The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Action and contemplation in St. Bernard
Active and contemplative orders
Aids to mental prayer
As man to man
Ascent to truth, The
Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153
Call to contemplation, The. Notes.
Christ in the desert
Christ of the desert
Christian contemplation. Edited with an introduction by Robert E. Daggy.
Christian life of prayer, The
Climate of monastic prayer, The
Cloud and the fire, The
Community, politics, and contemplation
Contemplation and ecumenism
Contemplation and the priesthood
Contemplation et vie contemplative selon Platon, by André Marie Jean Festugière. Notes.
Contemplation in a rocking chair
Contemplation in a world of action
Contemplation. Notes.
Contemplative and the atheist, The
Contemplative life in the modern world, The
Contemplative life today, The. Transcription of a tape made for the Savannah Carmel.
Contemplative life, The : its meaning and necessity
Contemplative life, The. Plan. [outline for a book] (1950)
Contemplatives and the crisis of faith [by J.-B. Porion, André Louf, and Thomas Merton]
Dialogue and renewal in the contemplative life
Events and pseudo-events : letter to a Southern churchman
From Thomas Merton. Excerpt from the preface to the Japanese edition of Thoughts in solitude
Gift of understanding, The
Grammar of perfection, A
I begin to meditate. Excerpt from The seven storey mountain.
Inner experience, The
Is the contemplative life finished? Notes from a taped conference.
Martha, Mary and Lazarus : Action and Contemplation in Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
Marxism and contemplative life. Notes.
Meeting at Gethsemani. December 4-7, 1967. [Contemplative religious women, Sr. Elaine Bane, O.S.F. and others]
Message from contemplative monks to the synod of bishops on the possibility of man's entering into dialogue with the ineffable God, A
Message of contemplatives to the modern world
Monastery of Christ in the Desert
Notes on contemplation. Excerpts from New seeds of contemplation.
Poesia e la vita contemplativa, La
Poetry and contemplation : a reappraisal
Poetry and the contemplative life
Primacy of contemplation, The
Problems and orientations of monachism, by Dom Jean Leclercq, O.S.B. [Etudes, May 1964]. Translated into English by Thomas Merton.
Sacred theology : contemplation [article for the Catholic Encyclopedia for School and Home]
Saint Benedict and the contemplative life
Seeds of contemplation
Seeds of contemplation. Dutch. [Ter overweging]
Seeds of contemplation. Japanese.
Solitary life, The. Transcription of a tape made for the Savannah Carmel.
Thomas Merton / 1915-1968 : excerpts from Commonweal - Contemplative life; Art; Nuclear war; The world.
Thomas Merton on renunciation. Unpublished material from the original manuscript of The seven storey mountain.
Todo y nada : writing and contemplation. Previously unpublished material from a manuscript of The seven storey mountain.
Unamuno. Comment on Unamuno y la vida monástica, by Jesus Alvarez Arroyo. Yermo 4 (1966) 1-50.
What is contemplation?