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Merton's Correspondence with:

Victor Karl Hammer; Victor Hammer; Victor K. Hammer; Hammer, Victor K.

Hammer, Victor Karl, 1882-1967  printer


Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence
Dates of materials: 1955-1967
Volume: 222 item(s); 271 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Hammer, Victor Karl".


Victor Hammer was an artist and typographer originally from Vienna. He moved to the United States as Hitler rose to power and took a position at Wells College in New York. In 1948, he retired from Wells College and became artist-in-residence at Transylvania College in Lexington, Kentucky. He brought a hand press he had used in Italy to Lexington and printed under his Italian imprint of Stamperia del Santuccio. The letters do not tell when the two first met, but by the first letter from Hammer in 1955, he states that he had been to Gethsemani and exchanged ideas with Merton already and was friends with Br. Giles. Merton also received permission to visit Victor and Carolyn Hammer in Lexington. On one trip in 1959, Merton saw a triptych painted by Victor. Hammer had intended to paint a Madonna and child but it did not turn out right. In the center panel, a woman crowns a child. Merton declared her to be "Hagia Sophia", the Holy Wisdom of God, which prompted Merton to write his poem "Hagia Sophia". (Source: Witness to Freedom, p. 3.)

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Related Information and Links

See also Cold War Letters #24b and #71, and other letters from Merton, published in Witness to Freedom, pp. 2-14; and both sides fo the correspondence in The Letters of Thomas Merton and Victor and Carolyn Hammer: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.

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#DateFrom/ToFirst LinesPub ✓Notes
 y/m/dMerton Scan ✉ 
1. 1955/10/24 TLS[x] from Merton This is to let you know that work is fast progressing on the translation of the Guerric Christmas «detailed view»
2. 1955/11/08 TALS to Merton Thank you for your letter of October 24. My wife and I are happy to hear that the translation «detailed view»
3. 1955/11/26 TLS[x] from Merton On the Eve of the First Sunday in Advent, I am happy to be able to send you the translation of Bl. «detailed view»
4. 1955/12/03 TL[x] to Merton The translations arrived and we can now more definitely plan for an edition. Yet, I would like «detailed view»
5. 1955/12/17 TLS[x] from Merton I have waited for the typescript of the Sermons to be ready before writing to you. «detailed view»
6. 1956/02/05 TALS[x] from Merton My new life as novice master is a busy one and I am more often in the woods than at the typewriter. «detailed view»
7. 1956/03/28 TLS[x] from Merton I have not forgotten that you asked me the address of the Benedictines who publish Zodiaque. «detailed view»
8. 1956/07/19 TLS[x] from Merton Today I am mailing back to the Kentucky University Library the most interesting "Manual of Zen" «detailed view»
9. 1956/08/31 TLS[x] from Merton Thank you for your note. I was so glad to hear you would be able to get over soon. It will be «detailed view»
10. 1956/11/03 TLS[x] from Merton Thank you so much for the proof. The prayer looks very fine, and I have had to make very few «detailed view»
11. 1956/11/19 TLS[x] from Merton Needless to say I feel immensely indebted to both of you for the beautiful work you did «detailed view»
12. 1957/03/no? HNS[x] from Merton The proofs are very attractive. I have corrected this one set and am keeping the others. [1956 or 1957, published letter as approximately March 1957 / simply dated "Tuesday"] «detailed view»
13. 1957/08/08 TLS[x] from Merton Immediately after my letter to Mrs Hammer went out in the mail the other day, your Dialogue «detailed view»
14. 1957/08/24 TALS[x] from Merton Many thanks for your letter and for the picture and article which accompanied it. I was very «detailed view»
15. 1957/10/15 HPCS[x] to Merton This was a revelation, the perfect Cistercian architecture. Soon it will be restored and then [from Carolyn and Victor Hammer - see original in archives classification Sub-Section C.3, manuscript proofs of "Art and Worship" - verso: L'abbaye du Thoronet] after restoration will be "destroyed by the tourists" «detailed view»
16. 1958/03/27 TLS[x] from Merton The Crucifix is very impressive in its hieratic simplicity. I find the quiet color scheme «detailed view»
17. 1958/04/18 TLS[x] from Merton Ordinarily, all the authorities on liturgy (in the sense of rubrics) insist that the altar cross [not in published letters] «detailed view»
18. 1958/05/02 HLS[x] from Merton When I wrote yesterday I may have given the impression that the only convenient time for you to come «detailed view»
19. 1958/05/22 TLS[x] from Merton Many thanks for the pictures- they are just the kind of thing I am looking for, and I like St «detailed view»
20. 1958/07/29 TALS[x] from Merton Here is the proof of "The Unquiet Conscience". I have only made one fussy change, «detailed view»
21. 1958/08/14 TLS to Merton I found your paper to be most stimulating and I hope you will permit me to attach a few notes which «detailed view»
22. 1958/10/14 HPCS to Merton We had to stay longer here than we expected. I had to do a cross much bigger than the one I brought [from Carolyn and Victor Hammer - verso: "La Cathédral - Pillier des Anges [-] L'Ange avec la Lance] Council of Europe «detailed view»
