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Geist, Peter, III

Series 1, Correspondence between Geist, Merton, and Monks of Gethsemani

Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence
Dates of materials: 1965-1966
Volume: 35 item(s); 149 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Geist, Peter, III".


Peter Geist writes from Matinicus Island, Maine and Saint Louis, Missouri. He was a professor of industrial design at Washington University in Saint Louis and designed books and corporate logos. Merton contacts him to design a books of pictures about Geth

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Series List

Series NumberSeries NameTotal Records
1 Correspondence between Geist, Merton, and Monks of Gethsemani 22
2 Essays and Poems Sent by Merton to Geist 4
3 Manuscript Quotation Material by Merton 3
4 Ancillary Materials 6

Container List

Series#DateFrom/ToFirst LinesPub ✓Notes
 y/m/dMerton Scan ✉ 
Series 1 #1.
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1965/07/15 TLS from Merton We are planning to put out a new book of pictures of the monastery, with a brief text. design of a book for Gethsemani Abbey / Sister Deborah, Sister of Loretto, Webster College, St. Louis, Missouri «detailed view»
Series 1 #2.
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1965/07/23 HLS to Merton I would be extremely happy to help with the design and production of your proposed picture book. «detailed view»
Series 1 #3.
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1965/08/04 HLS from Merton In answer to your questions about the book. 1) It will be black and white 2) I was thinking «detailed view»
Series 1 #4.
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1965/09/21 TALS to Merton After returning to St. Louis from our meeting, Milton Mild and I checked the photographs for the «detailed view»
Series 1 #5.
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1965/09/25 (#01) TLS from Merton Many thanks for your letter of the 21st. Cartainly [sic] it would be a good idea for Arthur Arthur Fillimore / "..personally I feel that 'the monk alone in prayer' bit has been overdone".. / supplying photographs «detailed view»
Series 1 #6.
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1965/09/25 (#02) TL[c] from Merton Many thanks for your letter of the 21st. Cartainly [sic] it would be a good idea for Arthur Arthur Fillimore / "..personally I feel that 'the monk alone in prayer' bit has been overdone".. / supplying photographs «detailed view»
Series 1 #7.
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1965/10/05 HLS from Merton The layout: is really fine. Just what I was hoping for and fine for our purpose. I have only two asking two changes: not to put cemetery on back cover as it seems to play into stereotype of Trappists and omitting a photo of a bearded brother with a bell that some in the community found humorous (maybe an inside joke) and not in keeping with the tone of the book «detailed view»
Series 1 #8.
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1966/01/07 TL[c] from Merton If you have seen the booklet, and I presume you have, you can understand that there is some «detailed view»
Series 1 #9.
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1966/05/13 TNS from Collins, Frederic, Br., O.C.S.O. When I came back from my visit with you I wrote Thomas Merton a note (that is the usual way we mentions Merton's condition recovering from surgery / Collins mentions this note accompanies some of Merton's essays and poems he is sending to Geist, including a "poem while recovering from his operation" (in the file is "With the World in My Bloodstream" and Geist references "The Great Men of Former Times" in a reply, but may have been sent with June 24 note / also in the file are essays, "Love and Solitude," "The Cell," and "Apologies to an Unbeliever") «detailed view»
Series 1 #10.
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1966/06/24 TNS from Collins, Frederic, Br., O.C.S.O. It was good talking to you on the phone just now. I have been trying to reach Jerry Schwartzel Collins mentions sending a poem by Merton and Geist references "The Great Men of Former Times" in his July 12 reply «detailed view»
Series 1 #11.
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1966/06/28 HLS from Pius, Br., O.C.S.O. The book finally showed up. Please check it over and return as soon as possible with your honest sending book sample from the printer for Geist's approval «detailed view»
Series 1 #12.
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1966/07/04 HLS from Collins, Frederic, Br., O.C.S.O. I had B. Raphael type this note as I was getting ready for a business trip to Calif. Father Abbot [brief typed note by Br. M. Raphael, O.C.S.O. with letterhead of Gethsemani Farms, see also letter to Geist of July 28, 1966] plans of Dom James Fox to send Br. Frederic Collins to new Trappist monastery in Santiago, Chile (Monasterio Sta Maria de Miraflores) - Collins first to travel to Trappist monastery at Vina, California (New Clairvaux Abbey) to learn about irrigation «detailed view»
Series 1 #13.
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1966/07/12 HLS to Merton I enjoyed your articles and poems sent to me by Brother Frederic. I like particularly the line "and «detailed view»
Series 1 #14.
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1966/07/28 TLS from Raphael, Br., O.C.S.O. Container Corporation, contrary to our verbal instructions, proceeded to make boxes #900 and 1300 «detailed view»
Series 1 #15.
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1966/07/29 HLS from Collins, Frederic, Br., O.C.S.O. Thanks for your last letter and the invitation to stay at your house. If my present plans work out [writing from Kansas City, Missouri, on letterhead of the Abbey of New Clairvaux, Vina, California] travel through St. Louis / color proof from Lou Garavoglia (sp?) «detailed view»
Series 1 #16.
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1966/08/10 (#01) other from Merton Printed Matter [-] Note enclosed [envelope in Merton's handwriting - seems to be sending "A Christian Looks at Zen" based on Geist's response, but the essay is not extant in the donated collection] «detailed view»
Series 1 #17.
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1966/08/10 (#02) HLS from Pius, Br., O.C.S.O. Thank you for the suggestions on the book. We made all the corrections and they were good ones. book is printed and on its way to bindery «detailed view»
Series 1 #18.
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1966/08/29 HLS to Merton Thanks much for "A CHRISTIAN LOOKS AT ZEN"[.] Who for the prospects and anticipations of «detailed view»
Series 1 #19.
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1966/10/03 HLS from Pius, Br., O.C.S.O. Enclosed is the picture book you worked on some months ago and almost by now forgotten. changes made / comparison to Shirley Burden's "God Is My Life" - "too poetic for me" «detailed view»
Series 1 #20.
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1967/01/25 TLS from Athanasius, Br., O.C.S.O. This is in the nature of a much delayed report on the mailer-brochure used in the 1966 Gethsemani «detailed view»
Series 1 #21.
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1967/02/13 TLS from Athanasius, Br., O.C.S.O. Thank you for your letter and the photographs, and miscellaneous material relating to the 1966 «detailed view»
Series 1 #22.
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1968/01/01 TALS from Merton Christmas mail was an avalanche this year: it always is, but more so in 1967. News from friends [circulaor letter to "Friends" (see also "Circular Letters" file) labeled "NEW YEAR'S LETTER 1968"] «detailed view»

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