The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Audio Recordings about Merton

The ABC of the ER Hanlon, Vincent 1952-2000
An absolute duty to rebel : Thomas Merton, Vatican II and women religious Thurston, Bonnie Bowman2013
Ahimsa: non-violence as a way of life, March 12, 1973 Forest, Jim (James H.)1973
Alexander Schmemann: an interview with George Kilcourse, March 8, 1980 Kilcourse, George, 1947-1980
Already one : Becoming what we are (1 of 3) / The third general meeting of the International Thomas Merton Society, Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 10 - 13, 1993 International Thomas Merton Society. General Meeting (3rd : 1993 : Colorado Springs, Co.)1993
Already one : Becoming what we are (2 of 3) / The third general meeting of the International Thomas Merton Society, Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 10 - 13, 1993 International Thomas Merton Society. General Meeting (3rd : 1993 : Colorado Springs, Co.)1993
Already one : Becoming what we are (3 of 3) / The third general meeting of the International Thomas Merton Society, Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 10 - 13, 1993 International Thomas Merton Society. General Meeting (3rd : 1993 : Colorado Springs, Co.)1993
Alternate route Beal, Jeff2000
Another side of Bob Dylan Dylan, Bob, 1941-1961
Ascension Coltrane, John, 1926-19672000
Aus der stille heraus der welt zugewandt : der Trappistenmönch Thomas Merton Ehl, Hans Michael2008
Awareness, compassion, grand affirmation in Thomas Merton Paguio, Erlinda1993
Baptism; a journey through our time. Baez, Joan1968
Becoming who you are : insights on the true self from Thomas Merton and other saints Martin, James, S.J.2011
Before and Through and Beyond All Time Contact2022
Behold! Three Wise Men came out of the East: music from the Epiphany Office and Mass of the Christmas Season. Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani (Trappist, Ky.). Choir1961
Bellarmine Merton Seminar, 1967? Hinson, E. Glenn1967
Bells of Gethsemani and Children of the 80's (2 songs) Baez, Joan1980
Beyond Dialogue: Christogenesis and Conscious Evolution Delio, Ilia, O.S.F.2015
Bill Barnes interviewed by his brother Jack Barnes regarding meeting Philip and Daniel Berrigan with Thomas Merton at Gethsemani Abbey Barnes, William2017
The black sheep : Thomas Merton's challenge to marginality: an early autobiographical impulse Daggy, Robert E.1995
Black wool in the bramble : the meeting of Thomas Merton and Chogyam Trumpa Hartz, Jim1998
A book of hours : at prayer with Thomas Merton Deignan, Kathleen, 1947-2009
Br. Antoninus on poetry. William Everson. Everson, William, 1912-1994 (Br. Antoninus)1964/11/14
Bride spirit songs of the beloved Deignan, Kathleen, 1947-1999
Bringing It All Back Home Dylan, Bob, 1941-1961
Bryan N. Massingal. Plenary lecture for the 14th General Meeting of the International Thomas Merton Society, June 5th, 2015, Bellarmine University in Louisville, KY. Massingale, Bryan N.2015
Buddhist ethics, Christian morality and logocentrism Hartz, Jim1994
The call of solitude : introduction to the life and work of Thomas Merton Daggy, Robert E. 
A call to prayer and peace Malits, Elena1984
A call to prayer and peace Zahn, Gordon Charles, 1918-1984
Candled seasons : music for advent, Christmas,epiphany, candlemas / directed by Steven C. Warner. Notre Dame Folk Choir1994
Candled seasons : music for advent, Christmas,epiphany, candlemas / directed by Steven C. Warner. Notre Dame Folk Choir1994
The Carnegie Hall concert Bruce, Lenny1995
A child is born : a chant Christmas Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani (Trappist, Ky.). Choir1995
Choirs of millions : Thomas Merton and God's creatures / Robert E. Daggy. (A huge chorus of living beings.) Daggy, Robert E.1991
Christmas Day mass at Merton's hermitage. Celebrant Fr. Dan Walsh. Walsh, Daniel Clark, 1907-19781968/12/25
Coming home : the story of Thomas Merton / compiled by Monica Furlong, presented by Chris Kay with Kenneth Nelson as Thomas Merton. BBC1981
Coming home : the story of Thomas Merton / compiled by Monica Furlong, presented by Chris Kay with Kenneth Nelson as Thomas Merton. BBC1981
Compassion and the unspeakable : keynote address. (From the Springs of Compassion). Douglass, James W.1997
Compassion : the journey from loneliness to solitude in Thomas Merton's life and writings Ruttle, Paul, C.P., 1953-1981
Contemplation and compassion : Thomas Merton's Thoughts in solitude on the writing process Lewis, Gloria Kitto1994
Contemplations Beal, Jeff1994
Contemplative photography and Thomas Merton Bannon, Tony2010
Conversations with Jean Feraco Montaldo, Jonathan1996
Convert Augustine Gromko, Sarah2007
Creative writing Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801973
Creativity and Transformation, a candlelight concert at the Cathedral of the Assumption, August 17, 1974 Cathedral Chamber Consort of Louisville1974
Dangers of solitude / David Belcastro, PatrickEastman. Belcastro, David1993
Day with a stranger Hope, Harriet1996
“De San Juan de la Cruz a Thomas Merton: Ecos de la Noche Oscura en la Mística Norteamericana” by Sonia Petisco; and "San Juan de la Cruz como fuente de las espiritualidades sin Dios" by Jaime López Peñalba Petisco, Sonia; and Jaime López Peñalba2018/01/23
Dear Thomas Merton : (this man is an island) / from the album Herostratus Vs Time Shinobu2009
Dedication of the Thomas Merton Studies Center (Part 1), Nov. 9, 1969, 8:00 pm., New Science Theater, Bellarmine College. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801969
Dedication of the Thomas Merton Studies Center (Part 2), Nov. 9, 1969, 8:00 pm., New Science Theater, Bellarmine College. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801969
Desert spirituality and contemporary ministry /Henri J.M. Nouwen. Nouwen, Henri J. M.1988
"Do Not Quench the Spirit": Thomas Merton, Howard Thurman and the Quest Toward Racial Reconciliation and Peace - 10th Annual Thomas Merton Black History Month Lecture White, C. Vanessa2016
Dom Adrien Nocent from Maredsous - talk in novitiate on the liturgy. Nocent, Adrien1963/08/10
Dom Adrien Nocent from Maredsous on the liturgy. Nocent, Adrien1963/08/09
Dom Aelred Graham Graham, Aelred, 1907-19841964/03/08
Dom Bede Griffiths - novitiate talk. Griffiths, Bede, 1906-19931963/08/23
Dom Bede Griffiths in chapter. Griffiths, Bede, 1906-19931963/08/24
Dom Colomban to novices and juniors. Bissey, Colomban, Dom, O.C.S.O., 1912-1963/04/24
Eco-monasticism : Thomas Merton's vision and challenege Deignan, Kathleen, 1947-2008
Ecumenical pilgrims - the Churches of the Catholic tradition at the crossroads, panel (continued): Fr. Demetrios Constantelos, Rev. Eugene L. Zoeller (introduction only), March 10, 1979? Constantelos, Demetrios, Fr.1979/03/10
