995  printer


Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence
Dates of materials: 1961-1974, 2001
Volume: 293 item(s); 401 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Ferry, Wilbur Hugh "Ping"".


W. H. Ferry, also known as Ping Ferry, was vice-president of the Center for Democratic Institutions at Santa Barbara from 1954-1969. In 1961, Merton first wrote to W. H. Ferry, having been introduced to pamphlets produced by the Center for Democratic Institutions by James Laughlin. This began a dialog between the two that continued through the rest of Merton's life. Ferry first came to visit Gethsemani in November of 1964 for a meeting with the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) and others on peace that was attended by Daniel and Philip Berrigan, A. J. Muste, John Howard Yoder, among others. Ferry drove Merton along the northern California coast as Merton scoped out areas for a possible new hermitage. He was also present to see Merton off when his flight left for Asia. (Source: The Hidden Ground of Love, p. 201.)

Usage Guidelines and Restrictions

Please click here for general restrictions concerning Merton's correspondence.

Related Information and Links

See also Cold War Letters #26, #39, #48, and #77 and other correspondence from Merton to Ferry published in The Hidden Ground of Love, pp. 201-245.

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#DateFrom/ToFirst LinesPub ✓Notes
 y/m/dMerton Scan ✉ 
1. 1961/09/18 TLS from Merton For a long time I have been meaning to write this letter to you, ever since my friend and publisher, «detailed view»
2. 1961/11/18 (#01) HLS from Merton J. Laughlin is probably writing to you about our idea of a paperback of articles on peace. «detailed view»
3. 1961/11/18 (#02) other   J. Laughlin is probably writing to you about our idea of a paperback of articles on peace. transcription of hand written letter from Merton to Dr. Ferry «detailed view»
4. 1961/11/28 TL[x] to Merton Doubtless you saw Jim Newman's now-famous letter to Washington Post: "Let Our Children Go." [another letter appears at the bottom of this letter with reference to Merton "Dear Hiram: I enclose all of the items..."] «detailed view»
5. 1961/12/06 TL[x] to Merton I am having a copy of the Fall issue of Cross Currents sent to you under separate cover. «detailed view»
6. 1961/12/06 (#01) TLS from Merton Thanks for yours of November 30th which only reached me yesterday. If I had got to it sooner [letter to J. Laughlin enclosed with this letter] «detailed view»
7. 1961/12/06 (#02) TL[c]  from Merton to James Laughlin I had not realized that I was supposed to send the copy of the Gerard Piel article to you, [enclosed with 1961/12/06[1] letter to Ferry] «detailed view»
8. 1961/12/08 TL[x] to Merton Mumford told me he was sending you "The Morals of Extermination." It's a far better piece than «detailed view»
9. 1961/12/11 TL[x] to Merton Sir Robert Wason-Watt can be reached at Maple Brook, Tuxedo, New York. Don't hesitate to ask him «detailed view»
10. 1961/12/21 HLS from Merton I have received both your five minute bit of the taped discussion and Hallock Hoffman's UP. «detailed view»
11. 1961/12/26 TL[c] to Merton Please let me edge up this way to first names. I am a genuine black-American in my dislike of the «detailed view»
12. 1961/12/29 HLS from Merton I have none of the Leo Szilard articles to which you refer as we do not get the Bulletin «detailed view»
13. 1962/01/18 TLS from Merton You will probably be hearing soon from J. who left here yesterday for Florida and for some amazing «detailed view»
14. 1962/01/30 (#01) TLS from Merton I have just received your two letters and the other items. I have just read the article you [Cold War Letters #26] «detailed view»
15. 1962/01/30 (#02) transcript from Merton I have just received your two letters and the other items. I have just read the article you [Cold War Letters #26 - transcript from bound set] «detailed view»
16. 1962/02/17 (#01) TLS from Merton I envy you the sunny, dusty lanes, but why go spoil it with Jules Romains? Anyway I hope you are [Cold War Letters #39] «detailed view»
17. 1962/02/17 (#02) transcript from Merton I envy you the sunny, dusty lanes, but why go spoil it with Jules Romains? Anyway I hope you are [Cold War Letters #39 - transcript from bound set] «detailed view»
18. 1962/02/20 TL[x]  from Hoffman, Hallock / to Paul P. Harbrecht Even in Ping's absence, the office machinery works so well that I have seen your letter of February [Hallock Hoffman with the Center for Democratic Institutions writes to Fr. Paul P. Harbrecht, S.J. was with the Twentieth Century Fund at Georgetown University Law Center] «detailed view»
19. 1962/02/22 HPCS to Merton [...] thanks for lovely Hagia Sophia and Averroes; both warm and enlarge and awake the soul [verso: color photo of the parish church at Alamos, Sonora, Mexico] «detailed view»
20. 1962/03/06 (#01) TALS from Merton Thanks for your good letter from Mexico and the one sent on returning, with its enclosures. [Cold War Letters #48] «detailed view»
21. 1962/03/06 (#02) transcript from Merton Thanks for your good letter from Mexico and the one sent on returning, with its enclosures. [Cold War Letters #48 - transcript from bound set] «detailed view»
22. 1962/03/16 TLS from Merton The article mailed March 13 with your note on the top arrived today. I am surprised you did not get «detailed view»
23. 1962/04/04 TL[x] to Merton My plan is to arrive at Louisville around 6:00 or 7:00 on Tuesday evening next, April 10. «detailed view»
24. 1962/04/18 TL[x] to I. F. Stone's Weekly (editors) Please send a one year subscription to the Weekly to Father Thomas Merton, Abbey of Our Lady «detailed view»
25. 1962/04/26 TL[x] to Merton There is so much to report that I shall have to give it to you in installments. But first I owe you «detailed view»
26. 1962/05/04 TLS from Merton This may perhaps just get you before you take off for Geneva. Thanks much for all the hippie stuff «detailed view»
27. 1962/05/07 TLS to Merton Under separate cover I sent Dom James a Last Supper* done by a friend of mine here in Santa «detailed view»
28. 1962/05/08 TLS[x] from Merton How long is it since you were here? I forget, must be almost a month already.There [sic] have been «detailed view»
29. 1962/05/17 TL[x] to Merton Please put this check in the account that pays for mimeographing and printing of your materials. «detailed view»
