The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University


ITMS Publications Search Results:

The Merton Annual & The Merton Seasonal

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ANNUAL Search Results
Vol.# ↑Year ↓Author ↑Title ↓ 
 Vol. 36   (2023)     "The Merton Annual - A Brief History." 7-8.
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Golemboski, David.  "Sophia Comes Forth, Reaching." 9-15. Full Text
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Forest, James H.  "Letters to Tom (1966-1968)." edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 16-64.
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Bingemer, Maria Clara Lucchetti.  "The Feminine in Merton's Life: Some Notes on His Experience with Women." 65-86.
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Park, Jung Eun Sophia, SNJM.  "Dancing with Thomas Merton in the Borderland." 87-101.
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Sayre, Patricia A.  "Alone Together: The Solitary Ties That Bind Thomas Merton and Elena Malits, CSC." 102-120.
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Tabor, Callie.  "The Sanctity of the Self: Women and Sainthood in Conversation with Thomas Merton and Sr. Thea Bowman." 121-142.
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Godlaski, Aaron J.  "Neither This nor That: Merton's Communion with Nature." 143-156.
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Gillespie, John M.  "'A World That Wants to Flourish in Love': Thomas Merton, Rainer Maria Rilke and the Hidden Wholeness of Creation." 157-173.
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Odorisio, David.  "'Not Drugs but Night': Thomas Merton on LSD and the Psychology of Religious Experience." 174-211.
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Robinson, Jim.  "Both 'Hippie Monk' and Distanced Critic: Thomas Merton and the 1960s Counterculture." 212-222.
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Stout, Huili (Kathy)  "Dao and Sophia: A Dance of Two Names." 223-244.
 Vol. 36   (2023)   McNary-Zak, Bernadette.  "Pausing to Listen: A Bibliographic Review of 2022." 245-256.
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Williams, Rowan.  Rev. of Liturgical Feasts and Seasons: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 3, edited with an Introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 257-260. Link
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Robinson, Jim.  Rev. of Thomas Merton, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and the Protection of All Beings, by Bill Morgan. 260-263. Link
 Vol. 36   (2023)   McNary-Zak, Bernadette.  Rev. of Awake and Alive: Thomas Merton according to His Novices, edited by Jon M. Sweeney. 263-265. Link
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Golemboski, David.  Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Individual Witness: Kingdom Making in a Post-Christian, Post-Truth World, by David E. Orberson. 265-268. Link
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Kolp, Alan.  Rev. of Open to the Full Dimension: Thomas Merton, Practical Theology, and Pastoral Practice, by Dominiek Lootens. 268-270. Link
 Vol. 36   (2023)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of The Merton Prayer: An Exercise in Authenticity, by Stephen A. Denny. 270-274. Link
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Hall, Cassidy.  Rev. of Unlearning White Supremacy: A Spirituality for Racial Liberation, by Alex Mikulich. 274-276. Link
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Valente, Judith.  Rev. of Dearest Sister Wendy: A Surprising Story of Faith and Friendship, by Sister Wendy Beckett and Robert Ellsberg. 276-279. Link
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Matthews, Gray.  Rev. of I Came Here Seeking a Person: A Vital Story of Grace, by William D. Glenn. 279-282. Link
 Vol. 36   (2023)   Dekar, Paul R.  Rev. of Reading Thomas Merton and Longing for God in Haiti: Learning Wisdom in the School of My Life, by Gerard Thomas Straub. 282-283. Link
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Golemboski, David.  "Introduction: A Society of 'Soul Friends'." 7-13. Full Text
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Forest, James H.  "Letters to Tom (1961-1965)" edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 14-70.
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Ruether, Rosemary.  "Monks and Marxists: A Look at the Catholic Left" introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 71-84.
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Main, John, OSB.  "Letter from a Hermitage" introduction by Nicholas Scrimenti. 85-95.
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Collins, Brendan.  "From Monastic Studies to Monastic Renewal" an interview conducted by David M. Odorisio. 96-114.
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Boedy, Matthew.  "Merton, Kenosis and Rhetorical Invention." 115-127.
 Vol. 35   (2022)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Apocalypse Now? Thomas Merton as Post-War Poet." 128-150.
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Van den Brink, Bret.  "'Compassion's Sweet Poison', The Sources of Thomas Merton's 'Origen'." 151-162.
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Raggio, Marcela.  "'All Frogs in One Pond': An Approach to Thomas Merton's Monks Pond." 163-173.
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Cronin, James G. R.  "Disarming Discourse: Thomas Merton's Breakthrough to Peace, October 1961 - September 1962." 174-188.
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Mendonça-Richards, Alicia.  "The Relevance of New Seeds of Contemplation to Contemporary Pastoral Practitioners." 189-202.
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Kerr, Aaron K.  "The Earth Alive in the Third Space." 203-213.
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Thomas Merton's Engaged Christianity: A Bibliographic Review of 2021." 214-230. Full Text
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Robinson, Jim.  Rev. of Notes on Genesis and Exodus by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 231-236. Link
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal.  Rev. of Merton and Hinduism: The Yoga of the Heart edited by David M. Odorisio. 242-246. Link
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Nuccio, Anthony.  Rev. of Man of Dialogue: Thomas Merton's Catholic Vision by Greg Hillis. 246-250. Link
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Matthews, Gray.  Rev. of Signs of Hope: Thomas Merton's Letters on Peace, Race, and Ecology by Gordon Oyer. 250-253. Link
 Vol. 35   (2022)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of The Seeker and the Monk: Everyday Conversations with Thomas Merton by Sophfronia Scott. 254-257. Link
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Thralls, Chad R.  Rev. of Opening New Horizons: Seeds of a Theology of Religious Pluralism in Thomas Merton's Dialogue with D. T. Suzuki by Joseph Quinn Raab. 257-261. Link
 Vol. 35   (2022)   McDonald, Emma.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: God's Messenger on the Road toward a New World by Paul R. Dekar. 261-263. Link
 Vol. 35   (2022)   O'Hare, Padraic.  Rev. of A Focus on Truth: Thomas Merton's Uncensored Mind by Patrick W. Collins. 263-267. Link
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Pynkoski, Paul.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: An Introduction to His Life, Teachings, and Practices by Jon M. Sweeney. 267-272. Link
 Vol. 35   (2022)   Meade, Mark C.  Rev. of Eyes of Compasion: Living with Thich Nhat Hanh by Jim Forest. 272-274. Link
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Introduction: The Many Faces of the Stranger." 7-12. Full Text
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Merton, Thomas.  "On Remembering Monsieur Delmas," edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 13-24.
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "The 'Inward Stranger': Challenge, Coordinates, Consequences." 25-37.
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Prevot, Andrew.  "Contemplation in Times of Crisis." 38-53.
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Oyer, Gordon.  "Thomas Merton's Path toward Writing on Racial Concerns." 54-77.
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Higgins, Michael W.  "Après Kamloops, le Déluge: Institutional Church, Indigenous Oppression and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition." 78-91.
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Pramuk, Christopher.  "'The Grey Face of the Other': Sparks of the Divine in a Toppling World." 92-106.
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Hall, Gary.  "Up Close and Particular: Remembering Herman Hanekamp and Merton's Other Insights into Loving Strangers." 107-119.
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Robinson, Jim.  "'The Age of Rosemarys': Thomas Merton's Engagement with Rosemary Radford Ruether and Rosemary Haughton." 120-128.
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Marshell, John.  "Unpacking the 'Eastern Thing' of Thomas Merton." 129-151.
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Stout, Huili (Kathy)  "Thomas Merton and the Difficulty of Interreligious Dialogue." 152-171.
 Vol. 34   (2021)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Merton's Strange Archipelago: Poetic Responses to a Prosaic Journey." 172-194.
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Whalen, Robert Weldon.  "Noir, Hip, Beat, Cool: Thomas Merton and the Postwar, Trans-Atlantic, Existentialist Avant-Garde." 195-204.
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Herron, Fred W.  "Are We There Yet? Thomas Merton as Experience, Text and Event." 205-218.
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Extending the Frontier: A Bibliographic Review of 2020." 219-231. Full Text
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Vale, Peter.  Rev. of A Monastic Introduction to Sacred Scripture: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 1 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 232-235. Link
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Mahon, J. Patrick.  Rev. of Beholding Paradise: The Photographs of Thomas Merton edited by Paul M. Pearson. 235-239. Link
 Vol. 34   (2021)   McNary-Zak, Bernadette.  Rev. of Shaped by the End You Live For: Thomas Merton's Monastic Spirituality by Bonnie Thurston. 239-242. Link
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Caldwell, Tony.  Rev. of Authenticity, Passion, and Advocacy: Approaching Adolescent Spirituality from the Life and Wisdom of Thomas Merton by Thomas E. Malewitz. 242-245. Link
 Vol. 34   (2021)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton and the Greatest Commandment: Radical Love in Times of Crisis by Julie Leininger Pycior. 245-254. Link
 Vol. 34   (2021)   McGregor, Michael.  Rev. of Writing Straight with Crooked Lines: A Memoir by Jim Forest. 254-259. Link
 Vol. 34   (2021)   Sniegocki, John.  Rev. of Advancing Nonviolence and Just Peace in the Church and the World edited by Rose Marie Berger, Ken Butigan, Judy Coode and Marie Dennis. 259-265. Link
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Introduction: Keeping the Faith and Keeping It Weird." 7-14. Full Text
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Merton, Thomas.  "'The Pope of the Virgin Mary' and Other Uncollected Marian Writings" introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 15-62.
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  "Racism Is a White Problem: Thomas Merton, Whiteness and Racial Justice." 63-82.
 Vol. 33   (2020)   McGregor, Michael.  "Making Ourselves Heard: Lessons from Thomas Merton's Approach to Principled Dissent and Communal Renewal." 83-91.
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "Murdering Judas: Reconciling the Contemplative and the Poet in Thomas Merton." 92-107.
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Klassen, Justin D.  "Peace beyond Prose: Augustine and Merton on Creation's Useless Speech." 108-124.
 Vol. 33   (2020)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "If Not for Luther? – Thomas Merton and Erasmus." 125-146.
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal.  "Panentheism in Thomas Merton and Teilhard de Chardin: Finding God in All Things." 147-168.
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Gehl, Liana.  "The Invisible Order of Grace: Ponderings on the Lives of Thomas Merton and Vladimir Ghika." 169-191.
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Matthews, Gray.  "Merton and Decoloniality: Facing the Whole-World." 192-220.
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Pearson, Paul M.  "Wearing Our Mitres to Bed: Thomas Merton and the Need for Humor in 'This Mad Place'." 221-242.
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  Review Symposium of "Beholding New Things and Reconciling All Things: A Bibliographic Review of 2019." 243-252. Full Text
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Hillis, Gregory K.  Rev. of Medieval Cistercian History: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 9 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell. 253-254. Link
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  Rev. of A Course in Desert Spirituality: Fifteen Sessions with the Famous Trappist Monk by Thomas Merton, edited by Jon M. Sweeney. 255-258. Link
 Vol. 33   (2020)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Thomas Merton on Franz Kafka [CD]. 258-263. Link
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Orberson, David.  Rev. of Thomas Merton’s Encounter with Buddhism and Beyond: His Interreligious Dialogue, Inter-Monastic Exchanges, and Their Legacy by Jaechan Anselmo Park. 263-267. Link
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Dadosky, John D.  Rev. of Merton and Indigenous Wisdom edited by Peter Savastano. 267-270. Link
 Vol. 33   (2020)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Guard the Human Image for It Is the Image of God edited by Gary Hall and Detlev Cuntz. 270-278. Link
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Kerr, Aaron K.  Rev. of The Artist Alive: Explorations in Music, Art and Theology by Christopher Pramuk. 278-284. Link
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Malewitz, Thomas.  Rev. of Three Breaths and Begin: A Guide to Meditation in the Classroom by William Meyer. 284-287. Link
 Vol. 33   (2020)   Crosby, Tom.  Rev. of Encounters in Thought: Beyond Instrumental Reason by Aaron K. Kerr. 287-289. Link
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  "Finding Your Right Mind in This Mad Place: An Introduction." 7-10. Full Text
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Merton, Thomas; and Patrick Hart.  "Correspondence (1962-1968)” edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell. 11-77.
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Berger, Rose Marie.  "Direct Transmission of Faith." 78-92.
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Ellsberg, Robert.  "‘The Gate of Heaven Is Everywhere’: The Faith Journey of Thomas Merton." 93-113.
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Hillis, Gregory K.  "Letters to a Black Catholic Priest: Thomas Merton, Fr. August Thompson and the Civil Rights Movement." 114-136.
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Dekar, Paul R.  "God's Messenger: Thomas Merton on Racial Justice." 137-154.
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Plekon, Michael.  "Communion and Engagement: Merton, Berrigan and the Eucharist in Peacemaking and Protest." 155-169.
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Lynch, Liam  "Contemplative Cosmopolitanism: Thomas Merton’s Response to Xenophobia." 170-182.
 Vol. 32   (2019)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  “Thomas Merton and the 'Edenic Office of the Poet': Three Poems from The Tears of the Blind Lions." 183-204.
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Pramuk, Christopher.  “Merton on the Dark Side of the Moon: Points for Meditation and Deep Listening inside a Darkened Space." 205-217.
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  Review Symposium of “Thomas Merton in Connivance with Eternity: A 2018 Bibliographic Overview." 218-238. Full Text
 Vol. 32   (2019)   O'Neill, Kathleen, OCSO.  Rev. of Cistercian Fathers and Forefathers: Essays and Conferences by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O'Connell. 239-242. Link
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Kehoe, George G.  Rev. of The Climate of Monastic Prayer by Thomas Merton. 242-247. Link
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Pynkoski, Paul.  Rev. of The Art of Thomas Merton: A Divine Passion in Word and Vision, edited by John Moses. 247-251. Link
 Vol. 32   (2019)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Thomas Merton on Augustine, Jerome, and Ambrose: The Philosophy of the Great Latin Fathers; Thomas Merton’s Great Sermons and Reflections; Thomas Merton on Literature: John Milton, T. S. Eliot, and Edwin Muir; Thomas Merton on William Faulkner. [CDs] 251-258. Link
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Poks, Malgorzata.  Rev. of On Thomas Merton by Mary Gordon. 258-263. Link
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Bubel, Katherine.  Rev. of Superabundantly Alive: Thomas Merton’s Dance with the Feminine by Susan McCaslin and J. S. Porter. 258-263. Link
 Vol. 32   (2019)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of The Monk’s Record Player: Thomas Merton, Bob Dylan, and the Perilous Summer of 1966 by Robert Hudson. 269-276. Link
 Vol. 32   (2019)   McNary-Zak, Bernadette.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: Evil and Why We Suffer – From Purified Soul Theodicy to Zen by David Orberson. 276-279. Link
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Higgins, Michael W.  Rev. of The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: An Investigation by Hugh Turley and David Martin. 279-282. Link
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Hall, Cassidy.  Rev. of Merton’s Palace of Nowhere – 40th Anniversary Edition by James Finley. 282-285. Link
 Vol. 32   (2019)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  Rev. of What I Am Living For: Lessons from the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton, edited by Jon M. Sweeney. 285-291. Link
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Introduction: The Dead Say Only One Word." 7-16. Full Text
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Merton, Thomas.  "Two Conferences on Prayer: India 1968." 17-40.
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Walsh, Daniel C.  "Homily for the Funeral Mass of Father Louis Merton, OCSO." 41-48.
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  "Seeds of Inspiration: The Life and Legacy of Thomas Merton (1915–1968)." 49-55.
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Malewitz, Thomas.  "From the Mountain to the Cross: Revisiting 1968 through the Prophetic Words of King, Kennedy, Chavez and Merton." 56-66.
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Apel, William.  "Crisis of Faith: Thomas Merton and the Death of Martin Luther King, Jr." 67-74.
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Gardner, Fiona.  "Kanchenjunga – 'Yin-yang Palace of Opposites in Unity': Reflections on Thomas Merton’s Experiences on the Mim Tea Estate Retreat." 75-85.
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Baker, Kathleen.  "Disrupting Disparities in a Mythic Place: Internal Engagement in the Country of Lograire." 86-95.
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Poks, Malgorzata.  "Dismantling the Rule of the Father: Towards the Kingdom of the Im/Possible in The Geography of Lograire." 96-112.
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Golemboski, David.  "The Familiar Perspectives of American History: Thomas Merton on Black and Indigenous Oppression in the United States." 113-127.
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Raggio, Marcela.  "Thomas Merton’s Nostalgia." 128-145.
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Thralls, Chad R.  "From 'Get out of My Way' to 'Shining like the Sun': Thomas Merton on Cities, Community and Solitude." 146-157.
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Garrett, Zachary.  "Writing in the Shadow of the Apocalyptic Cherub: Autobiographical Forms in Day of a Stranger." 158-165.
 Vol. 31   (2018)   McGregor, Michael.  "Harpo and the Clown of God: The Seven-Storied Friendship of Thomas Merton and Robert Lax." 166-185.
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  Review Symposium of "A Prophet Is Never Passé: A Bibliographic Review of 2017." 186-200. Full Text
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Bell, Ian.  Rev. of A Course in Christian Mysticism by Thomas Merton, edited by Jon M. Sweeney. 201-204. Link
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Bochen, Christine M.  Rev. of From the Monastery to the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Ernesto Cardenal, translated and edited by Jessie Sandoval. 204-213. Link
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Morey, Lawrence, OCSO.  Rev. of The Spirit of Simplicity by Jean-Baptiste Chautard. 213-215. Link
 Vol. 31   (2018)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of We Are All Poets Here: Thomas Merton’s 1968 Journey to Alaska by Kathleen Witkowska Tarr. 215-220. Link
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Crosby, Wendy.  Rev. of Spiritual Guides: Pathfinders in the Desert by Fred R. Dallmayr. 220-223. Link
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Martin, Michael.  Rev. of The World as Sacrament: An Ecumenical Path toward a Worldly Spirituality by Michael P. Plekon. 223-225. Link
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Raab, Christian, OSB.  Rev. of To Light a Fire on the Earth: Proclaiming the Gospel in a Secular Age by Robert Barron with John Allen, Jr. 225-229. Link
 Vol. 31   (2018)   Schnapp, Patricia, RSM.  Rev. of At Play in the Lions’ Den: A Biography and Memoir of Daniel Berrigan by Jim Forest. 229-235. Link
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  "Introduction: From Graduate School to Gethsemani – A Pilgrimage of Prophecy and Prayer." 7-16. Full Text
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Merton, Thomas.  "Letters to Pat" edited with an Introduction by Paul M. Pearson. 17-28.
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Calati, Benedetto.  "Thomas Merton: Gift of God for the Monks of Our Time" translated and annotated with an Introduction by Donald Grayston. 29-40.
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Coady, Mary Frances.  "'A Fire That Burns': Thomas Merton, Catherine de Hueck Doherty and the Story of The Secular Journal." 41-53.
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Scruggs, Ryan.  "The 'One Merciful Event': Thomas Merton on Anselm's Cur Deus Homo." 54-77.
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  "Kyrie Eleison: Mercy at the Heart of Thomas Merton's Theology of Revelation." 78-87.
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Golemboski, David.  "A Mysterious, Unaccountable Mixture of Good and Evil: Thomas Merton on Cooperation and Complicity." 88-101.
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Greeley, June-Ann.  "The Mercy of God: Mary as a Mercy for Humanity and as the Mediatrix of Salvation." 102-116.
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal.  "Divine Mercy in Thomas Merton and St. John of the Cross: Encountering the Dark Nights in the Human Soul." 117-130.
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Oyer, Gordon.  "Thomas Merton and the 'Pessimism' of Jacques Ellul." 131-144.
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Plekon, Michael.  "God's Mercy and Foolish Love: Thomas Merton and Paul Evdokimov." 145-155.
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Plekon, Michael.  "God's Mercy and Foolish Love: Thomas Merton and Paul Evdokimov." 145-155.
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Copeland, M. Shawn.  "The Watchmen and the Witnesses: Thomas Merton, Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Exercise of the Prophetic." 156-170.
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Fici, Christopher.  "'Larger, Freer, and More Loving': Confronting and Healing the Infection of Whiteness with Thomas Merton and James Baldwin." 171-183.
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Whalen, Robert Weldon.  "Thomas Merton and John Coltrane: Jazz and the Mercy beyond Being." 184-203.
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Five Ways of Looking at a Monk: A Bibliographic Review of 2016." 204-220. Full Text
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Allard, John E., OP.  Rev. of The Cistercian Fathers and Their Monastic Theology: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 8 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 221-228. Link
 Vol. 30   (2017)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Thomas Merton on Monastic Spirituality; Thomas Merton on Pilgrimage to the Holy Land; Thomas Merton on Desert Spirituality (CDs). 228-235. Link
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Surat, Maria.  Rev. of The Root of War Is Fear: Thomas Merton’s Advice to Peacemakers by Jim Forest. 235-240. Link
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Greeley, June-Ann.  Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Celts: A New World Opening Up by Monica Weis, SSJ. 240-245. Link
 Vol. 30   (2017)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Thomas Merton’s Poetics of Self-Dissolution by Sonia Petisco. 246-253. Link
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Scruggs, Ryan.  Rev. of Merton and the Protestant Tradition by William Oliver Paulsell. 253-265. Link
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Matthews, Gray.  Rev. of A Way to God: Thomas Merton's Creation Spirituality Journey by Matthew Fox. 265-267. Link
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Gibson, Lisette N.  Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Counterculture: A Golden String by Ron Dart. 267-272. Link
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Gardner, Fiona.  Rev. of The Rising Importance of Thomas Merton’s Spiritual Legacy by Kenneth Bragan. 272-274. Link
 Vol. 30   (2017)   Quenon, Paul, OCSO.  Rev. of Merton’s Abbot: The Life and Times of Dom James Fox by F. Dean Lucas. 274-278.
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  "Introduction: Thin Places and Thick Descriptions." 7-14. Full Text
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Merton, Thomas.  "'A Quite Exceptional Convent’: The Regina Laudis Correspondence." Edited with an Introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell. 15-37.
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Brandt, Charles.  "A Single Sacred Community.” An Interview Conducted by Donald Grayston and David Chang. 38-57.
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Pearson, Paul M.  "From Clairvaux to Mount Olivet: Thomas Merton’s Geography of Place.” 58-71.
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Baker, Kathleen.  "‘This Terrific Sense of Geography’: Spatial Thinking in Merton’s Journals.” 72-79.
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Brown, Jason M.  "Thomas Merton, Wildness and the Sacramental Power of Place.” 80-89.
 Vol. 29   (2016)   McGregor, Michael.  "The Persistence of Harlem in the Life and Legacy of Thomas Merton.” 90-98.
 Vol. 29   (2016)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Trappists, Working – Trappists, Praying: The Earliest Monastic Poetry of Thomas Merton.” 99-124.
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Was Thomas Merton Merely Dabbling in Early Irish Poetry?” 125-144.
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Plekon, Michael.  "‘What I Wear Is Pants. What I Do Is Live. How I Pray Is Breathe’: Merton and the Spiritual Life in the Twenty-First Century.” 145-158.
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Grayston, Donald.  "Public Intellectual, Democratic Dissenter: Thomas Merton on Nuclear Weapons.” 159-179.
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Stuart, Angus F.  "Thomas Merton and Henry Miller: A Correspondence in Vision.” 180-187.
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Clark, Anthony E.  "Finding Our Way: Thomas Merton, John Wu and the Christian Dialogue with Early China.” 188-202.
 Vol. 29   (2016)   O'Hare, Padraic.  "Young Adult Spiritual Lives: Merton, Moran and Monastic Resources.” 203-220.
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  "Relevance and Ambivalence: A Bibliographic Review of Thomas Merton’s Centenary (2015).” 221-230. Full Text
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Raab, Christian, OSB.  Rev. of Charter, Customs, and Constitutions of the Cistercians: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 7 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O'Connell. 231-234. Link
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Matthews, Gray.  Rev. of Early Essays, 1947-1952 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O'Connell. 234-237. Link
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Bosco, Mark, SJ.  Rev. of The Letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick Samway, SJ. 237-239. Link
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon: The Camaldoli Correspondence by Donald Grayston. 239-242. Link
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO.  Rev. of Make Peace Before the Sun Goes Down: The Long Encounter of Thomas Merton and His Abbot, James Fox by Roger Lipsey. 243-246. Link
 Vol. 29   (2016)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of The Only Mind Worth Having: Thomas Merton and the Child Mind by Fiona Gardner. 246-251. Link
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Bell, Ian.  Rev. of In the School of Prophets: The Formation of Thomas Merton’s Prophetic Spirituality by Ephrem Arcement, OSB. 252-254. Link
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Oyer, Gordon.  Rev. of Thomas Merton, Peacemaker: Meditations on Merton, Peacemaking, and the Spiritual Life by John Dear. 254-257. Link
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Gardner, Fiona.  Rev. of Merton and Waugh: A Monk, A Crusty Old Man & The Seven Storey Mountain by Mary Frances Coady. 257-260. Link
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Brumfield, Joshua.  Rev. of Divine Discontent: The Prophetic Voice of Thomas Merton by John Moses. 260-263. Link
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Bochen, Christine M.  Rev. of At Play in Creation: Merton’s Awakening to the Feminine Divine by Christopher Pramuk. 263-268. Link
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Hillis, Gregory K.  Rev. of The Unquiet Monk: Thomas Merton’s Questing Faith by Michael W. Higgins. 269-270. Link
 Vol. 29   (2016)   Hillis, Gregory K.  Rev. of Pure Act: The Uncommon Life of Robert Lax by Michael N. McGregor. 270-273. Link
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  "Introduction: Celebrating the Questions (and Answers)." 7-15. Full Text
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Pope Francis.  "Address of the Holy Father to a Joint Session of the United States Congress – September 24, 2015." 16-23. Full Text
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Merton, Thomas.  "Application for Conscientious Objector Status – March 1941,” introduction by Jim Forest. 24-29.
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Cronin, James G. R.  "A Nation under Judgment: Thomas Merton, Frank Kowalski and the Congressional Peace Prayer." 30-39.
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Williams, Rowan.  "Words, War and Silence: Thomas Merton for the Twenty-First Century." 40-53.
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Bochen, Christine M.  "Striving for Mercy: Envisioning the Church of the Twenty-First Century." 54-70.
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Pramuk, Christopher.  "God Accompanies Persons: Thomas Merton and Pope Francis on Gender and Sexual Diversity." 71-87.
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Gardner, Fiona.  "Unlocking the Door from the Inside." 88-96.
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Grayston, Donald.  "Consonantia in Thomas Merton: Harmony Personal, Social and Cosmic." 97-111.
 Vol. 28   (2015)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "‘A Way of Life Impregnated with Truth’: Did Thomas Merton Undervalue Confucianism?" 112-133.
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Bubel, Katherine.  "‘The Terrible, the Merciful, the Mothers’: Tracing Wisdom in Merton’s Hagia Sophia and Malick’s The Tree of Life." 134-148.
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Oyer, Gordon.  "Confronting the Myth of Human Progress: Thomas Merton and the Illusion of Privilege." 149-158.
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Scruggs, Ryan.  "Contemplation and the Cogito: Thomas Merton on the Philosophical Roots of Modern Alienation." 159-180.
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Finley, James.  "Thomas Merton: Mystic Teacher for Our Age." 181-195.
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "Thomas Merton’s Conversatio Morum 2014 Bibliographic Review Essay." 196-214. Full Text
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Apel, William.  Review Symposium of Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest: Merton, Berrigan, Yoder, and Muste at the Gethsemani Abbey Peacemakers Retreat by Gordon Oyer. 215-221. Full Text
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Belcastro, Deborah.  Review Symposium of Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest: Merton, Berrigan, Yoder, and Muste at the Gethsemani Abbey Peacemakers Retreat by Gordon Oyer. 221-224. Full Text
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Dekar, Paul R.  Review Symposium of Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest: Merton, Berrigan, Yoder, and Muste at the Gethsemani Abbey Peacemakers Retreat by Gordon Oyer. 224-228. Full Text
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Schnapp, Patricia, RSM.  Review Symposium of Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest: Merton, Berrigan, Yoder, and Muste at the Gethsemani Abbey Peacemakers Retreat by Gordon Oyer. 228-233. Full Text
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Oyer, Gordon.  Author Response to Review Symposium of Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest: Merton, Berrigan, Yoder, and Muste at the Gethsemani Abbey Peacemakers Retreat by Gordon Oyer. 233-238. Full Text
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Lipsey, Roger.  Rev. of The Letters of Thomas Merton and Victor and Carolyn Hammer: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, edited by F. Douglas Scutchfield and Paul Evans Holbrook Jr. and The Letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick Samway, SJ. 239-240. Link
 Vol. 28   (2015)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Medieval Monastic Movements; An Introduction to the Cistercian Order; Thomas Merton and St. Bernard of Clairvaux; St. Thomas Aquinas and “The Ways of God”; Thomas Merton on Contemplation [revised]; Thomas Merton on Sufism [revised] by Thomas Merton [CDs]. 240-246.
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  Rev. of The Franciscan Heart of Thomas Merton by Daniel P. Horan, OFM. 247-250. Link
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Matthews, Gray.  Rev. of Illusions of Freedom: Thomas Merton and Jacques Ellul on Technology and the Human Condition by Jeffrey M. Shaw. 251-254. Link
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Stuart, Angus F.  Rev. of Thinking through Thomas Merton: Contemplation for Contemporary Times by Robert Inchausti. 255-256. Link
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Ratigan, Virginia Kaib.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: Faithful Visionary by Michael W. Higgins. 257-258. Link
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Bochen, Christine M.  Rev. of The Ground of Love and Truth: Reflections on Thomas Merton’s Relationship with the Woman Known as “M” by Suzanne Zuercher, OSB. 259-263. Link
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  Rev. of The Spiritual Genius of Thomas Merton by Anthony T. Padovano. 264-266. Link
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Giraldo, Jeff.  Rev. of Merton/Meatyard – Meatyard/Merton: Photographing Thomas Merton. 267-269. Link
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Szabo, Lynn R.  Rev. of Universal Vision: A Centenary Celebration of Thomas Merton edited by Fiona Gardner, Keith Griffin and Peter Ellis. 270-273. Link
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Hall, Gary.  Rev. of Prophet and Mystic of Creation: On Retreat with Thomas Merton by Kathleen Deignan, CND [DVDs/CDs]. 274-276.
 Vol. 28   (2015)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  Rev. of The Seven Storey Mountain and the Rest of the Story by Michael W. Higgins [DVDs/CDs]. 277-278.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "Introduction: An International Centenary Celebration of Merton’s Vision of the World Redeemed by Christ." 7-14. Full Text
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Lipsey, Roger.  "Christ Crucified: A Note on the Cover Image." 15-21.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Milosz, Czeslaw.  "Merton." 22-24.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   O'Donnell, Angela Alaimo.  "Poetry, Friendship and the Communion of Saints: Thomas Merton and Czeslaw Milosz." 25-34.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Merton, Thomas.  "Aesthetic and Contemplative Experience - James Joyce," transcribed and edited by Paul M. Pearson. 35-44.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Goss-Mayr, Hildegard.  "A Conversation with Hildegard Goss-Mayr about Thomas Merton," conducted by Detlev Cuntz, translated by Linda Maloney. 45-56.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Pramuk, Christopher.  "Rumours of Glory: Walking in the Dark Half-Light of Faith." 57-71.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Gardner, Fiona.  "Internal Countries: Where the Self Redeemed by Christ Becomes the World Redeemed by Christ." 72-82.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Poks, Malgorzata.  "'Love Wins Because It Is Bad Business': The World Redeemed by Christ in Eighteen Poems." 83-98.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Rosman, Artur.  "'How Could I Not Think of This?' Milosz's Thomistic Challenge to Merton." 99-106.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Higgins, Michael W.  "Finding Christ in the East." 107-121.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "'An Entirely New Spiritual Reality': Thomas Merton on Life in Christ." 122-132.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Beltrán Llavador, Fernando.  "Landscapes of Redemption: Thomas Merton's Vision of the World from the Mount." 133-148.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Labrie, Ross.  "Merton on Art as Truth." 149-164.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Loughrey, Glenn.  "Speaking Out for Those in Exile." 165-174.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Redeeming the Time from Destruction." 175-200.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  "2013 Bibliographic Review Essay: The Grandeur of God in a Picture of Hell." 201-210. Full Text
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Raab, Christian, OSB.  Rev. of In the Valley of Wormwood: Cistercian Blessed and Saints of the Golden Age by Thomas Merton edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 211-215. Link
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Pramuk, Christopher.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: Selected Essays by Thomas Merton edited by Patrick F. O'Connell. 215-220. Link
 Vol. 27   (2014)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Seeing the World in a Grain of Sand: Thomas Merton on Poetry; "God Speaks to Each of Us": The Poetry and Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke; Thomas Merton on William Faulkner and Classical Literature; "All the Living and the Dead": The Literature of James Joyce; Prayer and Growth in Christian Life; "Man to Man": A Message of Contemplatives to the World (1967); Living Contemplatively: Address to the Carmelite Sisters of Savannah (1967); The Search for Wholeness [CDs]. 220-232.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Dadosky, John D.  Rev. of Merton and the Tao: Dialogues with John Wu and the Ancient Sages, edited by Cristóbal Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes. 233-234. Link
 Vol. 27   (2014)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Mystics, Muslims, and Merton by Sidney H. Griffith [DVDs/CDs]. 234-238.
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Bell, Ian.  Rev. of Answering the Contemplative Call: First Steps on the Mystical Path by Carl McColman. 238-242. Link
 Vol. 27   (2014)   McGregor, Michael.  Rev. of poems (1962-1997) by Robert Lax, edited by John Beer. 242-247. Link
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Carr, Raymond.  Rev. of Hope Sings, So Beautiful: Graced Encounters Across the Color Line by Christopher Pramuk. 248-252. Link
 Vol. 27   (2014)   Gardner, Fiona.  Rev. of The Lives of Erich Fromm, Love's Prophet by Lawrence J. Friedman. 252-255. Link
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  "Introduction: Sophia’s Romancing." 7-11. Full Text
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Fox, Peggy L.  "James Laughlin and Thomas Merton: 'Louie, I Think This Is the Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship'." 12-23. Full Text
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Laughlin, James.  "An Interview with James Laughlin about Thomas Merton," conducted by Paul Wilkes, transcribed and edited by Paul M. Pearson. 24-42. Full Text
 Vol. 26   (2013)   MacNiven, Ian S.  "More Than Scribe: James Laughlin, Thomas Merton and The Asian Journal." 43-53. Full Text
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Pramuk, Christopher.  "'She Cannot Be a Prisoner': The Lure of Wisdom as Bearer of Hope." 54-73.
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Kaplan, Edward K.  "Personal Bridges, Spiritual Communities: The Correspondence of Thomas Merton and Zalman Schachter-Shalomi." 74-83.
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Oyer, Gordon.  "Louis Massignon and the Seeds of Thomas Merton’s 'Monastic Protest'." 84-96.
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Plekon, Michael.  "'The Immense Mercy of God Was upon Me': Thomas Merton’s Reading of the Russian Émigré Thinkers." 97-106.
 Vol. 26   (2013)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "'The First Cistercian and the Greatest Trappist': Thomas Merton’s Poems on John the Baptist." 107-139.
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "'With My Hair Almost on End': Le Point Vierge and the Dawn Birds." 140-146.
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Whalen, Robert Weldon.  "Thomas Merton and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: 'The Dawning of Divine Light'." 147-156.
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Gardner, Fiona.  "Thomas Merton and the Concept of the Child-Mind: 'The Only One Worth Having'." 157-167.
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Meade, Mark C.  "From Downtown Louisville to Buenos Aires: Victoria Ocampo as Thomas Merton's Overlooked Bridge to Latin America and the World." 168-180. Full Text
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Carr, Raymond.  "Merton and Barth in Dialogue on Faith and Understanding: A Hermeneutics of Freedom and Ambiguity." 181-194.
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "2012 Bibliographic Review Essay: Thomas Merton, Escape Artist." 195-210. Full Text
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  Rev. of The Life of the Vows: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 6 by Thomas Merton edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 211-213. Link
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Meade, Mark C.  Rev. of On Christian Contemplation by Thomas Merton edited by Paul M. Pearson and On Eastern Meditation by Thomas Merton edited by Bonnie Thurston. 213-216. Link
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  Rev. of Precious Thoughts: Daily Readings from the Correspondence of Thomas Merton by Thomas Merton edited by Fiona Gardner. 216-220. Link
 Vol. 26   (2013)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Thomas Merton on Contemplation; Finding True Meaning and Beauty; Thomas Merton's Great Sermons; Vatican II: The Sacred Liturgy and the Religious Life; Thomas Merton on Sufism; Ways of Prayer: A Desert Father’s Wisdom; Thomas Merton on the 12 Degrees of Humility; Solitude and Togetherness; The Prophet’s Freedom [CDs]. 220-232.
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  Rev. of Thomas Merton and Thérèse Lentfoehr: The Story of a Friendship by Robert Nugent, SDS. 233-236. Link
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Bochen, Christine M.  Rev. of Thomas Merton—The Exquisite Risk of Love: The Chronicle of a Monastic Romance by Robert G. Waldron. 236-241. Link
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Morgan, Patrick Thomas.  Rev. of Returning to Reality: Thomas Merton's Wisdom for a Technological World by Phillip M. Thompson. 241-246. Link
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: Monk on the Edge edited by Ross Labrie and Angus Stuart. 246-249.
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Betz, Margaret B.  Rev. of It Draws Me: The Art of Contemplation by Mary M. McDonald. 249-251. Link
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Paguio, Erlinda G.  Rev. of A Miracle of Grace: An Autobiography by E. Glenn Hinson. 251-255. Link
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  Rev. of Denise Levertov: A Poet’s Life by Dana Greene. 255-259. Link
 Vol. 26   (2013)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  Rev. of I'm Your Man: The Life of Leonard Cohen by Sylvie Simmons and The Holy or the Broken by Alan Light. 259-264. Link
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "Introduction: The Ineffable Desert and the City or What We Call Home." 7-12. Full Text
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Merton, Thomas.  "Some Points from the Birmingham Non-Violence Movement." 13-22.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Fayle, Vaughn, OFM.  "An Interview about Thomas Merton with Dr. Martin E. Marty," conducted by Vaughn Fayle and edited by Joseph Quinn Raab. 23-29.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Pilgrimage, the Prophet, Persecutions and Perfume: East with Ibn Battūta and Thomas Merton." 30-48.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Poks, Malgorzata.  "With Malinowski in the Postmodern Desert: Merton, Anthropology and the Ethnopoetics of The Geography of Lograire." 49-73.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Gustafson, Hans.  "Place, Spiritual Anthropology and Sacramentality in Thomas Merton’s Later Years." 74-90.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Pramuk, Christopher.  "'The Street Is for Celebration’: Racial Consciousness and the Eclipse of Childhood in America’s Cities." 91-103.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "Voices from the Desert: Merton, Camus and Milosz." 104-112.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Collins, John P.  "Two Antiheroes: Meursault and Binx Bolling Viewed through Thomas Merton’s Literary Imagination." 113-123.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Gardner, Fiona.  "You Are You: That Is the Most Important Thing – Everything Is in It Somewhere: An Analysis of the Correspondence from Thomas Merton to John Harris." 124-131.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Whalen, Robert Weldon.  "Thomas Merton and Hannah Arendt: Desert and City in Cold-War Culture." 132-143.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Kwon, Hyeokil.  "Is Desert Spirituality Viable in the Twenty-First-Century City? The Legacy of the Desert Fathers in Thomas Merton." 144-153.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Cannon, Nass.  "Stand on Your Own Feet! Thomas Merton and the Monk without Vows or Walls." 154-168.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Hollmann, Joshua.  "Searching for Sophia: Nicholas of Cusa and Thomas Merton." 169-176.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  "No Spouse Is an Island: Thomas Merton’s Contribution Toward a Contemporary Spirituality of Marriage." 177-196.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   McDonald, Mary Murray.  "The Soul-Rich Monk/Priest: Thomas Merton on Lectio Divina." 197-204.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  "2011 Bibliographic Review: Pointing Fingers at the Calm Eye of the Storm." 205-216. Full Text
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Kramer, Victor A.  Rev. of A Silent Action: Engagements with Thomas Merton by Rowan Williams. 217-220. Link
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: Twentieth-Century Wisdom for Twenty-First-Century Living by Paul R. Dekar. 221-225. Link
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Bell, Ian.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: Contemplation and Political Action by Mario I. Aguilar. 225-227. Link
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Gardner, Fiona.  Rev. of The Wounded Heart of Thomas Merton by Robert Waldron. 228-232. Link
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  Rev. of Silence Speaks: Teilhard de Chardin, Yves Congar, John Courtney Murray, and Thomas Merton by Robert Nugent. 233-235. Link
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Grip, Robert.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Spiritual Guide for the Twenty-First Century [CDs] by Anthony Ciorra; and A Retreat with Thomas Merton [CDs] by Donald Goergen. 236-.
 Vol. 25   (2012)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of Faith [book and DVDs] by Robert Barron. 237-243. Link
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Griffith, Kevin.  Rev. of Afternoons with Emily by Paul Quenon 243-245. Link
 Vol. 25   (2012)   Griffith, Kevin.  Rev. of Belonging to Borders: A Sojourn in the Celtic Tradition by Bonnie Thurston. 243-245. Link
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Matthews, Gray.  "Introduction: Upon Hearing an Aeolian Harp." 7-14.
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Merton, Thomas.  "The Wild Places." 15-28.
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Ferry, Wilbur Hugh.  "The Technophiliacs." 29-38.
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Ferry, Wilbur Hugh.  "An Interview with W. H. (Ping) Ferry about Thomas Merton," conducted by Paul Wilkes, transcribed and edited by Paul M. Pearson. 39-53.
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Borgmann, Albert.  "Contemplation in a Technological Era: Learning from Thomas Merton.” 54-66.
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Thompson, Phillip M.  "Questioning the Goal of Biological Immortality: Mertonian Reflections on Living Eternally." 67-82.
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  "Digital Natives and the Digital Self: The Wisdom of Thomas Merton for Millennial Spirituality and Self-Understanding." 83-111.
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND.  "'In the Night of Our Technological Barbarism': Thomas Merton’s Light on the Matter." 112-127.
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Matthews, Gray.  “The Heart of the Fire: Technology, Commotion and Contemplation.” 128-149.
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Dekar, Paul R.  “Thomas Merton, Guide to the Right Use of Technology.” 150-175.
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Hall, Gary.  “Openness, Availability, Capacity for Gift.” 176-187.
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Oyer, Gordon.  “Machine Culture and the Lone Zone: Discussing Technology and Contemplation at the 1964 Peacemaker Retreat.” 188-232.
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Bogert-O'Brien, Daniel.  “Thomas Merton and Ivan Illich: Two Mendicant Anti-professionals in the Age of the Simulacra of the Professions and the System.” 233-243.
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Kiernan, Jeffrey T.  “Technology, Freedom and the Human Person: Some Teen Insights into Merton and Benedict XVI.” 244-255.
