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1962 Beginnings of European monasticism (cont'd) Dunstan.
1962 Cistercians in 12th century England.Problems all economic.
1962 Discussion with a group of Baptist ministers
1962 Discussion with a group of Baptist ministers, concluded
1962 Early Cistercian history - two exordia.
1962 Early Cistercian history; 12th century; active period.
1962 Early European monasticism: Cluny 10th - 12th centuries.
1962 Four exterior degrees of humility. (8-12)
1962 History of Cistercian order.
1962 Holy rule: 5th degree of humility. Interior openness with superiors.
1962 Humility, 7th degree; self-degradation.
1962 Humility: the 4th degree. Psychological aspects of heroic humility.
1962 Large view of early European Cistercians.
1962 Poverty for the novice. Rules. Legal aspect.
1962 Poverty. Problem areas. Poverty equals efficiency.
1962 Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; evaluation of feasts/traditions.
1962 Russian monks, monasticism and prayer. Christmas decorations.
1962 Sanctity of St. Alberic; Molsmes vs. Citeaux; borthers.
1962 Sermon: Feast of Immaculate Conception. 1962. "The Light."
1962 Sixth degree of humility: Disrespect of others, real or imagined.
1962 Spirit of St. Stephen Harding, 12th century England.
1962 St. Robert of Molesme; Citeaux. History reinterpreted in later writings.
1962 The original child bomb.
1962 The original child bomb.
1962 Theology, medieval times and now. (Superstitions and other "realities").
1962 Vow of poverty, sins against.
1962 Vow of poverty; community and individual views.
1962 Vow of poverty; distribution of goods.
1962 Vow of poverty; interior and exterior characteristics.
1962 Vow of poverty; little exordium.
1962/04/01 Feast of St. Robert (partial)
1962/04/27 Conversion of manners
1962/04/28 On Cassian
1962/05 Conversion of manners: the passions
1962/05 Holy Ghost: Pentecost. Faith in the world today.
1962/05/04 Conversion of manners: goodness
1962/05/08 Conversion of manners: discretion
1962/05/09 Introduction to the Church Fathers
1962/05/12 Nuclear testing
1962/05/13 The Prophets
1962/05/14 Conversion of manners: salvation, monastic laws
1962/05/14 On Cassian: belief
1962/05/16 The Church fathers: early Christian spirituality
1962/05/17 Conversion of manners
1962/05/19 Cassian on prayer: ecumenism
1962/05/20 Prophets.Prophetic life, spiritual trifling.
1962/05/21 Conversion of manners: the spirit of the conversion of manners
1962/05/23? Catechesis: the Didache
1962/05/26 Cassian on prayer. Four Kinds of prayer. Meditation.
1962/05/27 Prophets. Sin and judgement.
1962/05/28 Origin of vow of Chastity: marital chastity. Fragment of conference.
1962/05/30 Early Christian apologetics. Other literary forms in the early church.
1962/06 Cassian on the Our Father
1962/06 Virtue of temperance.
1962/06/01 On chastity. Sublimation. St. Therese of Liseux.
1962/06/02 Cassian on prayer. Disposition to prayer.
1962/06/04 On chastity. Renunciation of human surrender.
1962/06/06 Second Century apologist (Tertullian)
1962/06/07 On chastity: Christian virginity
1962/06/08 Cassian on prayer. Four kinds of prayer.
1962/06/13? Early church - apocrypha
1962/06/15 Vis cogitativa
1962/06/19 Virtues: temperance.
1962/06/20 Fr. Adam Schall. Carthage - the Punic Wars.
1962/06/24 Patrology: the Our Father.
1962/06/29 Fathers: Sacred Heart: African Fathers. Classical Roman Literature.
1962/07 Holy rule, humility, conversion of manners, 4th degree
1962/07 Insert L.S.T. 4 Chastity. Temperance.
1962/07 On cassian, the Our Father. Perfect prayer. Highest degree of prayer.
1962/07 On prayer - Cassian
1962/07 Our vows: their significance
1962/07 Remarks on Cistercian Studies L.S.T. #8 Lactantius (cont.)
1962/07 The Our Father continued: forgive us our trespasses
1962/07/02 Tertullian
1962/07/04 Chastity: Definition of St. Thomas
1962/07/06 Patrology. Ancient monastic rules
1962/07/08 The veil of the Virgin - face of the virgin. Cyprian, Tertullian.
1962/07/09 Chastity, continued.