Ecumenical pilgrims - the Churches of the Catholic tradition at the crossroads, panel (continued): Fr. Demetrios Constantelos, Rev. Eugene L. Zoeller (introduction only), March 10, 1979? Constantelos, Demetrios, Fr.1979/03/10
Ecumenical pilgrims - the Churches of the Catholic tradition at the crossroads, panel (continued): Fr. Demetrios Constantelos, Rev. Eugene L. Zoeller (introduction only), March 10, 1979. Constantelos, Demetrios, Fr.1979/03/10
Engaging racism : Thomas Merton, the church and the ongoing quest for justice Massingale, Bryan N.2010
Entering the silence : Merton leads us to new silences during retreats King, John E.1996
An evening with John Jacob Niles Niles, John Jacob, 1892-1959
Exile and homecoming in Thomas Merton Grayston, Donald2007
Faith fired by literature, an interview with Paul Elie from the radio program On Being with Krista Tippett Elie, Paul2014
Farewell, Angelina Baez, Joan1965
Father Gregory Borgstedt, O.S.B. Novice master at Mount Saviour Borgstedt, Gregory1964/02/03
Final script of Merton, a film biography Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1984
First Kansas Merton Conference - Question and revelation : Thomas Merton's Recovery, Ground of Birth Daggy, Robert E.1993
For the living of these days / Kate Campbell with Spooner Oldham Campbell, Kate, 1961- Performer.2006
Fr. Louis [Thomas Merton] and the Bangkok Conference. Leclercq, Jean, 1911-19931968/08
Fr. Dan Berrigan first talk to choir novices Berrigan, Daniel1962/08/13
Fr. Dan Berrigan's last talk to the novices Berrigan, Daniel1962/08/28
Fr. Eudes. Bamberger, John Eudes1963/08/05
Fr. Eudes. Bamberger, John Eudes1963/07/30
Fr. Flavian Burns, O.C.S.O., presentation on Dan Walsh, August 28, 1976 Burns, Flavian1976
Fr. Flavian Burns, O.C.S.O., presentation on Dan Walsh, August 28, 1976 Burns, Flavian1976
Fr. Matthew Kelty Kelty, Matthew1962/08/05
The Franciscan Heart of Thomas Merton A New Look at the Spiritual Inspiration of His Life, Thought, and Writing / Daniel P. Horan. Horan, Daniel P.2014
The freewheelin' Bob Dylan Dylan, Bob, 1941-1963
French country and children's songs Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1984
From here (and now) to eternity : the wisdom of Thomas Merton Culliford, Larry2004
From outside in to inside out: a psycho-spiritual journey of connection. (From the Springs of Compassion). Fournier, Rich1997
From seeing an absolute object to absolute seeing : Merton, Dzogchen and nowness Hartz, Jim1996
The future of Christian philosophy / Etienne Gilson. Gilson, Etienne, 1884-19781960
The geography of nowhere : living beyond boundaries. Del Prete, Thomas1999
The God of peace is never glorified by human violence (Revelation of Justice - Revolution of Love) Dear, John, 1959-2005
Guest speaker, orthodox Ivan Englesicvich, fugate? Englesicvich, Ivan1962/07
Hail, Holy Queen Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani (Trappist, Ky.). Choir1956
Healing powers of tone and chant / Don G. Campbell and Tim Wilson Campbell, Don1990
Henri Nouwen and Thomas Merton : Kindred spirits. Whitney-Brown, Carolyn1999
A hidden wholeness : the Zen photography of Thomas Merton Pearson, Paul M.2008
Highway 61 revisited Dylan, Bob, 1941-1965
Honoring the Merton legacy / Sr. Mary Luke Tobin Tobin, Mary Luke, 1908-1988
Honoring the Wisdom Traditions with Huston Smith Smith, Huston 
An hour to dance : choral music of Gwyneth Walker Walker, Gwyneth, 1947-2007
A huge chorus of living beings : Synthetic listening / M. Basil Pennington. (A huge chorus of living beings.) Pennington, M. Basil1991
The human way out: An implied need for the contemplative dimension within Americanfiction, 1900-1945 / Victor A Kramer. Poetry and the meditative method / Maria Assunta Werner, CSC. Kramer, Victor A.1994
The human way out: Contemplation reconsidered: the human way in /Parker J. Palmer. Palmer, Parker J.1994
The human way out: Ecountering God in the desert:..apophatic spirituality in Edward Abbey and Thomas Merton by Andrew Steward; and Letting go and letting God: Merton's nonviolent alternative and the ecofeminist theology of earth healing by Jim Walsh Stewart, Andrew P.1994
The human way out: friendship as a counter-cultural practice / Paul Wadell, CP. Wadell, Paul1994
The human way out: Letters of protest and letters of reconciliation: Thomas Merton'sengagement with contemporary history / VivianLigo. Human way out: the contemplative dimension of public life/ John A. Ostenburg. Ligo, Vivian1994
The human way out: Merton and the rediscovery of an ancient wisdom / Patrick Eastman. Thomas Merton and Confucian rites / John Wu,Jr. Eastman, Patrick1994
The human way out: No-news narratives and the search for transformative communities: contemporary woman writers on natural religion by Claire Badorocca; and By their metaphors shall you know them: Merton's contribution to church life by Paul M. Pearson Badorocca, Claire1994
The human way out: the contemplative dimension of care ofhospital patients by non-medical volunteers /Kenneth F. Lott. Art and activism / Kenneth M. Voiles. Lott, Kenneth F.1994
The human way out: The contemplative dimension of family life within the domestic church / Thomas C. Abel. The role of thecontemplation in Thomas Merton's own healing journey from hischildhood woundedness / Richard Fournier. Abel, Thomas C.1994
The human way out: The contemplative, the artist, and the child /Christine Jensen Hogan. A call to contemplation: the drawingsof Thomas Merton / Dorothy Bosch Keller. Hogan, Christine Jensen1994
The human way out: The unfinished journey of Thomas Merton /Madonna C. Kolbenschlag, HM. Kolbenschlag, Madonna C.1994
The human way out: Thomas Merton as guru: Merton's contribution to a spirituality ofhigher education / Roy D. Fuller. Humanizingthe university: adding the contemplative dimension / JuliaUpton. Fuller, Roy D.1994
The human way out: Zen and the birds of appetite: after twenty-five years / Matthias Neuman, OSB. Thomas Merton'scontemplative intuition and Nishida Kitaro's directexperience / Erlinda G. Paguio. Neuman, Matthias1994
'I spoke most of prayer:' Thomas Merton on prayer : September 11, 1968 - October 11, 1968. Thurston, Bonnie Bowman2009
The impact of divine love Morneau, Robert F., 1938-1990
The impact of Thomas Merton and Vatican II on the church Padovano, Anthony T.2013
The impact of Thomas Merton on my life and thought. (From the Springs of Compassion). Hinson, E. Glenn1997
Impressions of Giverny : for Thomas Merton / composed and performed by John Hood Hood, John2003
In Commemoration of Thomas Merton's 60th Birthday, January 31, 1975. Recorded January 26, 1975. Walsh, Daniel Clark, 1907-19781975
In Concert / Part 2 Baez, Joan1963
In Concert Baez, Joan1962
In memory of Thomas Merton / from the album The Faces We Fake Patterns in Static2005
In the Dark before Dawn: Thomas Merton, Poet - 'A ray of that truth which enlightens all': Thomas Merton, poetic language and inter-religious dialogue Thurston, Bonnie Bowman2007
