ITMS Publications Search Results:
The Merton Annual & The Merton Seasonal
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ANNUAL Search Results |
Vol.# ↑ | Year ↓ | Author ↑ | Title ↓ | |
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Daggy, Robert E.; Patrick Hart; Dewey Weiss Kramer; Victor A. Kramer. |
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The Zen Insight of Shen Hui."
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Zen Influence on Thomas Merton's View of the Self."
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Lax, Robert. |
"Harpo's Progress: Notes Toward an Understanding of Merton's Ways."
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Kelty, Matthew, OCSO. |
"Looking Back to Merton: Memories and Impressions: An Interview" conducted by Victor A. Kramer.
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Shannon, William H. |
"Thomas Merton and the Living Tradition of Faith."
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Conner, James, OCSO. |
"The Experience of God and the Experience of Nothingness in Thomas Merton."
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Steindl-Rast, David, OSB. |
"The Peacemaker: Merton's Critique and Model."
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Dinter, Paul E. |
"Merton, Nonviolence and the Bishops' Pastoral."
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"The Geography of Solitude: Thomas Merton's 'Elias - Variations on a Theme'."
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Rukstelis, Michael, CO. |
"Thomas Merton's Understanding: The Claritas Strategy."
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Cooper, David D. |
"From Prophecy to Parody: Thomas Merton's Cables to the Ace."
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Ramshaw, Gail. |
"The Pattern in Thomas Merton's Cables to the Ace."
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Fox, Ruth M., OSB. |
"Merton's Journey from Seeds to New Seeds."
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Albert, John, OCSO. |
"Lights Across the Ridge: Thomas Merton and Henry David Thoreau."
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"The Merton Phenomenon in 1987: A Bibliographic Survey."
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Tobin, Mary Luke, SL. |
Rev. of Keeping a Spiritual Journal with Thomas Merton Edited by Naomi Burton Stone.
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
Rev. of The Alaskan Journal of Thomas Merton Edited by Robert E. Daggy.
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton, Brother Monk: The Quest for True Freedom by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO.
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Plank, Karl A. |
Rev. of First and Last Memories by Patrick Hart, OCSO.
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
Rev. of Christian Conversion by Walter E. Conn.
Vol. 1 |
(1988) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
Rev. of Selected Letters of Mark Van Doren Edited by George Hendrick.
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Daggy, Robert E.; Patrick Hart; Dewey Weiss Kramer; Victor A. Kramer. |
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Answers for Hernan Lavin Cerda."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Baciu, Stefan. |
"Latin America and Spain in the Poetic World of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Letter to a Poet about Vallejo."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. |
"Shadows at the Redwoods: Merton Remembered."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Tobin, Mary Luke, SL. |
"Growing into Responsibility: An Interview" conducted by Dewey Weiss Kramer.
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Waddell, Chrysogonus, OCSO. |
"Merton and the Tiger Lily."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"List of Works Submitted for the Approval of the Most Reverend Fathers Capitular, OCSO., Meeting at Citeaux, May 1946."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Kristoff, Donna, OSU. |
"'Light That is not Light': A Consideration of Thomas Merton and the Icon."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Three Prayers on Sacred Art."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Burrell, David. CSC. |
"On Discovering Divine Foolishness: Merton as Bridge-Person."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Middleton, Arthur. |
"The World in a Grain of Sand."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Del Prete, Thomas. |
"Thomas Merton and Education: The Theme of Self-Discovery."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"The Monk as a 'Marginal' Person."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
King, Marilyn, SM. |
"'A Soft Voice Awakens Me': Merton's Spirituality of Human Communication."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Kang, Kun Ki. |
"Prayer and the Cultivation of the Mind: An Examination of Thomas Merton and Chinul."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Peake, Frank A. |
"Self, Sexuality and Solitude in John Cassian and Thomas Merton: Notes from a Retreat."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Hempstead-Milton, Sheila M. |
"Bells in Thomas Merton's Early Poetry, 1940-1946."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Merton and 1988: A Survey of Publications and Commemorations."
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
O'Hanlon, Daniel J., SJ. |
Rev. of Encounter: Thomas Merton and D. T. Suzuki Edited by Robert E. Daggy.
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
Rev. of The Merton Tapes: Lectures by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Padovano, Anthony T. |
Rev. of A Vow of Conversation: Journals, 1964-1965 by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Shannon, William H. |
Rev. of Merton and Walsh on the Person by Robert Imperato.
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
St. John, Donald P. |
Rev. of A Retreat with Thomas Merton by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO.
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
Rev. of A Search for Wisdom and Spirit: Thomas Merton's Theology of the Self by Anne E. Carr.
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO. |
Rev. of Toward an Integrated Humanity: Thomas Merton's Journey Edited by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO.
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Forest, James H. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Nuclear Weapons by Ronald E. Powaski.
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Tuoti, Frank X. |
Rev. of Up and Down Merton's Mountain: A Contemporary Spiritual Journey by Gerald Groves.
Vol. 2 |
(1989) |
Zahn, Gordon C. |
Rev. of Tranquillitas Ordinis: The Present Failure and Future Promise of American Catholic Thought on War and Peace by George Weigel.
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Daggy, Robert E.; Patrick Hart; Dewey Weiss Kramer; Victor A. Kramer. |
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"Introduction to 'A Monastic Correspondence with Jean Leclercq, OSB.'"
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"A Monastic Correspondence with Jean Leclercq, OSB."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Leclercq, Jean, OSB. |
"Thomas Merton and St. Bernard of Clairvaux."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Conner, James, OCSO. |
"The Tension Between Solitude and Sharing in the Monastic Life of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Chittister, Joan D., OSB. |
"Of Moses' Mother and Pharoah's Daughter: A Model of Contemporary Contemplation."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Burns, Flavian, OCSO. |
"Merton's Contribution as Teacher, Writer and Community Member: An Interview with Flavian Burns, OCSO" conducted by Victor A. Kramer.
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Letson, Douglas R. |
"Foundations for Renewal: An Analysis of the Shared Reflections of Thomas Merton and Ernesto Cardenal."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
McKenna, Thomas F., CM. |
"Thomas Merton and the Renewal of Religious Dialogue."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Plank, Karl A. |
"Thomas Merton and Hannah Arendt: Contemplation After Eichmann."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Griffith, Sidney H. |
"Thomas Merton, Louis Massignon, and the Challenge of Islam."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Higgins, Michael W. |
"Merton and the Real Poets: Paradise Rebugged."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
"Thomas Merton: The Monk as a Critic of Culture."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Corless, Roger. |
"The Christian Mystic as Paganus Redevivus: A Hermeneutical Suggestion."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Hinson, E. Glenn. |
"Social Involvement and Spirituality."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Rukstelis, Michael, CO. |
"Thomas Merton and the Grey Man."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Kocka, David. |
"Week of a Visitor in a Stranger's House."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"The Continuing Tsunami: 1989 in Merton Scholarship and Publication."
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Downey, Michael. |
Rev. of Honorable Reader: Reflections on My Work by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Greene, Jonathan. |
Rev. of Monk's Pond: Thomas Merton's Little Magazine Edited by Robert E. Daggy.
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
Rev. of Preview of the Asian Journey by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Richardson, Jane Marie, SL. |
Rev. of The Road to Joy: Letter to New and Old Friends by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Foster, Diane, OCSO. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton in Alaska Edited by Robert E. Daggy.
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Allchin, A. M. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Prayer compiled by Tony Castle and The Shining Wilderness by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Kramer, Dewey Weiss. |
Rev. of The Merton Tapes by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Labrie, Ross. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton's Art of Denial: The Evolution of a Radical Humanist by David D. Cooper.
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Moir, Richard. |
Rev. of Conscience and Conflict: A Trilogy of One-Actor Plays: Thomas Merton, Pope John XXIII, Martin Luther by Anthony T. Padovano.
Vol. 3 |
(1990) |
Leax, John. |
Rev. of The Thomas Merton Poems: A Caravan of Poems by J. S. Porter and Monks Pond, Old Hermit, Hai!: A Haiku Homage to Thomas Merton by Ron Seitz.
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Daggy, Robert E.; Patrick Hart; Dewey Weiss Kramer; Victor A. Kramer. |
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The Neurotic Personality in the Monastic Life."
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO. |
"Merton's Vocation as Monastic and Writer: An Interview with John Eudes Bamberger, OCSO" conducted by Victor A. Kramer.
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
St. John, Donald P. |
"Deep Geography: Nature and Place in The Sign of Jonas."
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Waldron, Robert G. |
"The Sign of Jonas: A Jungian Commentary."
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Rukstelis, Michael, CO. |
"Recreated Innocence in The Sign of Jonas."
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Downey, Michael. |
"Penning Patterns of Transformation: Etty Hillesum and Thomas Merton."
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"'A Shy Wild Deer': The 'True Self' in Thomas Merton's Poetry."
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Goulet, Jacques. |
"Thomas Merton's Journey Toward World Religious Ecumenism."
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Roccaforte, Linell. |
"The Rain Speaks On: Contradiction in Thomas Merton's View of Peace."
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Lewis, Gloria Kitto. |
"Sacred Arts Study: Thomas Merton's Guides for Art and Worship."
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Zynda, Mary Damian, CSSF. |
"Contemporary Mystic Study: Thomas Merton as Supported by Evelyn Underhill's Stages of Mystical Development."
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Ferry, Wilbur Hugh. |
"Action at the Center" An Interview with W. H. Ping Ferry" conducted by Gregory J. Ryan.
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Clark, Benjamin, OCSO. |
"Thomas Merton's Gethsemani: Part 1, the Novitiate Years."
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"'What They Say': 1990 in Merton Scholarship and Publication."
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
Rev. of The School of Charity: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction Edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO.
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Education of the Whole Person by Thomas Del Prete.
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Lagorio, Valerie M. |
Rev. of Soul Friends: A Journey with Thomas Merton by Brother Ramon, S.S.F.
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Hotchen, Stephen J. |
Rev. of The Spark in the Soul: Four Mystics on Social Justice by Terry Tastard.
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Corless, Roger. |
Rev. of Freedom in Exile: The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama.
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Carr, Anne E. |
Rev. of Evelyn Underhill Artist of the Infinite Love by Dana Green and The Ways of the Spirit by Evelyn Underhill.
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
Rev. of The Catholic Counter-culture in America: 1933-1962 by James Terrence Fisher and The Writings of Daniel Berrigan by Ross Labrie.
Vol. 4 |
(1991) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
Rev. of Buddhist Emptiness and Christian Trinity Edited by Roger Corless and Paul Knitter and A Taste of Water: Christianity Through Taoist-Christian Eyes by Chwen Jiuan A. Lee and Thomas G. Hand.
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"Editor's Note."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The Man in the Sycamore Tree: A Fragment of an Early Novel."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Lax, Robert. |
"Remembering Merton and New York" edited by Paul Spaeth.
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Albert, John, OCSO. |
"To Merton Through Augustine: Images, Themes and Analogies of Kinship."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Waddell, Chrysogonus, OCSO. |
"Merton of Gethsemani and Bernard of Clairvaux."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Clark, Benjamin, OCSO. |
"Thomas Merton's Gethsemani: Part II, The Formation Years."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Collins, Frederic, OCSO. |
"Merton's Quiet Influence: A Testimony of Continuing Conversion" an interview conducted by Victor A. Kramer.
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Allchin, A. M. |
"The Worship of the Whole Creation: Merton and the Eastern Fathers."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Dear, John. |
"Blessed Are the Meek: The Nonviolence of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Higgins, Michael W. |
"The Cardinal and the Monk: Literary and Theological Convergences in Newman and Merton."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Knopf, Richard W. |
"Crying With a Live Grief: The Mysticism of Merton and Teilhard Compared."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Paguio, Erlinda G. |
"Blazing in the Spark of God: Thomas Merton's References to Meister Eckhart."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"Thomas Merton and the Celtic Monastic Tradition: Search for the Promised Land."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Porter, J. S. |
"The Last Journals of Thomas Merton and Ana∩s Nin."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Voiles, Kenneth M. |
"The Mother of All the Living: The Role of the Virgin Many in the Spirituality of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Wu, John, Jr. |
"A Lovely Day for a Friendship: The Spiritual and Intellectual Relationship Between Thomas Merton and John Wu As Suggested in Their Correspondence."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Wandering in the Merton Dimension: A Survey of Scholarship and Publication in 1991."
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
Rev. of The Merton Tapes [Third Series] by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Zahn, Gordon C. |
Rev. of Living With Wisdom: A Life of Thomas Merton by Jim Forest.
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton as Writer and Monk: A Cultural Study, 1915-1951 by Peter Kountz.
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Patnaik, Deba Prasad. |
Rev. of Father Louie: Photographs of Thomas Merton by Ralph Eugene Meatyard.
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Fox, Ruth M., OSB. |
Rev. of Prayer and Commitment in Thomas Merton and Prophecy and Commitment in Thomas Merton by Mary Luke Tobin.
Vol. 5 |
(1992) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
Rev. of Spiritual Guides for Today: Evelyn Underhill, Dorothy Day, Karl Rahner, Simone Weil, Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen by Annice Callahan.
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"Introduction: Spirituality After 'A Prayer Lip Stumbles.'"
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Hinson, E. Glenn. |
"Rootedness in Tradition and Global Spirituality."
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Steere, Douglas V. |
"Notes on Conferences with Thomas Merton, February 1962."
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Thomas Merton and Douglas V. Steere, Correspondence, 1962-1968."
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Haughton, Rosemary. |
"The Fall of Babel: Reflections on the Abbey Center Conference."
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Weakland, Rembert, OSB. |
"Monastic Values in an Alien World: One Person's Experience."
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Kline, Francis, OCSO. |
"God Will Be Their Light: Reflections on the Abbey Center Conference."
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Corless, Roger. |
"In Search of a Context for the Merton-Suzuki Dialogue."
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Goizueta, Roberto S. |
"Otherness Has a Face . . . and It Is Not a Pretty Face."
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
TePas, Katherine M. |
"A Spirituality of Mercy: Aelred of Rievauxl."
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Payne, Steven, OCD. |
"'Although It Is Night': A Carmelite Perspective on Spirituality at the Juncture of Modernity and Postmodernity."
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Pippin, Tina. |
"Standing on the Edge of the Abyss: A Postmodern Apocalyptic Spirituality."
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Ford, John H. |
"'Not Himself, but a Direction': An Interview with John (Jack) H. Ford" conducted by George A. Kilcourse.
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Downey, Michael. |
"Critical Turn Ahead: 1992 in Merton Scholarship and Publication."
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Conn, Walter E. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Spiritual Master Edited by Lawrence S. Cunningham.
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Callahan, Annice, RSCJ. |
Rev. of Merton: Mystic at the Center of America by Thomas M. King, SJ.
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Kline, Francis, OCSO. |
Rev. of Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story by William H. Shannon.
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Zynda, Mary Damian, CSSF. |
Rev. of The Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Archer, Emily. |
Rev. of Evening Train by Denise Levertov.
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Pilgrim in the Ruins: A Life of Walker Percy by Jay Tolson.
Vol. 6 |
(1993) |
Kramer, Dewey Weiss. |
Rev. of The Merton Tapes: Fourth Release of Lectures by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Introduction: Solitude Leads Toward Apostolate in and for the World."
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Editors Note to 'Vocations to the Lay Apostolate,' by Thomas Merton."
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Vocations to the Lay Apostolate."
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Eastman, Patrick. |
"Dangers of Solitude."
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"Czeslaw Milosz's Influence on Thomas Merton's 'Notes for a Philosophy of Solitude.'"
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Mayer, Elsie F. |
"Thomas Merton as Modernist Critic: The Influence of T. S. Eliot."
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Murray, Mary. |
"The Fire Watch Epilogue and Life and Holiness: Opposing Rhetorics in the Writings of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Porter, J. S. |
"Thomas Merton's Late Metaphors of the Self."
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Morneau, Robert F. |
"Thomas Merton and the Vocation of the Cultural Critic: Prophetic and Poetic Imagination."
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Schneiders, Sandra M., IHM. |
"Merton, Friend of God and Prophet."
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Eight Freedom Songs: Merton's Sequence of Liberation."
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Seitz, Ron. |
"'The Climate of Humor and Freedom': An Interview about Thomas Merton with Ron Seitz" conducted by George A. Kilcourse.
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"'Easter Fugue' out of a 'Great Silence': 1993 in Merton Scholarship and Publication."
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Malits, Elena, CSC. |
Rev. of The Courage for Truth: The Letters of Thomas Merton to Writers Edited by Christine Bochen.
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Baumann, Steven L. |
Rev. of The Merton Tapes: Fifth Release of Lectures.
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
McKenna, Thomas F., CM. |
Rev. of Song for Nobody: A Memory Vision of Thomas Merton by Ron Seitz.
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Aprile, Diane. |
Rev. of A Seven Day Journey with Thomas Merton by Esther de Waal.
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Prevailet, Elaine, SL. |
Rev. of Spirituality in Ecumenical Perspective Edited by E. Glenn Hinson.
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Fuller, Roy D. |
Rev. of Exiles from Eden: Religion and the Academic Vocation in America by Mark R. Schwehn.
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Lescher, Bruce H. |
Rev. of Dakota: A Spiritual Geography by Kathleen Norris.
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Johnson, Timothy J., OFMConv. |
Rev. of The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality Edited by Michael Downey.
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Eastman, Patrick. |
Review Symposium of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ by George A. Kilcourse.
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Culbertson, Diana, OP. |
Review Symposium of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ by George A. Kilcourse.
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Goergen, Donald J., OP. |
Review Symposium of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ by George A. Kilcourse.
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Laporte, Jean-Marc, SJ. |
Review Symposium of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ by George A. Kilcourse.
Vol. 7 |
(1994) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
Author Response to Review Symposium of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ by George A. Kilcourse.
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Downey, Michael. |
"Collision Course 101: The Monastery, the Academy, and the Corporation."
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"A Balanced Life of Prayer."
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Palmer, Parker J. |
"Contemplation Reconsidered: The Human Way In."
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Waddell, Paul J., CP. |
"The Human Way Out: The Friendship of Charity as a Countercultural Dimension."
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Fuller, Roy D. |
"The Virtuous Teacher: Thomas Merton's Contribution to a Spirituality of Higher Education."
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Upton, Julia Ann, RSM. |
"Humanizing the University: Adding the Contemplative Dimension."
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Lewis, Gloria Kitto. |
"Learning to Live: Merton's Students Remember His Teaching."
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Del Prete, Thomas. |
"Culture and the Formation of Personal Identity: Dilemma and Dialectic in Thomas Merton's Teaching."
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
McKenna, Thomas F., CM. |
"A Voice in the Postmodern Wilderness: Merton on Monastic Renewal."
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Neuman, Matthias, OSB. |
"Revisiting Zen and the Birds of Appetite after Twenty-Five Years."
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Badaracco, Claire Hoertz. |
"Animated Outsiders: Echoes of Merton in Hampi, Norris, Dillard, and Ehrlich."
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Time of Transition: A Selection of Letters from the Earliest Correspondence of Thomas Merton and Ernesto Cardenal" edited by Christine Bochen.
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Downey, Michael. |
"Daughter of Carmel; Son of Citeaux: A Friendship Endures - An Interview about Thomas Merton with Angela Collins, OCD" conducted by Michael Downey.
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Thousands of Words: A Bibliographic Review."
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Burton-Christie, Douglas. |
Rev. of Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis Edited by William H. Shannon.
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Paguio, Erlinda G. |
Rev. of A Catch of Anti-Letters by Thomas Merton and Robert Lax.
Vol. 8 |
(1995) |
Conn, Joann Wolski. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton in Search of His Soul: A Jungian Perspective by Robert G. Waldron.
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"Introduction: News of a More Complex Merton Industry."
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"He Is Risen."