23. 1959/01/02 transcript from Merton The 17th will be fine. We will be expecting you two weeks from today. Meanwhile I shall return [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
24. 1959/01/10 transcript from Merton Thanks for your card - I will expect you and Victor next Saturday, a week from today. [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
25. 1959/02/10 transcript from Merton After reading over the Fiedler ms. I find myself in a difficult position. The material is extremely [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
26. 1959/03/06 transcript from Merton Here is the proof. I need not say that as usual I am very pleased with it. The uncial will be [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
27. 1959/03/16 transcript from Merton Perfectly all right about the copyright. I think it is safe to let it go, and of course that will [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
28. 1959/04/28 transcript from Merton It is already a week since the "all-memorable day" of my visit to Lexington and to the Stamperia del [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
29. 1959/04/28 transcript from Merton It is already a week since the "all-memorable day" of my visit to Lexington and to the Stamperia del [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
30. 1959/05/02 TALS to Merton ever since you, looking at the triptych, have asked me who is the figure crowning Christ «detailed view»
31. 1959/05/14 (#01) TAL[d] from Merton I have not rushed to reply to your letter first because I have been a little busy, and second «detailed view»
32. 1959/05/14 (#02) TAL[d] from Merton I have not rushed to reply to your letter first because I have been a little busy, ans [sic] second «detailed view»
33. 1959/05/14 (#03) TL[d] from Merton I wrote that first page without keeping a carbon, but I am getting someone to copy it because I am [second page of letter - does not fit with other drafts] «detailed view»
34. 1959/06/01 transcript from Merton Thanks for your letter and the proofs - I am returning these with a couple of corrections. [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
35. 1959/06/13 transcript from Merton Your letter reached me this morning. I think it is a very good idea to include the story about [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
36. 1959/06/18 transcript from Merton I know this is the end of the Abbot-Milido story, but I do not know if this follows the page I sent [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
37. 1959/06/23 transcript from Merton Here are the proofs again. I hope you got Abbot Milido all right - that "awful sight." I am glad we [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
38. 1959/06/24 transcript from Merton Here are the last of the proofs, with one correction. By the way do you think you could give us some [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
39. 1959/06/no? (#01) transcript from Merton Here they are. I think everything is correct. So I am getting them back to you with the only [copied from published letters / only dated 1959 but placed by editors between June and July 1959 letters] «detailed view»
40. 1959/06/no? (#02) transcript from Merton I am terribly sorry to hear you are ill. I shall miss seeing and Carolyn tomorrow, but that is not [copied from published letters / only labelled Friday but placed by editors between June and July 1959 letters] «detailed view»
41. 1959/07/14? transcript from Merton Thanks for your welcome note. I am glad the printing is finished and still more glad that the work [copied from published letters / dated Tuesday, July 14, estimated to be 1959] «detailed view»
42. 1959/07/30 transcript from Merton Here is a text beginning with "E." I have cooked it up a bit, but I think it will do: Erat in Scete [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
43. 1959/08/12 transcript from Merton Here are some off prints of the Pasternak article. Some are for you and the rest for the library. [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
44. 1959/08/19 HLS to Merton thank you for your very kind letter - which was rewarding. However, let us not forget that things [from Carolyn and Victor Hammer] «detailed view»
45. 1959/08/24? transcript from Merton The prospectus is perfectly all right - go ahead with it as you please. I haven't heard from all [copied from published letters - year estimated] «detailed view»
46. 1959/09/10 transcript from Merton I wanted you and Carolyn to see this copy of a letter from Bob Lax in which he gives [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
47. 1959/09/18 TALS to Merton Thank you so much for your letter of Sept 10; with the photostat of your friend Lax's letter. «detailed view»
48. 1959/09/24 transcript from Merton It was good to get your letter and Carolyn's books. I am happy to hear about the exhibit. [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
49. 1959/12/08 HLS to Merton Thank you so much for your kind letter and the photos which we really cherish. Please let us know «detailed view»
50. 1959/12/12 transcript from Merton Thank you for your note of the other day. I have as yet no news when Laughlin will be here, [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
