The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University


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Reviews Database

Reviews of Works BY Merton


# Title Sort Author(s)/Contributor(s) Sort Type Sort
1. 30 Days with Thomas Merton – Words of Contemplation and Hope Merton, Thomas | compiled by Connie Clark Book
2. Advent and Christmas with Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | Book
3. Alaskan Journal of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | edited with an introduction by Robert E. Daggy; preface by David D. Cooper Book
4. All the Living and the Dead: The Literature of James Joyce Merton, Thomas | Audio
5. Anthology c. 1940 [compiled by Thomas Merton of poems by others] Merton, Thomas | Book
6. Art and worship (notes on art and worship) Merton, Thomas | Book
7. The Ascent to Truth Merton, Thomas | Book
8. The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | Book
9. At Home in the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Rosemary Radford Ruether Merton, Thomas | edited by Mary Tardiff Book
10. Barth's dream and other conjectures Merton, Thomas | Book
11. Basic Principles of Monastic Spirituality Merton, Thomas | Book
12. The Behavior of Titans Merton, Thomas | Book
13. Beholding Paradise: The Photographs of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | edited by Paul M. Pearson Book
14. A Book of Hours Merton, Thomas | edited by Kathleen Deignan; forward by James Finley; illustrations by John Giuliani Book
15. Bread in the Wilderness Merton, Thomas | Book
16. Cables to the Ace: or, Familiar Liturgies of Misunderstanding Merton, Thomas | Book
17. Cargo theology. Transcription from tape, 1968 Merton, Thomas | Book
18. Carta caritatis Merton, Thomas | Book
19. Cassian and the Fathers Merton, Thomas | edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell; foreword by Patrick Hart; and preface by Columba Stewart Book
20. Charter, Customs, and Constitutions of the Cistercians: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 7 Merton, Thomas | edited by Patrick F. O'Connell Book
21. Chi Chung Shan: Mu-Duen Tze Chuan Merton, Thomas | Book
22. Choosing to Love the World: On Contemplation Merton, Thomas | edited by Jonathan Montaldo Book
23. The Christian life of prayer Merton, Thomas | Book
24. Christian worship and social reform Merton, Thomas | Book
25. The Christmas sermons of Bl. Guerric of Igny Merton, Thomas | essay by Thomas Merton; and sermons translated by Sister Rose of Lima Book
26. The Cistercian Fathers and Their Monastic Theology: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 8 Merton, Thomas | edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell; and preface by James Finley Book
27. Cisterican Fathers and Forefathers: Essays and Conferences Merton, Thomas | Book
28. The Climate of Monastic Prayer Merton, Thomas | Book
29. Cloud and the fire, The. Merton, Thomas | Book
30. Cold war and Black revolution. Merton, Thomas | Book
31. The Cold War Letters Merton, Thomas | edited by Christine M. Bochen; and William H. Shannon Book
32. The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | Book
33. Columbia poetry 1939. Merton, Thomas | Book
34. Come Into the Silence Merton, Thomas | Book
35. Conferences on St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Merton, Thomas | Book
36. Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander Merton, Thomas | Book
37. Contemplation in a World of Action Merton, Thomas | Book
38. Contemplative Prayer Merton, Thomas | Book
39. The Courage for Truth: The Letters of Thomas Merton to Writers Merton, Thomas | Book
40. A Course in Christian Mysticism Merton, Thomas | edited by Jon M. Sweeney Book
41. A Course in Desert Spirituality: Fifteen Sessions with the Famous Trappist Monk Merton, Thomas | edited by Jon M. Sweeney Book
42. Dancing in the Water of Life: Seeking Peace in the Hermitage Merton, Thomas | Book
43. Day of a Stranger Merton, Thomas | Book
44. Day of a stranger and Woods, Shore, Desert. Merton, Thomas | Book