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  “2010 Bibliographic Review: Fire Watch When the Web Goes Down.” 256-280. Full Text
 Vol. 24   (2011)   St. John, Donald P.  Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis. 281-285. Full Text
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis. 285-289. Full Text
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND.  Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis. 289-305. Full Text
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Grayston, Donald.  Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis. 305-313. Full Text
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  Author Response to Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis. 313-323. Full Text
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Kramer, Dewey Weiss.  Rev. of Hidden in the Same Mystery: Thomas Merton and Loretto edited by Bonnie Thurston. 324-328. Link
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO.  Rev. of Monastic Observances: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 5 edited by Patrick F. O'Connell. 329-331. Link
 Vol. 24   (2011)   Collins, John P.  Rev. of All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day edited by Robert Ellsberg. 332-336. Link
 Vol. 24   (2011)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Christian Spirituality: The Classics edited by Arthur Holder. 336-342. Link
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Matthews, Gray.  "Introduction: Facing the Astoninshing." 7-12.
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Merton, Thomas.  "Preface to Dom Denys Rutledge's In Search of a Yogi." 13-19.
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Conner, James, OCSO.  "Thomas Merton - Final Integration Through Interreligious Dialogue." 20-28.
 Vol. 23   (2010)   McDermott, Rachel Fell.  "Why Zen Buddhism and Not Hinduism? The Asias of Thomas Merton’s Voyages East." 29-46.
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Gardner, Fiona.  “A Kind of Arduous and Unthanked Pioneering.” 59-66.
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Anderson, Tyson.  “What Matters Is Clear.” 67-79.
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  “Striving Toward Authenticity: Merton’s ‘True Self’ and the Millennial Generation’s Search for Identity.” 80-89.
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  “Insights from the Inter-Contemplative Dialogue: Merton’s Three Meanings of ‘God’ and Religious Pluralism.” 90-105.
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Kaplan, Edward K.  “Abraham Heschel and Thomas Merton: Prophetic Personalities, Prophetic Friendship.” 106-115.
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Magid, Shaul.  “Be Alone, Together: Religious Individualism, Community and the American Spirit in Emerson, Merton and Heschel.” 116-131.
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Kavka, Martin.  “The Ends of Anxiety in Merton and Heschel.” 132-148.
 Vol. 23   (2010)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  “'A Son of This Instant’: Thomas Merton and Ibn ‘Abbād of Ronda.” 149-183.
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Cannon, Nass.  “No Mirror, No Light – Just This! Merton’s Discovery of Global Wisdom.” 184-196.
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Golemboski, David.  “What Kind of World-Lover? Thomas Merton on Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Death-of-God Theology.” 197-211.
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Pearson, Paul M.  "‘A Dedication to Prayer and a Dedication to Humanity’: An Interview About Thomas Merton with James Conner, OCSO.” Conducted and edited by Paul M. Pearson. 212-239. Full Text
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "2009 Bibliographic Review: Beneath the Habit of Holiness.” 240-259. Full Text
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  Review Symposium of Sophia: The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton by Christopher Pramuk. 260-265. Full Text
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Kaplan, Edward K.  Review Symposium of Sophia: The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton by Christopher Pramuk. 265-269. Full Text
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Szabo, Lynn R.  Review Symposium of Sophia: The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton by Christopher Pramuk. 269-274. Full Text
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Pramuk, Christopher.  Author Response to Review Symposium of Sophia: The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton by Christopher Pramuk. 274-285. Full Text
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Conner, James, OCSO.  Rev. of The Rule of Saint Benedict: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 4 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell. 286-288. Link
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Meade, Mark C.  Rev. of Compassionate Fire: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Catherine de Hueck Doherty, edited by Robert A. Wild. 288-290. Link
 Vol. 23   (2010)   De Pillis, Mario S.  Rev. of A Meeting of Angels: The Correspondence of Thomas Merton and Edward Deming and Faith Andrews, edited with an Introduction by Paul M. Pearson. 290-294. Link
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Apel, William.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Life in Letters, The Essential Collection selected and edited by William H. Shannon and Christine M. Bochen. 294-297. Link
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Vaughan, Matthew Emile.  Rev. of A Book of Hours edited by Kathleen Deignan. 297-300. Link
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Grayston, Donald.  Rev. of Professional Morality and Guilty Bystanding: Merton's Conjectures and the Value of Work by Barry L. Padgett. 300-303. Link
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Pramuk, Christopher.  Rev. of The Voice of the Stranger: Three Papers and a Homily from the Seventh General Meeting and Conference of the Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 303-306. Link
 Vol. 23   (2010)   Bochen, Christine M.  Rev. of Beneath the Mask of Holiness: Thomas Merton and the Forbidden Love Affair That Set Him Free by Mark Shaw. 306-315. Link
 Vol. 23   (2010)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Hidden Holiness by Michael Plekon. 315-318. Link
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "Introduction: Angular Clouds of Unknowing." 5-10.
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Higgins, Michael W.  "The Priestly Imagination: Thomas Merton and the Poetics of Critique." 11-23.
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Szabo, Lynn R.  "'In the Dark Before Dawn': Thomas Merton's Mystical Poetics." 24-40.
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Labrie, Ross.  "Wholeness in Thomas Merton's Poetry." 41-60.
 Vol. 22   (2009)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Islands in the Stream: Thomas Merton's Poetry of the Early 1950s." 61-105.
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "'A Ray of That Truth Which Enlightens All': Thomas Merton, Poetic Language and Inter-Religious Dialogue." 106-119.
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Bilbro, Jeffrey.  "From Violence to Silence: The Rhetorical Means and Ends of Thomas Merton's Antipoetry." 120-149.
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Poks, Malgorzata.  "The Geography of Lograire as Merton's Gestus - Prolegomena." 150-169.
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Thomas Merton's Ecopoetry: Bearing Witness to the Unity of Creation." 170-188.
 Vol. 22   (2009)   McCaslin, Susan.  "Pivoting Toward Peace: The Engaged Poetics of Thomas Merton and Denise Levertov." 189-203.
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Szabo, Lynn R.  "Shadows and Pathways: Four Unpublished Poems by Thomas Merton." 204-209.
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Merton, Thomas.  "Four Unpublished Poems." 210-219.
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Wilkes, Paul.  "Interview with Lawrence Ferlinghetti." Conducted by Paul Wilkes and edited by Gray Matthews. 220-226.
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Matthews, Gray.  "Bibliographic Review: The Mystic's Hope: Thomas Merton's Contemplative Message to a Distracted World." 227-260. Full Text
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Matthews, Gray.  Rev. of An Introduction to Christian Mysticism, Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 3 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 261-265. Link
 Vol. 22   (2009)   King, John E.  Rev. of More Than Silence: A Bibliography of Thomas Merton by Patricia A. Burton. 265-269. Link
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Matthews, Gray.  Rev. of Seeds of Hope: Thomas Merton's Contemplative Message/Semillas de Esperanza: El Mensaje Contemplativo de Thomas Merton ed. by Fernando Beltrán Llavador and Paul M. Pearson. 270-273. Link
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  Rev. of Living with Wisdom: A Life of Thomas Merton by Jim Forest. [Revised Edition] 273-276. Link
 Vol. 22   (2009)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Mystics by William Harmless, SJ. 276-280. Link
 Vol. 22   (2009)   Minderman, Patrick.  Rev. of The Spiritual Landscape of Mark by Bonnie B. Thurston. 280-283. Link
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Matthews, Gray.  "Introduction: Wide Open to Marveling, Fearing, Burning, Enduring." 7-12.
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Raboteau, Albert J.  "Thomas Merton and Racial Reconciliation." 13-24.
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Apel, William.  "Terrible Days: Merton/Yungblut Letters and MLK Jr.'s Death." 25-32.
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Dadosky, John D.  "Merton as Method for Inter-religious Engagement: Examples from Buddhism." 33-43.
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  "'Those Going Among the Saracens and Other Nonbelievers': Thomas Merton and Franciscan Interreligious Dialogue." 44-66.
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Shaffer, Timothy.  "A (Not So) Secret Son of Francis: Thomas Merton's Franciscan Lens for Seeing Heaven and Earth." 67-90.
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Lipsey, Roger.  "In the Zen Garden of the Lord: Thomas Merton's Stone Garden." 91-105.
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Proietti, Pamela.  "Merton's Reflections on the Christian Artist: Art as Doorway into Eternity." 106-116.
 Vol. 21   (2008)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Nurture by Nature: Emblems of Stillness in a Season of Fury." 117-149.
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Collins, John P.  "The Myth of the Fall from Paradise: Thomas Merton and Walker Percy." 150-172. Full Text
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Kramer, Victor A., and Dewey Weis Kramer.  "Standing to the Side and Watching: An Introduction and Remembrance about Interviewing Walker Percy." 173-175. Full Text
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Kramer, Victor A., and Dewey Weis Kramer.  "An Interview with Walker Percy about Thomas Merton." Conducted by Victor A. Kramer and Dewey Weis Kramer in May 1983. Edited by Paul Pearson. 176-185. Full Text
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Herron, Fred W.  "'Our Transformation in Christ': Thomas Merton and Transformative Learning." 186-204.
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Cannon, Nass.  "Thomas Merton and St. John of the Cross: Lives on Fire." 205-213.
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "A Vow of Conversation: Past, Present & Past-Present Thomas Merton Bibliographic Review 2007." 214-254. Full Text
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Lipsey, Roger.  Rev. of Ad Reinhardt by Michael Corris. 255-257. Link
 Vol. 21   (2008)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Thomas Merton and Latin America: A Consonance of Voices by Malgorzata Poks. 257-261.
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Griffith, Kevin.  Rev. of Pax Intrantibus: A Meditation on the Poetry of Thomas Merton by Frederick Smock. 261-263. Link
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Labrie, Ross.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: Hermit at the Heart of Things by J.S Porter. 263-265. Link
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Matthews, Gray.  Rev. of The Promise of Paradox: A Celebration of Contradictions in the Christian Life by Parker J. Palmer. 265-268. Link
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Frazier, Julie.  Rev. of Gandhi on Non-Violence: Selected Texts from Gandhi's Non-Violence in Peace and War by Thomas Merton. 269-272. Link
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Burgdof, Craig.  Rev. of Merton and Buddhism: Wisdom, Emptiness and Everyday Mind edited by Bonnie Bowman Thurston. 272-274. Link
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Bochen, Christine M.  Rev. of Echoing Silence: Thomas Merton on the Vocation of Writing by Thomas Merton. 274-277. Link
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Giacalone, Arthur.  Rev. of Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton by Morgan Atkinson. 277-281. Link
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Grayston, Donald.  Rev. of In My Own Words by Thomas Merton. 281-282. Link
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Atwood, Ron, Fr.  Rev. of Lent and Easter Wisdom by Thomas Merton. 282-285. Link
 Vol. 21   (2008)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: Master of Attention by Robert Waldron. 285-288. Link
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Introduction: To Pray Contemplatively is to Work Mysteriously Toward the Center." 7-15.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Merton, Thomas.  "Authentic Identity is Prayerful Existence." 16-24.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Kardong, Terrence G.  "'Simply Go In And Pray!': St. Benedict's Oratory In RB 52." 25-37.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Hoffman, Kathy.  "Praying The Psalms: A Layperson's Path to Contemplation." 38-61.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Egan, Keith J.  "Thomas Merton's Approach to St. John of the Cross." 62-78.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Hinson, E. Glenn.  "Ignatian and Puritan Prayer: Surprising Similarities; A Comparison of Ignatius Loyola and Richard Baxter on Meditation." 79-92.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Hauser, Richard J., SJ.  "From Thomas Merton's 'Contemplation' to Ignatius of Loyola's 'Contemplation to Obtain Love': A Personal Prayer Journey." 93-108.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "'Rising Up Out of the Center': Thomas Merton on Prayer." 109-122.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "Praying the Questions: Merton of Times Square, Last of the Urban Hermits." 123-150.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Bourgeault, Cynthia.  "Centering Prayer and Attention of the Heart." 151-163.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Farge, Emile J.  "Thomas Merton and Paramahansa Yogananda: Two Prayerful Mergings of Cult and Culture." 164-184.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Thompson, Phillip M.  "Prayer in a High Tech World." 185-202.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Wells, Harry.  "In Memoriam: 'We Are Life, Its Shining Gift.'" 203-205.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Corless, Roger.  "The Christian Exploration of Non-Christian Religions: Merton's Example of Where it Might Lead Us." 206-224.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Poks, Malgorzata.  "The Meeting of Strangers: Thomas Merton's Engagement with Latin America." 225-242.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Davis, Robert Leigh.  "Sacred Play: Thomas Merton's Cables to the Ace." 243-264.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   McDonnell, Kilian.  "An Interview with Fr. Kilian McDonnell, O.S.B." Conducted by Victor A. Kramer. 265-277.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Pedrizetti, Raymond.  "An Interview with Fr. Raymond Pedrizetti, O.S.B." Conducted by Victor A. Kramer. 278-291.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Kramer, Victor A.  "'Living and Learning with Merton for Decades': An Interview with Victor A. Kramer, Editor." Conducted by Glenn Crider. 292-298.
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Grayston, Donald.  "Week of a Stranger: Thomas Merton Bibliographic Review 2006." 299-340. Full Text
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Dekar, Paul R.  Rev. of The Cold War Letters by Thomas Merton. 341-346. Link
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Dekar, Paul R.  Rev. of Signs of Peace by William Apel. 341-346. Link
 Vol. 20   (2007)   DelCogliano, Mark.  Rev. of Pre-Benedictine Monasticism: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 2 by Thomas Merton, Edited with an Introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 346-353. Link
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Montello, Paul A.  Rev. of Merton and Friends: A Joint Biography of Thomas Merton, Robert Lax, and Edward Rice by James Harford. 353-360. Link
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Feuerstein, Anthony.  Rev. of Angelic Mistakes: The Art of Thomas Merton by Roger Lipsey. 360-363. Link
 Vol. 20   (2007)   Various authors.  Additional reviews by Glenn Crider, Patrick F. O'Connell, Robert H. King, Catherine Crosby, Martha Gross, Dana Greene, Dewey W. Kramer, Paul Quenon, Wendy M. Wright, and Kimberly Boykin. 363-398.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Kramer, Victor A.  "The Continuing Tradition of Prayer and Continuing Social Awareness Sustain the Vision of Thomas Merton." 7-12.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Merton, Thomas.  "To Father Thomas Fidelis (Francis) Smith, O.C.S.O." 13-14.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Smith, Thomas Francis.  "The Context of Thomas Merton's Letter Concerning 'The Jesus Prayer'." 15-16.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Kramer, Dewey Weiss.  "Complementary Approaches Illuminate Merton's Continuing Relevance for Today's Broken World." 17-.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO.  "Thomas Merton, Monk and Prophet of Peace: The Opening Address at the 2005 International Thomas Merton Society General Meeting." 18-23.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Dear, John.  "The God of Peace is Never Glorified by Human Violence: Keynote Address to the International Thomas Merton Society, June 2005." 24-38.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "Thomas Merton's Revelation of Justice and Revolution of Love: Perspectives from the San Diego Conference." 39-42.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Hunter, Judith.  "No Solution in Withdrawal - No Solution in Conforming: Merton, Teilhard, Kung and Curran." 43-90.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Sobocinski, Michael.  "The Psychology of Hatred and the Role of Early Relationships in Discovering Our True Self." 91-113.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Herron, Fred W.  "A Bricoleur in the Monastery: Merton's Tactics in a Nothing Place." 114-127.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Kindred Spirits in Revelation and Revolution: Rachel Carson and Thomas Merton." 128-141.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Miller, Lucien.  "The Thomas Merton - John C.H. Wu Letters: The Lords as Postman." 142-161.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Collins, John P.  "From the 'Political Dance of Death' to the 'General Dance': The Cold War Letters of Thomas Merton." 162-177.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Landscapes of Disaster: The War Poems of Thomas Merton." 178-233.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Harford, James.  "Lax, Merton and Rice on War and Peace." 234-254.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  "Comrades for Peace: Thomas Merton, The Dalai Lama and the Preferential Option for Nonviolence." 255-266.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Dekar, Paul R.  "The Spirit of Simplicity: Thomas Merton on Simplification of Life." 267-282.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Wu, John, Jr.  "Centennial Vignettes in Homage to My Father." 283-310.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Adams, Daniel J.  "Han Yong-Un and Thomas Merton: Brothers in Different Guises." 311-339.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Ellsberg, Robert.  "Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen, and the Living Gospel." 340-354.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Glenn Crider.  "Interview with James Finley: Cultivating a Contemplative Lifestyle." 355-368.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Matthews, Gray.  "Return to Sources, Holy Insecurity and Life in a Tiny House: 2005 Bibliographic Essay." 369-396. Full Text
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Cooper, Jeffrey A., CSC.  Rev. of The Pocket Thomas Merton edited by Robert Inchausti. 397-399. Link
 Vol. 19   (2006)   DelCogliano, Mark.  Rev. of Cassian and the Fathers: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 1 edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 400-407. Link
 Vol. 19   (2006)   King, David A.  Rev. of Original Child Bomb produced by Holly Becker and directed by Carey Schonegevel. 407-410.
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Grayston, Donald.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: An Introduction by William H. Shannon. 410-413. Link
 Vol. 19   (2006)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Love Burning in the Soul: The Story of the Christian Mystics, from St. Paul to Thomas Merton by James Harpur. 413-417. Link
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Hizer, Cynthia Ann.  Rev. of Thomas Merton's Gethsemani: Landscapes of Paradise by Monica Weis, photographs by Harry L. Hinkle. 417-419. Link
 Vol. 19   (2006)   Various authors.  Additional reviews by John Smith, Theresa Schumacher, Richard Parry, Harry Wells, Mark Dannenfelser, Cathy Crosby, Dewey W. Kramer and Anthony Feurstein. 420-443.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Introduction: Monastic Awareness, Liturgy and Art: The Benedictine Tradition in Relation to Merton's Growing Artistic Interests." 7-10.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Merton, Thomas.  "'Three Prayers' Written for Frank Kacmarcik." 11-14.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Merton, Thomas.  "'The Monk and Sacred Art' (1956); and 'Art and Worship' (1959)." Edited by Glenn Crider and Victor A. Kramer. 14-21.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Seasoltz, Kevin.  "Frank Kacmarcik and the Cistercian Architectural Tradition." 22-32.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Zalot, Charlotte Anne.  "A Merton Connection: Frank Kacmarcik, OblSB, Monk and Artist. (1920-2004)." 33-58.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Hollas, Eric; Daniel Durken; and Stefanie Weisgram.  "Three Comments about Benedictine Monastic Community Reading." 59-64.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Cardenal, Ernesto.  "Remarks Following a 2004 Poetry Reading." Transcribed and Edited by Dennis Beach with an Introduction by Patrick Hart and a Note by Corey Shouse. 65-71.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Feuerstein, Anthony.  "A Discovery: Thomas Merton's Poetry As Art Song; Compositions by Bryan Beaumont Hays, OSB: A Bibliographical Note." 72-76.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Kramer, Victor A., and Glenn Crider.  "'Unadorned Ideal': An Interview in Two Parts with Methodius Telnack." 77-95.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Kramer, Dewey Weiss.  "Contemporary Architectural Witness to the Lived Cistercian Ideal: The Abbey Churches of Gethsemani and Conyers." 96-108.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Griffith, Michael.  "Thomas Merton on William Blake: 'To Look Through Matter Into Eternity'." 109-126.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Cooper, Jeffrey A., CSC.  "Divining the Inscaped-Landscape: Hopkins, Merton and the Ascent to the True Self." 127-139.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Poks, Malgorzata.  "Encounter in a Secret Country: Thomas Merton and Jorge Carrera Andrade." 140-166.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM.  "Jewels Upon His Forehead: Spiritual Vision in the Poetry and Photography of Thomas Merton." 167-188.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Keating, Ross.  "Wisdom, Sapiential Poetry, and Personalism: Exploring Some of Thomas Merton's Ideas for Values Education." 189-204.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Orvin, Chris.  "The Conflict Not Yet Fully Faced: Thomas Merton as Reader in His Journals." 205-236.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Pearson, Paul M.  "A Monk With the Spiritual Equipment of an Artist: The Art of Thomas Merton." 237-259. Full Text
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Lipsey, Roger.  "Do I Want A Small Painting? The Correspondence of Thomas Merton and Ad Reinhardt: An Introduction and Commentary." 260-314. Full Text
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Glenn Crider and Paul M. Pearson.  "Art in The Merton Annual, Volumes 1-5." A Bibliographic Note and Compilation. 315-317.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Poks, Malgorzata.  "Reading Merton from the (Polish) Margin: 2004 Bibliographic Survey." 318-348. Full Text
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Kramer, Victor A.  Rev. of In the Dark Before Dawn: New Selected Poems of Thomas Merton Edited by Lynn R. Szabo. 349-352.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of A Year With Thomas Merton: Daily Meditations From His Journals. Selected and Edited by Jonathan Montaldo. 352-355.
 Vol. 18   (2005)   Various authors.  Additional reviews by Christine M. Bochen, Joy A. Schroeder, Dana Greene, Glenn Crider, Angus F. Stuart and William H. Shannon. 355-370.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Introduction: A Simplicity of Wonder: Merton's Honor for the Particular Extending Outward." 7-13.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Burton, Patricia A.  "Editorial Note Concerning Thomas Merton's Peace in the Post-Christian Era." 14-15.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Merton, Thomas.  "Christian Perspectives in World Crisis." 16-26.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Burton, Patricia A.  "Forbidden Book: Thomas Merton's Peace in the Post-Christian Era." 27-57.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Szabo, Lynn R.  "Thomas Merton's Sacred Landscapes: Perspectives from the Vancouver Conference." 58-60.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Early Reflections in a 'Nothing Place': Three Gethsemani Poems." 61-75.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Stuart, Angus F.  "The Geography of Solitude: Inner Space and the Sense of Place." 76-87.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Matthews, Gray.  "Reality as a Sacred Place: The Parallel Insights of Thomas Merton and Henry Bugbee." 88-119.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Dart, Ron.  "Thomas Merton and George Grant: Hawk's Dream, Owl's Insight." 120-136.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Kaplan, Edward K.  "'A Humanly Impoverished Thirst for Light': Thomas Merton's Receptivity to the Feminine, to Judaism, and to Religious Pluralism." 137-152.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Leigh, David, S.J.  "Firewatch in the Belly of the Whale: Imagery of Fire, Water and Place in The Sign of Jonas." 153-165.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Bludworth, Patrick.  "Desert Fathers and Asian Masters: Thomas Merton's Outlaw Lineage." 166-194.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  "Madhyamika and Dharmakaya: Some Notes on Thomas Merton's Epiphany at Polonnaruwa." 195-205.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Burridge, Kenelm.  "Merton, Cargo Cults and Lograire." 206-215.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Dekar, Paul R.  "What the Machine Produces and What the Machine Destroys: Merton on Technology." 216-234.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Kramer, Victor A.  "'A Very Disciplined Person' From Nelson County: An Interview with Canon A. M. Donald Allchin about Merton." 235-255. Full Text
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "An Obscure Theology Misread: 2003 Bibliographic Review." 256-285. Full Text
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Burton, Patricia A.  "Index to The Merton Annual, Volume 1-16." 286-340.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Söring, Jens.  Rev. of The Inner Experience: Notes on Contemplation by Thomas Merton. 341-343.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Foreman, Mary.  Rev. of Seeking Paradise: The Spirit of the Shakers by Thomas Merton. 343-345.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   Crider, Glenn.  Rev. of The Vision of Thomas Merton Edited by Patrick F. O'Connell. 345-348.
 Vol. 17   (2004)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Seek the Silences with Thomas Merton: Reflections on Identity, Community and Transformative Action by Charles R. Ringma. 348-352.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Introduction: Merton's Contemplative Presence Within Contemporary Society." 7-12.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Crider, Glenn; and Victor A. Kramer.  "An Editorial Note Concerning the Tape 'The Irish Tradition of Mysticism' and 'About Contemplative Life Today'." 13-.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Merton, Thomas.  "About Contemplative Life Today." 14-16.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Bruteau, Beatrice.  "Eating Together: The Shared Supper and the Covenant Community." 17-26.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Tuoti, Frank X.  "Contemplative Prayer: Antidote for an Ailing Generation." 27-40.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Egan, Keith J.  "Harvesting Seeds of Contemplation." 41-55.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Carrere, Daniel, OCSO.  "Standing Before God: Merton's Incarnational Spirituality." 56-72.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   King, David A.  "Merton's New Novices: The Seven Storey Mountain and Monasticism in a Freshman Seminar." 73-84.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Shannon, William H.  "From Faith to Joy: Studying the Church and Thomas Merton: An Interview with William H. Shannon" conducted by Christine M. Bochen and Victor A. Kramer, and edited and transcribed by Glenn Crider. 85-110.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Day, Dennis and Patricia Day.  "The Associates of the Iowa Cistercians Sowing New Seeds of Contemplation." 111-128.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Eyerman, Fred.  "Thomas Merton has Influenced Our Lives." 129-147.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Sommerville, James M.  "Merton as Voluntary Prisoner." 148-151.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Söring, Jens.  "The Kenotic Convict: A Divertissement on Contemporary Contemplative Spirituality in its Social Context." 152-171.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Apel, William.  "Mystic as Prophet: The Deep Freedom of Thomas Merton and Howard Thurman." 172-187.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Fitzpatrick-Hopler, Gail.  "The Spiritual Network of Contemplative Outreach Limited." 188-196.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Coff, Pascaline, OSB.  "The Universal Call to Contemplation: Cloisters Beyond the Monastery." 197-220.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "Merton's 'True Self' or a Calculated 'Official Pedestal'?" The Merton Annual 16 (2003): 221-244. Full Text
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Kardong, Terrence G.  Rev. of Survival or Prophecy? The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq Edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 245-246.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Labrie, Ross.  Rev. of The Thomas Merton Encyclopedia Edited by William H. Shannon, Christine M. Bochen and Patrick F. O'Connell. 246-250.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Del Prete, Thomas.  Rev. of A Thomas Merton Curriculum Edited by Terrence A. Taylor. 250-255.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Postscript: A Statement About the Publishing History of The Merton Annual." 267-269.
 Vol. 16   (2003)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "Envoi." 270-271.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "Introduction: 'A Certainty of Tread': Grace Unfolded in Thomas Merton's Contemplative Experience and Poetry." 7-13.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Pearson, Paul M.  "The Ox Mountain Parable: An Introduction." 14-19.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Merton, Thomas.  "The Ox Mountain Parable of Meng Tzu." 20-22.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Mizingou, Jeannine N.  "'Bringing the Earth to Flower': A Tribute to Robert Lax (1915-2000): Poet, Pilgrim, Prophet." 23-60.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Matthews, Gray.  "The Healing Silence: Thomas Merton's Contemplative Approach to Communication." 61-76.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Biallas, Leonard J.  "Merton and Basho: The Narrow Road Home." 77-102.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Szabo, Lynn R.  "'Hiding the Ace of Freedoms': Discovering the Way(s) of Peace in Thomas Merton's Cables to the Ace." 103-120.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Badaracco, Claire Hoertz.  "The Influence of 'Beat' Generation Poetry on the Work of Thomas Merton." 121-135.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Bear, Virginia.  "A Woodshed Full of French Angels: Multilingual Merton." 136-154.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Seynnaeve, Johan.  "Language Mixture in a Macaronic Poem of Thomas Merton." 155-165.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Collins, John P.  "Thomas Merton and Walker Percy: A Connection Through Intersections." 166-193.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   McMillan, Allan M.  "Thomas Merton's Seven Lessons for Interfaith Dialogue." 194-209.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Quenon, Paul, OCSO.  "'Aware and Awake and Alive': An Interview about Thomas Merton" conducted by George A. Kilcourse, Jr. 210-231.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Kramer, Victor A.  "'Contemplation's Shadow and Merton's Act: Becoming a Saint Through Words': 2001 Bibliographic Review." 232-262. Full Text
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Stull, Bradford T.  Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Inclusive Imagination by Ross Labrie. 263-267.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Thompson, J. Milburn.  Rev. of Thomas Merton and Thich Nhat Hanh: Engaged Spirituality in an Age of Globalization by Robert H. King. 267-269.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Morrin, Peter.  Rev. of Dialogues with Silence: Prayers and Drawings by Thomas Merton, edited by Jonathan Montaldo. 270-271.
 Vol. 15   (2002)   Pearson, Paul M.  Rev. of Reading Thomas Merton: A Guide to His Life and Work by John Laughlin. 271-272.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Introduction: Merton's Openness to Change and his Foreshadowing of a Feminist Spirituality." 7-11.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   Richardson, Jane Marie, SL.  "Merton and Loretto: Background of Tape Recording." 12-13.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   Merton, Thomas.  "Comments about the Religious Life Today: Transcript of a Recording Made by and Edited by Father Louis Merton for Special General Chapter Sister of Loretto, 1967." 14-32.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   Dardenne, Myriam.  "'A Journey into Wholeness': An Interview about Thomas Merton with Myriam Dardenne at Redwoods Monastery." Conducted by Christine M. Bochen with Victor A. Kramer and edited by Christine M. Bochen. 33-55.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "The Wilderness of Compassion: Nature's Influence in Thomas Merton's Writing." 56-80.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "'The Best Retreat I Ever Made': Merton and the Contemplative Prioresses." 81-95.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   LeBeau, Dorothy.  "With Love in the Lord: The Correspondence of Thomas Merton and Rosemary Radford Reuther." 96-120.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   Cook, Andrea C.  "The Experience of Romantic Transcendence in Thomas Merton's Eighteen Poems." 121-154.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  "A Gallery of Women's Faces and Dreams of Women From the Drawings and Journals of Thomas Merton. 155-172.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   McCaslin, Susan.  "Merton and Blake: The Heretic Within and the Heretic Without." 173-183.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   Poks, Malgorzata.  "Thomas Merton's Poetry of Endless Inscription: A Tale of Liberation and Expanding Horizons." 184-222.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "Inertia, Idiosyncrasy and Incubation: The Range of Current Merton Studies." 223-243. Full Text
 Vol. 14   (2001)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of When Prophecy Still Had a Voice: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Robert Lax edited by Arthur W. Biddle. 244-251.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   Bridgers, Lynn.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: Essential Writings Selected With an Introduction by Christine M. Bochen. 251-252.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   Crider, Glenn.  Rev. of Poetry as Prayer: Thomas Merton by Robert Waldron. 252-257.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   Reinders, Eric.  Rev. of Journeys Into Emptiness: Dogen, Merton, Jung and the Quest for Transformation by Robert Gunn. 257-259.
 Vol. 14   (2001)   Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM.  Rev. of Thomas Merton's Paradise Journey: Writings on Contemplation and Silence on Fire: Prayer of Awareness by William Shannon. 259- 259-263.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "Introduction: Spirituality as the Freedom to Channel Eros." 7-15.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Merton, Thomas.  "Variant Drafts of The Sign of Jonas." 16-26.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Pycior, Julie Leininger.  "We Are All Called to be Saints: Thomas Merton. Dorothy Day and Friendship House." 27-62.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Thompson, Phillip M.  "The Restoration of Balance: Thomas Merton's Technological Critique." 63-79.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Wu, John, Jr.  "Technological Perspectives: Thomas Merton and the One-Eyed Giant." 80-104.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Corless, Roger.  "The Christian Exploration of Non-Christian Religions: Merton's Example and Where It Might Lead Us." 105-122.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Clooney, Francis X., SJ.  "In Memoriam: Mahanambrata Brahmachari (23 December 1904 - 18 October 1999)." 123-126.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Richardson, Jane Marie, SL.  "Life Through the Lens of Inner and Outer Freedom." Interview conducted by George A. Kilcourse, Jr. 127-43.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Connecting the Spiritual and the Cultural: Patterns Within Merton's Writings. 1999 Bibliographic Review." 144-164. Full Text
 Vol. 13   (2000)   LeBeau, Dorothy.  "Introduction: To See the Beauty of their Hearts: The Contemplative Aesthetics of Thomas Merton." 165-170.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Finley, Mitch.  "The Joy of Being Catholic: The Relationship of the Conversion of Thomas Merton to the RICA." 171-189.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Betz, Margaret B.  "Merton's Images of Elias, Wisdom, and the Inclusive God." 190-207.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Szabo, Lynn R.  "The Sound of Sheer Silence: A Study in the Poetics of Thomas Merton." 208-221.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   O'Hara, Dennis Patrick.  "Thomas Merton and Thomas Berry: Reflections from a Parallel Universe." 222-234.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Apel, William.  "Ninevah to Calvary: Thomas Merton and a Spiritual Geography of the Bible." 235-244.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Spaeth, Paul J.  "The Road to Simplicity Followed by Merton's Friends: Ad Reinhardt and Robert Lax." 245-256.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Biallas, Leonard J.  Rev. of The Intimate Merton: His Life from His Journals Edited by Patrick Hart and Jonathan Montaldo. 257-263.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Hensell, Eugene, OSB.  Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Monastic Vision by Lawrence S. Cunningham. 263-266.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Huda, Qamar-ul.  Rev. of Merton and Sufism: The Untold Story Edited by Rob Baker and Gray Henry. 266-268.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Breit, Marquita E.  Rev. of A Merton Vade Mecum: A Quick-Reference Bibliographic Handbook by Patricia A. Burton. 269-271.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Flynn, James E.  Rev. of The Sound of Listening: A Retreat Journal from Thomas Merton's Hermitage by John Dear, SJ. 271-.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Walter, Anne.  Rev. of Fifteen Days of Prayer with Thomas Merton by André Gozier. 272-.
 Vol. 13   (2000)   Grayston, Donald.  Rev. of Running to the Mountain: A Journey of Faith and Change by Jon Katz. 273-274.
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Introduction: Thomas Merton's Commitments to Community: The Needs for Courtesy, Exchange and Engagement." 7-12. Full Text
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Merton, Thomas.  "Monastic Courtesy." 13-21. Full Text
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO.  "Monasticism and Thomas Merton, Monk-Priest and Author: His Contributions to a Wider Understanding of Spirituality." 22-37. Full Text
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Bourget, Dom M. Laurence, OCSO.  "Thomas Merton: A Monk Who 'Succeeded': An Interview by Correspondence with Dom M. Laurence Bourget, OCSO." Conducted by Jonathan Montaldo. 38-61. Full Text
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Casey, Michael, OCSO.  "Merton's Teaching on the 'Common Will' and What the Journals Tell Us." 62-84. Full Text
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Wiseman, James A. OSB.  "Learning to Love and Learning the Price: Thomas Merton and the Challenge of Celibacy." 85-102. Full Text
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Chittister, Joan D., OSB.  "Thomas Merton: Seeder of Radical Action and the Enlightened Heart." 103-116. Full Text
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Kline, Francis, OCSO.  "In the Company of Prophets? Merton's Engagement with the World." 117-128. Full Text
 Vol. 12   (1999)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Thomas Merton's Wake-Up Calls: Aubades and Monastic Dawn Poems from A Man in the Divided Sea." 129-163. Full Text
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Stull, Bradford T.  "Wild Seeds: Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day." 164-167. Full Text
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM.  "Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day on Prayer, Conscience and Christian Social Responsibility: A Comparative Study." 168-188. Full Text
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Murray, Harry.  "Dorothy Day, Welfare Reform and Personal Responsibility." 189-206. Full Text
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "Alternative Frameworks for Spirituality: The Frontier of Merton Studies." 207-232. Full Text
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Del Prete, Thomas.  Rev. of The Other Side of the Mountain: The End of the Journey by Thomas Merton. 233-235. Link
 Vol. 12   (1999)   King, David A.  Rev. of The Merton Tapes Series 7 by Thomas Merton. 236-239. Link
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Cooper, David D.  Rev. of Thomas Merton's American Prophecy by Robert Inchausti. 239-241. Link
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Corless, Roger.  Rev. of The Gethsemani Encounter: A Dialogue on the Spiritual Life by Buddhist and Christian Monastics Edited by Donald W. Mitchell and James A. Wiseman, OSB. 242-243. Link
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Stull, Bradford T.  Rev. of Man in the Mirror: John Howard Griffin and the Story of Black Like Me by Robert Bonazzi. 244-245. Link
 Vol. 12   (1999)   Archer, Emily.  Rev. of Ezekiel: Vision in the Dust by Daniel Berrigan. 248-249. Link
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "Introduction: The Religious Ethic at the Heart of Merton's Spirituality." 7-11. Full Text
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Pearson, Paul M.  "Foreword to 'The Black Sheep.'" 13-16. Full Text
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Merton, Thomas.  "The Black Sheep." 17-32. Full Text
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Allchin, A. M.  "Our Lives, a Powerful Pentecost: Merton's Meeting with Russian Christianity." 33-48. Full Text
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Berrigan, Daniel, SJ.  "What, Then, Must We Do?" 49-66. Full Text
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Douglass, James W.  "Compassion and the Unspeakable." 67-87. Full Text
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Hinson, E. Glenn.  "'Thomas Merton, My Brother': The Impact of Thomas Merton on My Life and Thought." 88-96. Full Text
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Reiser, William, SJ.  "Solidarity and Reshaping Spirituality." 97-109. Full Text
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Burnham, Christopher C.  "Merton's Ethos in The Seven Storey Mountain: Toward a Rhetoric of Conversion." 110-120. Full Text
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Labrie, Ross.  "Merton and Time." 121-137. Full Text
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Faricy, Robert, SJ.  "Merton and Mysticism of the Mind." 138-147. Full Text
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Waddell, Chrysogonus, OCSO.  "'Truly Seeking God . . . in Christ': An Interview about Thomas Merton with Chrysogonus Waddell, OCSO" conducted by Victor A. Kramer. 148-173. Full Text
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Kramer, Victor A.  "'Non-Public' Writing in Journal and Correspondence: A Core Radiating Outward. 1997 Bibliographic Review." 174-195. Full Text
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Johmann, Michael.  Rev. of Dancing in the Waters of Life: Seeking Peace in the Hermitage by Thomas Merton. 196-199. Link
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Quenon, Paul, OCSO.  Rev. of Learning to Love: Exploring Solitude and Freedom by Thomas Merton. 199-203. Link
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Stull, Bradford T.  Rev. of Thomas Merton and James Laughlin; Selected Letters Edited by David D. Cooper. 203-206. Link
 Vol. 11   (1998)   Kocka, David.  Rev. of 'Something of a Rebel': Thomas Merton, His Life and Works by William H. Shannon. 206-208. Link
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Introduction: Fragmentation and the Quest for the Spiritual in the Late Twentieth Century." ix-xiv-. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Merton, Thomas.  "The School of the Spirit." 1-34. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "'What I Wear Is Pants': Monasticism as 'Lay' Spirituality in Merton's Later Life and Work." 35-58. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Wright, Wendy M.  "Living Contemplatively." 59-75. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Bruteau, Beatrice.  "Eucharistic Cosmos." 77-107. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Altany, Alan.  "Thomas Merton's Poetic Incarnation of Emptiness." 109-130. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Archer, Emily.  "'Abundant, Multiple, Restless': Levertov and Merton in the 1960s." 131-175. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Cooper, David D.  "Thomas Merton and James Laughlin: Two Literary Lives in Letters." 177-191. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Badaracco, Claire Hoertz.  "Cultural Resistance and Literary Identity: Merton's Reading Notebooks." 193-204. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Stull, Bradford T.  "Metaphors and Allusions: The Theopolitical Essays of Thomas Merton." 205-221. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "Merton and Camus on Christian Dialogue with a Postmodern World." 223-233. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   O'Keefe, Mark, OSB.  "Merton's 'True Self' and the Fundamental Option." 235-250. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Seynnaeve, Johan.  "Merton, Moore, and the Carthusian Temptation." 251-265. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Wu, John, Jr.  "Pleading for Sanity: Cosmic Heart in a Sea of Fire." 267-284. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Padovano, Anthony T.  "Spirituality, Scholarship and Biography: An Interview with Anthony T. Padovano" conducted by Jonathan Montaldo. 285-302. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "A Haven for 'Homeless Religious Minds': 1996 Bibliographic Review." 303-325. Full Text
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Grote, Jim.  Rev. of Entering the Silence: Becoming a Monk and Writer by Thomas Merton. 326-330. Link
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Ellsberg, Robert.  Rev. of A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life by Thomas Merton. 331-333. Link
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Carrere, Daniel, OCSO.  Rev. of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years by Thomas Merton. 334-338. Link
 Vol. 10   (1997)   Mossi, John P., SJ.  Rev. of Merton: An Enneagram Profile by Suzanne Zuercher. 339-341. Link
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "Introduction: News of a More Complex Merton Industry." ix-xxii-. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Merton, Thomas.  "He Is Risen." 1-7. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Steinfels, Margaret O'Brien.  "Merton Lecture, Columbia University, November 15, 1995." 8-20. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  "Harvesting New Fruits: Merton's 'Message to Poets.'" 21-33. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Labrie, Ross.  "Merton and the American Romantics; Appendix: Letter from Robert Lax to Ross Labrie." 34-54. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Burnham, Christopher C.  "Out of the Shadows: Merton's Rhetoric and Revelation." 55-73. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Pearson, Paul M.  "Thomas Merton in Search of His Heart: The Autobiographical Impulse of Merton's Bonaventure Novels." 74-89. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   O'Hara, Dennis Patrick.  "'The Whole World . . . Has Appeared as a Transparent Manifestation of the Love of God': Portents of God as Eco-Theologian." 90-117. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Wu, John, Jr.  "Thomas Merton and Confucian Rites: 'The Fig Leaf for the Paradise Condition." 118-141. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Faricy, Robert, SJ.  "Thomas Merton and Zen." 142-151. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Del Prete, Thomas.  "'Teaching is Candy': Merton as Teacher at Columbia and Bonaventure." 152-169. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Long, Edward LeRoy, Jr.; Glen Stassen; and Ronald Stone.  "The Abbey Center for the Study of Ethics and Culture Conference: To Develop a Just Peacemaking Theory." 170-181. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Friesen, Duane K.  "A People's Movement as a Condition for the Development of a Just Peacemaking Theory." 182-192. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Kelly, Timothy, OCSO.  "'The Great Honesty': Remembering Thomas Merton - An Interview with Abbot Timothy Kelly, OCSO" conducted by George A. Kilcourse. 193-220. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Merton, Thomas.  "Editing the Journals of Thomas Merton - A Postscript: Four Merton Journal Transcriptions: Two Missing Sheets of Merton Journal Discovered." 221-236. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Downey, Michael.  "Posthumous Prolificacy: A Bibliographic Review Essay." 237-251. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Ronzani, Clare.  Rev. of At Home in the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Rosemary Radford Reuther Edited by Mary Tardiff, OP. 252-255. Link
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Parry, Richard D.  Rev. of Passion for Peace: The Social Essays by Thomas Merton. 255-263. Link
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Collins, Thomas.  Rev. of The Merton Tapes: Sixth Release of Lectures by Thomas Merton. 264-266. Link
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Kramer, Victor A.  Rev. of Thomas Merton Remembered: Dialogues with Various People Who Knew Him produced by Michael Toms. 267-268. Link
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Wilkie, Raymond.  Rev. of Thomas Merton, My Brother: His Journey to Freedom, Compassion and Final Integration by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO. 269-271. Link
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Wise, Paul.  Rev. of Becoming a Modern Contemplative: A Psychological Model for Personal Growth by Richard B. Patterson and Why Not Be a Mystic? by Frank X. Tuoti. 272-276. Link
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Corless, Roger.  Rev. of Thomas Merton and Chinese Wisdom by Cyrus Lee. 277-280. Link
 Vol. 9   (1996)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Review Symposium of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation. 288-297. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Shannon, William H.  Review Symposium of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation. 298-302. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   King, David A.  Review Symposium of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation. 303-313. Full Text
 Vol. 9   (1996)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  Editor Response to Review Symposium of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation. 314-315. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Downey, Michael.  "Collision Course 101: The Monastery, the Academy, and the Corporation." ix-xii-. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Merton, Thomas.  "A Balanced Life of Prayer." 1-21. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Palmer, Parker J.  "Contemplation Reconsidered: The Human Way In." 22-37. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Waddell, Paul J., CP.  "The Human Way Out: The Friendship of Charity as a Countercultural Dimension." 38-58. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Fuller, Roy D.  "The Virtuous Teacher: Thomas Merton's Contribution to a Spirituality of Higher Education." 59-74. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Upton, Julia Ann, RSM.  "Humanizing the University: Adding the Contemplative Dimension." 75-87. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Lewis, Gloria Kitto.  "Learning to Live: Merton's Students Remember His Teaching." 88-104. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Del Prete, Thomas.  "Culture and the Formation of Personal Identity: Dilemma and Dialectic in Thomas Merton's Teaching." 105-121. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   McKenna, Thomas F., CM.  "A Voice in the Postmodern Wilderness: Merton on Monastic Renewal." 122-137. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Neuman, Matthias, OSB.  "Revisiting Zen and the Birds of Appetite after Twenty-Five Years." 138-149. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Badaracco, Claire Hoertz.  "Animated Outsiders: Echoes of Merton in Hampi, Norris, Dillard, and Ehrlich." 150-161. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Merton, Thomas.  "Time of Transition: A Selection of Letters from the Earliest Correspondence of Thomas Merton and Ernesto Cardenal" edited by Christine Bochen. 162-200. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Downey, Michael.  "Daughter of Carmel; Son of Citeaux: A Friendship Endures - An Interview about Thomas Merton with Angela Collins, OCD" conducted by Michael Downey. 201-220. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Thousands of Words: A Bibliographic Review." 221-245. Full Text
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Burton-Christie, Douglas.  Rev. of Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis Edited by William H. Shannon. 246-254. Link
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Paguio, Erlinda G.  Rev. of A Catch of Anti-Letters by Thomas Merton and Robert Lax. 254-257. Link
 Vol. 8   (1995)   Conn, Joann Wolski.  Rev. of Thomas Merton in Search of His Soul: A Jungian Perspective by Robert G. Waldron. 258-261. Link
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Introduction: Solitude Leads Toward Apostolate in and for the World." ix-xiv-. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Editors Note to 'Vocations to the Lay Apostolate,' by Thomas Merton." 1-5. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Merton, Thomas.  "Vocations to the Lay Apostolate." 6-13. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Eastman, Patrick.  "Dangers of Solitude." 14-20. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "Czeslaw Milosz's Influence on Thomas Merton's 'Notes for a Philosophy of Solitude.'" 21-32. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Mayer, Elsie F.  "Thomas Merton as Modernist Critic: The Influence of T. S. Eliot." 33-44. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Murray, Mary.  "The Fire Watch Epilogue and Life and Holiness: Opposing Rhetorics in the Writings of Thomas Merton." 45-57. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Porter, J. S.  "Thomas Merton's Late Metaphors of the Self." 58-67. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Morneau, Robert F.  "Thomas Merton and the Vocation of the Cultural Critic: Prophetic and Poetic Imagination." 68-80. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Schneiders, Sandra M., IHM.  "Merton, Friend of God and Prophet." 81-86. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Eight Freedom Songs: Merton's Sequence of Liberation." 87-128. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Seitz, Ron.  "'The Climate of Humor and Freedom': An Interview about Thomas Merton with Ron Seitz" conducted by George A. Kilcourse. 129-155. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "'Easter Fugue' out of a 'Great Silence': 1993 in Merton Scholarship and Publication." 156-173. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Malits, Elena, CSC.  Rev. of The Courage for Truth: The Letters of Thomas Merton to Writers Edited by Christine Bochen. 174-176. Link
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Baumann, Steven L.  Rev. of The Merton Tapes: Fifth Release of Lectures. 176-178. Link
 Vol. 7   (1994)   McKenna, Thomas F., CM.  Rev. of Song for Nobody: A Memory Vision of Thomas Merton by Ron Seitz. 178-181. Link
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Aprile, Diane.  Rev. of A Seven Day Journey with Thomas Merton by Esther de Waal. 181-185. Link
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Prevailet, Elaine, SL.  Rev. of Spirituality in Ecumenical Perspective Edited by E. Glenn Hinson. 185-188. Link
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Fuller, Roy D.  Rev. of Exiles from Eden: Religion and the Academic Vocation in America by Mark R. Schwehn. 188-190.
