The Merton Annual - Volume 19
- Kramer, Victor A.
"The Continuing Tradition of Prayer and Continuing Social Awareness Sustain the Vision of Thomas Merton." 7-12.
- Merton, Thomas.
"To Father Thomas Fidelis (Francis) Smith, O.C.S.O." 13-14.
- Smith, Thomas Francis.
"The Context of Thomas Merton's Letter Concerning 'The Jesus Prayer'." 15-16.
- Kramer, Dewey Weiss.
"Complementary Approaches Illuminate Merton's Continuing Relevance for Today's Broken World." 17-.
- Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO.
"Thomas Merton, Monk and Prophet of Peace: The Opening Address at the 2005 International Thomas Merton Society General Meeting." 18-23.
- Dear, John.
"The God of Peace is Never Glorified by Human Violence: Keynote Address to the International Thomas Merton Society, June 2005." 24-38.
- Belcastro, David Joseph.
"Thomas Merton's Revelation of Justice and Revolution of Love: Perspectives from the San Diego Conference." 39-42.
- Hunter, Judith.
"No Solution in Withdrawal - No Solution in Conforming: Merton, Teilhard, Kung and Curran." 43-90.
- Sobocinski, Michael.
"The Psychology of Hatred and the Role of Early Relationships in Discovering Our True Self." 91-113.
- Herron, Fred W.
"A Bricoleur in the Monastery: Merton's Tactics in a Nothing Place." 114-127.
- Weis, Monica, SSJ.
"Kindred Spirits in Revelation and Revolution: Rachel Carson and Thomas Merton." 128-141.
- Miller, Lucien.
"The Thomas Merton - John C.H. Wu Letters: The Lords as Postman." 142-161.
- Collins, John P.
"From the 'Political Dance of Death' to the 'General Dance': The Cold War Letters of Thomas Merton." 162-177.
- O'Connell, Patrick F.
"Landscapes of Disaster: The War Poems of Thomas Merton." 178-233.
- Harford, James.
"Lax, Merton and Rice on War and Peace." 234-254.
- Raab, Joseph Quinn.
"Comrades for Peace: Thomas Merton, The Dalai Lama and the Preferential Option for Nonviolence." 255-266.
- Dekar, Paul R.
"The Spirit of Simplicity: Thomas Merton on Simplification of Life." 267-282.
- Wu, John, Jr.
"Centennial Vignettes in Homage to My Father." 283-310.
- Adams, Daniel J.
"Han Yong-Un and Thomas Merton: Brothers in Different Guises." 311-339.
- Ellsberg, Robert.
"Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen, and the Living Gospel." 340-354.
- Glenn Crider.
"Interview with James Finley: Cultivating a Contemplative Lifestyle." 355-368.
- King, David A.
Rev. of
Original Child Bomb produced by Holly Becker and directed by Carey Schonegevel. 407-410.
- Various authors.
Additional reviews by John Smith, Theresa Schumacher, Richard Parry, Harry Wells, Mark Dannenfelser, Cathy Crosby, Dewey W. Kramer and Anthony Feurstein. 420-443.