45. Dialogues with Silence: Prayers and Drawings by Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | edited by Jonathan Montaldo Book
46. Disputed Questions Merton, Thomas | Book
47. Early poems, 1940-42. Merton, Thomas | Book
48. Echoing Silence: Thomas Merton on the Vocation of Writing Merton, Thomas | edited by Robert Inchausti Book
49. Edifying cables. Merton, Thomas | Book
50. Eighteen Poems Merton, Thomas | Book
51. Elected Silence Merton, Thomas | Book
52. Emblems of a Season of Fury Merton, Thomas | Book
53. Encounter: Thomas Merton and D. T. Suzuki Merton, Thomas | edited by Robert E. Daggy Book
54. Entering the Silence: Becoming a Monk and Writer. The Journals of Thomas Merton vol. 2 1941-1945. Merton, Thomas | edited by Jonathan Montaldo Book
55. Exile ends in glory. German. [Von der verbannung zur herrlichkeit: das leben der Trappistin, Mutter M. Berchmans]. Merton, Thomas | Book
56. Exile Ends in Glory; The Life of a Trappistine, Mother M. Berchmans, O.C.S.O. Merton, Thomas | Book
57. Existential communion. Merton, Thomas | Book
58. Faith and Violence: Christian Teaching and Christian Practice Merton, Thomas | Book
59. Figures for an Apocalypse Merton, Thomas | Book
60. Finding True Meaning and Beauty Merton, Thomas | Audio
61. Fitzgerald file (from Msgr. Richard F. Fitzgerald). Merton, Thomas | Book
62. Foreign prefaces of Thomas Merton. Merton, Thomas | Book
63. Four Freedom Songs: For Baritone Solo, Mixed Chorus, and Chamber Orchestra or Piano / words by Thomas Merton ; music by C. Alexander Peloquin Merton, Thomas | music by C. Alexander Peloquin; and words by Thomas Merton Book, Musical Score
64. Geography of Holiness: The Photography of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | edited by Deba Prasad Patnaik Book
65. The Geography of Lograire Merton, Thomas | Book
66. God is My Life: The Story of Our Lady of Gethsemani Merton, Thomas | photos by Shirley Burden; and introduction by Thomas Merton Book
67. God Speaks to Each of Us: The Poetry and Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke Merton, Thomas | Audio
68. Grammar of perfection, A. Merton, Thomas | Book
69. Hagia Sophia. Merton, Thomas | Book
70. He is Risen Merton, Thomas | Book
71. Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns / selected and edited by William H. Shannon Merton, Thomas | Book
72. Honorable Reader: Reflections on My Work Merton, Thomas | Book
73. I Have Seen What I Was Looking For: Selected Spiritual Writings Merton, Thomas | edited by M. Basil Pennnington, OCSO Book
74. In the Dark Before Dawn: New Selected Poems of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | edited with an introduction by Lynn R. Szabo; preface by Kathleen Norris Book
75. In the Valley of Wormwood: Cistercian Blessed and Saints of the Golden Age Merton, Thomas | edited with an introduction by Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O.; foreword by Brain Patrick McGuire Book
76. The Inner Experience: Notes on Contemplation Merton, Thomas | edited by William H. Shannon Book
77. Interesting era, An. Merton, Thomas | Book
78. Intimate Merton: His Life from His Journals Merton, Thomas | edited by Patrick Hart; and Jonathon Montaldo Book
79. An Introduction to Christian Mysticism: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 3 Merton, Thomas | edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell; and preface by Lawrence S. Cunningham Book
80. Introduction to Cistercian theology, An. Merton, Thomas | Book
81. An Introduction to the Cistercian Order Merton, Thomas | introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra Audio
82. Introduction to the life of the vows, An. Merton, Thomas | Book
83. Introductions East and West: The Foreign Prefaces of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | Book
84. An Invitation to the Contemplative Life Merton, Thomas | edited by Wayne Simsic Book
85. Ishi Means Man Merton, Thomas | Book
86. Journal of my escape from the Nazis. Merton, Thomas | Book
87. Keeping a Spiritual Journal with Thomas Merton: A Personal Book of Days Merton, Thomas | selected and edited by Naomi Burton Stone; photographs by Catherine Hopkins Book
