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1968 Alaska conferences (1 of 4) - "This is God's work" from a workshop at the Convent of the Precious Blook, Eagle River; and "The life that unifies" from a day of recollection for sisters.
1968 Alaska conferences (2 of 4) - Day of recollection (corresponds to first 32 minutes of Archive Tape #206, Track 1).
1968 Alaska conferences (3 of 4) - Day of recollection (corresponds to last 16 minutes of Archive Tape #206, Track 1); and two workshops for the Convent of the Precious Blood, Eagle River, "Prayer, Personalism, and the Spirit" and "Prayer and Conscience."
1968 Alaska conferences (4 of 4) - Conclusion of "Prayer and Conscience" lecture given for the Convent of the Precious Blood, Eagle River (continued from MC004/CD0160); and an unknown conference.
1968 Bangkok conference - lecture titled "Marxism and monastic perspectives" (Merton's last lecture) delivered December 10, 1968.
1968 Calcutta conference - retreat for the Feast of Christ the King
1968 Carmelites in Louisville, continued.
1968 Carmelites in Louisville.
1968 Community. Eberhard Arnold.
1968 Conscience and Prayer.
1968 Continuation from #1 and imagination in the life of prayer - Religious Virginity and Communal Love - The Institutionalized Church
1968 Continuation of #1: thoughts on the contemplative life.
1968 Day of recollection. (Alaska - see 206)
1968 Dialog on prayer, continued.
1968 Dialog on prayer.
1968 French lecture with interpreter.
1968 Hassidism: the prophetic vision continued.
1968 Jewish book on unity - Martin Buber's The Way of Man.
1968 Joyce - Dubliners. Three possible directions for future monasticism.
1968 Joyce - Introduction - Aesthetics.
1968 Message to Loretto nuns on life of prayer centered on God - Balance and grace
1968 Monastic community.
1968 Prophetic vision. Part 1 of 2.
1968 Prophetic vision. Part 2 of 2.
1968 Side 2 of original tape.
1968 Theology of prayer.
1968 Thoughts on the contemplative life.
1968 Time and prayer, vocation. The Redwoods conference, continued.
1968 Time and prayer, vocation. The Redwoods conference.
1968 Women in the church: the prophetic vision continued. 1 of 2
1968 Women in the church: the prophetic vision continued. 2 of 2
1968 Workshop - contemplative life.
1968 Yoga: the prophetic vision continued. 1 of 2.
1968 Yoga: the prophetic vision continued. 2 of 2.
1968 Zen, Hassidism: the prophetic vision continued. 1 of 2.
1968 Zen, Hassidism: the prophetic vision continued. 2 of 2.
1968/01/01 Sufism - heart. Love speaks in creatures.
1968/01/07 Abbot. Pasternak's letters.
1968/01/11 Mystic self annihilation.
1968/01/14 Reflections on Dom Flavians election.
1968/01/28 Hermits: Breaking the heart. N.C.R.
1968/02 Fire side chat, February 2, 1968.
1968/02/04 Serious life of prayer. Sufi psychoanalysis.
1968/02/18 Growing up in society (beyond the social world). Tree of life. Loss of self.
1968/02/25 Mystic life.
1968/03/03 Introduction: return to the source: St. Jerome.
1968/03/10 Irish monks. Points on the mystic life in the Far East, Nirvana.
1968/03/24 Cassian.
1968/03/24 Irish monks on mystic life.
1968/04/07 Death of Martin Luther King. The mystic life in Cleveland, Ohio. Zen. Spiritual points for Easter time. The monastic vision as seen in Hebrews 1-5.
1968/04/15 Sufism: Awareness of love in an awake heart. (Remarks on Martin Luther King funeral.)
1968/05/05 Conversion of manners and early monks.
1968/06/09 Prayer - our free time and what we do with it.
1968/06/16 Contemplation and the modern man. [Christlikeness. Sufism: proper attitude toward life.]
1968/06/18 Crisis of monasticism. Talk to novice masters at Gethsemani, June 18, 1968, continued.
1968/06/18 Crisis of monasticism. Talk to novice masters at Gethsemani, June 18, 1968, continued. (Comment on effects of technology.)
1968/06/18 Crisis of monasticism. Talk to novice masters at Gethsemani, June 18, 1968.
1968/06/23 Prayer and spiritual direction.
1968/06/30 Spiritual direction: growth and development.
1968/07/07 Redwoods. Cassian: renunciation of our own desires and own will.
1968/07/14 Gurus and Jesus.
1968/07/21 Literature and theology. James Joyce.
1968/07/28 Joyce - Dubliners.
1968/08/04 Pentecostalism. Cassian. (Why come to the monastery.) Purity of heart
1968/09 Building community.
1968/09 Conclusion of workshop at Precious Blood Monastery, part 3, part 2 of 2.
1968/09 Dialog on prayer.
1968/09 Monastic community.
1968/09 Part 3 of Workshop at Precious Blood Monastery.
1968/09 Retreat (day of recollection) given to the sisters at Anchorage.
1968/09 Workshop at Precious Blood Monastery continued.
1968/09 Workshop at Precious Blood Monastery, part 3.
1968/09/29 Day of recollection for sisters Anchorage, Alaska, continued.
1968/09/29 Day of recollection for sisters Anchorage, Alaska.
1968/10/03 Monastic renewal. Introduction by W. H. Ferry, followed by Merton's talk and discussion. Unedited version of #190 tracks 1 and 2.
1968/10/03 Thomas Merton speaks of his upcoming trip to Asia.
1968/10/03 Thomas Merton speaks of his upcoming trip to Asia. (Continued from track #1: 190-Tr-2.)
1968/10/23 Extemporaneous remarks speaking of monks at the first spiritual summit conference in Calcutta.
1968/10/26 Closing prayer at the first spiritual summit conference in Calcutta.
1968/11/25 Continuation of theology of prayer.
1968/11/25 Theology of prayer.
1968/11/25 Theology of prayer.
1968/12/13 Compline - 7.30 pm
1968/12/17 Burial service of Thomas Merton, monks cemetery, Gethsemani.
1968/12/17 Reception of Thomas Merton's body in the community cloister - 1.15 pm, 12/17/1968.
1968/12/17 Vespers and funeral mass of Thomas Merton - 3:30 pm, 12/17/1968, continued.
1968/12/17 Vespers and funeral mass of Thomas Merton - 3:30 pm, 12/17/1968.

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