51. 1959/12/25? transcript from Merton We have put up the large crucifix in our novitiate chapel and the smaller one in the chapel [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
52. 1960/01/04 transcript from Merton In this short note I want to make to you two large proposals. First of all, as a possibility [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
53. 1960/01/07 TALS to Merton Thank you for your kind and good letter. I am - and of course Carolyn is too - very happy that [from Carolyn and Victor Hammer] «detailed view»
54. 1960/01/08 HNS to Merton I have read the [indecipherable word..] and I think it would not matter if, for a while, it remains [at the bottom of 1960/01/07 letter - handwritten note from Victor Hammer] «detailed view»
55. 1960/01/30 (#01) HLS to Merton enclosed find two copies of the first two pages - one for you one back for us - and I shall continue «detailed view»
56. 1960/01/30 (#02) other   WALLS: RES SANCTAE / RES SACRAE [-] Among the res sanctae / walls are especially stressed. «detailed view»
57. 1960/02/05 transcript from Merton Here are the first proofs with one correction. I am happy that this project is going ahead and that [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
58. 1960/02/08 HLS to Merton The red in the proofs are your underscored words. Of course capital letters at the beginning of the «detailed view»
59. 1960/02/09 HLS to Merton Thanks for your letter and the proofs[.] As to p. 7 - I will see how the next paragraph comes out [on verso of 1960/02/08 letter] «detailed view»
60. 1960/02/15 transcript from Merton It took quite a long time for this to reach me - I only got it this morning. I do not think we [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
61. 1960/02/22 TLS to Merton I have now added a dash after each paragraph since I did not want to indent them, and I think there «detailed view»
62. 1960/02/23 transcript from Merton In this game of spiritual tennis I am returning the ball promptly. I have taken advantage of your [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
63. 1960/03/20 (#01) TLS to Merton If the weather isn't too bad next Saturday we plan to come and see you. So we leave it to the «detailed view»
64. 1960/03/20 (#02) other   WHAT OUGHT I TO DO ? [-] Sayings of the Desert Fathers / from the collection in Migne's Latin [advertisement for What ought I to do? Sayings of the Desert Fathers, "From the Collection in Migne's Latin Patrology" - translated by Merton] «detailed view»
65. 1960/03/22? transcript from Merton I just got your note. I will be expecting you Saturday unless it snows cats and dogs. But let us [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
66. 1960/03/26 transcript from Merton Your special delivery reached me this morning - is there such a thing as air mail from Lexington [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
67. 1960/04/07 transcript from Merton At our last enjoyable meeting recently I forgot to mention that I had once again changed my mind [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
68. 1960/04/12 transcript from Merton All I can say is that the meaning of the cross and the Resurrection is just that. Death is destroyed [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
69. 1960/04/13 transcript from Merton Just after I mailed my letter yesterday I received your note about the copyright. The copyright line [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
70. 1960/05/04 transcript from Merton Please forgive the red ribbon, I am trying to use it up. I am just writing to say that I imagine [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
71. 1960/05/11 (#01) HLS to Merton thank you for your letter. The book will be finished today; and Isaac of Ninive is most interesting «detailed view»
72. 1960/05/11 (#02) HLS to Merton yes God and beauty do exist, but as soon as one tries to explain them they disappear as if they «detailed view»
73. 1960/05/16 transcript from Merton Here is the poem. It is perhaps not long enough, but rather than add useless lines I think it would [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
74. 1960/05/25 transcript from Merton Did you get the poem all right? I hope so, and hope that it is satisfactory. I received from Geo [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
75. 1960/05/26 HLS to Merton of course the poem is fine and we like it very much. We even want your permission to print it for [from Carolyn and Victor Hammer] «detailed view»
76. 1960/05/no transcript from Merton I have made two corrections and am keeping the second set of proofs - assuming that was your [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
77. 1960/06/09 HLS to Merton here are two proofs. I have to cut a new initial. Since this is a companion to the Desert Fathers «detailed view»
78. 1960/06/10 transcript from Merton What was my astonishment recently in Louisville to see on the front page of the newspaper a picture [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
79. 1960/06/13 transcript from Merton I agree with you that the way the poem is printed on the yellow paper is altogether better, [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
80. 1960/06/27 transcript from Merton I do not know what plans you may have about coming over: it is just possible that this may cross [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