In the Dark before Dawn: Thomas Merton, Poet - 'Following the echo': Merton's mystical poetics Szabo, Lynn2007
In the Dark before Dawn: Thomas Merton, Poet - 'Once more relish versing': the strange islands and Merton's 'return' to poetry O'Connell, Patrick F.2007
In the Dark before Dawn: Thomas Merton, Poet - Panel of poets who knew Thomas Merton - Jonathan Greene, Paul Quenon and Ron Seitz. Smock, Frederick2007
In the Dark before Dawn: Thomas Merton, Poet - Poetry and contemplation in Thomas Merton Labrie, Ross2007
In the Dark before Dawn: Thomas Merton, Poet - Vectors on Lograire: lamentation as liberation Kilcourse, George, 1947-2007
The Inner Experience Tuoti, Frank1994
Interior solitude, May 4, 1973 Leclercq, Jean, 1911-19931973
Interview at the Hermitage, Gethsemani, Ky. with Carrington Fox, Sarah Lansdell, Bill Mann and Patrick Hart. Nov. 6, 1969. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801969
Interview of Richard Marcus, nephew of Robert Lax : memories of Lax and Thomas Merton (undated) Marcus, Richard 
Interview with Sr. Mary Madeline Abdelnour regarding Merton; WHAS "Your Catholic Visitor" with Fr. John Morgan, December 12, 1971 Abdelnour, Mary Madeline, Sr., S.C.N.1971
Interview with Sr. Therese Lentfoehr by Wade Hall; April 9, 1978, Louisville, KY Lentfoehr, Thérèse, 1902-1978
Interviews from Georges Linieres, Naomi Burton Stone, Robert Giroux, and Rosemary Ruether Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1984
Introduction to the life and thought of Thomas Merton - reading Merton's poetry from Selected poems at Bellarmine, February 28, 1972 Seitz, Ron1972
Introductory remarks by W. H. Ferry (see Thomas Merton speaks of his upcoming trip to Asia). Ferry, Wilbur Hugh "Ping", 1910-19951968/10/03
Is Exotic Bait French Style Furs2014
Jacqueline Roberts sings the music of John Jacobs Niles : including poetry by Thomas Merton Niles, John Jacob, 1892-2001
James Laughlin speech in Fiction Room of the library at Bellarmine Laughlin, James, 1914-1987
Jewish mysticism, March 22, 1972 Goldman, Albert, Rabbi1972
Joan Baez/5 Baez, Joan1964
Joan Baez, Vol. 2 Baez, Joan1964
Joan Baez, Joan1967
John Howard Griffin, The meaning of Thomas Merton, Oberlin College, Ohio, November 13, 1972 (Part 1 of 2). Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801972
John Wesley Harding Dylan, Bob, 1941-1968
A journey into faith : the spirituality of Thomas Merton. Bamberger, John Eudes1981
The journey of Thomas Merton : discovery of the real self Daggy, Robert E.1985
Kathleen Norris, Dakota : living the legacy of Merton's silence Koch, William1996
Kentucky's nurture of Thomas Merton Mattingly, Daniel; Brad Mattingly1998
Keynote address by Myriam Dardenne for the Seventh General Meeting of the International Thomas Merton Society. International Thomas Merton Society. General Meeting (7th : 2001 : Louisville, Ky)2001
Knowing silence : knowing Merton's heart Hope, Harriet1995
Laudate Dominum Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani (Trappist, Ky.). Choir1951
Laudate Dominum Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani (Trappist, Ky.). Choir1975
Laudate Dominum Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani (Trappist, Ky.). Choir1951
Laudate Dominum Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani (Trappist, Ky.). Choir1951
Laudate Dominum Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani (Trappist, Ky.). Choir1951
Laudate Dominum Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani (Trappist, Ky.). Choir1951
Lecture by Dan Walsh. Walsh, Daniel Clark, 1907-1978 
Lecture by Jim Forest at the Passionist Seminary, March 19, 1972 Forest, Jim (James H.)1972
Lecture given June 27, 1998 Chittick, William C.1998
Lectures and discussions in Abell Board Room and Frazier Hall, March 23, 1999. Milosz, Czeslaw1999
Lectures by Fr. Gregory Baum - "The God Problem," and "Man Becoming," February 15, 1972 Baum, Gregory, 1923-1971
The life and legacy of Thomas Merton (Ideas that Matter series) / by Lawrence S. Cunninghamand Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O. Cunningham, Lawrence1997
The life and legacy of Thomas Merton (Ideas that Matter series) / by Lawrence S. Cunninghamand Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O. Cunningham, Lawrence1997
Life of silence : Merton and Nouwen as brothers / Julia Upton, RSM Upton, Julia2001
Life of silence : Merton and Nouwen as brothers / Michael J. Christensen Christensen, Michael J.2001
The life you save may be your own : an American pilgrimage Elie, Paul2004
The life you save may be your own : an American pilgrimage Elie, Paul2004
The life you save may be your own : an American pilgrimage Elie, Paul2004
The listeners by William Parker Parker, William, 1943-19931995
Live at the Curran Theater / Lenny Bruce. Bruce, Lenny1971
Live at the Curran Theater / Lenny Bruce. Bruce, Lenny1999
Living the rule today : Merton's response to Benedict's obedience as the paradox of freedom Kramer, Dewey W.2008
The Lord is my song : music from the Cleveland Carmel Cleveland Carmel1982
Lou Silverman: Merton, a Judaic appreciation, December 1, 1972 (side 1); Frederick Kelly: Merton's social criticism (side 2), November 30, 1972. Merton Festival of Northern Ohio. Silberman, Lou H.1972
The lover and the beloved Talbot, John Michael1988
Loving kindness and active peace / with H.H.The Dalai Lama and H.E. Tai Situpa. Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935-1997
Loving kindness and active peace / with H.H.The Dalai Lama and H.E. Tai Situpa. Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935-1997
Me and my shadow, a play about Thomas Merton Stewart, Bruce1989
Me and my shadow / written by Bruce Stewart, directed by Shaun McLaughlin, with John Franklyn-Robbins as Thomas Merton, and Bill Wallace as James Fox BBC1989
Meaning of solitude / Esther De Waal, John E.King. De Waal, Esther1993
John Howard Griffin, The meaning of Thomas Merton, Question and Answer, Oberlin College, Ohio, November 13, 1972 (Part 2 of 2). Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801972
The meaning of Thomas Merton, Oberlin College (part 2 of 2), Question and Answer; Oberlin College, Ohio, November 13, 1972; Merton Festival of Northern Ohio. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801972
Meditation in daily life : a Merton based spirituality Finley, James J.2007
Meditation in daily life Finley, James J.1982
Meditations with Merton Vandergrift, Nicki Verploegen1994
Meditations with Merton Vandergrift, Nicki Verploegen1994
Memory and reconstruction : the Scylla and Charybdis of the spiritual diarist (a riff on Thomas Merton and Henri Nouwen) Higgins, Michael W.2010
Mercy within Mercy within Mercy : presidential address for the Seventh General Meeting of the International Thomas Merton Society. International Thomas Merton Society. General Meeting (7th : 2001 : Louisville, Ky)2001
