The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

The Merton Annual - Volume 30

  • Merton, Thomas. "Letters to Pat" edited with an Introduction by Paul M. Pearson. 17-28.
  • Calati, Benedetto. "Thomas Merton: Gift of God for the Monks of Our Time" translated and annotated with an Introduction by Donald Grayston. 29-40.
  • Coady, Mary Frances. "'A Fire That Burns': Thomas Merton, Catherine de Hueck Doherty and the Story of The Secular Journal." 41-53.
  • Scruggs, Ryan. "The 'One Merciful Event': Thomas Merton on Anselm's Cur Deus Homo." 54-77.
  • Horan, Daniel P., OFM. "Kyrie Eleison: Mercy at the Heart of Thomas Merton's Theology of Revelation." 78-87.
  • Golemboski, David. "A Mysterious, Unaccountable Mixture of Good and Evil: Thomas Merton on Cooperation and Complicity." 88-101.
  • Greeley, June-Ann. "The Mercy of God: Mary as a Mercy for Humanity and as the Mediatrix of Salvation." 102-116.
  • Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal. "Divine Mercy in Thomas Merton and St. John of the Cross: Encountering the Dark Nights in the Human Soul." 117-130.
  • Oyer, Gordon. "Thomas Merton and the 'Pessimism' of Jacques Ellul." 131-144.
  • Plekon, Michael. "God's Mercy and Foolish Love: Thomas Merton and Paul Evdokimov." 145-155.
  • Plekon, Michael. "God's Mercy and Foolish Love: Thomas Merton and Paul Evdokimov." 145-155.
  • Copeland, M. Shawn. "The Watchmen and the Witnesses: Thomas Merton, Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Exercise of the Prophetic." 156-170.
  • Fici, Christopher. "'Larger, Freer, and More Loving': Confronting and Healing the Infection of Whiteness with Thomas Merton and James Baldwin." 171-183.
  • Whalen, Robert Weldon. "Thomas Merton and John Coltrane: Jazz and the Mercy beyond Being." 184-203.
  • Quenon, Paul, OCSO. Rev. of Merton’s Abbot: The Life and Times of Dom James Fox by F. Dean Lucas. 274-278.

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