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Merton's Correspondence with:

Etta Gullick

Gullick, Etta  printer


Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence
Dates of materials: 1961-1968, 1973, 1983
Volume: 131 item(s); 328 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Gullick, Etta".


An Anglican and Oxford graduate, Etta Gullick first writes to Merton to read her edition of the Rule of Perfection by Benet of Canfield (1562-1610). She had hoped Merton would write a preface. Although this did not come to pass, they discussed Benet of Canfield over their long correspondence and also about other great spiritual writers, about whom Gullick lectured on at St. Stephen's House, a theological college at Oxford. She was also involved in dialogue with Orthodox Christians, founding an Anglican-Orthodox center and hostel and meeting Ecumenical Patriarch, Athenagoras, in 1962. (Source: The Hidden Ground of Love, p. 340.)

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Related Information and Links

See also Cold War Letters #1, #14, #63, #108, and other published letters from Merton to Gullick in The Hidden Ground of Love, pp. 340-380. See also, "The Supereminent life: Selections from the third part of Benet of Canfield's Rule of perfection of the essential will of God practiced in the life supereminent" in Sub-Section C.2.

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#DateFrom/ToFirst LinesPub ✓Notes
 y/m/dMerton Scan ✉ 
1. 1961/02/15 HALS to Merton Thank you very much for your kind letter. I will send Darton, Longman and Todd of the American «detailed view»
2. 1961/02/23 HLS to Merton I think you had better have Parts I and II of the "Rule of Perfection", as well as Part III which I «detailed view»
3. 1961/03/05 HPCS[x] from Merton I am reading Part III of Benet with the very greatest interest. It's true that he has a welter «detailed view»
4. 1961/03/23 HLS to Merton I am so glad you like Benet. I also find the first and second means wonderful. I am sure you are «detailed view»
5. 1961/04/22 HLS[x] from Merton I now have the first two parts of Canfield's "Rule" though I have not had a chance to read them. «detailed view»
6. 1961/04/24 HLS to Merton Thank you very much for sending "Prayer..." I am using it as spiritual reading. It is a most «detailed view»
7. 1961/04/28 HLS to Merton Thank you very much for your letter. I should have no objection to your suggested private primitive «detailed view»
8. 1961/05/10 HLS to Merton I have just seen Mr Todd (of Darton, Longman and Todd) with regard to your suggestion «detailed view»
9. 1961/05/15 TLS[x] from Merton Thanks for your good letter. I will write to Eugene Exman as you suggest. I think that the «detailed view»
10. 1961/05/24 HLS to Merton Thank you very much for your letter. I gather that Mr Exman says that your proposal edition will be «detailed view»
11. 1961/06/02 (#01) HLS[x] to Merton I am afraid that the typescript of Canfield's life has not been very well checked. It arrived just [original filed with Gullick's manuscript of her translation of Benet of Canfield in Sub-Section C.2 filed as, "Supereminent life, The: Selections from the third part of Benet of Canfield's Rule of perfection of the essential will of God practiced in the life supereminent"] «detailed view»
12. 1961/06/02 (#02) HALS[x] to Merton The section on Augustine Baker's contemplation is very tentative - I've read quite a lot of his mss [contains notes in Merton's handwriting - original filed with Gullick's manuscript of her translation of Benet of Canfield in Sub-Section C.2 filed as, "Supereminent life, The: Selections from the third part of Benet of Canfield's Rule of perfection of the essential will of God practiced in the life supereminent"] «detailed view»
13. 1961/06/10 TLS[x] from Merton Thank you very much for your typescript of the Life of Benet. I have been a bit rushed lately «detailed view»
14. 1961/06/14 HLS to Merton Thank you very much for your letter. I gather Mr Exman has never received the Rule of Perfection! «detailed view»
15. 1961/07/01 (#01) TLS[x] from Merton I still have no word whatever from the man to whom I sent my selections from Benet a couple «detailed view»
16. 1961/07/01 (#02) HLS to Merton I think it will be better if I put my very minor points about the selection from the Rule on a lined [see "Supereminent Life.." in Sub-Section E.1, Folder 13, for the original letter received with an accession from Gethsemani Abbey] «detailed view»
17. 1961/07/25 HLS[x] from Merton Your copy of the Benet selections has returned with your suggestions and I shall take them all into «detailed view»