Merton - the friend Wygal, James1967
Merton - the philospher Walsh, Daniel Clark, 1907-19781967
Merton 101 : a beginner's guide / Robert E. Daggy. Daggy, Robert E.1993
Merton : a story of conversion Ruttle, Paul, C.P., 1953-1982
Merton: an enneagram profile. (From the Springs of Compassion). Zuercher, Suzanne1997
Merton and Chinese wisdom Lee, Cyrus1993
Merton and compassion. (From the Springs of Compassion). Burrus, Barry G.1997
Merton and continental writers. (From the Springs of Compassion). Pearson, Paul M.1997
Merton and earthly bread Young, Gary1995
Merton and Eastern thinkers. (From the Springs of Compassion). Griffith, Sidney Harrison, 1938-1997
Merton and ecology O'Hara, Dennis1999
Merton and economics / Joan Combs and Stephen J. Wolf. (From the Springs of Compassion). Combs, Joan1997
Merton and evangelical traditions. (From the Springs of Compassion). Maddox, Sylvia Hutcherson1997
Merton and his dreams : a creative dream groupworkshop / Rose Gordy. Gordy, Rose1993
Merton and hope Fullerton, Tim1999
Merton and Medieval roots. (From the Springs of Compassion). Pennington, M. Basil1997
Merton and patterns of wholeness. (From the Springs of Compassion). Mayer, Elsie F., 1930-1997
Merton and social responsibility. (From the Springs of Compassion). Goulet, Jacques 1933-1997
Merton and southern writers : George Kilcourse, Raymond Wilkie and Lynne Elwell. (From the Springs of Compassion). Kilcourse, George, 1947-1997
Merton and stability / Christine M. Bochen, Jonathan Montaldo, Raymond Wilkie. Bochen, Christine M.1993
Merton and the Bible Apel, William1999
Merton and the East Chura, Walt1999
Merton and the feminine : re-reading Merton'srelationship with 'M' Bochen, Christine M.; and Suzanne Zuercher1999
Merton and the feminine : re-reading Merton'srelationship with 'M' Bochen, Christine M.; and Suzanne Zuercher1999
Merton and the infernal machine deus ex machina Young, Gary1998
Merton and the Quiz Show scandal : America's loss of innocence Daggy, Robert E.1995
Merton and time before : Ross Labrie, Monica Weis and Walt Chura. (From the Springs of Compassion). Labrie, Ross1997
Merton and youth. (From the Springs of Compassion). Kiernan, Jeffrey T.1997
Merton as spiritual director / James Conner. Conner, James1993
Merton beyond boundaries Belcastro, David1999
Merton the poet O'Connell, Patrick F.1999
Merton, a film biography (Merton project) - Wild track at Cambridge lawn party; and Oakham, flute and organ Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1984
Merton, JFK and the unspeakable Douglass, James W.2009
Merton, Moore, and the carthusian temptation Sevnnaeve, Johan1996
Merton's America Labrie, Ross1999
Merton's Columbia crossroad Callaghan, Michael J.1999
Merton's East-West reflections / Anne E. Carr. (A huge chorus of living beings.) Carr, Anne E.1991
Merton's holographic notebooks on William Faulkner / James Y. Holloway ; Mark Saderholm. (A huge chorus of living beings.) Holloway, James Y., 1927-1991
Merton's impulse and the new monasticism Young, Gary1993
Merton's monastic prophetic spirituality Viviano, Pauline2017
Merton's path to wholeness Goulet, Jacques, 1933-1999
Merton's Peace Symphony being a celebration of the life and writings of Thomas Merton / by George Philip Koonce Koonce, George Philip1986
Merton's search for paradise and his integration of Sophia, Mary, and Ruth Merton Hempstead, Sheila1993
Merton's sense of place Pearson, Paul M.1999
Merton's "the good news of the nativity" : eschatology in the light of the monastic experience Koch, William1993
Merton's vision of the kingdom O'Connell, Patrick F.1998
Merton's window and the principle of " pro toto" Young, Gary1996
The Monastic Worldview - Contemporary Religious Ferment (Part 2 continued and Part 3) Capps, Walter H.1978
The Monastic Worldview - Contemporary Religious Ferment (Parts 1 and 2) Capps, Walter H.1978
Monasticism as lay spirituality in the thought of Thomas Merton O'Connell, Patrick F.1996
Mr. Guy Owen: Author of "Ballad of the Flim Flam Man" talks about his poetry and novels. First lecturer in the Thomas Merton Seminar Series. Feb. 12, 1971. Owen, Guy, 1925-1971
Mr. Tony Walsh choir novitiate Walsh, Anthony, 1899-19941962/08/16
Music of the Shakers University of Kentucky, Choristers; Salli Terri; and Sara Holroyd1981
My life with the saints / James Martin ; read by the author Martin, James, S.J.2010
My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going: an interactive reflection on Thomas Merton's famous prayer. (From the Springs of Compassion). Jackson, Augustine1997
Mysterium amoris / Margaret Rizza Rizza, Margaret2010
The mystical life and its significance today, December 3, 1973 Dupré, Louis K., 1925-1973
Mystical union in the global community : Thomas Merton's radical interiority Lanzetta, Beverly2008
Mystics, Muslims, and Merton / by Sidney Harrison Griffith Griffith, Sidney Harrison, 1938-2013
Mystics, sages, and saints : life lessons from the world's spiritual masters Rose, Kenneth2018
The need of a new Christianity, September 16, 1971 (side a); The rights of nature, September 17, 1971 (side b) Cobb, John B.1971
Nel fragoroso silenzio di Dio Poeta, Marco2010
New Mexico Merton Society inaugural lecture, January 28, 1994 : Ground of birth Daggy, Robert E.1994
The Niles - Merton Songs, Op. 171 and 172 / Poems by Thomas Merton; set to music by John Jacob Niles Niles, John Jacob, 1892-1981
The Niles - Merton Songs, Op. 171 and 172 / poems by Thomas Merton; set to music by John Jacob Niles; Jacqueline Roberts, soprano, accompanied by Nancy Field Niles, John Jacob, 1892-1980
The Niles - Merton Songs, Op. 171 and 172 / poems by Thomas Merton; set to music by John Jacob Niles; Jacqueline Roberts, soprano, accompanied by Nancy Field Niles, John Jacob, 1892-1980
The Niles-Merton Song Cycle, performed by Barbara Staropoli, voice, and Louise Morrice, accompaniment Niles, John Jacob, 1892-1982
Noël Baez, Joan1966
Noël Baez, Joan1966
The non-violence of Thomas Merton : from playboy seeker to contemplative prophet Mahon, J. Patrick2010
Non-violence. Bettelheim, non-violent behavior in concentration camps. Miller, William Robert, 1927-1970; and Paul Peachey1963/01/27
Nuclear war White, Patrick, 1912-1983
Of thanks and wonder / Kathleen Deignan, CND with Anima Schola Schola2002
On the Journey Forward: Merton and King as Important Guides - 8th Annual Thomas Merton Black History Month Lecture Cotton, Dorothy2014
On Thomas Merton Bourgeault, Cynthia2006
An optimist notes the dusk / David Grubbs Grubbs, David, 1967-2008
An oratorio based on Thomas Merton's Seeds of Contemplation (Copy 1) / score by Don Murray. Murray, Don1970
An oratorio based on Thomas Merton's Seeds of Contemplation (Copy 2) / score by Don Murray. Murray, Don1970
An oratorio based on Thomas Merton's Seeds of Contemplation, performed for Christ Church Cathedral's 50th year / musical score by Don Murray. Murray, Don1972