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Steinfels, Margaret O'Brien. |
"Merton Lecture, Columbia University, November 15, 1995."
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
"Harvesting New Fruits: Merton's 'Message to Poets.'"
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Labrie, Ross. |
"Merton and the American Romantics; Appendix: Letter from Robert Lax to Ross Labrie."
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Burnham, Christopher C. |
"Out of the Shadows: Merton's Rhetoric and Revelation."
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"Thomas Merton in Search of His Heart: The Autobiographical Impulse of Merton's Bonaventure Novels."
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
O'Hara, Dennis Patrick. |
"'The Whole World . . . Has Appeared as a Transparent Manifestation of the Love of God': Portents of God as Eco-Theologian."
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Wu, John, Jr. |
"Thomas Merton and Confucian Rites: 'The Fig Leaf for the Paradise Condition."
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Faricy, Robert, SJ. |
"Thomas Merton and Zen."
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Del Prete, Thomas. |
"'Teaching is Candy': Merton as Teacher at Columbia and Bonaventure."
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Long, Edward LeRoy, Jr.; Glen Stassen; and Ronald Stone. |
"The Abbey Center for the Study of Ethics and Culture Conference: To Develop a Just Peacemaking Theory."
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Friesen, Duane K. |
"A People's Movement as a Condition for the Development of a Just Peacemaking Theory."
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Kelly, Timothy, OCSO. |
"'The Great Honesty': Remembering Thomas Merton - An Interview with Abbot Timothy Kelly, OCSO" conducted by George A. Kilcourse.
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Editing the Journals of Thomas Merton - A Postscript: Four Merton Journal Transcriptions: Two Missing Sheets of Merton Journal Discovered."
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Downey, Michael. |
"Posthumous Prolificacy: A Bibliographic Review Essay."
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Ronzani, Clare. |
Rev. of At Home in the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Rosemary Radford Reuther Edited by Mary Tardiff, OP.
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Parry, Richard D. |
Rev. of Passion for Peace: The Social Essays by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Collins, Thomas. |
Rev. of The Merton Tapes: Sixth Release of Lectures by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton Remembered: Dialogues with Various People Who Knew Him produced by Michael Toms.
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Wilkie, Raymond. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton, My Brother: His Journey to Freedom, Compassion and Final Integration by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO.
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Wise, Paul. |
Rev. of Becoming a Modern Contemplative: A Psychological Model for Personal Growth by Richard B. Patterson and Why Not Be a Mystic? by Frank X. Tuoti.
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Corless, Roger. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton and Chinese Wisdom by Cyrus Lee.
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Review Symposium of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation.
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Shannon, William H. |
Review Symposium of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation.
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
King, David A. |
Review Symposium of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation.
Vol. 9 |
(1996) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
Editor Response to Review Symposium of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation.
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Introduction: Fragmentation and the Quest for the Spiritual in the Late Twentieth Century."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The School of the Spirit."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"'What I Wear Is Pants': Monasticism as 'Lay' Spirituality in Merton's Later Life and Work."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Wright, Wendy M. |
"Living Contemplatively."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Bruteau, Beatrice. |
"Eucharistic Cosmos."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Altany, Alan. |
"Thomas Merton's Poetic Incarnation of Emptiness."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Archer, Emily. |
"'Abundant, Multiple, Restless': Levertov and Merton in the 1960s."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Cooper, David D. |
"Thomas Merton and James Laughlin: Two Literary Lives in Letters."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Badaracco, Claire Hoertz. |
"Cultural Resistance and Literary Identity: Merton's Reading Notebooks."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Stull, Bradford T. |
"Metaphors and Allusions: The Theopolitical Essays of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"Merton and Camus on Christian Dialogue with a Postmodern World."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
O'Keefe, Mark, OSB. |
"Merton's 'True Self' and the Fundamental Option."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Seynnaeve, Johan. |
"Merton, Moore, and the Carthusian Temptation."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Wu, John, Jr. |
"Pleading for Sanity: Cosmic Heart in a Sea of Fire."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Padovano, Anthony T. |
"Spirituality, Scholarship and Biography: An Interview with Anthony T. Padovano" conducted by Jonathan Montaldo.
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"A Haven for 'Homeless Religious Minds': 1996 Bibliographic Review."
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Grote, Jim. |
Rev. of Entering the Silence: Becoming a Monk and Writer by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Ellsberg, Robert. |
Rev. of A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Carrere, Daniel, OCSO. |
Rev. of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 10 |
(1997) |
Mossi, John P., SJ. |
Rev. of Merton: An Enneagram Profile by Suzanne Zuercher.
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"Introduction: The Religious Ethic at the Heart of Merton's Spirituality."
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"Foreword to 'The Black Sheep.'"
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The Black Sheep."
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Allchin, A. M. |
"Our Lives, a Powerful Pentecost: Merton's Meeting with Russian Christianity."
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Berrigan, Daniel, SJ. |
"What, Then, Must We Do?"
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Douglass, James W. |
"Compassion and the Unspeakable."
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Hinson, E. Glenn. |
"'Thomas Merton, My Brother': The Impact of Thomas Merton on My Life and Thought."
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Reiser, William, SJ. |
"Solidarity and Reshaping Spirituality."
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Burnham, Christopher C. |
"Merton's Ethos in The Seven Storey Mountain: Toward a Rhetoric of Conversion."
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Labrie, Ross. |
"Merton and Time."
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Faricy, Robert, SJ. |
"Merton and Mysticism of the Mind."
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Waddell, Chrysogonus, OCSO. |
"'Truly Seeking God . . . in Christ': An Interview about Thomas Merton with Chrysogonus Waddell, OCSO" conducted by Victor A. Kramer.
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"'Non-Public' Writing in Journal and Correspondence: A Core Radiating Outward. 1997 Bibliographic Review."
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Johmann, Michael. |
Rev. of Dancing in the Waters of Life: Seeking Peace in the Hermitage by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. |
Rev. of Learning to Love: Exploring Solitude and Freedom by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Stull, Bradford T. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton and James Laughlin; Selected Letters Edited by David D. Cooper.
Vol. 11 |
(1998) |
Kocka, David. |
Rev. of 'Something of a Rebel': Thomas Merton, His Life and Works by William H. Shannon.
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Introduction: Thomas Merton's Commitments to Community: The Needs for Courtesy, Exchange and Engagement."
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Monastic Courtesy."
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO. |
"Monasticism and Thomas Merton, Monk-Priest and Author: His Contributions to a Wider Understanding of Spirituality."
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Bourget, Dom M. Laurence, OCSO. |
"Thomas Merton: A Monk Who 'Succeeded': An Interview by Correspondence with Dom M. Laurence Bourget, OCSO." Conducted by Jonathan Montaldo.
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Casey, Michael, OCSO. |
"Merton's Teaching on the 'Common Will' and What the Journals Tell Us."
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Wiseman, James A. OSB. |
"Learning to Love and Learning the Price: Thomas Merton and the Challenge of Celibacy."
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Chittister, Joan D., OSB. |
"Thomas Merton: Seeder of Radical Action and the Enlightened Heart."
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Kline, Francis, OCSO. |
"In the Company of Prophets? Merton's Engagement with the World."
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Thomas Merton's Wake-Up Calls: Aubades and Monastic Dawn Poems from A Man in the Divided Sea."
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Stull, Bradford T. |
"Wild Seeds: Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day."
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM. |
"Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day on Prayer, Conscience and Christian Social Responsibility: A Comparative Study."
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Murray, Harry. |
"Dorothy Day, Welfare Reform and Personal Responsibility."
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"Alternative Frameworks for Spirituality: The Frontier of Merton Studies."
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Del Prete, Thomas. |
Rev. of The Other Side of the Mountain: The End of the Journey by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
King, David A. |
Rev. of The Merton Tapes Series 7 by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Cooper, David D. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton's American Prophecy by Robert Inchausti.
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Corless, Roger. |
Rev. of The Gethsemani Encounter: A Dialogue on the Spiritual Life by Buddhist and Christian Monastics Edited by Donald W. Mitchell and James A. Wiseman, OSB.
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Stull, Bradford T. |
Rev. of Man in the Mirror: John Howard Griffin and the Story of Black Like Me by Robert Bonazzi.
Vol. 12 |
(1999) |
Archer, Emily. |
Rev. of Ezekiel: Vision in the Dust by Daniel Berrigan.
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"Introduction: Spirituality as the Freedom to Channel Eros."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Variant Drafts of The Sign of Jonas."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Pycior, Julie Leininger. |
"We Are All Called to be Saints: Thomas Merton. Dorothy Day and Friendship House."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Thompson, Phillip M. |
"The Restoration of Balance: Thomas Merton's Technological Critique."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Wu, John, Jr. |
"Technological Perspectives: Thomas Merton and the One-Eyed Giant."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Corless, Roger. |
"The Christian Exploration of Non-Christian Religions: Merton's Example and Where It Might Lead Us."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Clooney, Francis X., SJ. |
"In Memoriam: Mahanambrata Brahmachari (23 December 1904 - 18 October 1999)."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Richardson, Jane Marie, SL. |
"Life Through the Lens of Inner and Outer Freedom." Interview conducted by George A. Kilcourse, Jr.
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Connecting the Spiritual and the Cultural: Patterns Within Merton's Writings. 1999 Bibliographic Review."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
LeBeau, Dorothy. |
"Introduction: To See the Beauty of their Hearts: The Contemplative Aesthetics of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Finley, Mitch. |
"The Joy of Being Catholic: The Relationship of the Conversion of Thomas Merton to the RICA."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Betz, Margaret B. |
"Merton's Images of Elias, Wisdom, and the Inclusive God."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Szabo, Lynn R. |
"The Sound of Sheer Silence: A Study in the Poetics of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
O'Hara, Dennis Patrick. |
"Thomas Merton and Thomas Berry: Reflections from a Parallel Universe."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Apel, William. |
"Ninevah to Calvary: Thomas Merton and a Spiritual Geography of the Bible."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Spaeth, Paul J. |
"The Road to Simplicity Followed by Merton's Friends: Ad Reinhardt and Robert Lax."
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Biallas, Leonard J. |
Rev. of The Intimate Merton: His Life from His Journals Edited by Patrick Hart and Jonathan Montaldo.
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Hensell, Eugene, OSB. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Monastic Vision by Lawrence S. Cunningham.
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Huda, Qamar-ul. |
Rev. of Merton and Sufism: The Untold Story Edited by Rob Baker and Gray Henry.
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Breit, Marquita E. |
Rev. of A Merton Vade Mecum: A Quick-Reference Bibliographic Handbook by Patricia A. Burton.
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Flynn, James E. |
Rev. of The Sound of Listening: A Retreat Journal from Thomas Merton's Hermitage by John Dear, SJ.
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Walter, Anne. |
Rev. of Fifteen Days of Prayer with Thomas Merton by André Gozier.
Vol. 13 |
(2000) |
Grayston, Donald. |
Rev. of Running to the Mountain: A Journey of Faith and Change by Jon Katz.
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Introduction: Merton's Openness to Change and his Foreshadowing of a Feminist Spirituality."
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
Richardson, Jane Marie, SL. |
"Merton and Loretto: Background of Tape Recording."
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Comments about the Religious Life Today: Transcript of a Recording Made by and Edited by Father Louis Merton for Special General Chapter Sister of Loretto, 1967."
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
Dardenne, Myriam. |
"'A Journey into Wholeness': An Interview about Thomas Merton with Myriam Dardenne at Redwoods Monastery." Conducted by Christine M. Bochen with Victor A. Kramer and edited by Christine M. Bochen.
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"The Wilderness of Compassion: Nature's Influence in Thomas Merton's Writing."
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"'The Best Retreat I Ever Made': Merton and the Contemplative Prioresses."
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
LeBeau, Dorothy. |
"With Love in the Lord: The Correspondence of Thomas Merton and Rosemary Radford Reuther."
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
Cook, Andrea C. |
"The Experience of Romantic Transcendence in Thomas Merton's Eighteen Poems."
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
"A Gallery of Women's Faces and Dreams of Women From the Drawings and Journals of Thomas Merton.
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
McCaslin, Susan. |
"Merton and Blake: The Heretic Within and the Heretic Without."
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
Poks, Malgorzata. |
"Thomas Merton's Poetry of Endless Inscription: A Tale of Liberation and Expanding Horizons."
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"Inertia, Idiosyncrasy and Incubation: The Range of Current Merton Studies."
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of When Prophecy Still Had a Voice: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Robert Lax edited by Arthur W. Biddle.
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
Bridgers, Lynn. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Essential Writings Selected With an Introduction by Christine M. Bochen.
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
Crider, Glenn. |
Rev. of Poetry as Prayer: Thomas Merton by Robert Waldron.
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
Reinders, Eric. |
Rev. of Journeys Into Emptiness: Dogen, Merton, Jung and the Quest for Transformation by Robert Gunn.
Vol. 14 |
(2001) |
Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton's Paradise Journey: Writings on Contemplation and Silence on Fire: Prayer of Awareness by William Shannon. 259-
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"Introduction: 'A Certainty of Tread': Grace Unfolded in Thomas Merton's Contemplative Experience and Poetry."
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"The Ox Mountain Parable: An Introduction."
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The Ox Mountain Parable of Meng Tzu."
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Mizingou, Jeannine N. |
"'Bringing the Earth to Flower': A Tribute to Robert Lax (1915-2000): Poet, Pilgrim, Prophet."
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Matthews, Gray. |
"The Healing Silence: Thomas Merton's Contemplative Approach to Communication."
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Biallas, Leonard J. |
"Merton and Basho: The Narrow Road Home."
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Szabo, Lynn R. |
"'Hiding the Ace of Freedoms': Discovering the Way(s) of Peace in Thomas Merton's Cables to the Ace."
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Badaracco, Claire Hoertz. |
"The Influence of 'Beat' Generation Poetry on the Work of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Bear, Virginia. |
"A Woodshed Full of French Angels: Multilingual Merton."
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Seynnaeve, Johan. |
"Language Mixture in a Macaronic Poem of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Collins, John P. |
"Thomas Merton and Walker Percy: A Connection Through Intersections."
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
McMillan, Allan M. |
"Thomas Merton's Seven Lessons for Interfaith Dialogue."
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. |
"'Aware and Awake and Alive': An Interview about Thomas Merton" conducted by George A. Kilcourse, Jr.
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"'Contemplation's Shadow and Merton's Act: Becoming a Saint Through Words': 2001 Bibliographic Review."
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Stull, Bradford T. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Inclusive Imagination by Ross Labrie.
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Thompson, J. Milburn. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton and Thich Nhat Hanh: Engaged Spirituality in an Age of Globalization by Robert H. King.
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Morrin, Peter. |
Rev. of Dialogues with Silence: Prayers and Drawings by Thomas Merton, edited by Jonathan Montaldo.
Vol. 15 |
(2002) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Rev. of Reading Thomas Merton: A Guide to His Life and Work by John Laughlin.
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Introduction: Merton's Contemplative Presence Within Contemporary Society."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Crider, Glenn; and Victor A. Kramer. |
"An Editorial Note Concerning the Tape 'The Irish Tradition of Mysticism' and 'About Contemplative Life Today'."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"About Contemplative Life Today."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Bruteau, Beatrice. |
"Eating Together: The Shared Supper and the Covenant Community."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Tuoti, Frank X. |
"Contemplative Prayer: Antidote for an Ailing Generation."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Egan, Keith J. |
"Harvesting Seeds of Contemplation."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Carrere, Daniel, OCSO. |
"Standing Before God: Merton's Incarnational Spirituality."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
King, David A. |
"Merton's New Novices: The Seven Storey Mountain and Monasticism in a Freshman Seminar."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Shannon, William H. |
"From Faith to Joy: Studying the Church and Thomas Merton: An Interview with William H. Shannon" conducted by Christine M. Bochen and Victor A. Kramer, and edited and transcribed by Glenn Crider.
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Day, Dennis and Patricia Day. |
"The Associates of the Iowa Cistercians Sowing New Seeds of Contemplation."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Eyerman, Fred. |
"Thomas Merton has Influenced Our Lives."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Sommerville, James M. |
"Merton as Voluntary Prisoner."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Söring, Jens. |
"The Kenotic Convict: A Divertissement on Contemporary Contemplative Spirituality in its Social Context."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Apel, William. |
"Mystic as Prophet: The Deep Freedom of Thomas Merton and Howard Thurman."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Fitzpatrick-Hopler, Gail. |
"The Spiritual Network of Contemplative Outreach Limited."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Coff, Pascaline, OSB. |
"The Universal Call to Contemplation: Cloisters Beyond the Monastery."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"Merton's 'True Self' or a Calculated 'Official Pedestal'?" The Merton Annual 16 (2003):
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Kardong, Terrence G. |
Rev. of Survival or Prophecy? The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq Edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO.
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Labrie, Ross. |
Rev. of The Thomas Merton Encyclopedia Edited by William H. Shannon, Christine M. Bochen and Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Del Prete, Thomas. |
Rev. of A Thomas Merton Curriculum Edited by Terrence A. Taylor.
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Postscript: A Statement About the Publishing History of The Merton Annual."
Vol. 16 |
(2003) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Introduction: A Simplicity of Wonder: Merton's Honor for the Particular Extending Outward."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Burton, Patricia A. |
"Editorial Note Concerning Thomas Merton's Peace in the Post-Christian Era."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Christian Perspectives in World Crisis."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Burton, Patricia A. |
"Forbidden Book: Thomas Merton's Peace in the Post-Christian Era."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Szabo, Lynn R. |
"Thomas Merton's Sacred Landscapes: Perspectives from the Vancouver Conference."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Early Reflections in a 'Nothing Place': Three Gethsemani Poems."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Stuart, Angus F. |
"The Geography of Solitude: Inner Space and the Sense of Place."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Matthews, Gray. |
"Reality as a Sacred Place: The Parallel Insights of Thomas Merton and Henry Bugbee."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Dart, Ron. |
"Thomas Merton and George Grant: Hawk's Dream, Owl's Insight."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Kaplan, Edward K. |
"'A Humanly Impoverished Thirst for Light': Thomas Merton's Receptivity to the Feminine, to Judaism, and to Religious Pluralism."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Leigh, David, S.J. |
"Firewatch in the Belly of the Whale: Imagery of Fire, Water and Place in The Sign of Jonas."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Bludworth, Patrick. |
"Desert Fathers and Asian Masters: Thomas Merton's Outlaw Lineage."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
"Madhyamika and Dharmakaya: Some Notes on Thomas Merton's Epiphany at Polonnaruwa."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Burridge, Kenelm. |
"Merton, Cargo Cults and Lograire."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
"What the Machine Produces and What the Machine Destroys: Merton on Technology."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"'A Very Disciplined Person' From Nelson County: An Interview with Canon A. M. Donald Allchin about Merton."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"An Obscure Theology Misread: 2003 Bibliographic Review."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Burton, Patricia A. |
"Index to The Merton Annual, Volume 1-16."
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Söring, Jens. |
Rev. of The Inner Experience: Notes on Contemplation by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Foreman, Mary. |
Rev. of Seeking Paradise: The Spirit of the Shakers by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
Crider, Glenn. |
Rev. of The Vision of Thomas Merton Edited by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 17 |
(2004) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Seek the Silences with Thomas Merton: Reflections on Identity, Community and Transformative Action by Charles R. Ringma.
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Introduction: Monastic Awareness, Liturgy and Art: The Benedictine Tradition in Relation to Merton's Growing Artistic Interests."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"'Three Prayers' Written for Frank Kacmarcik."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"'The Monk and Sacred Art' (1956); and 'Art and Worship' (1959)." Edited by Glenn Crider and Victor A. Kramer.
