This large and important group of letters between two priests and writers is crucial in understanding Merton's interest in Latin America and how his view was developed and changed through interaction with Cardenal. Merton dreamed of founding an experimental community in Latin America, so when Cardenal had the opportunity to do just that at Solentiname, Merton gave his advice. Through contact with Cardenal, Merton more fully appreciates the poverty and hardships of the people of Nicaragua, but also their spiritual wealth compared to the Superpowers of the world at the time. This correspondence helps shape what Merton thought a religious community's role could be or should be in relation to the world.
Most letters by Cardenal are original, signed letters. Merton's letters are carbon copies or photocopies, except one that was accidentally sent back to Merton by Cardenal.
Ernesto Cardenal was a poet and priest from Nicaragua who had studied as a novice under Merton at Gethsemani from 1957-1959. While in seminary in Cuernavaca, Mexico, in 1959, Cardenal began a correspondence with Merton. Cardenal later returned to his native country to found a contemplative lay community called Our Lady of Solentiname on an island in Lake Nicaragua. Founded as an artistic community, it became more involved with the plight of the poor in the region. After Cardenal allied himself with the Sandinistas, his community was destroyed by government forces 1977. (Source: The Thomas Merton Encyclopedia, p. 41; ).
All Cardinal letters to and from Merton (except 1959/10/27; see memo in item description) are published in Del Monasterio al Mundo (republished by Trotta in 2003 as Thomas Merton-Ernesto Cardenal: Correspondencia (1959-1968)); most letters from Merton to Cardenal are published in English in The Courage for Truth; see also two other published letters from Merton to Cardenal in Witness to Freedom. Some of the early letters on both sides of the correspondence, translated into English, can be found in The Merton Annual #8.
If the person in correspondence with Merton has full text records in the Merton Center Digital Collections, there will be a numeric link to them below.
Click icons for links: ✓="Published | Library Record", ✉="Scanned" | 🗷="Scanned, Viewable Only at Merton Center"
# | Date | From/To | First Lines | Pub ✓ | Notes |
| y/m/d | Merton | | Scan ✉ | |
1. |
Series 1: 1959/08/09 |
TALS to Merton |
Estoy racien llegado a Mexico porque mi viaje tardó una semana. Había unos errores en el itinerario |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
2. |
Series 1: 1959/08/11 |
HLS[x] from Merton |
Ayer en la fiesta de San Lorenzo [Cardenal se llamó Hno. Lawrence en el monasterio] he rezado mucho |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
3. |
Series 1: 1959/08/17 |
TALS[x] from Merton |
Thank you for your letter. I was relieved to hear you ha [sic] finally arrived, because I thought |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
4. |
Series 1: 1959/08/25 |
HLS to Merton |
Hoy día de San Luis es un segundo día en Cuernavaca. La no che antes de |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
5. |
Series 1: 1959/09/05 |
TLS to Merton |
Le envío algunos poemas de Gethsemani, copiados a toda prisa. Los tenía allá en apuntes, y aquí |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
6. |
Series 1: 1959/09/12 |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Not only have I received two good letters from you but a charming one also from your dear |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [clearer copy scanned by University of Texas at Austin, 2016 - previously held faded copy]
«detailed view» |
7. |
Series 1: 1959/10/08 |
TALS[c] from Merton |
I have received very good news from Dom Gregorio in Rome. He has seen Father Larraona and it seems |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [only handwritten note published in Courage for Truth because earlier photocopy was missing text on the right-hand side of the letter - it was later found in its entirety and published in Witness to Freedom - also published in English translation in The Merton Annual, Volume 8 (1995)]
«detailed view» |
8. |
Series 1: 1959/10/17 |
TLS to Merton |
Acabo de recibir su carta estupenda, que me ha dado una gran alegría. Estoy contentísimo |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
9. |
Series 1: 1959/10/17 |
HLS[x] from Merton |
I am in the hospital for a few days, but it is only question of a minor operation, and everything |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
10. |
Series 1: 1959/10/24 |
TLS[x] from Merton |
I got your letter of the 17th safely yesterday when I returned from the hospital, so everything is |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
11. |
Series 1: 1959/10/27 |
HLS to Merton |
Acabo de recibir su carta del 24, y tambien he recibido la que me escribió del hospital. |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
12. |
Series 1: 1959/11/18 |
TLS[x] from Merton |
When your letter arrived three, or maybe two weeks ago, Father Abbot made a lot of difficulty about |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
13. |
Series 1: 1959/11/24 (#01) |
HLS[x] from Merton |
I told Fr Abbot I would write you a conscience matter letter and did so at Gethsemani but I don't |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
14. |
Series 1: 1959/11/24 (#02) |
transcript from Merton |
I told Fr Abbot I would write you a conscience matter letter and did so at Gethsemani but I don't |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [transcription of a bad photocopy and difficult handwriting]
«detailed view» |
15. |
Series 1: 1959/12/17 |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Fr Prior has given me permission to write Dom Gregorio in the absence of Rev. Father and this is my |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
16. |
Series 1: 1960/03/11 |
TLS to Merton |
Esta carta es para darle noticias sobre la publicación de su libro de poemas en la Universidad |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
17. |
Series 1: 1961/02/27 |
TLS to Merton |
The University of Mexico has already printed my translations of your poems, and I have sent to you, |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