An oratorio based on Thomas Merton's Seeds of Contemplation / musical score by Don Murray. Murray, Don1970/11/22
Organically yours Kent Hill and Friends1985
Origin of philosophy in the West. Lecture by Dan Walsh. Walsh, Daniel Clark, 1907-19781967/04/22
Original child prophet : Merton and the nuclear menace Grayston, Donald1983
Our common home : Merton and Pope Francis on the natural world Johnson, Elizabeth2018/10/23
Padovano respondents : Michael Higgins and Thomas Del Prete. (From the Springs of Compassion). Higgins, Michael W.1997
Panel discussion on the Christology of Merton's poetry, December 7, 1978 Kilcourse, George, 1947-1978
The paschal heart of Thomas Merton's spirituality O'Connell, Patrick F.1995
Planetary smile Earthy God songs / Susan Cady, scribe of the mystics Cady, Susan2001
The poetry of Merton : a reading / Ron Seitz. Seitz, Ron1993
Poetry reading. (From the Springs of Compassion). Quenon, Paul1997
"Pope Francis and Thomas Merton: Visionaries of Mercy in a Time of Tribulation." Ivereigh, Austen2018/09/28
Prayer and action in Merton : the unbreakable connection Tobin, Mary Luke, 1908-1993
Prayer and commitment in Thomas Merton Tobin, Mary Luke, 1908-1988
Prayer and commitment in Thomas Merton Tobin, Mary Luke, 1908-1988
Prayer workshop / Theophane Boyd. Boyd, Theophane1993
Presidential address : [the heresy ofindividualism] / Bonnie B. Thurston. Sufi dancing / NeilDouglas. Thurston, Bonnie Bowman1993
Presidential address. (From the Springs of Compassion). O'Connell, Patrick F.1997
A prisoner of necessity. (From the Springs of Compassion). Padovano, Anthony T.1997
The prodigal son's long road home : Merton's mapping of the route Russell, Kenneth C.1984
Prophecy and commitment in Thomas Merton Tobin, Mary Luke, 1908-1988
Prophecy and commitment in Thomas Merton Tobin, Mary Luke, 1908-1988
A prophecy of paradise : Thomas Merton's lectio of Genesis Deignan, Kathleen, 1947-2010
Prophet and mystic of creation : on retreat with Thomas Merton Deignan, Kathleen Noone, 1947-2014
Prophetic voice in Merton's poetry Mayer, Elsie F., 1930-1994
The prophetic voice in Seeds of destruction Koch, William1994
The Psalms. Silberman, Lou H.1963/03/18
Psalmus humanus and six prayers / text written and spoken by Albert Szent-Gy÷rgyi. Szent-Györgyi, Albert, 1893-19861964
Question and revelation : Thomas Merton's recovery : ground of birth Daggy, Robert E.1993
Quintet in C major for viola and strings, K. 515 Quintet in G minor for viola and strings, K. 516. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-17911957
Qumran community. Silberman, Lou H.1963/03/19
R.J. Zwi Werblowsky on St. John of the Cross. Werblowsky, R. J. Zwi (Raphael Jehudah Zwi), 1924-1963/08/02
Rabbi L. Silberman Dead Sea Scrolls Silberman, Lou H.1962/08
Racism and Civil Rights. Alverno College, March 11, 1964. First lecture of the Sr. Jutta Lecture Series. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801964
Racism, 1st lecture and of the series, January 22, 1973. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801973
Racism, 2nd lecture and of the series, January 23, 1973. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801973
Racism, 3rd lecture and of the series, January 24, 1973. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801973
Racism, 4th lecture and of the series, January 26, 1973. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801973
Racism, 5th lecture and of the series, January 29, 1973. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801973
Racism, 6th lecture and of the series (final), January 30, 1973. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801973
Racism, lecture to high school students, January 26, 1973 Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801973
Radio New Zealand Christmas service from Christ's College, Christchurch, New Zealand : commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Death of Thomas Merton / Raymond Schmack and Bosco Peters Schmack, Raymond2008
Reading Dante's Commedia in Merton's Seven storey mountain Hempstead, Sheila1995
Reading, writing, realization Nugent, Don.1999
Recruiting Merton : conjectures on ecological ethics O'Hara, Dennis Patrick2010
Reflections by Merton's confreres on Merton as a teacher of faith and nonviolence (Revelation of Justice - Revolution of Love) Bamberger, John Eudes; Paul Quenon; and James Finley2005
Relevance of Merton's ideas on racism to race relations inAustralia. (From the Springs of Compassion). Goodwin-O'Neal, Beth1997
Religion and racism : Thomas Merton's insights for the twenty-first century Phelps, Jamie T. (Jamie Therese), 1941-2011
A retreat with Thomas Merton : Becoming who we are Padovano, Anthony T.2001
Rev. Dan Berrigan S.J. "Poverty" concluded Berrigan, Daniel1962/08
Rev. Dan Berrigan S.J. "Poverty" Berrigan, Daniel1962/08
Revelation of Justice - Revolution of Love / Christianity: a living and perpetual revolution. Hobday, José, Sr., O.S.F.2005
Review of "Thomas Merton, Monk." Spalding College book review series, November 18, 1975. Crews, Clyde F.1975
Roundtable discussion : the Merton journals. (From the Springs of Compassion). Bochen, Christine M.1997
Sacramentalism and the sacramentality in Thomas Merton's Thirty poems O'Connell, Patrick F.1994
Save me, o God, from the barrage of words which inwardly afflict me / Martin Laird, OSA Laird, M. S. (Martin S.)2011
Seeds of contemplation from Meister Eckhart for Thomas Merton Paguio, Erlinda1998
Seeing with the heart : David Whyte interviewed by Michael Toms Whyte, David1990
A semi-hidden Merton: contemplation and action in the prefatory essays King, John E.1993
Sermon for Mass at Nothern Ohio Merton Festival, Nov. 12, 1972 (Side 1); Informal discussion with Nouwen (Side 2). Nouwen, Henri J. M.1972
A service in memory of Thomas Merton Shipps, Howard Fenimore, 1903-19921969
The seven mountains of Thomas Merton (interview about his book, February 1, 1985) Mott, Michael1985
The seven storey mountain / Nate Wooley, Paul Lytton, David Grubbs Wooley, Nate, 1974-2007
Shared facts, different stories the mother of Thomas Merton Hempstead, Sheila1998
Sharing the experience of the divine light : Thomas Merton's path to interreligious understanding Griffith, Sidney Harrison, 1938-2008
The significance of the firewatch quilt. interview by Richard Sisto of Fred Hicks and Penny Sisto. Sisto, Richard198-
The silent one and the poetics of unity Merton's last poem Higgins, Michael W.1983
Simple and sincere accounts : Merton in our time Fennell, Frank1998
Sr. Elaine Bane, OSF, first Sister-In-Charge in the Cloister, describes the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany’s early contemplative life, as well as how she began her correspondence with Thomas Merton Bane, Elaine, Sr., O.S.F.2017
The Sisters’ Concert Sisters of Saint Dominic (Caldwell, N.J.) 
