The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Merton Manuscript Collections Results

Aujourd'hui le Bouddhisme, by Thich Nhât Hanh. Notes.
Buddhism and the modern world
Dialog with Buddhism. Notes.
Discovering the silence, excerpt from The Asian journal
Is Buddhism life-denying? [Appendix to Zen and the birds of appetite]
Marcel and Buddha : a metaphysics of enlightenment, by Sally Donnelly. Foreword.
Oriental, etc. Notes.
Photography of Thomas Merton (various articles and catalogues)
Recovery of paradise, The
Two letters of the late Thomas Merton : On the future of monasticism; Buddhist monasticism and meditation
Zen Buddhism and psychoanalysis, by D. T. Suzuki, Erich Fromm, and Richard DeMartino
Zen Buddhist monasticism


Other Merton-Related Collection Results

D.7Periodicals, Journals, Pamphlets used by Merton (some with marginalia)Series 1:  Abe, Masao. "A Symposium on Christianity and Buddhism continued with Professor Abe's Reply,". Japanese Religions., No. 2 (1966), (Kyoto, Japan) Vol 4.
D.7Periodicals, Journals, Pamphlets used by Merton (some with marginalia)Series 65:  Osborne, Arthur (editor). The Mountain Path., 1.2 (April 1964), (Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai).
D.7Periodicals, Journals, Pamphlets used by Merton (some with marginalia)Series 66:  Pallis, Marco. "Living One's Karma," The Middle Way (date and issue unknown): 127-142.
D.7Periodicals, Journals, Pamphlets used by Merton (some with marginalia)Series 80:  Suzuki, D.T. "Basic Thoughts Underlying Eastern Ethical and Social Practice." Extracted from: Philosophy and Culture East & West ed: by Charles A. Moore. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1962: 428-447.
D.7Periodicals, Journals, Pamphlets used by Merton (some with marginalia)Series 84:  Tibetan Bulletin Vol. 4 (February - August 1968) No. 1 and No. 3-8.
D.7Periodicals, Journals, Pamphlets used by Merton (some with marginalia)Series 91:  Verdú , Alfonso . Monumenta Nipponica: studies in Japanese Culture., No's 1 - 2 (Sophia University - Tokyo)., Vol. XXI: 125-170.