The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Merton's Audio Recordings by Date Published or Created

  1950  1962  1963  1964  1965  1966  1967  1968  1972  1976  198-  1982  1984  1987  1988  1990  1992  1993  1995  1996  1997  1999  2000  2001  2004  2005  2006  2007  2011  2012  2013  2014  2016  2018  2019 

1988 A vow of conversation, excerpts, November 1964 through January 1965, read by Chris McDonnell
1988 Authentic friendship
1988 Beauty is from God
1988 Becoming our true self
1988 Cassian : disposition for prayer
1988 Cassian : trials and belief
1988 Clement of Alexandria- Origen
1988 Communism vs. Capitalism
1988 Community and the Christian life
1988 Community and transformation
1988 Conversion
1988 Conversion in Christ
1988 Dialogue with Marxism
1988 Does God hear our prayer?
1988 Faith and prayer
1988 Formation of conscience
1988 Fourth degree of humility
1988 In the image of God
1988 Inner and outer poverty
1988 Introduction to Church fathers : introduction to the Church fathers
1988 Justice for all of creation
1988 Love and the search for God
1988 Love casts out fear
1988 Lyric poetry
1988 Mary: light and temple
1988 Monastic spirituality / Citeaux
1988 Natural contemplation
1988 Our Father : perfect prayer
1988 Permanent conversion to God
1988 Poetry of paradise
1988 Poetry of revelation
1988 Prayer and self growth
1988 Prayer and the active life
1988 Prayer, the response of a creature
1988 Prayer, the search for inner rest
1988 Pure love
1988 Religious principles of Greek tragedy
1988 Renunciation and contemplation
1988 Renunciation of desire and will
1988 Sanctity
1988 Silence
1988 Solitude : breaking the heart
1988 Solitude and resurrection
1988 Spiritual direction
1988 Spirituality of the Our Father
1988 St. Augustine
1988 St. Jerome, God's grouch
1988 Sufism: knowledge of God
1988 Sufism: the desire for God
1988 The Bangkok conference
1988 The Bangkok conference
1988 The Bear
1988 The commitment to conversion
1988 The cross : victory over death
1988 The heart alive with love
1988 The holy rule - on humility
1988 The Irish tradition of mysticism
1988 The modern cult of efficiency
1988 The mystical life
1988 The paradox of joy and sorrow
1988 The patience of conversion
1988 The religious intuition
1988 The religious meaning of chastity
1988 The Search for wholeness
1988 The sins against poverty
1988 The symbolism of chastity
1988 The true and false self
1988 The uses of chastity
1988 The Virgin Mary
1988 The vow of conversion
1988 The vow of poverty
1988 True freedom

▲ top |  1950 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1972 1976 198- 1982 1984 1987 1988 1990 1992 1993 1995 1996 1997 1999 2000 2001 2004 2005 2006 2007 2011 2012 2013 2014 2016 2018 2019  | top ▲