Solitude and love / Robert Grip, Rose AnnetteLiddell. Grip, Robert1993
Solitude and maturity / A.M. Allchin, Patrick F. Guyton. Allchin, A. M.1993
Solitude and service : spiritual activism / with Sister Helen Prejean, Jonathan Montaldo, Blessing Finca and others Prejean, Helen2001
Solitude and service : spiritual activism / with Sister Helen Prejean, Jonathan Montaldo, Blessing Finca and others Prejean, Helen2001
Solitude, way to reality : reflections on Merton's 'Philosophy of solitude' / William H. Shannon. Shannon, William Henry, 1917-1993
Something understood : remembering Merton / Mike Wooldridge and Rowan Williams BBC2008
Song cycle by William Parker Parker, William, 1952-2001
Soul searching: the journey of Thomas Merton / interview broadcast on the Diane Rehm Show Atkinson, Morgan C.2008
Sources and resources. (From the Springs of Compassion). Burnham, Christopher C. (Christopher Charles), 1950-1997
Speaking of faith: Brother Thay: a radio pilgrimage with Thich Nhat Hahn. Minnesota Public Radio, host Krista Tippett. Minnesota Public Radio2003
Speaking of faith: the spiritual audacity of Abraham Joshua Heschel. Minnesota Public Radio, host Krista Tippett Minnesota Public Radio2008
Spellbound Collins, Judy2022
A spiritual masters retreat with Fr. Donald Goergen, O.P. Goergen, Donald2011
Spirituality and civil rights LaFayette, Bernard2002
Spirituality and the city Sheldrake, Philip2012
The spirituality of Thomas Merton O'Connell, Patrick F.2001
Springboard address with a response by Rabbi Michael Lerner (Revelation of Justice - Revolution of Love) Wallis, Jim; and Michael Lerner, 1943-2005
Springboard session of the Sixth General Conference of the International Thomas Merton Society. Paguio, Erlinda1999
Sr. Elena Malits, C.S.C.: Merton talk while working on her dissertation. Loretto Motherhouse, Nerinx, KY, July 1971. Malits, Elena1971
St. Basil. Bamberger, John Eudes1963/09/15
St. Basil's "moralia" as a rule for both ascetics and lay people. Bamberger, John Eudes1963/09/22
St. Gregory the Great. Connor, James1963/09/23
Stability and continuing renewal: Thomas Merton's commitment to Gethsemani Montaldo, Jonathan1993
State of Affairs: Interview with Albert Raboteau. Raboteau, Albert J.2008
State of Affairs: Interview with Barbara Ann Holmes. Holmes, Barbara Ann, 1943-2009
State of Affairs: Interview with Vincent Harding. Harding, Vincent2007
State of Affairs: personal epiphanies. With Tom Williams, Paul M. Pearson, Don Vish, Pam Platt, Christopher 2X, Joe Reagan. WFPL2008
State of Affairs: professional morality. Interview with Barry L. Padgett and David Callahan. WFPL2009
State of Affairs: Thomas Merton: soul searching. With Morgan C. Atkinson, James Conner, Paul Quenon and Richard Sisto. WFPL2007
State of Affairs: Thomas Merton. Interview with Brother Patrick Hart, Erlinda Paguio and Paul M Pearson. WFPL2003
State of Affairs, December 10, 1998; interview with Dianne Aprile and Christine Bochen. WFPL1998
Storytelling : Merton and stories from the desert tradition / Kelby Cotton. (A huge chorus of living beings.) Cotton, Kelby1991
Studio 619: Thomas Merton epiphany. Paul M. Pearson interviewed by Stephanie Sanders. Pearson, Paul M.2008
Summoned to explore the heart: Do not disturb: Thomas Merton at St. Bonaventure. [soundrecording] / Michael Mott. Mott, Michael1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Eros and agape / Jacques Goulet. Goulet, Jacques1995
Summoned to explore the heart: First timers orientation. Bochen, Christine M.1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Harvesting new fruits: Merton's message to poets. Cunningham, Lawrence1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Merton and art / Margaret Betz, Donna Kristoff,Mary Murray. Betz, Margaret1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Merton and East-West conversation / Robert L. Faricy, Timothy Fullerton, Erlinda G. Paguio. Faricy, Robert L., 1926-1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Merton and Franciscan spirituality / Kathleen Deignan, Michael Downey, Sean Kinsella. Deignan, Kathleen, 1947-1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Merton and inner transformation / Patrick Guyton, Bradford T. Stull, John Wu, Jr. Guyton, Patrick1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Merton and literature / David Belcastro, RossLabrie, John S. Porter. Belcastro, David1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Merton and the Chinese connection. Lee, Cyrus1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Merton and the scriptures / Paul Quenon, OCSO,Johan Seynnaeve, Stephen J. Wolf. Quenon, Paul1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Merton and the theologians / John CharlesCooper, Marie Goldstein, RSHM, E. Glenn Hinson. Cooper, John Charles1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Merton and young people / Fred Herron, JeffreyT. Kiernan, John E. King. Herron, Fred.1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Merton as a prophet for the 21st century. Conner, James1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Merton at St. Bonaventures / Thomas Del Prete,Lynn Elwell, Paul M Pearson. Del Prete, Thomas1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Merton in our dreams and poetry: workshop /Rose Gordy. Gordy, Rose1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Merton's secular journal: workshop. / Victor A.Kramer, Paul Wise. Kramer, Victor A.1995
Summoned to explore the heart: Thomas Merton and the new world kairos Grinberg, Miguel1995
Summoned to explore the heart: What Merton's prophetic challenge means to me. [soundrecording] / Mary K. Stanford, Frank X. Tuoti. Stanford, Mary K.1995
Sunday worship: marking the 40th anniversary of the death of Thomas Merton / Michael Ford BBC2008
Swami in yoga teaching. Hindu Swami1963/07/04
Swami in yoga teaching. Hindu Swami1963/07/03
Sweet irrational worship : the Niles-Merton songs opus 171 & 172 performed by Chad Runyon and Jacqueline Chew Niles, John Jacob, 1892-2006
Talk on Merton to the Smith Group at Faith Baptist Church, Bardstown, KY, March 1971. O'Callaghan, Tommie1971
Talk on yoga by the Swami. Hindu Swami1963/07/02
Talk to novices and juniors by Dom Colomban. (Gaps.) Bissey, Colomban, Dom, O.C.S.O., 1912-1964/04/08
Talking History: Thomas Merton. With Patrick Geoghegan, Paul M. Pearson, Patrick F. O'Connell, Mark Shaw, Dennis Luke and Brendan Purcell / Newstalk 106-108 FM Newstalk2013
Talks on Merton to the Smith Group at Broadway Baptist Church, March 3, 1971 (Side 1); and to class of Sr. Mary Madelaine at the King Center, Bardstown, KY, March 1971. O'Callaghan, Tommie1971
The Contemplative journey, Volume One Keating, Thomas1997
The Contemplative journey, Volume Two Keating, Thomas.1997
There is no charity without justice (Revelation of Justice - Revolution of Love) Brenner, Antonia2005
Thomas Merton (part 1 of 2), St. John the Divine Cathedral, New York, January 28, 1973 Berrigan, Daniel1973
Thomas Merton (part 2 of 2), St. John the Divine Cathedral, New York, January 28, 1973 Berrigan, Daniel1973
Thomas Merton : a spiritual guide for the twenty-first century Ciorra, Anthony2011
Thomas Merton : a personal reminiscence Laughlin, James, 1914-1984
Thomas Merton : activism of the spirit / Jonathan Montaldo Montaldo, Jonathan2002