1962/07/11 Holy rule
1962/07/11 Tertullian: the pater noster, spiritual nourishment
1962/07/13 On chastity
1962/07/15? Patrology - "Lactantius"
1962/07/18 On chastity
1962/07/20 On humility in the monastic life
1962/07/22 The origins of monastic rules, St. Basil, feast of St. Stephen
1962/07/23 Particular friendships: their treatment
1962/07/25 On humility
1962/07/26 Particular friendship.
1962/07/28 Cassian on prayer. Does God hear?
1962/07/29? L.S.T. #3 Christian learning. Background of monastic living. Augustine.
1962/08 Devotion to Blessed Virgin Mary / Rule of St. Benedict, Chapter 7, Benedictine Humility
1962/08 Particular friendships: types of
1962/08/01 Chastity: A martyrdom
1962/08/11 The monastic fathers
1962/08/18? Gnosis Alexandrian spirituality. Clement.
1962/08/19 St Augustine: de doctrina Christiana
1962/08/20 The Fathers: St. Augustine
1962/08/24 Temptations of thought
1962/08/25 Consolations of the choir novitiate. Early monasticism, Lerins. Origen.
1962/08/26? Patrology: humanism and virginity. St. Ambrose
1962/08/27 Chastity: mortification of the senses
1962/08/28 Benedictine humility
1962/08/29 Origen: his spiritual doctrine
1962/09 Beginnings of European monasticism
1962/09 Chastity: sacra virginitas
1962/09 Our relation to God: The quality of our response
1962/09 The holy rule (cont'd): degrees of humility. Augustinian.
1962/09 The vow of chastity: the spirit of purity
1962/09/07 Holy rule: 1st degree of humility
1962/09/07 The beginnings of Benedictine monasticism #1
1962/09/09 L.S.T. philo-Greek philosopher
1962/09/15? Patrology: St. Chrysostom
1962/09/16 Beginnings of European monasticism. Boethius, Cassiodorus
1962/09/22? Continuation of above: St. Chrysostom.
1962/09/23 Liberal arts in the middle ages. Origin of books. Cassiodorus.
1962/09/29 St. Chrysostom; 10th century patrology
1962/09/30 The liberal arts good or bad? Cassiodorus cf Bp Hurley. John XXIII
1962/10 English monasticism - 10th century; ritual and customs.
1962/10 Humility - 4th degree.
1962/10 Norman monasticism XI century.
1962/10 Poverty: community/personal in the sixth degree of humility.
1962/10 Spiritual direction. Personal, particular perfection.
1962/10 Vow of poverty, ornamentation and beauty.
1962/10 Vow of poverty, technical details.
1962/10 Vow of poverty. (Cont.)
1962/10 Vow of poverty: ownership.
1962/10/01 Our vow of poverty - private property. Separation of "church" and "priest."
1962/10/06 Remarks on coming changes. Patrologia: St. Ephrem.
1962/10/13? Early eastern monasticism. Thodret. Syrian. Indian. Russian.
1962/10/14 Patrology; Cassiodorus.
1962/10/20 Syrian monasticism: Theodoret on spiritual life. Hilarion. Traditions.
1962/10/27 Syrian monasticism, 5th and 6th century, Dionysius.
1962/11 Early cistercian days, XI century, Molesme, Citeaux.
1962/11 Early Cistercian history: Citeaux and St. Robert. Reasons for foundation.
1962/11 Vow of poverty: proprietorship.
1962/11/03 Dionysius - St. John Climacus.
1962/11/07 Interpreting the holy rule.
1962/11/10 Meaning of "Trappist"; St. Climacus; De Rance and drama.
1962/11/17? Early monastic fathers; St. Jerome, a personal introduction.
1962/11/24? (12/01?) St. Jerome; writings.
1962/12 Monastic spirituality at founding of Citeaux.
1962/12 Vow of poverty; attachments. Sociological, psychological, patrological view.
1962/12/15 Patrology continued; St. Jerome; prayer and solitude.
1962/12/19 Degrees of humility; interior peace, laughter. View of Christmas decorating.
1962/12/22 Patrology; St. Gregory the Great; love of God and neighbor.
1962-1969 Merton's lectures to the Gethsemani community on William Faulkner [2 discs] (1967). Guest speakers at Gethsemani Abbey, August 1962: Fr. Thomas Stransky, CSP; and Fr. Daniel Berrigan, SJ (1962/08/14) [2 discs]. Jean Leclercq: Merton in Bagkok (1969).

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