The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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1967 Dedication in the religious life.
1967 Poetry.
1967 Renewal. Camus - realist humanism.
1967/01 Thomas Merton's lectures to the Gethsemani Abbey community on William Faulkner: "The Bear," A Pattern of Development in Hunting and in the Spiritual Life; Classical values in Faulkner; and "The Wild Palms," theme of the Deluge.
1967/01/01 End of a previously recorded conference [Faulkner's "The Bear": Spiritual Formation and Mystical Union continued.]
1967/01/01 The Bear: A pattern of development in hunting and in the spiritual life. [Faulkner's "The Bear": Spiritual Formation and Mystical Union.]
1967/01/15 Faulkner: Classical values in Faulkner.
1967/01/22 The Wild Palms: Theme of the deluge. [The Wild Palms: Man Against Destiny.]
1967/01/27 Cosmic order is a dance. Romanticism and classicism contrasted. [The Classical Outlook.]
1967/01/29 Readings: Faulkner. "The Deluge" and "The Wild Palms." [The Wild Palms: Theological Reflections.]
1967/03/05 Is monasticism Christian? - A lay theologian's attack. Time in "The Sound and the Fury." [The Sound and the Fury: The Sense of Time.]
1967/03/19 Resurrection service in "The Sound and the Fury." [The Sound and the Fury: Resurrection.]
1967/03/27 Community life.
1967/04/16 Community life. LSD and youth culture. Marshall McLuhan.
1967/04/22 Experimental jazz meditation.
1967/04/22 Merton reads his own poetry - The Originators; A Round and a Hope for Smith Girls; A Carol; What Troubles I have Seen in Birdlegged Spring.
1967/04/22 Merton sings Eastertide chants.
1967/04/22 Rites for the ejection of a leper.
1967/04/22 Short segment of talk by Thomas Merton.
1967/04/23 Notes on Sufi Ibn Al Arabi and Shoshonean Indians.
1967/04/23 Notes on Sufi Ibn Al Arabi.
1967/04/23 Sufism: Introduction. Various branches of Islam and Muslim society.
1967/04/24 Ideas on use of audio tape.
1967/04/24 Merton on birds. Experimental reading - Samuel Beckett. Reads some of his own new poetry.
1967/04/30 Relation of God to nature in Ibn Al Arabi. Union with God. Masao Abe and the dialogue between Buddhists and Christians. Martin Buber.
1967/04/30 Sufism: Knowledge of God.
1967/05/02 Madness and civilization.(Repeats tape #212:3)
1967/05/03 Baptized in life (Ibn Al Arabi). Madness and civilization. Camus and Augustine.
1967/05/03 Camus and Augustine. (Repeats tape #212:3)
1967/05/14 Creation of man in Ibn Al Arabi.
1967/05/14 Reads from his journal for May 14, 1967 - Pentecost Sunday - and May 18. Eschatology.
1967/05/14 Sufism: God in creation.
1967/05/19 Madness and civilization by Michel Foucault. Cargo cults.
1967/05/20 Secular Signs, Ceremony for Edward Dahlberg and other poems. Thoughts for Trinity Sunday sermon. Listen to an excerpt.
1967/05/21 The Straight way - Sufism.
1967/05/21 Trinity Sunday sermon by Thomas Merton. Mass continues.
1967/05/21 Trinity Sunday thoughts continued.
1967/05/29 Asceticism, celibacy and eschatology.
1967/05/29 Rites for the extrusion of a leper. (Finished version.)
1967/06/03 Chastity and celibacy. (First 6 minutes) Poems for hospital. (Repeats tape #175a:1) Readings from journals about Niels Bohr, genetics, evolution, war, Nietzsche. (Repeats tape #175a:2)
1967/06/03 Poems for hospital.
1967/06/03 Poems for hospital. (Repeats tape #175a:1)
1967/06/03 Readings from journals about Niels Bohr, genetics, evolution, war, Nietzsche.
1967/06/03 Readings from journals about Niels Bohr, genetics, evolution, war, Nietzsche. (Repeats tape #175a:2)
1967/06/03-04 Comments on Nietzsche.
1967/06/04 Continuation from track #1.
1967/06/04 Continues from Merton archive tape 175a.
1967/06/04 Need of modern man to be "turned on". LSD.
1967/06/12 Monastic renewal, monastic reform. Taize.
1967/06/15 Ideas on virginity. The Castle by Kafka.
1967/06/17 Camus and Kafka. Comments on general chapter. Second part repeats 217:4 - Comments on book by Brian Wicker, Toward a Contemporary Christianity.