18. 1961/09/09 TALS[x] from Merton Your last long letter, I mean the long one of August 1, was so good that I wanted to take a lot «detailed view»
19. 1961/09/15 HLS to Merton With some trepidation I send you my introductory section on the "Active Life." It wants editing, but [originally filed with manuscripts from Gullick's manuscript of her translation of Benet of Canfield in Sub-Section C.2 filed as, "Supereminent life, The: Selections from the third part of Benet of Canfield's Rule of perfection of the essential will of God practiced in the life supereminent"] «detailed view»
20. 1961/10/08 HLS to Merton I've sent you postcards from various places on our travels, but I'm afraid I've not been very sure «detailed view»
21. 1961/10/17 (#01) HLS to Merton I did so enjoy your letter which I found waiting for me on my return from our travels. We didn't «detailed view»
22. 1961/10/17? (#02) transcript from Merton I know you have been patient with me as a bad correspondent. I owe you replies for two or three [Cold War Letters #1 - from bound set - no date, but after Oct. 17th] «detailed view»
23. 1961/11/21 TLS[x] from Merton Well I have managed to find a moment clear on this feast of Our Lady and I am trying as best I can «detailed view»
24. 1961/12/22 transcript from Merton The new book on Gregory of Nyssa by Danielou and Musurillo has been sent me for review [Cold War Letters #14 - copy from bound set] «detailed view»
25. 1962/01/22 HLS to Merton I do not know whether you have been worried by the problem of the last five chapters of the Rule «detailed view»
26. 1962/01/29 HLS[x] from Merton Eric Colledge in an introduction to an English translation of some sermons of Tauler says that a Dr. «detailed view»
27. 1962/02/17 HLS to Merton Thank you very much for your letter. I haven't heard of the edition of the Latin and French texts «detailed view»
28. 1962/03/05 HLS to Merton Thank you very much indeed for Ascetical and Mystical theology - it came today which has been [spans two air mail letters (two pages each)] «detailed view»
29. 1962/03/30 (#01) TALS[x] from Merton Another idea about the selections from Benet came to me: perhaps I can interest some Quaker [Cold War Letters #63] «detailed view»
30. 1962/03/30 (#02) transcript from Merton Another idea about the selections from Benet came to me: perhaps I can interest some Quaker [Cold War Letters #63 - copy from bound set] «detailed view»
31. 1962/05/16 HLS to Merton I had hoped to hear from you after Easter, but imagine that you are too occupied. Re. the 'Mirror «detailed view»
32. 1962/06/06 HLS to Merton I wrote M. Orcibal about 'The Mirror of Simple Souls', I have received from him copy 66 of a private «detailed view»
33. 1962/06/16 TLS[x] from Merton Many thanks for the good news about the "Mirror of Simple Souls". It was very good of you to get «detailed view»
34. 1962/06/26 HLS to Merton I was so pleased to get your letter. Mr. Watkin and I were most worried in case anything drastic «detailed view»
35. 1962/07/14 TALS[x] from Merton I remembered you especially at Mass this morning, and I want to get this letter off to you before «detailed view»
36. 1962/08/31 HLS[x] from Merton As usual I owe you several letters. I have a chance to catch up as I am now in the hospital - «detailed view»
37. 1962/09/29 HPCS to Merton You didn't say what sort of card you wanted of Arles. This covers most of it. I'll send [verso: black and white aerial photograph of Arles] «detailed view»
38. 1962/10/29 (#01) TAL[c] from Merton I really appreciated the letters and cards from France. Thank you so much. I did not envy you so [Cold War Letters #108] «detailed view»
39. 1962/10/29 (#02) TLS[x] from Merton I really appreciated the letters and cards from France. Thank you so much. I did not envy you so [Cold War Letters #108] «detailed view»
40. 1962/10/29 (#03) transcript from Merton I really appreciated the letters and cards from France. Thank you so much. I did not envy you so [Cold War Letters #108 - copy from bound set] «detailed view»
41. 1962/11/02 HLS to Merton I am writing primarily to find out whether you got the English "Mirror of Simple Souls." «detailed view»
42. 1962/11/13 HLS to Merton Thank you so very much for the book. I've never seen a "Reader" before. It isn't an "Anthology" «detailed view»
43. 1963/01/14 HLS to Merton Thank you so much for sending me "Wisdom in Emptiness" and your Advent sermon. «detailed view»
44. 1963/01/18 (#01) TAL[c] from Merton I am really sorry for not having written for so long. Correspondence gets to be more and more «detailed view»