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Lescher, Bruce H.  Rev. of Dakota: A Spiritual Geography by Kathleen Norris. 190-194.
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Johnson, Timothy J., OFMConv.  Rev. of The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality Edited by Michael Downey. 194-197.
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Eastman, Patrick.  Review Symposium of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ by George A. Kilcourse. 198-203. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Culbertson, Diana, OP.  Review Symposium of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ by George A. Kilcourse. 203-207. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Goergen, Donald J., OP.  Review Symposium of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ by George A. Kilcourse. 208-210. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Laporte, Jean-Marc, SJ.  Review Symposium of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ by George A. Kilcourse. 210-220. Full Text
 Vol. 7   (1994)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  Author Response to Review Symposium of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ by George A. Kilcourse. 221-226. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Foreword." ix-x-. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "Introduction: Spirituality After 'A Prayer Lip Stumbles.'" 1-5. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Hinson, E. Glenn.  "Rootedness in Tradition and Global Spirituality." 6-22. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Steere, Douglas V.  "Notes on Conferences with Thomas Merton, February 1962." 23-28. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Merton, Thomas.  "Thomas Merton and Douglas V. Steere, Correspondence, 1962-1968." 29-53. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Haughton, Rosemary.  "The Fall of Babel: Reflections on the Abbey Center Conference." 54-60. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Weakland, Rembert, OSB.  "Monastic Values in an Alien World: One Person's Experience." 61-65. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Kline, Francis, OCSO.  "God Will Be Their Light: Reflections on the Abbey Center Conference." 66-75. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Corless, Roger.  "In Search of a Context for the Merton-Suzuki Dialogue." 76-91. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Goizueta, Roberto S.  "Otherness Has a Face . . . and It Is Not a Pretty Face." 92-114. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   TePas, Katherine M.  "A Spirituality of Mercy: Aelred of Rievauxl." 115-133. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Payne, Steven, OCD.  "'Although It Is Night': A Carmelite Perspective on Spirituality at the Juncture of Modernity and Postmodernity." 134-159. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Pippin, Tina.  "Standing on the Edge of the Abyss: A Postmodern Apocalyptic Spirituality." 160-174. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Ford, John H.  "'Not Himself, but a Direction': An Interview with John (Jack) H. Ford" conducted by George A. Kilcourse. 175-193. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Downey, Michael.  "Critical Turn Ahead: 1992 in Merton Scholarship and Publication." 194-202. Full Text
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Conn, Walter E.  Rev. of Thomas Merton: Spiritual Master Edited by Lawrence S. Cunningham. 203-205. Link
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Callahan, Annice, RSCJ.  Rev. of Merton: Mystic at the Center of America by Thomas M. King, SJ. 205-208. Link
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Kline, Francis, OCSO.  Rev. of Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story by William H. Shannon. 208-214. Link
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Zynda, Mary Damian, CSSF.  Rev. of The Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani by Thomas Merton. 215-219. Link
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Archer, Emily.  Rev. of Evening Train by Denise Levertov. 219-227. Link
 Vol. 6   (1993)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Pilgrim in the Ruins: A Life of Walker Percy by Jay Tolson. 227-234. Link
 Vol. 6   (1993)   Kramer, Dewey Weiss.  Rev. of The Merton Tapes: Fourth Release of Lectures by Thomas Merton. 235-236. Link
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Introduction." ix-x-. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "Editor's Note." 3-5. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Merton, Thomas.  "The Man in the Sycamore Tree: A Fragment of an Early Novel." 7-38. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Lax, Robert.  "Remembering Merton and New York" edited by Paul Spaeth. 39-61. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Albert, John, OCSO.  "To Merton Through Augustine: Images, Themes and Analogies of Kinship." 65-94. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Waddell, Chrysogonus, OCSO.  "Merton of Gethsemani and Bernard of Clairvaux." 95-130. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Clark, Benjamin, OCSO.  "Thomas Merton's Gethsemani: Part II, The Formation Years." 133-168. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Collins, Frederic, OCSO.  "Merton's Quiet Influence: A Testimony of Continuing Conversion" an interview conducted by Victor A. Kramer. 169-186. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Allchin, A. M.  "The Worship of the Whole Creation: Merton and the Eastern Fathers." 189-204. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Dear, John.  "Blessed Are the Meek: The Nonviolence of Thomas Merton." 205-213. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Higgins, Michael W.  "The Cardinal and the Monk: Literary and Theological Convergences in Newman and Merton." 215-225. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Knopf, Richard W.  "Crying With a Live Grief: The Mysticism of Merton and Teilhard Compared." 227-245. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Paguio, Erlinda G.  "Blazing in the Spark of God: Thomas Merton's References to Meister Eckhart." 247-262. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Pearson, Paul M.  "Thomas Merton and the Celtic Monastic Tradition: Search for the Promised Land." 263-277. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Porter, J. S.  "The Last Journals of Thomas Merton and Ana∩s Nin." 279-295. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Voiles, Kenneth M.  "The Mother of All the Living: The Role of the Virgin Many in the Spirituality of Thomas Merton." 297-310. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Wu, John, Jr.  "A Lovely Day for a Friendship: The Spiritual and Intellectual Relationship Between Thomas Merton and John Wu As Suggested in Their Correspondence." 311-354. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Wandering in the Merton Dimension: A Survey of Scholarship and Publication in 1991." 357-360. Full Text
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Kramer, Victor A.  Rev. of The Merton Tapes [Third Series] by Thomas Merton. 362-368. Link
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Zahn, Gordon C.  Rev. of Living With Wisdom: A Life of Thomas Merton by Jim Forest. 368-370. Link
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO.  Rev. of Thomas Merton as Writer and Monk: A Cultural Study, 1915-1951 by Peter Kountz. 370-373. Link
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Patnaik, Deba Prasad.  Rev. of Father Louie: Photographs of Thomas Merton by Ralph Eugene Meatyard. 373-377. Link
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Fox, Ruth M., OSB.  Rev. of Prayer and Commitment in Thomas Merton and Prophecy and Commitment in Thomas Merton by Mary Luke Tobin. 377-384. Link
 Vol. 5   (1992)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  Rev. of Spiritual Guides for Today: Evelyn Underhill, Dorothy Day, Karl Rahner, Simone Weil, Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen by Annice Callahan. 384-386. Link
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Daggy, Robert E.; Patrick Hart; Dewey Weiss Kramer; Victor A. Kramer.  "Introduction." ix-. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Merton, Thomas.  "The Neurotic Personality in the Monastic Life." 3-19. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO.  "Merton's Vocation as Monastic and Writer: An Interview with John Eudes Bamberger, OCSO" conducted by Victor A. Kramer. 21-38. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   St. John, Donald P.  "Deep Geography: Nature and Place in The Sign of Jonas." 41-58. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Waldron, Robert G.  "The Sign of Jonas: A Jungian Commentary." 59-68. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Rukstelis, Michael, CO.  "Recreated Innocence in The Sign of Jonas." 69-74. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Downey, Michael.  "Penning Patterns of Transformation: Etty Hillesum and Thomas Merton." 77-95. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "'A Shy Wild Deer': The 'True Self' in Thomas Merton's Poetry." 97-109. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Goulet, Jacques.  "Thomas Merton's Journey Toward World Religious Ecumenism." 113-129. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Roccaforte, Linell.  "The Rain Speaks On: Contradiction in Thomas Merton's View of Peace." 131-152. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Lewis, Gloria Kitto.  "Sacred Arts Study: Thomas Merton's Guides for Art and Worship." 155-171. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Zynda, Mary Damian, CSSF.  "Contemporary Mystic Study: Thomas Merton as Supported by Evelyn Underhill's Stages of Mystical Development." 173-202. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Ferry, Wilbur Hugh.  "Action at the Center" An Interview with W. H. Ping Ferry" conducted by Gregory J. Ryan. 205-219. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Clark, Benjamin, OCSO.  "Thomas Merton's Gethsemani: Part 1, the Novitiate Years." 223-256. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Daggy, Robert E.  "'What They Say': 1990 in Merton Scholarship and Publication." 259-271. Full Text
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  Rev. of The School of Charity: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction Edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 275-284. Link
 Vol. 4   (1991)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Education of the Whole Person by Thomas Del Prete. 284-288. Link
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Lagorio, Valerie M.  Rev. of Soul Friends: A Journey with Thomas Merton by Brother Ramon, S.S.F. 289-291. Link
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Hotchen, Stephen J.  Rev. of The Spark in the Soul: Four Mystics on Social Justice by Terry Tastard. 291-295. Link
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Corless, Roger.  Rev. of Freedom in Exile: The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama. 295-297. Link
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Carr, Anne E.  Rev. of Evelyn Underhill Artist of the Infinite Love by Dana Green and The Ways of the Spirit by Evelyn Underhill. 298-300. Link
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Kramer, Victor A.  Rev. of The Catholic Counter-culture in America: 1933-1962 by James Terrence Fisher and The Writings of Daniel Berrigan by Ross Labrie. 301-308. Link
 Vol. 4   (1991)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  Rev. of Buddhist Emptiness and Christian Trinity Edited by Roger Corless and Paul Knitter and A Taste of Water: Christianity Through Taoist-Christian Eyes by Chwen Jiuan A. Lee and Thomas G. Hand. 308-310. Link
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Daggy, Robert E.; Patrick Hart; Dewey Weiss Kramer; Victor A. Kramer.  "Introduction." ix-.
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "Introduction to 'A Monastic Correspondence with Jean Leclercq, OSB.'" 3-4. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Merton, Thomas.  "A Monastic Correspondence with Jean Leclercq, OSB." 5-35. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Leclercq, Jean, OSB.  "Thomas Merton and St. Bernard of Clairvaux." 37-44. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Conner, James, OCSO.  "The Tension Between Solitude and Sharing in the Monastic Life of Thomas Merton." 47-59. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Chittister, Joan D., OSB.  "Of Moses' Mother and Pharoah's Daughter: A Model of Contemporary Contemplation." 61-69. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Burns, Flavian, OCSO.  "Merton's Contribution as Teacher, Writer and Community Member: An Interview with Flavian Burns, OCSO" conducted by Victor A. Kramer. 71-89. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Letson, Douglas R.  "Foundations for Renewal: An Analysis of the Shared Reflections of Thomas Merton and Ernesto Cardenal." 93-106. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   McKenna, Thomas F., CM.  "Thomas Merton and the Renewal of Religious Dialogue." 107-118. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Plank, Karl A.  "Thomas Merton and Hannah Arendt: Contemplation After Eichmann." 121-150. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Griffith, Sidney H.  "Thomas Merton, Louis Massignon, and the Challenge of Islam." 151-172. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Higgins, Michael W.  "Merton and the Real Poets: Paradise Rebugged." 175-186. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  "Thomas Merton: The Monk as a Critic of Culture." 187-199. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Corless, Roger.  "The Christian Mystic as Paganus Redevivus: A Hermeneutical Suggestion." 203-216. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Hinson, E. Glenn.  "Social Involvement and Spirituality." 217-229. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Rukstelis, Michael, CO.  "Thomas Merton and the Grey Man." 233-250. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Kocka, David.  "Week of a Visitor in a Stranger's House." 251-273. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Daggy, Robert E.  "The Continuing Tsunami: 1989 in Merton Scholarship and Publication." 277-289. Full Text
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Downey, Michael.  Rev. of Honorable Reader: Reflections on My Work by Thomas Merton. 293-295. Link
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Greene, Jonathan.  Rev. of Monk's Pond: Thomas Merton's Little Magazine Edited by Robert E. Daggy. 295-298. Link
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  Rev. of Preview of the Asian Journey by Thomas Merton. 298-300. Link
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Richardson, Jane Marie, SL.  Rev. of The Road to Joy: Letter to New and Old Friends by Thomas Merton. 300-304. Link
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Foster, Diane, OCSO.  Rev. of Thomas Merton in Alaska Edited by Robert E. Daggy. 305-309. Link
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Allchin, A. M.  Rev. of Thomas Merton on Prayer compiled by Tony Castle and The Shining Wilderness by Thomas Merton. 310-311. Link
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Kramer, Dewey Weiss.  Rev. of The Merton Tapes by Thomas Merton. 311-320. Link
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Labrie, Ross.  Rev. of Thomas Merton's Art of Denial: The Evolution of a Radical Humanist by David D. Cooper. 321-324. Link
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Moir, Richard.  Rev. of Conscience and Conflict: A Trilogy of One-Actor Plays: Thomas Merton, Pope John XXIII, Martin Luther by Anthony T. Padovano. 324-327. Link
 Vol. 3   (1990)   Leax, John.  Rev. of The Thomas Merton Poems: A Caravan of Poems by J. S. Porter and Monks Pond, Old Hermit, Hai!: A Haiku Homage to Thomas Merton by Ron Seitz. 328-330. Link
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Daggy, Robert E.; Patrick Hart; Dewey Weiss Kramer; Victor A. Kramer.  "Introduction." ix-x-. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "Introduction." 3-4. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Merton, Thomas.  "Answers for Hernan Lavin Cerda." 5-12. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Baciu, Stefan.  "Latin America and Spain in the Poetic World of Thomas Merton." 13-26. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Merton, Thomas.  "Letter to a Poet about Vallejo." 27-28. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Quenon, Paul, OCSO.  "Shadows at the Redwoods: Merton Remembered." 31-42. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Tobin, Mary Luke, SL.  "Growing into Responsibility: An Interview" conducted by Dewey Weiss Kramer. 43-56. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Waddell, Chrysogonus, OCSO.  "Merton and the Tiger Lily." 59-79. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Merton, Thomas.  "List of Works Submitted for the Approval of the Most Reverend Fathers Capitular, OCSO., Meeting at Citeaux, May 1946." 80-84. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Kristoff, Donna, OSU.  "'Light That is not Light': A Consideration of Thomas Merton and the Icon." 85-114. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Merton, Thomas.  "Three Prayers on Sacred Art." 115-117. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Burrell, David. CSC.  "On Discovering Divine Foolishness: Merton as Bridge-Person." 121-129. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Middleton, Arthur.  "The World in a Grain of Sand." 131-142. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Del Prete, Thomas.  "Thomas Merton and Education: The Theme of Self-Discovery." 145-174. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "The Monk as a 'Marginal' Person." 175-189. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   King, Marilyn, SM.  "'A Soft Voice Awakens Me': Merton's Spirituality of Human Communication." 193-220. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Kang, Kun Ki.  "Prayer and the Cultivation of the Mind: An Examination of Thomas Merton and Chinul." 221-238. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Peake, Frank A.  "Self, Sexuality and Solitude in John Cassian and Thomas Merton: Notes from a Retreat." 241-256. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Hempstead-Milton, Sheila M.  "Bells in Thomas Merton's Early Poetry, 1940-1946." 257-287. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Merton and 1988: A Survey of Publications and Commemorations." 291-308. Full Text
 Vol. 2   (1989)   O'Hanlon, Daniel J., SJ.  Rev. of Encounter: Thomas Merton and D. T. Suzuki Edited by Robert E. Daggy. 311-314. Link
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Kramer, Victor A.  Rev. of The Merton Tapes: Lectures by Thomas Merton. 314-319. Link
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Padovano, Anthony T.  Rev. of A Vow of Conversation: Journals, 1964-1965 by Thomas Merton. 320-323. Link
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Shannon, William H.  Rev. of Merton and Walsh on the Person by Robert Imperato. 323-326. Link
 Vol. 2   (1989)   St. John, Donald P.  Rev. of A Retreat with Thomas Merton by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO. 326-328. Link
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  Rev. of A Search for Wisdom and Spirit: Thomas Merton's Theology of the Self by Anne E. Carr. 329-332. Link
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO.  Rev. of Toward an Integrated Humanity: Thomas Merton's Journey Edited by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO. 333-336. Link
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Forest, James H.  Rev. of Thomas Merton on Nuclear Weapons by Ronald E. Powaski. 336-339. Link
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Tuoti, Frank X.  Rev. of Up and Down Merton's Mountain: A Contemporary Spiritual Journey by Gerald Groves. 339-343. Link
 Vol. 2   (1989)   Zahn, Gordon C.  Rev. of Tranquillitas Ordinis: The Present Failure and Future Promise of American Catholic Thought on War and Peace by George Weigel. 344-349. Link
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Daggy, Robert E.; Patrick Hart; Dewey Weiss Kramer; Victor A. Kramer.  "Introduction." ix-x-. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Merton, Thomas.  "The Zen Insight of Shen Hui." 3-15. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "Introduction." 3-4. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "Zen Influence on Thomas Merton's View of the Self." 17-31. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Lax, Robert.  "Harpo's Progress: Notes Toward an Understanding of Merton's Ways." 35-54. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Kelty, Matthew, OCSO.  "Looking Back to Merton: Memories and Impressions: An Interview" conducted by Victor A. Kramer. 55-76. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Shannon, William H.  "Thomas Merton and the Living Tradition of Faith." 79-101. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Conner, James, OCSO.  "The Experience of God and the Experience of Nothingness in Thomas Merton." 103-114. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Steindl-Rast, David, OSB.  "The Peacemaker: Merton's Critique and Model." 117-128. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Dinter, Paul E.  "Merton, Nonviolence and the Bishops' Pastoral." 129-148. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "The Geography of Solitude: Thomas Merton's 'Elias - Variations on a Theme'." 151-190. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Rukstelis, Michael, CO.  "Thomas Merton's Understanding: The Claritas Strategy." 191-211. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Cooper, David D.  "From Prophecy to Parody: Thomas Merton's Cables to the Ace." 215-233. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Ramshaw, Gail.  "The Pattern in Thomas Merton's Cables to the Ace." 235-246. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Fox, Ruth M., OSB.  "Merton's Journey from Seeds to New Seeds." 249-270. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Albert, John, OCSO.  "Lights Across the Ridge: Thomas Merton and Henry David Thoreau." 271-317. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Daggy, Robert E.  "The Merton Phenomenon in 1987: A Bibliographic Survey." 321-337. Full Text
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Tobin, Mary Luke, SL.  Rev. of Keeping a Spiritual Journal with Thomas Merton Edited by Naomi Burton Stone. 341-343. Link
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  Rev. of The Alaskan Journal of Thomas Merton Edited by Robert E. Daggy. 343-347. Link
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO.  Rev. of Thomas Merton, Brother Monk: The Quest for True Freedom by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO. 347-351. Link
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Plank, Karl A.  Rev. of First and Last Memories by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 351-353. Link
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Kramer, Victor A.  Rev. of Christian Conversion by Walter E. Conn. 353-357. Link
 Vol. 1   (1988)   Kramer, Victor A.  Rev. of Selected Letters of Mark Van Doren Edited by George Hendrick. 357-363. Link
[end of ANNUAL results]
SEASONAL Search Results▲ return to the top ▲
Issue ↑Year ↓Author ↑Title ↓ 
 Issue 49:3   (Fall 2024)   Meegan, William J.  "Ruth Merton: An Enigma No Longer."    3-12. 
 Issue 49:3   (Fall 2024)   Tarr, Kathleen.  "Three Poems." [poem]    13-14. 
 Issue 49:3   (Fall 2024)   Ostenburg, John A.  "Thomas Merton, John Lewis and 'Diversity-Equity-Inclusion'."    15-16. 
 Issue 49:3   (Fall 2024)   Kerr, Gretchen H.  "On the Edge of Gethsemani."    21. 
 Issue 49:3   (Fall 2024)   Zorrilla, Maria Guadalupe.  "Thomas Merton's Educational Philosophy in a Post-Covid World."    22-25. 
 Issue 49:3   (Fall 2024)   Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND.  "Growing Older—Gratefully and Gracefully." Rev. of On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity, and Getting Old by Parker J. Palmer. 26-28.  Full Text
 Issue 49:3   (Fall 2024)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "Frameworks for Faithful Living." Rev. of Our Hearts are Restless: The Art of Spiritual Memoir by Richard Lischer. 29-30.  Full Text
 Issue 49:3   (Fall 2024)   Matthews, Gray.  "Stumbling Blocks and Tenterhooks." Rev. of Thomas Merton's Betrayers: The Case Against Abbot James Fox and Author John Howard Griffin by Hugh Turley and David Martin. 31-32.  Full Text
 Issue 49:3   (Fall 2024)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    33-35. 
 Issue 49:2   (Summer 2024)   Antilla, Phillip.  "'Elias Becomes His Own Geography’: Thomas Merton, Space and Place."    3-9. 
 Issue 49:2   (Summer 2024)   Reece, Erik.  "Monks Pond." [poem]    10. 
 Issue 49:2   (Summer 2024)   Amorosia, Glenn.  "A New Look at New Seeds: Merton’s Personal Exposition through Lectio Divina."    11-21. 
 Issue 49:2   (Summer 2024)   Orr, Thomas Alan.  "Nuns Going Down to the Sea." [poem]    22-23. 
 Issue 49:2   (Summer 2024)   Valente, Judith.  "Soul Friends: Thomas Merton and Mary Oliver."    24-31. 
 Issue 49:2   (Summer 2024)   Spencer, Thomas.  "Divine Wisdom Reaching Forth." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 36.  32-35.  Full Text
 Issue 49:2   (Summer 2024)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  "Meeting Merton among the Mystics." Rev. of Modern Mystics: An Introduction by Bernard McGinn. 36-38.  Full Text
 Issue 49:2   (Summer 2024)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "Finley’s Choices (and Ours)." Rev. of The Healing Path: A Memoir and an Invitation by James Finley. 39-40.  Full Text
 Issue 49:2   (Summer 2024)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    41-43.  Full Text
 Issue 49:1   (Spring 2024)   Meade, Mark C.  "O'Connor, Merton and the 'Christ-Haunted' South: Text and Context of a Newly Discovered Poem."    3-17. 
 Issue 49:1   (Spring 2024)   Leax, John.  "Four Poems." [poem]    18-21. 
 Issue 49:1   (Spring 2024)   Liebenow, Mark.  "In the Hermitage with John Howard Griffin."    22-28. 
 Issue 49:1   (Spring 2024)   Hunter, Paul.  "Evening Gatha." [poem]    29. 
 Issue 49:1   (Spring 2024)   Colvin, Geoff; and William Apel.  "Living Mindfully and Beyond: Learning from Thomas Merton."    30-38. 
 Issue 49:1   (Spring 2024)   Crutcher, Ellyn.  "Fresh Encounters with a Real Christian." Rev. of Thomas Merton in California: The Redwoods Conferences and Letters by Thomas Merton, edited and introduced by David M. Odorisio. 39-43.  Full Text
 Issue 49:1   (Spring 2024)   Kehoe, George G.  "Fruitful Provocation." Rev. of Engaging Thomas Merton: Spirituality, Justice, and Racism by Daniel P. Horan, OFM. 44-48.  Full Text
 Issue 49:1   (Spring 2024)   Pearson, Anne.  "Growing Towards Racial Justice Advocacy." Rev. of Thomas Merton, the Monk of Civil Rights by Edward Vinski. 49-51.  Full Text
 Issue 49:1   (Spring 2024)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    52-55.  Full Text
 Issue 48:4   (Winter 2023)   Hilkert, Mary Catherine, OP.  “Sophia Comes Reaching. Homily for Closing Eucharist, ITMS Eighteenth General Meeting, June 24, 2023.”    3-6. 
 Issue 48:4   (Winter 2023)   Mangano, Mary Grace.  “Christ of the Burnt Men." [poem]    7. 
 Issue 48:4   (Winter 2023)   Berger, John and Tim McHargue.  “'Understanding Our Exact Position': Contemplating Merton's 'Letter to Pablo Antonio Cuadra Concerning Giants'."    8-18. 
 Issue 48:4   (Winter 2023)   Valente, Judith.  "At Thomas Merton's Hermitage on His Death Anniversary." [poem]    19-20. 
 Issue 48:4   (Winter 2023)   Spencer, Thomas.  "'Love for Africa … in Some Measure My Own': Thomas Merton's African Awakening."    21-28. 
 Issue 48:4   (Winter 2023)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Sharing the Healing Spirit." Rev. of In Search of the Healing Spirit by Nass Cannon Jr. 30-32.  Full Text
 Issue 48:4   (Winter 2023)   Grip, Robert.  "The Merton Prayer." Rev. of The Merton Prayer: An Exercise in Authenticity by Steven A. Denny. 33-34.  Full Text
 Issue 48:4   (Winter 2023)   McDonnell, Chris.  "Merton as Guide for the Lenten Journey." Rev. of The Way of Thomas Merton: A Prayer Journey through Lent by Robert Inchausti. 35-37.  Full Text
 Issue 48:4   (Winter 2023)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    38-39.  Full Text
 Issue 48:3   (Fall 2023)   Pramuk, Christopher.  “By Bowing My Ear a Little. I Have Received Her.”    3-11.  Full Text
 Issue 48:3   (Fall 2023)   Blaine, Amrita Skye.  "Four Poems." [poem]    12-14. 
 Issue 48:3   (Fall 2023)   Kolp, Alan.  "From Monk to Dancing Star: The Mertonian Influence on Ilia Delio."    15-21. 
 Issue 48:3   (Fall 2023)   Lopez, Kay.  "Thoughts in a New York Cathedral." [poem]    22. 
 Issue 48:3   (Fall 2023)   Dekar, Paul R.  "Praying in the Way of Catherine de Hueck Doherty and Thomas Merton."    23-26. 
 Issue 48:3   (Fall 2023)   Burkemper, Elizabeth.  "Praying in the Way of Catherine de Hueck Doherty and Thomas Merton." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 35.  27-30.  Full Text
 Issue 48:3   (Fall 2023)   Kiernan, Jeffrey T.  "Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Person." Rev. of Remembering the Forgotten Merton by William J. Meegan. 31-37.  Full Text
 Issue 48:3   (Fall 2023)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "A Life and a Work in Progress." Rev. of Reading Thomas Merton and Longing for God in Haiti: Learning Wisdom in the School of My Life by Gerard Thomas Straub. 38-40.  Full Text
 Issue 48:3   (Fall 2023)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    41-43.  Full Text
 Issue 48:2   (Summer 2023)   Gardner, Fiona.  “The Emotional Literacy of Thomas Merton.”    3-11. 
 Issue 48:2   (Summer 2023)   Altany, Alan.  “Imagined Memories: At the Grave of Thomas Merton." [poem]    12. 
 Issue 48:2   (Summer 2023)   Srubas, Rachel M.  “Writing the True Self."    13-20. 
 Issue 48:2   (Summer 2023)   Meegan, William J.  “Trees II."    21. 
 Issue 48:2   (Summer 2023)   Colvin, Geoff.  “Developing and Sustaining a Practice of Contemplative Prayer."    22-31. 
 Issue 48:2   (Summer 2023)   Plekon, Michael.  “Posthumous Prophet in the Post-Christian Era." Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Individual Witness: Kingdom Making in a Post-Christian, Post-Truth World by David E. Orberson. 32-33.  Full Text
 Issue 48:2   (Summer 2023)   Bochen, Christine M.  “New Discovery, Newer Speculation." Rev. of Enacting Love: How Thomas Merton Died for Peace by John Smelcer. 34-43.  Full Text
 Issue 48:2   (Summer 2023)   Kristoff, Donna, OSU.  “A Graced Exchange." Rev. of Dearest Sister Wendy . . . A Surprising Story of Faith and Friendship by Sister Wendy Beckett and Robert Ellsberg. 44-46.  Full Text
 Issue 48:2   (Summer 2023)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    47-51.  Full Text
 Issue 48:1   (Spring 2023)   Ostenburg, John A.  “The Merton Influence on Public Policy Development.”    3-8. 
 Issue 48:1   (Spring 2023)   Lenox, Gary.  “Reinventing the Wheel." [poem]    9-10. 
 Issue 48:1   (Spring 2023)   Meyer, William.  “The Contemplative Core: A Mertonian Vision of Education for a Post-Covid World."    11-15. 
 Issue 48:1   (Spring 2023)   de Andrade, Eduardo.  “Epiphany in Saffron." [poem]    16-17. 
 Issue 48:1   (Spring 2023)   Morris, Barry K.  “Creative Tension and Balanced Attention: Merton on Contemplation and Action."    18-23. 
 Issue 48:1   (Spring 2023)   Lescher, Bruce H.  “Feasts and Seasons to Savor and Celebrate." Rev. of  Liturgical Feasts and Seasons: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 3 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 24-26.  Full Text
 Issue 48:1   (Spring 2023)   Malewitz, Thomas.  “Mining Memories of Merton." Rev. of Awake and Alive: Thomas Merton According to His Novices edited by Jon M. Sweeney. 27-28.  Full Text
 Issue 48:1   (Spring 2023)   Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND.  “Survival of Prophecy." Rev. of Great American Prophets: Pope Francis’s Models of Christian Life: Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton by Daniel Cosacchi. 29-35.  Full Text
 Issue 48:1   (Spring 2023)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    36-39.  Full Text
 Issue 47:4   (Winter 2022)   Pearson, Paul M.; Christine M. Bochen; Jonathan Montaldo; Gregory Ryan; and Bonnie Thurston  “Robert E. Daggy—Reminiscenses and Tributes.”    3-14.  Full Text
 Issue 47:4   (Winter 2022)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Glory Be to God for Dappled Things." [poem]    15-16. 
 Issue 47:4   (Winter 2022)   Oyer, Gordon.  "Hiking the Hallowed Ground of Herman the Hermit."    17-26. 
 Issue 47:4   (Winter 2022)   Mahon, Christopher.  "East Meets West." [poem]    27-28. 
 Issue 47:4   (Winter 2022)   Amorosia, Glenn.  "Gun Culture, Mass Shootings and the Prophetic Witness of Thomas Merton."    29-35.  Full Text
 Issue 47:4   (Winter 2022)     ITMS 18TH General Meeting—Schedule and Registration Information.    36-38.  Full Text
 Issue 47:4   (Winter 2022)   Whalen, Robert Weldon.  "Getting with the Beat." Rev. of Thomas Merton, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and the Protection of All Beings: The Correspondence by Bill Morgan. 39-40.  Full Text
 Issue 47:4   (Winter 2022)   Hall, Gary.  "Prophetic Practice, Practical Prophecy." Rev. of Open to the Full Dimension: Thomas Merton, Practical Theology, and Pastoral Practice by Dominiek Lootens. 41-42.  Full Text
 Issue 47:4   (Winter 2022)   Wallace, Julianne E.  "A Harmonious Collaboration." Rev. of Words and Silences [CD and accompanying booklet] by Brian Harnetty. 43-45.  Full Text
 Issue 47:4   (Winter 2022)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    46-47.  Full Text
 Issue 47:3   (Fall 2022)   Meegan, William J.  “The Maternal Ancestors of Thomas Merton.”    3-12. 
 Issue 47:3   (Fall 2022)   Davis, Ed.  “Three Poems.” [poem]    13-15. 
 Issue 47:3   (Fall 2022)   McCaslin, Susan.  “The Monk and the Feminist: A Reflection on the Merton-Reuther Correspondence."    16-25. 
 Issue 47:3   (Fall 2022)   Padhi, Bibhu.  “Two Poems." [poem]    26-28. 
 Issue 47:3   (Fall 2022)   Tarr, Kathleen.  “The Necessity of Pilgrimage."    29-34. 
 Issue 47:3   (Fall 2022)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  “Expanding the Vision of Merton's Church.” Rev. of Man of Dialogue: Thomas Merton's Catholic Vision by Greg Hillis. 35-36.  Full Text
 Issue 47:3   (Fall 2022)   Pynkoski, Paul.  “Encounters with the Stranger.” Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 34 edited by Deborah Pope Kehoe and David Golemboski. 37-41.  Full Text
 Issue 47:3   (Fall 2022)   Meade, Mark C.  “A Meditative Month with Merton.” Rev. of Come into the Silence by Thomas Merton. 42-43.  Full Text
 Issue 47:3   (Fall 2022)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    44-47.  Full Text
 Issue 47:2   (Summer 2022)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  “An Introductory Note.”    3-5. 
 Issue 47:2   (Summer 2022)   Forest, James H.  “A Pilgrimage of Illness.”    6-11. 
 Issue 47:2   (Summer 2022)   Hassler-Forest, Daniel.  “Jim Forest: A Son's Reflection.”    12-13. 
 Issue 47:2   (Summer 2022)   Forest, James H.  “Saying No to Caesar.”    14-21. 
 Issue 47:2   (Summer 2022)   Oyer, Gordon.  “Remembering Jim Forest, Friend of Merton.”    22-28. 
 Issue 47:2   (Summer 2022)   Plekon, Michael.  “Jim Forest: Peacemaker and Witness.”    29-32. 
 Issue 47:2   (Summer 2022)   Baxter, Michael.  “What Jim Had to Offer Us.”    33-37. 
 Issue 47:2   (Summer 2022)     “Jim Forest: A Bibliography.”    38-39. 
 Issue 47:2   (Summer 2022)     “Jim Forest on Thomas Merton: A Chronological List of Publications.”    40-44. 
 Issue 47:2   (Summer 2022)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  “Of Tangerines and Tea.” Rev. of Eyes of Compassion: Living with Thich Nhat Hanh by Jim Forest. 45-46.  Full Text
 Issue 47:2   (Summer 2022)   Spencer, Thomas.  “Beneath the Varnished Surface.” Rev. of Signs of Hope: Thomas Merton's Letters on Peace, Race, and Ecology by Gordon Oyer. 47-49.  Full Text
 Issue 47:2   (Summer 2022)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    51-55.  Full Text
 Issue 47:1   (Spring 2022)   Kolp, Alan.  “A Transforming Moment: The Pivotal Visions of Thomas Merton and Ilia Delio.”    3-11. 
 Issue 47:1   (Spring 2022)   Young, Stephan.  "Seven Haiku." [poem]    12-13. 
 Issue 47:1   (Spring 2022)   Spencer, Thomas.  “‘They Were Mine and I Theirs’: The Shared Vision of Humanity of Thomas Merton and Richard Wright.”    14-18. 
 Issue 47:1   (Spring 2022)   Lopez, Kay.  “The Work of the Cell.” [poem]    19. 
 Issue 47:1   (Spring 2022)   Dart, Ron.  “Reading the Psalms: Thomas Merton, C. S. Lewis and Bede Griffiths.”    20-26. 
 Issue 47:1   (Spring 2022)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "A Captivating Capstone." Rev. of Merton and Hinduism: The Yoga of the Heart edited by David M. Odorisio. 27-29.  Full Text
 Issue 47:1   (Spring 2022)   Simsic, Wayne.  “Monastic Spirituality for Everyone.” Rev. of Thomas Merton: An Introduction to His Life, Teachings, and Practices by Jon M. Sweeney. 30-32.  Full Text
 Issue 47:1   (Spring 2022)   Valente, Judith.  "Wise Teacher, Fellow Seeker, Spiritual Friend." Rev. of Peace Smiles: Rediscovering Thomas Merton by Bishop Fintan Monaghan. 33-35.  Full Text
 Issue 47:1   (Spring 2022)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    36-39.  Full Text
 Issue 46:4   (Winter 2021)   Odorisio, David.  "'Yes to Everyone': Thomas Merton's Radical Ecumenism and Inter-Monastic Mysticism of the Ground."    3-11. 
 Issue 46:4   (Winter 2021)   Roeder, Antoinette Voûte.  "Dying." [poem]    12. 
 Issue 46:4   (Winter 2021)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Fifty Years and Counting."    13-15. 
 Issue 46:4   (Winter 2021)   Garrigan, Gerard, OSB.  "Three Poems." [poems]    16-17. 
 Issue 46:4   (Winter 2021)   Pynkoski, Paul.  "Eyes to See and Ears to Hear: Dancing in Paradise with Merton and Cockburn."    18-24. 
 Issue 46:4   (Winter 2021)   McDonald, Emma.  "Engaging the Scriptures with Humor and Humanity." Rev. of Notes on Genesis and Exodus: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 2 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell. 26-28.  Full Text
 Issue 46:4   (Winter 2021)   Pramuk, Christopher.  "Scouts on the Spiritual Frontier." Rev. of The Seeker and the Monk: Everyday Conversations with Thomas Merton by Sophfronia Scott. 29-31.  Full Text
 Issue 46:4   (Winter 2021)   Grip, Robert.  "The Prescient Merton." Rev. of Thomas Merton: God's Messenger on the Road towards a New World by Paul R. Dekar. 32-34.  Full Text
 Issue 46:4   (Winter 2021)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    35-39.  Full Text
 Issue 46:3   (Fall 2021)   Golemboski, David.  "Absurdity and Imagination in a Time of Upheaval."    3-8.  Full Text
 Issue 46:3   (Fall 2021)   Porter, J. S.  "Two Poems." [poem]    9-10. 
 Issue 46:3   (Fall 2021)   Amorosia, Glenn.  "Merton and Fénelon: Social Prophets."    11-21. 
 Issue 46:3   (Fall 2021)   Venable, Peter C.  "Two Poems." [poem]    22-23. 
 Issue 46:3   (Fall 2021)   Mahon, Christopher.  "'Free at Last, Free at Last': A Faith Journey with Thomas Merton."    24-28. 
 Issue 46:3   (Fall 2021)   Miller, Lucien.  "Elective Affinities." Rev. of Merton and Confucianism: Rites, Righteousness and Integral Humanity edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 29-31.  Full Text
 Issue 46:3   (Fall 2021)   Pynkoski, Paul.  "An Apostolate of Friendship." Rev. of Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton and the Greatest Commandment by Julie Leininger Pycior. 32-34.  Full Text
 Issue 46:3   (Fall 2021)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "Corresponding with Grace and Honesty." Rev. of A Focus on Truth: Thomas Merton's Uncensored Mind by Patrick W. Collins. 35-36.  Full Text
 Issue 46:3   (Fall 2021)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    37-39.  Full Text
 Issue 46:2   (Summer 2021)   Spencer, Thomas.  "Portrait of the Writer as a Young Man: Thomas Merton's Early Publications, 1931-1941."    3-11. 
 Issue 46:2   (Summer 2021)   Cox, Randy.  "Three Poems from the Hermitage." [poems]    12-14. 
 Issue 46:2   (Summer 2021)   Meegan, William J.  "The Paternal Ancestors of Thomas Merton: 1652-1968."    15-22. 
 Issue 46:2   (Summer 2021)   Dugat, Josh.  "Notes Recovered from a Search for Sanctity." [poem]    23-24. 
 Issue 46:2   (Summer 2021)   Ostenburg, John A.  "A Gethsemani Journal."    25-35. 