81. 1960/06/28 transcript from Merton As I expected, our letters crossed. The cover is very very fine, It [sic] just fits the book, but is [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
82. 1960/07/20 transcript from Merton Your note said that you would be back Friday so I am answering it now to say I hope to see you soon. [to Carolyn and Victor Hammer - copied from published letters] «detailed view»
83. 1960/07/27 transcript from Merton Fine - I look forward to seeing you both Saturday at noon. Would it be possible for Carolyn to take [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
84. 1960/08/07 TALS to Merton I am returning your paper which I have carefully read twice. I think it very good and since you «detailed view»
85. 1960/08/09 HLS to Merton thank you so much for sending the text of the broad side and the letter from Rome - we enjoyed both. «detailed view»
86. 1960/08/17 transcript from Merton Could you and Carolyn think about possibly coming over on Sept 3rd, or the 1st or 2nd? Or else [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
87. 1960/09/05 transcript from Merton I would have written sooner but I have not found it easy to untangle all the threads [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
88. 1960/09/15 transcript from Merton Thanks for your note. It was as I thought. And I have an added complication, but I think it will [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
89. 1960/10/17 transcript from Merton Your letter with the proof arrived last week, about the 11th I think. It was postmarked on the 10th, [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
90. 1960/11/05 TLS to Merton Unexpectedly we have to go to Cincinnati on the 12. of this month, and since Carolyn cannot manage «detailed view»
91. 1960/11/09 transcript from Merton Your letter arrived this morning. It is too bad you will not be coming this Saturday. But then [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
92. 1960/11/no? transcript from Merton I saw Dr and Mrs Wygal the other day and they expressed a wish to come down Saturday so as to see [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
93. 1960/12/01 transcript from Merton It was certainly very pleasant to have you over here the other day and I enjoyed it immensely, [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
94. 1960/12/05 HLS to Merton Thank you for your nice, really sweet, letter, we are so happy. I am answering immediately in order «detailed view»
95. 1960/12/07 transcript from Merton Your good letter just arrived. I think the chests are a good idea. I shall certainly need two. [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
96. 1960/12/12 HLS to Merton enclosed in a separate Envelope perhaps, are your Christmas cards, 25 or so. I hope you can use [see also typed signed note from Carolyn at the bottom of this handwritten letter of the same date from Victor] «detailed view»
97. 1960/12/23 transcript from Merton I expect a note from day to day saying when you will come, but any one of those days is all right, [to Carolyn and Victor Hammer - copied from published letters] «detailed view»
98. 1960/12/27 transcript from Merton By now Dave Rowland will have told you of his rather harrowing afternoon here. The table is very [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
99. 1961/02/02 transcript from Merton Having been very busy, and on retreat, and also sick since I last saw you, I have not yet got around [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
100. 1961/02/09 transcript from Merton Here it is. I have done by best to promote useful knowledge. You must now be loyal to the tradition [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
101. 1961/02/20 transcript from Merton Would a week from Saturday, March 4th, be a good day for you to come over? The talk would be, [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
102. 1961/02/20 transcript from Merton Would a week from Saturday, March 4th, be a good day for you to come over? The talk would be, [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
103. 1961/03/30 TALS to Merton Thank you for sending the New Directions edition of the Sayings. I was so touched by the kind words [from Carolyn and Victor Hammer] «detailed view»
104. 1961/04/10 transcript from Merton It was a pity you could not get over here Saturday, it was such a lovely afternoon, but I will be [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
105. 1961/04/no transcript from Merton The novice whom I deputed to take down the crucifix and make the measurements has done so. [copied from published letters - only year of 1961 stated, but published between April 10 and May 24, 1961 letters] «detailed view»
106. 1961/05/24 transcript from Merton I have finally rewritten the bit on Sophia and here is the ms. It is a little long for a broadside [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
107. 1961/05/26 HLS to Merton Thank you for your letter and the poem. We can't say more for the moment, because we are so [from Carolyn and Victor Hammer - previously mis-dated 1961/October/26 (Roman numeral looks like an X but seems to be a V)] «detailed view»
108. 1961/06/09 transcript from Merton I was very happy with your good note and glad you liked Hagia Sophia as I thought you [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