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Seasoltz, Kevin. |
"Frank Kacmarcik and the Cistercian Architectural Tradition."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Zalot, Charlotte Anne. |
"A Merton Connection: Frank Kacmarcik, OblSB, Monk and Artist. (1920-2004)."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Hollas, Eric; Daniel Durken; and Stefanie Weisgram. |
"Three Comments about Benedictine Monastic Community Reading."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Cardenal, Ernesto. |
"Remarks Following a 2004 Poetry Reading." Transcribed and Edited by Dennis Beach with an Introduction by Patrick Hart and a Note by Corey Shouse.
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Feuerstein, Anthony. |
"A Discovery: Thomas Merton's Poetry As Art Song; Compositions by Bryan Beaumont Hays, OSB: A Bibliographical Note."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Kramer, Victor A., and Glenn Crider. |
"'Unadorned Ideal': An Interview in Two Parts with Methodius Telnack."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Kramer, Dewey Weiss. |
"Contemporary Architectural Witness to the Lived Cistercian Ideal: The Abbey Churches of Gethsemani and Conyers."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Griffith, Michael. |
"Thomas Merton on William Blake: 'To Look Through Matter Into Eternity'."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Cooper, Jeffrey A., CSC. |
"Divining the Inscaped-Landscape: Hopkins, Merton and the Ascent to the True Self."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Poks, Malgorzata. |
"Encounter in a Secret Country: Thomas Merton and Jorge Carrera Andrade."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM. |
"Jewels Upon His Forehead: Spiritual Vision in the Poetry and Photography of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Keating, Ross. |
"Wisdom, Sapiential Poetry, and Personalism: Exploring Some of Thomas Merton's Ideas for Values Education."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Orvin, Chris. |
"The Conflict Not Yet Fully Faced: Thomas Merton as Reader in His Journals."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"A Monk With the Spiritual Equipment of an Artist: The Art of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Lipsey, Roger. |
"Do I Want A Small Painting? The Correspondence of Thomas Merton and Ad Reinhardt: An Introduction and Commentary."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Glenn Crider and Paul M. Pearson. |
"Art in The Merton Annual, Volumes 1-5." A Bibliographic Note and Compilation.
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Poks, Malgorzata. |
"Reading Merton from the (Polish) Margin: 2004 Bibliographic Survey."
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
Rev. of In the Dark Before Dawn: New Selected Poems of Thomas Merton Edited by Lynn R. Szabo.
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of A Year With Thomas Merton: Daily Meditations From His Journals. Selected and Edited by Jonathan Montaldo.
Vol. 18 |
(2005) |
Various authors. |
Additional reviews by Christine M. Bochen, Joy A. Schroeder, Dana Greene, Glenn Crider, Angus F. Stuart and William H. Shannon.
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"The Continuing Tradition of Prayer and Continuing Social Awareness Sustain the Vision of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"To Father Thomas Fidelis (Francis) Smith, O.C.S.O."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Smith, Thomas Francis. |
"The Context of Thomas Merton's Letter Concerning 'The Jesus Prayer'."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Kramer, Dewey Weiss. |
"Complementary Approaches Illuminate Merton's Continuing Relevance for Today's Broken World."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO. |
"Thomas Merton, Monk and Prophet of Peace: The Opening Address at the 2005 International Thomas Merton Society General Meeting."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Dear, John. |
"The God of Peace is Never Glorified by Human Violence: Keynote Address to the International Thomas Merton Society, June 2005."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"Thomas Merton's Revelation of Justice and Revolution of Love: Perspectives from the San Diego Conference."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Hunter, Judith. |
"No Solution in Withdrawal - No Solution in Conforming: Merton, Teilhard, Kung and Curran."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Sobocinski, Michael. |
"The Psychology of Hatred and the Role of Early Relationships in Discovering Our True Self."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Herron, Fred W. |
"A Bricoleur in the Monastery: Merton's Tactics in a Nothing Place."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Kindred Spirits in Revelation and Revolution: Rachel Carson and Thomas Merton."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Miller, Lucien. |
"The Thomas Merton - John C.H. Wu Letters: The Lords as Postman."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Collins, John P. |
"From the 'Political Dance of Death' to the 'General Dance': The Cold War Letters of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Landscapes of Disaster: The War Poems of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Harford, James. |
"Lax, Merton and Rice on War and Peace."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
"Comrades for Peace: Thomas Merton, The Dalai Lama and the Preferential Option for Nonviolence."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
"The Spirit of Simplicity: Thomas Merton on Simplification of Life."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Wu, John, Jr. |
"Centennial Vignettes in Homage to My Father."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Adams, Daniel J. |
"Han Yong-Un and Thomas Merton: Brothers in Different Guises."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Ellsberg, Robert. |
"Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen, and the Living Gospel."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Glenn Crider. |
"Interview with James Finley: Cultivating a Contemplative Lifestyle."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Matthews, Gray. |
"Return to Sources, Holy Insecurity and Life in a Tiny House: 2005 Bibliographic Essay."
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Cooper, Jeffrey A., CSC. |
Rev. of The Pocket Thomas Merton edited by Robert Inchausti.
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
DelCogliano, Mark. |
Rev. of Cassian and the Fathers: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 1 edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
King, David A. |
Rev. of Original Child Bomb produced by Holly Becker and directed by Carey Schonegevel.
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Grayston, Donald. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: An Introduction by William H. Shannon.
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Love Burning in the Soul: The Story of the Christian Mystics, from St. Paul to Thomas Merton by James Harpur.
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Hizer, Cynthia Ann. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton's Gethsemani: Landscapes of Paradise by Monica Weis, photographs by Harry L. Hinkle.
Vol. 19 |
(2006) |
Various authors. |
Additional reviews by John Smith, Theresa Schumacher, Richard Parry, Harry Wells, Mark Dannenfelser, Cathy Crosby, Dewey W. Kramer and Anthony Feurstein.
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Introduction: To Pray Contemplatively is to Work Mysteriously Toward the Center."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Authentic Identity is Prayerful Existence."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Kardong, Terrence G. |
"'Simply Go In And Pray!': St. Benedict's Oratory In RB 52."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Hoffman, Kathy. |
"Praying The Psalms: A Layperson's Path to Contemplation."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Egan, Keith J. |
"Thomas Merton's Approach to St. John of the Cross."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Hinson, E. Glenn. |
"Ignatian and Puritan Prayer: Surprising Similarities; A Comparison of Ignatius Loyola and Richard Baxter on Meditation."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Hauser, Richard J., SJ. |
"From Thomas Merton's 'Contemplation' to Ignatius of Loyola's 'Contemplation to Obtain Love': A Personal Prayer Journey."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"'Rising Up Out of the Center': Thomas Merton on Prayer."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"Praying the Questions: Merton of Times Square, Last of the Urban Hermits."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Bourgeault, Cynthia. |
"Centering Prayer and Attention of the Heart."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Farge, Emile J. |
"Thomas Merton and Paramahansa Yogananda: Two Prayerful Mergings of Cult and Culture."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Thompson, Phillip M. |
"Prayer in a High Tech World."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Wells, Harry. |
"In Memoriam: 'We Are Life, Its Shining Gift.'"
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Corless, Roger. |
"The Christian Exploration of Non-Christian Religions: Merton's Example of Where it Might Lead Us."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Poks, Malgorzata. |
"The Meeting of Strangers: Thomas Merton's Engagement with Latin America."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Davis, Robert Leigh. |
"Sacred Play: Thomas Merton's Cables to the Ace."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
McDonnell, Kilian. |
"An Interview with Fr. Kilian McDonnell, O.S.B." Conducted by Victor A. Kramer.
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Pedrizetti, Raymond. |
"An Interview with Fr. Raymond Pedrizetti, O.S.B." Conducted by Victor A. Kramer.
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"'Living and Learning with Merton for Decades': An Interview with Victor A. Kramer, Editor." Conducted by Glenn Crider.
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Grayston, Donald. |
"Week of a Stranger: Thomas Merton Bibliographic Review 2006."
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
Rev. of The Cold War Letters by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
Rev. of Signs of Peace by William Apel.
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
DelCogliano, Mark. |
Rev. of Pre-Benedictine Monasticism: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 2 by Thomas Merton, Edited with an Introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Montello, Paul A. |
Rev. of Merton and Friends: A Joint Biography of Thomas Merton, Robert Lax, and Edward Rice by James Harford.
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Feuerstein, Anthony. |
Rev. of Angelic Mistakes: The Art of Thomas Merton by Roger Lipsey.
Vol. 20 |
(2007) |
Various authors. |
Additional reviews by Glenn Crider, Patrick F. O'Connell, Robert H. King, Catherine Crosby, Martha Gross, Dana Greene, Dewey W. Kramer, Paul Quenon, Wendy M. Wright, and Kimberly Boykin.
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Matthews, Gray. |
"Introduction: Wide Open to Marveling, Fearing, Burning, Enduring."
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Raboteau, Albert J. |
"Thomas Merton and Racial Reconciliation."
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Apel, William. |
"Terrible Days: Merton/Yungblut Letters and MLK Jr.'s Death."
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Dadosky, John D. |
"Merton as Method for Inter-religious Engagement: Examples from Buddhism."
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
"'Those Going Among the Saracens and Other Nonbelievers': Thomas Merton and Franciscan Interreligious Dialogue."
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Shaffer, Timothy. |
"A (Not So) Secret Son of Francis: Thomas Merton's Franciscan Lens for Seeing Heaven and Earth."
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Lipsey, Roger. |
"In the Zen Garden of the Lord: Thomas Merton's Stone Garden."
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Proietti, Pamela. |
"Merton's Reflections on the Christian Artist: Art as Doorway into Eternity."
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Nurture by Nature: Emblems of Stillness in a Season of Fury."
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Collins, John P. |
"The Myth of the Fall from Paradise: Thomas Merton and Walker Percy."
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Kramer, Victor A., and Dewey Weis Kramer. |
"Standing to the Side and Watching: An Introduction and Remembrance about Interviewing Walker Percy."
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Kramer, Victor A., and Dewey Weis Kramer. |
"An Interview with Walker Percy about Thomas Merton." Conducted by Victor A. Kramer and Dewey Weis Kramer in May 1983. Edited by Paul Pearson.
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Herron, Fred W. |
"'Our Transformation in Christ': Thomas Merton and Transformative Learning."
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Cannon, Nass. |
"Thomas Merton and St. John of the Cross: Lives on Fire."
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"A Vow of Conversation: Past, Present & Past-Present Thomas Merton Bibliographic Review 2007."
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Lipsey, Roger. |
Rev. of Ad Reinhardt by Michael Corris.
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton and Latin America: A Consonance of Voices by Malgorzata Poks.
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Griffith, Kevin. |
Rev. of Pax Intrantibus: A Meditation on the Poetry of Thomas Merton by Frederick Smock.
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Labrie, Ross. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Hermit at the Heart of Things by J.S Porter.
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Matthews, Gray. |
Rev. of The Promise of Paradox: A Celebration of Contradictions in the Christian Life by Parker J. Palmer.
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Frazier, Julie. |
Rev. of Gandhi on Non-Violence: Selected Texts from Gandhi's Non-Violence in Peace and War by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Burgdof, Craig. |
Rev. of Merton and Buddhism: Wisdom, Emptiness and Everyday Mind edited by Bonnie Bowman Thurston.
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
Rev. of Echoing Silence: Thomas Merton on the Vocation of Writing by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Giacalone, Arthur. |
Rev. of Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton by Morgan Atkinson.
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Grayston, Donald. |
Rev. of In My Own Words by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Atwood, Ron, Fr. |
Rev. of Lent and Easter Wisdom by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 21 |
(2008) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Master of Attention by Robert Waldron.
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"Introduction: Angular Clouds of Unknowing."
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Higgins, Michael W. |
"The Priestly Imagination: Thomas Merton and the Poetics of Critique."
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Szabo, Lynn R. |
"'In the Dark Before Dawn': Thomas Merton's Mystical Poetics."
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Labrie, Ross. |
"Wholeness in Thomas Merton's Poetry."
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Islands in the Stream: Thomas Merton's Poetry of the Early 1950s."
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"'A Ray of That Truth Which Enlightens All': Thomas Merton, Poetic Language and Inter-Religious Dialogue."
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Bilbro, Jeffrey. |
"From Violence to Silence: The Rhetorical Means and Ends of Thomas Merton's Antipoetry."
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Poks, Malgorzata. |
"The Geography of Lograire as Merton's Gestus - Prolegomena."
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Thomas Merton's Ecopoetry: Bearing Witness to the Unity of Creation."
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
McCaslin, Susan. |
"Pivoting Toward Peace: The Engaged Poetics of Thomas Merton and Denise Levertov."
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Szabo, Lynn R. |
"Shadows and Pathways: Four Unpublished Poems by Thomas Merton."
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Four Unpublished Poems."
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Wilkes, Paul. |
"Interview with Lawrence Ferlinghetti." Conducted by Paul Wilkes and edited by Gray Matthews.
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Matthews, Gray. |
"Bibliographic Review: The Mystic's Hope: Thomas Merton's Contemplative Message to a Distracted World."
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Matthews, Gray. |
Rev. of An Introduction to Christian Mysticism, Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 3 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
King, John E. |
Rev. of More Than Silence: A Bibliography of Thomas Merton by Patricia A. Burton.
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Matthews, Gray. |
Rev. of Seeds of Hope: Thomas Merton's Contemplative Message/Semillas de Esperanza: El Mensaje Contemplativo de Thomas Merton ed. by Fernando Beltrán Llavador and Paul M. Pearson.
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
Rev. of Living with Wisdom: A Life of Thomas Merton by Jim Forest. [Revised Edition]
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Mystics by William Harmless, SJ.
Vol. 22 |
(2009) |
Minderman, Patrick. |
Rev. of The Spiritual Landscape of Mark by Bonnie B. Thurston.
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Matthews, Gray. |
"Introduction: Facing the Astoninshing."
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Preface to Dom Denys Rutledge's In Search of a Yogi."
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Conner, James, OCSO. |
"Thomas Merton - Final Integration Through Interreligious Dialogue."
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
McDermott, Rachel Fell. |
"Why Zen Buddhism and Not Hinduism? The Asias of Thomas Merton’s Voyages East."
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
“A Kind of Arduous and Unthanked Pioneering.”
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Anderson, Tyson. |
“What Matters Is Clear.”
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
“Striving Toward Authenticity: Merton’s ‘True Self’ and the Millennial Generation’s Search for Identity.”
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
“Insights from the Inter-Contemplative Dialogue: Merton’s Three Meanings of ‘God’ and Religious Pluralism.”
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Kaplan, Edward K. |
“Abraham Heschel and Thomas Merton: Prophetic Personalities, Prophetic Friendship.”
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Magid, Shaul. |
“Be Alone, Together: Religious Individualism, Community and the American Spirit in Emerson, Merton and Heschel.”
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Kavka, Martin. |
“The Ends of Anxiety in Merton and Heschel.”
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
“'A Son of This Instant’: Thomas Merton and Ibn ‘Abbād of Ronda.”
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Cannon, Nass. |
“No Mirror, No Light – Just This! Merton’s Discovery of Global Wisdom.”
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Golemboski, David. |
“What Kind of World-Lover? Thomas Merton on Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Death-of-God Theology.”
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"‘A Dedication to Prayer and a Dedication to Humanity’: An Interview About Thomas Merton with James Conner, OCSO.” Conducted and edited by Paul M. Pearson.
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"2009 Bibliographic Review: Beneath the Habit of Holiness.”
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
Review Symposium of Sophia: The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton by Christopher Pramuk.
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Kaplan, Edward K. |
Review Symposium of Sophia: The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton by Christopher Pramuk.
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Szabo, Lynn R. |
Review Symposium of Sophia: The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton by Christopher Pramuk.
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Pramuk, Christopher. |
Author Response to Review Symposium of Sophia: The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton by Christopher Pramuk.
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Conner, James, OCSO. |
Rev. of The Rule of Saint Benedict: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 4 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell.
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Meade, Mark C. |
Rev. of Compassionate Fire: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Catherine de Hueck Doherty, edited by Robert A. Wild.
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
De Pillis, Mario S. |
Rev. of A Meeting of Angels: The Correspondence of Thomas Merton and Edward Deming and Faith Andrews, edited with an Introduction by Paul M. Pearson.
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Apel, William. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Life in Letters, The Essential Collection selected and edited by William H. Shannon and Christine M. Bochen.
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Vaughan, Matthew Emile. |
Rev. of A Book of Hours edited by Kathleen Deignan.
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Grayston, Donald. |
Rev. of Professional Morality and Guilty Bystanding: Merton's Conjectures and the Value of Work by Barry L. Padgett.
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Pramuk, Christopher. |
Rev. of The Voice of the Stranger: Three Papers and a Homily from the Seventh General Meeting and Conference of the Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
Rev. of Beneath the Mask of Holiness: Thomas Merton and the Forbidden Love Affair That Set Him Free by Mark Shaw.
Vol. 23 |
(2010) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Hidden Holiness by Michael Plekon.
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Matthews, Gray. |
"Introduction: Upon Hearing an Aeolian Harp."
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The Wild Places."
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Ferry, Wilbur Hugh. |
"The Technophiliacs."
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Ferry, Wilbur Hugh. |
"An Interview with W. H. (Ping) Ferry about Thomas Merton," conducted by Paul Wilkes, transcribed and edited by Paul M. Pearson.
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Borgmann, Albert. |
"Contemplation in a Technological Era: Learning from Thomas Merton.”
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Thompson, Phillip M. |
"Questioning the Goal of Biological Immortality: Mertonian Reflections on Living Eternally."
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
"Digital Natives and the Digital Self: The Wisdom of Thomas Merton for Millennial Spirituality and Self-Understanding."
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND. |
"'In the Night of Our Technological Barbarism': Thomas Merton’s Light on the Matter."
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Matthews, Gray. |
“The Heart of the Fire: Technology, Commotion and Contemplation.”
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
“Thomas Merton, Guide to the Right Use of Technology.”
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Hall, Gary. |
“Openness, Availability, Capacity for Gift.”
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Oyer, Gordon. |
“Machine Culture and the Lone Zone: Discussing Technology and Contemplation at the 1964 Peacemaker Retreat.”
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Bogert-O'Brien, Daniel. |
“Thomas Merton and Ivan Illich: Two Mendicant Anti-professionals in the Age of the Simulacra of the Professions and the System.”
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Kiernan, Jeffrey T. |
“Technology, Freedom and the Human Person: Some Teen Insights into Merton and Benedict XVI.”
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
“2010 Bibliographic Review: Fire Watch When the Web Goes Down.”
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
St. John, Donald P. |
Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis.
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis.
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND. |
Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis.
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Grayston, Donald. |
Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis.
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
Author Response to Review Symposium of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis.
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Kramer, Dewey Weiss. |
Rev. of Hidden in the Same Mystery: Thomas Merton and Loretto edited by Bonnie Thurston.
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO. |
Rev. of Monastic Observances: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 5 edited by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
Collins, John P. |
Rev. of All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day edited by Robert Ellsberg.
Vol. 24 |
(2011) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Christian Spirituality: The Classics edited by Arthur Holder.
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"Introduction: The Ineffable Desert and the City or What We Call Home."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Some Points from the Birmingham Non-Violence Movement."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Fayle, Vaughn, OFM. |
"An Interview about Thomas Merton with Dr. Martin E. Marty," conducted by Vaughn Fayle and edited by Joseph Quinn Raab.