 Issue 46:2   (Summer 2021)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "This Spiritual Light - This Vision." Rev. of Beholding Paradise: The Photographs of Thomas Merton edited by Paul M. Pearson. 36-37.  Full Text
 Issue 46:2   (Summer 2021)   Higgins, Michael W.  "A Singular Look at Religious Pluralism." Rev. of Opening New Horizons: Seeds of a Theology of Religious Pluralism in Thomas Merton's Dialogue with D. T. Suzuki by Joseph Quinn Raab. 38-39.  Full Text
 Issue 46:2   (Summer 2021)   O'Hare, Padraic.  "Confronting Convention with Wisdom and Wit." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 33 edited by Deborah Pope Kehoe and Joseph Quinn Raab. 40-44.  Full Text
 Issue 46:2   (Summer 2021)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    45-51.  Full Text
 Issue 46:1   (Spring 2021)   Valente, Judith.  "Journeying with Merton in the ‘New Normal’."    3-7. 
 Issue 46:1   (Spring 2021)   Macarie, Teofila.  "Un Trappista / Trappist.” [poem]    8-9. 
 Issue 46:1   (Spring 2021)   Stark, Philip M.  "My Summer with Thomas Merton.”    10-15. 
 Issue 46:1   (Spring 2021)   McHargue, Tim.  "Sacred Stones: Ruminations on Rubble.” [poem]    16-17. 
 Issue 46:1   (Spring 2021)   Lenox, Carol.  "The Exterior Silence of the Forest – Merton’s Guidance for Environmentalists."    18-23. 
 Issue 46:1   (Spring 2021)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Guarding God’s Image with Merton as Guide." Rev. of Guard the Human Image for It Is the Image of God: Essays on Thomas Merton. edited by Gary Hall and Detlev Cuntz. 24-26.  Full Text
 Issue 46:1   (Spring 2021)   Bochen, Christine M.  "Sounding the Depths of Silence." Rev. of Silence: A Social History of One of the Least Understood Elements of Our Lives by Jane Brox. 27-36.  Full Text
 Issue 46:1   (Spring 2021)   Dart, Ron.  "Castle Culture in Church and World." Rev. of Thomas Merton on Franz Kafka by Thomas Merton. 37-39.  Full Text
 Issue 46:1   (Spring 2021)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    40-54.  Full Text
 Issue 45:4   (Winter 2020)   Ryan, James.  "Thomas Merton, Joan Baez and the Midnight Run to Bardstown."    3-7. 
 Issue 45:4   (Winter 2020)   Orr, Thomas Alan.  "Last Testament.” [poem]    8. 
 Issue 45:4   (Winter 2020)   Huyal, Allyson.  "Thomas Merton: Role Model for Catholics Who Practice Yoga Today.”    9-17. 
 Issue 45:4   (Winter 2020)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  "M. After '68.” [poem]    18-19. 
 Issue 45:4   (Winter 2020)   Myrick, Don.  "Of Merton, Main and Mantras.”    20-24. 
 Issue 45:4   (Winter 2020)   Toth, Robert G.  "Merton’s Words on the Word of God.” Rev. of A Monastic Introduction to Sacred Scripture: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell. 25-26.  Full Text
 Issue 45:4   (Winter 2020)   McNary-Zak, Bernadette.  "Monastic Historian, Monastic Educator.” Rev. of Thomas Merton on the Great Monks and Thomas Merton on the Cistercians: Sages of Silence [CDs] by Thomas Merton. 27-29.  Full Text
 Issue 45:4   (Winter 2020)   Kiernan, Jeffrey T.  "A Mertonian Lens on Teen Life.” Rev. of Authenticity, Passion, and Advocacy: Approaching Adolescent Spirituality from the Life and Wisdom of Thomas Merton by Thomas E. Malewitz. 30-32.  Full Text
 Issue 45:4   (Winter 2020)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    33-35.  Full Text
 Issue 45:3   (Fall 2020)   Labrie, Ross.  "Art and Being in Thomas Merton."    3-8. 
 Issue 45:3   (Fall 2020)   McCaslin, Susan.  "Hildegard of Bingen Considers the Migrant Farm Workers.” [poem]    9-10. 
 Issue 45:3   (Fall 2020)   Kolp, Alan.  "A Revolution of Love: Creating Contemplatives in the College Classroom."    11-16. 
 Issue 45:3   (Fall 2020)   Brydges, David C.  "Madness of a Dying Age.” [poem]    17-18. 
 Issue 45:3   (Fall 2020)   Raggio, Marcela.  "Out in the Open: Meeting Merton in Mendoza."    19-22. 
 Issue 45:3   (Fall 2020)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Belated Encounters." Rev. of On Thomas Merton by Mary Gordon. 23-26.  Full Text
 Issue 45:3   (Fall 2020)   Viviano, Pauline A.  "In the End Is My Meaning." Rev. of Shaped by the End You Live For: Thomas Merton’s Monastic Spirituality by Bonnie B. Thurston. 27-29.  Full Text
 Issue 45:3   (Fall 2020)   Oyer, Gordon.  "Crooked Made Straight." Rev. of Writing Straight with Crooked Lines: A Memoir by Jim Forest. 30-32.  Full Text
 Issue 45:3   (Fall 2020)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    33-35.  Full Text
 Issue 45:2   (Summer 2020)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Rain, Contemplation and Social Responsibility: Merton’s Challenge to Us."    3-8. 
 Issue 45:2   (Summer 2020)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "a variance of thoughts on an otherwise day.” [poem]    9. 
 Issue 45:2   (Summer 2020)   Spencer, Thomas.  "‘Sobornost’: Thomas Merton’s Russian Influences."    10-17. 
 Issue 45:2   (Summer 2020)   Woodward, Michael.  "Elegy for Patrick Hart (1925-2019).” [poem]    18-19. 
 Issue 45:2   (Summer 2020)   Dekar, Paul R.  "Thomas Merton on 'The Wilderness of Compassion'."    20-24. 
 Issue 45:2   (Summer 2020)   Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND.  "A Refreshing Desert." Rev. of A Course in Desert Spirituality: Fifteen Sessions with the Famous Trappist Monk by Thomas Merton. 25-27.  Full Text
 Issue 45:2   (Summer 2020)   Wallace, Julianne E.  "Seeds of Hope in This Mad Place." Rev. of  The Merton Annual, Volume 32 edited by Deborah Pope Kehoe and Joseph Quinn Raab. 28-30.  Full Text
 Issue 45:2   (Summer 2020)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "Models for Global Pilgrimage." Rev. of Mystics, Sages, and Saints: Archetypes of Spiritual Excellence [audio course] by Kenneth Rose. 31-32.  Full Text
 Issue 45:2   (Summer 2020)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    33-39.  Full Text
 Issue 45:1   (Spring 2020)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  "A Testament of Confession and Witness: Thomas Merton’s Christian, Monastic and Personalist Philosophy."    3-12. 
 Issue 45:1   (Spring 2020)   Roeder, Antoinette Voûte.  "Heron.” [poem]    13-14. 
 Issue 45:1   (Spring 2020)   O'Hare, Padraic.  "Thomas Merton and Educative Dialogue among Diverse Christians.”    15-22. 
 Issue 45:1   (Spring 2020)   Warner, Theodore.  "The Mercy of God.” [poem]    23-24. 
 Issue 45:1   (Spring 2020)   Torres, Gary.  "Thomas Merton and the Second Step of Alcoholics Anonymous: A Commitment to Healthy Spirituality.”    25-30. 
 Issue 45:1   (Spring 2020)   McCarthy, Anne, OSB.  "Building on Merton’s Legacy of Dialogue.” Rev. of Thomas Merton’s Encounter with Buddhism and Beyond: His Interreligious Dialogue, Inter-Monastic Exchanges, and Their Legacy by Jaechan Anselmo Park. 31-33.  Full Text
 Issue 45:1   (Spring 2020)   Golemboski, David.  "Recognizing the Spiritual Richness of the Indian Genius.” Rev. of Merton and Indigenous Wisdom edited by Peter Savastano. 34-36.  Full Text
 Issue 45:1   (Spring 2020)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Still Shining Like the Sun.” Rev. of Looking for the Sun at Merton’s Corner: A Collection of Portraits by Susan Griffin Ward. 37-38.  Full Text
 Issue 45:1   (Spring 2020)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    39-43.  Full Text
 Issue 44:4   (Winter 2019)   Valente, Judith.  “Let Peace Be Your Aim: Thomas Merton, Peacemaking and The Rule of St. Benedict.”    3-7. 
 Issue 44:4   (Winter 2019)   Hoffman, Jo Ann Steger.  “Prayer Manual.” [poem]    8. 
 Issue 44:4   (Winter 2019)   Tarr, Kathleen.  “From the Inner Frontier to the Last Frontier: Thomas Merton’s 1968 Alaska Journey."    9-20. 
 Issue 44:4   (Winter 2019)   Cox, Randy.  “Music to My Ears.” [poem]    21. 
 Issue 44:4   (Winter 2019)   Culliford, Larry.  “‘We Are Already One’: Thomas Merton, Science and Wisdom."    22-26. 
 Issue 44:4   (Winter 2019)   Allard, John E., OP.  “Merton among the Doctors." Rev. of Thomas Merton on Augustine, Jerome, and Ambrose: The Philosophy of the Great Latin Fathers [CDs] by Thomas Merton. 28-30.  Full Text
 Issue 44:4   (Winter 2019)   Spencer, Thomas.  “One of ‘Tom’s Guardian Angels’." Rev. of Called To Serve: The Untold Story of Father Irenaeus Herscher, OFM by Kathy Petersen Cecala. 31-33.  Full Text
 Issue 44:4   (Winter 2019)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  “A Link between Beings." Rev. of Tendrel: A Memoir of New York and the Buddhist Himalayas by Harold Talbott. 34-36.  Full Text
 Issue 44:4   (Winter 2019)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    37-39. 
 Issue 44:3   (Fall 2019)   Meade, Mark C.  “The Reality of Personal Relationships Saves Everything Presidential Address – ITMS Sixteenth General Meeting.”    3-5.  Full Text
 Issue 44:3   (Fall 2019)   Hoffenkamp, Carol.  “Monk on Fire(watch).” [poem]    6. 
 Issue 44:3   (Fall 2019)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  “Madness and Meaning: Thomas Merton’s Reading of Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault and the Babble of the 1960s."    7-14. 
 Issue 44:3   (Fall 2019)   Brydges, David C.  “Thomas Merton – Guide of the God Game." [poem]    15-17. 
 Issue 44:3   (Fall 2019)   Apel, William.  “How to Disagree: Peace-Building in the Interfaith Letters of Thomas Merton and Doña Luisa Coomaraswamy."    18-22. 
 Issue 44:3   (Fall 2019)   Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO.  “A Class Act." Rev. of Medieval Cistercian History by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 23-24.  Full Text
 Issue 44:3   (Fall 2019)   Orberson, David.  “An Anniversary Feast." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 31 edited by Deborah Pope Kehoe and Joseph Quinn Raab. 25-27.  Full Text
 Issue 44:3   (Fall 2019)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Prodigious Ponderer." Rev. of An Elemental Life: Mystery and Mercy in the Work of Father Matthew Kelty, OCSO by Louis A. Ruprecht. 28-29.  Full Text
 Issue 44:3   (Fall 2019)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    30-39. 
 Issue 44:2   (Summer 2019)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  “Editor's Note.”    3-4. 
 Issue 44:2   (Summer 2019)     “Patrick Hart, OCSO – A Biographical Timeline.”    5-6. 
 Issue 44:2   (Summer 2019)   Kelly, Timothy, OCSO.  “A Life of Service for Others: Homily for the Funeral Mass of Brother Patrick Hart – February 28, 2019.”    7-8. 
 Issue 44:2   (Summer 2019)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  “The Heritage of Celtic Monasticism.”    9-19. 
 Issue 44:2   (Summer 2019)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  “Irish Monastic Art and Poetry.”    19-31. 
 Issue 44:2   (Summer 2019)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  “Eremitism in the Celtic Church.”    31-40. 
 Issue 44:2   (Summer 2019)     “Heart to Hart: Memories and Reflections.”    41-52. 
 Issue 44:2   (Summer 2019)   Burton, Patricia A.; and Patrick F. O'Connell.  “Patrick Hart, OCSO: A Bibliography.”    53-67. 
 Issue 44:1   (Spring 2019)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  “Martin, Malcolm and Merton: The Work for Racial Justice and the Responsibility of Catholic Spirituality.”    3-12. 
 Issue 44:1   (Spring 2019)   Porter, J. S.  “Robert Lax: Scratches.” [poem]    13. 
 Issue 44:1   (Spring 2019)   Cannon, Nass.  “A Circle Dance of Love: Thomas Merton, Contemplation and the Cosmic Dance.”    14-19. 
 Issue 44:1   (Spring 2019)   Hodges, David.  “Two Poems.” [poem]    20-21. 
 Issue 44:1   (Spring 2019)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  “Thomas Merton and Richard Rodriguez: A Conversation at the Edge of a Desert.”    22-28. 
 Issue 44:1   (Spring 2019)   Simsic, Wayne.  “Cherishing the Stillness.” Rev. of Silence, Joy by Thomas Merton, edited by Christopher Wait. 29-30.  Full Text
 Issue 44:1   (Spring 2019)   Dart, Ron.  “A Lively Pas de Deux.” Rev. of Superabundantly Alive: Thomas Merton’s Dance with the Feminine by Susan McCaslin and J. S. Porter. 31-32.  Full Text
 Issue 44:1   (Spring 2019)   Matthews, Gray.  “Sacred Disrupters as Spiritual Guides.” Rev. of Thomas Merton and Henri Nouwen: Spiritual Guides for the 21st Century [CDs] by Michael W. Higgins. 33-35.  Full Text
 Issue 44:1   (Spring 2019)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    36-43.  Full Text
 Issue 43:4   (Winter 2018)   Grayston, Donald.  “Samut Prakhan: The Zen Death of Thomas Merton.”    3-17. 
 Issue 43:4   (Winter 2018)   Cash, Malcolm.  “On the Death of Thomas Merton, December 10, 1968.” [poem]    18. 
 Issue 43:4   (Winter 2018)   Grimes, William.  “Thomas Merton – A Man for All Times.”    19-23. 
 Issue 43:4   (Winter 2018)   Doriot, Jeanne, SP.  “Monk Gone.” [poem]    24. 
 Issue 43:4   (Winter 2018)   McCaslin, Susan.  “Burning, Sinking, Disappearing, Rising: A Poetic Reflection.”    25-31. 
 Issue 43:4   (Winter 2018)   Slater, Isaac, OCSO.  “Always Right There." Rev. of Cistercian Fathers and Forefathers: Essays and Conferences by Thomas Merton. 32-33.  Full Text
 Issue 43:4   (Winter 2018)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  “The Poisoned Arrow and the Koan of Job." Rev. of Thomas Merton – Evil and Why We Suffer by David E. Orberson. 34-36.  Full Text
 Issue 43:4   (Winter 2018)   Dekar, Paul R.  “A Challenge to the Standard Account." Rev. of The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: An Investigation by Hugh Turley and David Martin. 37-39.  Full Text
 Issue 43:4   (Winter 2018)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    40-43.  Full Text
 Issue 43:3   (Fall 2018)   Spencer, Thomas.  “Something ‘Hot and Abstract’: Thomas Merton, Mary Lou Williams and the Spirituality of Jazz.”    3-7. 
 Issue 43:3   (Fall 2018)   Ledbetter, J.T.  “Tom, Tom, What Were You Thinking When.” [poem]    8-9. 
 Issue 43:3   (Fall 2018)   Labrie, Ross.  “Thomas Merton and Existentialism.”    10-13. 
 Issue 43:3   (Fall 2018)   Janssen, Lawrence.  “The Voice Within: A Reflection on Seeds of Contemplation.” [poem]    14. 
 Issue 43:3   (Fall 2018)   Rudolph, John.  “Merton’s Magic: Vocations Fused through Infused Grace.”    15-18. 
 Issue 43:3   (Fall 2018)   Kerr, Aaron K.  “The Times They Are A’Makin’.” Rev. of The Monk's Record Player: Thomas Merton, Bob Dylan, and the Perilous Summer of 1966 by Robert Hudson. 19-23.  Full Text
 Issue 43:3   (Fall 2018)   Kothe, Sarah.  “An Anthology for Praying.” Rev. of The Art of Thomas Merton: A Divine Passion in Word and Vision edited and compiled by John Moses. 24-25.  Full Text
 Issue 43:3   (Fall 2018)   Hillis, Gregory K.  “Witness to Freedom.” Rev. of In Praise of the Useless Life: A Monk’s Memoir by Paul Quenon. 26-28.  Full Text
 Issue 43:3   (Fall 2018)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    29-31.  Full Text
 Issue 43:2   (Summer 2018)   Croghan, Richard V.  “Mahanambrata Brahmachari and Thomas Merton.”    3-10. 
 Issue 43:2   (Summer 2018)   Law, Sarah.  “Parallel." [poem]    11. 
 Issue 43:2   (Summer 2018)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  “Celtic Monasticism: A New Lens for Viewing Day of a Stranger."    12-17. 
 Issue 43:2   (Summer 2018)     Call for Papers: The Merton Annual Volume 31    18. 
 Issue 43:2   (Summer 2018)   Venable, Peter C.  Two Poems: "Undistracted" and "Stilling" [poems]    19-20. 
 Issue 43:2   (Summer 2018)   Morris, Barry K.  "Merton, Niebuhr and the Significance of Mercy for Urban Ministry Practices."    21-28. 
 Issue 43:2   (Summer 2018)   Snyder, Thomas.  "Simply Cistercian – Chautard and Merton." Rev. of The Spirit of Simplicity by Jean-Baptiste Chautard and Thomas Merton. 29-32.  Full Text
 Issue 43:2   (Summer 2018)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "What Am I Reading For?" Rev. of What I Am Living For: Lessons from the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton edited by Jon M. Sweeney. 33-34.  Full Text
 Issue 43:2   (Summer 2018)   Fazio, Jamie  "The Quality of Mercy Revisited." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 30 edited by Deborah Pope Kehoe and Joseph Quinn Raab. 35-38.  Full Text
 Issue 43:2   (Summer 2018)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    39-43.  Full Text
 Issue 43:1   (Spring 2018)   O'Hare, Padraic.  “Christ and the Undivided Young Adult: Clues from Merton and More.”    3-11. 
 Issue 43:1   (Spring 2018)   Orr, Thomas Alan.  "Prayer Wheel." [poem]    12. 
 Issue 43:1   (Spring 2018)   Pynkoski, Paul.  “Seeking God in the Forest: Thomas Merton and Emily Carr.”    13-18. 
 Issue 43:1   (Spring 2018)   Garrigan, Gerard, OSB.  "Two Poems." [poem]    19. 
 Issue 43:1   (Spring 2018)   Kolp, Alan.  “Thomas Merton and the Mercies of the Night.”    20-24. 
 Issue 43:1   (Spring 2018)   Dart, Ron.  “True North.” Rev. of We Are All Poets Here: Thomas Merton’s 1968 Journey to Alaska by Kathleen Witkowska Tarr. 25-27.  Full Text
 Issue 43:1   (Spring 2018)   Hall, Cassidy.  "Merton Our Contemporary." Rev. of Thomas Merton for Our Time [CDs] by Daniel P. Horan, OFM. 28-31.  Full Text
 Issue 43:1   (Spring 2018)   Gustafson, Hans.  “Guidance for Contemporary Pilgrims.” Rev. of Spiritual Guides: Pathfinders in the Desert by Fred Dallmayr. 32-34.  Full Text
 Issue 43:1   (Spring 2018)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    35-39.  Full Text
 Issue 42:4   (Winter 2017)   Ostenburg, John A.  "Saving Both Birds and People: Toward a Spirituality of Sustainability."    3-9. 
 Issue 42:4   (Winter 2017)   Roeder, Antoinette Voûte.  "Merton’s Final Words ." [poem]    10. 
 Issue 42:4   (Winter 2017)   Lord, Andy.  "Seeds of the Spirit: A Charismatic Reading of New Seeds of Contemplation."    11-20. 
 Issue 42:4   (Winter 2017)   Mahon, J. Patrick.  "Hagia Sophia – An Invocation ." [poem]    21. 
 Issue 42:4   (Winter 2017)   Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal.  "Engaged Spirituality in Thomas Merton and Thich Nhat Hanh: An Inter-Monastic Dialogue on Contemplation in a World of Action."    23-31. 
 Issue 42:4   (Winter 2017)   Poks, Malgorzata.  "Two Continents in Dialogue." Rev. of From the Monastery to the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Ernesto Cardenal translated and edited by Jessie Sandoval. 33-35.  Full Text
 Issue 42:4   (Winter 2017)   Brennan, Michael.  "Merton Distilled and Applied." Rev. of 30 Days with Thomas Merton – Words of Contemplation and Hope selected and edited by Connie Clark. 36-37.  Full Text
 Issue 42:4   (Winter 2017)   Berger, Rose Marie.  "The Book of the Prophet Daniel Review." Rev. of At Play in The Lions’ Den: A Biography and Memoir of Daniel Berrigan by Jim Forest. 38-40.  Full Text
 Issue 42:4   (Winter 2017)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    41-43.  Full Text
 Issue 42:3   (Fall 2017)   Higgins, Michael W.  "Light in a Darkening Landscape Presidential Address—ITMS Fifteenth General Meeting."    3-5.  Full Text
 Issue 42:3   (Fall 2017)   DeLaney, Steven.  "Keeping the Hours." [poem]    6-7. 
 Issue 42:3   (Fall 2017)   Cecala, Kathleen.  "Merton’s Constant Friend at Saint Bonaventure: Irenaeus Herscher, OFM."    8-16. 
 Issue 42:3   (Fall 2017)   Hanebury, Derek.  "Great Swim Dream." [poem]    17-18. 
 Issue 42:3   (Fall 2017)   Apel, William.  "Witness to Mercy: Thomas Merton’s Vocation as Letter Writer."    19-24.  Full Text
 Issue 42:3   (Fall 2017)   Snyder, Thomas.  "Meeting the Mystics with Merton." Rev. of A Course in Christian Mysticism by Thomas Merton, edited by Jon Sweeney. 25-29.  Full Text
 Issue 42:3   (Fall 2017)   Cannon, Nass.  "The Thick and Thin of It." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 29.  30-32.  Full Text
 Issue 42:3   (Fall 2017)   Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM.  "Walking the Bible." Rev. of Thomas Merton on Pilgrimage to the Holy Land [3 CDs] by Thomas Merton. 33-35.  Full Text
 Issue 42:3   (Fall 2017)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    36-39.  Full Text
 Issue 42:2   (Summer 2017)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "'The Most Hopeful and Living Kind of Message': An Introduction to Charles de Foucauld and Thomas Merton."    3-10. 
 Issue 42:2   (Summer 2017)   Plank, Karl A.  "Apophatic Prayer 3." [poem]    11. 
 Issue 42:2   (Summer 2017)   Kolp, Alan.  "Mind the Light: Quaker Spirituality and the Wisdom of Thomas Merton."    12-18.  Full Text
 Issue 42:2   (Summer 2017)   Holmes, Daniel.  "Merton at St. Anne's." [poem]    19-20. 
 Issue 42:2   (Summer 2017)   Orberson, David.  "Eros as Koan: Thomas Merton, Monastic Life, Zen and M."    21-30. 
 Issue 42:2   (Summer 2017)   Apel, William.  "Ecumenical Bridge to an Integrated Life." Rev. of Merton and the Protestant Tradition edited by William Oliver Paulsell. 31-37.  Full Text
 Issue 42:2   (Summer 2017)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Beyond the Divide with Merton." Rev. of Thomas Merton's Poetics of Self-Dissolution by Sonia Petisco. 38-40.  Full Text
 Issue 42:2   (Summer 2017)   Scruggs, Jani and Ryan.  "Spelling Out Merton for a New Generation." Rev. of The ABCs of Thomas Merton: A Monk at the Heart of the World by Gregory and Elizabeth Ryan. 41-43.  Full Text
 Issue 42:2   (Summer 2017)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    44-47.  Full Text
 Issue 42:1   (Spring 2017)   Gardner, Fiona.  "Exploring Thomas Merton’s Resurrection Consciousness."    3-10. 
 Issue 42:1   (Spring 2017)   Leax, John.  "Blessings Are Those Who Mourn." [poem]    11. 
 Issue 42:1   (Spring 2017)   Lootens, Dominiek.  "Thomas Merton and the Spiritual Roots of Protest: Educational Reflections on the Peacemaker Retreat."    12-16. 
 Issue 42:1   (Spring 2017)   Porter, J. S.  "Robert Lax (1915-2000)." [poem]    17. 
 Issue 42:1   (Spring 2017)   Rembert, Ron B.  "Merton on Sports and Spirituality."    18-25. 
 Issue 42:1   (Spring 2017)   Sellner, Edward C.  "Merton’s Celtic Pilgrimage." Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Celts: A New World Opening Up by Monica Weis, SSJ. 26-29. 
 Issue 42:1   (Spring 2017)   Forest, James H.  "A Book of Prophets." Rev. of American Prophets: Seven Religious Radicals and Their Struggle for Social and Political Justice by Albert J. Raboteau. 30-32. 
 Issue 42:1   (Spring 2017)   Ratigan, Virginia Kaib.  "Sharing Monastic Family History." Rev. of Thomas Merton on Monastic Spirituality [6 CDs] by Thomas Merton with an introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 33-35. 
 Issue 42:1   (Spring 2017)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    36-39.  Full Text
 Issue 41:4   (Winter 2016)   Rensberger, David.  "Sweet Irrational Worship."    3-10. 
 Issue 41:4   (Winter 2016)   Stewart, Tom.  "Gethsemani Abbey – November." [poem]    11. 
 Issue 41:4   (Winter 2016)   Mathis, Rick.  "Merton’s Mindfulness."    12-15. 
 Issue 41:4   (Winter 2016)   Hoffenkamp, Carol.  "City Canticle." [poem]    16. 
 Issue 41:4   (Winter 2016)   Rakoczy, Susan, IHM.  "The Dynamics of Discernment in the Life of Thomas Merton."    17-28. 
 Issue 41:4   (Winter 2016)   Berger, Rose Marie.  "Conscientious Objection to a War-Driven World." Rev. of The Root of War Is Fear: Thomas Merton's Advice to Peacemakers by Jim Forest. 29-32. 
 Issue 41:4   (Winter 2016)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "These Are the Champions." Rev. of Thomas Merton on Desert Spirituality [CDs].  33-34. 
 Issue 41:4   (Winter 2016)   Meade, Mark C.  "Questioning the Questioner." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 28.  35-39. 
 Issue 41:4   (Winter 2016)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    40-43.  Full Text
 Issue 41:3   (Fall 2016)     "In Memoriam: Daniel J. Berrigan, SJ (1921-2016)."    3-5. 
 Issue 41:3   (Fall 2016)   Berrigan, Daniel, SJ.  "Thomas Merton, Nonviolence and Me: A Conversation." Introduction by Paul M. Pearson.    6-17. 
 Issue 41:3   (Fall 2016)   Berrigan, Daniel, SJ.  "Three Conferences for the Novices: Abbey of Gethsemani, 1962."    18-38. 
 Issue 41:3   (Fall 2016)   Remington, Grace, OCSO.  "Reading Merton Reading Bernard." Rev. of The Cistercian Fathers and Their Monastic Theology by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 39-41. 
 Issue 41:3   (Fall 2016)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Taking Merton for a Ride." Rev. of A Way to God: Thomas Merton’s Creation Spirituality Journey by Matthew Fox. 42-44. 
 Issue 41:3   (Fall 2016)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Merton on the Beaten Path." Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Counterculture: A Golden String edited by Ron Dart. 45-47. 
 Issue 41:3   (Fall 2016)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    48-51.  Full Text
 Issue 41:2   (Summer 2016)   Merton, Thomas.  "Dom Vital at Gethsemani – August 1966."    3-9. 
 Issue 41:2   (Summer 2016)   Connah, Roger.  "Project for a Hermitage: Five Poems." [poems]    10-13. 
 Issue 41:2   (Summer 2016)   Collins, John P.  "The Idolatry of the Marketplace: Flannery O'Connor and Thomas Merton."    14-24.  Full Text
 Issue 41:2   (Summer 2016)   Kinsella, Sean.  "Hand to the Plow." [poem]    25. 
 Issue 41:2   (Summer 2016)   Plaiss, Mark.  "'A Lifting of the Veil': Thomas Merton's Encounter with Heschel's Radical Amazement."    26-29. 
 Issue 41:2   (Summer 2016)   Matthews, Gray.  "And There Was Endlessness." Rev. of The Only Mind Worth Having: Thomas Merton and the Child Mind by Fiona Gardner. 30-31. 
 Issue 41:2   (Summer 2016)   McMillan, Allan M.  "Inklings and Convergences among the 'Janitors of Shadowland'." Rev. of White Gulls & Wild Birds: Essays on C. S. Lewis, Inklings and Friends & Thomas Merton edited by Ron Dart. 32-35. 
 Issue 41:2   (Summer 2016)   Chura, Walt, SFO.  "Creation as Revelation and Responsibility." Rev. of Prophet and Mystic of Creation: On Retreat with Thomas Merton [DVDs/CDs] by Kathleen Deignan, CND. 36-37. 
 Issue 41:2   (Summer 2016)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    38-43.  Full Text
 Issue 41:1   (Spring 2016)   Spencer, Thomas.  "'I Must Pray to Him for Aid Now': Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day's Diaries."    3-9. 
 Issue 41:1   (Spring 2016)   Orr, Thomas Alan.  "Keeping the Hours." [poem]    10. 
 Issue 41:1   (Spring 2016)   Ragio, Marcela.  "Acknowledging the Other: Thomas Merton's Poetic Translations."    11-16. 
 Issue 41:1   (Spring 2016)   Doriot, Jeanne, SP.  "Two Poems." [poem]    17. 
 Issue 41:1   (Spring 2016)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "A Message from the Horizon from Two Striving Towards Being."    18-22.  Full Text
 Issue 41:1   (Spring 2016)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Acedia and Wanderlust." Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon: The Camaldoli Correspondence by Donald Grayston. 23-25. 
 Issue 41:1   (Spring 2016)   Viviano, Pauline A.  "Prophetic Models for a Prophetic Ministry." Rev. of In the School of Prophets: The Formation of Thomas Merton's Prophetic Spirituality by Ephrem Arcement, OSB. 26-27. 
 Issue 41:1   (Spring 2016)   Brennan, Michael.  "'He Was an Event!'" Rev. of The Many Storeys and Last Days of Thomas Merton [film] by Morgan Atkinson. 28-32. 
 Issue 41:1   (Spring 2016)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "'slow boat / calm river / quiet landing.'" Rev. of Pure Act: The Uncommon Life of Robert Lax by Michael N. McGregor. 33-35. 
 Issue 41:1   (Spring 2016)   O'Donnell, Angela Alaimo.  "The Play of Poetry, Praise and Prayer." Rev. of In the Beginning Was Love: Contemplative Words of Robert Lax edited with an Introduction by S. T. Georgiou. 36-41. 
 Issue 41:1   (Spring 2016)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    42-47.  Full Text
 Issue 40:4   (Winter 2015)   Merton, Thomas.  "The Camaldolese Way."    3-16. 
 Issue 40:4   (Winter 2015)   Lydon-Rochelle, Mona T.  "In the Midst of Water, 1974." [poem]    17-18. 
 Issue 40:4   (Winter 2015)   Hinson, E. Glenn.  "Lessons from the School of Love: Thomas Merton - A Centennial Tribute."    19-31. 
 Issue 40:4   (Winter 2015)   Milford, Judith Gill.  "Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned." [poem]    32-33. 
 Issue 40:4   (Winter 2015)   Georgiou, S.T.  "All Rings, One Ring: Robert Lax - A Centennial Tribute."    34-37. 
 Issue 40:4   (Winter 2015)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  "The Process behind the Product." Rev. of The Letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton edited by Patrick Samway, SJ. 39-40. 
 Issue 40:4   (Winter 2015)   O'Neill, Kathleen, OCSO.  "A Vivid Snapshot." Rev. of Charter, Customs, and Constitutions of the Cistercians edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 41-43. 
 Issue 40:4   (Winter 2015)   Snyder, Thomas.  "Imitating God According to Thomas." Rev. of Thomas Merton on St. Thomas Aquinas and “The Ways of God” [3 CDs] by Thomas Merton. 44-45. 
 Issue 40:4   (Winter 2015)   Surat, Maria.  "Witnessing to Christ's Peace." Rev. of Thomas Merton, Peacemaker by John Dear. 46-48. 
 Issue 40:4   (Winter 2015)   Collins, John P.  "A Redeemed World Perceived by Intellect and Imagination." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 27 (2014).  49-53. 
 Issue 40:4   (Winter 2015)   Labrie, Ross.  "A Thorough and Generous Portrait." Rev. of "Literchoor Is My Beat": A Life of James Laughlin, Publisher of New Directions by Ian S. MacNiven. 54-55. 
 Issue 40:4   (Winter 2015)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    56-63. 
 Issue 40:3   (Fall 2015)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "Dear Beneficiaries of Merton’s Legacy: Presidential Address – ITMS Fourteenth General Meeting."    3-8.  Full Text
 Issue 40:3   (Fall 2015)   Cox, Randy.  "Merton's Place." [poem]    9. 
 Issue 40:3   (Fall 2015)   Dart, Ron.  "Merton on the West Coast: New Camaldoli and Redwoods."    10-18. 
 Issue 40:3   (Fall 2015)   Garrigan, Gerard, OSB.  "You Never Really Settled Down." [poem]    19. 
 Issue 40:3   (Fall 2015)   Mahon, J. Patrick.  "Seeing Merton in the Wild Goose."    20-24. 
 Issue 40:3   (Fall 2015)   Allard, John E., OP.  "Ad Experimentum: Merton’s Early Essays." Rev. of Thomas Merton, Early Essays, 1947-1952 edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 25-27. 
 Issue 40:3   (Fall 2015)   Kaplan, Edward K.  "Fruitful Encounters." Rev. of At Play in Creation: Merton's Awakening to the Feminine Divine by Christopher Pramuk. 28-29. 
 Issue 40:3   (Fall 2015)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "The Behavior (and Misbehavior) of Titans." Rev. of Make Peace before the Sun Goes Down: The Long Encounter of Thomas Merton and His Abbot, James Fox by Roger Lipsey. 30-31. 
 Issue 40:3   (Fall 2015)   O'Donnell, Angela Alaimo.  "Water in the Wilderness." Rev. of Merton and Waugh: A Monk, A Crusty Old Man, and The Seven Storey Mountain by Mary Frances Coady 32-35. 
 Issue 40:3   (Fall 2015)   Apel, William.  "A Life-Giving Legacy." Rev. of The Unquiet Monk: Thomas Merton's Questing Faith by Michael Higgins. 36-38. 
 Issue 40:3   (Fall 2015)   Rakoczy, Susan, IHM.  "Receptive and Renewing Ecumenism." Rev. of Transforming Renewal: Charismatic Renewal meets Thomas Merton by Andy Lord. 39-41. 
 Issue 40:3   (Fall 2015)   Carhart, Michael.  "An Invitation to Merton’s Birthday Party." Rev. of We Are Already One: Thomas Merton's Message of Hope: Reflections to Honor His Centenary (1915–2015)  edited by Gray Henry and Jonathan Montaldo. 42-43. 
 Issue 40:3   (Fall 2015)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    44-55. 
 Issue 40:2   (Summer 2015)   Merton, Thomas.  "In the Wilderness."    3-7. 
 Issue 40:2   (Summer 2015)   Hannan, Maryanne.  "Trappist Monk (1915-1968)." [poem]    8. 
 Issue 40:2   (Summer 2015)   McGilchrist, Megan Riley.  "Landscapes of Disaster: Cormac McCarthy and Thomas Merton on Lost Brothers."    9-15. 
 Issue 40:2   (Summer 2015)   McDonnell, Chris.  "Polonnaruwa." [poem]    16. 
 Issue 40:2   (Summer 2015)   Plekon, Michael.  "Two Monks: Thomas of Gethsemani and Seraphim of Sarov."    17-24. 
 Issue 40:2   (Summer 2015)   Kristoff, Donna, OSU.  "Record of an Exceptional Friendship." Rev. of The Letters of Thomas Merton and Victor and Carolyn Hammer: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam edited by F. Douglas Scutchfield and Paul Evans Holbrook Jr. 25-27. 
 Issue 40:2   (Summer 2015)   Scruggs, Ryan.  "Fidelity and Discontent." Rev. of Divine Discontent: The Prophetic Voice of Thomas Merton by John Moses. 28-30. 
 Issue 40:2   (Summer 2015)   Ciorra, Anthony.  "A (Not So) Secret Son of Francis." Rev. of The Franciscan Heart of Thomas Merton by Daniel P. Horan, OFM. 31-33. 
 Issue 40:2   (Summer 2015)   Oyer, Gordon.  "Fostering Freedom, Transcending Technique." Rev. of Illusions of Freedom: Thomas Merton and Jacques Ellul on Technology and the Human Condition by Jeffrey M. Shaw. 34-36. 
 Issue 40:2   (Summer 2015)   Jones, Jen.  "Simple Guide to a Complex Design." Rev. of Simply Merton: Wisdom from His Journals by Linus Mundy. 37-39. 
 Issue 40:2   (Summer 2015)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    40-55. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Gardner, Fiona.  "'I Have Become an Explorer for You'."    20-21. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Grip, Robert.  "Soul Brothers."    21-23. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Gustafson, Hans.  "Why Merton Matters to This Non-Catholic."    23-24. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Hall, Gary.  "A Seer Interprets the Ministry of the Stars."    24-26. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   McDonnell, Chris.  "Opening Doors, Opening Minds."    35-36. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Kiernan, Jeffrey T.  "The Next Generation."    26. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Kolp, Alan.  "Personal Kaleidoscopic Spirituality."    27-28. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Del Prete, Thomas.  "Making the World New from Our 'Older Unity'."    19-20. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Apel, William.  "Merton’s Search for God."    5-6. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Merton as Mirror."    30-32. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Dekar, Paul R.  "Silence as Attention and Antidote."    16-18. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Dart, Ron.  "Thomas Merton: Hedgehog and Fox."    14-16. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Collins, John P.  "The Humanism of Pope John XXIII, Thomas Merton and J. F. Powers."    12-14. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Cannon, Nass.  "A Path to Peace – Thomas Merton, Final Integration and Us."    10-11. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Burton, Patricia A.  "The Bibliographer’s Tale."    8-10. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "The Trickster-Monk’s New Creation."    6-7. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Adolfsson, Lars.  "Silence, Holiness, Sanctity."    3-5. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   McCaslin, Susan.  "Slow, Deepen, Shine: Why Merton Still Matters."    32-34. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   McMillan, Allan M.  "The Equipment of an Artist."    37. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Beltrán Llavador, Fernando.  "Thomas Merton: Longing Yet Belonging – Belonging Yet Longing."    7-8. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   St. John, Donald P.  "Merton as Radical Ecologist: Principles for Judging Human Action."    55-56. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "We Always Need a Prophet."    69-71. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "Icon and/or Metaphor."    67-69. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Szabo, Lynn R.  "Why Thomas Merton Still Matters: Thoughts on a Man for All Times."    66-67. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM.  "Merton the Educator."    65. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Stull, Bradford T.  "Avatars of the Absurd: Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day and Nonviolence."    63-64. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Spencer, Thomas.  "Merton’s Call to Activism – 2015."    61-63. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Smock, Frederick.  "Chanting the Square Demonic."    60-61. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Scruggs, Ryan.  "Spiritual Theology."    57-59. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "Thomas Merton, Prayer and Us."    53-55. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  "A Compassionate Transparency."    38. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   O'Brien, David.  "Thomas Merton and Catholic Americanism."    39-42. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   O'Hare, Padraic.  "Merton and Young Adults in the Wilderness."    42-44. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal.  "Final Integration in Thomas Merton: The Art of Finding the Middle Way."    59-60. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Paguio, Erlinda G.  "Knowing God from Experience: Thomas Merton and the Book of Job."    45-46. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Pramuk, Christopher.  "Where the Gospel Requires Us to Be."    52-53. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Pearson, Paul M.  "A Voice for Racial Justice."    46-47.  Full Text
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Phillips, Dan Kenneth.  "Awakening and Propelling."    47-48. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Plekon, Michael.  "Mercy within Mercy."    49. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Porter, J. S.  "Beginning at the End."    51-52. 
 Issue 40:1   (Spring 2015)   Kwon, Hyeokil.  "Reconnection and Reformation: A Korean Protestant Perspective on the Monastic Wisdom of Thomas Merton."    29-30. 
 Issue 39:4   (Winter 2014)   Jones, Libby Falk.  “Swift Passings.” [poem]    21. 
 Issue 39:4   (Winter 2014)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    39-43. 
 Issue 39:4   (Winter 2014)   Collins, John P.; Joe Labriola; Shawn Fisher; and Timothy J. Muise.  “Thomas Merton Comes to Prison.”    3-7.  Full Text
 Issue 39:4   (Winter 2014)   Orr, Thomas Alan.  “Prayer is a Double Agent.” [poem]    8. 
 Issue 39:4   (Winter 2014)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  “To Uncage His Voice: Thomas Merton's Inner Journey toward Parrhesia.”    9-20. 
 Issue 39:4   (Winter 2014)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  “Enjoy, Ponder, Be Stunned.” Rev. of In the Valley of Wormwood: Cistercian Blessed and Saints of the Golden Age by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 33-34. 
 Issue 39:4   (Winter 2014)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  “Lively Look at a Storied Life.” Rev. of Thomas Merton, The Seven Storey Mountain, and the Rest of the Story [DVD/CD sets] by Michael W. Higgins. 37-38. 
 Issue 39:4   (Winter 2014)   Grip, Robert.  “Micro-Merton for the Lost and Longing.” Rev. of Thomas Merton: Faithful Visionary by Michael W. Higgins. 35-36. 
 Issue 39:4   (Winter 2014)   Burton, Patricia A.  “Mass-Market Monk: Thomas Merton in the Paperback Revolution – Part II.”    22-32. 
 Issue 39:3   (Fall 2014)   Berger, Rose Marie.  “By What Right Do We Protest?” Rev. of Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest by Gordon Oyer. 28-31. 
 Issue 39:3   (Fall 2014)   Burton, Patricia A.  “Mass-Market Monk: Thomas Merton in the Paperback Revolution – Part I.”    3-13. 
 Issue 39:3   (Fall 2014)   Steger Hoffman, Jo Ann.  “That Which Cannot Be Expressed.” [poem]    14. 
 Issue 39:3   (Fall 2014)   Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND.  “Cosmopolitan: Thomas Merton’s Urbane Spirituality.”    15-21.  Full Text
 Issue 39:3   (Fall 2014)   Spencer, Thomas.  “Merton’s Literary (and Spiritual) Lessons.”    23-27. 
 Issue 39:3   (Fall 2014)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  “A Testament of Insight and Empathy.” Rev. of The Ground of Love and Truth by Suzanne Zuercher, OSB. 32-34. 