30. 1962/05/22 TLS[x] from Merton First of all you should not have sent the check. But since you did, thanks. It will pay for some «detailed view»
31. 1962/06/04 (#01) TALS from Merton Today two big packets arrived, and secreted in the midst of one of them was Zuckernandl. I was very [Cold War Letters #77] «detailed view»
32. 1962/06/04 (#02) transcript from Merton Today two big packets arrived, and secreted in the midst of one of them was Zuckernandl. I was very [Cold War Letters #77 - transcript of bound set] «detailed view»
33. 1962/06/14 TL[c] to Merton I've had a pleasant letter from Dom James, saying that the triptych is being admired by all in your «detailed view»
34. 1962/07/13 TALS from Merton I am finishing the Alan Harrington book about the "Crystal Palace". This is really a good book. «detailed view»
35. 1962/07/16 (#01) TL[c] to Merton I haven't been writing because I haven't had much to say. This weekend I read a great deal «detailed view»
36. 1962/07/16 (#02) other from Riesman, David My secretary will send on the piece about San Francisco State if she hasn't already -- I'm sorry it [David Rieman from the Harvard University Department of Social Relations writes to Ferry on 1962/07/16 - enclosed with 1962/07/16 letter to Merton] «detailed view»
37. 1962/07/16 (#03) HNS to Merton The quest for the common good goes out[.] Can I be of any help in getting the book under way? [note written on article entitled "Science in Washington" from the 1962/05/04 issue of Science Week detailing the US military's operations to develop biological weapons of mass destruction - enclosed with 1962/07/16 letter to Merton] «detailed view»
38. 1962/07/31 transcript from Merton Great letter of yours to the Sta Barbara News Press, on the Everyman I case! Very clear, «detailed view»
39. 1962/08/17 HLS from Merton Just found Zuckernandl while cleaning up - thought I had sent him months ago - so sorry. «detailed view»
40. 1962/08/21 TLS[x] from Merton I thought the speech about the FBI and the rest was tremendous and am glad that it got around though Ferry's remarks on the FBI and the Stock Exchange in his speech to the Western States Democratic Conference entitled "Myths, Clichés and Stereotypes" - nature of true freedom and attachment to economic systems / Daniel Berrigan / Gordon Zahn / The Merton Reader «detailed view»
41. 1962/08/30 (#01) HLS from Merton Am in the hospital for some tests -- nothing special. Brought Everett Gendler's MS of Rabbi «detailed view»
42. 1962/08/30 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Am in the hospital for some tests -- nothing special. Brought Everett Gendler's MS of Rabbi «detailed view»
43. 1962/09/12 (#01) TL[x] to Merton I am just going away for a couple of weeks, and I wanted to thank you for your nice note before «detailed view»
44. 1962/09/12 (#02) TL[x] to Braden, Joan Here's a first class book to edit and review. It is the best collection of essays I have seen on [Joan Braden was book editor for the Oceanside Blade-Tribune] «detailed view»
45. 1962/09/12 (#03) TL[x] to Meiklejohn, Alexander Here's a first class bunch of essays. It's all for you. Do you know anyone for whom you might «detailed view»
46. 1962/10/16 HLS from Merton This stuff they have been sending to Zahn is pretty grim, isn't it! He's got himself set up as «detailed view»
47. 1962/10/30 TL[c] to Merton Your mailings, especially the copies of the Powers review, are most welcome. They are being sent «detailed view»
48. 1962/12/31 TLS from Merton Good to hear from you. Thanks for the stuff. Just been reading that fantastic James Baldwin «detailed view»
49. 1963/01/12 TALS from Merton The best way to get the Lax book is to write to Emil Antonucci, «detailed view»
50. 1963/01/31 TL[x] to Merton Just back from Convocation, which was a triumph in all ways except the important one. Financially «detailed view»
51. 1963/03/20 TLS from Merton I sent Mary Weick a copy of the letter, and also Cold War Letters. I think I sent you more of these «detailed view»
52. 1963/04/27 TLS[x] from Merton The books are on the way out. The bookstore is not carrying them, but I happened to have three. «detailed view»
53. 1963/06/12 TALS from Merton Thanks for the letter and the packets of things. I was especially glad of the little Pelican «detailed view»
54. 1963/07/09 TALS from Merton Thanks for your great talk on Colleges in Detroit. Clear as crystal, right on the point. How did «detailed view»
55. 1963/07/12 TL[x] to Merton I am renewing your subscription with Izzy Stone. Enclosed the last couple of items from him. «detailed view»
56. 1963/07/31 (#01) HLS from Merton Great letter of yours to the Sta Barbara New Press, on the Everyman I case! Very clear, «detailed view»
57. 1963/07/31 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Great letter of yours to the Sta Barbara News Press, on the Everyman I case! Very clear, «detailed view»
58. 1963/08/16 TL[x] to Merton We have just made final plans for a meeting on the enclosed Proposal: Princeton, October 9-12. «detailed view»
59. 1963/09/05 TLS from Merton I keep thinking I have told you to come in October about the middle. If I have not, this «detailed view»
60. 1963/09/11 TLS from Merton Thanks for everything you have sent lately, especially the book from Ross in N.Z. «detailed view»
61. 1963/09/20 TL[c] to Merton And now bursitis! If you were out in the world you'd be making a discovery right now; «detailed view»
62. 1963/10/28 TLS[x] from Merton I was awfully sorry you did not get here. Hope everything is all right and that all is calming down «detailed view»
63. 1964/02/06 (#01) TLS from Merton Sorry for the long silence. I just can't keep up. Bad back and arm really slows me down a lot of «detailed view»
64. 1964/02/06 (#02) TAL[c] from Merton Sorry for the long silence. I just can't keep up. Bad back and arm really slows me down a lot of «detailed view»
65. 1964/03/23 (#01) TALS from Merton Your latest consignment contains many good things. Triple Revolution is urgent and clear «detailed view»
66. 1964/03/23 (#02) TAL[c] from Merton Your latest consignment contains many good things. Triple Revolution is urgent and clear «detailed view»
67. 1964/03/24 TL[x] to I. F. Stone's Weekly (editors) Please renew Father Thomas Merton's subscription to the Bi-Weekly, address below: Father Thomas «detailed view»