88. Labyrinth, The. Merton, Thomas | Book
89. The Last of the Fathers: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and the encyclical letter, Doctor Mellifluus Merton, Thomas | Book
90. Learning to Love: Exploring Solitude and Freedom. The Journals of Thomas Merton vol. 6 1966-1967 Merton, Thomas | Book
91. Lent and Easter Wisdom Merton, Thomas | compiled by Jonathan Montaldo Book
92. Letters from Tom: A Selection of Letters from Father Thomas Merton, Monk of Gethsemani, to W. H. Ferry 1961-1968 Merton, Thomas | chosen and edited by W.H. Ferry Book
93. The letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | edited and annotated by Patrick Samway, S.J.; and foreword by Jonathan Montaldo Book
94. The Letters of Thomas Merton and Victor and Carolyn Hammer: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam Merton, Thomas | edited by F. Douglas Scutchfield and Paul Evans Holbrook Jr.; with the editorial assistance of Leah Casanave; and foreword by Paul M. Pearson Book
95. The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis Merton, Thomas | edited by William H. Shannon Book
96. Life and Holiness Merton, Thomas | Book
97. The Life of the Vows: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 6 Merton, Thomas | edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell; and preface by Augustine Roberts Book
98. Life, works, and doctrine of St. Bernard, The. Merton, Thomas | Book
99. The Literary Essays of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | Book
100. Liturgical Feasts and Seasons: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 3 Merton, Thomas | edited by Patrick F. O'Connell Book
101. Liturgical year, The. Merton, Thomas | Book
102. The Living Bread Merton, Thomas | Book
103. Living Contemplatively: Addresses to the Carmelite Sisters of Savannah (1967) Merton, Thomas | Audio
104. Love and Living Merton, Thomas | Book
105. A Man in the Divided Sea Merton, Thomas | Book
106. Man in the sycamore tree, The. Novel by Thomas Merton. Merton, Thomas | Book
107. ‘Man to Man’: A Message of Contemplatives to the World (1967) Merton, Thomas | introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra Audio
108. Martha, Mary and Lazarus: Action and Contemplation in Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. Merton, Thomas | Book
109. Medieval Cistercian History: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 9 Merton, Thomas | edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell; and preface by William R. Grimes Book
110. Medieval Monastic Movements Merton, Thomas | introduced by James Finley Audio
111. The Merton Tapes: 1st Release of Lectures Merton, Thomas | Audio
112. The Merton Tapes: 2nd Release of Lectures Merton, Thomas | Audio
113. The Merton Tapes: 3rd Release of Lectures Merton, Thomas | Audio
114. The Merton Tapes: 4th Release of Lectures Merton, Thomas | Audio
115. The Merton Tapes: 5th Release of Lectures Merton, Thomas | Audio
116. The Merton Tapes: 6th Release of Lectures Merton, Thomas | Audio
117. The Merton Tapes: 7th Release of Lectures Merton, Thomas | Audio
118. A Monastic Introduction to Sacred Scripture: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 1 Merton, Thomas | edited and with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell; and foreword by Bonnie Thurston Book
119. The Monastic Journey Merton, Thomas | edited by Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O. Book
120. Monastic Observances: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 5 Merton, Thomas | edited by Patrick F. O'Connell Book
121. Monastic orientation. Merton, Thomas | Book
122. Monastic Peace Merton, Thomas | Book
123. My Argument with the Gestapo; a macaronic journal Merton, Thomas | Book
124. The Mystic Life Merton, Thomas | Audio
125. Mystics and Zen masters Merton, Thomas | Book
126. Nativity Kerygma Merton, Thomas | Book
127. The New Man Merton, Thomas | Book
128. New Seeds of Contemplation Merton, Thomas | Book
129. No Man Is an Island Merton, Thomas | Book
130. The Nonviolent Alternative Merton, Thomas | Book
