The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Merton's Audio Recordings by Date Published or Created

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1966/01/02 Freedom in Sartre vs Christian freedom in Marcel.
1966/01/30 Eleventh century hermits.
1966/02/06 Rilke and his search for God.
1966/02/13 German poets after world war II and hagiography.
1966/02/20 Rilke. Duino Elegies.
1966/02/27 Rilke. Duino Elegies.
1966/03/20 Rilke: The simple things of life.
1966/05/01 Love for the world.
1966/05/15 The Christian in the world. Discussion of LSD.
1966/05/22 Mass communication.
1966/05/29 Description of a Buddhist monk visiting from Vietnam.
1966/06/05 Dom Vital. Technological society.
1966/06/19 Over population.
1966/06/26 Computers - Marxism. The "no-dialogue" kind.
1966/07/03 Dialogue with Marxism.
1966/07/17 Marxism and the monk - church decrees on Marxism.
1966/07/24 Hromadka: a Christian theologian under communism.
1966/07/31 Hromadka, God is dead theology. Forms of dialectical thought.
1966/08/04 Hegel's criticism of interiority.
1966/08/21 Christianity and communism.
1966/09/04 God is dead theology - theology in its last gasp. Marxism and its aim toward action and revolution.
1966/09/18 Christian hope and relatedness.
1966/09/25 Rundown on Christian-Marxist relations. Basic Marxist concepts.
1966/10/02 Edmund Muir: metaphysical intuition in poetry.
1966/10/16 Father Stephen. Muir: Mythical imagination.
1966/10/23 Anti-poetry - some by Fr. Louis ("Hopeless and Felons" and #20a, 32, 42, 48, 70, and 82 from Cables to the Ace). [The Present State of Poetry.] Bob Dylan and The Beatles.
1966/10/30 Discussion on a visiting Sufi. Classicism. Albert Camus - rebel as classicist. John Milton.
1966/11/13 Classicism. [A Classical Consciousness.]
1966/11/20 Eliot's definition of the classical. [Eliot on Milton: What Is a Classic?]

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