 Issue 39:3   (Fall 2014)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  “Thomas Merton and the Old Verities.” Rev. of Thomas Merton on William Faulkner and Classical Literature. [CD set]  35-37. 
 Issue 39:3   (Fall 2014)   Slater, Isaac, OCSO.  “A Two-Way Translation.” Rev. of Thomas Merton and St. Bernard of Clairvaux. [CD set]  38-40. 
 Issue 39:3   (Fall 2014)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    41-43. 
 Issue 39:3   (Fall 2014)   St. John, Donald P.  “Listening to a Tree.” [poem]    22. 
 Issue 39:2   (Summer 2014)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    44-47. 
 Issue 39:2   (Summer 2014)   Loughrey, Glenn.  "To Be or Not to Be - Identity Formation in a Post-Human World."    27-33.  Full Text
 Issue 39:2   (Summer 2014)   Lord, Andy.  “Thomas Merton and the Quest for the Holy Spirit.”    3-12. 
 Issue 39:2   (Summer 2014)   Doriot, Jeanne, SP.  "Poet." [poem]    13. 
 Issue 39:2   (Summer 2014)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  “‘An Absolute Duty to Rebel’: Thomas Merton, Religious Women and the Challenges of Vatican II.”    14-25.  Full Text
 Issue 39:2   (Summer 2014)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Merton in the Middle of Things." [poem]    26. 
 Issue 39:2   (Summer 2014)   Crutcher, Ellyn.  "Share the Prayer - Know the Soul." Rev. of You Know My Soul by John Wu, Jr. 37-38. 
 Issue 39:2   (Summer 2014)   Paguio, Erlinda G.  “Merton and Sufism: The Well-told Story.” Rev. of Mystics, Muslims, and Merton [DVD/CD sets] by Sidney H. Griffith. 39-41. 
 Issue 39:2   (Summer 2014)   Callahan, John J., Jr.  "Making Meaningful Connections." Rev. of The Search for Wholeness [CD set] by Thomas Merton. 42-43. 
 Issue 39:2   (Summer 2014)   Golemboski, David.  "The Ever-Radical Merton." Rev. of Thinking through Thomas Merton: Contemplation for Contemporary Times by Robert Inchausti. 34-36. 
 Issue 39:1   (Spring 2014)   Cannon, Nass.  “Merton as Prophet and Spiritual Gadfly.” Rev. of Prayer and Growth in Christian Life [5 CDs] by Thomas Merton with an introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 25-29. 
 Issue 39:1   (Spring 2014)   Plekon, Michael.  "'Mercy within Mercy within Mercy': Thomas Merton's Merciful God."    3-6. 
 Issue 39:1   (Spring 2014)   Ledbetter, J.T.  “Walking with Merton toward the Buddha.” [poem]    7. 
 Issue 39:1   (Spring 2014)   Cooper, Jeffrey A., CSC.  “Merton’s Imaginal World: Liminality and the Lived Experience of Wisdom in the ‘Fire Watch’.”    8-15. 
 Issue 39:1   (Spring 2014)   DeLaney, Steven.  "The Snail." [poem]    16-17. 
 Issue 39:1   (Spring 2014)   Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM.  “Converging Visions.” Rev. of Meatyard/Merton – Merton/Meatyard: Photographing Thomas Merton by Ralph Eugene Meatyard. 23-24. 
 Issue 39:1   (Spring 2014)   Cuntz, Detlev.  “Interiority, Inseeing, Insight.” Rev. of “God Speaks to Each of Us”: The Poetry and Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke [5 CDs] by Thomas Merton with an introduction by Michael W. Higgins. 30-33. 
 Issue 39:1   (Spring 2014)   Labrie, Ross.  “Parallel Doors to the Cosmos.” Rev. of Seeing the World in a Grain of Sand: Thomas Merton on Poetry [7 CDs] by Thomas Merton with an introduction by Michael W. Higgins. 34-36. 
 Issue 39:1   (Spring 2014)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    37-39. 
 Issue 39:1   (Spring 2014)   Kolp, Alan.  “From Cloister to Classroom: Thomas Merton and Today’s College Student.”    18-22.  Full Text
 Issue 38:4   (Winter 2013)   Thompson, Phillip M.  “The Presents of Grace.” Rev. of A Miracle of Grace: An Autobiography by E. Glenn Hinson. 32-33. 
 Issue 38:4   (Winter 2013)   Venable, Peter C.  “Be Still and Know.” [poem]    10. 
 Issue 38:4   (Winter 2013)   Collins, John P.  “A Bee in His Bonnet: Thomas Merton, Emily Dickinson and Sister Mary James Power.”    11-21. 
 Issue 38:4   (Winter 2013)   Garrison, Peggy.  “Two Poems in the Manner of Robert Lax.” [poem]    22. 
 Issue 38:4   (Winter 2013)   Sellner, Edward C.  “Searching for Merton - In Death and in Life.”    3-9.  Full Text
 Issue 38:4   (Winter 2013)   Lawrence, Edward.  “From Carmel to Carmel.” Rev. of Living Contemplatively: Addresses to the Carmelite Sisters of Savannah (1967) [4 CDs] by Thomas Merton, introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 34-36. 
 Issue 38:4   (Winter 2013)   Morgan, Patrick Thomas.  “Literary Merton: Joyce, Aesthetics and Contemplation.” Rev. of “All the Living and the Dead”: The Literature of James Joyce [3 CDs] by Thomas Merton, introduction by Michael Higgins. 37-40. 
 Issue 38:4   (Winter 2013)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    41-43. 
 Issue 38:4   (Winter 2013)   Kolp, Alan.  “Wisdom Ever Ancient, Ever New.” Rev. of Merton and the Tao: Dialogues with John Wu and the Ancient Sages edited by Cristóbal Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes. 29-31. 
 Issue 38:4   (Winter 2013)   Apel, William.  “'This Yes to God': The Gospel Wisdom of Thomas Merton.”    23-26. 
 Issue 38:3   (Fall 2013)   Matthews, Gray.  “Listening to Life Speaking.” Rev. of Vatican II: The Sacred Liturgy and the Religious Life by Thomas Merton. 27-30. 
 Issue 38:3   (Fall 2013)   Webster, Ronald.  “Reveille." [poem]    11. 
 Issue 38:3   (Fall 2013)   Merton, Thomas.  "Camus, Catholicism and the Death Penalty" introduced and transcribed by Mark C. Meade.    12-15.  Full Text
 Issue 38:3   (Fall 2013)   Rifkind, Anita.  "Legacy." [poem]    16. 
 Issue 38:3   (Fall 2013)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  “Merton and Camus on Silence as the Language of Resistance.”    17-20. 
 Issue 38:3   (Fall 2013)   Bochen, Christine M.  “A Mutually Enriching Relationship.” Rev. of Thomas Merton and Therese Lentfoehr: The Story of a Friendship by Robert Nugent, SDS. 24-26. 
 Issue 38:3   (Fall 2013)   McDonald, Mary Murray.  “The Meaning of Beauty and the Beauty of Meaning.” Rev. of Finding True Meaning and Beauty by Thomas Merton. 31-32. 
 Issue 38:3   (Fall 2013)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    33-35. 
 Issue 38:3   (Fall 2013)   Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND.  “Dreaming Together with Wisdom.”    3-10.  Full Text
 Issue 38:3   (Fall 2013)   Greene, Dana.  “Selection of Substance.” Rev. of Selected Essays by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 21-23.  Full Text
 Issue 38:2   (Summer 2013)   Loughrey, Glenn.  “Rhinoceritis - Thomas Merton on Being Human."    34-41.  Full Text
 Issue 38:2   (Summer 2013)   Romkema, Albert.  “Be What You Are: Thomas Merton on Vocation.”    18-32. 
 Issue 38:2   (Summer 2013)   Doriot, Jeanne, SP.  “Four Poems." [poems]    33. 
 Issue 38:2   (Summer 2013)   Looney, Edward.  “The Marian Devotion of the Young Thomas Merton: The Seven Storey Mountain and The Sign of Jonas.”    3-13. 
 Issue 38:2   (Summer 2013)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "A Miscalculated Risk." Rev. of Thomas Merton: The Exquisite Risk of Love: The Chronicle of a Monastic Romance by Robert G. Waldron. 44-46. 
 Issue 38:2   (Spring 2013)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    51-55. 
 Issue 38:2   (Summer 2013)   Kwon, Hyeokil.  "Ways of a Prayerful Life." Rev. of Ways of Prayer: A Desert Father’s Wisdom by Thomas Merton, introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 47-50. 
 Issue 38:2   (Summer 2013)   Chura, Walt, SFO.  "Dancing Under the Tree of Life." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Monk on the Edge edited by Ross Labrie and Angus Stuart 42-43. 
 Issue 38:1   (Spring 2013)   Sutera, Judith, OSB.  “So Long a Volume – 'So Long' to an Era.” Rev. of The Life of the Vows: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 6 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell. 35-36. 
 Issue 38:1   (Spring 2013)   Bochen, Christine M.  “Merton’s 'Absurd Enterprise': A Brief Foray into Script-Writing.”    3-14. 
 Issue 38:1   (Spring 2013)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  “Two Poems.” [poems]    15-16. 
 Issue 38:1   (Spring 2013)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  “Thomas Merton and Spiritual Maturity.”    17-29. 
 Issue 38:1   (Spring 2013)   Moran, Michael.  “Dis-covering a Merton Conference."    31-34. 
 Issue 38:1   (Spring 2013)   Zuercher, Suzanne, OSB.  “Listening to Merton the Man and the Mentor.” Rev. of Thomas Merton on the 12 Degrees of Humility [CD set] introduction by Anthony Ciorra. 37-38. 
 Issue 38:1   (Spring 2013)   Dekar, Paul R.  “Community or Collectivity?” Rev. of Returning to Reality: Thomas Merton’s Wisdom for a Technological World by Phillip M. Thompson. 39-40. 
 Issue 38:1   (Spring 2013)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    41-43. 
 Issue 38:1   (Spring 2013)   Higgins, Ed.  “Without Knowing It." [poem]    30. 
 Issue 37:4   (Winter 2012)   Heffernan, Mary Louise, SSJ.  “Drawn through Love.” Rev. of It Draws Me: The Art of Contemplation by Mary McDonald. 29. 
 Issue 37:4   (Winter 2012)   Janssen, Lawrence.  "No Knowing." [poem]    19. 
 Issue 37:4   (Winter 2012)   Merton, Thomas.  “Solitary Life in the Shadow of a Cistercian Monastery.”    3-8. 
 Issue 37:4   (Winter 2012)   Hodges, David.  “Two Poems.” [poems]    9-10. 
 Issue 37:4   (Winter 2012)   Gardner, Fiona.  "'A Tremendous Experience’: The Influence of St. Thérèse of Lisieux on the Spirituality of Thomas Merton.”    11-18. 
 Issue 37:4   (Winter 2012)   Robinson, Meghan J.  “Introductions West and East.” Rev. of On Christian Contemplation by Thomas Merton, edited by Paul M. Pearson and On Eastern Meditation by Thomas Merton, edited by Bonnie Thurston. 26-28. 
 Issue 37:4   (Winter 2012)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  “Sufi Musings and Meanderings." Rev. of Thomas Merton on Sufism [CDs], Introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 30-31. 
 Issue 37:4   (Winter 2012)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    32. 
 Issue 37:4   (Winter 2012)   Golemboski, David.  “Form and Function in Thomas Merton’s Seeds of Destruction.”    20-25. 
 Issue 37:3   (Fall 2012)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    54-59. 
 Issue 37:3   (Fall 2012)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  “Raids on the Impossible: The Poetics of Nonviolence in Merton, Caputo and Hauerwas.”    3-10. 
 Issue 37:3   (Fall 2012)   Collins, John P.  “A Tale of Two Teachers: Frank O’Malley and Thomas Merton.”    18-33. 
 Issue 37:3   (Fall 2012)   Doud, Robert.  “Merton at McDonald’s.” [poem]    34. 
 Issue 37:3   (Fall 2012)   Anglada, Eric.  “Cities of the Dead: Thomas Merton and the Crisis of Urban Civilization."    35-42. 
 Issue 37:3   (Fall 2012)   Labrie, Ross.  “Contemplation in the Age of Technology.” Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 24 edited by David Belcastro and Gray Matthews. 43-46. 
 Issue 37:3   (Fall 2012)   Adolfsson, Lars.  “Heart Speaks to Heart.” Rev. of Thomas Merton on Contemplation [CDs], Introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 51-53. 
 Issue 37:3   (Fall 2012)   Ryan, Gregory J.  “NowYouKnowMerton.” Rev. of Thomas Merton on Contemplation [CDs], Introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 47-50. 
 Issue 37:2   (Summer 2012)     "Remembering Bill Shannon: Stories and Tributes."    25-33. 
 Issue 37:2   (Summer 2012)   Mitchell, Mary Louise, SSJ.  “A Twenty-First Century Shepherd.”    20-21. 
 Issue 37:2   (Summer 2012)   Shannon, William H.  “My Second Conversion.”    7-17. 
 Issue 37:2   (Summer 2012)   Kennedy, Robert J.  “Here on the Way to There.”    18-19. 
 Issue 37:2   (Summer 2012)   Curran, Charles E.  “Homily for the Funeral of Msgr. William H. Shannon.”    22-24.  Full Text
 Issue 37:2   (Summer 2012)   Burton, Patricia A.  "Bibliography of the Writings of William H. Shannon."    38-47. 
 Issue 37:2   (Summer 2012)     "In Memoriam: William H. Shannon (1917 - 2012).”    3-6. 
 Issue 37:2   (Summer 2012)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  “A Final Testimony and Testament.” Rev. of How to Become a Christian Even If You Already Are One by William H. Shannon. 34-37. 
 Issue 37:1   (Spring 2012)   Gustafson, Hans.  “A Twenty-First-Century Prophet.” Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Spiritual Guide for the Twenty-First Century by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 34-36. 
 Issue 37:1   (Spring 2012)   Spencer, Thomas.  “Thomas Merton and the Kennedys.”    3-9. 
 Issue 37:1   (Spring 2012)   Doriot, Jeanne, SP.  “Requiescat in Pace: Matthew Kelty, OCSO (1915-2011).” [poem]    10-11. 
 Issue 37:1   (Spring 2012)   Culliford, Larry.  “Seeking the True Self: Thomas Merton and Barack Obama.”    12-18. 
 Issue 37:1   (Spring 2012)   Stewart, Mary L.  “Darkness at the Eighth Hour.” [poem]    19-20. 
 Issue 37:1   (Spring 2012)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  “‘Hidden from Men in Glory’: Thomas Merton and St. Charbel Makhlouf.”    21-26. 
 Issue 37:1   (Spring 2012)   Gardner, Fiona.  “A One-Sided Venture.” Rev. of The Making of a Saint: A Psychological Study of the Life of Thomas Merton by Kenneth Bragan. 29-33. 
 Issue 37:1   (Spring 2012)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    37-39. 
 Issue 37:1   (Spring 2012)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  “Letters for Lectio.” Rev. of Precious Thoughts: Daily Readings from the Correspondence of Thomas Merton by Fiona Gardner. 27-28. 
 Issue 36:4   (Winter 2011)   Berger, Rose Marie.  “New Monastics Handbook.” Rev. of Thomas Merton: Twentieth-Century Wisdom for Twenty-First-Century Living by Paul R. Dekar. 31-34. 
 Issue 36:4   (Winter 2011)   Orr, Thomas Alan.  "Dharma Blackbird." [poem]    21-22. 
 Issue 36:4   (Winter 2011)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  "Seeds of De(con)struction: Insights from Merton for a Postmodern World."    14-20.  Full Text
 Issue 36:4   (Winter 2011)   Labrie, Ross.  "Thomas Merton on the Unspeakable."    3-12. 
 Issue 36:4   (Winter 2011)   Mahon, J. Patrick.  "Thomas Merton and Current Issues in Church Renewal."    23-29. 
 Issue 36:4   (Winter 2011)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  "Hallucinating Thomas Merton." Rev. of The Knowledge of Good and Evil by Glenn Kleier. 38-40. 
 Issue 36:4   (Winter 2011)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    41-43. 
 Issue 36:4   (Winter 2011)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Rest Easy, Tom Merton." [poem]    13. 
 Issue 36:4   (Winter 2011)   Kelly, Elizabeth M.  "Listening to the Masters." Rev. of A Spiritual Masters Retreat [CD] by Donald Goergen, OP. 35-37. 
 Issue 36:3   (Fall 2011)   Racine, Catherine.  "Merton's Choir." [poem]    15-16. 
 Issue 36:3   (Fall 2011)   Grip, Robert.  "Thomas Merton and Fulton Sheen: Roots in the Past with Messages for Eternity."    3-10. 
 Issue 36:3   (Fall 2011)   Conner, James, OCSO.  "Pentecost 2011: Closing Homily of the ITMS Twelfth General Meeting."    12-14. 
 Issue 36:3   (Fall 2011)   Apel, William.  "Out of Solitude: Thomas Merton, John Howard Griffin, and Racial Justice."    17-22. 
 Issue 36:3   (Fall 2011)   Grayston, Donald.  “Engaged Encounter.” Rev. of A Silent Action: Engagements With Thomas Merton by Rowan Williams. 23-25.  Full Text
 Issue 36:3   (Fall 2011)   Dekar, Paul R.  "An Integrated Vision." Rev. of Thomas Merton - Contemplation and Political Action by Mario I. Aguilar. 34-35.  Full Text
 Issue 36:3   (Fall 2011)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    36-39. 
 Issue 36:3   (Fall 2011)   Sheridan, Thomas.  "Psyching Out Merton." Rev. of The Wounded Heart of Thomas Merton by Robert Waldron. 26-33. 
 Issue 36:3   (Fall 2011)   Smock, Frederick.  "The Monastery on the Mountain." [poem]    11. 
 Issue 36:2   (Summer 2011)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    42-47. 
 Issue 36:2   (Summer 2011)   Merton, Thomas.  "Monastic Vows: A Memorandum."    3-5. 
 Issue 36:2   (Summer 2011)   Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND.  "Masters of the Cosmos and the Soul: Thomas Berry and Thomas Merton in Dialogue."    11-21. 
 Issue 36:2   (Summer 2011)   Carpenter, Dan.  "Wendell Berry, Father Louis and Beauty of Lost Causes." [poem]    22. 
 Issue 36:2   (Summer 2011)   Quinn, Shawn.  "Thomas Merton and Presidential Politics."    23-31. 
 Issue 36:2   (Summer 2011)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Seeing into the Life of Things." Rev. of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis, SSJ. 32-34. 
 Issue 36:2   (Summer 2011)   Doriot, Jeanne, SP.  "Merton in Miniature." Rev. of Exploring Prayer with Thomas Merton by Tony Castle. 41. 
 Issue 36:2   (Summer 2011)   Paguio, Erlinda G.  "Integrating the Fragments." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 23 edited by David Belcastro and Gray Matthews. 35-40. 
 Issue 36:1   (Spring 2011)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  "A Prophet's Cross." Rev. of Silence Speaks: Teilhard de Chardin, Yves Congar, John Courtney Murray by Robert Nugent. 34-3. 
 Issue 36:1   (Spring 2011)   Bly, William J.  "The Pool of Siloam." [poem]    28-29. 
 Issue 36:1   (Spring 2011)   Meade, Mark C.  "Rebels in a Death-Wish Culture: Opposition to the Death Penalty in the Writings of Thomas Merton and Albert Camus."    3-9.  Full Text
 Issue 36:1   (Spring 2011)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "The Prophetic Merton - Once Again."    11-16. 
 Issue 36:1   (Spring 2011)   Collins, John P.  "The BC Connection: Thomas Merton and the Boston College Jesuits."    19-33. 
 Issue 36:1   (Spring 2011)   Peach, Robert K.  "Exploring Merton's Mountain." Rev. of Thomas Merton - The Secret of The Seven Storey Mountain: The Author and Prophet by Vera Obbágy. 38-39. 
 Issue 36:1   (Spring 2011)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    40-43. 
 Issue 36:1   (Spring 2011)   Webster, Ronald.  "The Block Print of an Ordinary Meditation." [poem]    10. 
 Issue 36:1   (Spring 2011)   Golemboski, David.  "Imaginary Conversations." Rev. of Unfinished Business: Dialogues with Thomas Merton by Forrest Johnson. 36-37. 
 Issue 35:4   (Winter 2010)   Chura, Walt, SFO.  "Seeing Griffin Anew." Rev. of Uncommon Vision: The Life and Times of John Howard Griffin by Morgan Atkinson. 43-44. 
 Issue 35:4   (Winter 2010)   Labrie, Ross.  "Thomas Merton on Marx and Marxism."    3-14. 
 Issue 35:4   (Winter 2010)   Valente, Judith.  "A Death in Bangkok." [poem]    15-16. 
 Issue 35:4   (Winter 2010)   Bochen, Christine M.  "Sowing Seeds of Contemplation and Compassion: Merton's Emerging Social Consciousness."    17-27. 
 Issue 35:4   (Winter 2010)   Quenon, Paul, OCSO.  "My Novices: Late 1950s." [poem]    28-29. 
 Issue 35:4   (Winter 2010)   Burton, Patricia A.  "Final Integration of a Bibliographical Puzzle."    30-36.  Full Text
 Issue 35:4   (Winter 2010)   Stuart, Angus F.  "Hermit-Shaped Mission." Rev. of Mission-Shaped Hermit: Thomas Merton, Mission and Spirituality by Keith James. 4. 
 Issue 35:4   (Winter 2010)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    45-47. 
 Issue 35:4   (Winter 2010)   Behrens, James Stephen, OCSO.  "A Window on Tradition." Rev. of Monastic Observances: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 5, ed. by Patrick F. O'Connell. 37-39. 
 Issue 35:3   (Fall 2010)   Mittendorf, William.  "A Monk in a Hut: Journey to a Gethsemani Hermit."    21-25. 
 Issue 35:3   (Fall 2010)   Brennan, Michael.  "Comforting and Discomforting Truths." Rev. of Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton: Advent and Christmas edited by Jonathan Montaldo and Robert G. Toth. 33-35. 
 Issue 35:3   (Fall 2010)   Doriot, Jeanne, SP.  "Three Poems."    9. 
 Issue 35:3   (Fall 2010)   Merton, Thomas.  "The Vatican Council and Sacred Art."    3-8. 
 Issue 35:3   (Fall 2010)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "'I Spoke Most of Prayer': Thomas Merton on the West Coast (September 11 - October 15, 1968)."    10-19.  Full Text
 Issue 35:3   (Fall 2010)   Dalgarno, Scott.  "Urge to Travel: A Found Poem." [poem]    20. 
 Issue 35:3   (Fall 2010)   Vaughan, Matthew Emile.  "Discerning Strange Voices." Rev. of The Voice of the Stranger by James Conner, OCSO, David Scott and Bonnie Thurston. 29-31. 
 Issue 35:3   (Fall 2010)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Powerhouses at the Center of America." Rev. of Hidden in the Same Mystery: Thomas Merton and Loretto edited by Bonnie Thurston with Mary Swain, SL. 27-29. 
 Issue 35:2   (Summer 2010)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  "Oldlutheranreinhardtcommiepaintblack." Rev. of Ad Reinhardt by Michael Corris. 42-43. 
 Issue 35:2   (Summer 2010)   Du Moulin, Susan.  "Discovering Cuba - A Merton Pilgrimage."    3-8.  Full Text
 Issue 35:2   (Summer 2010)   Nugent, Don Christopher.  "Pax Heraclitus: Heraclitus, Hagia Sophia and a Hard Night's Peace."    14-21. 
 Issue 35:2   (Summer 2010)   Orr, Thomas Alan.  "The Prayers of the Monks Withhold God's Judgment From the World." [poem]    22-23. 
 Issue 35:2   (Summer 2010)   Collins, John P.  "Michael Carlier: A Contemplative in the Trenches."    24-36. 
 Issue 35:2   (Summer 2010)   Smock, Frederick.  "A Feast of Words" Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 22 edited by Gray Matthews and David Belcastro. 40-41. 
 Issue 35:2   (Summer 2010)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    44-47. 
 Issue 35:2   (Summer 2010)   Del Prete, Thomas.  "An Intelligent, Friendly Guide." Rev. of Spiritual Masters for All Seasons by Michael Ford. 37-39. 
 Issue 35:1   (Spring 2010)   Merton, Thomas.  "A Conference on Integration: Praying from the Heart" edited by David M. Odorisio.    28-33. 
 Issue 35:1   (Spring 2010)   Rivera, Mary Anne; and Mary J. Margosian.  "Reasons for Rejoicing: Thomas Merton and Jubilee Magazine."    3-9. 
 Issue 35:1   (Spring 2010)   McCaslin, Susan.  "Transformative Solitudes: Merton and Rilke at the Pivot of Silence."    15-25. 
 Issue 35:1   (Spring 2010)   Smock, Frederick.  "Two Poems." [poem]    28. 
 Issue 35:1   (Spring 2010)   Horan, Daniel P., OFM.  "Letters of Kindred Spirits" Rev. of Compassionate Fire: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Catherine De Hueck Doherty edited by Robert A. Wild. 38-40. 
 Issue 35:1   (Spring 2010)   Scruggs, Ryan.  "Illuminating Wisdom." Rev. of Sophia: The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton by Christopher Pramuk. 34-37. 
 Issue 35:1   (Spring 2010)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    44-47. 
 Issue 35:1   (Fall 2010)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    35-39. 
 Issue 35:1   (Spring 2010)   Kenny, Colum.  "Four Poems." [poem]    10-14. 
 Issue 35:1   (Spring 2010)   Berger, John.  "Praising God from Dawn to Dusk." Rev. of A Book of Hours: At Prayer with Thomas Merton by Kathleen Deignan, CND. 41-43. 
 Issue 34:4   (Winter 2009)   Dart, Ron.  "Getting to Know the General." Rev. of Dom Gabriel Sortais: An Amazing Abbot in Turbulent Times by Guy Oury, OSB. 43-44. 
 Issue 34:4   (Winter 2009)   Merton, Thomas.  "Christian Worship and Social Reform."    3-11. 
 Issue 34:4   (Winter 2009)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "Advent Comes to a Cistercian House." [poem]    12. 
 Issue 34:4   (Winter 2009)   De Trinis, Randall.  " A Novice and His Master."    13-27.  Full Text
 Issue 34:4   (Winter 2009)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "The Cross on the Mountain."    28. 
 Issue 34:4   (Winter 2009)   Mahon, J. Patrick.  "Merton on Greed and the Economic Crisis."    29-35. 
 Issue 34:4   (Winter 2009)   Forest, James H.  "Beyond the Shadow and Disguise?" Rev. of Beneath the Mask of Holiness: Thomas Merton and the Forbidden Love Affair That Set Him Free by Mark Shaw. 40-42. 
 Issue 34:4   (Winter 2009)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    45-47. 
 Issue 34:4   (Winter 2009)   Srubas, Rachel M.  "The Gospel without Fanfare." Rev. of The Rule of Saint Benedict: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 4 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 37-39. 
 Issue 34:3   (Fall 2009)   McMillan, Allan M.  "Continuing the Conversation." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 21 edited by David Belcastro and Gray Matthews. 22-24. 
 Issue 34:3   (Fall 2009)   Culliford, Larry.  "Corpus Christi (for Bill Shannon)."    14-15. 
 Issue 34:3   (Fall 2009)   Shannon, William H.  "Corpus Christi 2009: Closing Homily of the ITMS Eleventh General Meeting June 14, 2009 ."    11-13.  Full Text
 Issue 34:3   (Fall 2009)   Grayston, Donald.  "Monastic in His Own Way: Thomas Merton and Leonard Cohen."    3-9.  Full Text
 Issue 34:3   (Fall 2009)   Schiffhorst, Gerald J.  "On the Threshold of Silence: Thomas Merton and the Act of Reading."    16-21. 
 Issue 34:3   (Fall 2009)   Hempstead-Milton, Sheila M.  "Old Truths and New Myths." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Contemplative and Peace-maker by Ashley Beck. 27-30. 
 Issue 34:3   (Fall 2009)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    31-35. 
 Issue 34:3   (Fall 2009)   Stewart, Mary L.  "Nazareth Window." [poem]    10. 
 Issue 34:3   (Fall 2009)   Reilly, Richard.  "Bystanding and Authenticity in the Professions." Rev. of Professional Morality and Guilty Bystanding: Merton's Conjectures and the Value of Work by Barry L. Padgett. 25-26. 
 Issue 34:2   (Summer 2009)   Collins, John P.  "A Passionist Friendship: Barnabas Ahern and Thomas Merton."    17-29.  Full Text
 Issue 34:2   (Summer 2009)   Merton, Thomas.  "Your Will and Your Vocation."    3-11. 
 Issue 34:2   (Summer 2009)   Lee, David.  "Taking Merton to Work."    31-35. 
 Issue 34:2   (Summer 2009)   Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND.  "A Common Ground of Simplicity." Rev. of A Meeting of Angels: The Correspondence of Thomas Merton and Edward Deming and Faith Andrews edited with an introduction by Paul M. Pearson. 36-38.  Full Text
 Issue 34:2   (Summer 2009)   Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM.  "Cultivating the Seed of Merton's Hope." Rev. of Seeds of Hope: Thomas Merton's Contemplative Message, edited by Fernando Beltrán Llavador and Paul M. Pearson. 39-40. 
 Issue 34:2   (Summer 2009)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    43-47. 
 Issue 34:2   (Summer 2009)   Waldron, Robert G.  "A Novel Perspective." Rev. of Scherib by Bill Goodson. 41-42. 
 Issue 34:1   (Spring 2009)   Brennan, Michael.  "Guidebooks for the Contemplative Journey." Rev. of Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton, Booklets 3-8 edited by Jonathan Montaldo and Robert G. Toth. 33-36. 
 Issue 34:1   (Spring 2009)   Forest, James H.  "Thomas Merton: Monk of the Undivided Church."    3-11. 
 Issue 34:1   (Spring 2009)   Baker, Kathleen.  "Fastening Myself to the Page: Three Owen Merton Paintings, 1923." [poem]    12-13. 
 Issue 34:1   (Spring 2009)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "Thomas Merton and St. Paul."    14-19. 
 Issue 34:1   (Spring 2009)   Meade, Mark C.  "Gethsemani Trappist Wake (Job's Lament)." [poem]    20. 
 Issue 34:1   (Spring 2009)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    39-43. 
 Issue 34:1   (Spring 2009)   Berger, Rose Marie.  "Personal, Prolific, Provocative." Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Life in Letters, edited by William H. Shannon and Christine M. Bochen. 29-32. 
 Issue 34:1   (Spring 2009)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "A Concert of Harmonious Voices." Rev. of Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton edited by Morgan Atkinson and Jonathan Montaldo. 37-38. 
 Issue 34:1   (Spring 2009)   Spencer, Thomas.  "Joan Baez, Ira Sandperl, and Thomas Merton's Non-Violent Activism."    21-28.  Full Text
 Issue 33:4   (Winter 2008)   Shannon, William H.  "The Future of Thomas Merton: A Progress Report."    3-11.  Full Text
 Issue 33:4   (Winter 2008)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "A Map of the Whole Territory." Rev. of More Than Silence: A Bibliography of Thomas Merton by Patricia A. Burton. 29-30. 
 Issue 33:4   (Winter 2008)   McDonnell, Chris.  "A Beast of a Year." [poem]    12-13. 
 Issue 33:4   (Winter 2008)   O'Sullivan, Colleen, RSJ.  "Centering on Prayer." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 20 edited by Victor A. Kramer. 31-34. 
 Issue 33:4   (Winter 2008)   Dart, Ron.  "In the Footsteps of Thomas Merton: Alaska."    14-19.  Full Text
 Issue 33:4   (Winter 2008)   McGuckin, John.  "On the Sudden Death of Thomas Merton." [poem]    20. 
 Issue 33:4   (Winter 2008)   Grayston, Donald.  "In the Footsteps of Thomas Merton: Asia."    21-28.  Full Text
 Issue 33:4   (Winter 2008)   Fullerton, Timothy.  "The Challenge of Chatral." Rev. of Compassionate Action by Chatral Rinpoche. 35-36. 
 Issue 33:4   (Winter 2008)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    37-39. 
 Issue 33:3   (Fall 2008)   Potocki, Daniel E.  "Words to Live By." Rev. of Thomas Merton In My Own Words selected edited by Jonathan Montaldo. 38-40. 
 Issue 33:3   (Fall 2008)   Merton, Thomas.  "Jacob's War."    3-8.  Full Text
 Issue 33:3   (Fall 2008)   Goldfarb, Sheldon.  "On Thomas Merton." [poem]    9-10. 
 Issue 33:3   (Fall 2008)   Ross, Sheilagh A.  "The Art of Pilgrimage: Rome and Thomas Merton."    11-16.  Full Text
 Issue 33:3   (Fall 2008)   Scruggs, Ryan.  "Encountering the Word: A Dialogue Between Merton and Barth on the Bible."    18-33.  Full Text
 Issue 33:3   (Fall 2008)   Robinson, Meghan J.  "Coming Home in Time and Eternity." Rev. of Choosing to Love the World: On Contemplation by Thomas Merton. 36-37. 
 Issue 33:3   (Fall 2008)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    41-43. 
 Issue 33:3   (Fall 2008)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Intriguing Forays." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Hermit at the Heart of Things by J.S. Porter. 34-35. 
 Issue 33:2   (Summer 2008)   Egan, Keith J.  "Mining Mystic Riches." Rev. of An Introduction to Christian Mysticism: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 3 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 27-29. 
 Issue 33:2   (Summer 2008)   Labrie, Ross.  "Explication of Explorations." Rev. of Thomas Merton and Latin America: A Consonance of Voices by Malgorzata Poks. 30-3. 
 Issue 33:2   (Summer 2008)     "2008 Thomas Merton Prize for Poetry of the Sacred."    7-11. 
 Issue 33:2   (Summer 2008)   Shaw, Mark.  "Thomas Merton's Italian Vision Revisited."    3-6.  Full Text
 Issue 33:2   (Summer 2008)   Gelsheimer, Ann.  "'The Bystander Effect': Thomas Merton and Social Psychology."    12-19.  Full Text
 Issue 33:2   (Summer 2008)   Peach, Robert K.  "Merton's Madhyamika." [poem]    20-21. 
 Issue 33:2   (Summer 2008)   Somerville, Mary R.  "Paying Attention to a Master." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Master of Attention by Robert Waldron. 33-34. 
 Issue 33:2   (Summer 2008)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    35-39.  Full Text
 Issue 33:2   (Summer 2008)   Kaplan, Edward K.  "Incarcerated Prophets: Crisis Letters of Thomas Merton and Martin Luther King, Jr."    22-26.  Full Text
 Issue 33:1   (Spring 2008)   Szabo, Lynn R.  "Peacemaking and Poetics." Rev. of Pax Intrantibus: A Meditation on the Poetry of Thomas Merton by Frederick Smock. 35-36. 
 Issue 33:1   (Spring 2008)   Collins, John P.  "Thomas Merton and the PAX Peace Prize."    3-14.  Full Text
 Issue 33:1   (Spring 2008)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "Little Rule for a Minor Hermitage." [poem]    15. 
 Issue 33:1   (Spring 2008)   Eastman, Patrick.  "Two Falling Blossoms: Merton, Meister Eckhart and Zen."    16-25.  Full Text
 Issue 33:1   (Spring 2008)   Smock, Frederick.  "Sabbath." [poem]    26. 
 Issue 33:1   (Spring 2008)   Mangrum, William L.  "The Parish Desert and My Ordinary Self."    27-29.  Full Text
 Issue 33:1   (Spring 2008)   Paguio, Erlinda G.  "Finding Merton Familiar." Rev. of Tom Merton: A Personal Biography by Joan McDonald. 32-34. 
 Issue 33:1   (Spring 2008)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    37-39. 
 Issue 33:1   (Spring 2008)   Skudlarek, William, OSB.  "Engaging Contacts, Enlightening Insights." Rev. of Merton and Buddhism: Wisdom, Emptiness and Everyday Mind edited by Bonnie B. Thurston. 30-31. 
 Issue 32:4   (Winter 2007)   Millies, Steven P.  "Contemplative Citizenship: Thomas Merton and Responsible Political Freedom."    13-17.  Full Text
 Issue 32:4   (Winter 2007)   Deane, Declan.  "Thomas Merton's Canonization Process." [poem]    12. 
 Issue 32:4   (Winter 2007)   Kiernan, Jeffrey T.  "Psalm 173 - Darfur Lament." [poem]    18. 
 Issue 32:4   (Winter 2007)   Fisher, James T.  "An Ardent Champion of Peace." Rev. of The Cold War Letters by Thomas Merton. 25-26. 
 Issue 32:4   (Winter 2007)   Dart, Ron.  "Thomas Merton, Leslie Dewart, George Grant and the 1963 Federal Election in Canada."    19-23.  Full Text
 Issue 32:4   (Winter 2007)   Koch, William.  "Words, the Word, and the World." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 19.  29-31. 
 Issue 32:4   (Winter 2007)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    32-35. 
 Issue 32:4   (Winter 2007)   Cassani, Genevieve, SSND.  "Celebrating the Lenten and Easter Seasons. Rev. of Lent and Easter Wisdom with Thomas Merton compiled by Jonathan Montaldo. 27-28. 
 Issue 32:4   (Winter 2007)   Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal.  "Builders of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth: The Transforming Power of Agape Love in King and Merton."    3-11.  Full Text
 Issue 32:3   (Fall 2007)   Flynn, Joanne.  "Silence - The Promised    23-27.  Full Text
 Issue 32:3   (Fall 2007)   Pearson, Paul M.  "Wide Open to Heaven and Earth: Contemplation, Community, Culture: Presidential Address - ITMS Tenth General Meeting, Memphis, TN.    3-10.  Full Text
 Issue 32:3   (Fall 2007)   Conner, James, OCSO.  "Thomas Merton and the Body of Christ: Closing Homily - ITMS Tenth General Meeting. Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee. June 7, 2007 ."    15-17.  Full Text
 Issue 32:3   (Fall 2007)   Coughlin, Daniel.  "A Glimpse of Glory." Rev. of A Book of Hours edited by Kathleen Deignan. 28-30. 
 Issue 32:3   (Fall 2007)   McDonald, Mary Murray.  "Craft, Communication, Contemplation." Rev. of Echoing Silence: Thomas Merton on the Vocation of Writing edited by Robert Inauchausti. 31-32. 
 Issue 32:3   (Fall 2007)   Shannon, William H.  "Tracking the Pilgrim of the Transcendental." Rev. of Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton by Morgan Atkinson. 33-3. 
 Issue 32:3   (Fall 2007)   Leax, John.  "Three Poems: Meditation on a Rural Hillside. The Rain. Field    11-14. 
 Issue 32:2   (Summer 2007)   Richardson, Jane Marie, SL.  "Remembering Luke: An Interview with Jane Marie Richardson, SL" conducted by Mary Frances Lottes, SL, with Mary Swain, SL.    3-7.  Full Text
 Issue 32:2   (Summer 2007)   Crutcher, Ellyn.  "Nurturing a Sacramental Awareness." Rev. of Beyond the Shadow and the Disguise: Three Essays on Thomas Merton.  44-45. 
 Issue 32:2   (Summer 2007)   Montevecchio, Arlene  "Sacramentality, Self-Discovery, Sanctity." Rev. of Becoming Who You Are: Insights on the True Self from Thomas Merton and Other Saints by James Martin. 42-43. 
 Issue 32:2   (Summer 2007)   Coff, Pascaline, OSB.  "Finding Treasures in the Tradition." Rev. of Pre-Benedictine Monasticism: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 2 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O'Connell. 40-41. 
 Issue 32:2   (Summer 2007)   Liddell, Rose Annette, SL.  "A Creative Exchange: The Friendship of Thomas Merton and Mary Luke Tobin."    35-39.  Full Text
 Issue 32:2   (Summer 2007)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "Well Done." [poem]    34.  Full Text
 Issue 32:2   (Summer 2007)   McCloskey, Elizabeth.  "More Than a Footnote: The Footprints of Mary Luke Tobin at Vatican    10-33.  Full Text
 Issue 32:2   (Summer 2007)   Jones, Cecily, SL.  "The Roads You Took." [poem]    8-9. 
 Issue 32:1   (Spring 2007)   McDonnell, Chris.  "Loops and Circles." [poem]    27. 
 Issue 32:1   (Spring 2007)   McDonald, Joan C.  "Merton's Secular Book Houses."    19-26.  Full Text
 Issue 32:1   (Spring 2007)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Abbey Bells (Gethsemani)." [poem]    18. 
 Issue 32:1   (Spring 2007)   Merton, Thomas.  "Spiritual Direction."    3-17.  Full Text
 Issue 32:1   (Spring 2007)   Pramuk, Christopher.  "A Vocation of Unity." Rev. of Signs of Peace: The Interfaith Letters of Thomas Merton by William Apel. 28-31.  Full Text
 Issue 32:1   (Spring 2007)   Poks, Malgorzata.  "Jacob's Ladder with a Few Missing Rungs." Rev. of Spirituality and Metaphor: The Poetics and Poetry of Thomas Merton by Waclaw Grzybowski. 32-35. 
 Issue 31:4   (Winter 2006)   DeLaney, Steven.  "First Reflection." [Poem]    14-15. 
 Issue 31:4   (Winter 2006)   Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND.  "'The Patient Architecture of Peace': Spirituality in Light of 9/11 - A Fifth-Anniversary Reflection."    3-7.  Full Text
 Issue 31:4   (Winter 2006)   Spencer, Thomas.  "'And God's Forgiveness": Frank Kowalski and Merton's Prayer for Peace."    9-13.  Full Text
 Issue 31:4   (Winter 2006)   Dekar, Paul R.  "Thomas Merton, Gandhi, the "Uprising" of Youth in the '60s, and Building Non-Violent Movements Today."    16-23.  Full Text
 Issue 31:4   (Winter 2006)   Collins, John P.  "A Guide to Full Integration." Rev. of An Invitation to the Contemplative Life by Thomas Merton, edited by Wayne Simsic. 24-26. 
 Issue 31:4   (Winter 2006)   Rivera, Mary Anne.  "Communication Leads to Communion." Rev. of Merton and Friends: A Joint Biography of Thomas Merton, Robert Lax and Edward Rice by James Harford. 27-30. 
 Issue 31:4   (Winter 2006)   Griffith, David A.  "The Challenge of Radical Humility." Rev. of "Making Peace in the Post-Christian Era: Merton's Challenge to the 'War on Terror'" by Valerie Flessati, Gerry McFlynn and Anthony Maggs; Pax Christi/ Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland Conference, 2005. 31-34. 
 Issue 31:4   (Winter 2006)   Pearson, Paul M.  Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.    35-39. 
 Issue 31:4   (Winter 2006)   Bly, William J.  "The Hermitage." [Poem]    8. 
 Issue 31:3   (Fall 2006)   Kehoe, Deborah Pope.  "Portrait of the Monk as Artist." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 18 edited by Victor A. Kramer. 32-34. 
 Issue 31:3   (Fall 2006)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Merton Set to Music." Rev. of Sweet Irrational Worship: The Niles-Merton Songs, Opus 171 and 172 perf. by Chad Runyon and Jacqueline Chew. 30-31. 