18. |
Series 1: 1961/03/11 |
TLS[x] from Merton |
I have received all the copies of the Poemas and also the money you sent has been received |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
19. |
Series 1: 1961/07/no? |
TALS[x] from Merton |
The death of Hemingway was announced in the monastery. I presume you know about it. If Pablo |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
20. |
Series 1: 1961/08/16 |
HLS[x] from Merton |
I don’t know if I sent you this poem on Auschwitz- I think not, only the Hemmingway one. |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
21. |
Series 1: 1961/08/30 |
TLS to Merton |
Thanks for your Elegy to Hemingway and your CHANT that you sent me. Both are very good. |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
22. |
Series 1: 1961/09/11 |
TLS[x] from Merton |
It was very good to hear from you, and I am grateful to you for translating the Hemingway poem. |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
23. |
Series 1: 1961/09/30 |
TALS to Merton |
Thank you for your very good letter, and the 2 poems that you sent me (both of them are very |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
24. |
Series 1: 1961/10/14 |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Recently I sent you several copies of the Letter to Pablo Antonio for Frankl and your other friends. |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
25. |
Series 1: 1961/11/20 (#01) |
HLS[x] from Merton |
Thanks for your fine letter -- I will write at length soon. This is just to say that I have sent |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [clearer copy sent by University of Texas at Austin, 2016]
«detailed view» |
26. |
Series 1: 1961/11/20 (#02) |
transcript from Merton |
Thanks for your fine letter -- I will write at length soon. This is just to say that I have sent |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [transcript and notes by R. D. F. Pring-Mill]
«detailed view» |
27. |
Series 1: 1961/12/24 |
TALS[x] from Merton |
Though I do not have any definite news yet about the poems, I want to write to you now because |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
28. |
Series 1: 1961/no/no |
HLS[x] to Merton and Ernesto Cardenal |
Muy querido en Xto: el día siquiente de remitirles mi libro de poemas tuve que salir huyeudo |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [From Pablo Antonio Cuadra (see “Cuadra” file for original) / Addressed: "A Fray Lawrence y a Fray Louis María (Merton)," i.e., to Br. Lawrence (Ernesto Cardenal's name while at the Abbey of Gethsemani) and to Br. Louis (Thomas Merton's monastic name was Louis and all Trappists take the second name in honor of Mary)]
«detailed view» |
29. |
Series 1: 1962/03/04 |
TLS to Merton |
Aquí estoy ahora en el seminario de vocaciones tardías en Colombia, en un lugar muy bello entre |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
30. |
Series 1: 1962/05/16 (#01) |
TALS[x] from Merton |
A letter which arrived the other day from Fr Garcia at the Seminary in Managua reminded me that I |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
31. |
Series 1: 1962/05/16 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
A letter which arrived the other day from Fr Garcia at the Seminary in Managua reminded me that I |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
32. |
Series 1: 1962/05/22 (#01) |
TAL[x] from Merton |
Yesterday your essay on Alfonso arrived and last evening I read the first few pages. It is most |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
33. |
Series 1: 1962/05/22 (#02) |
TALS[x] from Merton |
Yesterday your essay on Alfonso arrived and last evening I read the first few pages. It is most |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
34. |
Series 1: 1962/05/31 |
TALS to Merton |
Me ha alegrado muchísimo recibir las dos últimas cartas suyas, muy buenas cartas. Me alegra mucho |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
35. |
Series 1: 1962/06/07 |
HLS[x] from Merton |
I will answer your fine letter in a few days. I am sending you copies of the letter and list I am |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
36. |
Series 1: 1962/07/02 |
TLS to Merton |
Acabo de regresar de Bogotá, lo que ha sido una experiencia interesante. Es una ciudad con mucho |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
37. |
Series 1: 1962/08/17 |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Thank you for your letter and the copy of the letter from Sudamericana. I have been very busy |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
38. |
Series 1: 1962/09/16 |
TLS[x] from Merton |
A couple of new developments. First I have arranged with Sudamericana that they are to publish |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
39. |
Series 1: 1962/09/24 |
TLS to Merton |
Acabo de recibir su carta del 16 y me alegra que se hava arreglado ya la publicación |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
40. |
Series 1: 1962/09/no? (#01) |
HLS[x] from Merton |
Here are the translations of Alfonso that I have done. I think I will probably get them |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [undated - belongs between 1962/09/16 and 1962/10/03]
«detailed view» |
41. |
Series 1: 1962/09/no? (#02) |
transcript from Merton |
Here are the translations of Alfonso that I have done. I think I will probably get them |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [transcription by R. D. F. Pring-Mill]
«detailed view» |
42. |
Series 1: 1962/10/03 |
TLS to Merton |
Acabo de recibir las traducciones de Alfonso, y están magistrales; perfectamente bien dado |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
43. |
Series 1: 1962/11/08 |
TLS to Merton |
Recibí su impresionante y terrible BREAKTHROUGH TO PEACE, más impresionante en estos últimos |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
44. |
Series 1: 1962/11/17 (#01) |
TAL[c] from Merton |
Today your package and letter arrived, and I will carry out my intention to write to you finally. |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
45. |
Series 1: 1962/11/17 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Today your package and letter arrived, and I will carry out my intention to write to you finally. |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