Thomas Merton : activism of the spirit / Jonathan Montaldo Montaldo, Jonathan2002
Thomas Merton: an introduction for the common man, fifth lecture, November 8, 1973 Abdelnour, Mary Madeline, Sr., S.C.N.1973
Thomas Merton: an introduction for the common man, first lecture, October 11, 1973 Abdelnour, Mary Madeline, Sr., S.C.N.1973
Thomas Merton: an introduction for the common man, second lecture, October 18, 1973 Abdelnour, Mary Madeline, Sr., S.C.N.1973
Thomas Merton: an introduction for the common man, sixth lecture, November 14, 1973 Abdelnour, Mary Madeline, Sr., S.C.N.1973
Thomas Merton: an introduction for the common man, third lecture, October 25, 1973 Seitz, Ron1973
Thomas Merton and Bede Griffiths Douglas, John P.2006
Thomas Merton and centering prayer, December 3, 1988 Pennington, M. Basil1988
Thomas Merton and Czeslaw Milosz panel (Revelation of Justice - Revolution of Love) Faggen, Robert; Lillian Vallee; and Paul J. Contino2005
Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day : a special friendship Forest, Jim (James H.)2010
Thomas Merton and Henri Nouwen : Living with God in modern America Bamberger, John Eudes2000
Thomas Merton and Henri Nouwen : spiritual guides for the 21st century Higgins, Michael W.2018
Thomas Merton and Henry Thoreau Daggy, Robert E.1985
Thomas Merton and his mountains Daggy, Robert E.1985
Thomas Merton and James Moffett : complementary visions of the universal school house Lewis, Gloria Kitto1995
Thomas Merton and other North Americans / Steven Payne Payne, Steven, 1950-1991
Thomas Merton and Pope John XXIII / Michael W. Higgins Higgins, Michael W.2013
A Restless Longing: Thomas Merton and African Diasporan Contemplative Legacies: 3rd Annual Thomas Merton Black History Month Lecture Holmes, Barbara Ann, 1943-2009
Thomas Merton and racial reconciliation Raboteau, Albert J.2008
Thomas Merton and Racial Reconciliation: 2nd Annual Thomas Merton Black History Month Lecture Raboteau, Albert J.2008
Thomas Merton and social justice / Joan Chittister. (A huge chorus of living beings.) Chittister, Joan1991
Thomas Merton and the Carmelite saints Paguio, Erlinda1994
Thomas Merton and the concern for peace Daggy, Robert E.1985
Thomas Merton and the inner experience Bamberger, John Eudes2008
Thomas Merton and the mystic north Leddy, Mary Jo1999
Thomas Merton and the non-Christian contemplative tradition. Finley, James J.2003
Thomas Merton and the psalms Paguio, Erlinda1996
Thomas Merton and the quiz show scandal : America's loss of innocence Daggy, Robert E.1994
Thomas Merton and the Seven storey mountain Daggy, Robert E.1985
Thomas Merton as poet. Modern poetry class at Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, January 7, 1969. Snyder, Urban1969
Thomas Merton as sapiential teacher : perceptions of his students Lewis, Gloria Kitto1993
Thomas Merton commemoration, December 3, 1978 Burns, Flavian1978
Thomas Merton commemoration, December 6, 1978 Greeley, Andrew M., 1928-1978
Thomas Merton for our time Horan, Daniel P.2017
Thomas Merton: man as believer, 1st and 2nd lectures of the series, January 23, 1973. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801973
Thomas Merton: man as believer, 3rd lecture of the series, January 24, 1973. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801973
Thomas Merton: man as believer, 4th lecture of the series, January 29, 1973. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801973
Thomas Merton: man as believer, 5th lecture of the series, January 30, 1973. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801973
Thomas Merton: man as believer, 6th lecture and of the series (final), January 31, 1973. Griffin, John Howard, 1920-19801973
Thomas Merton on contemplation Schramm, John1979
The Thomas Merton retreat 2002: spirituality and the environment public forum 1 Thomas Merton Foundation2002
The Thomas Merton retreat 2002: spirituality and the environment public forum 2 Thomas Merton Foundation2002
Thomas Merton / Richard Boult and Flower Newhouse Boult, Richard2012
Thomas Merton : Seeder of radical action Chittister, Joan2001
Thomas Merton : Seeder of radical action Chittister, Joan2001
Thomas Merton Studies Center, collection and appointment as Director; talks to Bellarmine Women's Council (October 5, 1971) and to Men's Civic Council (March 17, 1972). Bailey, Raymond, 1938-1972
Thomas Merton Studies Center, collection and appointment as Director; talks to Bellarmine Women's Council (October 5, 1971) and to Men's Civic Council (March 17, 1972). Bailey, Raymond, 1938-1972
Thomas Merton, the Catholic Church, and the racial divide in the United States Braxton, Edward K.2018
Thomas Merton the man / with Ron Seitz. Seitz, Ron1997
Thomas Merton the man / with Ron Seitz. Seitz, Ron1997
Thomas Merton workshop '82 Shannon, William Henry, 1917-1982
Thomas Merton, a life for our times / Dr.Anthony T. Padovano. Padovano, Anthony T.1982
Thomas Merton, and the joy of being Catholic Finley, Mitch1999
Thomas Merton, contemplative monk : his life and writings Schramm, John1983
Thomas Merton, implications for a Christian spirituality. Merton Festival of Northern Ohio, November 19, 1972. Marty, Martin E., 1928-1972
Thomas Merton, non-violence and me Berrigan, Daniel2004
Thomas Merton, Peace Through Non-violence. Merton Festival of Northern Ohio, November 27, 1972. Forest, Jim (James H.)1972
Thomas Merton, Poet. Merton Festival of Northern Ohio, November 14, 1972. Lentfoehr, Thérèse, 1902-1972
Thomas Merton, prophet. Merton Festival of Northern Ohio, December 2, 1972. Reardon, Patrick, Fr.1972
Thomas Merton, the contemplative in search of peace. Merton Festival of Northern Ohio, November 15, 1972. Douglass, James W.1972
Thomas Merton : the seven storey mountain, and the rest of the story / by Michael W. Higgins Higgins, Michael W.2014
Thomas Merton's dream and individuation process Haden, Bob2009
Thomas Merton's "hidden wholeness" Wilkie, Ray1994
Thomas Merton's notion of contemplation for people in the world Conner, James1994
Thomas Merton's Path to the palace of nowhere : the essential guide to the contemplative teachings of Thomas Merton Finley, James J.2004
Thomas Merton's Path to the palace of nowhere The essential guide to the contemplative teachings of Thomas Merton / James Finley Finley, James J.2002
Thomas Merton's romance with Asia Wu, John1993
Thomas Merton's Seeds of Black Liberation: A New Opportunity - 9th Annual Thomas Merton Black History Month Lecture Mikulich, Alexander2015
Thomas Merton's shift: critical and transformative spirituality. Rohr, Richard2003
Thomas Merton's solitude: seeds of compassion. (From the Springs of Compassion). Hope, Harriet1997
Thomas Merton's spirituality / Anthony T. Padovano. Padovano, Anthony T.1979
Thomas Merton's theology of self Carr, Anne E.1978
Thomas Merton's uncommon common sense Koch, William1998
Thomas Merton's Wisdom on the Dis-ease of Whiteness Cassidy, Laurie2017
Thomas Merton Schramm, John1978
The tragedy of Thomas Merton Von Hildebrand, Alice1986
The tragedy of Thomas Merton Von Hildebrand, Alice2012
Trinity Sunday high mass at Gethsemani - Dan Walsh celebrant. Walsh, Daniel Clark, 1907-19781967/05/21
Turning toward the planet : Thomas Merton's ecological conversion Weis, Monica, 1942-2010
Unseen rain / Ginger Baker with Jens Johansson and Jonas Hellborg Baker, Ginger1989