109. 1961/06/18 HLS to Merton This was a crowded week and I missed completely to tell you that we could not come yesterday. [from Carolyn and Victor Hammer] «detailed view»
110. 1961/06/21 transcript from Merton Thanks for your good note: the 15th of July will be fine. I wondered if you had gone on a trip [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
111. 1961/07/11 transcript from Merton By all means, I am expecting you Saturday. Bring your friend along. There will be no one else [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
112. 1961/07/24 HLS to Merton here are the proofs and there is only one question on my part and you would have to decide: «detailed view»
113. 1961/07/27 transcript from Merton This looks wonderful. I am very definitely against the dots at the end, and think one period is [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
114. 1961/08/19 HLS to Merton I am now working on the drawing for the print of Hagia Sophia which will be on the first page. [from Carolyn and Victor Hammer] «detailed view»
115. 1961/08/22 transcript from Merton Many thanks for your letter. I am happy to hear about the drawing and "no industrial enterprise." [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
116. 1961/11/02 transcript from Merton The best times for me would be November 17-18 but failing that the 10th and 11th. If those do not [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
117. 1961/11/09 transcript from Merton Fine, I will expect you at lunch time Friday 17th about 11:30? Will I be able to read while you work [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
118. 1961/11/22 transcript from Merton I have come across a most suitable quotation that might go under the woodcut, except that it is [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
119. 1961/12/19 transcript from Merton I was very sorry to hear Carolyn had to go to the hospital but on the other hand it was good news [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
120. 1961/12/20 HLS to Merton I suppose you never got the letter I wrote you about 10 days ago when Carolyn came back from «detailed view»
121. 1961/12/23 transcript from Merton Many thanks for the proof. I think it will do very well in the book. It is very simple and austere. [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
122. 1962/01/18 transcript from Merton I was so sorry to hear that both you and Carolyn had been ill. It was a pity you and I and J. could [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
123. 1962/01/21 TLS to Merton thank you for sending us your notes on the nuclear bomb. - About a year after the first one was «detailed view»
124. 1962/01/25? transcript from Merton As for brainwashing, the term is used very loosely about almost anything. Strict technical [Cold War Letters #44b - copy from bound set] «detailed view»
125. 1962/01/28 transcript from Merton As we came out of our retreat I found in the pile of mail your proof and letter. First of all [same letter, but more content, as Cold War Letters #44b, dated January 25, 1962 - copy from published text from The Letters of Thomas Merton and Victor and Carolyn Hammer] «detailed view»
126. 1962/02/13 transcript from Merton March 3 will be find as far as I am concerned, and I hope the weather will be nice. If it is not we [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
127. 1962/02/no? transcript from Merton March 3 will be find as far as I am concerned, and I hope the weather will be nice. If it is not we [copied from published letters - no date but placed in February 1962 in published letters] «detailed view»
128. 1962/05/09 TALS to Merton enclosed find a proof of an unfinished metal-cut which I attempted to make for the poem because [from Carolyn and Victor Hammer] «detailed view»
129. 1962/05/10 (#01) transcript from Merton More and more I see that it is not the moral principles which are at stake, but more radically, [Cold War Letters #71 - copy from bound set, taken from letter of May 10, 1962] «detailed view»
130. 1962/05/10 (#02) transcript from Merton I was glad to get your letter, and Carolyn's card about Jonathan Greene came at the same time. [full copy of the same letter as Cold War Letters #71 dated May, 1962 - copy from published letters] «detailed view»
131. 1962/05/29 transcript from Merton I look forward very much to seeing you and Carolyn this Saturday, June 2, at the regular time. [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
132. 1962/06/26 transcript from Merton I am glad to hear that the printing is finished and that you are ready to bring the opus over. [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
133. 1962/07/23 transcript from Merton This looks really fine. I have hastily inserted translations for the two added verses. [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
134. 1962/07/26 transcript from Merton Here are the final proofs. I tried to carefully spot every little slip, and I find one must look [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
135. 1962/08/22 transcript from Merton Now there is no difference in time. We are on the same time as you - I will expect you [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
136. 1962/09/24 HPCS to Merton As I have your image with me we have not lost touch with you. Carolyn recovered completely [note from Carolyn at the bottom of a postcard of the same date from Victor - verso: color photograph of a mosaic - "Monreale Cathedral - Christ Driving Money changers from the Temple"] «detailed view»