68. 1964/04/04 (#01) TAL[c] from Merton Thanks for everything, especially for renewing IFS. By the way I assumed that you sent that card «detailed view»
69. 1964/04/04 (#02) TLS[x] from Merton Thanks for everything, especially for renewing IFS. By the way I assumed that you sent that card «detailed view»
70. 1964/05/27 (#01) TLS from Merton Today or tomorrow I will be sending back some of the books I have borrowed from you, in fact all of «detailed view»
71. 1964/05/27 (#02) TAL[c] from Merton Today or tomorrow I will be sending back some of the books I have borrowed from you, in fact all of «detailed view»
72. 1964/06/03 TALS to Merton 1. Please don't send back any books, least of all Izzy Stone's. If there's a place for them at the «detailed view»
73. 1964/06/08 TLS[x] from Merton This is a rush note, to say that unfortunately I am tied up on the 18th. Too bad. «detailed view»
74. 1964/07/01 (#01) TAL[c] from Merton Bob Giroux at Farrar Straus says it is ok for the Center to publish part of that peace essay but he «detailed view»
75. 1964/07/01 (#02) TALS[x] from Merton Bob Giroux at Farrar Straus says it is ok for the Center to publish part of that peace essay but he «detailed view»
76. 1964/07/04 HPCS to Merton I am having a solitary time and in a way, enjoying it. This is a strict Calvinist section [verso: photo of Gruinard Bay in Scotland] «detailed view»
77. 1964/07/14 TLS from Merton Have you ever heard of P.D. East who runs a little newspaper of his own in Mississippi, «detailed view»
78. 1964/08/14 HLS from Merton Thanks for suggesting the Wienphal [sic] Zen book. I would like to see it and possibly review [should be Zen book by Paul Wienpahl] «detailed view»
79. 1964/08/31 (#01) TLS from Merton Thanks for many things, including the picture of St Francis which I probably did not acknowledge yet «detailed view»
80. 1964/08/31 (#02) TALS from Merton Thanks for many things, including the picture of St Francis which I probably did not acknowledge yet «detailed view»
81. 1964/09/04 HLS from Merton Sorry I forgot to return Michael's letter. Here it is. Everything goes well. Hope to be sending «detailed view»
82. 1964/10/15 TLS to Merton I wd. like to take part in the FOR thing at Gethsemani, though I am not worthy. When is it? «detailed view»
83. 1964/10/17 (#01) TLS from Merton Your note and packet just came in. The FOR group is supposed to come here for November 18 to 20, «detailed view»
84. 1964/10/17 (#02) TAL[c] from Merton Your note and packet just came in. The FOR group is supposed to come here for November 18 to 20, «detailed view»
85. 1964/10/20 TL[c] to Merton I'm planning to be with you on November 18-19, but I fear not the 20th, for I must get back here «detailed view»
86. 1964/11/04 TALS to Merton 1. Anything I shd. read in preparation for meetings 18-19? 2. Did Zahn send you galleys or proofs «detailed view»
87. 1964/11/17? HNS[x] from Merton By the time you get here we will all be in bed - so relax and get a good sleep. I will see you [photocopied on same sheet as note from 1968/07/28 - Ferry notes that "This is undated and was handed to me when I arrived on my first visit to Gethsemani - likely the night before the November 18-20, 1964 meeting] «detailed view»
88. 1964/12/05 (#01) TLS from Merton Yes, I am long overdue with these scribbles. It took time to get back on the rails «detailed view»
89. 1964/12/05 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Yes, I am long overdue with these scribbles. It took time to get back on the rails «detailed view»
90. 1964/12/14 TALS to Merton I can use another 15-20 copies of the Mississippi Witness and thanks for the offer. My blood «detailed view»
91. 1965/01/11 TALS to Merton In describing to P. Jacobs and me last night the kind of analysis the US 'almost never gets', Milton «detailed view»
92. 1965/03/19 (#01) TAL[c] from Merton I have just written to Mr Leavitt at the Museum saying I would be dlighted [sic] to send «detailed view»
93. 1965/03/19 (#02) TLS[x] from Merton I have just written to Mr Leavitt at the Museum saying I would be dlighted [sic] to send «detailed view»
94. 1965/04/03 (#01) TLS from Merton Once again, thanks for a whole pile of things. The extra copies of "Therefore Choose..." «detailed view»
95. 1965/04/03 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Once again, thanks for a whole pile of things. The extra copies of "Therefore Choose..." «detailed view»
96. 1965/04/30 (#01) TLS from Merton Thanks for your note and for forwarding the note from Palo Alto about the Sterling Galleries there. «detailed view»
97. 1965/04/30 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Thanks for your note and for forwarding the note from Palo Alto about the Sterling Galleries there. «detailed view»
98. 1965/07/20 (#01) TLS from Merton Thanks for the latest consignment which came this morning. I will go through it at leisure and «detailed view»
99. 1965/07/20 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Thanks for the latest consignment which came this morning. I will go through it at leisure and «detailed view»
100. 1965/09/20 TLS from Merton First, thanks for all the paper. One of these days I know I will suddenly begin getting «detailed view»
101. 1965/10/19 TL[x] from Merton I am really very sorry to have done nothing about these drawings-- I mean about getting them out «detailed view»
102. 1965/11/11 TLS from Merton Here is a copy of a letter I had to send to Jim Forest tod[ay.] I may be wrong in my judgment of «detailed view»
103. 1965/11/30 (#01) TLS from Merton Thanks for all the things that have been coming in. I hope you have not been worried about «detailed view»
104. 1965/11/30 (#02) other   PEACE AND PROTEST [-] Thomas Merton [-] November 1965 [enclosed with Merton's 1965/11/30 letter to Ferry] «detailed view»
105. 1965/12/21 HLS to Merton I am sending the admirable Chuang Tzu to a good many people, including Marshall McLuhan. «detailed view»
106. 1966/01/26 TL[c] from Merton I had dropped that preface in the mail this morning before I got your two notes and the new bunch of «detailed view»
107. 1966/01/29 TLS from Merton I forgot to reply to query about subscriptions: do so now. In the new setup Fr Abbot is rather «detailed view»
108. 1966/03/01 HLS from Merton I sent a lot more of them. Hope you got them all right. Thanks for «detailed view»