131. Notes on Genesis and Exodus: on Scripture and Liturgy 2 Merton, Thomas | edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell; and foreword by Pauline A. Viviano Book
132. On Christian Contemplation Merton, Thomas | edited by Paul M. Pearson Book
133. On Eastern Meditation Merton, Thomas | edited by Bonnie Thurston Book
134. Opening the Bible Merton, Thomas | Book
135. Original Child Bomb: points for meditation to be scratch on the walls of a cave Merton, Thomas | Book
136. The Other Side of the Mountain: the end of the journey Merton, Thomas | edited by Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O. Book
137. Our monastic observances. Merton, Thomas | Book
138. Passion for Peace: Reflections on War and Nonviolence Merton, Thomas | edited by William H. Shannon Book
139. Passion for Peace: The Social Essays by Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | edited by William H. Shannon Book
140. Pasternak/Merton: six letters Merton, Thomas | Book
141. Peace in the Post-Christian Era Merton, Thomas | edited by Patricia A. Burton Book
142. The Pocket Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | Book
143. Poemas. Merton, Thomas | Book
144. Poesia e la vita contemplativa, La. Merton, Thomas | Book
145. The Power and Meaning of Love Merton, Thomas | Book
146. Prayer and Growth in Christian Life Merton, Thomas | Audio
147. Prayer as worship and experience. Merton, Thomas | Book
148. Praying the Psalms. Merton, Thomas | Book
149. Pre-Benedictine Monasticism: Intiation into the Monastic Tradition 2 Merton, Thomas | edited by Patrick F. O'Connell Book
150. Precious Thoughts: Daily Readings from the Correspondence of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | edited by Fiona Gardner Book
151. Prometheus: A Meditation Merton, Thomas | Book
152. The Prophet's Freedom Merton, Thomas | introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra Audio
153. Raids on the Unspeakable Merton, Thomas | Book
154. Redeeming the Time: the Catholic church after Vatican II Merton, Thomas | Book
155. Reflections on the character and genius of Fénelon: an introduction to Fénelon's letters. Merton, Thomas | Book
156. The Road to Joy: The letters of Thomas Merton to new and old friends / selected and edited by Robert E. Daggy Merton, Thomas | Book
157. The Rule of Saint Benedict: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 4 Merton, Thomas | edited by Patrick F. O'Connell Book
158. Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation Merton, Thomas | Book
159. Saint Peter of Tarentaise Merton, Thomas | edited by Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O. Book
160. Saints. Merton, Thomas | Book
161. Sanctity in the epistles of St. Paul. Scriptural course, Abbey of Gethsemani. Merton, Thomas | Book
162. The School of Charity: the letters of Thomas Merton on religious renewal and spiritual direction / selected and edited by Patrick Hart Merton, Thomas | Book
163. School of the spirit, The. Merton, Thomas | Book
164. A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life Merton, Thomas | edited by Lawrence Cunningham Book
165. The Search for Wholenss Merton, Thomas | Audio
166. Seasons of Celebration Merton, Thomas | Book
167. The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | Book
168. Seeds Merton, Thomas | edited by Robert Inchausti Book
169. Seeds of Contemplation Merton, Thomas | Book
170. Seeds of contemplation. Dutch. [Ter overweging]. Merton, Thomas | Book
171. Seeds of Destruction Merton, Thomas | Book
172. Seeing the World in a Grain of Sand: Thomas Merton on Poetry Merton, Thomas | introduction by Michael W. Higgins Audio
173. Seeking Paradise: The Spirit of the Shakers Merton, Thomas | edited by Paul M. Pearson Book
174. The Selected Essays of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | edited by Patrick F. O'Connell Book
175. The Selected Poems of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | Book
176. Sensation time at the home and other new poems. Merton, Thomas | Book
177. The Seven Storey Mountain Merton, Thomas | Book
