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1964 The poems of Thomas Merton.
1964 The poems of Thomas Merton.
1964 The poems of Thomas Merton. Read by Richard Gray.
1964/01/01 Feast of the circumcision. The new directory how to determine God's will.
1964/01/04 St. Bernard's epiphany sermon - wedding at Cana.
1964/01/05 Unity in the community and love of the brethren.
1964/01/06 Karl Jaspers and ideas on God's existence. Aetheria's Pilgrimage.
1964/01/08 Discussion of general chapter and abbot general's election.
1964/01/11 Background to St. Bernard's "de conversione" to Paris Students.
1964/01/12 Bultmann: his essays on Christianity and humanism. Aetheria's pilgrimage.
1964/01/15 Conference on abbot general's election.
1964/01/18 Abelard and Heloise
1964/01/19 Silence and its importance for the retreat.
1964/01/28 Prayer and meditation on the meaning of life.
1964/02/01 World events. Abelard and the problem of meaning.
1964/02/02 Aetheria's pilgrimage.
1964/02/05 Vow of obedience and the change of habit.
1964/02/08 Abelard and the question of freedom.
1964/02/15 Morality of human acts.
1964/02/16 Abbot Ammonas and the grief in a monk's life
1964/02/19 Life of the early cistercian brothers.
1964/02/22 Lenten fast. Abelard's theology.
1964/02/23 Dreams. Doctrine of Abbot Ammonas continued
1964/02/26 Vow of obedience. Lee Oswald.
1964/02/29 Abelard and his lack of spiritual insight. William of St.Thierry.
1964/03/04 Some propositions on obedience.
1964/03/07 Some English recluses. Abelard.
1964/03/11 Library change. Gospel of the man born blind. Religious obedience.
1964/03/14 Morning mass text - Saturday before passion Sunday.Abelard and Bernard.
1964/03/15 Real meaning of holy week liturgy. Abbot Ammonas.
1964/03/18 Commentary on Dom Eusebius' talk. Reasons for vow of obedience.
1964/03/22 Place of a spiritual father in the life of a monk. Preparation for death.
1964/03/25 Vow of obedience likened to Christ's obedience in his passion.
1964/03/29 Thoughts on Eastern monastic history of the tenth century.
1964/04/01 Vow of obedience - obedience not of a slave or child.
1964/04/04 Announcements, visitations. Abelard.
1964/04/05 Revision of life and its place in monasticism.Revision of life.
1964/04/11 Abelard and obedience.
1964/04/15 Religious obedience as freedom.
1964/04/18 Monastic doctrine of Abelard.Vow of obedience.
1964/04/19 Revision of life.
1964/04/22 Vow of obedience.
1964/04/26 Role of memory in the early Cistercians and St. Augustine.
1964/05/02 Doctrine of Abelard.
1964/05/07 St. Aelred and the memory of God.
1964/05/09 Abelard and the offices of the monastery.
1964/05/10 Thoughts in a monk's life.
1964/05/13 Vow of obedience.
1964/05/16 St. Bernard's "De Conversione".
1964/05/17 Origins of Celtic monasticism.
1964/05/20 Vow of obedience.
1964/05/23 St. Bernard and De Conversione.
1964/05/24 Gregory of Nyssa and the origin of our thoughts.
1964/05/30 St. Bernard's De Conversione.
1964/05/31 Some aspects of the cenobitic life.
1964/06/03 Vow of obedience.
1964/06/10 Some points from the Birmingham non-violence movement.
1964/06/13 St. Bernard and the purification of the memory.
1964/06/14 Distractions in prayer and the desert fathers' remedy. Irish monasticism.
1964/06/20 St. Bernard's life according to William of St. Thiery.
1964/06/21 Syrian monasticism.
1964/06/27 St. Bernard's conversion to the monastic life.
1964/06/28 Syrian monasticism.
1964/07/01 Vow of obedience.
1964/07/04 Early monastic signs of Cluny.
1964/07/08 Vow of obedience.
1964/07/11 Early monastic rites for monks in danger of death.
1964/07/12 Syrian monks.
1964/07/15 Sins against the vow of obedience.
1964/07/18 Modern ascetism as contrasted with that in St. Bernard's time.
1964/07/19 Syrian monastic traditions.
1964/07/22 Work. (Shaker precepts.)
1964/07/26 Julian Sabbas, Syrian monk and liturgical prayer. Discovery of America.
1964/07/29 Vow of obedience.
1964/08/01 Religious obedience.
1964/08/05 Some problems of obedience.
1964/08/08 St. Bernard's letters.
1964/08/09 Syrian monks.
1964/08/12 Beauty and art
1964/08/16 Aphraates and Syrian spirituality.
1964/08/19 Vow of conversion of manners.
1964/08/22 Art and beauty.
1964/08/23 Ancient monastic text of prayer and ascetic life.
1964/08/26 Vow of conversion of manners.
1964/08/30 Aphraates and monasticism.
1964/09/02 Vow of conversion of manners.
1964/09/05 Early Celtic art. Machine age and monastic culture.
1964/09/12 Early Irish monastic art.
1964/09/13 Reform of Benedict of Aniane.
1964/09/16 Vow of conversion of manners.
1964/09/19 Irish art.
1964/09/20 St. Ephrem.
1964/09/27 Applying effort in monastic life the right way.
1964/10/04 Abbot meeting (afternoon) continued.
1964/10/04 Abbot meeting (afternoon) continued.
1964/10/04 Abbot meeting (afternoon).
1964/10/04 Abbot meeting (morning) continued.
1964/10/04 Abbot meeting.
1964/10/11 Comments on the abbots conference and St. Ephrem's poems.
1964/10/14 Vow of conversion of manners.
1964/10/17 Origin of the book, history of the written manuscript and the printing press
1964/10/18 St. Ephrem.
1964/10/21 Penance and fasting.
1964/10/25 St. Ephrem and prayer.
1964/10/28 Vow of conversion of manners.
1964/10/31 Poetry.
1964/11/01 Early eastern monastic spirituality.
1964/11/07 Lyric Poetry
1964/11/11 Conversion of manners and what makes a monk.
1964/11/15 Religious virginity.
1964/11/22 Maturity in religious life
1964/11/25 Vow of conversion of manners - conversio and conversation.
1964/11/28 Poetry. (Peguey's Poem of Pilgrimage to Chartres)
1964/11/29 Crumbs from St. Ephrem.
1964/11/30 Advent sermons of Bl. Guerric.
1964/12/02 Conversion of manners.
1964/12/05 Analysis of a poem. John Donne - "Nocturnal on St. Lucy's Day."
1964/12/07 Advent sermons of Bl. Guerric.
1964/12/09 Conversion of manners - what it means to renounce the world.
1964/12/12 Poetry - John Donne.
1964/12/13 Mississippi racial problems. St. Ephrem.
1964/12/14 Advent sermons of Blessed Guerric.
1964/12/20 St. Ephrem.
1964/12/27 Water conservation. Poetry. Hindu divine.

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