 Issue 31:3   (Fall 2006)   Brennan, Michael.  "Merton as Contemplative Catalyst." Rev. of Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton, - "Booklet 1: Entering the School of Your Experience" and "Booklet 2: Becoming Who You Already Are" edited by Jonathan Montaldo and Robert G. Toth. 27-29. 
 Issue 31:3   (Fall 2006)   Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal.  "Deep Ecumenism in the Mystical Thought of D. T. Suzuki and Thomas Merton."    17-26.  Full Text
 Issue 31:3   (Fall 2006)   Pennington, M. Basil, OCSO.  Basil, OCSO. "Four Reflections on Thomas Merton."    11-15.  Full Text
 Issue 31:3   (Fall 2006)   Basilico, Robert Francis.  "Nothing." [Poem]    9. 
 Issue 31:3   (Fall 2006)   Balthasar, Hans Urs von.  "Postface to Grazias Haus: Gedichte."    3-8.  Full Text
 Issue 31:2   (Summer 2006)   Flynn, Joanne.  "Caregivers Revisit: Merton's Waters of Siloam."    16-21.  Full Text
 Issue 31:2   (Summer 2006)   Beardsley, Doug.  "How I Became Thomas Merton." [poem]    22. 
 Issue 31:2   (Summer 2006)   Allen, William Loyd.  "Thomas Merton and E. Glenn Hinson: The Aggiornamento of Spiritual Formation among Progressive Baptists."    23-29.  Full Text
 Issue 31:2   (Summer 2006)   Kristoff, Donna, OSU.  "Signatures of Someone Not Around." Rev. of Angelic Mistakes: The Art of Thomas Merton by Roger Lipsey. 30-32. 
 Issue 31:2   (Summer 2006)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "Canaries in the Mineshaft." Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Beats of the Northern Cascades by Ron Dart. 35-36. 
 Issue 31:2   (Summer 2006)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  "Merton in His Monastic Milieu." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Prophet of Renewal by John Eudes Bamberger, OCSO. 33-34. 
 Issue 31:2   (Summer 2006)   Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM.  "A Finger Pointing at the Moon: Zen and the Photography of Thomas Merton."    3-11.  Full Text
 Issue 31:1   (Spring 2006)   Griffith, Sidney H.  "Islam From Inside and Out: A Quartet of Diverse Voices." Rev. of Listening to Islam with Thomas Merton, Sayyid Qutb, Kenneth Cragg and Ziauddin Sardar: Praise, Reason and Reflection by John Watson. 31-32. 
 Issue 31:1   (Spring 2006)   Casagram, Michael, OCSO.  "Remembering Father Flavian at Gethsemani: A Reflection at the Memorial Mass for Fr. Flavian Burns, OCSO, October 20, 2005 ."    3-4.  Full Text
 Issue 31:1   (Spring 2006)   Burton, Patricia A.  "Merton's Books." [poem]    5-6. 
 Issue 31:1   (Spring 2006)   Burns, Flavian, OCSO.  "Two Conferences on Monastic Prayer."    7-21.  Full Text
 Issue 31:1   (Spring 2006)   Webster, Ronald.  "Impact Roundtable." [poem]    22. 
 Issue 31:1   (Spring 2006)   Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND.  "Rich and Challenging Reflections." Rev. of Across the Rim of Chaos: Thomas Merton's Prophetic Vision edited by Angus Stuart. 26-30. 
 Issue 31:1   (Spring 2006)   Chew, Jacqueline.  "Memoir of a Remarkable Collaboration." Rev. of A Journey with John Jacob Niles: A Memoir of My Years With Johnnie by Jacqueline Roberts and Kerstin Warner. 33-35. 
 Issue 31:1   (Spring 2006)   Barnes, Abbot Robert, OCSO.  "Remembering Father Flavian at Berryville: Homily at the Funeral Mass for Fr. Flavian Burns, OCSO, October 17, 2005 ."    23-25.  Full Text
 Issue 30:4   (Winter 2005)   Hardcastle, Judith.  "An Affectionate Anthology." Rev. of Thomas Merton: I Have Seen What I Was Looking For: Selected Spiritual Writings edited by M. Basil Pennington. 33-34. 
 Issue 30:4   (Winter 2005)   Peach, Robert K.  "A Mertonian Critique of the Iraq War: An Offshoot of Fear and a Chasm in the Hidden Ground of Love."    19-31.  Full Text
 Issue 30:4   (Winter 2005)     "A Poem by René Char: Translated by Thomas Merton."    9-12.  Full Text
 Issue 30:4   (Winter 2005)   Goodwin-O'Neal, Beth.  "Nine-Tenths Pilgrimage and One-Tenth Vacation."    3-8.  Full Text
 Issue 30:4   (Winter 2005)   Smock, Frederick.  "Silence." [Poem]    18. 
 Issue 30:4   (Winter 2005)   Dekar, Paul R.  "Modeling A New Paradigm." Rev. of No Abiding Place: Thomas Merton and the Search for God by Fred Herron. 37-38. 
 Issue 30:4   (Winter 2005)   Ostenburg, John A.  "Spiritual Connectedness: Thomas Merton's Path to World Peace."    13-17.  Full Text
 Issue 30:4   (Winter 2005)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Merton's First Biography." Rev. of Tom's Book: To Granny With Tom's Best Love 1916 by Ruth Merton, edited by Sheila Milton. 35-36. 
 Issue 30:3   (Fall 2005)   Dart, Ron.  "Erasmus and Merton: Soul Friends."    18-26.  Full Text
 Issue 30:3   (Fall 2005)   Paguio, Erlinda G.  "A New World Being Born: Loving in a New Way: Presidential Address - ITMS Ninth General Meeting. University of San Diego. June    9.  Full Text
 Issue 30:3   (Fall 2005)   Stewart, Mary L.  "In the Gethsemani Fog." [Poem]    17. 
 Issue 30:3   (Fall 2005)   Poks, Malgorzata.  "A New Dawn for Merton's Verse." Rev. of In the Dark Before Dawn: New Selected Poems of Thomas Merton edited by Lynn R. Szabo. 27-30. 
 Issue 30:3   (Fall 2005)   Atkinson, Morgan.  "A Virtual Pilgrimage in Word and Image." Rev. of Thomas Merton's Gethsemani: Landscapes of Paradise by Harry Hinkle and Monica Weis. 31-32. 
 Issue 30:3   (Fall 2005)   Bochen, Christine M.  "Polished Contributions from Polish Conference." Rev. of Studia Mertonia I and Studia Mertonia 2: Collected Papers of the First Merton Conference in Poland, Lublin, Oct. 24-27, 2002.  33-36. 
 Issue 30:3   (Fall 2005)   Chura, Walt, SFO.  "Come, Little Children, Come to Zion': A Merton Letter to a Rector's Wife."    12-16.  Full Text
 Issue 30:2   (Summer 2005)   Doriot, Jeanne, SP.  "A Jewel in Gethsemani's Crown." Rev. of The Poetry of a Soul: A Monk's Story produced by Morgan Atkinson. 35-36. 
 Issue 30:2   (Summer 2005)   Burton, Patricia A.  "The Nouwen File and the Merton Book." Rev. of Encounters with Merton: Spiritual Reflections by Henri Nouwen. 31-34. 
 Issue 30:2   (Summer 2005)   Funk, Mary Margaret, OSB.  "A Window into Merton's Classroom." Rev. of Cassian and the Fathers - Initiation into the Monastic Tradition by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick O'Connell. 29-30. 
 Issue 30:2   (Summer 2005)   Goodson, Bill.  "Jonathan Daniels and Thomas Merton: A Meditation."    24-28.  Full Text
 Issue 30:2   (Summer 2005)   Del Prete, Thomas.  "'Though Art That': Merton as Contemplative Photographer."    17-21.  Full Text
 Issue 30:2   (Summer 2005)   Flynn, Joanne.  "Caregivers Revisit: Merton's Waters of Siloam."    16-21. 
 Issue 30:2   (Summer 2005)   Lipsey, Roger.  "Thomas Merton and Ulfert Wilke: The Friendship of Artists."    3-12.  Full Text
 Issue 30:1   (Spring 2005)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Merton Dreams of Jesus." [poem]    6. 
 Issue 30:1   (Spring 2005)   Wilkes, Paul.  "Remembering Naomi Remembering Tom: An Interview with Naomi Burton Stone."    11-22.  Full Text
 Issue 30:1   (Spring 2005)   Hulburt, Patricia.  "Spending Time with Merton." Rev. of A Year with Thomas Merton: Daily Meditations from his Journals by Thomas Merton edited by Jonathan Montaldo. 23-24. 
 Issue 30:1   (Spring 2005)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "Remembering Naomi Burton Stone: A View from Gethsemani."    7-8.  Full Text
 Issue 30:1   (Spring 2005)   Betz, Margaret B.  "Transcendent Creativity." Rev. of Mystery Hidden Yet Revealed by Marie Theresa Coombs. 28-29. 
 Issue 30:1   (Spring 2005)   Fullerton, Timothy.  "Nourishing Heart and Intellect. Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 17 edited by Victor Kramer. 25-27. 
 Issue 30:1   (Spring 2005)   McCormick, Anne H.  "Remembering Naomi Burton Stone: A View from Manhattan."    3-5.  Full Text
 Issue 29:4   (Winter 2004)   Cooper, Jeffrey A., CSC.  "Dropped: Original Monk Bomb." [poem]    18-19. 
 Issue 29:4   (Winter 2004)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "Islam in Alaska: Sufi Material in Thomas Merton in Alaska."    3-8.  Full Text
 Issue 29:4   (Winter 2004)   Pramuk, Christopher.  "Christ and the Birds of Appetite: Breathing Life and Beauty into the Body of Faith."    11-17.  Full Text
 Issue 29:4   (Winter 2004)   King, John E.  "A Merton Pamphlet in Multiple Versions: From Come to the Mountain to Cistercian Life."    20-26.  Full Text
 Issue 29:4   (Winter 2004)   Del Prete, Thomas.  "A Timely Time Capsule." Rev. of Peace in the Post-Christian Era by Thomas Merton, edited by Patricia A. Burton. 27-30.  Full Text
 Issue 29:4   (Winter 2004)   Quenon, Paul, OCSO.  "Poets Doing Business." Rev. of On the Banks of Monks Pond: The Thomas Merton/Jonathan Greene Correspondence with essays and notes by Jonathan Greene. 31. 
 Issue 29:4   (Winter 2004)   Raab, Joseph Quinn.  "Uniting Divided Worlds in Christ." Rev. of The World in My Bloodstream: Thomas Merton's Universal Embrace edited by Angus Stuart. 32-35.  Full Text
 Issue 29:4   (Winter 2004)   Seitz, Ron.  "Three Poems." [poem]    9-10. 
 Issue 29:3   (Fall 2004)   Wisniewski, Kristen.  "Merton for a New Generation." Rev. of Thomas Merton by Samuel Willard Crompton. 39-40. 
 Issue 29:3   (Fall 2004)   Simpson, John.  "An Astonishing Variety." Rev. of Owen Merton: Expatriate Painter by Roger Collins. 36-38.  Full Text
 Issue 29:3   (Fall 2004)   Berger, John.  "Stimulating Encounters." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 16 edited by Victor A. Kramer. 33-35. 
 Issue 29:3   (Fall 2004)   Lagouvardos, Moschos.  "Memories of Robert Lax."    25-33.  Full Text
 Issue 29:3   (Fall 2004)   Harford, James.  "Thomas Merton and Friends in the 1940s."    9-23.  Full Text
 Issue 29:3   (Fall 2004)   Doriot, Jeanne, SP.  "Two Poems." [poem]    8. 
 Issue 29:3   (Fall 2004)   Merton, Thomas.  "'Life in the Damned Thing:' The Letters of Thomas Merton to Reginald Marsh" introduced by Paul M. Pearson.    3-7.  Full Text
 Issue 29:2   (Summer 2004)   Waldron, Robert G.  "A Novel Twist on Merton's Death." Rev. of The Bossuet Conspiracy by Bill Goodson. 42-43. 
 Issue 29:2   (Summer 2004)   Thompson, Phillip M.  "Thomas Merton and Leo Szilard: A Brief Meeting at the Intersection of Science and Religion."    30-35.  Full Text
 Issue 29:2   (Summer 2004)   Porter, J. S.  "Thomas Merton as Public Intellectual."    16-24.  Full Text
 Issue 29:2   (Summer 2004)   Merton, Thomas.  "Grave Robber Beware." [poem] Introduced by Paul M. Pearson.    14-15. 
 Issue 29:2   (Summer 2004)   Reiser, William, SJ.  "Thomas Merton: A Parable for Our Time."    3-13.  Full Text
 Issue 29:2   (Summer 2004)   Stewart, Mary L.  "Kernels of Truth." Rev. of Seek the Silences with Thomas Merton: Reflections on Identity, Community and Transformative Action by Charles R. Ringma. 36-37. 
 Issue 29:2   (Summer 2004)   Wu, John, Jr.  "Seeking Eastern Connections." Rev. of Christian Contemplation and Zen-Taoism: A Study of Thomas Merton's Writings by Ekman P. C. Tam. 38-41. 
 Issue 29:1   (Spring 2004)   Merton, Thomas.  "An Unpublished Poem." [poem]    8. 
 Issue 29:1   (Spring 2004)   Rosen, Sheila.  "Hunting the Unicorn: Thomas Merton's New York."    3-7.  Full Text
 Issue 29:1   (Spring 2004)   Merton, Ruth.  "The Tiny House."    9-17.  Full Text
 Issue 29:1   (Spring 2004)   Aitken, Mary.  "Found Poetry in Thomas Merton's The Seven Storey Mountain."    19-25.  Full Text
 Issue 29:1   (Spring 2004)   Chura, Walt, SFO.  "The Tree of Life for the Healing of the Nations." Rev. of Seeking Paradise: The Spirit of the Shakers by Thomas Merton, edited by Paul M. Pearson. 26-28.  Full Text
 Issue 29:1   (Spring 2004)   Sherwin, Richard E.  "Graced by Passion and Compassion." Rev. of Thomas Merton and Judaism: Holiness in Words - Recognition, Repentance, and Renewal edited by Beatrice Bruteau. 29-32.  Full Text
 Issue 29:1   (Spring 2004)   Grip, Robert.  "The Matrix Revisited, Merton Style." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 15 edited by George A. Kilcourse. 33-34. 
 Issue 28:4   (Winter 2003)   Stull, Bradford T.  "Group Portrait of Four Unique Pilgrims." Rev. of The Life You Save May Be Your Own: An American Pilgrimage by Paul Elie. 23-24. 
 Issue 28:4   (Winter 2003)   Bochen, Christine M.  "A Happy Anniversary." Rev. of Merton's Palace of Nowhere: - Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition, by James Finley. 20-22. 
 Issue 28:4   (Winter 2003)   Mishler, William; William Manning; and Thomas Merton.  "Summer of '68: A Brief Encounter and a Brief Note."    15-18.  Full Text
 Issue 28:4   (Winter 2003)   McDonnell, Chris.  "Advent Fire." [poem]    14. 
 Issue 28:4   (Winter 2003)   de la Croix, Mere Marie, OCSO.  "The Last Days of Thomas Merton."    9-13.  Full Text
 Issue 28:4   (Winter 2003)   Merton, Thomas.  "Three Poems" by Miguel Hernandez, translated by Thomas Merton.    6-8.  Full Text
 Issue 28:4   (Winter 2003)   Merton, Thomas.  "Father Joseph Cassant, OCSO."    3-5.  Full Text
 Issue 28:4   (Winter 2003)   Grayston, Donald.  "Thomas Merton: Spiritual Fake?" Rev. of The Death of Thomas Merton: A Novel by Paul Hourihan. 25-26. 
 Issue 28:3   (Fall 2003)   Paulsell, William O.  "Thomas Merton's Ecumenical Landscape."    15-19.  Full Text
 Issue 28:3   (Fall 2003)   Barron, Robert.  "A Unique Experience." Rev. of The Inner Experience: Notes on Contemplation by Thomas Merton, edited by William H. Shannon. 25-27. 
 Issue 28:3   (Fall 2003)   Merton, Thomas.  "Two Poems" by Miguel Hernandez, translated by Thomas Merton.    12-14.  Full Text
 Issue 28:3   (Fall 2003)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  "'Going Home to Where I Have Never Been'. Thomas Merton's Flight Toward Joy."    3-11.  Full Text
 Issue 28:3   (Fall 2003)   Apel, William.  "The Merton-Aziz Letters: An Interfaith Journey Toward Unity."    21-24.  Full Text
 Issue 28:3   (Fall 2003)   McCaslin, Susan.  "Sonnets to a Silent Interlocutor." Rev. of Red as a Lotus: Letters to a Dead Trappist by Lisa Gill. 31-33. 
 Issue 28:3   (Fall 2003)   Callahan, Annice, RSCJ.  "Desert Magnificat of La Soledad."    20.  Full Text
 Issue 28:3   (Fall 2003)   Raboteau, Albert J.  "Transcending Divided Worlds." Rev. of Merton and Hesychasm: The Prayer of the Heart edited by Bernadette Dieker and Jonathan Montaldo. 28-30. 
 Issue 28:2   (Summer 2003)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  "Beauty and Humanity at Gethsemani." Rev. of Gethsemani and Time in the Garden: Life at the Abbey of Gethsemani filmed and edited by Morgan Atkinson. 38-40. 
 Issue 28:2   (Summer 2003)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "Bound By Every Affection. (In Memory of Bob Daggy.)" Rev. of The Vision of Thomas Merton edited by Patrick F. O'Connell. 35-37. 
 Issue 28:2   (Summer 2003)   Simsic, Wayne.  "Attending Nature's Festival." Rev. of When the Trees Say Nothing: Writings on Nature edited by Kathleen Deignan. 33-34. 
 Issue 28:2   (Summer 2003)   Waldron, Robert G.  "Two English Diarists/Reviewers and Thomas Merton."    28-32.  Full Text
 Issue 28:2   (Summer 2003)   Odorisio, David.  "Rediscovering the True Self Through the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton."    13-23.  Full Text
 Issue 28:2   (Summer 2003)   Merton, Thomas.  "Two Poems" by Miguel Hernandez, translated by Thomas Merton.    7-12.  Full Text
 Issue 28:2   (Summer 2003)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Rambling with Merton."    3-6.  Full Text
 Issue 28:1   (Spring 2003)   Del Prete, Thomas.  "Recovering Paradise: The Self and the Problem of Evil."    11-16.  Full Text
 Issue 28:1   (Spring 2003)   Merton, Thomas.  "Two Unpublished Poems."    9-10. 
 Issue 28:1   (Spring 2003)   Morais, Dawn.  "Tyrannosaurus Rex."    17. 
 Issue 28:1   (Spring 2003)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  "Damaged Goods: A Monk's Public 'Inner Work'."    18-23.  Full Text
 Issue 28:1   (Spring 2003)   Matthews, Gray.  "The Coherence of Epiphanies." Rev. of Seeds selected and edited by Robert Inchausti. 24-25. 
 Issue 28:1   (Spring 2003)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  "Gadfly and Good Friend." Rev. of Ferrytale: The Career of W.H. 'Ping' Ferry by James A. Ward. 28-29. 
 Issue 28:1   (Spring 2003)   Collins, John P.  "Prodigals in a Distant Land: Reflections on Evil in New Seeds of Contemplation."    3-8.  Full Text
 Issue 28:1   (Spring 2003)   Shannon, William H.  "Commendably Comprehensive Compilation." Rev. of "About Merton" Secondary Sources 1945-2000: A Bibliographic Workbook compiled by Marquita E. Breit, Patricia A. Burton and Paul M Pearson. 26-27. 
 Issue 27:4   (Winter 2002)   Quinn, James E.  "Seven Storey Redux." [poem]    17. 
 Issue 27:4   (Winter 2002)   Merton, Thomas.  "The Road Ahead: The Church and the 'Godless World' - 6 ."    3-7.  Full Text
 Issue 27:4   (Winter 2002)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "The Christian Center of Thomas Merton's Thought."    9-16.  Full Text
 Issue 27:4   (Winter 2002)   Smock, Frederick.  "Pax Intrantibus: The Search for Peace in the Poetry of Thomas Merton."    18-24.  Full Text
 Issue 27:4   (Winter 2002)   Farrelly, John, OSB.  "A Lively Monastic Dialogue." Rev. of Survival or Prophecy?: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq edited by Patrick Hart. 25-26. 
 Issue 27:4   (Winter 2002)   Cechony, Therese Rowley.  "A Christmas Present for the Spirit." Rev. of Advent and Christmas with Thomas Merton, compiled by Judith A. Bauer and John J. Cleary. 27-28. 
 Issue 27:4   (Winter 2002)   Kiernan, Jeffrey T.  "Instructing the Next Generation." Rev. of A Thomas Merton Curriculum edited by Terrence A. Taylor. 29-30. 
 Issue 27:4   (Winter 2002)   Webster, Ronald.  "Aerials of Consolidation." [poem]    8. 
 Issue 27:3   (Fall 2002)   Spaeth, Paul J.  "Memories of a Mentor." Rev. of The Way of the Dreamcatcher: Spirit Lessons with Robert Lax: Poet, Peacemaker, Sage by S.T. Georgiou. 31-32. 
 Issue 27:3   (Fall 2002)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Finding the Right Words: Mercy for Merton." Rev. of Spirit Book Word: An Inquiry into Literature and Spirituality by J. S. Porter. 30. 
 Issue 27:3   (Fall 2002)   Carr, Anne E.  "A Fascinating Tour of Mertoniana." Rev. of The Thomas Merton Encyclopedia edited by William H. Shannon, Christine M. Bochen and Patrick F. O'Connell. 27-29. 
 Issue 27:3   (Fall 2002)   Cooper, Jeffrey A., CSC.  "Plight of the Peregrinatus."    22-26.  Full Text
 Issue 27:3   (Fall 2002)   Hodges, David.  "Three Poems." [poem]    21. 
 Issue 27:3   (Fall 2002)   Knight, Jim.  "The Merton I Knew."    11-20.  Full Text
 Issue 27:3   (Fall 2002)   Bingham, Anne.  "The Blessing of Father Louis." [poem]    10. 
 Issue 27:3   (Fall 2002)   Merton, Thomas.  "The Protest of Vitalism: The Church and the 'Godless World' - 4 ."    3-9.  Full Text
 Issue 27:2   (Summer 2002)   Cassani, Genevieve, SSND.  "Window on Merton's Mind and Heart." Rev. of Thomas Merton Tapes: "Early Christian Apologists"; "The Prophets"; "The Quest for the Grail and Conversion of Manners"; "Tertullian and Cassian"; "The Virtue of Temperance" by Thomas Merton. 26-28. 
 Issue 27:2   (Summer 2002)   Collins, Roger.  "Beautiful, Simple and Solid: Owen Merton's House in Saint Antonin."    12-18.  Full Text
 Issue 27:2   (Summer 2002)   Srubas, Rachel M.  "The Sun and the Moon." [poem]    19. 
 Issue 27:2   (Summer 2002)   Bourgeault, Cynthia.  "Merton in Love."    20-25.  Full Text
 Issue 27:2   (Summer 2002)   Fairaday, Brenda Fitch.  "Exploring the Bridge that is Poetry." Rev. of Walking with Thomas Merton: Discovering His Poetry, Essays and Journals by Robert Waldron. 31-32. 
 Issue 27:2   (Summer 2002)   Richardson, Jane Marie, SL.  "The Light Shines in the Darkness." Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Mind Awake in the Dark. Papers from the 2000 Oakham Conference of the Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland edited by Paul M Pearson, Danny Sullivan and Ian Thompson. 29-30. 
 Issue 27:2   (Summer 2002)   Merton, Thomas.  "God and the World: The Church and the 'Godless World' - 3 ."    3-7.  Full Text
 Issue 27:1   (Spring 2002)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Thomas Merton's Critique of Language."    11-15.  Full Text
 Issue 27:1   (Spring 2002)   Goodwin, Jean.  "Let Us Invoke Thomas Merton Who Needs a Miracle or Two if He Is Ever to Become a Saint." [poem]    10. 
 Issue 27:1   (Spring 2002)   McDonnell, Chris.  "Louisville Wires (December 10, 2001)" [poem]    16. 
 Issue 27:1   (Spring 2002)   Staggs, John.  "Reinventing the Wheel: Thomas Merton and the Christ of the Cross."    17-19.  Full Text
 Issue 27:1   (Spring 2002)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Growing Toward Wholeness." Rev. of  Thomas Merton and the Inclusive Imagination by Ross Labrie. 20-21. 
 Issue 27:1   (Spring 2002)   Hempstead-Milton, Sheila M.  "A Not Quite Reliable Guide." Rev. of Reading Thomas Merton: A Guide to His Life and Work by John Laughlin. 26-27. 
 Issue 27:1   (Spring 2002)   Merton, Thomas.  "The 'World' the Church and the 'Godless World' - 1 ."    3-9.  Full Text
 Issue 27:1   (Spring 2002)   Ratigan, Virginia Kaib.  "Merton Through a Feminine Lens." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 14 (2001) edited by Victor A. Kramer. 22-25. 
 Issue 26:4   (Winter 2001)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "Listening Deeply, Living Deeply." Rev. of Thomas Merton and Thich Nhat Hanh: Engaged Spirituality in an Age of Globalization by Robert H. King. 25-27. 
 Issue 26:4   (Winter 2001)   Bear, Virginia.  "Pilgrimage to Prades."    3-7.  Full Text
 Issue 26:4   (Winter 2001)   Garrison, Peggy.  "Two Poems after Robert Lax." [poem]    8. 
 Issue 26:4   (Winter 2001)   Harford, James.  "Ed Rice: A Remembrance."    9-13.  Full Text
 Issue 26:4   (Winter 2001)   Correa-Díaz, Luis.  "Bilingual Poem for Merton." The Merton Seasonal 264 (Winter 2001):    14. 
 Issue 26:4   (Winter 2001)   Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM.  "Artful Prayer/Prayerful Art." Rev. of Dialogues with Silence: Prayers and Drawings by Thomas Merton edited by Jonathan Montaldo. 23-24. 
 Issue 26:4   (Winter 2001)   Russo, Tony.  "A Compelling, Fearless, Outrageous Voice." Rev. of Gethsemani Homilies by Matthew Kelty, OCSO. 28-30. 
 Issue 26:4   (Winter 2001)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "The Ascent to Truth: A Fifty-Year Retrospective."    15-21.  Full Text
 Issue 26:3   (Fall 2001)   Webster, Ronald.  "Airflight." [poem]    9. 
 Issue 26:3   (Fall 2001)   O'Hare, Padraic.  "Merton and Masterpiece Making."    10-17.  Full Text
 Issue 26:3   (Fall 2001)   Stoodley, Barbara Cliff.  "Graceful Explorations." Rev. of Circling to the Center: One Woman's Encounter with Silent Prayer by Susan M. Tiberghien. 29-31. 
 Issue 26:3   (Fall 2001)   Cooper, Jeffrey A., CSC.  "Adam's Stranger Panic."    18. 
 Issue 26:3   (Fall 2001)   Bochen, Christine M.  "'Mercy within Mercy within Mercy': Presidential Address - ITMS Seventh General Meeting June 7, 2001 ."    3-8.  Full Text
 Issue 26:3   (Fall 2001)   King, John E.  "A Small Window on a Complex Life: Notes of Thomas Merton to Marice Gaither."    19-23.  Full Text
 Issue 26:3   (Fall 2001)   Power-Shickler, Jon.  "'Let Me be Quite Succinct': A Concise Merton Anthology." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Essential Writings selected with an introduction by Christine M. Bochen. 24-26. 
 Issue 26:3   (Fall 2001)   Koch, William.  "Remastering a Master." Rev. of Thomas Merton Tapes: "Irish Mysticism"; "De Conversione" (two tapes); "Chinese Thought and the Chinese Symbol of Chung"; "The Jesus Prayer" by Thomas Merton. 27-28. 
 Issue 26:2   (Summer 2001)   McDonnell, Chris.  "Two Poems from 'Pieces of a Broken Jar'." [poem]    23-24. 
 Issue 26:2   (Summer 2001)   Merton, Thomas.  "Guide to Blake: An Uncollected Early Review."    3.  Full Text
 Issue 26:2   (Summer 2001)   Spencer, Thomas.  "'Tom's Guardian Angels': Merton's Franciscan Mentors."    17-22.  Full Text
 Issue 26:2   (Summer 2001)   Phillips, Paschal, OCSO.  "Merton as Forester - The Results."    25-26.  Full Text
 Issue 26:2   (Summer 2001)   Finley, James.  "Emptiness as Fulfillment." Rev. of Journeys into Emptiness: Dogen, Merton, Jung and the Quest for Transformation by Robert Jingen Gunn. 27-30. 
 Issue 26:2   (Summer 2001)   Adams, Daniel J.  "The Man in the Machine." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 13 (2000).  31-34. 
 Issue 26:2   (Summer 2001)   Fogarty, Thomas.  "Report from the Guesthouse." Rev. of Making a Heart for God: A Week Inside a Catholic Monastery by Dianne Aprile. 35-36. 
 Issue 26:2   (Summer 2001)   Collins, Roger.  "Fronting up to the American Public: Owen Merton's Exhibitions in the United States."    4-12.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Lax, Robert.  "Peace Poetry." [poem]    7-11. 
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Knight, Jim.  "In Good Company."    26-27.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Biddle, Arthur W.  "The Friendship of Robert Lax and Thomas Merton."    12-13.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Eliou, Niko.  "Four Poems for Robert Lax." [poem]    20. 
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Higgins, Michael W.  "Writing for Writing's Sake: An Interview with Paul Spaeth."    15-19.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Kelly, Jack.  "Robert Lax - Coming Home."    3-7.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Beer, John.  "Likes and Motorbikes."    21.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Cornell, Tom.  "A Winter with Bob Lax."    21-22.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Emery, Judith.  "An Extraordinary Consistency."    22-23.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Harford, Jennifer.  "Learning to Re-Lax."    24-25.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "First and Lasting Impressions."    25-26.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   McGregor, Michael.  "After the Circus Goes By."    29-30.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Mott, Michael.  "Meetings and Messages."    30-31.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Nienkirchen, Charles.  "Visiting a Desert Father."    31-32.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Davis, Jim.  "Lax in Stuttgart." [poem]    32-36. 
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Georgiou, S.T.  "Reading Lax: A Brief Overview of Literature By and About Robert Lax."    37-39.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Harford, James.  "Matchless Friendship, Matchless Candor." Rev. of When Prophecy Still Had a Voice: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Robert Lax edited by Arthur W. Biddle. 40-43.  Full Text
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Doriot, Jeanne, SP.  "Journals Beget Journals." Rev. of Patmos Journal: In Search of Thomas Merton with Robert Lax by Patrick Hart, OCSO and Israel Journal: A Trappist Pilgrim in the Holy Land by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 44-45. 
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Packard, William.  "Poem for Bob Lax." [poem]    14. 
 Issue 26:1   (Spring 2001)   Kostelanetz, Richard.  "Writing a Spiritual Life."    27-29.  Full Text
 Issue 25:4   (Winter 2000)   Merton, Thomas.  "Three Unpublished Poems."    12-18. 
 Issue 25:4   (Winter 2000)   Merton, Thomas.  "Meditations, December 23-30, 1941 ."    3-11.  Full Text
 Issue 25:4   (Winter 2000)   Kartholl, Leslie Ann.  "'Testimony' to a Vision Shared."    19-21.  Full Text
 Issue 25:4   (Winter 2000)   Halpin, Peter.  "Two Poems." [poem]    22. 
 Issue 25:4   (Winter 2000)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Pacific Dreams: Meditating Merton at the Redwoods."    23-26.  Full Text
 Issue 25:4   (Winter 2000)     "In Memoriam: Robert Lax (1915-2000)."    27.  Full Text
 Issue 25:4   (Winter 2000)   Eastman, Patrick.  "Practical Guidance on the Contemplative Way." Rev. of The Contemplative Heart by James Finley. 31-32. 
 Issue 25:4   (Winter 2000)   Rhodes, Robert.  "Sharing the Fruits of Community." Rev. of The Orchards of Perseverance: Conversations with Trappist Monks About God, Their Lives, and the World by David D. Perata. 33-34. 
 Issue 25:4   (Winter 2000)   Szabo, Lynn R.  "Praying with a Poet." Rev. of Poetry as Prayer: Thomas Merton by Robert Waldron. 28-30. 
 Issue 25:3   (Fall 2000)   McCaslin, Susan.  "Zen Death of a Christian Master." [poem]    17. 
 Issue 25:3   (Fall 2000)   Burton, Patricia A.  "A Seasonal Pilgrimage."    3-6.  Full Text
 Issue 25:3   (Fall 2000)   Merton, Thomas.  "Three Early Unpublished Poems."    7-9. 
 Issue 25:3   (Fall 2000)   Farley, Edward J.  "A Narrow Passageway." Rev. of Beyond the Walls: Monastic Wisdom for Everyday Living by Paul Wilkes. 34-35. 
 Issue 25:3   (Fall 2000)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Deep Conflict: Thomas Merton and William Carlos Williams' In the American Grain.    12-16.  Full Text
 Issue 25:3   (Fall 2000)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "Thomas Merton's Literary Estate: What Is Left to Be Published?"    18-19.  Full Text
 Issue 25:3   (Fall 2000)   Wright, Wendy M.  "A Guide Both Scholarly and Pastoral." Rev. of Thomas Merton's Paradise Journey by William H. Shannon. 29-30. 
 Issue 25:3   (Fall 2000)   Fennell, Francis L.  "Tracking Pilgrims' Passages." Rev. of Circuitous Journeys: Modern Spiritual Autobiography by David J. Leigh. 31-33. 
 Issue 25:3   (Fall 2000)   Crews, Clyde F.  "Early Days at the Merton Center and the Founding of The Merton Seasonal."    10-11.  Full Text
 Issue 25:3   (Fall 2000)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Thomas Merton's Projected Anthology of Religious Poetry."    20-28.  Full Text
 Issue 25:2   (Summer 2000)   Jackson, Augustine, OCSO.  "Wisdom Ever Ancient, Ever New, Ever Beautiful." Rev. of Essential Monastic Wisdom: Writings on the Contemplative Life edited by Hugh Feiss, OSB. 41-42. 
 Issue 25:2   (Summer 2000)   Merton, Thomas.  "Four Early Unpublished Poems."    5-8. 
 Issue 25:2   (Summer 2000)   Padovano, Anthony T.  "The Eight Conversions of Thomas Merton."    9-15.  Full Text
 Issue 25:2   (Summer 2000)   Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO.  "Thomas Merton and Henri Nouwen: Living With God in Modern America."    21-33.  Full Text
 Issue 25:2   (Summer 2000)   Phillips, Dan Kenneth.  "Quiet Time with Merton." Rev. of 15 Days of Prayer with Thomas Merton by Andre Gozier, OSB. 39-40. 
 Issue 25:2   (Summer 2000)   Rafferty, Raymond M.  "Font of Grace Revisited: The Corpus Christi Baptistry."    3-4.  Full Text
 Issue 25:2   (Summer 2000)   Thompson, William M.  "Fully Monastic, Fully Modern." Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Monastic Vision by Lawrence S. Cunningham. 34-38. 
 Issue 25:1   (Spring 2000)   Merton, Thomas.  "Three Unpublished Poems on Mythological Themes."    6-8. 
 Issue 25:1   (Spring 2000)   Kelly, Timothy, OCSO.  "Signs of God in Our Midst: Homily Commemorating the Anniversary of the Death of Thomas Merton."    3-5.  Full Text
 Issue 25:1   (Spring 2000)   Rhodes, Robert.  "Striving for Spiritual Community: The Example of Thomas Merton."    21-26.  Full Text
 Issue 25:1   (Spring 2000)   Thompson, Phillip M.  "'Full of Firecrackers': Jacques Ellul and the Technological Critique of Thomas Merton."    9-16.  Full Text
 Issue 25:1   (Spring 2000)   Murphy, Robert.  "Four Poems." [poem]    17-20. 
 Issue 25:1   (Spring 2000)   Donnelly, Doris.  "Merton's Legacy Distilled." Rev. of The Intimate Merton: His Life From His Journals edited by Patrick Hart and Jonathan Montaldo. 27. 
 Issue 25:1   (Spring 2000)   Chura, Walt, SFO.  "Activist at the Hermitage." Rev. of The Sound of Listening: A Retreat from Thomas Merton's Hermitage by John Dear, SJ. 31-32. 
 Issue 25:1   (Spring 2000)   Young, Gary, CR.  "A Divided Man in a Divided Scene." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 12 edited by Victor A. Kramer. 28-30. 
 Issue 24:4   (Winter 1999)   LeBeau, Dorothy.  "A 'World' Divided in Two." Rev. of Contemplation in a World of Action (revised edition) by Thomas Merton and Solitude and Love of the World by Thomas Merton. 26-28. 
 Issue 24:4   (Winter 1999)   Merton, Thomas.  "A Great Voyage." Introduced and Transcribed by Paul M. Pearson.    3-6.  Full Text
 Issue 24:4   (Winter 1999)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "Two Poems." [poem]    7-8. 
 Issue 24:4   (Winter 1999)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Ishi Means Man: Book Reviews that Critique Society."    9-13.  Full Text
 Issue 24:4   (Winter 1999)   King, John E.  "Two Poems." [poem]    14. 
 Issue 24:4   (Winter 1999)   Graham, Terry.  "Telling the Untold Story." Rev. of Merton and Sufism: The Untold Story edited by Rob Baker and Gray Henry. 20-25. 
 Issue 24:4   (Winter 1999)   Belcastro, David Joseph.  "Reaping the Whirlwind." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Poet, Monk, Prophet edited by Paul M. Pearson, Danny Sullivan and Ian Thomson. 29-31.  Full Text
 Issue 24:4   (Winter 1999)   Schiffhorst, Gerald J.  "Entering Merton's 'Friendly Communion of Silence'."    15-18.  Full Text
 Issue 24:3   (Fall 1999)   Inchausti, Robert.  "An Ironic Success Story." Rev. of Catholics and American Culture by Mark S. Massa, SJ. 24-27. 
 Issue 24:3   (Fall 1999)   Noffsinger, John.  "New Seeds of Contemplation and John Keats' 'Vale of Soul-Making'."    19-23.  Full Text
 Issue 24:3   (Fall 1999)   McMillan, Allan M.  "Kangchenjunga." [poem]    18. 
 Issue 24:3   (Fall 1999)   Johnson, Jeffrey.  "Remembering Father Louis." [poem]    9. 
 Issue 24:3   (Fall 1999)   Del Prete, Thomas.  "The Geography of Nowhere: Living Beyond Boundaries."    3-8.  Full Text
 Issue 24:3   (Fall 1999)   Tuoti, Frank X.  "A Rich Panorama of Monastic Life." Rev. of The Abbey of Gethsemani: Place of Peace and Paradox by Dianne Aprile. 32-34. 
 Issue 24:3   (Fall 1999)   Paguio, Erlinda G.  "A Country Whose Center is Everywhere: Merton at the Mim Tea Estate."    10-17.  Full Text
 Issue 24:3   (Fall 1999)   Callaghan, Michael, CM.  "Windows on Merton and His World." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 11 edited by George Kilcourse. 28-31. 
 Issue 24:2   (Summer 1999)   Ginn, Robert.  "The Paradox of Solitude: Jack Kerouac and Thomas Merton."    18-26.  Full Text
 Issue 24:2   (Summer 1999)   Pearson, Paul M.  "Inseeing and Outgazing: The Shared Vision of Thomas Merton and Rainer Maria Rilke."    10-17.  Full Text
 Issue 24:2   (Summer 1999)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "Thomas Merton's Works and Days." Rev. of Merton Vade Macum: A Quick Reference Bibliographic Handbook by Patricia Burton. 31-32. 
 Issue 24:2   (Summer 1999)   Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND.  "Merton Made Audible." Rev. of Heretic Blood: An Audiobiography produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 33-35. 
 Issue 24:2   (Summer 1999)   Grip, Robert.  "Looking for Faith in all the Wrong Places." Rev. of Running to the Mountain: A Journey of Faith and Change by Jon Katz. 36-37. 
 Issue 24:2   (Summer 1999)   Ligo, Vivian.  "Bystander at the Abyss: A Contemplative's Vision of Liberation."    3-9.  Full Text
 Issue 24:1   (Spring 1999)   Kilgore, Diane L.  "Early Merton for Early Morning." Rev. of Mornings with Thomas Merton compiled by John C. Blattner. 25-26. 
 Issue 24:1   (Spring 1999)   Levering, Philip.  "Holy Editorial Foibles!" Rev. of Holy Folly: Short and Tall Tales from the Abbey of Gethsemani by Paul Quenon, OCSO, Guerric Plante, OCSO, and Timothy Kelly, OCSO. 23-24. 
 Issue 24:1   (Spring 1999)   Keeler, Robert F.  "Mapping Merton Through Blake." Rev. of Heretic Blood: The Spiritual Geography of Thomas Merton by Michael Higgins. 20-22.  Full Text
 Issue 24:1   (Spring 1999)   Burton, Patricia A.  "A Waste of Level Snow." [poem]    18-19. 
 Issue 24:1   (Spring 1999)   Kelty, Matthew, OCSO.  "Touched by Fire: An Anniversary Homily."    15-17.  Full Text
 Issue 24:1   (Spring 1999)   O'Sullivan, Eamonn D.  "Lines to a Monk (An Entertainment) [poem] With a Response by Thomas Merton."    12-14. 
 Issue 24:1   (Spring 1999)   Merton, Thomas.  "The Death of a Holy Terror: The Strange Story of Frere Pascal."    8-11.  Full Text
 Issue 24:1   (Spring 1999)   Rice, Edward.  "Starting a Magazine: A Guide for the Courageous - The Short, Happy Life of Jubilee."    3-7.  Full Text
 Issue 23:4   (Winter 1998)   Ali, Zakaria.  "The Solitude of Thomas Merton: An Asian Perspective."    21-25.  Full Text
 Issue 23:4   (Winter 1998)   Karsh, Michael.  "Holy Name." [poem]    20. 
 Issue 23:4   (Winter 1998)   McHargue, Tim.  "Beyond Bangkok: A Pilgrimage to Rawasengeng."    13-19.  Full Text
 Issue 23:4   (Winter 1998)   D'Silva, Sister Teresita, OSB.  "Bangkok Diary - December 1968 ."    3-10.  Full Text
 Issue 23:4   (Winter 1998)   Simsic, Wayne.  "Spirituality of Everyday Life." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 10.  31-33. 
 Issue 23:4   (Winter 1998)   Rifkind, Anita.  "Two Poems." [poem]    11-12. 
 Issue 23:4   (Winter 1998)   Burton-Christie, Douglas.  "Final Passage." Rev. of The Other Side of the Mountain: The End of the Journey - Journals of Thomas Merton, Vol. 7: 1967-1968 edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 26-30. 
 Issue 23:3   (Fall 1998)   Kropf, Richard W.  "A Mixed Bag of Hermits." Rev. of Hermits: The Insights of Solitude by Peter France. 24-26. 