46. |
Series 1: 1962/11/17 (#03) |
TAL[c] from Merton |
In my other letter I said nothing about the clippings you sent, except in a general way, the remarks |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
47. |
Series 1: 1962/11/17 (#04) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
In my other letter I said nothing about the clippings you sent, except in a general way, the remarks |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
48. |
Series 1: 1962/12/22 |
TLS to Merton |
Muchas gracias por sus dos bellas cartas escritas el mismo día del mes pasado. Me alegra |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
49. |
Series 1: 1963/02/25 (#01) |
TAL[c] from Merton |
First of all, I want to say that I have translated a few selections from your Gethsemani Ky and |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
50. |
Series 1: 1963/02/25 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
First of all, I want to say that I have translated a few selections from your Gethsemani Ky |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
51. |
Series 1: 1963/02/27 |
TLS to Merton |
Desde hace algunos días estoy de regreso en el seminario, empezando mi segundo año de teología |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
52. |
Series 1: 1963/03/13 |
TLS to Merton |
He recibido su carta y las traducciones de mis poemas, que me parecen admirablemente hechas, |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
53. |
Series 1: 1963/04/08 |
TALS[x] from Merton |
Thanks for your lastletter [sic] with the fine new poems of Alfonse. They seem to me to be among |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
54. |
Series 1: 1963/05/21 |
TLS to Merton |
En su carta de Abril 8 me hablaba Ud. de que iba a ser publicado su poema sobre Alfonso. Espero |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
55. |
Series 1: 1963/05/29 |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Thank you for your letter and for the excellent new poem: when will all these poems be out in book |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
56. |
Series 1: 1963/07/17 |
TLS to Merton |
He estado en Bogotá, pasando unas vacaciones nuestras de 20 días y me he puesto en contacto allí |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
57. |
Series 1: 1963/08/01 |
TLS[x] from Merton |
I think you know Cintio Vitier, in Cuba ( Figueroa 358/ Prto Mendoza,/ La Habana) |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
58. |
Series 1: 1963/09/15 |
TLS to Merton |
Recibí su carta de agosto 1, con la copia de la carta para Cintio, la cual le envié. Es amigo mío y |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
59. |
Series 1: 1963/10/no? |
TAL[c] from Merton |
Your letter of Sept. 15 arrived while I was in the hospital, and more recently the box of magazines |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
60. |
Series 1: 1963/11/13 |
TLS to Merton |
En esta semana salimos de vacaciones, casi por tres meses, y yo voy a pasarlas a Nicaragua (hasta |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
61. |
Series 1: 1963/11/23 (#01) |
TAL[c] from Merton |
Your letter arrived just after I had sent one to you at La Ceja. Perhaps it will be forwarded |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
62. |
Series 1: 1963/11/23 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Your letter arrived just after I had sent one to you at La Ceja. Perhaps it will be forwarded |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
63. |
Series 1: 1963/11/23 (#03) |
transcript from Merton |
Your letter arrived just after I had sent one to you at La Ceja. Perhaps it will be forwarded |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [transcript by R. D. F. Pring-Mill]
«detailed view» |
64. |
Series 1: 1963/12/22 |
TLS to Merton |
Muchas gracias por su carta de Nov. 23 que recibí aquí en Nicaragua. Mi visita a los indios Cunas |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
65. |
Series 1: 1964/02/29 |
TLS to Merton |
Al regresar al seminario encontré aquí la copia del libro sobre ARTE SAGRADO que Ud. me envió, |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
66. |
Series 1: 1964/03/10 (#01) |
TAL[c] from Merton |
I was glad to get your letter and your new piece, the Letter to an Indigena Paez, which is simply |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
67. |
Series 1: 1964/03/10 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
I was glad to get your letter and your new piece, the Letter to an Indigena Paez, which is simply |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
68. |
Series 1: 1964/05/08 (#01) |
TAL[c] from Merton |
A letter from Coronel tells me that you and he are getting down to the project of translations |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
69. |
Series 1: 1964/05/08 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
A letter from Coronel tells me that you and he are getting down to the project of translations |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
70. |
Series 1: 1964/05/16 |
TLS to Merton |
Gracias por su última y muy buena carta que acabo de recibir. Coronel también me escribió y está |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
71. |
Series 1: 1964/07/12 |
TAL[c] from Merton |
It is a long time since I have written and I do not remember whether I answered yours of May 16th. |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
72. |
Series 1: 1964/07/20 |
TLS to Merton |
Ahora en este mes hemos tenido unas vacaciones de medio curso y las aproveché para un viaje |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
73. |
Series 1: 1964/09/26 (#01) |
TAL[c] from Merton |
James Anderson, editor of Charlatan, wants me to relay to you the information that he is accepting |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
74. |
Series 1: 1964/09/26 (#02) |
TALS[x] from Merton |
James Anderson, editor of Charlatan, wants me to relay to you the information that he is accepting |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
75. |
Series 1: 1964/10/05 |
TLS to Merton |
He recibido su carta de Sept. 26 con el bello poema de la niñita de Alabama con su muñeca, muy bello |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