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Pilgrimage, the Prophet, Persecutions and Perfume: East with Ibn Battūta and Thomas Merton."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Poks, Malgorzata. |
"With Malinowski in the Postmodern Desert: Merton, Anthropology and the Ethnopoetics of The Geography of Lograire."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Gustafson, Hans. |
"Place, Spiritual Anthropology and Sacramentality in Thomas Merton’s Later Years."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Pramuk, Christopher. |
"'The Street Is for Celebration’: Racial Consciousness and the Eclipse of Childhood in America’s Cities."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"Voices from the Desert: Merton, Camus and Milosz."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Collins, John P. |
"Two Antiheroes: Meursault and Binx Bolling Viewed through Thomas Merton’s Literary Imagination."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
"You Are You: That Is the Most Important Thing – Everything Is in It Somewhere: An Analysis of the Correspondence from Thomas Merton to John Harris."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Whalen, Robert Weldon. |
"Thomas Merton and Hannah Arendt: Desert and City in Cold-War Culture."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Kwon, Hyeokil. |
"Is Desert Spirituality Viable in the Twenty-First-Century City? The Legacy of the Desert Fathers in Thomas Merton."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Cannon, Nass. |
"Stand on Your Own Feet! Thomas Merton and the Monk without Vows or Walls."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Hollmann, Joshua. |
"Searching for Sophia: Nicholas of Cusa and Thomas Merton."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
"No Spouse Is an Island: Thomas Merton’s Contribution Toward a Contemporary Spirituality of Marriage."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
McDonald, Mary Murray. |
"The Soul-Rich Monk/Priest: Thomas Merton on Lectio Divina."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
"2011 Bibliographic Review: Pointing Fingers at the Calm Eye of the Storm."
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
Rev. of A Silent Action: Engagements with Thomas Merton by Rowan Williams.
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Twentieth-Century Wisdom for Twenty-First-Century Living by Paul R. Dekar.
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Bell, Ian. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Contemplation and Political Action by Mario I. Aguilar.
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
Rev. of The Wounded Heart of Thomas Merton by Robert Waldron.
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
Rev. of Silence Speaks: Teilhard de Chardin, Yves Congar, John Courtney Murray, and Thomas Merton by Robert Nugent.
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Grip, Robert. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Spiritual Guide for the Twenty-First Century [CDs] by Anthony Ciorra; and A Retreat with Thomas Merton [CDs] by Donald Goergen.
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of Faith [book and DVDs] by Robert Barron.
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Griffith, Kevin. |
Rev. of Belonging to Borders: A Sojourn in the Celtic Tradition by Bonnie Thurston.
Vol. 25 |
(2012) |
Griffith, Kevin. |
Rev. of Afternoons with Emily by Paul Quenon
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
"Introduction: Sophia’s Romancing."
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Fox, Peggy L. |
"James Laughlin and Thomas Merton: 'Louie, I Think This Is the Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship'."
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Laughlin, James. |
"An Interview with James Laughlin about Thomas Merton," conducted by Paul Wilkes, transcribed and edited by Paul M. Pearson.
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
MacNiven, Ian S. |
"More Than Scribe: James Laughlin, Thomas Merton and The Asian Journal."
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Pramuk, Christopher. |
"'She Cannot Be a Prisoner': The Lure of Wisdom as Bearer of Hope."
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Kaplan, Edward K. |
"Personal Bridges, Spiritual Communities: The Correspondence of Thomas Merton and Zalman Schachter-Shalomi."
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Oyer, Gordon. |
"Louis Massignon and the Seeds of Thomas Merton’s 'Monastic Protest'."
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Plekon, Michael. |
"'The Immense Mercy of God Was upon Me': Thomas Merton’s Reading of the Russian Émigré Thinkers."
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"'The First Cistercian and the Greatest Trappist': Thomas Merton’s Poems on John the Baptist."
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"'With My Hair Almost on End': Le Point Vierge and the Dawn Birds."
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Whalen, Robert Weldon. |
"Thomas Merton and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: 'The Dawning of Divine Light'."
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
"Thomas Merton and the Concept of the Child-Mind: 'The Only One Worth Having'."
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Meade, Mark C. |
"From Downtown Louisville to Buenos Aires: Victoria Ocampo as Thomas Merton's Overlooked Bridge
to Latin America and the World."
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Carr, Raymond. |
"Merton and Barth in Dialogue on Faith and Understanding: A Hermeneutics of Freedom and Ambiguity."
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"2012 Bibliographic Review Essay: Thomas Merton, Escape Artist."
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
Rev. of The Life of the Vows: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 6 by Thomas Merton edited by Patrick F. O’Connell.
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Meade, Mark C. |
Rev. of On Christian Contemplation by Thomas Merton edited by Paul M. Pearson and On Eastern Meditation by Thomas Merton edited by Bonnie Thurston.
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
Rev. of Precious Thoughts: Daily Readings from the Correspondence of Thomas Merton by Thomas Merton edited by Fiona Gardner.
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Contemplation; Finding True Meaning and Beauty; Thomas Merton's Great Sermons; Vatican II: The Sacred Liturgy and the Religious Life; Thomas Merton on Sufism; Ways of Prayer: A Desert Father’s Wisdom; Thomas Merton on the 12 Degrees of Humility; Solitude and Togetherness; The Prophet’s Freedom [CDs].
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton and Thérèse Lentfoehr: The Story of a Friendship by Robert Nugent, SDS.
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton—The Exquisite Risk of Love: The Chronicle of a Monastic Romance by Robert G. Waldron.
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Morgan, Patrick Thomas. |
Rev. of Returning to Reality: Thomas Merton's Wisdom for a Technological World by Phillip M. Thompson.
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Monk on the Edge edited by Ross Labrie and Angus Stuart.
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Betz, Margaret B. |
Rev. of It Draws Me: The Art of Contemplation by Mary M. McDonald.
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Paguio, Erlinda G. |
Rev. of A Miracle of Grace: An Autobiography by E. Glenn Hinson.
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
Rev. of Denise Levertov: A Poet’s Life by Dana Greene.
Vol. 26 |
(2013) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
Rev. of I'm Your Man: The Life of Leonard Cohen by Sylvie Simmons and The Holy or the Broken by Alan Light.
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"Introduction: An International Centenary Celebration of Merton’s Vision of the World Redeemed by Christ."
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Lipsey, Roger. |
"Christ Crucified: A Note on the Cover Image."
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Milosz, Czeslaw. |
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
O'Donnell, Angela Alaimo. |
"Poetry, Friendship and the Communion of Saints: Thomas Merton and Czeslaw Milosz."
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Aesthetic and Contemplative Experience - James Joyce," transcribed and edited by Paul M. Pearson.
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Goss-Mayr, Hildegard. |
"A Conversation with Hildegard Goss-Mayr about Thomas Merton," conducted by Detlev Cuntz, translated by Linda Maloney.
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Pramuk, Christopher. |
"Rumours of Glory: Walking in the Dark Half-Light of Faith."
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
"Internal Countries: Where the Self Redeemed by Christ Becomes the World Redeemed by Christ."
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Poks, Malgorzata. |
"'Love Wins Because It Is Bad Business': The World Redeemed by Christ in Eighteen Poems."
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Rosman, Artur. |
"'How Could I Not Think of This?' Milosz's Thomistic Challenge to Merton."
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Higgins, Michael W. |
"Finding Christ in the East."
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"'An Entirely New Spiritual Reality': Thomas Merton on Life in Christ."
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Beltrán Llavador, Fernando. |
"Landscapes of Redemption: Thomas Merton's Vision of the World from the Mount."
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Labrie, Ross. |
"Merton on Art as Truth."
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Loughrey, Glenn. |
"Speaking Out for Those in Exile."
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Redeeming the Time from Destruction."
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
"2013 Bibliographic Review Essay: The Grandeur of God in a Picture of Hell."
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Raab, Christian, OSB. |
Rev. of In the Valley of Wormwood: Cistercian Blessed and Saints of the Golden Age by Thomas Merton edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO.
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Pramuk, Christopher. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Selected Essays by Thomas Merton edited by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Seeing the World in a Grain of Sand: Thomas Merton on Poetry; "God Speaks to Each of Us": The Poetry and Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke; Thomas Merton on William Faulkner and Classical Literature; "All the Living and the Dead": The Literature of James Joyce; Prayer and Growth in Christian Life; "Man to Man": A Message of Contemplatives to the World (1967); Living Contemplatively: Address to the Carmelite Sisters of Savannah (1967); The Search for Wholeness [CDs].
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Dadosky, John D. |
Rev. of Merton and the Tao: Dialogues with John Wu and the Ancient Sages, edited by Cristóbal Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes.
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Mystics, Muslims, and Merton by Sidney H. Griffith [DVDs/CDs].
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Bell, Ian. |
Rev. of Answering the Contemplative Call: First Steps on the Mystical Path by Carl McColman.
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
McGregor, Michael. |
Rev. of poems (1962-1997) by Robert Lax, edited by John Beer.
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Carr, Raymond. |
Rev. of Hope Sings, So Beautiful: Graced Encounters Across the Color Line by Christopher Pramuk.
Vol. 27 |
(2014) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
Rev. of The Lives of Erich Fromm, Love's Prophet by Lawrence J. Friedman.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
"Introduction: Celebrating the Questions (and Answers)."
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Pope Francis. |
"Address of the Holy Father to a Joint Session of the United States Congress – September 24, 2015."
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Application for Conscientious Objector Status – March 1941,” introduction by Jim Forest.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Cronin, James G. R. |
"A Nation under Judgment: Thomas Merton, Frank Kowalski and the Congressional Peace Prayer."
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Williams, Rowan. |
"Words, War and Silence: Thomas Merton for the Twenty-First Century."
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
"Striving for Mercy: Envisioning the Church of the Twenty-First Century."
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Pramuk, Christopher. |
"God Accompanies Persons: Thomas Merton and Pope Francis on Gender and Sexual Diversity."
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
"Unlocking the Door from the Inside."
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Grayston, Donald. |
"Consonantia in Thomas Merton: Harmony Personal, Social and Cosmic."
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"‘A Way of Life Impregnated with Truth’: Did Thomas Merton Undervalue Confucianism?"
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Bubel, Katherine. |
"‘The Terrible, the Merciful, the Mothers’: Tracing Wisdom in Merton’s Hagia Sophia and Malick’s The Tree of Life."
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Oyer, Gordon. |
"Confronting the Myth of Human Progress: Thomas Merton and the Illusion of Privilege."
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Scruggs, Ryan. |
"Contemplation and the Cogito: Thomas Merton on the Philosophical Roots of Modern Alienation."
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Finley, James. |
"Thomas Merton: Mystic Teacher for Our Age."
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"Thomas Merton’s Conversatio Morum 2014 Bibliographic Review Essay."
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Apel, William. |
Review Symposium of Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest: Merton, Berrigan, Yoder, and Muste at the Gethsemani Abbey Peacemakers Retreat by Gordon Oyer.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Belcastro, Deborah. |
Review Symposium of Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest: Merton, Berrigan, Yoder, and Muste at the Gethsemani Abbey Peacemakers Retreat by Gordon Oyer.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
Review Symposium of Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest: Merton, Berrigan, Yoder, and Muste at the Gethsemani Abbey Peacemakers Retreat by Gordon Oyer.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Schnapp, Patricia, RSM. |
Review Symposium of Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest: Merton, Berrigan, Yoder, and Muste at the Gethsemani Abbey Peacemakers Retreat by Gordon Oyer.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Oyer, Gordon. |
Author Response to Review Symposium of Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest: Merton, Berrigan, Yoder, and Muste at the Gethsemani Abbey Peacemakers Retreat by Gordon Oyer.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Lipsey, Roger. |
Rev. of The Letters of Thomas Merton and Victor and Carolyn Hammer: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, edited by F. Douglas Scutchfield and Paul Evans Holbrook Jr. and The Letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick Samway, SJ.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Medieval Monastic Movements; An Introduction to the Cistercian Order; Thomas Merton and St. Bernard of Clairvaux; St. Thomas Aquinas and “The Ways of God”; Thomas Merton on Contemplation [revised]; Thomas Merton on Sufism [revised] by Thomas Merton [CDs].
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
Rev. of The Franciscan Heart of Thomas Merton by Daniel P. Horan, OFM.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Matthews, Gray. |
Rev. of Illusions of Freedom: Thomas Merton and Jacques Ellul on Technology and the Human Condition by Jeffrey M. Shaw.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Stuart, Angus F. |
Rev. of Thinking through Thomas Merton: Contemplation for Contemporary Times by Robert Inchausti.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Ratigan, Virginia Kaib. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Faithful Visionary by Michael W. Higgins.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
Rev. of The Ground of Love and Truth: Reflections on Thomas Merton’s Relationship with the Woman Known as “M” by Suzanne Zuercher, OSB.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
Rev. of The Spiritual Genius of Thomas Merton by Anthony T. Padovano.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Giraldo, Jeff. |
Rev. of Merton/Meatyard – Meatyard/Merton: Photographing Thomas Merton.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Szabo, Lynn R. |
Rev. of Universal Vision: A Centenary Celebration of Thomas Merton edited by Fiona Gardner, Keith Griffin and Peter Ellis.
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Hall, Gary. |
Rev. of Prophet and Mystic of Creation: On Retreat with Thomas Merton by Kathleen Deignan, CND [DVDs/CDs].
Vol. 28 |
(2015) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
Rev. of The Seven Storey Mountain and the Rest of the Story by Michael W. Higgins [DVDs/CDs].
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
"Introduction: Thin Places and Thick Descriptions."
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"'A Quite Exceptional Convent’: The Regina Laudis Correspondence." Edited with an Introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell.
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Brandt, Charles. |
"A Single Sacred Community.” An Interview Conducted by Donald Grayston and David Chang.
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"From Clairvaux to Mount Olivet: Thomas Merton’s Geography of Place.”
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Baker, Kathleen. |
"‘This Terrific Sense of Geography’: Spatial Thinking in Merton’s Journals.”
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Brown, Jason M. |
"Thomas Merton, Wildness and the Sacramental Power of Place.”
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
McGregor, Michael. |
"The Persistence of Harlem in the Life and Legacy of Thomas Merton.”
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Trappists, Working – Trappists, Praying: The Earliest Monastic Poetry of Thomas Merton.”
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Was Thomas Merton Merely Dabbling in Early Irish Poetry?”
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Plekon, Michael. |
"‘What I Wear Is Pants. What I Do Is Live. How I Pray Is Breathe’: Merton and the Spiritual Life in the Twenty-First Century.”
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Grayston, Donald. |
"Public Intellectual, Democratic Dissenter: Thomas Merton on Nuclear Weapons.”
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Stuart, Angus F. |
"Thomas Merton and Henry Miller: A Correspondence in Vision.”
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Clark, Anthony E. |
"Finding Our Way: Thomas Merton, John Wu and the Christian Dialogue with Early China.”
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
O'Hare, Padraic. |
"Young Adult Spiritual Lives: Merton, Moran and Monastic Resources.”
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
"Relevance and Ambivalence: A Bibliographic Review of Thomas Merton’s Centenary (2015).”
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Raab, Christian, OSB. |
Rev. of Charter, Customs, and Constitutions of the Cistercians: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 7 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Matthews, Gray. |
Rev. of Early Essays, 1947-1952 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Bosco, Mark, SJ. |
Rev. of The Letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick Samway, SJ.
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon: The Camaldoli Correspondence by Donald Grayston.
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO. |
Rev. of Make Peace Before the Sun Goes Down: The Long Encounter of Thomas Merton and His Abbot, James Fox by Roger Lipsey.
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of The Only Mind Worth Having: Thomas Merton and the Child Mind by Fiona Gardner.
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Bell, Ian. |
Rev. of In the School of Prophets: The Formation of Thomas Merton’s Prophetic Spirituality by Ephrem Arcement, OSB.
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Oyer, Gordon. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton, Peacemaker: Meditations on Merton, Peacemaking, and the Spiritual Life by John Dear.
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
Rev. of Merton and Waugh: A Monk, A Crusty Old Man & The Seven Storey Mountain by Mary Frances Coady.
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Brumfield, Joshua. |
Rev. of Divine Discontent: The Prophetic Voice of Thomas Merton by John Moses.
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
Rev. of At Play in Creation: Merton’s Awakening to the Feminine Divine by Christopher Pramuk.
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Hillis, Gregory K. |
Rev. of The Unquiet Monk: Thomas Merton’s Questing Faith by Michael W. Higgins.
Vol. 29 |
(2016) |
Hillis, Gregory K. |
Rev. of Pure Act: The Uncommon Life of Robert Lax by Michael N. McGregor.
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
"Introduction: From Graduate School to Gethsemani – A Pilgrimage of Prophecy and Prayer."
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Letters to Pat" edited with an Introduction by Paul M. Pearson.
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Calati, Benedetto. |
"Thomas Merton: Gift of God for the Monks of Our Time" translated and annotated with an Introduction by Donald Grayston.
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Coady, Mary Frances. |
"'A Fire That Burns': Thomas Merton, Catherine de Hueck Doherty and the Story of The Secular Journal."
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Scruggs, Ryan. |
"The 'One Merciful Event': Thomas Merton on Anselm's Cur Deus Homo."
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
"Kyrie Eleison: Mercy at the Heart of Thomas Merton's Theology of Revelation."
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Golemboski, David. |
"A Mysterious, Unaccountable Mixture of Good and Evil: Thomas Merton on Cooperation and Complicity."
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Greeley, June-Ann. |
"The Mercy of God: Mary as a Mercy for Humanity and as the Mediatrix of Salvation."
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal. |
"Divine Mercy in Thomas Merton and St. John of the Cross: Encountering the Dark Nights in the Human Soul."
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Oyer, Gordon. |
"Thomas Merton and the 'Pessimism' of Jacques Ellul."
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Plekon, Michael. |
"God's Mercy and Foolish Love: Thomas Merton and Paul Evdokimov."
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Plekon, Michael. |
"God's Mercy and Foolish Love: Thomas Merton and Paul Evdokimov."
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Copeland, M. Shawn. |
"The Watchmen and the Witnesses: Thomas Merton, Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Exercise of the Prophetic."
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Fici, Christopher. |
"'Larger, Freer, and More Loving': Confronting and Healing the Infection of Whiteness with Thomas Merton and James Baldwin."
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Whalen, Robert Weldon. |
"Thomas Merton and John Coltrane: Jazz and the Mercy beyond Being."
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Five Ways of Looking at a Monk: A Bibliographic Review of 2016."
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Allard, John E., OP. |
Rev. of The Cistercian Fathers and Their Monastic Theology: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 8 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O’Connell.
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Monastic Spirituality; Thomas Merton on Pilgrimage to the Holy Land; Thomas Merton on Desert Spirituality (CDs).
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Surat, Maria. |
Rev. of The Root of War Is Fear: Thomas Merton’s Advice to Peacemakers by Jim Forest.
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Greeley, June-Ann. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Celts: A New World Opening Up by Monica Weis, SSJ.
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton’s Poetics of Self-Dissolution by Sonia Petisco.
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Scruggs, Ryan. |
Rev. of Merton and the Protestant Tradition by William Oliver Paulsell.
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Matthews, Gray. |
Rev. of A Way to God: Thomas Merton's Creation Spirituality Journey by Matthew Fox.
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Gibson, Lisette N. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Counterculture: A Golden String by Ron Dart.
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
Rev. of The Rising Importance of Thomas Merton’s Spiritual Legacy by Kenneth Bragan.
Vol. 30 |
(2017) |
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. |
Rev. of Merton’s Abbot: The Life and Times of Dom James Fox by F. Dean Lucas.