109. 1966/03/11 (#01) TLS from Merton Thanks for the info about Fr DuBay. I am afraid that the kind of collision course with authority «detailed view»
110. 1966/03/11 (#02) TL[x] from Merton Thanks for the info about Fr DuBay. I am afraid that the kind of collision course with authority «detailed view»
111. 1966/03/17 HNS from Merton This is "Redeeming the Time" - actually it is only part of a book coming out in England, «detailed view»
112. 1966/06/16 HLS from Merton J. Laughlin said he would try to place the Nostradamus poem. If you get a good lead, consult «detailed view»
113. 1966/06/28 HLS from Merton Thanks for your very good visit today - most enjoyable and most helpful. Come again soon. Suzuki's «detailed view»
114. 1966/07/05 (#01) HLS to Merton Fine few hours, exhilarating in fact. Many thanks. I'll call again in a year or so for more of «detailed view»
115. 1966/07/05 (#02) TLS[x] from Nichols, William I. Thanks for your latest sharing of Thomas Merton. The more I see the "level" of his present writing, [publisher of This Week Magazine in New York City - sent to Ferry on 1966/06/29 and enclosed with letter from Ferry to Merton] «detailed view»
116. 1966/07/15 (#01) TLS from Merton Thanks for notes and so on about "This Week". As you say, no surprise. About sending Nostradamus «detailed view»
117. 1966/07/15 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Thanks for notes and so on about "This Week". As you say, no surprise. About sending Nostradamus «detailed view»
118. 1966/07/19 TLS to Merton Yes, I've kept in touch with J. about NOSTRADAMUS in a sort of way. I think we agree that it will «detailed view»
119. 1966/07/23 (#01) TLS from Merton Returning herewith the interesting Ross letter. He is a bit wild but still there is something to it «detailed view»
120. 1966/07/23 (#02) other   YORUBA INCANTATION TO OBTAIN MONEY [-] There is no day when the sun does not rise. [mimeograph of subscription/contribution request for literary magazine, MELE, by Stefan Baciu of Honolulu, Hawaii (see correspondence file for Baciu)] «detailed view»
121. 1966/07/23 (#03) other   MELE [-] Carta Internacional de Poesía [-] International Poetry Letter [-] Marzo 1966 [-] 2 [March 1962 copy of MELE, edited and published by Stefan Baciu of Honolulu, Hawaii (see correspondence file for Baciu), with a contribution from Merton] «detailed view»
122. 1966/07/27 (#01) TLS from Merton Here are a couple extra copies of Buddhism. I will have more sent along if you need them, just say «detailed view»
123. 1966/07/27 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Here are a couple extra copies of Buddhism. I will have more sent along if you need them, just say «detailed view»
124. 1966/08/01 TLS to Merton I've a copy of Muir's Collected Poems at home; and I think there's a preface by someone or other. «detailed view»
125. 1966/08/06 HLS[c] from Carlson, Dorris So far as I know, only a brief notice of Suzuki's death has appeared in various publications/ [see "Carlson, Dorris" correspondence file] «detailed view»
126. 1966/08/10 TLS[x]  from James, M / to W. H. Ferry Your letter of July 11 deserved an answer long, long ago. I did finally get back from the "Wooly letter from Pong (fr. M James O.C.S.O. Abbot0 to Ping / sends thanks for invitation to Ferry's center in CA / discussed the situation of Father L (Merton?) «detailed view»
127. 1966/08/18 (#01) HLS from Merton Very impressed with Joseph [illegible] 's piece in «detailed view»
128. 1966/08/18 (#02) HLS[x] from Merton Very impressed with Joseph Lyford's (?) piece in Center January 13 - is there any chance William Shannon's transcription with copy of letter «detailed view»
129. 1966/08/20 (#01) TLS from Merton Thanks for the latest consignment. I am enclosing a couple of copies of my piece on Suzuki written «detailed view»
130. 1966/08/20 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Thanks for the latest consignment. I am enclosing a couple of copies of my piece on Suzuki written «detailed view»
131. 1966/08/21 TLS from Merton I keep thinking of the DuBay case, and just in order to help a little I thought I might write him «detailed view»
132. 1966/08/25 TLS from Merton McDonald essay on DuBay just came in. I am afraid that when I read the dossier (which should have «detailed view»
133. 1966/09/04 (#01) HLS from Merton Yes I would appreciate seeing the letters that were in Life about my piece. Have not seen them. «detailed view»
134. 1966/09/04 (#02) HLS[x] from Merton Yes, I would appreciate seeing the letters that were in Life about my piece. Have not seen them. William Shannon transcription with copy of letter «detailed view»
135. 1966/09/17 (#01) TL[c] from Merton Thanks for the Life letters and for the latest batch of stuff, including above all your PEP. «detailed view»
136. 1966/09/17 (#02) TALS[x] from Merton Thanks for the Life letters and for the latest batch of stuff, including above all your PEP. [marginalia and last two full paragraphs not published] «detailed view»
137. 1966/09/25 HLS from Merton Thanks for your letter. Bursitis clearing up but I also have a cervical disk, and this will take «detailed view»
138. 1966/10/01 TLS[x] from Merton Glad to get the latest batch. The Fortune article will be welcome. Have not got into it yet [copied from photocopy at Dartmouth College] «detailed view»
139. 1966/10/04 (#01) TLS from Merton Thanks, thanks. Three or four packs of things. And your letter, last of all instead of first. «detailed view»
140. 1966/10/04 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Thanks, thanks. Three or four packs of things. And your letter, last of all instead of first. «detailed view»
141. 1966/11/04 TLS from Merton Too bad you could not make it, but anyway, any time is fine. Hope you can drop in next time East-- «detailed view»
142. 1966/11/24 other   The Commentary of MARSHALL WINDMILLER [-] THE RISE OF GERMAN NATIONALISM «detailed view»
143. 1966/12/01 (#01) TLS to Merton Joan Baez & Ira Sandperl have just left. I talked this morning to the Abbot about «detailed view»
144. 1966/12/01 (#02) other   SCLC DIRECTION [-] S.C.L.C. must take the following, new direction if it is to continue as a vehicle [Ira Sandperl's comments on the direction of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) - dated 1966/11/17, and enclosed with Ferry's letter to Merton] «detailed view»