76. |
Series 1: 1964/11/14 |
HLS to Merton |
Muchas gracias por los bellos dibujos que recibí, dicen muchas cosas si uno los contempla |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
77. |
Series 1: 1964/11/no? |
transcript from Merton |
Muchas gracias por tu carta. Me sorprendió y conmovió el número maravilloso de La Prensa |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [no date - photocopy from published letters - Spanish translation from English original]
«detailed view» |
78. |
Series 1: 1964/12/24 (#01) |
TLS from Merton |
It is Christmas eve, and I don't know when I will have time to do anything after Christmas, |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
79. |
Series 1: 1964/12/24 (#02) |
TL[c] from Merton |
It is Christmas eve, and I don't know when I will have time to do anything after Christmas, |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
80. |
Series 1: 1965/01/28 |
TLS to Merton |
Muchas gracias por su carta que me escribió en Navidad aquí a Nicaragua. Pronto me vuelvo |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
81. |
Series 1: 1965/02/08 (#01) |
TL[c] from Merton |
The other day I was very happy to get a letter from you, but when I looked inside I found my own |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
82. |
Series 1: 1965/02/08 (#02) |
TALS[x] from Merton |
The other day I was very happy to get a letter from you, but when I looked inside I found my own |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
83. |
Series 1: 1965/03/02 (#01) |
TLS[x] from Merton to Pablo Antonio Cuadra |
First of all I want to congratulate you for the Ruben Dario prize: Jose Coronel told me about this, |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
84. |
Series 1: 1965/03/02 (#02) |
transcript from Merton to Pablo Antonio Cuadra |
First of all I want to congratulate you for the Ruben Dario prize: Jose Coronel told me about this, |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [transcribed by R. D. F. Pring-Mill]
«detailed view» |
85. |
Series 1: 1965/04/24 (#01) |
TL[c] from Merton |
Thanks for your letter. Iam [sic] relieved that there is nothing behind that inquiry from |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
86. |
Series 1: 1965/04/24 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Thanks for your letter. Iam [sic] relieved that there is nothing behind that inquiry from |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
87. |
Series 1: 1965/04/30 |
TLS to Merton |
Gracias por su carta de Abril 24 que acabo de recibir. Acabo de recibir también carta de mi Obispo |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
88. |
Series 1: 1965/05/10 (#01) |
TL[c] from Merton |
Thanks for your letter. I was able to get the photograph without trouble or delay and I hope it |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
89. |
Series 1: 1965/05/10 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Thanks for your letter. I was unable to get the photograph without trouble or delay and I hope |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
90. |
Series 1: 1965/08/07 |
TALS to Merton |
Mucha emoción me da comunicarle que dentro de una semana, el 15 de Agosto, es la fecha |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
91. |
Series 1: 1965/08/15 (#01) |
TL[c] from Merton |
Today, the day of your ordination, I am especially thinking of you, and as we concelebrate at |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
92. |
Series 1: 1965/08/15 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Today, the day of your ordination, I am especially thinking of you, and as we concelebrate at |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
93. |
Series 1: 1965/08/24 |
TLS to Merton |
Ya soy sacerdote, gracias a la Virgen María que me vino llevando de la mano hasta hacerme recibir |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
94. |
Series 1: 1965/10/22 (#01) |
TL[c] from Merton |
It seems to me that the extraordinary interest of so many Christians of Nicaragua in a contemplative |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [enclosed with letters to Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Paul Philippe]
«detailed view» |
95. |
Series 1: 1965/10/22 (#02) |
TL[c] from Merton to Paul Philippe |
No one ignores the crucial importance of promoting the contemplative life in Latin America today. |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [to Archbishop Paul Philippe, enclosed with letter to Ernesto Cardenal of the same date, but not delivered to Archbishop Philippe as planned]
«detailed view» |
96. |
Series 1: 1965/10/22 (#03) |
TL[c] from Merton to Pope Paul VI |
This letter will be presented to you by a delegation of faithful Catholics from Nicaragua in Central |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [to Pope Paul VI, enclosed with letter to Ernesto Cardenal of the same date, but not delivered to Pope Paul VI as planned]
«detailed view» |
97. |
Series 1: 1965/11/17 |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Here are the pictures of your crucifix. I think they are likely to make very good reproductions. |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
98. |
Series 1: 1965/12/15 |
HLS[x] from Merton |
I am writing you this letter from Louisville because I am not sure if we are still fully |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
99. |
Series 1: 1966/01/08 |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Many thanks for your letter and card. I was impressed by all your good words on Solentiname |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
100. |
Series 1: 1966/01/18 |
HLS[x] from Merton |
I want to send off this note to you before the retreat begins (this evening). Thanks for your card |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
101. |
Series 1: 1966/02/05 (#01) |
TL[c] from Merton |
First I want to thank you for the coffee which arrived safely. It is really excellent and I like it |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
102. |
Series 1: 1966/02/05 (#02) |
TALS[x] from Merton |
First I want to thank you for the coffee which arrived safely. It is really excellent and I like it |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