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Introduction: The Dead Say Only One Word."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Two Conferences on Prayer: India 1968."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Walsh, Daniel C. |
"Homily for the Funeral Mass of Father Louis Merton, OCSO."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
"Seeds of Inspiration: The Life and Legacy of Thomas Merton (1915–1968)."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Malewitz, Thomas. |
"From the Mountain to the Cross: Revisiting 1968 through the Prophetic Words of King, Kennedy, Chavez and Merton."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Apel, William. |
"Crisis of Faith: Thomas Merton and the Death of Martin Luther King, Jr."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
"Kanchenjunga – 'Yin-yang Palace of Opposites in Unity': Reflections on Thomas Merton’s Experiences on the Mim Tea Estate Retreat."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Baker, Kathleen. |
"Disrupting Disparities in a Mythic Place: Internal Engagement in the Country of Lograire."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Poks, Malgorzata. |
"Dismantling the Rule of the Father: Towards the Kingdom of the Im/Possible in The Geography of Lograire."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Golemboski, David. |
"The Familiar Perspectives of American History: Thomas Merton on Black and Indigenous Oppression in the United States."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Raggio, Marcela. |
"Thomas Merton’s Nostalgia."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Thralls, Chad R. |
"From 'Get out of My Way' to 'Shining like the Sun': Thomas Merton on Cities, Community and Solitude."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Garrett, Zachary. |
"Writing in the Shadow of the Apocalyptic Cherub: Autobiographical Forms in Day of a Stranger."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
McGregor, Michael. |
"Harpo and the Clown of God: The Seven-Storied Friendship of Thomas Merton and Robert Lax."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
Review Symposium of "A Prophet Is Never Passé: A Bibliographic Review of 2017."
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Bell, Ian. |
Rev. of A Course in Christian Mysticism by Thomas Merton, edited by Jon M. Sweeney.
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
Rev. of From the Monastery to the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Ernesto Cardenal, translated and edited by Jessie Sandoval.
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Morey, Lawrence, OCSO. |
Rev. of The Spirit of Simplicity by Jean-Baptiste Chautard.
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of We Are All Poets Here: Thomas Merton’s 1968 Journey to Alaska by Kathleen Witkowska Tarr.
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Crosby, Wendy. |
Rev. of Spiritual Guides: Pathfinders in the Desert by Fred R. Dallmayr.
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Martin, Michael. |
Rev. of The World as Sacrament: An Ecumenical Path toward a Worldly Spirituality by Michael P. Plekon.
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Raab, Christian, OSB. |
Rev. of To Light a Fire on the Earth: Proclaiming the Gospel in a Secular Age by Robert Barron with John Allen, Jr.
Vol. 31 |
(2018) |
Schnapp, Patricia, RSM. |
Rev. of At Play in the Lions’ Den: A Biography and Memoir of Daniel Berrigan by Jim Forest.
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
"Finding Your Right Mind in This Mad Place: An Introduction."
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Merton, Thomas; and Patrick Hart. |
"Correspondence (1962-1968)” edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell.
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Berger, Rose Marie. |
"Direct Transmission of Faith."
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Ellsberg, Robert. |
"‘The Gate of Heaven Is Everywhere’: The Faith Journey of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Hillis, Gregory K. |
"Letters to a Black Catholic Priest: Thomas Merton, Fr. August Thompson and the Civil Rights Movement."
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
"God's Messenger: Thomas Merton on Racial Justice."
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Plekon, Michael. |
"Communion and Engagement: Merton, Berrigan and the Eucharist in Peacemaking and Protest."
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Lynch, Liam |
"Contemplative Cosmopolitanism: Thomas Merton’s Response to Xenophobia."
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
“Thomas Merton and the 'Edenic Office of the Poet': Three Poems from The Tears of the Blind Lions."
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Pramuk, Christopher. |
“Merton on the Dark Side of the Moon: Points for Meditation and Deep Listening inside a Darkened Space."
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
Review Symposium of “Thomas Merton in Connivance with Eternity: A 2018 Bibliographic Overview."
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
O'Neill, Kathleen, OCSO. |
Rev. of Cistercian Fathers and Forefathers: Essays and Conferences by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Kehoe, George G. |
Rev. of The Climate of Monastic Prayer by Thomas Merton.
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Pynkoski, Paul. |
Rev. of The Art of Thomas Merton: A Divine Passion in Word and Vision, edited by John Moses.
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Augustine, Jerome, and Ambrose: The Philosophy of the Great Latin Fathers; Thomas Merton’s Great Sermons and Reflections; Thomas Merton on Literature: John Milton, T. S. Eliot, and Edwin Muir; Thomas Merton on William Faulkner. [CDs]
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Poks, Malgorzata. |
Rev. of On Thomas Merton by Mary Gordon.
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Bubel, Katherine. |
Rev. of Superabundantly Alive: Thomas Merton’s Dance with the Feminine by Susan McCaslin and J. S. Porter.
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of The Monk’s Record Player: Thomas Merton, Bob Dylan, and the Perilous Summer of 1966 by Robert Hudson.
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
McNary-Zak, Bernadette. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Evil and Why We Suffer – From Purified Soul Theodicy to Zen by David Orberson.
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Higgins, Michael W. |
Rev. of The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: An Investigation by Hugh Turley and David Martin.
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Hall, Cassidy. |
Rev. of Merton’s Palace of Nowhere – 40th Anniversary Edition by James Finley.
Vol. 32 |
(2019) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
Rev. of What I Am Living For: Lessons from the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton, edited by Jon M. Sweeney.
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Introduction: Keeping the Faith and Keeping It Weird."
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"'The Pope of the Virgin Mary' and Other Uncollected Marian Writings" introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
"Racism Is a White Problem: Thomas Merton, Whiteness and Racial Justice."
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
McGregor, Michael. |
"Making Ourselves Heard: Lessons from Thomas Merton's Approach to Principled Dissent and Communal Renewal."
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Murdering Judas: Reconciling the Contemplative and the Poet in Thomas Merton."
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Klassen, Justin D. |
"Peace beyond Prose: Augustine and Merton on Creation's Useless Speech."
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"If Not for Luther? – Thomas Merton and Erasmus."
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal. |
"Panentheism in Thomas Merton and Teilhard de Chardin: Finding God in All Things."
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Gehl, Liana. |
"The Invisible Order of Grace: Ponderings on the Lives of Thomas Merton and Vladimir Ghika."
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Matthews, Gray. |
"Merton and Decoloniality: Facing the Whole-World."
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"Wearing Our Mitres to Bed: Thomas Merton and the Need for Humor in 'This Mad Place'."
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
Review Symposium of "Beholding New Things and Reconciling All Things: A Bibliographic Review of 2019."
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Hillis, Gregory K. |
Rev. of Medieval Cistercian History: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 9 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell.
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
Rev. of A Course in Desert Spirituality: Fifteen Sessions with the Famous Trappist Monk by Thomas Merton, edited by Jon M. Sweeney.
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Franz Kafka [CD].
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Orberson, David. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton’s Encounter with Buddhism and Beyond: His Interreligious Dialogue, Inter-Monastic Exchanges, and Their Legacy by Jaechan Anselmo Park.
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Dadosky, John D. |
Rev. of Merton and Indigenous Wisdom edited by Peter Savastano.
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Guard the Human Image for It Is the Image of God edited by Gary Hall and Detlev Cuntz.
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Kerr, Aaron K. |
Rev. of The Artist Alive: Explorations in Music, Art and Theology by Christopher Pramuk.
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Malewitz, Thomas. |
Rev. of Three Breaths and Begin: A Guide to Meditation in the Classroom by William Meyer.
Vol. 33 |
(2020) |
Crosby, Tom. |
Rev. of Encounters in Thought: Beyond Instrumental Reason by Aaron K. Kerr.
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Introduction: The Many Faces of the Stranger."
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"On Remembering Monsieur Delmas," edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"The 'Inward Stranger': Challenge, Coordinates, Consequences."
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Prevot, Andrew. |
"Contemplation in Times of Crisis."
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Oyer, Gordon. |
"Thomas Merton's Path toward Writing on Racial Concerns."
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Higgins, Michael W. |
"Après Kamloops, le Déluge: Institutional Church, Indigenous Oppression and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition."
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Pramuk, Christopher. |
"'The Grey Face of the Other': Sparks of the Divine in a Toppling World."
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Hall, Gary. |
"Up Close and Particular: Remembering Herman Hanekamp and Merton's Other Insights into Loving Strangers."
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Robinson, Jim. |
"'The Age of Rosemarys': Thomas Merton's Engagement with Rosemary Radford Ruether and Rosemary Haughton."
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Marshell, John. |
"Unpacking the 'Eastern Thing' of Thomas Merton."
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Stout, Huili (Kathy) |
"Thomas Merton and the Difficulty of Interreligious Dialogue."
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Merton's Strange Archipelago: Poetic Responses to a Prosaic Journey."
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Whalen, Robert Weldon. |
"Noir, Hip, Beat, Cool: Thomas Merton and the Postwar, Trans-Atlantic, Existentialist Avant-Garde."
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Herron, Fred W. |
"Are We There Yet? Thomas Merton as Experience, Text and Event."
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Extending the Frontier: A Bibliographic Review of 2020."
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Vale, Peter. |
Rev. of A Monastic Introduction to Sacred Scripture: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 1 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Mahon, J. Patrick. |
Rev. of Beholding Paradise: The Photographs of Thomas Merton edited by Paul M. Pearson.
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
McNary-Zak, Bernadette. |
Rev. of Shaped by the End You Live For: Thomas Merton's Monastic Spirituality by Bonnie Thurston.
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Caldwell, Tony. |
Rev. of Authenticity, Passion, and Advocacy: Approaching Adolescent Spirituality from the Life and Wisdom of Thomas Merton by Thomas E. Malewitz.
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton and the Greatest Commandment: Radical Love in Times of Crisis by Julie Leininger Pycior.
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
McGregor, Michael. |
Rev. of Writing Straight with Crooked Lines: A Memoir by Jim Forest.
Vol. 34 |
(2021) |
Sniegocki, John. |
Rev. of Advancing Nonviolence and Just Peace in the Church and the World edited by Rose Marie Berger, Ken Butigan, Judy Coode and Marie Dennis.
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Golemboski, David. |
"Introduction: A Society of 'Soul Friends'."
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Forest, James H. |
"Letters to Tom (1961-1965)" edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Ruether, Rosemary. |
"Monks and Marxists: A Look at the Catholic Left" introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Main, John, OSB. |
"Letter from a Hermitage" introduction by Nicholas Scrimenti.
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Collins, Brendan. |
"From Monastic Studies to Monastic Renewal" an interview conducted by David M. Odorisio.
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Boedy, Matthew. |
"Merton, Kenosis and Rhetorical Invention."
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Apocalypse Now? Thomas Merton as Post-War Poet."
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Van den Brink, Bret. |
"'Compassion's Sweet Poison', The Sources of Thomas Merton's 'Origen'."
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Raggio, Marcela. |
"'All Frogs in One Pond': An Approach to Thomas Merton's Monks Pond."
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Cronin, James G. R. |
"Disarming Discourse: Thomas Merton's Breakthrough to Peace, October 1961 - September 1962."
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Mendonça-Richards, Alicia. |
"The Relevance of New Seeds of Contemplation to Contemporary Pastoral Practitioners."
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Kerr, Aaron K. |
"The Earth Alive in the Third Space."
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Thomas Merton's Engaged Christianity: A Bibliographic Review of 2021."
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Robinson, Jim. |
Rev. of Notes on Genesis and Exodus by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal. |
Rev. of Merton and Hinduism: The Yoga of the Heart edited by David M. Odorisio.
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Nuccio, Anthony. |
Rev. of Man of Dialogue: Thomas Merton's Catholic Vision by Greg Hillis.
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Matthews, Gray. |
Rev. of Signs of Hope: Thomas Merton's Letters on Peace, Race, and Ecology by Gordon Oyer.
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of The Seeker and the Monk: Everyday Conversations with Thomas Merton by Sophfronia Scott.
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Thralls, Chad R. |
Rev. of Opening New Horizons: Seeds of a Theology of Religious Pluralism in Thomas Merton's Dialogue with D. T. Suzuki by Joseph Quinn Raab.
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
McDonald, Emma. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: God's Messenger on the Road toward a New World by Paul R. Dekar.
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
O'Hare, Padraic. |
Rev. of A Focus on Truth: Thomas Merton's Uncensored Mind by Patrick W. Collins.
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Pynkoski, Paul. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: An Introduction to His Life, Teachings, and Practices by Jon M. Sweeney.
Vol. 35 |
(2022) |
Meade, Mark C. |
Rev. of Eyes of Compasion: Living with Thich Nhat Hanh by Jim Forest.
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
"The Merton Annual - A Brief History."
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Golemboski, David. |
"Sophia Comes Forth, Reaching."
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Forest, James H. |
"Letters to Tom (1966-1968)." edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Bingemer, Maria Clara Lucchetti. |
"The Feminine in Merton's Life: Some Notes on His Experience with Women."
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Park, Jung Eun Sophia, SNJM. |
"Dancing with Thomas Merton in the Borderland."
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Sayre, Patricia A. |
"Alone Together: The Solitary Ties That Bind Thomas Merton and Elena Malits, CSC."
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Tabor, Callie. |
"The Sanctity of the Self: Women and Sainthood in Conversation with Thomas Merton and Sr. Thea Bowman."
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Godlaski, Aaron J. |
"Neither This nor That: Merton's Communion with Nature."
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Gillespie, John M. |
"'A World That Wants to Flourish in Love': Thomas Merton, Rainer Maria Rilke and the Hidden Wholeness of Creation."
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Odorisio, David. |
"'Not Drugs but Night': Thomas Merton on LSD and the Psychology of Religious Experience."
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Robinson, Jim. |
"Both 'Hippie Monk' and Distanced Critic: Thomas Merton and the 1960s Counterculture."
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Stout, Huili (Kathy) |
"Dao and Sophia: A Dance of Two Names."
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
McNary-Zak, Bernadette. |
"Pausing to Listen: A Bibliographic Review of 2022."
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Williams, Rowan. |
Rev. of Liturgical Feasts and Seasons: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 3, edited with an Introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell.
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Robinson, Jim. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and the Protection of All Beings, by Bill Morgan.
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
McNary-Zak, Bernadette. |
Rev. of Awake and Alive: Thomas Merton according to His Novices, edited by Jon M. Sweeney.
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Golemboski, David. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Individual Witness: Kingdom Making in a Post-Christian, Post-Truth World, by David E. Orberson.
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Kolp, Alan. |
Rev. of Open to the Full Dimension: Thomas Merton, Practical Theology, and Pastoral Practice, by Dominiek Lootens.
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
Rev. of The Merton Prayer: An Exercise in Authenticity, by Stephen A. Denny.
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Hall, Cassidy. |
Rev. of Unlearning White Supremacy: A Spirituality for Racial Liberation, by Alex Mikulich.
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Valente, Judith. |
Rev. of Dearest Sister Wendy: A Surprising Story of Faith and Friendship, by Sister Wendy Beckett and Robert Ellsberg.
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Matthews, Gray. |
Rev. of I Came Here Seeking a Person: A Vital Story of Grace, by William D. Glenn.
Vol. 36 |
(2023) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
Rev. of Reading Thomas Merton and Longing for God in Haiti: Learning Wisdom in the School of My Life, by Gerard Thomas Straub.
[end of ANNUAL results] |
SEASONAL Search Results | ▲ return to the top ▲ |
Issue ↑ | Year ↓ | Author ↑ | Title ↓ | |
Issue 1:3 |
(Fall 1976) |
4. |
Issue 1:3 |
(Fall 1976) |
"Merton Events Far and Near."
4. |
Issue 1:3 |
(Fall 1976) |
"Events of the Fall Semester Completed or in Progress."
3. |
Issue 1:3 |
(Fall 1976) |
"Thomas Merton Studies Center and Thomas Merton Collection Have Moved to a New Location on Campus."
2-3. |
Issue 1:3 |
(Fall 1976) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Fall, from The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton."
5. |
Issue 1:2 |
(Spring-Summer 1976) |
"Merton Events - Other Places."
3. |
Issue 1:2 |
(Spring-Summer 1976) |
"Curator's Corner."
3. |
Issue 1:2 |
(Spring-Summer 1976) |
"Research in Progress - World Wide."
2-3. |
Issue 1:2 |
(Spring-Summer 1976) |
"Louisville Events Sponsored by the Thomas Merton Studies Center."
1-2. |
Issue 1:1 |
(Winter 1976) |
"Center for Community Education Presents the Following Non-Credit Courses in Cooperation with the Thomas Merton Studies Center."
2. |
Issue 1:1 |
(Winter 1976) |
"Introduction to The Merton Seasonal of Bellarmine College."
1. |
Issue 2:3 |
(Fall 1977) |
"Thomas Merton and Basket Weaving."
2. |
Issue 2:3 |
(Fall 1977) |
"Thomas Merton's Writings in Poland."
4-5. |
Issue 2:3 |
(Fall 1977) |
"Thomas Merton's Monastic Journey."
3. |
Issue 2:2 |
(Spring 1977) |
"Variety of Items Donated to Thomas Merton Studies Center."
2-3. |
Issue 2:2 |
(Spring 1977) |
"Thomas Merton Events in Other Places."
3. |
Issue 2:2 |
(Spring 1977) |
Crews, Clyde F. |
"Merton's Journey: A Reflection on Elena Malits' Studies in Thomas Merton."
4-5. |
Issue 2:1 |
(Winter 1977) |
"Msgr. Treece Appointed Acting Director."
2. |
Issue 2:1 |
(Winter 1977) |
"Events of the Spring Semester Completed or in Progress."
2-3. |
Issue 2:1 |
(Winter 1977) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Evening: Zero Weather." [poem]
4. |
Issue 3:3 |
(Fall 1978) |
"The Thomas Merton Commemoration at Bellarmine College, December 3 - 10, 1978 ."
3-6. |
Issue 3:2 |
(Summer 1978) |
"Tenth Anniversary Commemorations."
2-3. |
Issue 3:2 |
(Summer 1978) |
"Depictions of Thomas Merton."
5. |
Issue 3:2 |
(Summer 1978) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Monk and Poet: A Critical Study by George Woodcock. 4. |
Issue 3:1 |
(Spring 1978) |
"Thomas Merton's Writings in Japan."
2-3. |
Issue 3:1 |
(Spring 1978) |
"Merton Events Winter/Spring 1978 ."
4. |
Issue 3:1 |
(Spring 1978) |
Leax, John. |
Rev. of The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton. 5. |
Issue 4:3 |
(Fall 1979) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Thomas Merton and Brazil."
2-3. |
Issue 4:3 |
(Fall 1979) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Publications By and About Thomas Merton."
12-16. |
Issue 4:3 |
(Fall 1979) |
"American Academy of Religion - Thomas Merton Consultation."
10-11. |
Issue 4:3 |
(Fall 1979) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Statement on Clerical Celibacy."
8. |
Issue 4:3 |
(Fall 1979) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Thomas Merton's Writings in Portuguese."
4-6. |
Issue 4:3 |
(Fall 1979) |
de Andrade, Eduardo. |
"A Comment on Thomas Merton."
7. |
Issue 4:2 |
(Summer 1979) |
Crews, Clyde F. |
"Karl Rahner at Bellarmine and Gethsemani."
7-9. |
Issue 4:2 |
(Summer 1979) |
Burns, Flavian, OCSO. |
"The Consciousness of God and His Purpose in the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton."
2-6. |
Issue 4:2 |
(Summer 1979) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Thomas Merton's Writings in German."
10-11. |
Issue 4:2 |
(Summer 1979) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
Rev. of Words and Silence: On the Poetry of Thomas Merton by Therese Lentfoehr. 12. |
Issue 4:2 |
(Summer 1979) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Publications By and About Thomas Merton."
13-16. |
Issue 4:1 |
(Winter 1979) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"After the Tenth Anniversary."
3-8. |
Issue 4:1 |
(Winter 1979) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"The Photography of Thomas Merton."
2. |
Issue 5:2 |
(Late Summer 1980) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Dan Walsh and Thomas Merton."
2. |
Issue 5:2 |
(Late Summer 1980) |
"Excerpt from Dan Walsh's Homily for the Funeral Mass of Father Louis Merton, OCSO, December 17, 1968 ."