145. 1966/12/02 TLS to Merton Many thanks for the generous supply of Prefaces to T. Naht [sic] Hahn's book. I have already «detailed view»
146. 1966/12/07 (#01) HLS from Merton Many thanks for sending Joan and Ira - wire says they'll be here tomorrow - will report afterward. «detailed view»
147. 1966/12/07 (#02) HLS[x] from Merton Many thanks for sending Joan and Ira. Wire says they'll be here tomorrow. Will report William Shannon transcript with copy of letter «detailed view»
148. 1966/12/08 TL[x] to Kennedy, Jacqueline Father Richard McSorley encourages me to write to you directly with the following suggestion, which [carbon copies sent to Fr. Richard McSorley, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Ira Sandperl, and Fr. Daniel Berrigan] «detailed view»
149. 1966/12/09 (#01) TLS from Merton Joan and Ira were here yesterday-- got here late and had all too little time, but it was wonderful «detailed view»
150. 1966/12/09 (#02) TL[x] from Merton Joan and Ira were here yesterday-- got here late and had all too little time, but it was wonderful «detailed view»
151. 1966/12/13 HLS to Merton Joan and Ira called immediately on return to say they'd had a splendid day. She is the élan of that «detailed view»
152. 1966/12/30 HNS from Merton I have just discovered that the annual retreat here will be from Feb 4-11 or thereabouts and that «detailed view»
153. 1967/01/04 TL[c] from Merton Thanks for your animadversions on the Zukofsky bit. I hadn't realized: and of course that is what «detailed view»
154. 1967/01/11 TLS to Merton Still worrying around my schedule for next few mos., and looks like April at the earliest. «detailed view»
155. 1967/01/19 (#01) TLS from Merton OK April or any time. What is this about you not liking stuff you are putting out? To me it is «detailed view»
156. 1967/01/19 (#02) TL[c] from Merton OK April or any time. What is this about you not liking stuff you are putting out? To me it is «detailed view»
157. 1967/02/15 TLS from Merton What, you too! I just saw your secretary's letter of Jan 27th which got stuck in the envelope from «detailed view»
158. 1967/02/17 TLS to Merton I had first my left shoulder & then my right operated on for bursitis - in 1949 and 1951. «detailed view»
159. 1967/02/28 TLS to Merton Called the infirmary just after you'd left - sorry not to have had a chat. Faulkner & Critics «detailed view»
160. 1967/03/05 TALS[x] to Friends The last mimeographed letter is running out and there are still more than four weeks to go before [labeled "Lent 67" - circular letter mimeographed an send to many of Merton's friends - contains handwritten note by Merton to Ferry (note portion unpublished) - copied from photocopy at Dartmouth College] «detailed view»
161. 1967/03/14 (#01) TLS from Merton Many thanks for the chapter from Jim Douglass: Bonhoeffer-Gandhi. Very fine indeed. He is now «detailed view»
162. 1967/03/14 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Many thanks for the chapter from Jim Douglass: Bonhoeffer-Gandhi. Very fine indeed. He is now «detailed view»
163. 1967/03/22 (#01) TLS from Merton I keep forgetting to send off Seven Storey Mnt to Izzy Stone but will do it today. Thanks for «detailed view»
164. 1967/03/22 (#02) TL[c] from Merton I keep forgetting to send off Seven Storey Mnt to Izzy Stone but will do it today. Thanks for «detailed view»
165. 1967/03/24 TLS to Merton Three dozen thanks for the pictures just here; which I shall use in just the charitable way you «detailed view»
166. 1967/03/28 TLS to Merton I'm having pictures made of your new concise zenpix & will send them in a week at latest. «detailed view»
167. 1967/04/01 TLS to Merton I'm trying for a visit some time around Monday 24 April. Would that fit your schedule? I'm leaving «detailed view»
168. 1967/04/10 (#01) TLS from Merton Got your note the other day. I have midweek visitors this week and next, and will be taken up «detailed view»
169. 1967/04/10 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Got your note the other day. I have midweek visitors this week and next, and will be taken up «detailed view»
170. 1967/04/10 (#03) other from Merton STATEMENT ON CLERICAL CELIBACY I am happy to accept the invitation to become an Advisor [Merton's "Statement on Clerical Celibacy" for National Association for Pastoral Renewal - enclosed with 1967/04/10[1] letter] «detailed view»
171. 1967/04/11 (#01) TLS from Merton Another letter: I just finished your excellent piece on Corporations (in the Hamilton Alumni Mag). «detailed view»
172. 1967/04/11 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Another letter: I just finished your excellent piece on Corporations (in the Hamilton Alumni Mag). «detailed view»
173. 1967/04/12 TLS to Merton I cannot come as planned on April 24-25. It now looks, however, as if I can count on getting «detailed view»
174. 1967/04/13 TALS to Merton Your note of 10 April about not coming to Kentucky until May 7 or thereafter arrived an hour or so «detailed view»
175. 1967/04/14 TLS to Merton Thanks for warming words about the Hamilton piece. Thought it a bit mushy myself. The Steiner «detailed view»
176. 1967/04/15 HLS[x] from Merton Here are copies of a new poem. More if you like. And I am sending a special printing of a piece of William Shannon transcription and copy of letter «detailed view»
177. 1967/04/15 (#01) HLS from Merton Here are copies of a new poem. More if you like. And I am sending a special printing of a piece «detailed view»
178. 1967/04/15 (#02) other from Merton A ROUND AND A HOPE FOR SMITHGIRLS [-] Children the time of angry Fathers [-] Is torn off the [poem by Merton - enclosed with 1967/04/15[1] letter] «detailed view»
179. 1967/04/17 (#01) HLS from Merton Certainly May 9th fine. Will expect you. Let me know when - and shall I arrange for you to spend «detailed view»
180. 1967/04/17 (#02) HLS[x] from Merton Certainly May 9th fine. Will expect you. Let me know when-& shall I arrange for you to spend the William Shannon transcription and copy of letter «detailed view»
181. 1967/06/no? HPCS to Merton We have Archb. Camera Helder [sic] on final program [verso: color photo - view from the window of the Hotel Intercontinental in Geneva, Switzerland] «detailed view»
182. 1967/07/18 (#01) TLS from Merton Thanks for your note: I was relieved, I thought something might have happened to you. It was «detailed view»
