The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Merton Center Manuscripts:

'Message of contemplatives to the modern world'

The message of contemplatives to the modern world

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Contemplation |
Modernity and society |
Monastic and religious life |

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#SectionAuthor1st Pub1st Serial 1st BookWork ReviewedContent
1. Crossreference ; See:  As man to man -->
2. Article (Essay) D.1 Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968; 1967 Message from contemplative monks to the synod of bishops on the possibility of man's entering into dialogue with the ineffable God, A Earlier draft of "The contemplative and the atheist." See also Section A for correspondence with Dom Francis Decroix. Merton's response incorporated into "A message from contemplative monks to the synod of bishops on the possibility of man's entering into dialogue with the ineffable God." See also:  Contemplative and the atheist, The --> «detailed view» -->
3. Crossreference ; See:  Message from contemplative monks to the synod of bishops on the possibility of man's entering into dialogue with the ineffable God, A -->
4. Mimeographed Article (Essay) D.2 Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968; 1967 Message from contemplative monks to the synod of bishops on the possibility of man's entering into dialogue with the ineffable God, A Earlier draft of "The contemplative and the atheist." See also Section A for correspondence with Dom Francis Decroix. Merton's response incorporated into "A message from contemplative monks to the synod of bishops on the possibility of man's entering into dialogue with the ineffable God." See also:  Contemplative and the atheist, The --> «detailed view» -->
5. Article (Essay) E.1 Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968; 1967 Message from contemplative monks to the synod of bishops on the possibility of man's entering into dialogue with the ineffable God, A Earlier draft of "The contemplative and the atheist." See also Section A for correspondence with Dom Francis Decroix. Merton's response incorporated into "A message from contemplative monks to the synod of bishops on the possibility of man's entering into dialogue with the ineffable God." See also:  Contemplative and the atheist, The --> «detailed view» -->
6. Notes E.1 Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968; unpublished «detailed view» -->
7. Article (Essay) D.5 Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968; 1967 Message from contemplative monks to the synod of bishops on the possibility of man's entering into dialogue with the ineffable God, A In the bound volume of Merton: Collected Essays from the Merton Center Reading Room, Volume 5, page 4. Earlier draft of "The contemplative and the atheist."