45. 1963/01/18 (#02) TLS[x] from Merton I am really sorry for not having written for so long. Correspondence gets to be more and more «detailed view»
46. 1963/01/22 (#01) HPCS from Merton Have you read the article "Essentiel" in the Dictionnaire de Spiritualité Vol V? [formerly had photocopy from William Shannon] «detailed view»
47. 1963/01/22 (#02) other by Gullick, Etta Henry Herp or Harphius, born at Erp in North Brabant at the beginning of the fifteenth century, [undated handwritten notes by Etta Gullick associated with postcard (item one)] «detailed view»
48. 1963/03/22 HLS to Merton I hope all is going well with you. It's been such a «detailed view»
49. 1963/03/24 TLS[x] from Merton Thanks for your good long letter about the hard winter, the Abbot of Donwside [sic], the Council «detailed view»
50. 1963/04/10 (#01) HPCS to Merton Thank you very much for your letter which I will reply to in Rome. These cloisters are most [verso: black and white photograph of inner courtyard of "The paradise cloister" in Amalfi, Italy] «detailed view»
51. 1963/04/10 (#02) HLS to Merton I write sitting on the Spanish steps in the sun. It is very pleasant. I haven't been in Rome since «detailed view»
52. 1963/04/29 TLS[x] from Merton Thanks for your letter from the Spanish steps, and the others. But especially from "the Spanish «detailed view»
53. 1963/06/08 HLS to Merton I have been thinking of you a lot at the moment as I've spent the last week in Bodley reading «detailed view»
54. 1963/07/28 (#01) TAL[c] from Merton Thanks for the three letters I owe you. I cannot hope to answer them adequately now. But I envy «detailed view»
55. 1963/07/28 (#02) TLS[x] from Merton Thanks for the three letters I owe you. I cannot hope to answer them adequately now. But I envy «detailed view»
56. 1963/08/20 HLS to Merton Thank you so very much for writing such a long letter. It was most kind of you. I am not worthy «detailed view»
57. 1963/08/23 HLS to Merton I was thrilled to get your card today and Donald Allchin. A joint card was a surprise! I hope you «detailed view»
58. 1963/09/24 HPCS to Merton We are having tea by the lake here surrounded by ducks. It is very beautiful, as the tree are [verso: black and white photo of the ruins of Fountains Abbey in England] «detailed view»
59. 1963/09/25 HPCS to Merton Not such a good card of Jervaulx -- but might go for your novices. Best wishes [-] Etta [verso: black and white photograph of "Jervaulx Abbey from the park, showing the misericord on left" - England] «detailed view»
60. 1963/09/28 (#01) HPCS to Merton This is a better one of Fountains [-] Best wishes [-] Etta [verso: black and white aerial photo of the ruins at Fountains Abbey, England] «detailed view»
61. 1963/09/28 (#02) HLS to Merton Thank you so very much for Father Delp, and the other writings. I am fascinated about Fenelon «detailed view»
62. 1963/10/18 HLS[x] from Merton I have been a really abominable correspondent and now to add insult to injury I am writing without «detailed view»
63. 1963/10/23 HLS to Merton Thank you very much for your letter which I was very pleased to get. However as I like to think «detailed view»
64. 1963/11/21 HLS to Merton Donald Allchin tells me that you are flat on your back. I do hope that you are recovering and that «detailed view»
65. 1963/11/24 TAL[c] from Merton Just a word of thanks for the books, Wm Law and Lancelot Andrewes. I am so glad to have them «detailed view»
66. 1963/12/12 HLS to Merton Thank you very much for Cusa and "darkness" which I will read tonight. I have sent you the vast «detailed view»
67. 1964/01/07 (#01) TAL[c] from Merton The "vast tome" on Anglicanism just arrived. I am sure it will be very helpful indeed and am really «detailed view»
68. 1964/01/07 (#02) TLS[x] from Merton The "vast tome" on Anglicanism just arrived. I am sure it will be very helpful indeed and am really «detailed view»
69. 1964/02/08 HLS to Merton Thank you very much for the book of poems and the article. I am enjoying the poems and translations «detailed view»
70. 1964/02/16 TAL[c] from Merton Just a brief letter to thank you for the big book "Crucible of Love". I have not got into it «detailed view»
71. 1964/02/17 HLS to Merton I'm in bed with a flu-cold so have time to write and reflect. On Friday night I took Charles «detailed view»
72. 1964/03/22 HPCS to Merton I don't know if a card of Durham would be an use or interest. Best wishes for Easter [-] Etta. [verso: black and white photograph of Durham Cathedral] «detailed view»
73. 1964/03/no? TLS[x] from Merton I return the bit on the Pearl. Did I send you my piece on monastic prayer? It is here. «detailed view»