183. 1967/07/18 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Thanks for your note: I was relieved, I thought something might have happened to you. It was «detailed view»
184. 1967/08/11 TLS from Merton Thanks for the two recent letters and all the stuff, Ramparts etc. I was charmed with the little «detailed view»
185. 1967/08/21 TALS to Merton Your bonbons are getting more varied & nutritious & full of crunchy goodness than ever. «detailed view»
186. 1967/08/22 (#01) TLS from Merton A couple of hasty things. First I appreciate the fine article of Scheer from Ramparts on Egypt. «detailed view»
187. 1967/08/22 (#02) TL[c] from Merton A couple of hasty things. First I appreciate the fine article of Scheer from Ramparts on Egypt. «detailed view»
188. 1967/08/24 (#01) TLS from Merton Many thanks for the latest batch and the note. Sometime I'll give a detailed rundown on what I like «detailed view»
189. 1967/08/24 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Many thanks for the latest batch and the note. Sometime I'll give a detailed rundown on what I like «detailed view»
190. 1967/09/01 (#01) TALS to Merton Yes, I'm a sponsor of NCNP thing in Chicago & have been called coupla [sic] times to ask whether [National Conference for New Politics (NCNP)] «detailed view»
191. 1967/09/01 (#02) other   Delegates Open Battle at New Politics Parley [-] 2,000 From Diverse Radical Groups Hold Debates [Los Angeles Times article from 1967/08/31 discussing National Conference for New Politics (NCNP) - enclosed with 1967/09/01 letter] «detailed view»
192. 1967/09/05 TLS from Merton Thanks for your comments on Hot Summer. I have incorporated them or will incorporate them in new «detailed view»
193. 1967/09/14 (#01) TALS from Merton The David Jones Agenda is a real event and revelation. As I told you, I did not know him «detailed view»
194. 1967/09/14 (#02) TL[c] from Merton The David Jones Agenda is a real event and revelation. As I told you, I did not know him «detailed view»
195. 1967/09/18 TL to Merton The tape is marvelous! I have sinned & taken a copy without your permission but will not let it «detailed view»
196. 1967/09/24 (#01) TALS from Merton I am so glad you liked the tape. Perfectly ok for you to make copy. Right now I don't have «detailed view»
197. 1967/09/24 (#02) TL[c] from Merton I am so glad you liked the tape. Perfectly ok for you to make copy. Right now I don't have «detailed view»
198. 1967/09/26 (#01) TLS from Merton The books arrived yesterday. It is sheer joy to get back into Finnegan's Wake again after all these «detailed view»
199. 1967/09/26 (#02) TL[c] from Merton The books arrived yesterday. It is sheer joy to get back into Finnegan's Wake again after all these «detailed view»
200. 1967/09/27 HLS from Merton Got a bright idea. As I go on with the Geography of Lograire I could make tapes while it is «detailed view»
201. 1967/10/05 TAL to Merton Several matters before I take off for a short vacation in New Mexico: First, could I visit you Nov. «detailed view»
202. 1967/10/19 HNS[x] from Merton Fine. Nov. 10. I will be expecting you - let me know the time in due course. [copied from photocopy at Dartmouth College] «detailed view»
203. 1967/10/20 (#01) TLS from Merton The Stanford talk is simply terrific. Best thing on the subject I have seen anywhere. I agree «detailed view»
204. 1967/10/20 (#02) TL[c] from Merton The Stanford talk is simply terrific. Best thing on the subject I have seen anywhere. I agree «detailed view»
205. 1967/10/23? TALS[x] from Merton Just finished a possible discussion piece. About the Zapotec civilization of Mexico, 1400 yrs [copied from photocopy at Dartmouth College] «detailed view»
206. 1967/11/06 TLS to Merton Herewith the check for your contribution to our Convocation pamphlet on PIT. Should it have been «detailed view»
207. 1967/11/27 TLS to Merton Check as promised enclosed. Pls. send, mentioning no names. Did you get H. Welch's «detailed view»
208. 1967/11/30 TALS to Merton Just getting off to another day of lecturing in Los Angeles. Wrong description, wrong word. «detailed view»
209. 1967/12/01 (#01) TLS from Merton I am just sending off the benefaction to Bob Lax. He will be very happy. Did I say he is coming «detailed view»
210. 1967/12/01 (#02) TL[c] from Merton I am just sending off the benefaction to Bob Lax. He will be very happy. Did I say he is coming «detailed view»
211. 1967/12/21 (#01) TALS from Merton Just a quick note in the massive confusion of Christmas when I no longer know which end is up. «detailed view»
212. 1967/12/21 (#02) TL[x] from Merton MY CAMPAIGN PLATFORM [-] for non-Abbot and permanent keeper of present doghouse. [enclosed with 1967/12/21[1] letter from Merton to Ferry - see Section E.1 of the classification under "My campaign platform for non-Abbot and permanent keeper of present doghouse" for a carbon and annotated mimeograph of this statement] «detailed view»
213. 1967/12/26 (#01) TLS from Merton Christmas rush: I hope over. Nice bright sun, I want to get out into the woods, just a few hasty «detailed view»
214. 1967/12/26 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Christmas rush: I hope over. Nice bright sun, I want to get out into the woods, just a few hasty «detailed view»
215. 1968/01/10 (#01) HLS from Merton I forget if I answered your note about possibility of coming later - I'm free during month of «detailed view»
216. 1968/01/10 (#02) HLS[x] from Merton I forget if I answered your note about possibility of coming later - I'm free during most of William Shannon transcription and copy of letter «detailed view»
217. 1968/01/25 TALS from Merton Thanks for letter from plane: good rundown on Black self determination. I agree-- and I for one am «detailed view»
218. 1968/01/29 TALS to Merton Glad to have the good report on the Carlson shipment: first report I've had from A Subscriber yet. «detailed view»
219. 1968/02/21 (#01) TL[c] from Merton J. Laughlin was down lately and we had a good visit, got a lot done with the Literary Trust and with «detailed view»
220. 1968/02/21 (#01) TLS[x] from Merton J. Laughlin was down lately and we had a good visit, got a lot done with the Literary Trust and with «detailed view»
221. 1968/02/21 (#03) TL[c] from Merton Enclosed is a file of documents about a young man that I believe you will be interested in knowing «detailed view»