178. Seven Storey Mountain, The. Catalan. [La muntanya dels set cercles]. Merton, Thomas | Book
179. Seven Storey Mountain, The. Danish. [Den store stilhed]. Merton, Thomas | Book
180. The Shining Wilderness Merton, Thomas | edited by Aileen Taylor Book
181. The Sign of Jonas Merton, Thomas | Book
182. Silence, Joy Merton, Thomas | edited by Christopher Wait Book
183. The Silent Life Merton, Thomas | Book
184. Solitary life, The. Merton, Thomas | Book
185. Solitude and Love of the World Merton, Thomas | with a foreword by Roland Walls Book
186. Solitude and Togetherness Merton, Thomas | introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra Audio
187. Spiritual Direction and Meditation Merton, Thomas | Book
188. The Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemai Merton, Thomas | Book
189. St. Thomas Aquinas and “The Ways of God” Merton, Thomas | introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra Audio
190. Straits of Dover. Merton, Thomas | Book
191. The Strange Islands Merton, Thomas | Book
192. Striving Towards Being: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Czeslaw Milosz Merton, Thomas | edited by Robert Faggen Book
193. Survival or Prophecy?: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq Merton, Thomas | edited by Patrick Hart; and foreword by Rembert G. Weakland Book
194. Suzuki project. Merton, Thomas | Book
195. The Tears of the Blind Lions Merton, Thomas | Book
196. Thirty Poems Merton, Thomas | Book
197. Thirty-seven meditations. Merton, Thomas | Book
198. Thomas Merton and James Laughlin: Selected Letters / edited by David D. Cooper Merton, Thomas | edited by David D. Cooper Book
199. Thomas Merton and St. Bernard of Clairvaux Merton, Thomas | introduced by James Finley Audio
200. Thomas Merton appointment calendar, The. Merton, Thomas | Book
201. Thomas Merton in Alaska: Prelude to the Asian Journal: The Alaskan Conferences, Journals, and Letters Merton, Thomas | Book
202. Thomas Merton in California: The Redwoods Conferences & Letters Merton, Thomas | edited by David Odorisio Book
203. Thomas Merton on Contemplation Merton, Thomas | introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra Audio
204. Thomas Merton on Contemplation (Revised) Merton, Thomas | introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra Audio
205. Thomas Merton on Desert Spirituality Merton, Thomas | introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra Audio
206. Thomas Merton on Franz Kafka Merton, Thomas | Audio
207. Thomas Merton on Literature: John Milton, T. S. Eliot, and Edwin Muir Merton, Thomas | Audio
208. Thomas Merton on Monastic Spirituality Merton, Thomas | introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra Audio
209. Thomas Merton on Peace Merton, Thomas | Book
210. Thomas Merton on Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Merton, Thomas | introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra Audio
211. Thomas Merton on Prayer Merton, Thomas | Book
212. Thomas Merton on St. Bernard Merton, Thomas | Book
213. Thomas Merton on Sufism Merton, Thomas | introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra Audio
214. Thomas Merton on Sufism (Revised) Merton, Thomas | introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra Audio
215. Thomas Merton on the 12 Degrees of Humility Merton, Thomas | introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra Audio
216. Thomas Merton on the Cistercians: Sages of Silence Merton, Thomas | Audio
217. Thomas Merton on the Great Monks Merton, Thomas | Audio
218. Thomas Merton on William Faulkner and Classical Literature. Merton, Thomas | introduction by Michael W. Higgins Audio
219. Thomas Merton on Zen Merton, Thomas | Book
220. A Thomas Merton Reader Merton, Thomas | Book
221. The Thomas Merton Study Center Merton, Thomas | Book
222. Thomas Merton Tapes: "Early Christian Apologists"; "The Prophets"; "The Quest for the Grail and Conversion of Manners"; "Tertullian and Cassian"; "The Virtue of Temperance" Merton, Thomas | Audio