 Issue 23:3   (Fall 1998)   Shannon, William H.  "The Seven Storey Mountain: Fifty Years Old!"    3-11.  Full Text
 Issue 23:3   (Fall 1998)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Images in a Dark Church." [poem]    12. 
 Issue 23:3   (Fall 1998)   Koch, William.  "The Solitude of Lograire."    13-17.  Full Text
 Issue 23:3   (Fall 1998)   Berger, John.  "Two Poems." [poem]    18-19. 
 Issue 23:3   (Fall 1998)   Kristoff, Donna, OSU.  "Of Postcards, Pilgrims, and Prayer." Rev. of Praying with Icons by Jim Forest. 24-26. 
 Issue 23:3   (Fall 1998)   Wilkes, Paul.  "A Life that Makes Sense." Rev. of Trappist, a production of WTVI, and Trappist: Living in the Land of Desire by Michael Downey. 29-30. 
 Issue 23:3   (Fall 1998)   Waldron, Robert G.  "Poets of Pilgrimage: Thomas Merton (1915-1968) and Denise Levertov (1923-1997)."    20-23.  Full Text
 Issue 23:2   (Summer 1998)   Labrie, Ross.  "Merton Amidst the Intellectuals." Rev. of Thomas Merton's American Prophecy by Robert Inchausti. 23-24. 
 Issue 23:2   (Summer 1998)   Kelly, Patrick J.  "Three Poems." [poem]    17-18. 
 Issue 23:2   (Summer 1998)   St. John, Donald P.  "The Flowering of Natural Contemplation: Some Notes on Theoria Physike in Thomas Merton's Unpublished An Introduction to Christian Mysticism."    13-16.  Full Text
 Issue 23:2   (Summer 1998)   Apel, William.  "'Who Stands Fast?' Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Thomas Merton on Obedience."    3-10.  Full Text
 Issue 23:2   (Summer 1998)   Porter, J. S.  "Piggybacking on Merton."    19-22.  Full Text
 Issue 23:2   (Summer 1998)   Murray, Mary.  "A Rich and Generous Collection." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 5.  27-28. 
 Issue 23:2   (Summer 1998)   Merton, Thomas.  "Five Limericks for Father Raymond."    11-12.  Full Text
 Issue 23:2   (Summer 1998)   Keirnan, Jeffrey.  "Mentor for a New Generation." Rev. of Thomas Merton, Poet, Priest, Prophet by Jennifer Fisher Bryant. 25-26. 
 Issue 23:1   (Spring 1998)   Nouwen, Henri J M.  "Thomas Merton's Call to Contemplation and Action."    14-17.  Full Text
 Issue 23:1   (Spring 1998)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "Thomas Merton - Computer Hacker (A Cyber Fantasy)."    8-13.  Full Text
 Issue 23:1   (Spring 1998)   Webster, Ronald.  "Three Poems." [poem]    18-20. 
 Issue 23:1   (Spring 1998)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Beyond the Shadow and the Disguise: 'Spots of Time' in Thomas Merton's Spiritual Development."    21-27.  Full Text
 Issue 23:1   (Spring 1998)   Goodwin, Jean.  "Ballad: Brer Fox to Brer Merton." [poem]    28. 
 Issue 23:1   (Spring 1998)   Davernson, Anne M.  "Annual Celebrations." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volumes 8 and 9.  29-32. 
 Issue 23:1   (Spring 1998)     "Bellarmine College Dedicates New Merton Center (with remarks by Timothy Kelly, OCSO, Robert Giroux, and Joseph J. McGowan, Jr.)    3-7.  Full Text
 Issue 22:4   (Winter 1997)   Grip, Robert.  "Prayerful Encounter." Rev. of The Gethsemani Encounter: A Dialogue on the Spiritual Life by Buddhist and Christian Monastics edited by Donald W. Mitchell and James Wiseman, OSB. 38-39. 
 Issue 22:4   (Winter 1997)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "The Rebel in Merton." Rev. of "Something of a Rebel:" Thomas Merton, His Life and Works - An Introduction by William H. Shannon. 35-37. 
 Issue 22:4   (Winter 1997)   Fullerton, Timothy.  "Old Desires and New." Rev. of Learning to Love: Exploring Solitude and Freedom - The Journals of Thomas Merton, Vol. 6: 1966-1967 edited by Christine M. Bochen. 31-34. 
 Issue 22:4   (Winter 1997)   McDonnell, Chris.  "Four Poems." [poem]    27-30. 
 Issue 22:4   (Winter 1997)   King, John E.  "Finding the Merton Bibliographies: Identifying the Source Documents."    21-26.  Full Text
 Issue 22:4   (Winter 1997)   Paguio, Erlinda G.  "Thomas Merton and the Psalms."    11-20.  Full Text
 Issue 22:4   (Winter 1997)   Mahoney, Timothy.  "Thomas Merton's New Seeds of Contemplation: Revolutionary Happiness, Contemplation, and Solitude."    5-10.  Full Text
 Issue 22:4   (Winter 1997)     "In Memoriam: Robert E. Daggy (1940-1997)."    3-4.  Full Text
 Issue 22:3   (Fall 1997)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Merton on the Eve of the Third Millennium."    3-9.  Full Text
 Issue 22:3   (Fall 1997)   Doriot, Jeanne, SP.  "Six Poems." [poem]    21-22. 
 Issue 22:3   (Fall 1997)   Lewis, Gloria Kitto.  "Thomas Merton: Strategies of a Master Teacher of Poetry."    17-20.  Full Text
 Issue 22:3   (Fall 1997)   Chura, Walt, SFO.  "The Seeds of Thomas Merton: On Staying Put and Changing Your Life."    10-16.  Full Text
 Issue 22:3   (Fall 1997)   Hill, Robert.  "Imagination and Catholicism: A Contradiction?" Rev. of The Catholic Imagination and American Literature by Ross Labrie. 27-29. 
 Issue 22:3   (Fall 1997)   Nugent, Don Christopher.  "A Labor of Mutual Self-Completion." Rev. of Thomas Merton and James Laughlin: Selected Letters edited by David D. Cooper. 23-26. 
 Issue 22:2   (Summer 1997)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "'Kindred Spirits': Boris Pasternak and Thomas Merton."    5-12.  Full Text
 Issue 22:2   (Summer 1997)   Merton, Thomas.  "My Visits to the Secular Bookhouse."    3-4.  Full Text
 Issue 22:2   (Summer 1997)   Henken, Ted.  "Henry David Thoreau and Thomas Merton: The Transformation of Individual Experience into Universal Myth."    13-22.  Full Text
 Issue 22:2   (Summer 1997)   Murphy, Robert.  "Four Poems." [poem]    23-24. 
 Issue 22:2   (Summer 1997)   Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO.  "Merton in Motion." Rev. of Dancing in the Water of Life: Seeking Peace in the Hermitage - The Journals of Thomas Merton, Vol. 5: 1963-1965 edited by Robert E. Daggy. 25-26. 
 Issue 22:2   (Summer 1997)   Norris, Kathleen.  "Refreshing Springs." Rev. of The Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani by Thomas Merton edited by Jane Marie Richardson, SL. 27-28. 
 Issue 22:1   (Spring 1997)   Quenon, Paul, OCSO.  "We Have to Regain Our Sense of Being." Rev. of Striving Towards Being: Letters of Thomas Merton and Czeslaw Milosz edited by Robert Faggen. 31-32. 
 Issue 22:1   (Spring 1997)   Dear, John.  "Merton's Turn to the World, and Ours." Rev. of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years - The Journals of Thomas Merton, Vol. 4: 1960-1963 edited by Victor A. Kramer. 26-30. 
 Issue 22:1   (Spring 1997)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Six Poems." [poem]    21-25. 
 Issue 22:1   (Spring 1997)   Shannon, William H.  "Can One be a Contemplative in a Technological Society?"    12-20.  Full Text
 Issue 22:1   (Spring 1997)   Flournoy, Judith.  "Thomas Merton and the Shakers."    7-11.  Full Text
 Issue 22:1   (Spring 1997)   Merton, Thomas.  "The Angel and the Machine."    3-6.  Full Text
 Issue 22:1   (Spring 1997)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  "Sowing a Future for Contemplative Spirituality." Rev. of Seeds of Peace: Contemplation and Non-Violence by William H. Shannon. 33. 
 Issue 21:4   (Winter 1996)   McHargue, Tim.  "A Pilgrimage in Bangkok."    3-6.  Full Text
 Issue 21:4   (Winter 1996)   Beltrán Llavador, Fernando.  "'Faith-filled Eyes in the Night': A Network of Saints for Our Times."    12-21.  Full Text
 Issue 21:4   (Winter 1996)   King, John E.  "Small Disagreement with Fr. Basil Pennington. What is Thomas Merton's First Book?"    7-11.  Full Text
 Issue 21:3   (Fall 1996)   Reilly, Patrick.  "Moses as an Exemplar: The Paradoxes of Thomas Merton."    12-18.  Full Text
 Issue 21:3   (Fall 1996)   Matsko, Vincent J.  "Reading Thomas Merton as a Non-Christian."    19-21.  Full Text
 Issue 21:3   (Fall 1996)   Merton, Thomas.  "A Very Early Essay."    3-9.  Full Text
 Issue 21:3   (Fall 1996)   Ruttle, Paul, CP.  "Review." Rev. of A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life - The Journal of Thomas Merton, Vol. 3: 1952-1960 edited by Lawrence S. Cunningham. 22-25. 
 Issue 21:3   (Fall 1996)   Hogan, Christine Jensen.  "Two Poems." [poem]    10-11. 
 Issue 21:2   (Summer 1996)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Creativity and a '4': Thomas Merton's Developing Style."    3.  Full Text
 Issue 21:2   (Summer 1996)   Liddell, Rose Annette, SL.  "What I Wear is Pants." Rev. of Merton: An Enneagram Profile by Suzanne Zuercher, OSB. 27-28. 
 Issue 21:2   (Summer 1996)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Hurly Burly Secrets: A Reflection on Thomas Merton's French Poems."    19-26.  Full Text
 Issue 21:2   (Summer 1996)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Remembering Lorca: Merton's Tribute to a Poetic    13-18.  Full Text
 Issue 21:2   (Summer 1996)   Van Groll, Pierre D.  "Call for Dialogue."    12.  Full Text
 Issue 21:2   (Summer 1996)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Merton's Poetry: Early Recognition."    8-11.  Full Text
 Issue 21:2   (Summer 1996)   Murray, Mary.  "The Waters of Siloe as Literature: Thomas Merton Glad to be Home in the Cistercian Order."    4-7.  Full Text
 Issue 21:1   (Spring 1996)   Daggy, Robert E.  "A Merton Mailbag (From Here and There)."    3.  Full Text
 Issue 21:1   (Spring 1996)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "Thomas Merton's Eightieth Birthday is Celebrated in Prades."    4-5.  Full Text
 Issue 21:1   (Spring 1996)   Voiles, Kenneth M.  "Prades (Merton's Birthplace): A Poem." [poem]    6. 
 Issue 21:1   (Spring 1996)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "'And Call it Macaronic': An Unpublished Early Poem of Thomas Merton."    7-8.  Full Text
 Issue 21:1   (Spring 1996)   Hempstead-Milton, Sheila M.  "Merton's Search for Paradise and His Integration of Ruth Merton, Sophia and Mary."    9-14.  Full Text
 Issue 21:1   (Spring 1996)   Gordy, Rose.  "Will the Real Mary of Magdala Please Stand Up?"    15-18.  Full Text
 Issue 21:1   (Spring 1996)   Doriot, Jeanne, SP.  "Four Poems." [poems]    19-22. 
 Issue 21:1   (Spring 1996)   Cassani, Genevieve, SSND.  "Outer and Inner Landscapes." Rev. of Entering the Silence: Becoming a Monk and Writer - The Journals of Thomas Merton, Vol. 2: 1941-1952 edited by Jonathan Montaldo. 23-25. 
 Issue 21:1   (Spring 1996)   King, John E.  "Identifying Hammer Editions of Merton." Rev. of An Introduction to Victor and Carolyn Hammer with a Listing of the Books Printed as Their Several Presses compiled by Paul Evans Holbrook. 28-30. 
 Issue 21:1   (Spring 1996)   Combs, Joan.  "Brother Monk in Collected Essays." Rev. of Thomas Merton, My Brother: His Journey to Freedom, Compassion, and Final Integration by M. Basil Pennington. 26-27. 
 Issue 20:4   (Fall 1995)   Merton, Thomas.  "Run to the Mountain: Four More Journal Entries." Editor's Note by Patrick Hart, OCSO.    4-8.  Full Text
 Issue 20:4   (Fall 1995)   Spaeth, Paul J.  "Dealing with Texts." Rev. of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation. The Journals of Thomas Merton, Volume 1: 1939-1941 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 13-15.  Full Text
 Issue 20:4   (Fall 1995)     "Run to the Mountain: A Review Symposium."    9-15. 
 Issue 20:4   (Fall 1995)   Van Groll, Pierre D.  "Elderhostel 1995: A Week with Thomas Merton." [poem]    16. 
 Issue 20:4   (Fall 1995)   Biddle, Arthur W.  "Rehearsing Style and Theme." Rev. of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation. The Journals of Thomas Merton, Volume 1: 1939-1941 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 9-11.  Full Text
 Issue 20:4   (Fall 1995)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: First of the Last?: The Publication of Thomas Merton's 'Personal Journals' and the Death of a Friend."    3.  Full Text
 Issue 20:4   (Fall 1995)   Kelly, Jack.  "Giving Up Everything." Rev. of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation. The Journals of Thomas Merton, Volume 1: 1939-1941 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 11-12.  Full Text
 Issue 20:4   (Fall 1995)   McDonnell, Chris.  "Hour of Solitude: A Poem." [poem]    24. 
 Issue 20:4   (Fall 1995)   Young, Gary, CR.  "Beautiful Gardens, Shimmering Pools." Rev. of Thoughts on the East by Thomas Merton and Thomas Merton and Chinese Wisdom by Cyrus Lee. 25-26. 
 Issue 20:4   (Fall 1995)   Pearson, Paul M.  "Enthusiasm for Merton, Bonhoeffer and Hillesum." Rev. of Dark Night Spirituality by Peter C. King. 27. 
 Issue 20:4   (Fall 1995)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "Death of a 'Mertoniac': An Appreciation of W. H. 'Ping' Ferry."    17-23.  Full Text
 Issue 20:3   (Summer 1995)   Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO.  "Recontacting Merton's Passion." Rev. of Passion for Peace: The Social Essays by Thomas Merton edited by William H. Shannon. 18-19. 
 Issue 20:3   (Summer 1995)   Daggy, Robert E.  "After Bonaventure: Keeping Peace in Our Hearts."    3.  Full Text
 Issue 20:3   (Summer 1995)   Conner, James, OCSO.  "A Prophet for the 21st Century."    4-8.  Full Text
 Issue 20:3   (Summer 1995)   Hogan, Christine Jensen.  "St. Bonaventure's: A Poem." [poem]    9. 
 Issue 20:3   (Summer 1995)   Del Prete, Thomas.  "Merton at Bonaventure: Some Student Recollections."    10-12.  Full Text
 Issue 20:3   (Summer 1995)   Mayer, Elsie F.  "Rethinking Hiroshima with Thomas Merton: (Variations on Original Child Bomb)." [poem]    13. 
 Issue 20:3   (Summer 1995)   Adams, Daniel J.  "Thich Nhat Hanh Then and Now."    14-15.  Full Text
 Issue 20:3   (Summer 1995)   Mathis, Rick.  "Merton's Dilemma: The Search for Meaning in Modern Times."    17.  Full Text
 Issue 20:3   (Summer 1995)   Ruttle, Paul, CP.  "Reading Someone Else's Mail." Rev. of At Home in the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Rosemary Radford Ruether edited by Mary Tardiff, OP. 20-21. 
 Issue 20:3   (Summer 1995)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  "Turning the Other Cheek." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 7 edited by Victor A. Kramer. 22-23. 
 Issue 20:3   (Summer 1995)   Paguio, Erlinda G.  "Becoming Butterflies." Rev. of Why Not Be a Mystic? by Frank Tuoti. 24-25. 
 Issue 20:3   (Summer 1995)   Garrigan, Gerard, OSB.  "Two Poems." [poem]    16. 
 Issue 20:2   (Spring 1995)   Guli, Francesca.  "April Month for Merton." [poem]    19. 
 Issue 20:2   (Spring 1995)   Hempstead, S. Christian.  "The Traveling of Clarity." Rev. of Gethsemani Poems by J. T. Ledbetter. 24-25. 
 Issue 20:2   (Spring 1995)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Thomas Merton and the Quiz Show Scandal: 'America's Loss of Innocence?'"    4-11.  Full Text
 Issue 20:2   (Spring 1995)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Merton, The Movies, and 'The Image'."    3.  Full Text
 Issue 20:2   (Spring 1995)   Cooper, John Charles.  "Three Poems for Thomas Merton." [poem]    12-14. 
 Issue 20:2   (Spring 1995)   Steinmacher, Michael.  "Anthony Padovano's Image of Thomas Merton."    15-17.  Full Text
 Issue 20:2   (Spring 1995)     "Plays About Thomas Merton."    18.  Full Text
 Issue 20:2   (Spring 1995)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Monks and Coyotes Sing." Rev. of Dakota: A Spiritual Geography by Kathleen Norris. 22-23. 
 Issue 20:2   (Spring 1995)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  "An Impeccable Visionary." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Hermana America edited by Miguel Grinberg. 21. 
 Issue 20:2   (Spring 1995)   Quenon, Paul, OCSO.  "Merton on Video." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Monk, Man and Mystic a Spiritual Concert by Patrick Collins. 20. 
 Issue 20:1   (Winter 1995)   Welsh, Francis J.  "January 1995: Merton at Eighty: A Poem." [poem]    19. 
 Issue 20:1   (Winter 1995)   Daggy, Robert E.  "'Playing Before God': Wisdom, Freedom, and Thomas Merton."    3.  Full Text
 Issue 20:1   (Winter 1995)   Merton, Thomas.  "Hagia Sophia: An Excerpt."    4. 
 Issue 20:1   (Winter 1995)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "'The Tradition of Wisdom and Spirit': Wisdom in Thomas Merton's Mature Thought."    5-8.  Full Text
 Issue 20:1   (Winter 1995)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Epiphany: A Prose Poem." [poem]    9. 
 Issue 20:1   (Winter 1995)   Short, Brent.  "The Hidden Paradise: Thomas Merton and the Wisdom of Genesis."    10-14.  Full Text
 Issue 20:1   (Winter 1995)   Shannon, William H.  "'New Horizons for an Old Journey': No Man is an Island, A Review Forty Years Later."    16-18.  Full Text
 Issue 20:1   (Winter 1995)   Lewis, Gloria Kitto.  "Defending One's Freedom." Rev. of Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis edited by William H. Shannon. 20-22. 
 Issue 20:1   (Winter 1995)   Guyton, Patrick F.  "A Witness to Truth." Rev. of Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis edited by William H. Shannon. 23-25. 
 Issue 20:1   (Winter 1995)   Getty, Richard E.  "The Abbot: A Poem." [poem]    15. 
 Issue 19:4   (Fall 1994)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Anti-This and Anti-That: Thomas Merton's Experimentation and Protest."    3.  Full Text
 Issue 19:4   (Fall 1994)   Lax, Robert.  "His Work was Play." [poem]    4. 
 Issue 19:4   (Fall 1994)   Dear, John.  "Contemplative Prayer is Subversive: Reading the Gospel - and Merton - in Jail."    14-16.  Full Text
 Issue 19:4   (Fall 1994)   Henken, Ted.  "The Logic of Mass Destruction: Modern Knowledge, Kafka, and Thomas Merton's    10-13.  Full Text
 Issue 19:4   (Fall 1994)   Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO.  "The Latest Catch." Rev. of A Catch of Anti-Letters by Thomas Merton and Robert Lax. 5-6. 
 Issue 19:4   (Fall 1994)   Merton, Thomas; and Robert Lax.  "Reinhardt Slips Into His Painting: An Excerpt From A Catch of Anti-Letters."    7-8.  Full Text
 Issue 19:4   (Fall 1994)   Wine, Kathleen.  "Merton's Paradox." [poem]    9. 
 Issue 19:4   (Fall 1994)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "The Inner Journey of Thomas Merton." Rev. of Finding Your Centre: A Journey with Thomas Merton by Jim Forest. 17. 
 Issue 19:4   (Fall 1994)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  "An Angel in America." Rev. of My Song is of Mercy: Writings of Matthew Kelty selected edited by Michael Downey. 18-20. 
 Issue 19:3   (Summer 1994)     "Two Views of the Sixth Merton Annual."    25-28. 
 Issue 19:3   (Summer 1994)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: After Summer Talk of Hogs, Irises, and First Day Covers, Why Not Some More Merton Anniversaries, Books and Annuals?"    3-4.  Full Text
 Issue 19:3   (Summer 1994)   Finley, Mitch.  "Barry Ulanov: 'I Remember Tom with Great Fondness'."    5-6.  Full Text
 Issue 19:3   (Summer 1994)   McCormick, Chalmers.  "Huxley's Ends and Means Revisited."    7-11.  Full Text
 Issue 19:3   (Summer 1994)   McNally, Terry.  "Kestrel Kill For Thomas Merton." [poem]    12. 
 Issue 19:3   (Summer 1994)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Thirty Poems after Fifty Years."    13-17.  Full Text
 Issue 19:3   (Summer 1994)   Fullerton, Timothy.  "Sunday, Up at Louie's Place: Reflections on an Epiphany."    18-20.  Full Text
 Issue 19:3   (Summer 1994)   Richardson, Jane Marie, SL.  "Praying with a Seasoned Traveler." Rev. of Praying with Thomas Merton by Wayne Simsic. 22-24. 
 Issue 19:3   (Summer 1994)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  "A Cornucopia of Merton." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 6.  25-26. 
 Issue 19:3   (Summer 1994)   Pearson, Paul M.  "'Merton as a Direction." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 6.  26-28. 
 Issue 19:3   (Summer 1994)     "Noel Almedia's 'First Day Covers' from Australia Down Under."    29-30. 
 Issue 19:3   (Summer 1994)   Walsh, Francis J.  "A Man - Merton." [poem]    21. 
 Issue 19:2   (Spring 1994)   Behara, Guru Charan.  "Thomas Merton's The Geography of Lograire: A Poem of Psychotherapy."    14-18.  Full Text
 Issue 19:2   (Spring 1994)   McDonald, Nancy D.  "Old Uncle Louie: A Love Poem of Thomas Merton." [poem]    19. 
 Issue 19:2   (Spring 1994)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "The Dalai Lama Descends on Gethsemani: In Memory of Thomas Merton."    7-9.  Full Text
 Issue 19:2   (Spring 1994)   Wu, John, Jr.  "A Song for Tom."    4-6.  Full Text
 Issue 19:2   (Spring 1994)   Cronley, Tim.  "At Merton's Grave." [poem]    10. 
 Issue 19:2   (Spring 1994)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Thomas Merton: Connections East and West More than Twenty-FiveYears After His Death."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 19:2   (Spring 1994)   Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO.  "Jungian Commentary on Thomas Merton." Rev. of Thomas Merton in Search of His Soul: A Jungian Perspective by Robert G. Waldron. 20-21. 
 Issue 19:2   (Spring 1994)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Franciscan Commentary on Thomas Merton." Rev. of Swimming in the Sun: Discovering the Lord's Prayer with Francis of Assisi and Thomas Merton by Albert Haase, OFM. 22-24. 
 Issue 19:2   (Spring 1994)   Koch, William.  "A Personal Collage of Thomas Merton." Rev. of Meditations with Merton by Nicki Verploegen Vandergrift. 25-26. 
 Issue 19:2   (Spring 1994)   Buchanan, William.  "In Seach for Brahmachari."    11-13.  Full Text
 Issue 19:1   (Winter 1994)   Allchin, A. M.  "Sermon Preached on Sunday 12th December in St. Lawrence's Church, Winchester, England. (Thomas Merton Conference)."    18-20.  Full Text
 Issue 19:1   (Winter 1994)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Discoveries and Rediscoveries Twenty-Five Years After Thomas Merton's Death."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 19:1   (Winter 1994)   Hempstead-Milton, Sheila M.  "Some of the Treasures of a Sunday Afternoon."    4-6.  Full Text
 Issue 19:1   (Winter 1994)   Merton, Thomas.  "The Haunted Castle."    7-10.  Full Text
 Issue 19:1   (Winter 1994)   Merton, Thomas.  "Another Stop on 'The Road to Joy': A Letter."    11.  Full Text
 Issue 19:1   (Winter 1994)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  "Teaching Thomas Merton in China."    12-14.  Full Text
 Issue 19:1   (Winter 1994)   McDonnell, Chris.  "An Interval Occasion Marked by Words." [poem]    17. 
 Issue 19:1   (Winter 1994)   Conner, James, OCSO.  "Homily for the 25th Anniversary of the Death of Fr. Louis Merton. Abbey of Gethsemani, December 10, 1993 ."    21-22.  Full Text
 Issue 19:1   (Winter 1994)   McDonald, Patrick J.  "Thomas Merton and Steven Spielberg: Some Parallels."    23-25.  Full Text
 Issue 19:1   (Winter 1994)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "Merton's Own Authentic Voice of the Moment." Rev. of The Courage for Truth: Letters to Writers selected edited by Christine M. Bochen. 26-29. 
 Issue 19:1   (Winter 1994)   Pearson, Paul M.  "The Formation of the Thomas Merton Society (of Great Britain and Ireland)."    15.  Full Text
 Issue 18:3-4   (Summer-Fall 1993)   Shepherd, Robert Marshall.  "A Book Worth Knowing." Rev. of Song for Nobody: A Memory Vision of Thomas Merton by Ron Seitz. 30-32. 
 Issue 18:3-4   (Summer-Fall 1993)   Smeyers, Sister Bernadette M.  "Thomas Merton and Bangkok: A Few Reminiscences 8 - 15 December 1968 ."    16-17.  Full Text
 Issue 18:3-4   (Summer-Fall 1993)   Beltrán Llavador, Fernando.  "Thomas Merton: Prayer as Breath, Or the Beyond Within Solitude and Society."    10-11.  Full Text
 Issue 18:3-4   (Summer-Fall 1993)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "'The Heresy of Individualism'."    6-9.  Full Text
 Issue 18:3-4   (Summer-Fall 1993)   Eastman, Patrick.  "'Already One, Becoming What We Are' - The Way to Go."    4-5.  Full Text
 Issue 18:3-4   (Summer-Fall 1993)   van der Laar, Sister Henrilena.  "After Twenty-Five Years."    12-14.  Full Text
 Issue 18:3-4   (Summer-Fall 1993)   Bonazzi, Robert.  "Reflections on a Portrait of Thomas Merton."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 18:3-4   (Summer-Fall 1993)   Seitz, Ron.  "The Death of Thomas Merton: A Haiku Homage." [poem]    15. 
 Issue 18:3-4   (Summer-Fall 1993)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "Thomas Merton on Death: Our Life-Long Journey."    19-24.  Full Text
 Issue 18:3-4   (Summer-Fall 1993)   Mack, Anna Marie, SSJ.  "Homage to Merton: An Anniversary Prayer." [poem]    25. 
 Issue 18:3-4   (Summer-Fall 1993)   Tuoti, Frank X.  "The Gift of Thomas Merton Remembered: On the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of His Passing."    28-29.  Full Text
 Issue 18:3-4   (Summer-Fall 1993)   Parsley, Jamie.  "Gethsemani Burial Ground." [poem]    18. 
 Issue 18:3-4   (Summer-Fall 1993)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "The Journals of Thomas Merton: A Preview."    26-27.  Full Text
 Issue 18:2   (Spring 1993)   Porter, M. John-Baptist, OCSO.  "Exploring a Desert Area of the Heart." Rev. of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ by George Kilcourse. 23-26. 
 Issue 18:2   (Spring 1993)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Merton: Christ and the Desert."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 18:2   (Spring 1993)   Merton, Thomas.  "In God's Desert."    4-6.  Full Text
 Issue 18:2   (Spring 1993)   McInvale, Alden.  "Dark Path: For Thomas Merton." [poem]    7. 
 Issue 18:2   (Spring 1993)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Thomas Merton: The Desert Call."    8-15.  Full Text
 Issue 18:2   (Spring 1993)   Roccaforte, Linell.  "When the Icons are Irate." [poem]    16. 
 Issue 18:2   (Spring 1993)   Albert, John, OCSO.  "'Amor Ipse Intellectus Est': A Speculum in Verse."    21-22.  Full Text
 Issue 18:2   (Spring 1993)   Hogan, Christine Jensen.  "Did You Smile?" [poem]    26. 
 Issue 18:2   (Spring 1993)   Albert, John, OCSO.  "Merton and Christ: Demonstrating the Medieval Speculum."    17-20.  Full Text
 Issue 18:1   (Winter 1993)   Hempstead-Milton, Sheila M.  "Emblems of Birds: Birds as a Symbol of Grace in Three Poems of Thomas Merton."    16-24. 
 Issue 18:1   (Winter 1993)   Merton, Thomas.  "Aubade: Lake Erie." [poem]    4. 
 Issue 18:1   (Winter 1993)     "Aubades: Lake Erie (1942 and 1992)." [poems]    4-5. 
 Issue 18:1   (Winter 1993)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Is Thomas Merton Au Courant?: A Reflection."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 18:1   (Winter 1993)   Cronley, Tim.  "Aubade: Lake Erie - Fifty Years Later." [poem]    5. 
 Issue 18:1   (Winter 1993)   Merton, Thomas.  "My Lord God - Bwana Munga Wangu."    6.  Full Text
 Issue 18:1   (Winter 1993)   Cash, Malcolm.  "Two Poems." [poem]    7. 
 Issue 18:1   (Winter 1993)   Waldron, Robert G.  "Merton's Bells: A Clarion Call to Wholeness."    25-28.  Full Text
 Issue 18:1   (Winter 1993)   Pearson, Paul M.  "Another Merton Journey." Rev. of A Seven Day Journey with Thomas Merton by Esther de Waal. 29. 
 Issue 18:1   (Winter 1993)   Baciu, Stefan.  "Two Merton Poems." [poem]    8-9. 
 Issue 18:1   (Winter 1993)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Grief Transfigured: Merton's Elegy on His Brother."    10-15.  Full Text
 Issue 17:4   (Fall 1992)   Shannon, William H.  "A Valuable Book." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Spiritual Master - The Essential Writings edited by Lawrence S. Cunningham. 22-24. 
 Issue 17:4   (Fall 1992)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Water, Woods and Walnuts: Traveling (with Merton in Tow) in the Beauty of the Natural World."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 17:4   (Fall 1992)   Weis, Monica, SSJ.  "Living Beings Call Us to Reflective Living: Mary Austin, Thomas Merton and Contemporary Nature Writers."    4-9.  Full Text
 Issue 17:4   (Fall 1992)   Mayer, Elsie F.  "Haiku From Gethsemani Abbey." [poem]    9. 
 Issue 17:4   (Fall 1992)   Corrigan, Gregory M.  "Thinking of Louie: My Personal Reflections of Thomas Merton, A Man I Never Met."    10-12.  Full Text
 Issue 17:4   (Fall 1992)   Gordy, Rose.  "Two Haiku for Louie." [poem]    12. 
 Issue 17:4   (Fall 1992)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Seasons (For Gethsemani)." [poem]    20-21. 
 Issue 17:4   (Fall 1992)   Machar, Jerome, OCSO.  "A Revised Journey." Rev. of The Monastic Journey edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 24-25. 
 Issue 17:4   (Fall 1992)   Voiles, Kenneth M.  "Prelude of Mysticism." Rev. of Merton: Mystic at the Center of America by Thomas M. King, SJ. 25-28. 
 Issue 17:4   (Fall 1992)   Judge, Maria S.  "A Merton Journey."    13-19.  Full Text
 Issue 17:3   (Summer 1992)   Shannon, William H.  "An Unusual Discovery in a Second-Hand Bookstore in England."    4-6.  Full Text
 Issue 17:3   (Summer 1992)   Del Prete, Thomas.  "To Merton and Chuang Tzu." [poem]    7. 
 Issue 17:3   (Summer 1992)     "Lighting the Way." Rev. of Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story by William H. Shannon. 8-10. 
 Issue 17:3   (Summer 1992)   Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO.  "The Springs of Contemplation." Rev. of Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani edited by Jane Marie Richardson, SL. 23-24. 
 Issue 17:3   (Summer 1992)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Turning on the 'Lamp': More Glimpses of the Life of Thomas Merton."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 17:3   (Summer 1992)   Montaldo, Jonathan.  "Reflecting the Light." Rev. of Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story by William H. Shannon. 10-14. 
 Issue 17:3   (Summer 1992)   Voiles, Kenneth M.  "Prades: A Photo Essay."    18-22.  Full Text
 Issue 17:3   (Summer 1992)   Pearson, Paul M.  "Saint Anne's, Soho: A Photo Essay."    16-17.  Full Text
 Issue 17:3   (Summer 1992)   Loydell, Rupert M.  "Withdrawl (for Thomas Merton)." [poem]    15. 
 Issue 17:2   (Spring 1992)   Simmons, Carl.  "Two Vocations." Rev. of Thomas Merton as Writer and Monk: A Cultural Study, 1915-1951 by Peter Kountz. 18-19. 
 Issue 17:2   (Spring 1992)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Merton the Writer (With Some Animadversions by the Writer Himself)."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 17:2   (Spring 1992)   Altany, Alan.  "Thomas Merton: Poet of the Sacred."    4-7.  Full Text
 Issue 17:2   (Spring 1992)   Murray, Mary.  "Aristotle Meets the Spiritual Classics: The Rhetoric of Thomas Merton."    8-12.  Full Text
 Issue 17:2   (Spring 1992)   Porter, J. S.  "Thomas Merton and Wendell Berry: A Brief Study in Tone."    12-15.  Full Text
 Issue 17:2   (Spring 1992)     "Two Poems Prompted by Merton's Writings."    16-17. 
 Issue 17:2   (Spring 1992)   McDonnell, Chris.  "Night." [poem]    17. 
 Issue 17:2   (Spring 1992)   Seitz, Ron.  "Three Poems." [poem]    20-21. 
 Issue 17:2   (Spring 1992)   Kocka, David.  "Poetic Anguish." Rev. of The Mechanic of Tears by Ron Seitz. 22-28. 
 Issue 17:2   (Spring 1992)   Webster, Ronald.  "The Swimming Teacher." [poem]    16. 
 Issue 17:1   (Winter 1992)   Pearson, Pauline.  "The Cult of Thomas Merton." [poem]    21. 
 Issue 17:1   (Winter 1992)   Koch, William.  "The Love Poems of Thomas Merton: On Being a Hermit in Love."    16-19.  Full Text
 Issue 17:1   (Winter 1992)   Nugent, Robert, SDS.  "Thomas Merton and Sexual Wholeness."    9-15.  Full Text
 Issue 17:1   (Winter 1992)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "'I Never Had A Sister': Merton's Friendships with Women."    4-8.  Full Text
 Issue 17:1   (Winter 1992)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Merton and the Feminine (Again!) (With Asides About General Meetings and Polish Poets."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 17:1   (Winter 1992)   Kiernan, Jeffrey T.  "Twin." [poem]    20. 
 Issue 17:1   (Winter 1992)   Tobin, Mary Luke, SL.  "Awareness for Searchers." Rev. of Silence on Fire: The Prayer of Awareness" by William H. Shannon. 24-25. 
 Issue 17:1   (Winter 1992)     "Two Poems Occasioned by ITMS General Meetings."    20-21. 
 Issue 17:1   (Winter 1992)   Tuoti, Frank X.  "Merton for Beginners." Rev. of Living with Wisdom: A Life of Thomas Merton by Jim Forest. 22-23. 
 Issue 16:4   (Fall 1991)   Sweeney, Jonathan.  "Lines on Gene and Father Louie." [poem]    24. 
 Issue 16:4   (Fall 1991)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Of Merton and Dreams."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 16:4   (Fall 1991)   Tuoti, Frank X.  "Mozart and the Birds." [poem]    4. 
 Issue 16:4   (Fall 1991)   Scovel, Carl.  "Mozart, Merton and Karl Barth: A Sermon Delivered at King's Chapel, Boston, Massachusetts. July 1991    5-8.  Full Text
 Issue 16:4   (Fall 1991)   Gordy, Rose.  "I Dream (?) of Louie." [poem]    8. 
 Issue 16:4   (Fall 1991)   Waldron, Robert G.  "Merton's Dreams: A Jungian Analysis."    11-23.  Full Text
 Issue 16:4   (Fall 1991)   Quenon, Paul, OCSO.  "Merton in Apparition." Rev. of Father Louie: Photographs of Thomas Merton by Ralph Eugene Meatyard edited by Barry Magid and Ralph Eugene Meatyard: An American Visionary edited by Barbara Tannenbaum. 25-28. 
 Issue 16:4   (Fall 1991)   Hogan, Christine Jensen.  "Geraniums." [poem]    29. 
 Issue 16:4   (Fall 1991)   Thibodeau, Philippe.  "A Codicil to the Pasternak-Merton Exchange: From a Letter and a Journal Entry."    9-10.  Full Text
 Issue 16:3   (Summer 1991)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "The Tobin Tapes." Rev. of Prayer and Commitment in Thomas Merton and Prophesy and Commitment in Thomas Merton by Mary Luke Tobin, SL. 23-24. 
 Issue 16:3   (Summer 1991)   Robarge, Geoffrey M.  "To the Members of the ITMS: Reflections on the Second General Meeting of the International Thomas Merton Society."    10.  Full Text
 Issue 16:3   (Summer 1991)   Porter, J. S.  "Thomas Merton in Las Vegas."    9.  Full Text
 Issue 16:3   (Summer 1991)   Kelly, Marcia and Jack.  "Conversation with Robert Lax."    4-9.  Full Text
 Issue 16:3   (Summer 1991)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Choirs of Millions: Thomas Merton and God's Creatures."    11-17.  Full Text
 Issue 16:3   (Summer 1991)   Shannon, William H.  "Two Homilies: A Life Without Care."    18-20.  Full Text
 Issue 16:3   (Summer 1991)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Merton and His Friends."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 16:3   (Summer 1991)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "Notre Dame, Gethsemani, and Thomas Merton." Rev. of A Companion to Prayer Sung by the University of Notre Dame Folk Choir and the Monastic Schola of Gethsemani Abbey.  25-26. 
 Issue 16:3   (Summer 1991)   Sonnenberg, Barbara.  "Merton in Fiction." Rev. of Masquerade by William X. Kienzle. 26-27. 
 Issue 16:3   (Summer 1991)   Lasco, R.B.  "Cross Country." [poem]    27. 
 Issue 16:3   (Summer 1991)   Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO.  "Two Homilies: Homily 11th Sunday."    20-21.  Full Text
 Issue 16:3   (Summer 1991)   Biddle, Arthur W.  "Sanctuaries." Rev. of Sanctuaries: A Guide to Lodgings in Monasteries, Abbeys, and Retreats - The Northeast by Jack and Marcia Kelly. 22-23. 
 Issue 16:2   (Spring 1991)   Koch, William.  "Thomas Merton and Walt Whitman: Seekers of the 'Passage to India'."    15-18.  Full Text
 Issue 16:2   (Spring 1991)   Tuoti, Frank X.  "Desert Night." [poem]    4. 
 Issue 16:2   (Spring 1991)   Neal, Marianne Kane.  "The Timelessness of Merton: Thoughts on Desert Storm."    5-6.  Full Text
 Issue 16:2   (Spring 1991)   Inman, Will.  "7 March 1991 ." [poem]    7. 
 Issue 16:2   (Spring 1991)   Brown, Devin.  "Thomas Merton and Joseph Campbell: Conversion and the Hero's Departure."    11-14.  Full Text
 Issue 16:2   (Spring 1991)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Merton: The Desert and the Traveler."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 16:2   (Spring 1991)   Young, Glenn Anthony.  "First Encounter with Merton." [poem]    19. 
 Issue 16:2   (Spring 1991)   Milligan, Mary, RSHM.  "A Letter to Brother Louie." Rev. of The School of Charity: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 20-22. 
 Issue 16:2   (Spring 1991)   Downey, Michael.  "The Third Collection of Merton Letters." Rev. of The School of Charity: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 23-25. 
 Issue 16:2   (Spring 1991)   Anderholm, Judith.  "Thomas Merton and Aldous Huxley: The Springboard of Ends and Means."    8-10.  Full Text
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   Del Prete, Thomas.  "Thomas Merton on Mark Van Doren:A Portrait of Teaching and Spiritual Growth."    16-18.  Full Text
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   Cohen, Ingrid.  "The Jenkins House and Zion Episcopal Church in 1990 Douglaston, Long Island, New York. A Photo Essay."    4-5.  Full Text
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Merton and Initiation: Being 'Educated' and Educating."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   Grip, Robert.  "Pop's Office: A Reminiscence. Interview with Helen Kelly Phares."    6-10.  Full Text
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   Merton, John J.  "Two Letters About Thomas Merton (1 of 2)."    11-12.  Full Text
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   Winser, Andrew.  "Two Letters About Thomas Merton (2 of 2)."    12-13.  Full Text
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   Guli, Francesca.  "Merton's Camera." [poem]    13. 
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   Grip, Robert.  "Two Merton Schools: Learning about Merton High."    14-15.  Full Text
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   Young, Gary, CR.  "Two Merton Schools: The Thomas Merton Academy."    15.  Full Text
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   Sweeney, Jonathan.  "A Poem for Conscience: January 1991 ." [poem]    18. 
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   Rice, Daniel.  "Merton on Education." Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Education of the Whole Person by Thomas Del Prete. 19-21. 
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   Sonnenberg, Barbara.  "Merton in Capsule Form." Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Selection from His Writings edited by Aileen Taylor. 21. 
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   Baciu, Stefan.  "Thomas Merton in Panama: A Commentary on Tobias Diaz Blaitry's Cuatro Poemas de Thomas Merton."    22-23.  Full Text
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   McIntyre, Joan.  "Hymn to a T." [poem]    31. 
 Issue 16:1   (Winter 1991)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Thomas Merton in Belgium: A Report to the ITMS."    24-25.  Full Text
 Issue 15:4   (Fall 1990)   Kramer, Victor A.  "A Call for Additional Oral History: Merton, The Guestmaster, 'The Fat Boy,' and Monasticism."    20-23.  Full Text
 Issue 15:4   (Fall 1990)   Moon, William Least Heat.  "A Visit to Holy Spirit Monastery: Excerpts from Blue Highways: A Journey into America."    4-6.  Full Text
 Issue 15:4   (Fall 1990)   Brand, Edmund, OCSO.  "A Tribute to Thomas Merton." [poem]    7-9.  Full Text
 Issue 15:4   (Fall 1990)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Merton Connections: The Monastery of the Holy Spirit, Bobbie K. Owens, Least Heat Moon, and The Fourteen Carat Molehill."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 15:4   (Fall 1990)   Albert, John, OCSO.  "Merton's Life As 'Monastic    10-16.  Full Text
 Issue 15:4   (Fall 1990)   Albert, John, OCSO.  "Three Poems in the Spirit of Lograire and Cables to the Ace." [poem]    16-19. 
