The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews by:

Hart, Patrick, Br., O.C.S.O.

Alaskan Journal of Thomas Merton
Merton, Thomasedited with an introduction by Robert E. Daggy; preface by David D. CooperBook
At Home in the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Rosemary Radford Ruether
Merton, Thomasedited by Mary TardiffBook
Christian Conversion: A Developmental Interpretation of Autonomy and Surrender
Conn, Walter E. Book
Clement of Alexandria: Selections from the Protreptikos
Merton, Thomas; and Clement of Alexandriatranslated and with an essay by Thomas MertonBook
The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton
Merton, Thomas Book
A Companion to Prayer
 sung by the University of Notre Dame Folk Choir and the Monastic Schola of Gethsemani AbbeyAudio
Contemplation and Compassion: Thomas Merton's Vision
Padovano, Anthony Thomas Book
The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton
Weis, Monica Book
Faith and Violence: Christian Teaching and Christian Practice
Merton, Thomas Book
Finding Your Centre: A Journey with Thomas Merton
Forest, James H. Book
Guigo the Carthusian, the Solitary Life
Guigo I, Prior of the Grand Chartreuse; and Thomas Mertonintroduced and translated by Thomas MertonBook
Hidden in the Same Mystery: Thomas Merton and Loretto
Thurston, Bonnie BowmanBonnie Thurston, general editor; Sr. Mary Swain, S.L., Loretto editor; Br. Paul Quenon, O.C.S.O., Gethsemani photography editor; and Peg Jacobs, CoL, Loretto photography editorBook
A Hidden Wholeness: The Visual World of Thomas Merton
Merton, Thomas; and John Howard Griffinphotographs by Thomas Merton and John Howard Griffin; text by John Howard GriffinBook
Ishi Means Man
Merton, Thomas Book
The Jaguar and the Moon
Cuadra, Pablo Antoniotranslated by Thomas MertonBook
The Letters of Adam of Perseigne
Adam, of Perseignetranslated by Grace Perigo; and with an introduction by Thomas MertonBook
Man Before God
Kelly, Frederic J., S.J. Book
Merton & Sufism: the untold story: a complete compendium
 edited by Rob Baker and Gray HenryBook
Merton: An Enneagram Profile
Zuercher, Suzanne Book
Merton: Mystic at the Center of America
King, Thomas Mulvihill, S.J. Book
Merton's Theology of Prayer
Higgins, John J., S.J. Book
The Mystic Life
Merton, Thomas Audio
Opening the Bible
Merton, Thomas Book
Pray to Live
Nouwen, Henri Book
Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation
Merton, Thomas Book
Seeking Paradise: The Spirit of the Shakers
Merton, Thomasedited by Paul M. PearsonBook
A Seven Day Journey with Thomas Merton
De Waal, Estherwith an introduction by Henri Nouwen; and photographs by Thomas MertonBook
A Silent Action: Engagements with Thomas Merton
Williams, Rowan Book
Silent Lamp
Shannon, William H. Book
Thomas Merton and the Inclusive Imagination
Labrie, Ross Book
Thomas Merton and Therese Lentfoehr: The Story of a Friendship
Nugent, Robertpreface by Paul Pearson; and afterword by Carol ThresherBook
The Thomas Merton Encyclopedia
Shannon, William H. Book
Thomas Merton on Peace
Merton, Thomas Book
A Thomas Merton Reader
Merton, Thomas Book
Thomas Merton, Social Critic
Baker, James Thomas Book
Thomas Merton: A Bibliography
Breit, Marquita E. Book
Thomas Merton: A Bibliography
Dell'Isola, Frank Book
Thomas Merton: A Different Drummer
Voigt, Robert J. Book
Thomas Merton: The Man and His Work
McInerny, Dennis Q. Book
Thomas Merton: Monk and Poet: A Critical Study
Woodcock, George Book
Thomas Merton: Preview of the Asian journey
Merton, Thomas Book
Thomas Merton: Twentieth-Century Wisdom for Twenty-First-Century Living
Dekar, Paul Book
The True Solitude; Selections from the Writings of Thomas Merton
Merton, Thomas Book
Words and Silence: On the Poetry of Thomas Merton
Lentfoehr, Thérèse, Sr., S.D.S. Book