103. |
Series 1: 1966/02/22 |
TLS to Merton |
Ya tenemos 10 días de estar en Solentiname, maravillosos días, un poco incómodos y naturalmente |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
104. |
Series 1: 1966/04/09? |
HLS[x] from Merton |
I am just getting out of the hospital today after a major operation on the back. I think it was |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
105. |
Series 1: 1966/06/20 |
TLS to Merton |
Allí van unas fotos de Nuestra Señora de Solentiname. Todavía estamos con bastante trabajo |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
106. |
Series 1: 1966/07/03 (#01) |
TL[c] from Merton |
It was fine to get your letter and to see the fine photos of Solentiname. You really have an ideal |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
107. |
Series 1: 1966/07/03 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
It was fine to get your letter and to see the fine photos of Solentiname. You really have an ideal |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
108. |
Series 1: 1966/10/14 (#01) |
TL[c] from Merton |
I received your letter only the other day, so it took an unusually long time to reach me. I want |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
109. |
Series 1: 1966/10/14 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
I received your letter only the other day, so it took an unusually long time to reach me. I want |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
110. |
Series 1: 1966/11/20 |
TALS to Merton |
Muchas gracias por su carta muy simpática, muy bella y muy orientadora con respecto al respecto |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
111. |
Series 1: 1966/11/26 |
TLS[x] from Merton |
I have been thinking very much of you and of Solentimane. I am sure the beginnings are slow but that |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
112. |
Series 1: 1967/01/02 (#01) |
TL[c] from Merton |
Happy New Year. What is new? I am sending a couple of things you might be interested in. |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
113. |
Series 1: 1967/01/02 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Happy New Year. What is new? I am sending a couple of things you might be interested in. |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
114. |
Series 1: 1967/03/11 (#01) |
TL[c] from Merton |
Already some time has gone by since I received your letter. I have had to go to the hospital again, |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
115. |
Series 1: 1967/03/11 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Already some time has gone by since I received your letter. I have had to go to the hospital again, |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
116. |
Series 1: 1967/04/15 |
TLS to Merton |
Muchas gracias por su buena carta de marzo 11, y agradezco mucho sus cartas sobre todo por saber |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
117. |
Series 1: 1967/07/28 (#01) |
TL[c] from Merton |
Yesterday a copy of the German edition of your Psalms came in, and reminded me that it is a very |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
118. |
Series 1: 1967/07/28 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Yesterday a copy of the German edition of your Psalms came in, and reminded me that it is a very |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
119. |
Series 1: 1967/08/14 |
TLS to Merton |
Me alegró mucho recibir su carta de Julio 28, y estoy de acuerdo con Ud. en que no importa por ahora |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
120. |
Series 1: 1968/03/05 |
TALS to Merton |
Hace ya mucho que le escribí la última vez y no he recibido carta suya, no sé si por la cantidad |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
121. |
Series 1: 1968/03/15 (#01) |
TL[c] from Merton |
Many thanks for your letter of the 5th. I think there must be something wrong with the mail. |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
122. |
Series 1: 1968/03/15 (#02) |
TLS[x] from Merton |
Many thanks for your letter of the 5th. I think there must be something wrong with the mail. |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
123. |
Series 1: 1968/07/21 |
TAL[x] from Merton |
I have been meaning for a long time to write you a decent letter. There are several reasons |
✓ |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
124. |
Series 1: undated/no/no (#01) |
other |
Solentiname. |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [seemingly a sketch of the islands of Solentiname by Merton, Cardenal or someone else - labeled "Solentiname" in pen in Merton's handwriting]
«detailed view» |
125. |
Series 1: undated/no/no (#02) |
HNS[x] from Merton |
+for Ernesto Cardenal - in union of prayer for the abolition of all war. f m Louis. |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [Merton's inscription on a printed copy of "Original Child Bomb"]
«detailed view» |
126. |
Series 1: undated/no/no (#03) |
other[x] |
Un infante original [-] 1. "En el año 1945 nacio un niño infante original. |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [Cardenal's handwritten translation, with corrections, of Merton's "Original Child Bomb"]
«detailed view» |
127. |
Series 1: undated/no/no (#04) |
other[x] |
DRAKE IN THE SOUTHER SEA- by Ernesto Cardenal (For Rafael Heliodoro Valle) [-] I set out from |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [Merton's typed translation, with handwritten corrections, of Cardenal's "Drake en la Mar del Sur"]
«detailed view» |
128. |
Series 1: undated/no/no (#05) |
other[x] |
UNA PREGUNTA AL MONJE MERTON [-] Algunas linea del poeta y monje trapense Thomas, Tom Merton, |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence...
«detailed view» |
129. |
Series 1: undated/no/no (#06) |
other[x] |
LA MONTANA DEL BUEY (PARABOLA DE MENG TZU) por Thomas Merton Presentación |
Series 1: Merton-Cardenal Correspondence... [Cardenal's translation of Merton's "The Ox Mountain Parable of Meng Tzu"]
«detailed view» |
130. |
Series 2: 1947/12/31 |
TLS[x] to Cuadra, Pablo Antonio |
Te escribo esta breve carta de año nuevo para saber algo de ustedes, ya que desde que me vine no he |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others...