3. |
Issue 5:2 |
(Late Summer 1980) |
Distefano, Anthony. |
"Dan Walsh's Influence on the Spirituality of Thomas Merton."
4-13. |
Issue 5:1 |
(Spring-Summer 1980) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"Interview with Fr. Alexander Schmemann."
6-10. |
Issue 5:1 |
(Spring-Summer 1980) |
"Thomas Merton's Writings in Slavic Languages."
11. |
Issue 5:1 |
(Spring-Summer 1980) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: More Merton 'Storeys'."
2. |
Issue 5:1 |
(Spring-Summer 1980) |
Baker, James. |
"Thomas." [poem]
3. |
Issue 6:3 |
(Fall 1981) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Sister Therese Lentfoehr, SDS: Custodian of 'Grace's House' and Other Mertoniana."
2-6. |
Issue 6:3 |
(Fall 1981) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"A Sr. Therese Bibliography."
6-11. |
Issue 6:2 |
(Summer 1981) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"A Note on the Contemplative Vision of Thomas Merton's Poetry."
2-4. |
Issue 6:2 |
(Summer 1981) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Merton as Poet: A Brief Bibliography."
5-7. |
Issue 6:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1981) |
Singh, Heidi. |
"Thomas Merton: Bridge for East and West: A Celebration of the Fifteenth Anniversary of Nostra Aetate."
10-11. |
Issue 6:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1981) |
"John Jacob Niles."
6-7. |
Issue 6:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1981) |
"John Howard Griffin."
4-5. |
Issue 6:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1981) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Thomas Merton - Star and Hero."
2-3. |
Issue 7:3 |
(Fall 1982) |
Banet, Anthony G. |
"Why the Blind Lion Cries."
4-11. |
Issue 7:3 |
(Fall 1982) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Thomas Merton at Bellarmine College."
2-3. |
Issue 7:2 |
(Summer 1982) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"Photography and Prayer in Thomas Merton."
2-5. |
Issue 7:2 |
(Summer 1982) |
King, James. |
"Message." [poem]
11. |
Issue 7:2 |
(Summer 1982) |
Lipsey, Roger. |
"Thomas Merton's Calligraphies."
7. |
Issue 7:2 |
(Summer 1982) |
"Merton Photographs."
8-9. |
Issue 7:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1982) |
King, James. |
"An Aubade for Thomas Merton." [poem]
8. |
Issue 7:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1982) |
"The Literary Essays of Thomas Merton edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO."
4-6. |
Issue 7:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1982) |
"The Thomas Merton Legacy Trust."
2-3. |
Issue 8:3 |
(Fall 1983) |
Grayston, Donald. |
"Thomas Merton and Family Violence."
4-7. |
Issue 8:3 |
(Fall 1983) |
"Thomas Merton Symposium."
10. |
Issue 8:3 |
(Fall 1983) |
Shannon, William H. |
"A Review."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Pilgrim in Process edited by Donald Grayston and Michael W. Higgins. 8-9. |
Issue 8:3 |
(Fall 1983) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Merton: The 'Canadian Connection'."
2-3. |
Issue 8:2 |
(Summer 1983) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Journey to Publication: Bringing Woods, Shore, Desert into Print."
2-3. |
Issue 8:2 |
(Summer 1983) |
Cooper, David D. |
"'That I Should Die Under Lesser Trees.'"
Rev. of Woods, Shore, Desert: A Notebook, May 1968 by Thomas Merton. 4-7. |
Issue 8:2 |
(Summer 1983) |
"Elderhostel, Elderhostel, Elderhostel: A Week With Thomas Merton, June 26 - July 2, 1983 ."
8-9. |
Issue 8:2 |
(Summer 1983) |
Weishaus, Joel. |
"Mountain Haiku." [poem]
10. |
Issue 8:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1983) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Mei Teng, The Silent Lamp: Thomas Merton and China."
2, 9. |
Issue 8:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1983) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"In Memoriam for Thomas Merton" and "Gethsemani Trappist, Kentucky." [poem]
10-11. |
Issue 8:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1983) |
Lee, Cyrus. |
"Thomas Merton's Imitation of Chuang Tzu."
3-8. |
Issue 8:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1983) |
Wu, John Chin Hsung. |
"Reading Father Merton's The Way of Chuang Tzu." [poem]
7. |
Issue 9:3 |
(Fall 1984) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"A Merton Commentary."
Rev. of Contemplation and Compassion: Thomas Merton's Vision by Anthony Thomas Padovano. 16. |
Issue 9:3 |
(Fall 1984) |
Goerg, Frank. |
"Mertonoia." [poem]
15. |
Issue 9:3 |
(Fall 1984) |
Marty, Martin E. |
"Thomas Merton: Pathfinder."
14. |
Issue 9:3 |
(Fall 1984) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"'Who Is It That Has A Transcendent Experience?': Main's Meditator as Merton's No-One."
11-13. |
Issue 9:3 |
(Fall 1984) |
Albert, John, OCSO. |
"Mind Guards Against White Knight: Thomas Merton and Bob Dylan."
4-10. |
Issue 9:3 |
(Fall 1984) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Preview: Five Merton Publications."
2-3. |
Issue 9:2 |
(Summer 1984) |
Osborn, Don R. |
"Evolutionary Epistemology, Meditation, and Merton."
12-13. |
Issue 9:2 |
(Summer 1984) |
Seitz, Ron. |
"Signature: In Memory of Thomas Merton." [poem]
11. |
Issue 9:2 |
(Summer 1984) |
Stone, Naomi Burton. |
"New and Enlarged."
Rev. of Thomas Merton/Monk: A Monastic Tribute edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 16-17. |
Issue 9:2 |
(Summer 1984) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"New Phase of Merton Studies."
Rev. of Letters from Tom: A Selection of Letters from Father Thomas Merton, Monk of Gethsemani, to W. H. Ferry, 1961-1968 edited by W. H. Ferry. 14-15. |
Issue 9:2 |
(Summer 1984) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Review of Criticism of Thomas Merton's Poetry."
6-10. |
Issue 9:2 |
(Summer 1984) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Of Films, Courses and Hostels: Merton Films, Merton Courses and Weeks with Thomas Merton (Naturally)."
4-5. |
Issue 9:2 |
(Summer 1984) |
Pennington, M. Basil, OCSO. |
"Gift of Rare Value."
Rev. of Merton: A Film Biography by Paul Wilkes and Audrey L. Glynn. 2-3. |
Issue 9:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1984) |
Ruttle, Paul, CP. |
"Book of Meditations."
Rev. of Blaze of Recognition: Through the Year with Thomas Merton: Daily Meditations selected edited by Thomas P. McDonnell. 4-5. |
Issue 9:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1984) |
Pounder, Joe. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
8-9. |
Issue 9:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1984) |
Abdelnour, M. Madeline, SCN. |
"Prophet of Justice and Peace."
Rev. of The Social Thought of Thomas Merton by Rev. David W. Givey. 10-11. |
Issue 9:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1984) |
Higgins, Michael W. |
"Testament of Griffin's Friendship."
Rev. of Follow the Ecstasy: Thomas Merton, The Hermitage Years, 1965-68 by John Howard Griffin. 12-14. |
Issue 9:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1984) |
"Elderhostel 1984: 'Continued Growth with Age'."
14-15. |
Issue 9:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1984) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Merton: Views and Re-Views."
2-3. |
Issue 9:1 |
(Winter-Spring 1984) |
MacCormick, Chalmers. |
"Eastern Exposure."
Rev. of Thomas Merton and Asia: His Quest for Utopia by Alexander Lipski. 6-7. |
Issue 10:4 |
(Fall 1985) |
King, Thomas M., SJ. |
"Thomas Merton on Pierre Teilhard De Chardin."
2-3. |
Issue 10:4 |
(Fall 1985) |
Carr, Virginia Spencer. |
"Merton and His Boswells: Four Essays on Recently Published and Reprinted 'Biographies' - Anti-Hero of Many Faces."
Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton by Michael Mott. 5-6. |
Issue 10:4 |
(Fall 1985) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
"Sophianic Criticism."
Rev. of The Literary Essays of Thomas Merton edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 18-20. |
Issue 10:4 |
(Fall 1985) |
Hall, Wade. |
"A Southern Catholic Novelist Speaks."
Rev. of Conversations with Walker Percy edited by Lewis A. Larson and Victor A. Kramer. 16-17. |
Issue 10:4 |
(Fall 1985) |
Seitz, Ron. |
"Four Poems from The Gethsemani Poems." [poem]
12-15. |
Issue 10:4 |
(Fall 1985) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"Merton and His Boswells: Four Essays on Recently Published and Reprinted 'Biographies' - Zacchaeus, Make Haste."
Rev. of The Man in the Sycamore Tree by Edward Rice. 9-11. |
Issue 10:4 |
(Fall 1985) |
Hauser, Richard J., SJ. |
"Merton and His Boswells: Four Essays on Recently Published and Reprinted 'Biographies' - A Personal Interpretation."
Rev. of The Human Journey by Anthony T. Padovano. 9. |
Issue 10:4 |
(Fall 1985) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Merton and His Boswells: Four Essays on Recently Published and Reprinted 'Biographies' - Biographer Like Me."
Rev. of Follow the Ecstasy by John Howard Griffin. 6-8. |
Issue 10:3 |
(Summer 1985) |
Cooper, David D. |
"Confession and Catharsis."
Rev. of The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns edited by William H. Shannon. 7-11. |
Issue 10:3 |
(Summer 1985) |
Berrigan, Daniel, SJ. |
"Seeds of Fire: Fragment from Block Island." [poem]
20. |
Issue 10:3 |
(Summer 1985) |
Nelson, Raymond. |
"The Mail from Tunis, Probably."
Rev. of The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns edited by William H. Shannon. 16-19. |
Issue 10:3 |
(Summer 1985) |
Kelty, Matthew, OCSO. |
"Merton: Monitoring Self."
Rev. of The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns edited by William H. Shannon. 12-13. |
Issue 10:3 |
(Summer 1985) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Centered on Faith: An Excerpt."
6. |
Issue 10:3 |
(Summer 1985) |
Shannon, William H. |
"Thomas Merton's First Article on War and Peace."
4-5. |
Issue 10:3 |
(Summer 1985) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: William Shannon and the Merton Letters: The First Selection."
2-3. |
Issue 10:3 |
(Summer 1985) |
Malits, Elena, CSC. |
"A Testimony of Confidence and Friendship."
Rev. of The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns edited by William H. Shannon. 14-15. |
Issue 10:2 |
(Spring 1985) |
Leax, John. |
"Unifying Merton."
Rev. of Thomas Merton by Victor A. Kramer. 18-19. |
Issue 10:2 |
(Spring 1985) |
Burns, Flavian, OCSO. |
"The Merton I Knew."
Rev. of Thomas Merton by Victor A. Kramer. 16-17. |
Issue 10:2 |
(Spring 1985) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Merton: Talk for a Television Program."
Rev. of Merton, By Those Who Knew Him Best edited by Paul Wilkes. 14-15. |
Issue 10:2 |
(Spring 1985) |
Greenfield, Thomas A. |
"One Man Merton."
Rev. of Winter Rain: Six Images of Thomas Merton by Anthony T. Padovano. 12-13. |
Issue 10:2 |
(Spring 1985) |
"Elderhostel 1985: 'Continued Growth with Age'."
10-11. |
Issue 10:2 |
(Spring 1985) |
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. |
"More Geography from Lograire." [poem]
7. |
Issue 10:2 |
(Spring 1985) |
Farce, Gilles. |
"Different Drummer: Thomas Merton and Henry Thoreau."
2-6. |
Issue 10:2 |
(Spring 1985) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: An Encomium for Raymond Treece; Reviews By and About Victor Kramer; and a Huzza from Michael Mott."
8-9. |
Issue 10:1 |
(Winter 1985) |
Allchin, A. M. |
"Whale of a Book."
Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton by Michael Mott. 4-5. |
Issue 10:1 |
(Winter 1985) |
Rice, Edward. |
"Trivia Game.
Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton by Michael Mott. 8-10. |
Issue 10:1 |
(Winter 1985) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Seventy Years and Seven Mountains: A Review-Symposium of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton, by Michael Mott."
2-3. |
Issue 10:1 |
(Winter 1985) |
Haughton, Rosemary. |
"Two Questions."
Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton by Michael Mott. 6-7. |
Issue 10:1 |
(Winter 1985) |
Crews, Clyde F. |
"Benchmark Reading."
Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton by Michael Mott. 12-13. |
Issue 10:1 |
(Winter 1985) |
Labrie, Ross. |
"Man in Motion."
Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton by Michael Mott. 14-15. |
Issue 10:1 |
(Winter 1985) |
Forest, James H. |
"Various Identities."
Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton by Michael Mott. 16-18. |
Issue 10:1 |
(Winter 1985) |
Mott, Michael. |
"Tarn." [poem].
11. |
Issue 11:4 |
(Fall 1986) |
Yarran, Willie. |
"Seeing Through Language: Thomas Merton's Contemplation of Hidden Wholeness With a Perspective from Ludwig Wittgenstein."
2-9. |
Issue 11:4 |
(Fall 1986) |
Inman, Will. |
"Reachers and Bringers." [poem]
13. |
Issue 11:4 |
(Fall 1986) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
"The Black Painting in the Hermit Hatch: A Note on Thomas Merton and Ad Reinhardt."
10-12. |
Issue 11:4 |
(Fall 1986) |
Padovano, Anthony T. |
"A Worthy Effort."
Rev. of The Legacy of Thomas Merton edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 20. |
Issue 11:4 |
(Fall 1986) |
Kronenberg, James M. |
"Thomas Merton's Love and Living."
Rev. of Love and Living by Thomas Merton. 16-19. |
Issue 11:4 |
(Fall 1986) |
Padovano, Anthony T. |
"Eighteen Poems: A Commentary."
Rev. of Eighteen Poems by Thomas Merton. 14-15. |
Issue 11:4 |
(Fall 1986) |
Stone, Rob. |
"A Healthy Legacy."
Rev. of The Legacy of Thomas Merton edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 21. |
Issue 11:3 |
(Summer 1986) |
Callard, D.A. |
"Father of the Man: An Investigation into the Roots of Thomas Merton."
5-8. |
Issue 11:3 |
(Summer 1986) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: 'A Great Soul': Owen Merton May 14, 1887 - January 18, 1931 ."
2-4. |
Issue 11:3 |
(Summer 1986) |
Merton, Owen. |
"An Owen Merton Letter."
10-11. |
Issue 11:3 |
(Summer 1986) |
Weaver, Mary Jo. |
"'An Honorable, Good Man?'"
Rev. of "Pretty Good for a Woman": The Enigmas of Evelyn Scott by D. A. Callard 12-13. |
Issue 11:3 |
(Summer 1986) |
Rice, Edward. |
"Accuracy in Merton: A Plan for Getting the Facts Right."
14-15. |
Issue 11:3 |
(Summer 1986) |
Merton, Owen. |
"At Dawn." [poem]
9. |
Issue 11:3 |
(Summer 1986) |
Pennington, M. Basil, OCSO. |
"Frisbee Smiles."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Comprehensive Bibliography compiled and edited by Marquita E. Breit and Robert E. Daggy. 18-19. |
Issue 11:3 |
(Summer 1986) |
Shannon, William H. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Comprehensive Bibliography compiled and edited by Marquita E. Breit and Robert E. Daggy. 16-17. |
Issue 11:2 |
(Spring 1986) |
Hinson, E. Glenn. |
"Service to Mertonphiles."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: The Development of a Spiritual Theologian by Donald Grayston. 12-13. |
Issue 11:2 |
(Spring 1986) |
Patnaik, Deba Prasad. |
"Emotions in Tranquility."
Rev. of The Gethsemani Poems by Ron Seitz. 18-19. |
Issue 11:2 |
(Spring 1986) |
Wilkes, Paul. |
"The Merton Challenge."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: The Development of a Spiritual Theologian by Donald Grayston. 14-15. |
Issue 11:2 |
(Spring 1986) |
Urwin, Ray W. |
"Surely It Is God Who Saves Me."
10-11. |
Issue 11:2 |
(Spring 1986) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Thomas Merton Oral History: A Beginning - A Report on Nineteen Archival Interviews."
8-9. |
Issue 11:2 |
(Spring 1986) |
Young, Gary, CR. |
"The Prophet Merton." [poem]
7. |
Issue 11:2 |
(Spring 1986) |
Grayston, Donald. |
"Merton's Quarrel With Kanchenjunga."
2-6. |
Issue 11:2 |
(Spring 1986) |
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. |
"Seitz Say."
Rev. of The Gethsemani Poems by Ron Seitz. 16-17. |
Issue 11:1 |
(Winter 1986) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Merton Smorgasbord: A 'Feast' of Merton Projects for 1986 ."
2-4. |
Issue 11:1 |
(Winter 1986) |
Broos, Constant. |
"A Belgian Merton Symposium."
16-17. |
Issue 11:1 |
(Winter 1986) |
Tobin, Mary Luke, SL. |
"Facets of Merton."
Rev. of Getting It All Together: The Heritage of Thomas Merton edited by Timothy Mulhearn. 14-15. |
Issue 11:1 |
(Winter 1986) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Gethsemani Abbey." [poem]
12-13. |
Issue 11:1 |
(Winter 1986) |
Grip, Robert. |
"The Merton Files: Washington Watches the Monk."
5-7. |
Issue 11:1 |
(Winter 1986) |
Pennington, M. Basil, OCSO. |
"The Merton Collection at Boston College."
8-10. |
Issue 11:1 |
(Winter 1986) |
"A Merton Symposium at Kalamazoo: May 8- May 11, 1986 ."
18-19. |
Issue 12:4 |
(Fall 1987) |
Remele, Kurt. |
"'Das ist Mein Personliches Gefuhl': A Conversation with Brother Patrick Hart."
16-18. |
Issue 12:4 |
(Fall 1987) |
"Grains of Sand: An Interview with Richard Moir."
3-8. |
Issue 12:4 |
(Fall 1987) |
Pounder, Joe. |
"Journey Notes: Poems." [poem]
14-15. |
Issue 12:4 |
(Fall 1987) |
Albert, John, OCSO. |
"Thomas Merton and the Dalai Lama: A Special Friendship Remembered."
19-23. |
Issue 12:4 |
(Fall 1987) |
Lee, Cyrus. |
"Teaching Thomas Merton in China."
9-13. |
Issue 12:3 |
(Summer 1987) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"The Passage of Abbot James Fox."
2-3. |
Issue 12:3 |
(Summer 1987) |
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. |
"Contemporary Hagiography."
Rev. of Thomas Merton, Brother Monk: The Quest for True Freedom by M. Basil Pennington. 20-21. |
Issue 12:3 |
(Summer 1987) |
Driskell, Leon V. |
"Momentary Stays."
Rev. of Death Eat by Ron Seitz. 17-19. |
Issue 12:3 |
(Summer 1987) |
Seitz, Ron. |
"Two Poems from Death Eat." [poem]
13-16. |
Issue 12:3 |
(Summer 1987) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Dom James and 'Good Father Louis': A Reminiscence."
6-12. |
Issue 12:3 |
(Summer 1987) |
Kelty, Matthew, OCSO. |
"On Dom James."
4-5. |
Issue 12:2 |
(Spring 1987) |
Lipsey, Roger. |
"Eyes for Art."
10-11. |
Issue 12:2 |
(Spring 1987) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"Writing in the Spirit of Merton."
Rev. of Moving in the Spirit: Becoming a Contemplative in Action by Richard J. Hauser, SJ. 20-21. |
Issue 12:2 |
(Spring 1987) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"The Three Temptations of Thomas Merton."