137. 1962/10/27 HPCS to Merton just out of the caves we are happy to be in God's Light again. But it was necessary for me to see [from Carolyn and Victor Hammer - verso: color photograph of cave drawings at the Grotte de Lascaux in France] «detailed view»
138. 1962/11/21 transcript from Merton Thanks for all your cards from Europe, especially the guards from Venice which I have on the wall [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
139. 1962/11/24 transcript from Merton I was glad to get your card this morning and to learn that you are back. It is perhaps late to plan [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
140. 1962/12/25? transcript from Merton I think of you on this Christmas morning and will remember you both as I go down to Mass. [copied from published letters - only dated December 25, no year, but placed in 1962 in published letters] «detailed view»
141. 1963/02/09? transcript from Merton I think of you on this Christmas morning and will remember you both as I go down to Mass. [copied from published letters - no date but placed in February 9, 1963 in published letters] «detailed view»
142. 1963/03/03 transcript from Merton It was a good thing you did not come down in February, it would have been much too cold. [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
143. 1963/03/04? transcript from Merton I too have been thinking about seeing you and Carolyn again though today the weather is hardly [copied from published letters - no year listed but placed in published letters in 1963] «detailed view»
144. 1963/03/19? transcript from Merton I am so glad you are coming Saturday - and hope it will be nice. Does Carolyn have in the library [copied from published letters - no month or year listed (just Tuesday 19th) but placed in published letters in March of 1963] «detailed view»
145. 1963/04/07 transcript from Merton You probably realize the quandary I am in. I just got a letter from the President of the U. [to Victor and Carolyn Hammer - copied from published letters] «detailed view»
146. 1963/04/no? transcript from Merton I am so glad you will be able to "represent" me to "make me present" at commencement and receive [copied from published letters - no date but placed after letter of April 7, 1963 in published book and references first Saturday in May in the future] «detailed view»
147. 1963/06/07 transcript from Merton Thanks for your note, and I am especially grateful for Victor's Trappistic exploit as my secret [to Victor and Carolyn Hammer - copied from published letters] «detailed view»
148. 1963/07/16 transcript from Merton Not having heard anything from J. I presume he is not going to come down in July, and I am going [to Victor and Carolyn Hammer - copied from published letters] «detailed view»
149. 1963/08/16 transcript from Merton I was sorry that Carolyn's mother was ill and that you could not come last month. [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
150. 1963/09/04 transcript from Merton I was sure I had written today Saturday 7th would be fine, but in any case I sent a telegram today [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
151. 1963/09/15 transcript from Merton I am in the hospital in Louisville with a cervical disk, besides bursitis and arthritis. [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
152. 1963/09/29 TALS to Merton Thank you for your kind letter of Sept. 15th. We were very sorry to hear about your sufferings but «detailed view»
153. 1963/10/03 transcript from Merton Thanks for your good letter. I am back in the monastery and getting along fairly well. It will be [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
154. 1963/10/31 transcript from Merton This is just a reminder that our monastery timetable is changed and I will expect you at 11.15 [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
155. 1963/11/09 TAL[c] from Merton I shudder at the thought of attempting a long didactic poem on art. Yet who knows, someday it may «detailed view»
156. 1963/11/no? transcript from Merton Here is Victor's text [to Victor and Carolyn Hammer - copied from published letters - year only, but placed in published letters between October 31st and November 9th, 1963] «detailed view»
157. 1963/12/13 (#01) HLS to Merton Carolyn wrote about Stanley Morrison and his suggestion to paint a Resurrection. I am already «detailed view»
158. 1963/12/13 (#02) other   BEQUEST [-] The truth was found already long ago, it bound the noble spirits into one «detailed view»
159. 1963/12/18 TAL[c] from Merton Thanks for your good letter: I find you much more scrupulous about the treatment of religious «detailed view»
160. 1964/01/01 HLS to Merton I have read your paper on Green's book again. Since I don't know the book your remarks about it «detailed view»
161. 1964/01/03? transcript from Merton It is warmer today and it may be warm next week. Why not gamble on Saturday the 11th as a good [copied from published letters - dated "Fri. 3rd" and listed as January 3, 1964 in the published letters] «detailed view»
162. 1964/03/10 HLS to Merton the 21st would be fine but in case of bad weather, either snow or rain, we would not come and you «detailed view»
163. 1964/03/13? transcript from Merton I will look forward to seeing you and Carolyn on the 21st, a week from tomorrow. If you bring Dr [copied from published letters - no year but dated 1964 in the published letters] «detailed view»