«detailed view» |
131. |
Series 2: 1956/08/23 |
TLS[x] from Fox, James |
We received you very kind letter of July 31, in regard to entering a Trappist Monastery. |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... details about Cardenal entering the novitiate at Gethsemani Abbey - mention to Cardenal that Merton was an alumnus of Columbia University and that he is "something of a poet"
«detailed view» |
132. |
Series 2: 1956/no/no |
TLS[x] from Finnian, Br., O.C.S.O. |
Enclosed you will find a letter from Fr. M. Louis, the Master of the Choir Novices. |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... details about Cardenal entering the novitiate at Gethsemani Abbey - mention to Cardenal that Merton was an alumnus of Columbia University
«detailed view» |
133. |
Series 2: 1957/06/02 |
HLS[x] from Coronel Urtecho, José |
Mi hermoso domingo este, en que Dios me ha favorecido con una carta suya, |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
134. |
Series 2: 1958/04/10 |
TLS[x] to Cuadra, Pablo Antonio |
Me tiene muy intrigado que no me contestan mis amigos. Ni Coronel ni Carlos ni Mejía ni el P. Angel |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others...
«detailed view» |
135. |
Series 2: 1958/05/19 |
TLS[x] to Cuadra, Pablo Antonio |
El P. Louis me ha dado tu carta que nos escribiste de New Orleans y cuanto me |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
136. |
Series 2: 1958/12/25? |
TC[x] to Cuadra, Pablo Antonio |
Recibimos LA PRENSA y los 2 libritos que estan magnificos. Te felicito. Envianos todos los demas que |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton - Merton's interest in Cuadra's anthology of indigenous poetry - Thomas Merton's "Tower of Babel"
«detailed view» |
137. |
Series 2: 1959/10/04 |
TALS from Cuadra, Pablo Antonio |
Querido Ernesto: contesto tu carta con mucho retraso porque he estado enfermo con un Dengue |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others...
«detailed view» |
138. |
Series 2: 1959/10/29 |
HLS[x] to Cuadra, Pablo Antonio |
Recibí tu carta con las ilustraciones. Las ilustraciones me parecen estupendas |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
139. |
Series 2: 1959/12/11 |
TLS[x] from Laughlin, James |
Thank you for your letters of October 29th and December 6th. I feel very guilty that I have not |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
140. |
Series 2: 1960/05/13 |
TLS[x] from Cuadra, Pablo Antonio |
al lado izquierdo te copio el sumario o plano del prmer numero de la revista que voy a comenzar |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... reference to Merton
«detailed view» |
141. |
Series 2: 1961/04/08 |
TLS[x] from Cuadra, Pablo Antonio |
estoy sumamente preocupado por el atraso del ensayo del Hn.Antonino; falla que me toma cuando estoy |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... reference to Merton
«detailed view» |
142. |
Series 2: 1961/04/27 |
HLS[x] from Coronel Urtecho, José |
He estado todo este tiempo para poder |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
143. |
Series 2: 1961/10/12 |
TLS[x] from Laughlin, James |
I feel most ashamed of myself to have let such a long time drift by without writing you, especially |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others...
«detailed view» |
144. |
Series 2: 1961/11/15 |
TL[x] from Laughlin, James |
Thank you so much for your letters of October 14th and November 7th. I had not realized that you |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... [missing a page or pages, first page only] references to Merton
«detailed view» |
145. |
Series 2: 1961/11/19 |
HLS[x] from Lax, Robert |
Thanks very much for your letter and kind words about the book - I'm very glad that you liked |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... [letterhead of Pax] references to Merton
«detailed view» |
146. |
Series 2: 1962/05/20 |
HLS[x] from Frankl, Howard |
Thank you for your letter of April 6. I am so glad that you are happy in the seminary. I want you |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... reference to Merton
«detailed view» |
147. |
Series 2: 1962/05/20 |
TL[x] from Frankl, Howard |
Thank you for your letter of April 6. I am so glad that you are happy in the seminary. I want you |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... reference to Merton's New Seeds of Contemplation
«detailed view» |
148. |
Series 2: 1962/06/06 |
TALS[x] from Paz, Octavio |
Tu carta me alegró me entristeció. Conocía la situación de Martínez Rivas. Le escribí proponiéndole |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Victoria Ocampo and Sur - no reference to Merton
«detailed view» |
149. |
Series 2: 1962/09/25 |
TLS[x] from Laughlin, James |
I'm afraid I have been very bad again about not writing to you. Life just seems to be far too busy, |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
150. |
Series 2: 1963/06/27 |
TLS[x] from Laughlin, James |
I hope that this letter will find you in good health and spirits. Except for the best of summer, |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
151. |
Series 2: 1963/07/17 |
TLS[x] from Grinberg, Miguel |
Vuelo, poco tiempo, ha salido para allíel 5o Eco con uno de tus salmos (34), |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... reference to Merton
«detailed view» |
152. |
Series 2: 1963/11/27 |
TLS[x] from Grinberg, Miguel |
Me he portado un poco mal contigo, te he dado silencio y sin embargo llegaban tus cartas, |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... reference to Merton
«detailed view» |
153. |
Series 2: 1964/01/06 |
TLS[x] from Laughlin, James |
I am pleased to report that Father Merton's new books of poems, "Emblems of a Season of Fury," has |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
154. |
Series 2: 1964/01/15 |
TALS[x] from Grinberg, Miguel |
Un abrazo- Muy complicado todo esto pero sigo adelante. |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Henry Miller and Thomas Merton
«detailed view» |
155. |
Series 2: 1966/05/03 |
other from Cortés, Alfonso |
