The Merton
The ITMS and the Thomas Merton
Center support publication of The Merton Annual: Studies
in Culture, Spirituality and Social Concerns. The
Merton Annual is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles about Thomas Merton
and about related matters of major concern to his life and
work. Its purpose is to enhance Merton’s reputation as a
writer and monk, to continue to develop his message for our
times, and to provide a regular outlet for substantial
Merton-related scholarship. The Merton Annual
includes as regular features reviews, review-essays, a
bibliographic survey, interviews, and first appearances of
unpublished, or obscurely published, Merton materials,
photographs and art. Essays about related literary and
spiritual matters will also be considered. Manuscripts and
books for review may be sent to either of the editors.
ITMS members can purchase
The Merton Annual at a special
rate. Copies can also be ordered from the Thomas Merton
Center - order The Merton
Annual, volume 37.
(To be published March 15, 2025)
Volumes 18 - 37 may also be ordered from the Merton Center
- contact
[email protected] for further information or go to:
Volume 37 of The Merton
Annual will be available in March 2025 and Volume 38 is due for
publication in Spring 2026. The Merton Annual is
available to ITMS members as part of an enhanced membership
package. Further details of this are available at the
ITMS Membership web page.
Volume 37 - Table of Contents
Golemboski, David.
Transformed and Open ."
Merton, Thomas. "The Present 'Crisis' in
Monasticism" introduced and annotated by
Patrick F. O'Connell. 11-28.
Delio, Ilia, OSF. "Merton's
Christophany, Teilhard's Challenge and the Second Axial Monk."
Pramuk, Christopher. "'A Conscience
Burning with Impatience': Merton and the Art of Apocalyptic
Times." 50-63.
Matthew. "Aesthetics,
Contemplation and Zeal: The Function of Religious Art and
Experience in The Seven Storey Mountain."
Marshell ,
John. "Reading in the Dark:
Lectio Divina and the Chuang Tzu."
Crace ,
Benjamin. "The
Book of Transformations: Merton and the I Ching."
Way, Megan McDonald. "Applying Thomas Merton's Wisdom to
the Undergraduate Economics Classroom."
O'Connell, Patrick F. "A
Four Storey Tower: The Building of Thomas Merton's
"Recognizing Contexts: A Bibliographic Review of 2023."
Eric. Rev. of
Engaging Thomas Merton: Spirituality, Justice, and Racism
[Full Text]
by Daniel P. Horan.
Pramuk, Christopher. Rev. of
Thomas Merton: The Monk of Civil Rights [Full Text] by
Edward Vinski. 226-231.
Monica, SSJ. Rev. of
Remembering the Forgotten Merton
[Full Text] by William J. Meegan. 231-236.
Dekar, Paul R. Rev. of
Thomas Merton’s Betrayers: The Case against Abbot James Fox and
Author John Howard Griffin [Full Text] by Hugh Turley
and David Martin. 236-239.
Kennedy ,
Emma McDonald. Rev. of
A Retreat with Thomas Merton: A Seven-Day Spiritual Journey [Full Text] by
Esther de Waal.
Andujar, Jose F. Rev. of
In Search of the Healing Spirit [Full
Text] edited by
Clare E. B. Cannon, Bryant Cannon and John Cannon.
Tarr , Kathleen. Rev. of
The Healing Path: A Memoir and an Invitation
[Full Text] by James
O'Connell, Patrick F. Rev. of
Modern Mystics: An Introduction
[Full Text] by Bernard McGinn. 248-253.
Braun ,
Connie. Rev. of
Our Heart Are Restless: The Art of Spiritual Memoir
[Full Text] by
Richard Lischer.
Contents of Earlier Volumes
Earlier Issues Available for
List of Articles Available in Full Text
Merton Annual publishes articles about Thomas Merton and about
related matters of major concern to his life and work. Its purpose
is to enhance Merton's reputation as a writer and monk, to continue
to develop his message for our times, and to provide a regular
outlet for substantial Merton-related scholarship. The Merton
Annual includes as regular features reviews, review-essays, a
bibliographic survey, interviews, and first appearances of
unpublished, or obscurely published Merton materials, photographs,
and art. Essays about related literary and spiritual matters will
also be considered.
Guidelines for Submissions
Manuscripts and books for review
may be sent to the editors:
Bernadette McNary-Zak.
Buffalo, NY.
David Golemboski. Department of Government,
Augustana University, Sioux Falls,
SD 57197-
[email protected]
[email protected]
Editorial Board
Fiona Gardner (Bath,
UK) |
Daniel P. Horan (Chicago, IL)
Deborah Pope Kehoe (Oxford,
MS) |
Roger Lipsey (Garrison, NY) |
Gray Matthews (Memphis, TN) |
Patrick F. O'Connell (Erie,
PA) |
Malgorzata Poks (University
of Silesia,
Poland) |
Paul M. Pearson
(Louisville, KY) |
Joseph Q. Raab (Adrian, MI) |
Bonnie B. Thurston
(Wheeling, WV) |
Monica Weis (Rochester, NY)