1967/06/17 Comments of general chapter.
1967/06/17 Religious renewal. Comments on book by Brian Wicker, Toward a Contemporary Christianity.
1967/06/18 Sufi principles for a time of change.
1967/06/21 More on Kafka.
1967/06/22 Notes on Brian Wicker and on Leslie Dewart's book The Future of Belief
1967/06/23 Decision in the religious life and in the Christian life.
1967/07/02 Satisfaction, the end of the ascetical life.
1967/07/16 Repentance and conversion throughout the spiritual life.
1967/07/29 Address to Sisters of Loretto about the religious life following on from discussions (Includes section on Camus). Part 3 of 4.
1967/07/29 Address to Sisters of Loretto about the religious life following on from discussions. Part 1 of 4.
1967/07/29 Address to Sisters of Loretto about the religious life following on from discussions. Part 2 of 4.
1967/07/29 Address to Sisters of Loretto about the religious life following on from discussions. Part 4 of 4.
1967/07/29 Merton reads his poetry from the prologue to The Geography of Lograire - The Endless Description - and from the North Canto - Queens Tunnel.
1967/08/20 Readings from The Geography of Lograire continued: Selections from "Queens Tunnel" (draft of Part I, 31-50).
1967/08/20 Readings from The Geography of Lograire: "Notes for a New Liturgy" and selections from "Queens Tunnel" (draft of Part I, 1-30).
1967/09 Contemplative life today. Poverty continued from the library.
1967/09 Contemplative life today. Poverty continued from the library.
1967/09 Contemplative life today. Poverty continued from the library.
1967/09 Contemplative life today. Poverty continued.
1967/09 Continuation of renewal and prayer.
1967/09 Easter homily.
1967/09 Monastic education. Prayers - letters.
1967/09 Poverty.
1967/09 Poverty. Eschatological movement.
1967/09 Poverty. Eschatological movement. Cloistered living.
1967/09/10 Private cells: finding a place in spiritual life.
1967/09/13 Contemplative life today. Part 1 of 2.
1967/09/13 Contemplative life today. Part 2 of 2.
1967/09/15 Contemplative life today.
1967/09/16 Continuation of #1: Contemplative life today.
1967/09/17 Theology of dialogue. Sufi: poverty.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.
1967/09/22 Poem in cargo movement.
1967/09/22 Readings on monastic life.
1967/09/25 Contemplative life today. Part 1 of 2. Monasticism and Contemplation.
1967/09/26 Contemplative life today. The Contemplative Life So-Called.
1967/09/26 Contemplative life today. Part 2 of 2.
1967/10/08 Sufi: patience.
1967/10/15 Reading from Geography of Lograire: The Ranters and Their Pleads (London); Fragments from South (Mexico) [8 min mark]; Fragments from East (South Seas), Cargo Cults [17]; Prologue to Boom! [52]; new poems [57]; Cables to the Ace Prologue-#22 [65 min-].
1967/10/15 Reading from Reading from Cables to the Ace continued: #30, 32, 35-69 (French), 74, 85.
1967/10/15 Sufi - sense of loss in one's way, in one's identity.
1967/10/29 Jewish Hasidism - mysticism, existentialism. (Tension.)
1967/11 Cargo movements. (cults)
1967/11 Message of contemplatives to modern men. "Man to man." Part 1 of 2.
1967/11 Message of contemplatives to modern men. "Man to man." Part 2 of 2.
1967/11/11 Cargo movements. (cults)
1967/11/11 Cargo movements. (cults)
1967/11/12 Sufism - mystical life.
1967/11/19 Sufism - mystic life, also Christian mysticism. Things interfering with prayer. Awareness.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: Contemplative life and the resurrection. Non violence. Part 1 of 2.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: Contemplative life and the resurrection. Non violence. Part 2 of 2.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: peace movements continued. Community life and renewal, hermits. Part 1 of 2.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: Prophetic life. Part 1 of 2.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: Prophetic life. Part 2 of 2.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 1 of 2.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 1 of 2.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 1 of 2.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 2 of 2.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 2 of 2.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 2 of 2.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: silence - peace movements. Part 1 of 2.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: silence - peace movements. Part 2 of 2.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: Thoughts and reflections. Part 1 of 2.
1967/12/00 Gethsemani meetings: Thoughts and reflections. Part 2 of 2.
1967/12/00 Merton's reflections on the meetings.
1967/12/03 Sufism - love of God.
1967/12/17 Abbatial election. Sufism - heart.

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