Rev. of The Tragedy of Thomas Merton by Alice Jordain Von Hildebrand. 13-15. |
Issue 12:2 |
(Spring 1987) |
Plank, Karl A. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton: First and Last Memories by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 2-3. |
Issue 12:2 |
(Spring 1987) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Sunken Islands: Two and One-Fifth Unpublished Merton Poems."
4-9. |
Issue 12:2 |
(Spring 1987) |
Fullerton, Timothy. |
"Easter at Gethsemani." [poem]
12. |
Issue 12:2 |
(Spring 1987) |
Finley, Mitch. |
"Once My Merry Friend."
Rev. of The Selected Letters of Mark Van Doren edited by George Hendrick. 16-19. |
Issue 12:1 |
(Winter 1987) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Bridge-Building: Merton Renderings and Renderings of Merton."
2-3. |
Issue 12:1 |
(Winter 1987) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"Thomas Merton as a Paradigm of Christian Conversion."
Rev. of Christian Conversion: A Developmental Interpretation of Autonomy and Surrender by Walter E. Conn. 18-19. |
Issue 12:1 |
(Winter 1987) |
Magner, James Edmund, Jr. |
"Spring of the Night (To Thomas Merton, Father Louis OCSO)." [poem]
17. |
Issue 12:1 |
(Winter 1987) |
Magner, James Edmund, Jr. |
"A Letter of Thomas Merton."
15-16. |
Issue 12:1 |
(Winter 1987) |
"Chuang Tzu: Two Renderings."
4. |
Issue 12:1 |
(Winter 1987) |
Albert, John, OCSO. |
"Two Studies in Chuang Tzu: Thomas Merton and Oscar Wilde."
5-14. |
Issue 13:4 |
(Fall 1988) |
Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO. |
"The Humanism of Thomas Merton."
Rev. of Toward an Integrated Humanity: Thomas Merton's Journey edited by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO. 19-21. |
Issue 13:4 |
(Fall 1988) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Thomas Merton (1915-1968): Conferences, Commemorations, Festivals, Books, Articles, and Festschrifts Twenty Years Later."
2-3. |
Issue 13:4 |
(Fall 1988) |
Trunfull, Patricia. |
"Merton at Brooke: A Photo-Essay."
4-5. |
Issue 13:4 |
(Fall 1988) |
MacCormick, Chalmers. |
"A Meeting of Hearts."
Rev. of Encounter: Thomas Merton and D.T. Suzuki edited by Robert E. Daggy. 6-7. |
Issue 13:4 |
(Fall 1988) |
Fisher, James T. |
"A Critical Period in Merton's Life."
Rev. of A Vow of Conversation: Journals 1964-1965. 8-9. |
Issue 13:4 |
(Fall 1988) |
McLaughlin, Thomas, OSB. |
"A Direct Glimpse of Merton."
Rev. of A Vow of Conversation: Journals 1964-1965 by Thomas Merton. 10-11. |
Issue 13:4 |
(Fall 1988) |
Merritt, Justine. |
"For Thomas Merton: A Poem." [poem]
12-13. |
Issue 13:4 |
(Fall 1988) |
Padovano, Anthony T. |
"The Maturity of Merton Studies."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 1. 14-15. |
Issue 13:4 |
(Fall 1988) |
Higgins, Michael W. |
"A Gentle and Gracious Critic."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Monk and Artist by Victor A. Kramer. 22-23. |
Issue 13:4 |
(Fall 1988) |
Biddle, Arthur W. |
"A Rich Merton Album."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 1. 16-18. |
Issue 13:3 |
(Summer 1988) |
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. |
"The Merton Tree Revisited: A Photo-Essay."
16-17. |
Issue 13:3 |
(Summer 1988) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"Merton's Alaskan Trek."
Rev. of The Alaskan Journal of Thomas Merton edited by Robert E. Daggy. 18-20. |
Issue 13:3 |
(Summer 1988) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"A World Away (for the Monks at Gethsemani Abbey)." [poem]
15. |
Issue 13:3 |
(Summer 1988) |
Buchanan, William. |
"Merton's Asian Trail: Some Travel Notes."
6-9. |
Issue 13:3 |
(Summer 1988) |
Tuoti, Frank X. |
"Merton A Saint? Why Not?!"
22. |
Issue 13:3 |
(Summer 1988) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: In Pursuit of Thomas Merton."
2-5. |
Issue 13:3 |
(Summer 1988) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Tracking Merton in the U.K."
10-15. |
Issue 13:2 |
(Spring 1988) |
Stevens, Clifford. |
"Two Letters of Thomas Merton."
5-8. |
Issue 13:2 |
(Spring 1988) |
"A Letter from William H. Shannon."
3-4. |
Issue 13:2 |
(Spring 1988) |
Rukstelis, Michael, CO. |
"The Pasture (Thomas Merton's Heart)." [poem]
9. |
Issue 13:2 |
(Spring 1988) |
Lewis, Gloria Kitto. |
"Thomas Merton's Myth for Modern Times: A Tale of the City."
10-15. |
Issue 13:2 |
(Spring 1988) |
Grip, Robert. |
"Merton's Foresight."
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Nuclear Weapons by Ronald E. Powaski. 16-17. |
Issue 13:2 |
(Spring 1988) |
Stone, Rob. |
"A Hermitage Experience."
Rev. of A Retreat with Thomas Merton by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO. 17-18. |
Issue 13:2 |
(Spring 1988) |
Barbehenn, Dorothy J. |
"Too Serious A Brother Monk: A Letter to the Editor."
19. |
Issue 13:1 |
(Winter 1988) |
Johnson, Susan Matthis. |
"Three Poems." [poem]
9-12. |
Issue 13:1 |
(Winter 1988) |
Holloway, James Y. |
"A Thomas Merton Symposium."
Rev. of The Kentucky Review (Vol. VII, No 2, Summer 1987). 16-17. |
Issue 13:1 |
(Winter 1988) |
Ford, John H. |
"A Lasting and Productive Relationship."
Rev. of Merton and Walsh on the Person by Robert Imperato. 14-15. |
Issue 13:1 |
(Winter 1988) |
Sisto, Richard. |
"The Simple Gifts of Merton."
6-8. |
Issue 13:1 |
(Winter 1988) |
Imperato, Robert. |
"Thomas Merton and Daniel Clark Walsh."
2-5. |
Issue 13:1 |
(Winter 1988) |
McGuire, Paul J., SCJ. |
"'Your Own Self'."
Rev. of A Search for Wisdom and Spirit: Thomas Merton's Theology of the Self by Anne E. Carr. 18-20. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
Grip, Robert. |
"Different People, Different Levels."
10-12. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
"Images of Friendship: A Photo Essay."
6-7. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
"J. S. Porter replies to Patrick F. O'Connell's Review of The Thomas Merton Poems."
29. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
"Thomas Merton and Alfred B. Hailparn: Two Recently Discovered Letters Concerning the 1937 Columbian."
4-5. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
"The Road to Joy: A Review Symposium."
8-19. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
Casey, Michael, OCSO. |
"Fresh and Readable Letters."
8-9. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
Richardson, Jane Marie, SL. |
"Sturdy Shelter."
12-15. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
Van Waes, Bernard. |
"Mailbox Number 5 ."
15-19. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"Thomas Merton in Cuba and Ceylon: In His End is His Beginning."
19-20. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
"Three Poems by Younger Merton Readers."
21-23. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
Hessel, Paige E M. |
"Twenty-One Years Too Late." [poem]
21. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
Ruttle, Paul, CP. |
"A Scholarly 'Good Read'."
Rev. of Thomas Merton's Art of Denial: The Evolution of a Radical Humanist by David D. Cooper. 27-29. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Of Grace, Mystery, and Joy: The Second Volume of The Merton Letters."
2-3. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
Voiles, Kenneth M. |
"In the Silence" and "The Monk's Way." [poem]
22-23. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
Biddle, Arthur W. |
"New and Old Friendships."
Rev. of Monk's Pond: Thomas Merton's 'Little Magazine' by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Robert E. Daggy, afterword by Patrick Hart. 24-26. |
Issue 14:4 |
(Fall 1989) |
Irish, Marc. |
"For Merton." [poem]
26. |
Issue 14:3 |
(Summer 1989) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: After the First General Meeting of the ITMS."
2. |
Issue 14:3 |
(Summer 1989) |
Burns, Flavian, OCSO. |
"'Do This in Memory of Me': Homily for the Feast of Corpus Christi Commemorating Thomas Merton, Abbey of Gethsemani, 28 May 1989 ."
8-9. |
Issue 14:3 |
(Summer 1989) |
McGuire, Paul J., SCJ. |
"'Merton's Secret': Homily for the Fortieth Anniversary of Thomas Merton's Ordination, St. Robert Chapel, Bellarmine College, 26 May 1989 ."
10-12. |
Issue 14:3 |
(Summer 1989) |
Batholomew, Martha. |
"Seeds for Generation." [poem]
13. |
Issue 14:3 |
(Summer 1989) |
Moe, Rusty C. |
"Pants, Breath and the General Dance: Thomas Merton's Ordinary Grace."
14-17. |
Issue 14:3 |
(Summer 1989) |
Patterson, Jodi, OCD. |
"'I Am Here in Answer to Someone's Prayer'."
Rev. of Thomas Merton in Alaska: Prelude to the Asian Journal; The Alaskan Conferences, Journals and Letters by Thomas Merton. 18-20. |
Issue 14:3 |
(Summer 1989) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"From a Brother of Another Communion."
Rev. of Soul Friends: A Journey with Thomas Merton by Brother Ramon, SSF. 20-21. |
Issue 14:3 |
(Summer 1989) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"A Caravan for Merton."
Rev. of The Thomas Merton Poems: A Caravan of Poems by J. S. Porter. 22-25. |
Issue 14:3 |
(Summer 1989) |
Biddle, Arthur W. |
"Hours: Gethsemani (for Robert Lax)." [poem]
25. |
Issue 14:3 |
(Summer 1989) |
Shannon, William H. |
"The Farmer from Nelson County."
3-7. |
Issue 14:3 |
(Summer 1989) |
"Two Homilies from the ITMS General Meeting."
8-12. |
Issue 14:2 |
(Spring 1989) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Merton: Kentucky Writers, Artists and Events."
2-3. |
Issue 14:2 |
(Spring 1989) |
Brooks, Anne Page. |
"Job and Thomas Merton: Their Experiences of God and the Realization of Integrity."
4-9. |
Issue 14:2 |
(Spring 1989) |
Engelberg, Joseph. |
"Two Monks: A Visit to Dom James Fox's Hermitage and Old Monk."
10-13. |
Issue 14:2 |
(Spring 1989) |
Ray, Ronald D. |
"Narrow Way: A Poem." [poem]
14-15. |
Issue 14:2 |
(Spring 1989) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
"Merton Reflects."
Rev. of "Honorable Reader:" Reflections on My Work edited by Robert E. Daggy. 16-17. |
Issue 14:2 |
(Spring 1989) |
English, John C. |
"Three Plays."
Rev. of Conscience and Conflict: A Trilogy of One-Act Plays: Thomas Merton, Pope John XXIII, Martin Luther by Anthony T. Padovano. 18-19. |
Issue 14:2 |
(Spring 1989) |
"Victor Kramer Replies to Michael Higgins's Review of Thomas Merton: Monk and Artist."
27. |
Issue 14:2 |
(Spring 1989) |
Shannon, William H. |
"No Thomas Merton."
Rev. of Up and Down Merton's Mountain: A Contemporary Spiritual Journey by Gerald Groves. 20-22. |
Issue 14:1 |
(Winter 1989) |
Kocka, David. |
"A Song of Syllables: Merton an Artist in Art."
4-9. |
Issue 14:1 |
(Winter 1989) |
Burne, Martin J, OSB. |
"Some Thoughts on the Early Poetry of Thomas Merton: Reading 'The Quickening of St. John the Baptist'."
10-14. |
Issue 14:1 |
(Winter 1989) |
Lee, Cyrus. |
"'I Speak as Your Own Self'."
Rev. of Chi Chung Shan: Mu-Duen Tze Chuan by Thomas Merton. 20-21. |
Issue 14:1 |
(Winter 1989) |
Koch, William. |
"Realized Eschatology in Merton's A Vow of Conversation."
16-17. |
Issue 14:1 |
(Winter 1989) |
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. |
"No Need for Verbs."
Rev. of Monks Pond, Old Hermit, Hai!: A Haiku Homage to Thomas Merton by Ron Seitz. 18-19. |
Issue 14:1 |
(Winter 1989) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Merton: Islands, The New Yorker, and Other Connections."
2-3. |
Issue 14:1 |
(Winter 1989) |
Porter, J. S. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
15. |
Issue 15:4 |
(Fall 1990) |
Moon, William Least Heat. |
"A Visit to Holy Spirit Monastery: Excerpts from Blue Highways: A Journey into America."
4-6. |
Issue 15:4 |
(Fall 1990) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Merton Connections: The Monastery of the Holy Spirit, Bobbie K. Owens, Least Heat Moon, and The Fourteen Carat Molehill."
2-3. |
Issue 15:4 |
(Fall 1990) |
Brand, Edmund, OCSO. |
"A Tribute to Thomas Merton." [poem]
7-9. |
Issue 15:4 |
(Fall 1990) |
Albert, John, OCSO. |
"Merton's Life As 'Monastic
10-16. |
Issue 15:4 |
(Fall 1990) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"A Call for Additional Oral History: Merton, The Guestmaster, 'The Fat Boy,' and Monasticism."
20-23. |
Issue 15:4 |
(Fall 1990) |
Irish, Marc. |
"Collecting Merton."
23-24. |
Issue 15:4 |
(Fall 1990) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"Merton the Dreamer."
Rev. of The Hidden Journey: Reflections on a Dream by Thomas Merton by Melvyn Matthews. 25-26. |
Issue 15:4 |
(Fall 1990) |
Sonnenberg, Barbara. |
"Merton the Peacemaker."
Rev. of Our God is Nonviolent: Witnesses in the Struggle for Peace and Justice by John Dear. 26-27. |
Issue 15:4 |
(Fall 1990) |
Rice, Edward. |
"Merton Issues: A Letter to the Editor."
31. |
Issue 15:4 |
(Fall 1990) |
Albert, John, OCSO. |
"Three Poems in the Spirit of Lograire and Cables to the Ace." [poem]
16-19. |
Issue 15:3 |
(Summer 1990) |
Hall, Wade. |
"A Discerning Essayist."
Rev. of Random Essays: Recollections of a Publisher by James Laughlin. 25-26. |
Issue 15:3 |
(Summer 1990) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"Journey to Sri Lanka and Three Poems."
8-11. |
Issue 15:3 |
(Summer 1990) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Merton's Words in China."
12. |
Issue 15:3 |
(Summer 1990) |
Thurston, Burton B. |
"Merton's Reflections on Sufism."
4-7. |
Issue 15:3 |
(Summer 1990) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Six Haiku." [poem]
15. |
Issue 15:3 |
(Summer 1990) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Thomas Merton and Eastern Religions: A Bibliography."
16-21. |
Issue 15:3 |
(Summer 1990) |
Boyd, Virginia. |
"Thomas Merton." [poem]
21. |
Issue 15:3 |
(Summer 1990) |
Dockery, Wilda. |
"To Thomas Merton." [poem]
29. |
Issue 15:3 |
(Summer 1990) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"The Center Dialogue."
Rev. of Preview of the Asian Journey by Thomas Merton. 23-24. |
Issue 15:3 |
(Summer 1990) |
Young, Gary, CR. |
"Iconostasis for Novices."
Rev. of Modern Spiritual Writers: Their Legacies of Prayer by Charles J. Healey, SJ. 27-29. |
Issue 15:3 |
(Summer 1990) |
Villasana, Ana. |
"Of Merton and the East: A Letter to the ITMS."
22. |
Issue 15:3 |
(Summer 1990) |
Pennington, M. Basil, OCSO. |
"Merton's Bell Rings Out in Thailand."
13-14. |
Issue 15:3 |
(Summer 1990) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Thomas Merton and the East: A Reflection."
2-3. |
Issue 15:2 |
(Spring 1990) |
Doriot, Jeanne, SP. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
12-13. |
Issue 15:2 |
(Spring 1990) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Thomas Merton's 'Muse of Fire'."
2-3. |
Issue 15:2 |
(Spring 1990) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
"Thomas Merton: Firewatcher."
6-11. |
Issue 15:2 |
(Spring 1990) |
Moe, Rusty C. |
"Giving Voice to the Fire: A Commentary on Thomas Brooks' A Moment of Love."
14-16. |
Issue 15:2 |
(Spring 1990) |
Voiles, Kenneth M. |
"The Colorization of Thomas Merton: An Open Letter to the ITMS."
16-17. |
Issue 15:2 |
(Spring 1990) |
Dear, John. |
"Merton as Catholic Romantic."
Rev. of The Catholic Counterculture in America, 1933-1962 by James Terence Fisher. 18-20. |
Issue 15:2 |
(Spring 1990) |
King, Thomas M., SJ. |
"Berrigan: Artist and Activist."
Rev. of The Writings of Daniel Berrigan by Ross Labrie. 20-22. |
Issue 15:2 |
(Spring 1990) |
Koch, William. |
"Quixotic Merton."
Rev. of Enchantments: Religion and the Power of the Word by Thomas M. King. 22-25. |
Issue 15:2 |
(Spring 1990) |
Paguio, Erlinda G. |
"Merton: Sparked by the Meister."
Rev. of The Spark in the Soul: Spirituality and Social Justice by Terry Tastard. 25-27. |
Issue 15:2 |
(Spring 1990) |
Sisto, Richard; interviewing Fred Hicks. |
"The Significance of the Firewatch Quilt."
3-5. |
Issue 15:1 |
(Winter 1990) |
Drane, Stephen. |
"Merton-Flirtin'." [poem]
25. |
Issue 15:1 |
(Winter 1990) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"'The Woman Thing'."
9-14. |
Issue 15:1 |
(Winter 1990) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Women and Merton - ITMS General Meeting Reflections."
2. |
Issue 15:1 |
(Winter 1990) |
Lauridson, James R. |
"Merton and the Feminine: A Reflection."
3-5. |
Issue 15:1 |
(Winter 1990) |
Felhoelter, M. Clarita, OSU. |
"After Reading Merton - Three Poems." [poem]
6-8. |
Issue 15:1 |
(Winter 1990) |
"A Letter from George Bush."
16. |
Issue 15:1 |
(Winter 1990) |
Malits, Elena, CSC. |
"The Meaning of The Seven Storey Mountain."
17-21. |
Issue 15:1 |
(Winter 1990) |
LoGrasso, Beverly Anne, OSU. |
"Musings on Mystical, Musical Merton, Maker of World Community: After the First General Meeting."
23-25. |
Issue 15:1 |
(Winter 1990) |
Ferry, Wilbur Hugh. |
"Notes on Walter Capps' Preview of the Asian Journey."
26-28. |
Issue 15:1 |
(Winter 1990) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"A Concrete Poem from Munx Pond." [poem]
28. |
Issue 15:1 |
(Winter 1990) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Storm and Wind." [poem]
22. |
Issue 16:4 |
(Fall 1991) |
Sweeney, Jonathan. |
"Lines on Gene and Father Louie." [poem]
24. |
Issue 16:4 |
(Fall 1991) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Of Merton and Dreams."
2-3. |
Issue 16:4 |
(Fall 1991) |
Tuoti, Frank X. |
"Mozart and the Birds." [poem]
4. |
Issue 16:4 |
(Fall 1991) |
Scovel, Carl. |
"Mozart, Merton and Karl Barth: A Sermon Delivered at King's Chapel, Boston, Massachusetts. July 1991
5-8. |
Issue 16:4 |
(Fall 1991) |
Gordy, Rose. |
"I Dream (?) of Louie." [poem]
8. |
Issue 16:4 |
(Fall 1991) |
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. |
"Merton in Apparition."