74. 1964/04/03 HPCS to Merton Happy Easter! This church in its original form was built by St. Wilfred. It is fine and has many [verso: black and white photograph of the choir and sanctuary at Hexham Abbey, England] «detailed view»
75. 1964/05/08 HPCS to Merton I am going to send you a copy of the Clergy Review (April) with an interesting article on the [verso: black and white aerial photograph of Downside Abbey, England] «detailed view»
76. 1964/05/22 (#01) TAL[c] from Merton It is difficult for me to remember whether or not I answered your letters from Italy, but I think «detailed view»
77. 1964/05/22 (#02) TLS[x] from Merton It is difficult for me to remember whether or not I answered your letters from Italy, but I think «detailed view»
78. 1964/06/15 (#01) TAL[c] from Merton Yes, the Clergy Review: I am not sure if you wanted it returned. Somewhere along the line I got «detailed view»
79. 1964/06/15 (#02) TLS[x] from Merton Yes, the Clergy Review: I am not sure if you wanted it returned. Somewhere along the line I got «detailed view»
80. 1964/09/06 HLS to Merton I haven't written you properly for a long time and I haven't heard from you for a long time. [dated September 6-7, 1964 (previously misdated online as 1964/06/07)] «detailed view»
81. 1964/09/12 (#01) TL[c] from Merton Thanks for the letters I owe you. This has been a very bad summer for letter writing here. «detailed view»
82. 1964/09/12 (#02) TLS[x] from Merton Thanks for the letters I owe you. This has been a very bad summer for letter writing here. «detailed view»
83. 1964/09/21 HPCS to Merton This might be of interest to you and your novices. Anglican nuns use the cell and the church [verso: black and white photograph of the interior of the cell of Julian of Norwich] «detailed view»
84. 1964/10/05 HPCS to Merton This is very lovely. Your novices might like it. Thank you so much for your letter [-] Best wishes [verso: black and white photograph of the ruins of Binham Priory in Norfolk, England] «detailed view»
85. 1965/01/25 TL[c] from Merton You much be very tired of waiting for answers to your letters, and I hope you understand that I have «detailed view»
86. 1965/05/05 (#01) TL[c] from Merton I was very sorry to get your letter announcing that you would not come. What a shame, to have «detailed view»
87. 1965/05/05 (#02) TLS[x] from Merton I was very sorry to get your letter announcing that you would not come. What a shame, to have «detailed view»
88. 1965/05/07 HLS to Merton Thank you very much for your letter. I am so sorry we didn't make it. We are going to make another «detailed view»
89. 1965/06/04 HLS to Merton I am so pleased to get "The Poorer Means" and "Contemp. and Ecumenism" -- could more copies «detailed view»
90. 1965/06/09 (#01) TAL[c] from Merton Several more copies of "Contemplation and Ecumenism" are on the way to you. I also put in some «detailed view»
91. 1965/06/09 (#02) TLS[x] from Merton Several more copies of "Contemplation and Ecumenism" are on the way to you. I also put in some «detailed view»
92. 1965/07/16 HLS[x] from Merton I am glad to send you more of what I have. It is on the way by sea-mail. If people like them, that «detailed view»
93. 1965/07/22 HLS to Merton Please forgive lack of like paper, but this is as it happens. I have missed not hearing from you, «detailed view»
94. 1965/08/26 TLS[x] from Merton I think I owe you a couple of letters. Your letters are always so good and full of interesting «detailed view»
95. 1965/11/01 TLS[x] from Merton Thanks for your very interesting letters from Scotland. That is all ancient history by now, «detailed view»
96. 1965/11/11 TL[c] from Merton I am returning the paper on Theocentric and Christocentric prayer for if I do not do so immediately «detailed view»
97. 1966/01/15 HLS to Merton My paper on 'Theocentric and Christocentric prayer' was a great success at the gathering of R.C. «detailed view»
98. 1966/02/02 HLS to Merton Thank you very much for the climate of monastic prayer. I could do with at least 6 more copies. «detailed view»
99. 1966/02/26 HLS to Merton I sent you the booklet on Forde Abbey yesterday but forgot to put my name on the envelope so hope «detailed view»
100. 1966/03/08 TL[c] from Merton Thanks for the booklet on Forde. The one or two pictures of twelfth century building are quite «detailed view»
101. 1966/03/27 HLS to Merton I am writing in the Collegio Stiopico[sp?], Citta di Vaticano after having addressed [one page on Gullick's personal letterhead and another on the letterhead of the Grand Hôtel de la Ville in Rome] «detailed view»
