The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Sub-Section E.2

Article (Essay),  Poem,  Translation of Poetry, 

Advice to a young prophet
Anatomy of melancholy
And the children of Birmingham
Angels again
At this precise moment in history. Section of The geography of Lograire.
Ben's last fight (fragment)
Birdcage walk
Carol - 1967, A
Ce Xochitl: The sign of flowers (Mexico). Section of The geography of Lograire.
Ceremony for Edward Dahlberg
Chant to be used in processions around a site with furnaces
Char, René. Poems from the French of René Char, translated by Thomas Merton.
CHEE$E, by Joyce Killer-Diller : A Christmas Card for Brother Cellarer
Chilam Balam (Yucatan). Section of The geography of Lograire.
Cinq vierges, Les (pour Jacques)
City's spring
Concrete poems (various)
Cuadra, Pablo Antonio, 1912-2002
Day six O'Hare telephane. Section of The geography of Lograire.
Dirty souls. Translation by Thomas Merton of the poem "Almas sucias" by Alfonso Cortés.
Dream at Arles on the night of the mistral, A
Early Mass (St. Joseph Infirmary-Louisville)
Early poems, 1940-42
Eight freedom songs
Elegy for Father Stephen (also titled "Elegy for a Trappist")
Elegy for five old ladies, An
Elegy for the monastery barn
Epitaph for a public servant (In memoriam - Adolf Eichmann)
Ernesto Cardenal
Every morning [concrete poem]
Everyday man counts, The
Exercise book
Fall '66 (Arturumque etiam sub terris bella moventem)
First lesson about man
For my brother : reported Missing in Action, 1943
For the Spanish poet Miguel Hernandez
Found macaronic antipoem (A trans. from an elementary reader, Augsburg, 1514)
Geography of Lograire, The
Grace's house
Grave robber beware
Great men of former times, The
Hagia Sophia
Harmonies of excess, The
Holy child's song, The
Hopeless and felons
How long we wait
Hymns of Lograire. Section of The geography of Lograire.
In silence
Kane Relief Expedition. Section of The geography of Lograire.
Lament for Javier Heraud
Letters to Che : Canto bilingüe
Lion, The
Love winter when the plant says nothing
Man the master
Materials for an icon (Ad.. Columba)
Message from the horizon, A
Message to be inscribed on Mark Van Doren's Hamilton Medal
Minotaur's picnic, The. From a verse history of the World.
Night of destiny
Night-flowering cactus
Notes for a new liturgy. Section of The geography of Lograire.
O cross more radiant than the stars
Ointment, The
Original child bomb
Originators, The
Out of the heat of the invented South
Paper cranes (The Hibakusha come to Gethsemani)
Picture of a black child with a white doll (Carole Denise McNair, killed in Birmingham, Sept. 1963)
Picture of Lee Ying
Planet over Eastern Parkway, The
Practical program for monks, A
Prayer to St. Anatole
Prologue : Why I have a wet footprint on top of my mind. Section of The geography of Lograire.
Prospects of Nostradamus, The
Rain and vision
Reading translated poets, Feb. 1
Rilke's epitaph
Rites for the extrusion of a leper
Roman nocturnes, translation of poem by Rafael Alberti
Round and a hope for Smith girls, A
Saint Jerome
Saint Maedoc - Fragment of an Ikon
Sartre est un boche!
Secret, Le
Secular signs
Serious time, The [poem; translation of Ernste Stunde by Rainer Maria Rilke]
Seven archaic images
Sincerity (omnis homo mendax)
Soldiers of peace, by Clement of Alexandria ; translation by Thomas Merton
Solemn music
Song : If you seek a heavenly light
Song : In the shows of the round ox
Song for the death of Averroës (from Ibn Al Arabi, after the Spanish version of Asin Palacios)
Song from Crossportion's Pastoral
Song from the Geography of Lograire
Song, A : Sensation time at the home
Sowing of meanings, The
Splendor paternae gloriae. Fourth century. Translated from the Latin of St. Ambrose by Thomas Merton.
Sponge full of vinegar, The
St. Agnes : a responsory
Sting of conscience, The (letter to Graham Greene)
Submerged dragon
Sweetgum avenue leads to a college of charm, The
Tears of the blind lions, The. French. (Les larmes des lions aveugles.)
Thoughts in an airliner
Three poems by Thomas Merton (Fugitive; The Ohio River: Louisville; and After the night office: Gethsemani Abbey)
Tibud Maclay. Section of The geography of Lograire.
To a severe nun
Today King Dog
Tomb cover of Imam Riza
Tonight there is a showing of champion lights
Tower of Babel
Trappists, Working
True love's novice
Tune for festive dances in the nineteen sixties, A
Two tapes for the agencies. Section of Cables to the ace.
Unending description, The. Section of The geography of Lograire.
Verse card for hospital apocalypse
Western fellow students salute with calypso anthems : The movie career of Robert Lax
What to think when it rains blood (After a letter of Fulbert of Chartres to King Robert, --XI Cent.)
What troubles I have seen in birdlegged spring
Whether there is enjoyment in bitterness
Widow of Naim, The
With the world in my blood stream
You are about to be surprised. Section of The geography of Lograire.

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