The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Merton's Correspondence with:

Shojun Bando

Bando, Shojun  printer


Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence
Dates of materials: 1967
Volume: 3 item(s); 3 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Bando, Shojun".


Shojun Bando is writing as the assistant at the Eastern Buddhist Society at Otani University in Kyoto, Japan.

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See also "Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro" file.

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#DateFrom/ToFirst LinesPub ✓Notes
 y/m/dMerton Scan ✉ 
1. 1967/08/16 TLS to Merton We have taken the liberty of translating your article which you had sent us for the late Dr. Dr. Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki memorial / translating Merton's articles sent to Suzuki for the Chugai Nippo Japanese religious newspaper and a forthcoming book about Suzuki «detailed view»
2. 1967/08/24 TL[c] from Merton I am very glad that you thought it worth while to present a Japanese version of my tribute to Dr Merton's Dr. Suzuki tribute / subscription information for Eastern Buddhist / Zen scholars are welcome at Gethsemani «detailed view»
3. 1967/09/24 TPCS to Merton Thank you very much for your kind reply permitting us to include the Japanese translation of your «detailed view»

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