223. Thomas Merton Tapes: "Irish Mysticism"; "De Conversione" (two tapes); "Chinese Thought and Chinese Symbol of Chung"; "The Jesus Prayer" Merton, Thomas | Audio
224. Thomas Merton, Early Essays, 1947-1952 Merton, Thomas | edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell; and foreword by Jonathan Montaldo Book
225. Thomas Merton, Spiritual Master: The Essential Writings Merton, Thomas | edited, with an introduction by Lawrence S. Cunningham ; foreword by Patrick Hart ; preface by Anne E. Carr Book
226. Thomas Merton: Essential Writings Merton, Thomas | selected with an introduction by Christine M. Bochen Book
227. Thomas Merton: A Life in Letters, the Essential Collection Merton, Thomas | edited by William H. Shannon Book
228. Thomas Merton: Preview of the Asian journey Merton, Thomas | Book
229. Thomas Merton: A Selection from his Writings Merton, Thomas | edited by Aileen Taylor; with an introduction by Monica Furlong Book
230. Thomas, Thomas Merton on Augustine, Jerome, and Ambrose: The Philosophy of the Great Latin Fathers Merton, Thomas | Audio
231. Thoughts in Solitude Merton, Thomas | Book
232. Thoughts in solitude. French. [Les chemins de la joie]. Merton, Thomas | Book
233. Thoughts on the East Merton, Thomas | with an introduction by George Woodcock Book
234. Tower of Babel. Merton, Thomas | Book
235. The True Solitude; Selections from the Writings of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas | Book
236. Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. The Journals of Thomas Merton vol. 4 1960-1964 Merton, Thomas | Book
237. Vatican II: The Sacred Liturgy and the Religious Life Merton, Thomas | Audio
238. Viewpoints. Merton, Thomas | Book
239. A Vow of Conversation: Journals, 1964-1965 Merton, Thomas | Book
240. The Waters of Silence Merton, Thomas | Book
241. The Waters of Siloe Merton, Thomas | Book
242. Waters of Siloe, The. Dutch/Netherlandic. [De Wateren van Siloë]. Merton, Thomas | Book
243. The Way of Chuang Tzu Merton, Thomas | Book
244. What Are These Wounds?: The Life of a Cistercian Mystic, Saint Lutgarde of Aywières Merton, Thomas | Book
245. What Ought I To Do? Merton, Thomas | Book
246. When Prophecy Still Had a Voice: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Robert Lax Merton, Thomas | edited by Arthur W. Biddle Book
247. When the Trees Say Nothing: Writings on Nature Merton, Thomas | edited by Kathleen Deignan; and drawings by John Giuliani Book
248. The Wisdom of the Desert Merton, Thomas | Book
249. Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis / selected and edited by William H. Shannon Merton, Thomas | Book
250. Woods, Shore, Desert: A Notebook - May 1968 Merton, Thomas | Book
251. A Year With Thomas Merton: Daily Meditations from His Journal Merton, Thomas | Book
252. Zen and the Birds of Appetite Merton, Thomas | Book

Reviews of Works ABOUT Merton

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# Title Sort Author(s)/Contributor(s) Sort Type Sort
1. Albert Camus' The plague; introduction and commentary Merton, Thomas; and Albert Camus | Book
2. A Catch of Anti-letters Merton, Thomas; and Robert Lax | Book
3. Clement of Alexandria: Selections from the Protreptikos Merton, Thomas; and Clement of Alexandria | translated and with an essay by Thomas Merton Book
4. Compassionate Fire: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Catherine de Hueck Doherty Merton, Thomas; and Catherine de Hueck Doherty | edited by Robert A. Wild Book
5. Del monasterio al mundo: correspondencia entre Ernesto Cardenal y Thomas Merton (1959-1968) Merton, Thomas; and Ernesto Cardenal | edited by Santiago Daydí-Tolson Book
6. From the Monastery to the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Ernesto Cardenal Merton, Thomas; and Ernesto Cardenal | translated and edited by Jessie Sandoval; with additional notes and translations by Jeffrey Neilson; and introduction by Robert Hass Book
7. A Hidden Wholeness: The Visual World of Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas; and John Howard Griffin | photographs by Thomas Merton and John Howard Griffin; text by John Howard Griffin Book