164. 1964/03/28? transcript from Merton I look forward to seeing you and Carolyn on the 4th of April at the same time and hope the weather [copied from published letters - dated only "Friday" but recorded as March 28, 1964 in published letters] «detailed view»
165. 1964/04/11? transcript from Merton I was not sure if you and Carolyn would come today, it would have been a fine day. [copied from published letters - no year but placed in 1964 in published letters] «detailed view»
166. 1964/04/14? transcript from Merton Your note came today and I will expect you soon on the 18th - next Saturday. I hope the weather will [copied from published letters - dated "Monday", but placed as April 14, 1964 in the published letters] «detailed view»
167. 1964/06/16 HLS to Merton Carolyn gave me your letter you wrote to the Library. Though the 27th would be possible, we must «detailed view»
168. 1964/06/20 transcript from Merton I am sorry to hear you are having an operation and that on this account we will not be able to get [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
169. 1964/08/03 HLS to Merton now, with the help of a magnifying glass I am able to write. The operation went according to «detailed view»
170. 1964/08/05 TAL[c] from Merton It is good to see your handwriting again. This is a sign that things are going well and that you «detailed view»
171. 1964/08/08 HLS to Merton enclosed find a letter of Lexi Joanelius that might interest you. We wonder who that martyr was «detailed view»
172. 1964/08/12 TAL[c] from Merton Perhaps your hernia operation is all over by now. I hope so, and hope that it has been successful. «detailed view»
173. 1964/10/30 HLS to Merton today is the first day that I don't feel so weak as it did until now. That is why I couldn't face «detailed view»
174. 1964/11/03 TAL[c] from Merton I was so pleased to hear from you and to know that you are at least fairly well, that though I am no «detailed view»
175. 1964/11/17 (#01) HLS to Merton we were so touched by the poem, it moved us to tears. Thank you, that is all, and the only thing «detailed view»
176. 1964/11/17 (#02) other   Otupatersplendorisdatorluminis [-] adtegaudenspretorrestitutolumine [Latin poem written for Hammer by Merton - written as a page proof for how it would be printed - published in the Collected Poems as "A Prayer of Thanksgiving Written for Victor Hammer"] «detailed view»
177. 1964/12/04 TL[c] from Merton Yesterday I asked Father Abbot if I could perhaps have an exceptional permission to get over «detailed view»
178. 1964/12/09? transcript from Merton Fine: I shall plan to see you on the 16th, a week from today. I hope that everything will work out [copied from published letters - no date but placed in published letters as December 9, 1964] «detailed view»
179. 1965/01/07 HLS to Merton I have read the 3 papers you left with us when we had you here; and I have read "From Pilgrimage «detailed view»
180. 1965/01/09 TL[c] from Merton Thanks for your letter. I am glad you liked the "Pilgrimage" piece and I think you are right about [incorrectly dated by Merton as 1964/01/09] «detailed view»
181. 1965/01/20 (#01) HLS to Merton It is now certain that in April there will be an exhibition of my work at the North Carolina Museum «detailed view»
182. 1965/01/20 (#02) other   The anonymous craftsman of the middle ages existed in his work. He was admitted to a guild only [Hammer notes in letter of the same date that the enclosed are "pp. 13-14 of the Concern, i.e. the chapter: On the cross roads."] «detailed view»
183. 1965/02/03 HLS to Merton with your words you have silently embraced me, I feel the touch of your hand on my shoulder, so kind «detailed view»
184. 1965/03/21 HLS to Merton I am sorry to bother you again with an urgent reply -- here is Maritain's letter, or rather his «detailed view»
185. 1965/03/24 TL[c] from Merton Thanks for your letter. I was glad to get it because I had been thinking about you and wondering «detailed view»
186. 1965/04/18 transcript from Merton It is Easter morning and your Rood cross which has been veiled during Lent (according to our rule) [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
187. 1965/06/23 TL[c] from Merton Here is an uncorrected carbon copy of the complete Chuang Tzu ms. I will need it back before too «detailed view»
188. 1965/07/03 TL[c] from Merton Here is something that might interest you and Carolyn: not to print necessarily (though you are «detailed view»
189. 1965/07/03 transcript from Merton Here is something that might interest you and Carolyn: not to print necessarily (though you are [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
190. 1965/07/no? transcript from Merton I would not call these few the best. But as I do not have the complete ms., I cannot make [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
191. 1965/08/28 transcript from Merton Thanks for your very good letter about the Symbolism notes. I knew you would like them. [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
192. 1965/09/26 HLS to Merton It seems to me strange that even you have missed the meaning of the passage in the Vulgate; [from Carolyn and Victor Hammer] «detailed view»
193. 1965/10/22 HLS to Merton We miss your word since we are anxious to hear from you again. In fact you owe me a response «detailed view»