 Issue 15:4   (Fall 1990)   Pearson, Paul M.  "Merton the Dreamer." Rev. of The Hidden Journey: Reflections on a Dream by Thomas Merton by Melvyn Matthews. 25-26. 
 Issue 15:4   (Fall 1990)   Sonnenberg, Barbara.  "Merton the Peacemaker." Rev. of Our God is Nonviolent: Witnesses in the Struggle for Peace and Justice by John Dear. 26-27. 
 Issue 15:4   (Fall 1990)   Rice, Edward.  "Merton Issues: A Letter to the Editor."    31. 
 Issue 15:4   (Fall 1990)   Irish, Marc.  "Collecting Merton."    23-24.  Full Text
 Issue 15:3   (Summer 1990)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "The Center Dialogue." Rev. of Preview of the Asian Journey by Thomas Merton. 23-24. 
 Issue 15:3   (Summer 1990)   Dockery, Wilda.  "To Thomas Merton." [poem]    29. 
 Issue 15:3   (Summer 1990)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Thomas Merton and the East: A Reflection."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 15:3   (Summer 1990)   Thurston, Burton B.  "Merton's Reflections on Sufism."    4-7.  Full Text
 Issue 15:3   (Summer 1990)   Pearson, Paul M.  "Journey to Sri Lanka and Three Poems."    8-11.  Full Text
 Issue 15:3   (Summer 1990)   Merton, Thomas.  "Merton's Words in China."    12.  Full Text
 Issue 15:3   (Summer 1990)   Pennington, M. Basil, OCSO.  "Merton's Bell Rings Out in Thailand."    13-14.  Full Text
 Issue 15:3   (Summer 1990)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Six Haiku." [poem]    15. 
 Issue 15:3   (Summer 1990)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "Thomas Merton and Eastern Religions: A Bibliography."    16-21.  Full Text
 Issue 15:3   (Summer 1990)   Villasana, Ana.  "Of Merton and the East: A Letter to the ITMS."    22.  Full Text
 Issue 15:3   (Summer 1990)   Hall, Wade.  "A Discerning Essayist." Rev. of Random Essays: Recollections of a Publisher by James Laughlin. 25-26. 
 Issue 15:3   (Summer 1990)   Young, Gary, CR.  "Iconostasis for Novices." Rev. of Modern Spiritual Writers: Their Legacies of Prayer by Charles J. Healey, SJ. 27-29. 
 Issue 15:3   (Summer 1990)   Boyd, Virginia.  "Thomas Merton." [poem]    21. 
 Issue 15:2   (Spring 1990)   Dear, John.  "Merton as Catholic Romantic." Rev. of The Catholic Counterculture in America, 1933-1962 by James Terence Fisher. 18-20. 
 Issue 15:2   (Spring 1990)   Doriot, Jeanne, SP.  "Two Poems." [poem]    12-13. 
 Issue 15:2   (Spring 1990)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  "Thomas Merton: Firewatcher."    6-11.  Full Text
 Issue 15:2   (Spring 1990)   Sisto, Richard; interviewing Fred Hicks.  "The Significance of the Firewatch Quilt."    3-5.  Full Text
 Issue 15:2   (Spring 1990)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Thomas Merton's 'Muse of Fire'."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 15:2   (Spring 1990)   Voiles, Kenneth M.  "The Colorization of Thomas Merton: An Open Letter to the ITMS."    16-17.  Full Text
 Issue 15:2   (Spring 1990)   Koch, William.  "Quixotic Merton." Rev. of Enchantments: Religion and the Power of the Word by Thomas M. King. 22-25. 
 Issue 15:2   (Spring 1990)   Paguio, Erlinda G.  "Merton: Sparked by the Meister." Rev. of The Spark in the Soul: Spirituality and Social Justice by Terry Tastard. 25-27. 
 Issue 15:2   (Spring 1990)   Moe, Rusty C.  "Giving Voice to the Fire: A Commentary on Thomas Brooks' A Moment of Love."    14-16.  Full Text
 Issue 15:2   (Spring 1990)   King, Thomas M., SJ.  "Berrigan: Artist and Activist." Rev. of The Writings of Daniel Berrigan by Ross Labrie. 20-22. 
 Issue 15:1   (Winter 1990)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Storm and Wind." [poem]    22. 
 Issue 15:1   (Winter 1990)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Women and Merton - ITMS General Meeting Reflections."    2.  Full Text
 Issue 15:1   (Winter 1990)   Lauridson, James R.  "Merton and the Feminine: A Reflection."    3-5.  Full Text
 Issue 15:1   (Winter 1990)   Felhoelter, M. Clarita, OSU.  "After Reading Merton - Three Poems." [poem]    6-8. 
 Issue 15:1   (Winter 1990)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "'The Woman Thing'."    9-14.  Full Text
 Issue 15:1   (Winter 1990)   Malits, Elena, CSC.  "The Meaning of The Seven Storey Mountain."    17-21.  Full Text
 Issue 15:1   (Winter 1990)   LoGrasso, Beverly Anne, OSU.  "Musings on Mystical, Musical Merton, Maker of World Community: After the First General Meeting."    23-25.  Full Text
 Issue 15:1   (Winter 1990)   Drane, Stephen.  "Merton-Flirtin'." [poem]    25. 
 Issue 15:1   (Winter 1990)   Ferry, Wilbur Hugh.  "Notes on Walter Capps' Preview of the Asian Journey."    26-28. 
 Issue 15:1   (Winter 1990)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "A Concrete Poem from Munx Pond." [poem]    28. 
 Issue 15:1   (Winter 1990)     "A Letter from George Bush."    16.  Full Text
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)     "Thomas Merton and Alfred B. Hailparn: Two Recently Discovered Letters Concerning the 1937 Columbian."    4-5.  Full Text
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)   Irish, Marc.  "For Merton." [poem]    26. 
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Of Grace, Mystery, and Joy: The Second Volume of The Merton Letters."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "Thomas Merton in Cuba and Ceylon: In His End is His Beginning."    19-20.  Full Text
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)     "Images of Friendship: A Photo Essay."    6-7. 
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)     "The Road to Joy: A Review Symposium."    8-19. 
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)   Casey, Michael, OCSO.  "Fresh and Readable Letters."    8-9. 
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)   Grip, Robert.  "Different People, Different Levels."    10-12. 
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)   Richardson, Jane Marie, SL.  "Sturdy Shelter."    12-15. 
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)   Van Waes, Bernard.  "Mailbox Number 5 ."    15-19. 
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)   Hessel, Paige E M.  "Twenty-One Years Too Late." [poem]    21. 
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)   Voiles, Kenneth M.  "In the Silence" and "The Monk's Way." [poem]    22-23. 
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)   Biddle, Arthur W.  "New and Old Friendships." Rev. of Monk's Pond: Thomas Merton's 'Little Magazine' by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Robert E. Daggy, afterword by Patrick Hart. 24-26. 
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)     "Three Poems by Younger Merton Readers."    21-23. 
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)   Ruttle, Paul, CP.  "A Scholarly 'Good Read'." Rev. of Thomas Merton's Art of Denial: The Evolution of a Radical Humanist by David D. Cooper. 27-29. 
 Issue 14:4   (Fall 1989)     "J. S. Porter replies to Patrick F. O'Connell's Review of The Thomas Merton Poems."    29. 
 Issue 14:3   (Summer 1989)   Shannon, William H.  "The Farmer from Nelson County."    3-7.  Full Text
 Issue 14:3   (Summer 1989)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: After the First General Meeting of the ITMS."    2.  Full Text
 Issue 14:3   (Summer 1989)     "Two Homilies from the ITMS General Meeting."    8-12. 
 Issue 14:3   (Summer 1989)   Burns, Flavian, OCSO.  "'Do This in Memory of Me': Homily for the Feast of Corpus Christi Commemorating Thomas Merton, Abbey of Gethsemani, 28 May 1989 ."    8-9.  Full Text
 Issue 14:3   (Summer 1989)   McGuire, Paul J., SCJ.  "'Merton's Secret': Homily for the Fortieth Anniversary of Thomas Merton's Ordination, St. Robert Chapel, Bellarmine College, 26 May 1989 ."    10-12.  Full Text
 Issue 14:3   (Summer 1989)   Batholomew, Martha.  "Seeds for Generation." [poem]    13. 
 Issue 14:3   (Summer 1989)   Moe, Rusty C.  "Pants, Breath and the General Dance: Thomas Merton's Ordinary Grace."    14-17.  Full Text
 Issue 14:3   (Summer 1989)   Pearson, Paul M.  "From a Brother of Another Communion." Rev. of Soul Friends: A Journey with Thomas Merton by Brother Ramon, SSF. 20-21. 
 Issue 14:3   (Summer 1989)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "A Caravan for Merton." Rev. of The Thomas Merton Poems: A Caravan of Poems by J. S. Porter. 22-25. 
 Issue 14:3   (Summer 1989)   Biddle, Arthur W.  "Hours: Gethsemani (for Robert Lax)." [poem]    25. 
 Issue 14:3   (Summer 1989)   Patterson, Jodi, OCD.  "'I Am Here in Answer to Someone's Prayer'." Rev. of Thomas Merton in Alaska: Prelude to the Asian Journal; The Alaskan Conferences, Journals and Letters by Thomas Merton. 18-20. 
 Issue 14:2   (Spring 1989)   Ray, Ronald D.  "Narrow Way: A Poem." [poem]    14-15. 
 Issue 14:2   (Spring 1989)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Merton: Kentucky Writers, Artists and Events."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 14:2   (Spring 1989)     "Victor Kramer Replies to Michael Higgins's Review of Thomas Merton: Monk and Artist."    27. 
 Issue 14:2   (Spring 1989)   Engelberg, Joseph.  "Two Monks: A Visit to Dom James Fox's Hermitage and Old Monk."    10-13.  Full Text
 Issue 14:2   (Spring 1989)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  "Merton Reflects." Rev. of "Honorable Reader:" Reflections on My Work edited by Robert E. Daggy. 16-17. 
 Issue 14:2   (Spring 1989)   Shannon, William H.  "No Thomas Merton." Rev. of Up and Down Merton's Mountain: A Contemporary Spiritual Journey by Gerald Groves. 20-22. 
 Issue 14:2   (Spring 1989)   Brooks, Anne Page.  "Job and Thomas Merton: Their Experiences of God and the Realization of Integrity."    4-9.  Full Text
 Issue 14:2   (Spring 1989)   English, John C.  "Three Plays." Rev. of Conscience and Conflict: A Trilogy of One-Act Plays: Thomas Merton, Pope John XXIII, Martin Luther by Anthony T. Padovano. 18-19. 
 Issue 14:1   (Winter 1989)   Quenon, Paul, OCSO.  "No Need for Verbs." Rev. of Monks Pond, Old Hermit, Hai!: A Haiku Homage to Thomas Merton by Ron Seitz. 18-19. 
 Issue 14:1   (Winter 1989)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Merton: Islands, The New Yorker, and Other Connections."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 14:1   (Winter 1989)   Kocka, David.  "A Song of Syllables: Merton an Artist in Art."    4-9.  Full Text
 Issue 14:1   (Winter 1989)   Burne, Martin J, OSB.  "Some Thoughts on the Early Poetry of Thomas Merton: Reading 'The Quickening of St. John the Baptist'."    10-14.  Full Text
 Issue 14:1   (Winter 1989)   Koch, William.  "Realized Eschatology in Merton's A Vow of Conversation."    16-17.  Full Text
 Issue 14:1   (Winter 1989)   Lee, Cyrus.  "'I Speak as Your Own Self'." Rev. of Chi Chung Shan: Mu-Duen Tze Chuan by Thomas Merton. 20-21. 
 Issue 14:1   (Winter 1989)   Porter, J. S.  "Two Poems." [poem]    15. 
 Issue 13:4   (Fall 1988)   Fisher, James T.  "A Critical Period in Merton's Life." Rev. of A Vow of Conversation: Journals 1964-1965.  8-9. 
 Issue 13:4   (Fall 1988)   Biddle, Arthur W.  "A Rich Merton Album." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 1.  16-18. 
 Issue 13:4   (Fall 1988)   MacCormick, Chalmers.  "A Meeting of Hearts." Rev. of Encounter: Thomas Merton and D.T. Suzuki edited by Robert E. Daggy. 6-7. 
 Issue 13:4   (Fall 1988)   Trunfull, Patricia.  "Merton at Brooke: A Photo-Essay."    4-5.  Full Text
 Issue 13:4   (Fall 1988)   McLaughlin, Thomas, OSB.  "A Direct Glimpse of Merton." Rev. of A Vow of Conversation: Journals 1964-1965 by Thomas Merton. 10-11. 
 Issue 13:4   (Fall 1988)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Thomas Merton (1915-1968): Conferences, Commemorations, Festivals, Books, Articles, and Festschrifts Twenty Years Later."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 13:4   (Fall 1988)   Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO.  "The Humanism of Thomas Merton." Rev. of Toward an Integrated Humanity: Thomas Merton's Journey edited by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO. 19-21. 
 Issue 13:4   (Fall 1988)   Higgins, Michael W.  "A Gentle and Gracious Critic." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Monk and Artist by Victor A. Kramer. 22-23. 
 Issue 13:4   (Fall 1988)   Merritt, Justine.  "For Thomas Merton: A Poem." [poem]    12-13. 
 Issue 13:4   (Fall 1988)   Padovano, Anthony T.  "The Maturity of Merton Studies." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 1.  14-15. 
 Issue 13:3   (Summer 1988)   Tuoti, Frank X.  "Merton A Saint? Why Not?!"    22.  Full Text
 Issue 13:3   (Summer 1988)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "Merton's Alaskan Trek." Rev. of The Alaskan Journal of Thomas Merton edited by Robert E. Daggy. 18-20. 
 Issue 13:3   (Summer 1988)   Quenon, Paul, OCSO.  "The Merton Tree Revisited: A Photo-Essay."    16-17.  Full Text
 Issue 13:3   (Summer 1988)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "A World Away (for the Monks at Gethsemani Abbey)." [poem]    15. 
 Issue 13:3   (Summer 1988)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Tracking Merton in the U.K."    10-15.  Full Text
 Issue 13:3   (Summer 1988)   Buchanan, William.  "Merton's Asian Trail: Some Travel Notes."    6-9.  Full Text
 Issue 13:3   (Summer 1988)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: In Pursuit of Thomas Merton."    2-5.  Full Text
 Issue 13:2   (Spring 1988)   Rukstelis, Michael, CO.  "The Pasture (Thomas Merton's Heart)." [poem]    9. 
 Issue 13:2   (Spring 1988)   Stevens, Clifford.  "Two Letters of Thomas Merton."    5-8.  Full Text
 Issue 13:2   (Spring 1988)   Lewis, Gloria Kitto.  "Thomas Merton's Myth for Modern Times: A Tale of the City."    10-15.  Full Text
 Issue 13:2   (Spring 1988)   Grip, Robert.  "Merton's Foresight." Rev. of Thomas Merton on Nuclear Weapons by Ronald E. Powaski. 16-17. 
 Issue 13:2   (Spring 1988)   Barbehenn, Dorothy J.  "Too Serious A Brother Monk: A Letter to the Editor."    19.  Full Text
 Issue 13:2   (Spring 1988)     "A Letter from William H. Shannon."    3-4.  Full Text
 Issue 13:2   (Spring 1988)   Stone, Rob.  "A Hermitage Experience." Rev. of A Retreat with Thomas Merton by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO. 17-18. 
 Issue 13:1   (Winter 1988)   Imperato, Robert.  "Thomas Merton and Daniel Clark Walsh."    2-5.  Full Text
 Issue 13:1   (Winter 1988)   McGuire, Paul J., SCJ.  "'Your Own Self'." Rev. of A Search for Wisdom and Spirit: Thomas Merton's Theology of the Self by Anne E. Carr. 18-20. 
 Issue 13:1   (Winter 1988)   Holloway, James Y.  "A Thomas Merton Symposium." Rev. of The Kentucky Review (Vol. VII, No 2, Summer 1987).  16-17. 
 Issue 13:1   (Winter 1988)   Ford, John H.  "A Lasting and Productive Relationship." Rev. of Merton and Walsh on the Person by Robert Imperato. 14-15. 
 Issue 13:1   (Winter 1988)   Johnson, Susan Matthis.  "Three Poems." [poem]    9-12. 
 Issue 13:1   (Winter 1988)   Sisto, Richard.  "The Simple Gifts of Merton."    6-8.  Full Text
 Issue 12:4   (Fall 1987)     "Grains of Sand: An Interview with Richard Moir."    3-8.  Full Text
 Issue 12:4   (Fall 1987)   Lee, Cyrus.  "Teaching Thomas Merton in China."    9-13.  Full Text
 Issue 12:4   (Fall 1987)   Pounder, Joe.  "Journey Notes: Poems." [poem]    14-15. 
 Issue 12:4   (Fall 1987)   Albert, John, OCSO.  "Thomas Merton and the Dalai Lama: A Special Friendship Remembered."    19-23.  Full Text
 Issue 12:4   (Fall 1987)   Remele, Kurt.  "'Das ist Mein Personliches Gefuhl': A Conversation with Brother Patrick Hart."    16-18.  Full Text
 Issue 12:3   (Summer 1987)   Quenon, Paul, OCSO.  "Contemporary Hagiography." Rev. of Thomas Merton, Brother Monk: The Quest for True Freedom by M. Basil Pennington. 20-21. 
 Issue 12:3   (Summer 1987)   Driskell, Leon V.  "Momentary Stays." Rev. of Death Eat by Ron Seitz. 17-19. 
 Issue 12:3   (Summer 1987)   Seitz, Ron.  "Two Poems from Death Eat." [poem]    13-16. 
 Issue 12:3   (Summer 1987)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Dom James and 'Good Father Louis': A Reminiscence."    6-12.  Full Text
 Issue 12:3   (Summer 1987)   Kelty, Matthew, OCSO.  "On Dom James."    4-5.  Full Text
 Issue 12:3   (Summer 1987)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "The Passage of Abbot James Fox."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 12:2   (Spring 1987)   Plank, Karl A.  "Anamnesis." Rev. of Thomas Merton: First and Last Memories by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 2-3. 
 Issue 12:2   (Spring 1987)   Lipsey, Roger.  "Eyes for Art."    10-11.  Full Text
 Issue 12:2   (Spring 1987)   Fullerton, Timothy.  "Easter at Gethsemani." [poem]    12. 
 Issue 12:2   (Spring 1987)   Daggy, Robert E.  "The Three Temptations of Thomas Merton." Rev. of The Tragedy of Thomas Merton by Alice Jordain Von Hildebrand. 13-15.  Full Text
 Issue 12:2   (Spring 1987)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "Writing in the Spirit of Merton." Rev. of Moving in the Spirit: Becoming a Contemplative in Action by Richard J. Hauser, SJ. 20-21. 
 Issue 12:2   (Spring 1987)   Finley, Mitch.  "Once My Merry Friend." Rev. of The Selected Letters of Mark Van Doren edited by George Hendrick. 16-19. 
 Issue 12:2   (Spring 1987)   O'Connell, Patrick F.  "Sunken Islands: Two and One-Fifth Unpublished Merton Poems."    4-9.  Full Text
 Issue 12:1   (Winter 1987)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "Thomas Merton as a Paradigm of Christian Conversion." Rev. of Christian Conversion: A Developmental Interpretation of Autonomy and Surrender by Walter E. Conn. 18-19. 
 Issue 12:1   (Winter 1987)   Magner, James Edmund, Jr.  "Spring of the Night (To Thomas Merton, Father Louis OCSO)." [poem]    17. 
 Issue 12:1   (Winter 1987)   Magner, James Edmund, Jr.  "A Letter of Thomas Merton."    15-16.  Full Text
 Issue 12:1   (Winter 1987)   Albert, John, OCSO.  "Two Studies in Chuang Tzu: Thomas Merton and Oscar Wilde."    5-14.  Full Text
 Issue 12:1   (Winter 1987)     "Chuang Tzu: Two Renderings."    4.  Full Text
 Issue 12:1   (Winter 1987)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Bridge-Building: Merton Renderings and Renderings of Merton."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 11:4   (Fall 1986)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  "The Black Painting in the Hermit Hatch: A Note on Thomas Merton and Ad Reinhardt."    10-12.  Full Text
 Issue 11:4   (Fall 1986)   Yarran, Willie.  "Seeing Through Language: Thomas Merton's Contemplation of Hidden Wholeness With a Perspective from Ludwig Wittgenstein."    2-9.  Full Text
 Issue 11:4   (Fall 1986)   Inman, Will.  "Reachers and Bringers." [poem]    13. 
 Issue 11:4   (Fall 1986)   Padovano, Anthony T.  "Eighteen Poems: A Commentary." Rev. of Eighteen Poems by Thomas Merton. 14-15.  Full Text
 Issue 11:4   (Fall 1986)   Kronenberg, James M.  "Thomas Merton's Love and Living." Rev. of Love and Living by Thomas Merton. 16-19.  Full Text
 Issue 11:4   (Fall 1986)   Stone, Rob.  "A Healthy Legacy." Rev. of The Legacy of Thomas Merton edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 21. 
 Issue 11:4   (Fall 1986)   Padovano, Anthony T.  "A Worthy Effort." Rev. of The Legacy of Thomas Merton edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 20. 
 Issue 11:3   (Summer 1986)   Merton, Owen.  "At Dawn." [poem]    9.  Full Text
 Issue 11:3   (Summer 1986)   Pennington, M. Basil, OCSO.  "Frisbee Smiles." Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Comprehensive Bibliography compiled and edited by Marquita E. Breit and Robert E. Daggy. 18-19. 
 Issue 11:3   (Summer 1986)   Callard, D.A.  "Father of the Man: An Investigation into the Roots of Thomas Merton."    5-8.  Full Text
 Issue 11:3   (Summer 1986)   Merton, Owen.  "An Owen Merton Letter."    10-11.  Full Text
 Issue 11:3   (Summer 1986)   Weaver, Mary Jo.  "'An Honorable, Good Man?'" Rev. of "Pretty Good for a Woman": The Enigmas of Evelyn Scott by D. A. Callard 12-13.  Full Text
 Issue 11:3   (Summer 1986)   Rice, Edward.  "Accuracy in Merton: A Plan for Getting the Facts Right."    14-15.  Full Text
 Issue 11:3   (Summer 1986)   Shannon, William H.  "'All-The-Things-You-Wanted-To-Know-About-Merton'." Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Comprehensive Bibliography compiled and edited by Marquita E. Breit and Robert E. Daggy. 16-17. 
 Issue 11:3   (Summer 1986)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: 'A Great Soul': Owen Merton May 14, 1887 - January 18, 1931 ."    2-4.  Full Text
 Issue 11:2   (Spring 1986)   Patnaik, Deba Prasad.  "Emotions in Tranquility." Rev. of The Gethsemani Poems by Ron Seitz. 18-19. 
 Issue 11:2   (Spring 1986)   Quenon, Paul, OCSO.  "Seitz Say." Rev. of The Gethsemani Poems by Ron Seitz. 16-17. 
 Issue 11:2   (Spring 1986)   Wilkes, Paul.  "The Merton Challenge." Rev. of Thomas Merton: The Development of a Spiritual Theologian by Donald Grayston. 14-15. 
 Issue 11:2   (Spring 1986)   Hinson, E. Glenn.  "Service to Mertonphiles." Rev. of Thomas Merton: The Development of a Spiritual Theologian by Donald Grayston. 12-13. 
 Issue 11:2   (Spring 1986)   Urwin, Ray W.  "Surely It Is God Who Saves Me."    10-11.  Full Text
 Issue 11:2   (Spring 1986)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Thomas Merton Oral History: A Beginning - A Report on Nineteen Archival Interviews."    8-9.  Full Text
 Issue 11:2   (Spring 1986)   Young, Gary, CR.  "The Prophet Merton." [poem]    7. 
 Issue 11:2   (Spring 1986)   Grayston, Donald.  "Merton's Quarrel With Kanchenjunga."    2-6.  Full Text
 Issue 11:1   (Winter 1986)   Tobin, Mary Luke, SL.  "Facets of Merton." Rev. of Getting It All Together: The Heritage of Thomas Merton edited by Timothy Mulhearn. 14-15. 
 Issue 11:1   (Winter 1986)   Grip, Robert.  "The Merton Files: Washington Watches the Monk."    5-7.  Full Text
 Issue 11:1   (Winter 1986)   Pennington, M. Basil, OCSO.  "The Merton Collection at Boston College."    8-10.  Full Text
 Issue 11:1   (Winter 1986)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "Gethsemani Abbey." [poem]    12-13. 
 Issue 11:1   (Winter 1986)     "A Merton Symposium at Kalamazoo: May 8- May 11, 1986 ."    18-19.  Full Text
 Issue 11:1   (Winter 1986)   Broos, Constant.  "A Belgian Merton Symposium."    16-17.  Full Text
 Issue 11:1   (Winter 1986)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Merton Smorgasbord: A 'Feast' of Merton Projects for 1986 ."    2-4.  Full Text
 Issue 10:4   (Fall 1985)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Merton and His Boswells: Four Essays on Recently Published and Reprinted 'Biographies' - Biographer Like Me." Rev. of Follow the Ecstasy by John Howard Griffin. 6-8.  Full Text
 Issue 10:4   (Fall 1985)   Carr, Virginia Spencer.  "Merton and His Boswells: Four Essays on Recently Published and Reprinted 'Biographies' - Anti-Hero of Many Faces." Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton by Michael Mott. 5-6.  Full Text
 Issue 10:4   (Fall 1985)   Hauser, Richard J., SJ.  "Merton and His Boswells: Four Essays on Recently Published and Reprinted 'Biographies' - A Personal Interpretation." Rev. of The Human Journey by Anthony T. Padovano. 9.  Full Text
 Issue 10:4   (Fall 1985)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "Merton and His Boswells: Four Essays on Recently Published and Reprinted 'Biographies' - Zacchaeus, Make Haste." Rev. of The Man in the Sycamore Tree by Edward Rice. 9-11.  Full Text
 Issue 10:4   (Fall 1985)   Seitz, Ron.  "Four Poems from The Gethsemani Poems." [poem]    12-15. 
 Issue 10:4   (Fall 1985)   Cunningham, Lawrence S.  "Sophianic Criticism." Rev. of The Literary Essays of Thomas Merton edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 18-20. 
 Issue 10:4   (Fall 1985)   King, Thomas M., SJ.  "Thomas Merton on Pierre Teilhard De Chardin."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 10:4   (Fall 1985)   Hall, Wade.  "A Southern Catholic Novelist Speaks." Rev. of Conversations with Walker Percy edited by Lewis A. Larson and Victor A. Kramer. 16-17. 
 Issue 10:3   (Summer 1985)   Nelson, Raymond.  "The Mail from Tunis, Probably." Rev. of The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns edited by William H. Shannon. 16-19.  Full Text
 Issue 10:3   (Summer 1985)   Shannon, William H.  "Thomas Merton's First Article on War and Peace."    4-5.  Full Text
 Issue 10:3   (Summer 1985)   Merton, Thomas.  "Centered on Faith: An Excerpt."    6.  Full Text
 Issue 10:3   (Summer 1985)   Cooper, David D.  "Confession and Catharsis." Rev. of The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns edited by William H. Shannon. 7-11.  Full Text
 Issue 10:3   (Summer 1985)   Malits, Elena, CSC.  "A Testimony of Confidence and Friendship." Rev. of The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns edited by William H. Shannon. 14-15.  Full Text
 Issue 10:3   (Summer 1985)   Berrigan, Daniel, SJ.  "Seeds of Fire: Fragment from Block Island." [poem]    20.  Full Text
 Issue 10:3   (Summer 1985)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: William Shannon and the Merton Letters: The First Selection."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 10:3   (Summer 1985)   Kelty, Matthew, OCSO.  "Merton: Monitoring Self." Rev. of The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns edited by William H. Shannon. 12-13.  Full Text
 Issue 10:2   (Spring 1985)   Quenon, Paul, OCSO.  "More Geography from Lograire." [poem]    7. 
 Issue 10:2   (Spring 1985)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: An Encomium for Raymond Treece; Reviews By and About Victor Kramer; and a Huzza from Michael Mott."    8-9.  Full Text
 Issue 10:2   (Spring 1985)     "Elderhostel 1985: 'Continued Growth with Age'."    10-11.  Full Text
 Issue 10:2   (Spring 1985)   Farce, Gilles.  "Different Drummer: Thomas Merton and Henry Thoreau."    2-6.  Full Text
 Issue 10:2   (Spring 1985)   Greenfield, Thomas A.  "One Man Merton." Rev. of Winter Rain: Six Images of Thomas Merton by Anthony T. Padovano. 12-13. 
 Issue 10:2   (Spring 1985)   Leax, John.  "Unifying Merton." Rev. of Thomas Merton by Victor A. Kramer. 18-19. 
 Issue 10:2   (Spring 1985)   Burns, Flavian, OCSO.  "The Merton I Knew." Rev. of Thomas Merton by Victor A. Kramer. 16-17. 
 Issue 10:2   (Spring 1985)   Kramer, Victor A.  "Merton: Talk for a Television Program." Rev. of Merton, By Those Who Knew Him Best edited by Paul Wilkes. 14-15. 
 Issue 10:1   (Winter 1985)   Mott, Michael.  "Tarn." [poem].    11. 
 Issue 10:1   (Winter 1985)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Seventy Years and Seven Mountains: A Review-Symposium of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton, by Michael Mott."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 10:1   (Winter 1985)   Allchin, A. M.  "Whale of a Book." Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton by Michael Mott. 4-5.  Full Text
 Issue 10:1   (Winter 1985)   Rice, Edward.  "Trivia Game. Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton by Michael Mott. 8-10.  Full Text
 Issue 10:1   (Winter 1985)   Crews, Clyde F.  "Benchmark Reading." Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton by Michael Mott. 12-13.  Full Text
 Issue 10:1   (Winter 1985)   Labrie, Ross.  "Man in Motion." Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton by Michael Mott. 14-15.  Full Text
 Issue 10:1   (Winter 1985)   Forest, James H.  "Various Identities." Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton by Michael Mott. 16-18.  Full Text
 Issue 10:1   (Winter 1985)   Haughton, Rosemary.  "Two Questions." Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton by Michael Mott. 6-7.  Full Text
 Issue 9:3   (Fall 1984)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "A Merton Commentary." Rev. of Contemplation and Compassion: Thomas Merton's Vision by Anthony Thomas Padovano. 16.  Full Text
 Issue 9:3   (Fall 1984)   Goerg, Frank.  "Mertonoia." [poem]    15. 
 Issue 9:3   (Fall 1984)   Marty, Martin E.  "Thomas Merton: Pathfinder."    14.  Full Text
 Issue 9:3   (Fall 1984)   Ryan, Gregory J.  "'Who Is It That Has A Transcendent Experience?': Main's Meditator as Merton's No-One."    11-13.  Full Text
 Issue 9:3   (Fall 1984)   Albert, John, OCSO.  "Mind Guards Against White Knight: Thomas Merton and Bob Dylan."    4-10.  Full Text
 Issue 9:3   (Fall 1984)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Preview: Five Merton Publications."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 9:2   (Summer 1984)   Seitz, Ron.  "Signature: In Memory of Thomas Merton." [poem]    11. 
 Issue 9:2   (Summer 1984)   Osborn, Don R.  "Evolutionary Epistemology, Meditation, and Merton."    12-13.  Full Text
 Issue 9:2   (Summer 1984)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Of Films, Courses and Hostels: Merton Films, Merton Courses and Weeks with Thomas Merton (Naturally)."    4-5.  Full Text
 Issue 9:2   (Summer 1984)   Pennington, M. Basil, OCSO.  "Gift of Rare Value." Rev. of Merton: A Film Biography by Paul Wilkes and Audrey L. Glynn. 2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 9:2   (Summer 1984)   Stone, Naomi Burton.  "New and Enlarged." Rev. of Thomas Merton/Monk: A Monastic Tribute edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 16-17.  Full Text
 Issue 9:2   (Summer 1984)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "Review of Criticism of Thomas Merton's Poetry."    6-10.  Full Text
 Issue 9:2   (Summer 1984)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "New Phase of Merton Studies." Rev. of Letters from Tom: A Selection of Letters from Father Thomas Merton, Monk of Gethsemani, to W. H. Ferry, 1961-1968 edited by W. H. Ferry. 14-15.  Full Text
 Issue 9:1   (Winter-Spring 1984)   Pounder, Joe.  "Two Poems." [poem]    8-9. 
 Issue 9:1   (Winter-Spring 1984)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Merton: Views and Re-Views."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 9:1   (Winter-Spring 1984)   MacCormick, Chalmers.  "Eastern Exposure." Rev. of Thomas Merton and Asia: His Quest for Utopia by Alexander Lipski. 6-7.  Full Text
 Issue 9:1   (Winter-Spring 1984)   Abdelnour, M. Madeline, SCN.  "Prophet of Justice and Peace." Rev. of The Social Thought of Thomas Merton by Rev. David W. Givey. 10-11.  Full Text
 Issue 9:1   (Winter-Spring 1984)   Higgins, Michael W.  "Testament of Griffin's Friendship." Rev. of Follow the Ecstasy: Thomas Merton, The Hermitage Years, 1965-68 by John Howard Griffin. 12-14.  Full Text
 Issue 9:1   (Winter-Spring 1984)     "Elderhostel 1984: 'Continued Growth with Age'."    14-15.  Full Text
 Issue 9:1   (Winter-Spring 1984)   Ruttle, Paul, CP.  "Book of Meditations." Rev. of Blaze of Recognition: Through the Year with Thomas Merton: Daily Meditations selected edited by Thomas P. McDonnell. 4-5.  Full Text
 Issue 8:3   (Fall 1983)     "Thomas Merton Symposium."    10.  Full Text
 Issue 8:3   (Fall 1983)   Shannon, William H.  "A Review." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Pilgrim in Process edited by Donald Grayston and Michael W. Higgins. 8-9.  Full Text
 Issue 8:3   (Fall 1983)   Grayston, Donald.  "Thomas Merton and Family Violence."    4-7.  Full Text
 Issue 8:3   (Fall 1983)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Merton: The 'Canadian Connection'."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 8:2   (Summer 1983)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Journey to Publication: Bringing Woods, Shore, Desert into Print."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 8:2   (Summer 1983)   Weishaus, Joel.  "Mountain Haiku." [poem]    10. 
 Issue 8:2   (Summer 1983)     "Elderhostel, Elderhostel, Elderhostel: A Week With Thomas Merton, June 26 - July 2, 1983 ."    8-9.  Full Text
 Issue 8:2   (Summer 1983)   Cooper, David D.  "'That I Should Die Under Lesser Trees.'" Rev. of Woods, Shore, Desert: A Notebook, May 1968 by Thomas Merton. 4-7.  Full Text
 Issue 8:1   (Winter-Spring 1983)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Mei Teng, The Silent Lamp: Thomas Merton and China."    2, 9.  Full Text
 Issue 8:1   (Winter-Spring 1983)   Lee, Cyrus.  "Thomas Merton's Imitation of Chuang Tzu."    3-8.  Full Text
 Issue 8:1   (Winter-Spring 1983)   Wu, John Chin Hsung.  "Reading Father Merton's The Way of Chuang Tzu." [poem]    7. 
 Issue 8:1   (Winter-Spring 1983)   Ledbetter, J.T.  "In Memoriam for Thomas Merton" and "Gethsemani Trappist, Kentucky." [poem]    10-11. 
 Issue 7:3   (Fall 1982)   Banet, Anthony G.  "Why the Blind Lion Cries."    4-11.  Full Text
 Issue 7:3   (Fall 1982)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Thomas Merton at Bellarmine College."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 7:2   (Summer 1982)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "Photography and Prayer in Thomas Merton."    2-5.  Full Text
 Issue 7:2   (Summer 1982)   King, James.  "Message." [poem]    11.  Full Text
 Issue 7:2   (Summer 1982)     "Merton Photographs."    8-9.  Full Text
 Issue 7:2   (Summer 1982)   Lipsey, Roger.  "Thomas Merton's Calligraphies."    7.  Full Text
 Issue 7:1   (Winter-Spring 1982)     "The Thomas Merton Legacy Trust."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 7:1   (Winter-Spring 1982)   King, James.  "An Aubade for Thomas Merton." [poem]    8.  Full Text
 Issue 7:1   (Winter-Spring 1982)     "The Literary Essays of Thomas Merton edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO."    4-6.  Full Text
 Issue 6:3   (Fall 1981)   Daggy, Robert E.  "A Sr. Therese Bibliography."    6-11.  Full Text
 Issue 6:3   (Fall 1981)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Sister Therese Lentfoehr, SDS: Custodian of 'Grace's House' and Other Mertoniana."    2-6.  Full Text
 Issue 6:2   (Summer 1981)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Merton as Poet: A Brief Bibliography."    5-7.  Full Text
 Issue 6:2   (Summer 1981)   Thurston, Bonnie B.  "A Note on the Contemplative Vision of Thomas Merton's Poetry."    2-4.  Full Text
 Issue 6:1   (Winter-Spring 1981)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Thomas Merton - Star and Hero."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 6:1   (Winter-Spring 1981)   Singh, Heidi.  "Thomas Merton: Bridge for East and West: A Celebration of the Fifteenth Anniversary of Nostra Aetate."    10-11.  Full Text
 Issue 6:1   (Winter-Spring 1981)     "John Jacob Niles."    6-7.  Full Text
 Issue 6:1   (Winter-Spring 1981)     "John Howard Griffin."    4-5.  Full Text
 Issue 5:2   (Late Summer 1980)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: Dan Walsh and Thomas Merton."    2.  Full Text
 Issue 5:2   (Late Summer 1980)     "Excerpt from Dan Walsh's Homily for the Funeral Mass of Father Louis Merton, OCSO, December 17, 1968 ."    3.  Full Text
 Issue 5:2   (Late Summer 1980)   Distefano, Anthony.  "Dan Walsh's Influence on the Spirituality of Thomas Merton."    4-13.  Full Text
 Issue 5:1   (Spring-Summer 1980)     "Thomas Merton's Writings in Slavic Languages."    11.  Full Text
 Issue 5:1   (Spring-Summer 1980)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "Interview with Fr. Alexander Schmemann."    6-10.  Full Text
 Issue 5:1   (Spring-Summer 1980)   Baker, James.  "Thomas." [poem]    3.  Full Text
 Issue 5:1   (Spring-Summer 1980)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Editorial: More Merton 'Storeys'."    2.  Full Text
 Issue 4:3   (Fall 1979)   Merton, Thomas.  "Statement on Clerical Celibacy."    8.  Full Text
 Issue 4:3   (Fall 1979)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Thomas Merton and Brazil."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 4:3   (Fall 1979)   de Andrade, Eduardo.  "A Comment on Thomas Merton."    7.  Full Text
 Issue 4:3   (Fall 1979)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Publications By and About Thomas Merton."    12-16. 
 Issue 4:3   (Fall 1979)     "American Academy of Religion - Thomas Merton Consultation."    10-11.  Full Text
 Issue 4:3   (Fall 1979)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Thomas Merton's Writings in Portuguese."    4-6.  Full Text
 Issue 4:2   (Summer 1979)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  Rev. of Words and Silence: On the Poetry of Thomas Merton by Therese Lentfoehr. 12. 
 Issue 4:2   (Summer 1979)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Thomas Merton's Writings in German."    10-11.  Full Text
 Issue 4:2   (Summer 1979)   Daggy, Robert E.  "Publications By and About Thomas Merton."    13-16.  Full Text
 Issue 4:2   (Summer 1979)   Crews, Clyde F.  "Karl Rahner at Bellarmine and Gethsemani."    7-9.  Full Text
 Issue 4:2   (Summer 1979)   Burns, Flavian, OCSO.  "The Consciousness of God and His Purpose in the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton."    2-6.  Full Text
 Issue 4:1   (Winter 1979)   Daggy, Robert E.  "After the Tenth Anniversary."    3-8.  Full Text
 Issue 4:1   (Winter 1979)   Hart, Patrick, OCSO.  "The Photography of Thomas Merton."    2.  Full Text
 Issue 3:3   (Fall 1978)     "The Thomas Merton Commemoration at Bellarmine College, December 3 - 10, 1978 ."    3-6.  Full Text
 Issue 3:2   (Summer 1978)     "Tenth Anniversary Commemorations."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 3:2   (Summer 1978)     "Depictions of Thomas Merton."    5.  Full Text
 Issue 3:2   (Summer 1978)   Kilcourse, George A., Jr.  "Review." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Monk and Poet: A Critical Study by George Woodcock. 4.  Full Text
 Issue 3:1   (Spring 1978)     "Thomas Merton's Writings in Japan."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 3:1   (Spring 1978)   Leax, John.  "Review." Rev. of The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton.  5.  Full Text
 Issue 3:1   (Spring 1978)     "Merton Events Winter/Spring 1978 ."    4.  Full Text
 Issue 2:3   (Fall 1977)     "Thomas Merton's Writings in Poland."    4-5.  Full Text
 Issue 2:3   (Fall 1977)     "Thomas Merton's Monastic Journey."    3.  Full Text
 Issue 2:3   (Fall 1977)     "Thomas Merton and Basket Weaving."    2.  Full Text
 Issue 2:2   (Spring 1977)   Crews, Clyde F.  "Merton's Journey: A Reflection on Elena Malits' Studies in Thomas Merton."    4-5.  Full Text
 Issue 2:2   (Spring 1977)     "Thomas Merton Events in Other Places."    3.  Full Text
 Issue 2:2   (Spring 1977)     "Variety of Items Donated to Thomas Merton Studies Center."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 2:1   (Winter 1977)     "Msgr. Treece Appointed Acting Director."    2.  Full Text
 Issue 2:1   (Winter 1977)   Merton, Thomas.  "Evening: Zero Weather." [poem]    4.  Full Text
 Issue 2:1   (Winter 1977)     "Events of the Spring Semester Completed or in Progress."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 1:3   (Fall 1976)     "Thomas Merton Studies Center and Thomas Merton Collection Have Moved to a New Location on Campus."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 1:3   (Fall 1976)     "Events of the Fall Semester Completed or in Progress."    3.  Full Text
 Issue 1:3   (Fall 1976)     "Memorial."    4.  Full Text
 Issue 1:3   (Fall 1976)   Merton, Thomas.  "Fall, from The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton."    5.  Full Text
 Issue 1:3   (Fall 1976)     "Merton Events Far and Near."    4.  Full Text
 Issue 1:2   (Spring-Summer 1976)     "Curator's Corner."    3.  Full Text
 Issue 1:2   (Spring-Summer 1976)     "Merton Events - Other Places."    3.  Full Text
 Issue 1:2   (Spring-Summer 1976)     "Research in Progress - World Wide."    2-3.  Full Text
 Issue 1:2   (Spring-Summer 1976)     "Louisville Events Sponsored by the Thomas Merton Studies Center."    1-2.  Full Text
 Issue 1:1   (Winter 1976)     "Introduction to The Merton Seasonal of Bellarmine College."    1.  Full Text
 Issue 1:1   (Winter 1976)     "Center for Community Education Presents the Following Non-Credit Courses in Cooperation with the Thomas Merton Studies Center."    2.  Full Text
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