Al Padre Ernesto Cardenal. ( en su retiro de Solentiname). [-] Con paz contesto tu parta, padre, |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... [poem written for Ernesto Cardenal by Alfonso Cortés - see original in "Cortés, Alfonso" file]
«detailed view» |
156. |
Series 2: 1968/12/13 |
TLS[x] from Laughlin, James |
No doubt you will have heard the sad and dreadful news of Father Merton's death in faraway Bangkok. |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
157. |
Series 2: 1968/12/16 |
HLS[x] from Coronel Urtecho, José |
Ja se imagina cómo me |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
158. |
Series 2: 1968/12/18 |
HLS[x] from Coronel Urtecho, José |
Su carta en que me |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
159. |
Series 2: 1969/04/25 |
TALS[x] from Day, Dorothy |
Thank you for your delightful letter. How good to think of the CW being read on an island in Lake |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... her grandchildren reading Thomas Merton and "Zen Catholicism"
«detailed view» |
160. |
Series 2: 1969/08/16 |
HLS[x] from Day, Dorothy |
I'm to be in Honduras and Guatamala [sic] next Jan. or Feb. and maybe I can see you. |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... reference to her grandchildren attending Woodstock Music Festival
«detailed view» |
161. |
Series 2: 1969/09/04 |
TLS[x] from Laughlin, James |
I must indeed apologize for letting such a long time run by without thanking you for your letter |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
162. |
Series 2: 1971/06/03 |
TLS[x] from Laughlin, James |
I want to thank you so much for sending me your recent book, and also the magazine which contains |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
163. |
Series 2: 1972/06/07 |
TLS[x] from Laughlin, James |
I do hope that this finds you well, and that your work is bringing you much satisfaction. |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
164. |
Series 2: 1974/11/08 |
TLS[x] from Bailey, Raymond |
Please forgive this intrusion into your valuable time; I shall be as brief as possible. Doubleday |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others...
«detailed view» |
165. |
Series 2: 1975/06/03 |
HLS[x] from Kocka, David |
Greetings from another land. I feel most clumsy in writing this letter to you as I have only met |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
166. |
Series 2: 1977/01/22 |
other |
Letters from Thomas Merton Notes based on photocopies kindly made available to R.D.F. Pring- |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... [notes / synopsis by R. D. F. Pring-Mill of letters from Merton to Cardenal - see letters with the source as "Cardenal, Ernesto" for included letters, and ones marked "Pring-Mill, R. D. F." for some transcriptions of those difficult to read or in Spanish]
«detailed view» |
167. |
Series 2: 1981/04/18 |
HLS[x] from Coronel Urtecho, José |
Tus buenas líneas y la Canto I de tu poema cósmico, y la biografía de Merton y la revista |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
168. |
Series 2: 1996/10/29 (#01) |
TLS[x] to Hart, Patrick |
Cuando yo iba a fundar mi comunidad de Solentiname el P. Merton me ofreció que nos escribiría |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others...
«detailed view» |
169. |
Series 2: 1996/10/29 (#02) |
transcript to Hart, Patrick |
When I was founding my community at Solentiname, Fr. Merton offered to write us a Spiritual |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... [English translation of 1996/10/29 letter]
«detailed view» |
170. |
Series 2: undated/01/18 |
TL[x] to Griffin, John Howard |
Perdone que no le haya escrito antes. Se me hacia doloroso escribir sobre Merton. Su muerte es |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... reflections on Merton's death and Merton's significance to Cardenal - 2 photocopies, one with annotations
«detailed view» |
171. |
Series 2: undated/no/no (#01) |
TLS[x] from Cuadra, Pablo Antonio / to Constantino Lacayo Fiallos |
estoy sumamente preocupado por el atraso del ensayo del Hn.Antonino; falla que me toma cuando estoy |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... [from Cuadra to Constantino Lacayo Fiallos of Bogota, Colombia - letterhead of La Prensa, Managua, Nicaragua] references to Merton
«detailed view» |
172. |
Series 2: undated/no/no (#02) |
TLS[x] from Cuadra, Pablo Antonio |
te escribo ante todo para decirte que tu poema ORACION POR MARILYN es extraordinario: |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... [letterhead of La Prensa, Managua, Nicaragua] references to Merton
«detailed view» |
173. |
Series 2: undated/no/no (#03) |
TLS[x] from Cuadra, Pablo Antonio |
Aprovecho el viaje de Rolando para contestar tu última carta. La anterior de que me hablas, junto |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... [letterhead of La Prensa, Managua, Nicaragua] references to Merton
«detailed view» |
174. |
Series 2: undated/no/no (#04) |
TLS[x] from Cuadra, Pablo Antonio |
estoy llegando de Europa y quiero informate rápida y esquemáticamente de lo que hice. |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... [letterhead of La Prensa, Managua, Nicaragua] references to Merton
«detailed view» |
175. |
Series 2: undated/no/no (#05) |
TLS[x] from Cuadra, Pablo Antonio |
José Coronel me mandó una larga carta, entusiasta y hermosa como todo lo dél, sobre la revista. |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... [letterhead of El pez y la serpiente] references to Merton
«detailed view» |
176. |
Series 2: undated/no/no (#06) |
TLS[x] from Cuadra, Pablo Antonio |
Le remite para su artículo en la GACETA dos fotografías. Una de Joaquín Pasos que debes conservar-- |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... [letterhead of El pez y la serpiente] reference to Merton
«detailed view» |
177. |
Series 2: undated/no/no (#07) |
TLS[x] from Cuadra, Pablo Antonio |
Por medio de Toto Lacayo te hago llegar 'con la prudencia del caso- la adjunta carta (fotocopia) |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton as "T.M."