222. 1968/02/28 TALS to Merton I'm prodding Teo & Brilliant on Lax*Merton, glad that you sent a Xerox to support all my blurbs «detailed view»
223. 1968/03/05 TL to Merton i. Your Goulet package here & sent to our Competent Authorities. I'll let you or him know «detailed view»
224. 1968/03/12 TALS to Merton I realize that you may be more or less out of business for a few weeks. But I just wanted you «detailed view»
225. 1968/03/14 TLS from Merton Your letter says "Friday or Saturday April 22 or 23" but when I look at my executive datebook «detailed view»
226. 1968/03/20 TLS from Merton Fine, April is great. I'll put down April 27th as Saturday is best for me. I'll hope Jim can bring «detailed view»
228. 1968/03/23 TALS to Merton This is the anniversary of The Triple Revolution. I can't think what shd. be made of it. So I'm «detailed view»
229. 1968/03/25 (#01) HLS from Merton Fine to come April 26. Look forward to seeing you some time in the AM and Jim can get you following «detailed view»
230. 1968/03/25 (#02) HLS[x] from Merton Fine to come April 26. Look forward to seeing you some time in the A.M. and Jim can get you William Shannon transcription and copy of letter «detailed view»
231. 1968/04/08 TALS from Merton Please let me know if you don't get a total of 15 MPOND along the way. I have sent them out in bits «detailed view»
232. 1968/05/06 HPCS from Merton I must admit that drinking champagne over an entirely invisible South Dakota is something I find [verso: color photo of a United Air Lines jet in air over a city] «detailed view»
233. 1968/05/24 (#01) HLS from Merton New Monks Pond just out. Here (over) is a spot on the Cal. shore I am in love with. [letter written on the back of a black and white photo of a beach on the California coast - another photo depicts a piece of drift wood] «detailed view»
234. 1968/05/24 (#02) HLS[x] from Merton New Monks Pond just out. Here is a spot on the Cal. Shore I was in love with certainly do hope to copies of Merton handwritten note with William Shannon's notes / also copy of postcard (1968/05/06) and typed note (1968/04/03) «detailed view»
235. 1968/05/29 HLS to Merton Can I get an extra supply of Monks Pond II? I'll send some cash if need be. «detailed view»
236. 1968/06/01 (#01) HLS from Merton 8 copies of the new Pond are on their way. I'm also sending to Dan Devereux. I miss Cal. and New «detailed view»
237. 1968/06/01 (#02) HLS[x] from Merton 8 copies of the new Pond are on their way. I'm also sending to Jon Devereax. I miss Cal and New copies of 06/01 and 06/0 letters with William Shannon's notes «detailed view»
238. 1968/06/03 (#01) TLS to Merton You were nice enough to send me 15 copies of MPOND I. Not I have a single copy of II. I relayed «detailed view»
239. 1968/06/03 (#02) TLS[x] from Golovin, N. E. Thank you for your note of 5/14 and the attached paper by Thomas Merton, "The Wild Places". N. E. Golovin was from the Executive Office of the President, Office of Science and Technology in Washington, D.C. «detailed view»
240. 1968/06/04 HLS to Merton Don't bother to answer my letter of yesterday, about MP II, who got and didn't - «detailed view»
241. 1968/06/06 HLS from Merton The first (single) Mpond was because I had only sorted a few. Then I sent 5, and am now sending 5 «detailed view»
242. 1968/06/16 (#01) TLS from Merton Well, I really do take seriously the idea of exploring the Pacific Coast with you. There is no «detailed view»
243. 1968/06/16 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Well, I really do take seriously the idea of exploring the Pacific Coast with you. «detailed view»
244. 1968/07/02 TLS from Merton Who's this great not over 12 poet Rod McKuen? I'd like to use his two poems in either iii or iv, «detailed view»
245. 1968/07/08 (#01) HPCS to Merton Spent the day yesterday with Aelred and his group and am going over again [verso: color photo of "Ghost Ranch [-] Abiquiu, New Mexico [-] Owned and Operated by THE BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION [-] UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, U.S.A.] «detailed view»
246. 1968/07/08 (#02) HLS from Merton Thinking of you at Ghost Ranch. Plans are maturing for my Asian Trip - Japan, Indonesia, Thailand. «detailed view»
247. 1968/07/08 (#03) HLS[x] from Merton Thinking of you at Ghost Ranch. Plans are maturing for my Asian Trip - Japan, Indonesia, copy of letter with notes by William Shannon «detailed view»
248. 1968/07/11 TLS from Merton Many thanks for the card from Ghost Ranch. You probably by now have my scrawl that I will go sooner «detailed view»
249. 1968/07/16 TLS to Merton Just back, busy time but full of pleasant interludes, at Trappist Snowmass, Aelred's retreat, etc. «detailed view»
250. 1968/07/20 (#01) TALS from Merton Fine, I think things are clear enough now to begin to plan something for October. Let's suppose «detailed view»
251. 1968/07/20 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Fine, I think things are clear enough now to begin to plan something for October. Let's suppose «detailed view»
252. 1968/07/22 (#01) HLS from Merton Here we go again - moving it up another couple of weeks. I have to fly to Asia Oct 17 «detailed view»
253. 1968/07/22 (#02) HLS[x] from Merton Here we go again - moving it up another couple of weeks. I have to fly to Asia Oct 17- & participate copy of letter with William Shannon's notes «detailed view»
254. 1968/07/24 TLS to Merton Yrs. of 20th and 22d arrived same mail just now. Yes, all set. October 1-11 or 12 will be fine, «detailed view»
255. 1968/07/28 (#01) TLS from Merton Great! Will fly to Santa Barbara I hope on Sept 30 and will let you know when my flying saucer «detailed view»
256. 1968/07/28 (#02) TNS[x] from Merton Here is the Geo. ms which I hope to have typed by the time I leave for Asia. Need one carbon, «detailed view»
257. 1968/08/02 TLS to Merton Our Mrs. Karam has engaged to type Logr., beginning this weekend, and will have for you by the end «detailed view»
258. 1968/08/06 TLS from Merton Very glad Jo will come and I think Rogue River is a great idea. The further north we get the better «detailed view»
259. 1968/09/04 TLS from Merton Good idea about having people in for a drink. I sure wouldn't want to trek around all those houses. «detailed view»
