The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Merton Center Manuscripts:

'Martha, Mary and Lazarus : Action and Contemplation in Saint Bernard of Clairvaux'

Marthe, Marie et Lazare; Action and Contemplation in Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

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Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153 |
Contemplation |

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#SectionAuthor1st Pub1st Serial 1st BookWork ReviewedContent
1. Article (Essay) D.5 Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968; In the bound volume of Merton: Collected Essays from the Merton Center Reading Room, Volume 20, page 396.
2. Manuscript of Book/Pamphlet C.2 Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968; 1980 Thomas Merton on St. Bernard This was not published during Merton's life as a book in English, only in French and Portuguese. It was expanded from a three-installment article titled "Action and Contemplation in the Doctrine of Saint Bernard," published in Collectanea Ordinis Cistciensium Reformatorum in 1953. A French edition was published in book form in 1956, Marthe, Marie et Lazare. The English text became the first section of Thomas Merton on St. Bernard (Cistercian Publications: Kalamazoo, Michigan) in 1980. «detailed view» -->
3. Mimeographed Preface or Introduction E.1 Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968; 1981 Introductions east and west : the foreign prefaces of Thomas Merton This preface was first published in French in Marthe, Marie et Lazare (1956, DesclĂ©e de Brouwer). It first appeared in English in Introductions East and West and the later edition Honorable Reader. «detailed view» -->