194. 1965/11/02 transcript from Merton Today I am sending you a copy of Chuang Tzu. I certainly got this one out fast. I have no doubt [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
195. 1965/11/05 transcript from Merton I spoke to Father Abbot yesterday about the possibility of his making an exception and permitting [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
196. 1966/02/10 HLS to Merton now it is warmer and I am happy that I have no longer to think of you suffering the cold. Of course «detailed view»
197. 1966/02/13 transcript from Merton Not only do I like 'Pebbles' very much but in many ways I think it is going to be your most [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
198. 1966/03/01 transcript from Merton Many thanks for your letter. I would be glad to discuss the question of your book and if it should [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
199. 1966/03/no? transcript from Merton I hope to get out of the hospital tomorrow (Saturday) - The operation was quite successful [to Victor and Carolyn Hammer - copied from published letters - no date but placed in published letters between March 1st and April 21st, 1966] «detailed view»
200. 1966/04/21 transcript from Merton I am returning your "pebbles" as you requested. Hope you and feeling better again and can get along [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
201. 1966/05/06? transcript from Merton I am sorry I could not come over with J and Nicanor Parra. Too much riding in a car is perhaps still [to Victor and Carolyn Hammer - copied from published letters - no year on letter but dated 1966 in published letters] «detailed view»
202. 1966/05/29 HLS to Merton we think of you and wonder how you really are. Perhaps still in the Infirmary? Let us know please. «detailed view»
203. 1966/06/06? transcript from Merton Many thanks for your good note. I was glad to hear from you and the news that you consider coming [copied from published letters - no year on letter but dated 1966 in published letters] «detailed view»
204. 1966/06/22 HLS to Merton Here is a translation of Li Po's poem, please send it back when you are through. «detailed view»
205. 1966/07/02 transcript from Merton As soon as I went to the book this morning it fell right open at - our old favorite, the two elders [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
206. 1966/07/11 TAL[c] from Merton I am returning "The Road to Shu is hard" after too long a delay. Forgive me. I have been behind «detailed view»
207. 1966/07/18 HLS to Merton I was so happy to get your letter and am so glad to know that you are well and balanced. «detailed view»
208. 1966/07/25 transcript from Merton Since the philosophical background of Buddhist thought is entirely different from our thought [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
209. 1966/08/29 TL[c] from Merton Many thanks for your note and for Lexi's good letter which I return herewith. Yes, I knew that «detailed view»
210. 1966/09/20 transcript from Merton I have tried my hand at translating the Goethe quotation: it is enclosed. I don't know if the result [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
211. 1966/10/02 HLS to Merton thank you for the translation, we will try it. In the meantime I have changed the word 'good taste' «detailed view»
212. 1966/11/25 HLS to Merton May we use these lines of yours for a Christmas message? Thank you. Got your several articles [includes the following note by Merton for card: "One light, one ray and it will be the angels' Spring: [-] One flash, one glance upon the shiny pond, and then [-] asperges me! Sweet wilderness, and lo! [-] We are redeemed!"] «detailed view»
213. 1966/11/26? transcript from Merton Certainly you may use my verse on your card. Delighted! Would it be possible to get a dozen cards [copied from published letters - no year on letter but dated 1966 in published letters] «detailed view»
214. 1966/11/27 transcript from Merton Yesterday I wrote you a note and then by mistake put it in the wrong box. It may have got lost, so I [copied from published letters] «detailed view»
215. 1966/12/21 (#01) HLS to Merton yesterday I came back from the hospital, much improved by two pints of blood transfused into my «detailed view»
216. 1966/12/21 (#02) HLS to Merton when I wrote to you today I forgot to ask you to tell me the date on which you were operated on your «detailed view»
217. 1966/12/24 TL[c] from Merton Thank very much for your two notes. I was very glad to hear from you and to know you were out «detailed view»
218. 1967/04/15 HLS to Merton thank you for sending me the papers - I enjoyed several of them very much, especially that on «detailed view»
219. 1967/04/24 TL[c] from Merton Thanks for your letter of the other day. I was very pleased to hear from you and to receive «detailed view»
220. 1967/06/02 HLS to Merton Do you know Herrigel's book on Zen? Gilbert Highet speaks about it in his book 'talents and «detailed view»
221. 1967/06/16 TL[c] from Merton It was very good to hear from you again. Yes, I would very much like to come and see the book too. «detailed view»
222. undated/no/no other   THOMAS MERTON : HAGIA SOPHIA [-] Lexington / Kentucky / Stamperia del Santuccio [hand pressed colophon only for "Hagia Sophia" - copyright 1962] «detailed view»

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