Vancouver Symposium: A dark and empty way - Thomas Merton and apophatic tradition, May 13, 1978 Teahan, John Francis, 1945-1978
Vancouver Symposium: Autobiography and theology: the once and future Merton, May 12, 1978 Grayston, Donald1978
Vancouver Symposium: Erich Fromm and Thomas Merton: two mystics in search of freedom, May 12, 1978 Graf, William1978
Vancouver Symposium: Expansive Catholicism: ecumenical perceptions of Thomas Merton, May 13, 1978 Hinson, E. Glenn1978
Vancouver Symposium: Inwardness and prophetic action: Thomas Merton's implicit dialogue with Judaism, May 12, 1978 Kaplan, Edward K., 1942-1978
Vancouver Symposium: Merton and the lifestyle of the lay contemplative: explicit statements and refracted light, May 12, 1978 Russell, Kenneth C.1978
Vancouver Symposium: Merton and the year 3000 - the task of the next millenium, May 13, 1978 Richardson, Herbert Warren1978
Vancouver Symposium: Merton's anticipation of contemporary spirituality, May 12, 1978 Capps, Walter H.1978
Vancouver Symposium: Merton's contribution to a transcultural consciousness, May 12, 1978 Thompson, William M., 1943- (William Thompson-Uberuaga)1978
Vancouver Symposium: Merton's integral concept of ethical religion, May 13, 1978 Bierwiler, Kay1978
Vancouver Symposium: Mysticism and Thomas Merton, May 12, 1978 Chakravarty, Amiya Chandra1978
Vancouver Symposium: Nonviolent transformation in an end-time, May 12, 1978 Douglass, James W.1978
Vancouver Symposium: Sources and resources: news of the Merton industry, May 12, 1978 Daggy, Robert E.1978
Vancouver Symposium: The discovery of the real self in Thomas Merton, May 12, 1978 Shannon, William Henry, 1917-1978
Vancouver Symposium: The gyrovague and the quest for integration, May 13, 1978 Higgins, Michael W.1978
Vancouver Symposium: The Zen-mystical poetry of Thomas Merton, May 13, 1978 Lentfoehr, Thérèse, 1902-1978
Vancouver Symposium: Thomas Merton and Flannery O'Connor - The urgency of vision, May 12, 1978 Weaver, Mary Jo1978
Vancouver Symposium: Thomas Merton and peace, May 13, 1978 Zahn, Gordon Charles, 1918-1978
Vancouver Symposium: Thomas Merton: the role of the artist, May 12, 1978 Labrie, Ross1978
Vancouver Symposium: Wallace Stevens and Thomas Merton: a study in the religious imagination, May 12, 1978 Griffin, Ernest G.1978
Vincent Harding: 1st Annual Thomas Merton Black History Month Lecture Harding, Vincent2007
Vincent Harding: 1st Annual Thomas Merton Black History Month Lecture Harding, Vincent2007
Voice of the stranger : Merton's penetration of the mystery of the Maya Ruttle, Paul, C.P., 1953-1994
A vow of conversation : Merton's journal at a pivotal moment / Dewey W. Kramer, Victor A. Kramer. Kramer, Dewey W.1993
Vulnerable prophets : Thomas Merton, Abraham Johua Heschel, and Vatican II Kaplan, Edward K., 1942-2013
Wake up - RE:Lax Lax, Robert2003
Walsh tapes: 10b through 13b, Lectures by Dan Walsh on Philosophy Walsh, Daniel Clark, 1907-19781963
Walsh tapes: 1a through 3a, Lectures by Dan Walsh on Philosophy Walsh, Daniel Clark, 1907-19781962
Walsh tapes: 4a through 6a, Lectures by Dan Walsh on Philosophy Walsh, Daniel Clark, 1907-19781962
Walsh tapes: 6b through 10a, Lectures by Dan Walsh on Philosophy [tapes for 9 not extant] Walsh, Daniel Clark, 1907-19781962-1963
What does a dead monk have to say about peace and racism today King, John E.1994
Why America needs a spiritual left (Revelation of Justice - Revolution of Love) Lerner, Michael, 1943-2005
Why Thomas Merton? Prophet-Symbol-Mystic? Daggy, Robert E.1985
A wild and desolate solitude. Burton-Christie, Douglas2003
Wilkes Film - Dalai Lama interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Ernesto Cardenal interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Flavian Burns interview continued Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Flavian Burns interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Georges Linieres interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Gladys Marcus interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - interview with Joan Baez Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - interviews on cassette (1 of 2) Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - interviews on cassette (2 of 2) Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - James Forest interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - James Laughlin interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Jean Jadot interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Jean Leclercq interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Joan Baez interview [full] Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Joan Baez interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - John Barber interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - John Eudes Bamberger interview continued Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - John Eudes Bamberger interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Lawrence Ferlinghetti interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Mary Luke Tobin interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Maurice Flood interview continued Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Maurice Flood interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Naomi Burton Stone interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Rembert Weakland interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Richard Loomis interview continued Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Richard Loomis interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Robert Giroux interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Robert Lax interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Rosemary Ruether interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Thich Nhât Hanh interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
Wilkes Film - Wilbur H. "Ping" Ferry interview Wilkes, Paul, 1938-1983
William Blake and his influence on Thomas Merton Noble, Elizabeth1996
William Faulkner reading Faulkner, William, 1897-19621984
William Parker Performs Vocal Works By Ernst Bacon, Robert Evett, Charles Tomlinson Griffes, Lee Hoiby, John Jacob Niles, Ned Rorem Parker, William, 1943-19931980
Winter Rain : a one-man play based on the life of Thomas Merton / performed by Neil Bradley, written by Anthony Padovano Padovano, Anthony T.2002
Wisdom and prophecy : the two poles of Merton's mature thought O'Connell, Patrick F.1993
Working beyond class and race Cohen-Kiener, Andrea2010
The worship of the whole creation : Merton and the Eastern fathers / A.M. Allchin. (A huge chorus of living beings.) Allchin, A. M.1991
The Wound and the witness : Merton and King and the exercise of the prophetic Copeland, M. Shawn (Mary Shawn)2013
Zalman M. Schachter. Schachter, Zalman, 1924-1965/05/23
Zalman Schachter and Rabbi L. Silberman Schachter, Zalman, 1924-1962/08
Zalman Schachter Letter to Merton : Dec. 1, 1966. Voice-recorded letter from Schachter. Schachter, Zalman, 1924-1966
Zalman Schachter Letter to Merton: December 1, 1966 Schachter, Zalman, 1924-1966/12/01
Zalman Schachter Letter to Merton: December 1, 1966 Schachter, Zalman, 1924-1966/12/01
Zalman Schachter Letter to Merton: December 1, 1966 Schachter, Zalman, 1924-1966/12/01

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