102. 1966/04/06 HLS[x] from Merton I have very much enjoyed your letters from Rome and am interested in your meeting with Fr «detailed view»
103. 1966/04/17 HLS to Merton I am so glad that your generation has been successful. I hope that you are continuing to improve «detailed view»
104. 1966/04/27 HLS to Merton I have to save contacts with a publisher who would be interested in Raisa Maratain's [sic] journal «detailed view»
105. 1966/08/01 (#01) TL[c] from Merton Thanks for your letter from St Andrews and for the others too. I thought I had answered one or «detailed view»
106. 1966/08/01 (#02) TLS[x] from Merton Thanks for your letter from St Andrews and for the others too. I thought I had answered one or «detailed view»
107. 1966/08/08 HLS to Merton Thank you very much for your letter. It is tiresome of me to reply so soon! I am sorry about «detailed view»
108. 1966/09/30 (#01) TL[c] from Merton Sorry I have been so bad about answering, but I really thought that I had said, long ago, that «detailed view»
109. 1966/09/30 (#02) TLS[x] from Merton Sorry I have been so bad about answering, but I really thought that I had said, long ago, that «detailed view»
110. 1966/11/24 TLS[x] from Merton This is not yet my complete letter on your ms about Benet of Canfield. I think I have received all «detailed view»
111. 1966/11/30 HLS to Merton Thank you so much for your letter. I am glad you approve in the main of my introduction. «detailed view»
112. 1967/01/15 HLS to Merton Will it be possible to come and see you April 11th, 12th or 13th. We hope to leave Washington «detailed view»
113. 1967/04/13 HLS to Merton I like Chuang Tzu very much. His loss of self-awareness or whatever one calls it, is the same as «detailed view»
114. 1967/04/22 TLS[x] from Merton Thanks for your letter. I really enjoyed your visit and it was nice to meet you both. I enjoyed «detailed view»
115. 1967/04/27 HLS to Merton Thank you very much for your letter. Looking back on our trip to N. America we both agree that «detailed view»
116. 1967/05/06 HLS to Merton I enjoy dipping into your "Conjectures" and hope you don't mind this method of approach. «detailed view»
117. 1967/07/11 HLS to Merton We are having a holiday in St. Andrews and exploring Fife. We've been most fortunate with «detailed view»
118. 1967/07/26 HLS to Merton Would it be possible for me to have another copy of the Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander? «detailed view»
119. 1967/08/31 TL[c] from Merton I'm sorry to see your air letter is dated more than a month ago. This has been an unusually busy «detailed view»
120. 1967/09/25 HLS to Merton Thank you very much for the two copies of your book. They arrived "damaged by seawater", but are «detailed view»
121. 1967/10/04 HLS to Merton Thank you very much for another collection of articles by you. I like the one in 'the Current' «detailed view»
122. 1967/10/06 HLS to Merton Your bit in Newsletter Rev. R.M. Buck [sic] Memorial Society would be of use to «detailed view»
123. 1967/10/10 HLS[x] from Merton This is the only available copy of "New Consciousness" past now but I'll try to get some others. «detailed view»
124. 1968/02/13 HLS to Merton I've sent you a hurried bit that I wrote for Shidi Caltolici [sp?]. I included a prayer of yours «detailed view»
125. 1968/04/26 TL[c] from Merton I must owe you more than one letter, but it is just impossible for me to keep up with mail, and more «detailed view»
126. 1973/03/19 HLS to Center from Gullick, Etta Thank you for your letter requesting any correspondence which I have of Thomas Merton. «detailed view»
127. 1973/07/03 TL[c] from Center to Gullick, Etta Thank you so much for the additional Merton correspondence. It will be added to the more than «detailed view»
128. 1973/07/18 HLS[x] to Center from Gullick, Etta I still don't know if you are Father or Rev. I intended to ask Donald Allchin when we met «detailed view»
129. 1973/08/17 TL[x] from Center to Gullick, Etta Let me begin by saying that I am Raymond Bailey. I am also an ordained Baptist minister but prefer «detailed view»
130. 1983/06/09 TLS  from Shannon, William / to Etta Gullick I enclose the second draft of my notes on your letters. I thought you might like to look them over [enclosed is 16-page notes on Gullick letters by William H. Shannon] «detailed view»
131. undated/no/no HCS to Merton Every best wish for Christmas [-] Eva. [verso: color reproduction of "Nativity. From a Book of Hours according to the Use of Paris. 1407." - illuminated manuscript from the Bodleian Library, Oxford] «detailed view»

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