260. 1968/09/06 TLS from Merton There will come some mail for me there probably between now and 30th. This will include «detailed view»
261. 1968/09/11 HPCS from Merton Off to the races! First stop New Mexico - [verso: color photo of a Trans World Airlines (TWA) jet in the air] «detailed view»
262. 1968/09/25 HLS from Merton I am due to arrive in Santa Barbara on United flight 899 at 10 a.m. October 3rd. All set. «detailed view»
263. 1968/09/26 TALS from Merton Your note of the 24 just reached me here in the Chancery Office of the Archdiocese of Anchorage «detailed view»
264. 1968/09/no? TCS from Merton thanks for everything recent. OK false deceptive twelve yr old Rod McKuen is out (now that I think [verso: black and white photo of the wooden cross outside Merton's hermitage] «detailed view»
265. 1968/10/15 HPCS from Merton Am all ready to take off. Recommend a fine French restaurant - La Mirabelle around corner [postcard of the "Edelweiss Bathroom" - "Sound of Music" themed bathroom at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo, California] «detailed view»
266. 1968/10/28 HPCS from Merton Calcutta was busy- depressing- starved. Everybody should have to see that city! Delhi much better. [verso: color photo of the Jama Masjid, Delhi, "mosque built by Shah Jahan"] «detailed view»
267. 1968/11/11 HLS from Merton Hastily sending back the manuscript which I only received today. Hope changes are OK. «detailed view»
268. 1968/12/05 (#01) HPCS from Merton Money OK - no need of loan. Thanks for letter and clips that were waiting here today. I am setting [verso: color picture of Haw Par Villa - Singapore - Tiger Balm Gardens] «detailed view»
269. 1968/12/05 (#02) HCS[x] from Merton Thanks for letter [ . .] That were waiting here today. [ . .] Sitting down with a fine big bottle copy of post card with notes by William Shannon «detailed view»
270. 1968/12/11 TN[x] to Staff - Center for the Study of Dem. Inst. We have just learned through Mr. Ferry, who heard of it from the Abbot of Gethsemani, announcement of Merton's death from Ferry to staff of Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions «detailed view»
271. 1968/12/15 TALS[x] from Stier, Victor I've been meaning to drop you a line for a long time, mostly to tell you that I've finally finished [from Victor Stier of the American Embassy in Colombo, Ceylon, to W. H. Ferry] reflections on Thomas Merton and his Asian journey after his death «detailed view»
272. 1969/01/30 TL[x] to Hart, Patrick Again gratitude in large portions for your kind letter and especially for the marvelous picture of «detailed view»
273. 1969/04/16? TLS[x] to Harding, Vincent After these admiring months or maybe years, a pleasure to meet you. The admiration has been directed [received date by Harding is April 16, 1969, but no send date recorded / enclosed with a November 1968 photograph of Merton and the Dalai Lama] «detailed view»
274. 1972/06/02 TLS[x] from Genns, W. T. I have examined and checked the letters and cards of Father Thomas Merton to Dr. W. H. Ferry which «detailed view»
275. 1972/06/03 TLS[x] to Ford, John J. Thank you for your kind letters. As you know from his communication of 22 May, Mr. Laughlin and I «detailed view»
276. 1972/06/06 TLS[x] to Ford, John J. I am making by means of this letter a gift to the Merton Literary Trust of all the holograph letters «detailed view»
277. 1974/11/09 TLS to Center from Ferry, W. H. Some time ago I sent all the holographic letters I had from Tom to the Merton Collection, I guess «detailed view»
278. 1983/08/20 TLS[x]  from Shannon, William / to W. H. Ferry I am sure you will not mind my addressing you as "Ping". After all the "Dear Ping" letters of seeking contacts in England, etc. «detailed view»
279. 1983/08/26 TLS  from Ferry, W. H. / to William H. Shannon I'm responding to your pleasant note at once because I'm just back from philosophizing at Montreal & sharing addresses with W. H. Shannon «detailed view»
280. 1984/01/10 TLS[x]  from Shannon, William / to W.H. Ferry IT'S GREAT! I just love your LETTERS FROM TOM. Everything about it - the layout, the type, the seeking information «detailed view»
281. 1984/05/15 TLS[x]  from Shannon, William / to W.H. Ferry Many thanks for sending on the article about Cardenal which I had not seen and also the 2nd volume wrapping up the letters project / Ferry correspondence is 2nd longest (85 pgs.) / Jim Forest is longest (102 pgs.) «detailed view»
282. 2001/06/25 TLS to Center from Weeren, John S. Thank you for your inquiry concerning the Wilbur Hugh Ferry Papers. We hold a small collection of «detailed view»
283. undated/04/13 HNS from Merton If you cannot come later in the summer, then lets make it April 24. But if you foresee «detailed view»
284. undated/05/28 HNS from Merton I forget which of these poems has been sent to you and which not. Copies available of any you may «detailed view»
285. undated/10/05 HNS from Merton I am appalled at the price of «detailed view»
286. undated/10/15 HNS from Merton This is what I was referring to in the Wells [sp?] Newsletter. I forgot to use the real title. «detailed view»
287. undated/10/24 HNS from Merton It would be fine if you came Oct 31 and stayed through the 1st. Hope you will be able to make it - «detailed view»
288. undated/12/no? HNS from Merton I am just getting to the part of Ellul where he speaks of the controlled "ecstatic" quality of «detailed view»
289. undated/no/no other   Associated Press [-] POINT OF NO RETURN-Lee Ying, only 19, has to go home again. That's Red China [undated news clipping - photo of crying Chinese refugee in Hong Kong] «detailed view»
290. undated/no/no other   I visited Wilbur H. Ferry at his home in Scarsdale, New York on the 11th of August, 1983. Though my brief biography and thoughts on the friendship between Merton and W.H. Ferry / also footnote to letter of 1964/03/23 «detailed view»
291. undated/no/no other   One of the most important books of our troubled times [-] A perfect manual for everyone working for [pamphlet for the book Breakthrough to Peace with introduction by Merton] «detailed view»
292. undated/no/no HNS from Merton Thanks Ping - good book, but we can't keep it here - not space. Tom «detailed view»
293. undated/no/no HNS from Merton Very sorry to hear of your trouble. Come if and when you can - we will expect you until it is clear «detailed view»

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