The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Audio Recordings by Merton

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Gerard Manley Hopkins. 1965/05/20
German poets after world war II and hagiography. 1966/02/13
Gethsemani meetings: Contemplative life and the resurrection. Non violence. Part 1 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gethsemani meetings: Contemplative life and the resurrection. Non violence. Part 2 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gethsemani meetings: peace movements continued. Community life and renewal, hermits. Part 1 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gethsemani meetings: Prophetic life. Part 1 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gethsemani meetings: Prophetic life. Part 2 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 1 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 1 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 1 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 2 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 2 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 2 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gethsemani meetings: silence - peace movements. Part 1 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gethsemani meetings: silence - peace movements. Part 2 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gethsemani meetings: Thoughts and reflections. Part 1 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gethsemani meetings: Thoughts and reflections. Part 2 of 2. 1967/12/00
Gnosis Alexandrian spirituality. Clement. 1962/08/18?
God is dead theology - theology in its last gasp. Marxism and its aim toward action and revolution. 1966/09/04
God speaks to each of us : the poetry and letters of Rainer Maria Rilke / Thomas Merton; introduced by Michael W. Higgins 2013
God's love, dynamic in our lives. 1965/09/19
Grace. 1963/07/27
Greek tragedy. 1965/08/19
Greek tragedy. 1965/08/12
Greek tragedy. 1965/07/29
Greek Tragedy. 1965/07/23
Greek tragedy. 1965/06/03
Gregory of Nyssa and the origin of our thoughts. 1964/05/24
Growing up in society (beyond the social world). Tree of life. Loss of self. 1968/02/18
Guigo on celebrating the sabbath; fear and desire versus love and freedom. 1963/03/30
Guigo, the Carthusian: on love. 1963/03/23
Gurus and Jesus ; The Jesus prayer 2000
Gurus and Jesus. 1968/07/14

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