«detailed view» |
178. |
Series 2: undated/no/no (#08) |
HLS[x] from Coronel Urtecho, José |
Por alguna razon que no acabo de |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
179. |
Series 2: undated/no/no (#09) |
TL[x] from Coronel Urtecho, José |
Tus buenas líneas y el Canto I de tu poema Cósmico, y la biografía de Merton y la revista de poesía |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
180. |
Series 2: undated/no/no (#10) |
HLS[x] from Lax, Robert |
I am looking forward to Estaciones and your translation which Father Louis says is wonderful. |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... [letterhead of Jubilee] references to Merton
«detailed view» |
181. |
Series 2: undated/no/no (#11) |
HLS[x] from Lax, Robert |
Father Merton had sent Estaciones but it was hidden in the office. Now I've found it and am |
Series 2: Correspondence between Cardenal and others... [letterhead of Jubilee] references to Merton
«detailed view» |
182. |
Series 3: 1957/05/09 |
HLS[x] to Cardenal, Rodolfo and family |
No pueden imaginarse que [..] más feliz! Hagan de ceuenta exactamente en |
Series 3: Correspondence between Cardenal and his family... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
183. |
Series 3: 1957/05/16 |
HLS[x] to Martinez Urtecho de Cardenal, Esmeralda |
Querida mamá: Este es mi tercer día en el noviciado. Necesitaría muchos página para relatar todas |
Series 3: Correspondence between Cardenal and his family... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
184. |
Series 3: 1957/06/12 |
HLS[x] to Martinez Urtecho de Cardenal, Esmeralda |
Querida mamá: Hoy se me cumple un mes de haber entrado al noviciado y quiero |
Series 3: Correspondence between Cardenal and his family... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
185. |
Series 3: 1957/06/24 |
HLS[x] to Cardenal, Rodolfo and family |
El P. Louis [..] ha dado la impliación de esta fotographía |
Series 3: Correspondence between Cardenal and his family... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
186. |
Series 3: 1957/08/15 |
HLS[x] to Cardenal, Rodolfo and family |
Esta mañana en el desayuno todos en el monasterio hemos |
Series 3: Correspondence between Cardenal and his family... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
187. |
Series 3: 1957/12/27 |
TLS[x] to Cardenal, Rodolfo and family |
Muy felices Pascuas para todos. En cuanto a las mías, no se imaginan lo felices que son |
Series 3: Correspondence between Cardenal and his family... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
188. |
Series 3: 1958/04/07 |
TLS[x] to Cardenal, Rodolfo and family |
Hasta how Lunes de Pascua nos han dado las cartas para que el Domingo de Resurrección lo pudiéramos |
Series 3: Correspondence between Cardenal and his family... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
189. |
Series 3: 1958/08/15 |
TLS[x] to Cardenal, Rodolfo and family |
Comienzo a escribirles hoy día de la Asunción sin haber recibido aun carta de Uds., ni de nadie más |
Series 3: Correspondence between Cardenal and his family... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
190. |
Series 3: 1958/09/12 |
TALS[x] to Cardenal, Rodolfo and family |
El P. Louis me dio la carta que le escribió mi mamá pidiendo sus oraciones, |
Series 3: Correspondence between Cardenal and his family... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
191. |
Series 3: 1958/11/16 |
TLS[x] to Cardenal, Rodolfo and family |
Hasta ahora de venir la contestación del Sr. Grace al P. Louis. Le dice que no le había contestado |
Series 3: Correspondence between Cardenal and his family... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
192. |
Series 3: 1959/03/30 |
TLS[x] to Cardenal, Rodolfo and family |
Acabo de leer las cartas de Uds. Hasta how lunes de pascua, pues no nos las dan el Domingo |
Series 3: Correspondence between Cardenal and his family... references to Merton
«detailed view» |
193. |
Series 3: 1959/08/09 |
TL[x] to Cardenal, Rodolfo and family |
Estoy recien llegado a Mexico. Vine en tren, porque me consiguieron en Getsemani un descuento para |
Series 3: Correspondence between Cardenal and his family... references to Merton
«detailed view» |