Rev. of Father Louie: Photographs of Thomas Merton by Ralph Eugene Meatyard edited by Barry Magid and Ralph Eugene Meatyard: An American Visionary edited by Barbara Tannenbaum. 25-28. |
Issue 16:4 |
(Fall 1991) |
Hogan, Christine Jensen. |
"Geraniums." [poem]
29. |
Issue 16:4 |
(Fall 1991) |
Thibodeau, Philippe. |
"A Codicil to the Pasternak-Merton Exchange: From a Letter and a Journal Entry."
9-10. |
Issue 16:4 |
(Fall 1991) |
Waldron, Robert G. |
"Merton's Dreams: A Jungian Analysis."
11-23. |
Issue 16:3 |
(Summer 1991) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"The Tobin Tapes."
Rev. of Prayer and Commitment in Thomas Merton and Prophesy and Commitment in Thomas Merton by Mary Luke Tobin, SL. 23-24. |
Issue 16:3 |
(Summer 1991) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Merton and His Friends."
2-3. |
Issue 16:3 |
(Summer 1991) |
Kelly, Marcia and Jack. |
"Conversation with Robert Lax."
4-9. |
Issue 16:3 |
(Summer 1991) |
Porter, J. S. |
"Thomas Merton in Las Vegas."
9. |
Issue 16:3 |
(Summer 1991) |
Robarge, Geoffrey M. |
"To the Members of the ITMS: Reflections on the Second General Meeting of the International Thomas Merton Society."
10. |
Issue 16:3 |
(Summer 1991) |
Biddle, Arthur W. |
Rev. of Sanctuaries: A Guide to Lodgings in Monasteries, Abbeys, and Retreats - The Northeast by Jack and Marcia Kelly. 22-23. |
Issue 16:3 |
(Summer 1991) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"Notre Dame, Gethsemani, and Thomas Merton."
Rev. of A Companion to Prayer Sung by the University of Notre Dame Folk Choir and the Monastic Schola of Gethsemani Abbey. 25-26. |
Issue 16:3 |
(Summer 1991) |
Sonnenberg, Barbara. |
"Merton in Fiction."
Rev. of Masquerade by William X. Kienzle. 26-27. |
Issue 16:3 |
(Summer 1991) |
Lasco, R.B. |
"Cross Country." [poem]
27. |
Issue 16:3 |
(Summer 1991) |
Shannon, William H. |
"Two Homilies: A Life Without Care."
18-20. |
Issue 16:3 |
(Summer 1991) |
Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO. |
"Two Homilies: Homily 11th Sunday."
20-21. |
Issue 16:3 |
(Summer 1991) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Choirs of Millions: Thomas Merton and God's Creatures."
11-17. |
Issue 16:2 |
(Spring 1991) |
Downey, Michael. |
"The Third Collection of Merton Letters."
Rev. of The School of Charity: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 23-25. |
Issue 16:2 |
(Spring 1991) |
Neal, Marianne Kane. |
"The Timelessness of Merton: Thoughts on Desert Storm."
5-6. |
Issue 16:2 |
(Spring 1991) |
Milligan, Mary, RSHM. |
"A Letter to Brother Louie."
Rev. of The School of Charity: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 20-22. |
Issue 16:2 |
(Spring 1991) |
Young, Glenn Anthony. |
"First Encounter with Merton." [poem]
19. |
Issue 16:2 |
(Spring 1991) |
Koch, William. |
"Thomas Merton and Walt Whitman: Seekers of the 'Passage to India'."
15-18. |
Issue 16:2 |
(Spring 1991) |
Brown, Devin. |
"Thomas Merton and Joseph Campbell: Conversion and the Hero's Departure."
11-14. |
Issue 16:2 |
(Spring 1991) |
Inman, Will. |
"7 March 1991 ." [poem]
7. |
Issue 16:2 |
(Spring 1991) |
Tuoti, Frank X. |
"Desert Night." [poem]
4. |
Issue 16:2 |
(Spring 1991) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Merton: The Desert and the Traveler."
2-3. |
Issue 16:2 |
(Spring 1991) |
Anderholm, Judith. |
"Thomas Merton and Aldous Huxley: The Springboard of Ends and Means."
8-10. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
Sonnenberg, Barbara. |
"Merton in Capsule Form."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Selection from His Writings edited by Aileen Taylor. 21. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
Guli, Francesca. |
"Merton's Camera." [poem]
13. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
McIntyre, Joan. |
"Hymn to a T." [poem]
31. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
Cohen, Ingrid. |
"The Jenkins House and Zion Episcopal Church in 1990 Douglaston, Long Island, New York. A Photo Essay."
4-5. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
Grip, Robert. |
"Pop's Office: A Reminiscence. Interview with Helen Kelly Phares."
6-10. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
Winser, Andrew. |
"Two Letters About Thomas Merton (2 of 2)."
12-13. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
Grip, Robert. |
"Two Merton Schools: Learning about Merton High."
14-15. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
Young, Gary, CR. |
"Two Merton Schools: The Thomas Merton Academy."
15. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
Del Prete, Thomas. |
"Thomas Merton on Mark Van Doren:A Portrait of Teaching and Spiritual Growth."
16-18. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
Sweeney, Jonathan. |
"A Poem for Conscience: January 1991 ." [poem]
18. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
Rice, Daniel. |
"Merton on Education."
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Education of the Whole Person by Thomas Del Prete. 19-21. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Thomas Merton in Belgium: A Report to the ITMS."
24-25. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
Baciu, Stefan. |
"Thomas Merton in Panama: A Commentary on Tobias Diaz Blaitry's Cuatro Poemas de Thomas Merton."
22-23. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Merton and Initiation: Being 'Educated' and Educating."
2-3. |
Issue 16:1 |
(Winter 1991) |
Merton, John J. |
"Two Letters About Thomas Merton (1 of 2)."
11-12. |
Issue 17:4 |
(Fall 1992) |
Voiles, Kenneth M. |
"Prelude of Mysticism."
Rev. of Merton: Mystic at the Center of America by Thomas M. King, SJ. 25-28. |
Issue 17:4 |
(Fall 1992) |
Gordy, Rose. |
"Two Haiku for Louie." [poem]
12. |
Issue 17:4 |
(Fall 1992) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Water, Woods and Walnuts: Traveling (with Merton in Tow) in the Beauty of the Natural World."
2-3. |
Issue 17:4 |
(Fall 1992) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Living Beings Call Us to Reflective Living: Mary Austin, Thomas Merton and Contemporary Nature Writers."
4-9. |
Issue 17:4 |
(Fall 1992) |
Mayer, Elsie F. |
"Haiku From Gethsemani Abbey." [poem]
9. |
Issue 17:4 |
(Fall 1992) |
Corrigan, Gregory M. |
"Thinking of Louie: My Personal Reflections of Thomas Merton, A Man I Never Met."
10-12. |
Issue 17:4 |
(Fall 1992) |
Judge, Maria S. |
"A Merton Journey."
13-19. |
Issue 17:4 |
(Fall 1992) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Seasons (For Gethsemani)." [poem]
20-21. |
Issue 17:4 |
(Fall 1992) |
Machar, Jerome, OCSO. |
"A Revised Journey."
Rev. of The Monastic Journey edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 24-25. |
Issue 17:4 |
(Fall 1992) |
Shannon, William H. |
"A Valuable Book."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Spiritual Master - The Essential Writings edited by Lawrence S. Cunningham. 22-24. |
Issue 17:3 |
(Summer 1992) |
Shannon, William H. |
"An Unusual Discovery in a Second-Hand Bookstore in England."
4-6. |
Issue 17:3 |
(Summer 1992) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Turning on the 'Lamp': More Glimpses of the Life of Thomas Merton."
2-3. |
Issue 17:3 |
(Summer 1992) |
Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO. |
"The Springs of Contemplation."
Rev. of Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani edited by Jane Marie Richardson, SL. 23-24. |
Issue 17:3 |
(Summer 1992) |
Voiles, Kenneth M. |
"Prades: A Photo Essay."
18-22. |
Issue 17:3 |
(Summer 1992) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"Saint Anne's, Soho: A Photo Essay."
16-17. |
Issue 17:3 |
(Summer 1992) |
Loydell, Rupert M. |
"Withdrawl (for Thomas Merton)." [poem]
15. |
Issue 17:3 |
(Summer 1992) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
"Reflecting the Light."
Rev. of Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story by William H. Shannon. 10-14. |
Issue 17:3 |
(Summer 1992) |
"Lighting the Way."
Rev. of Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story by William H. Shannon. 8-10. |
Issue 17:3 |
(Summer 1992) |
Del Prete, Thomas. |
"To Merton and Chuang Tzu." [poem]
7. |
Issue 17:2 |
(Spring 1992) |
Seitz, Ron. |
"Three Poems." [poem]
20-21. |
Issue 17:2 |
(Spring 1992) |
Simmons, Carl. |
"Two Vocations."
Rev. of Thomas Merton as Writer and Monk: A Cultural Study, 1915-1951 by Peter Kountz. 18-19. |
Issue 17:2 |
(Spring 1992) |
McDonnell, Chris. |
"Night." [poem]
17. |
Issue 17:2 |
(Spring 1992) |
Webster, Ronald. |
"The Swimming Teacher." [poem]
16. |
Issue 17:2 |
(Spring 1992) |
"Two Poems Prompted by Merton's Writings."
16-17. |
Issue 17:2 |
(Spring 1992) |
Porter, J. S. |
"Thomas Merton and Wendell Berry: A Brief Study in Tone."
12-15. |
Issue 17:2 |
(Spring 1992) |
Murray, Mary. |
"Aristotle Meets the Spiritual Classics: The Rhetoric of Thomas Merton."
8-12. |
Issue 17:2 |
(Spring 1992) |
Altany, Alan. |
"Thomas Merton: Poet of the Sacred."
4-7. |
Issue 17:2 |
(Spring 1992) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Merton the Writer (With Some Animadversions by the Writer Himself)."
2-3. |
Issue 17:2 |
(Spring 1992) |
Kocka, David. |
"Poetic Anguish."
Rev. of The Mechanic of Tears by Ron Seitz. 22-28. |
Issue 17:1 |
(Winter 1992) |
Kiernan, Jeffrey T. |
"Twin." [poem]
20. |
Issue 17:1 |
(Winter 1992) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Merton and the Feminine (Again!) (With Asides About General Meetings and Polish Poets."
2-3. |
Issue 17:1 |
(Winter 1992) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"'I Never Had A Sister': Merton's Friendships with Women."
4-8. |
Issue 17:1 |
(Winter 1992) |
Nugent, Robert, SDS. |
"Thomas Merton and Sexual Wholeness."
9-15. |
Issue 17:1 |
(Winter 1992) |
"Two Poems Occasioned by ITMS General Meetings."
20-21. |
Issue 17:1 |
(Winter 1992) |
Pearson, Pauline. |
"The Cult of Thomas Merton." [poem]
21. |
Issue 17:1 |
(Winter 1992) |
Tuoti, Frank X. |
"Merton for Beginners."
Rev. of Living with Wisdom: A Life of Thomas Merton by Jim Forest. 22-23. |
Issue 17:1 |
(Winter 1992) |
Tobin, Mary Luke, SL. |
"Awareness for Searchers."
Rev. of Silence on Fire: The Prayer of Awareness" by William H. Shannon. 24-25. |
Issue 17:1 |
(Winter 1992) |
Koch, William. |
"The Love Poems of Thomas Merton: On Being a Hermit in Love."
16-19. |
Issue 18:3-4 |
(Summer-Fall 1993) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"The Journals of Thomas Merton: A Preview."
26-27. |
Issue 18:3-4 |
(Summer-Fall 1993) |
Eastman, Patrick. |
"'Already One, Becoming What We Are' - The Way to Go."
4-5. |
Issue 18:3-4 |
(Summer-Fall 1993) |
Beltrán Llavador, Fernando. |
"Thomas Merton: Prayer as Breath, Or the Beyond Within Solitude and Society."
10-11. |
Issue 18:3-4 |
(Summer-Fall 1993) |
Seitz, Ron. |
"The Death of Thomas Merton: A Haiku Homage." [poem]
15. |
Issue 18:3-4 |
(Summer-Fall 1993) |
Smeyers, Sister Bernadette M. |
"Thomas Merton and Bangkok: A Few Reminiscences 8 - 15 December 1968 ."
16-17. |
Issue 18:3-4 |
(Summer-Fall 1993) |
Parsley, Jamie. |
"Gethsemani Burial Ground." [poem]
18. |
Issue 18:3-4 |
(Summer-Fall 1993) |
Mack, Anna Marie, SSJ. |
"Homage to Merton: An Anniversary Prayer." [poem]
25. |
Issue 18:3-4 |
(Summer-Fall 1993) |
Bonazzi, Robert. |
"Reflections on a Portrait of Thomas Merton."
2-3. |
Issue 18:3-4 |
(Summer-Fall 1993) |
Tuoti, Frank X. |
"The Gift of Thomas Merton Remembered: On the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of His Passing."
28-29. |
Issue 18:3-4 |
(Summer-Fall 1993) |
Shepherd, Robert Marshall. |
"A Book Worth Knowing."
Rev. of Song for Nobody: A Memory Vision of Thomas Merton by Ron Seitz. 30-32. |
Issue 18:3-4 |
(Summer-Fall 1993) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"'The Heresy of Individualism'."
6-9. |
Issue 18:3-4 |
(Summer-Fall 1993) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"Thomas Merton on Death: Our Life-Long Journey."
19-24. |
Issue 18:3-4 |
(Summer-Fall 1993) |
van der Laar, Sister Henrilena. |
"After Twenty-Five Years."
12-14. |
Issue 18:2 |
(Spring 1993) |
McInvale, Alden. |
"Dark Path: For Thomas Merton." [poem]
7. |
Issue 18:2 |
(Spring 1993) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Thomas Merton: The Desert Call."
8-15. |
Issue 18:2 |
(Spring 1993) |
Roccaforte, Linell. |
"When the Icons are Irate." [poem]
16. |
Issue 18:2 |
(Spring 1993) |
Albert, John, OCSO. |
"Merton and Christ: Demonstrating the Medieval Speculum."
17-20. |
Issue 18:2 |
(Spring 1993) |
Albert, John, OCSO. |
"'Amor Ipse Intellectus Est': A Speculum in Verse."
21-22. |
Issue 18:2 |
(Spring 1993) |
Porter, M. John-Baptist, OCSO. |
"Exploring a Desert Area of the Heart."
Rev. of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ by George Kilcourse. 23-26. |
Issue 18:2 |
(Spring 1993) |
Hogan, Christine Jensen. |
"Did You Smile?" [poem]
26. |
Issue 18:2 |
(Spring 1993) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Merton: Christ and the Desert."
2-3. |
Issue 18:2 |
(Spring 1993) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"In God's Desert."
4-6. |
Issue 18:1 |
(Winter 1993) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Aubade: Lake Erie." [poem]
4. |
Issue 18:1 |
(Winter 1993) |
"Aubades: Lake Erie (1942 and 1992)." [poems]
4-5. |
Issue 18:1 |
(Winter 1993) |
Cronley, Tim. |
"Aubade: Lake Erie - Fifty Years Later." [poem]
5. |
Issue 18:1 |
(Winter 1993) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"My Lord God - Bwana Munga Wangu."
6. |
Issue 18:1 |
(Winter 1993) |
Cash, Malcolm. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
7. |
Issue 18:1 |
(Winter 1993) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Grief Transfigured: Merton's Elegy on His Brother."
10-15. |
Issue 18:1 |
(Winter 1993) |
Hempstead-Milton, Sheila M. |
"Emblems of Birds: Birds as a Symbol of Grace in Three Poems of Thomas Merton."
16-24. |
Issue 18:1 |
(Winter 1993) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"Another Merton Journey."
Rev. of A Seven Day Journey with Thomas Merton by Esther de Waal. 29. |
Issue 18:1 |
(Winter 1993) |
Waldron, Robert G. |
"Merton's Bells: A Clarion Call to Wholeness."
25-28. |
Issue 18:1 |
(Winter 1993) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Is Thomas Merton Au Courant?: A Reflection."
2-3. |
Issue 18:1 |
(Winter 1993) |
Baciu, Stefan. |
"Two Merton Poems." [poem]
8-9. |
Issue 19:4 |
(Fall 1994) |
Lax, Robert. |
"His Work was Play." [poem]
4. |
Issue 19:4 |
(Fall 1994) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"The Inner Journey of Thomas Merton."
Rev. of Finding Your Centre: A Journey with Thomas Merton by Jim Forest. 17. |
Issue 19:4 |
(Fall 1994) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Anti-This and Anti-That: Thomas Merton's Experimentation and Protest."
3. |
Issue 19:4 |
(Fall 1994) |
Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO. |
"The Latest Catch."
Rev. of A Catch of Anti-Letters by Thomas Merton and Robert Lax. 5-6. |
Issue 19:4 |
(Fall 1994) |
Wine, Kathleen. |
"Merton's Paradox." [poem]
9. |
Issue 19:4 |
(Fall 1994) |
Henken, Ted. |
"The Logic of Mass Destruction: Modern Knowledge, Kafka, and Thomas Merton's
10-13. |
Issue 19:4 |
(Fall 1994) |
Dear, John. |
"Contemplative Prayer is Subversive: Reading the Gospel - and Merton - in Jail."
14-16. |
Issue 19:4 |
(Fall 1994) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
"An Angel in America."
Rev. of My Song is of Mercy: Writings of Matthew Kelty selected edited by Michael Downey. 18-20. |
Issue 19:4 |
(Fall 1994) |
Merton, Thomas; and Robert Lax. |
"Reinhardt Slips Into His Painting: An Excerpt From A Catch of Anti-Letters."
7-8. |
Issue 19:3 |
(Summer 1994) |
"Two Views of the Sixth Merton Annual."
25-28. |
Issue 19:3 |
(Summer 1994) |
Finley, Mitch. |
"Barry Ulanov: 'I Remember Tom with Great Fondness'."
5-6. |
Issue 19:3 |
(Summer 1994) |
McNally, Terry. |
"Kestrel Kill For Thomas Merton." [poem]
12. |
Issue 19:3 |
(Summer 1994) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Thirty Poems after Fifty Years."
13-17. |
Issue 19:3 |
(Summer 1994) |
Fullerton, Timothy. |
"Sunday, Up at Louie's Place: Reflections on an Epiphany."
18-20. |
Issue 19:3 |
(Summer 1994) |
"Noel Almedia's 'First Day Covers' from Australia Down Under."
29-30. |
Issue 19:3 |
(Summer 1994) |
Richardson, Jane Marie, SL. |
"Praying with a Seasoned Traveler."
Rev. of Praying with Thomas Merton by Wayne Simsic. 22-24. |
Issue 19:3 |
(Summer 1994) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
"A Cornucopia of Merton."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 6. 25-26. |
Issue 19:3 |
(Summer 1994) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"'Merton as a Direction."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 6. 26-28. |
Issue 19:3 |
(Summer 1994) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: After Summer Talk of Hogs, Irises, and First Day Covers, Why Not Some More Merton Anniversaries, Books and Annuals?"
3-4. |
Issue 19:3 |
(Summer 1994) |
Walsh, Francis J. |
"A Man - Merton." [poem]
21. |
Issue 19:3 |
(Summer 1994) |
McCormick, Chalmers. |
"Huxley's Ends and Means Revisited."
7-11. |
Issue 19:2 |
(Spring 1994) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"The Dalai Lama Descends on Gethsemani: In Memory of Thomas Merton."
7-9. |
Issue 19:2 |
(Spring 1994) |
Koch, William. |
"A Personal Collage of Thomas Merton."
Rev. of Meditations with Merton by Nicki Verploegen Vandergrift. 25-26. |
Issue 19:2 |
(Spring 1994) |
Wu, John, Jr. |
"A Song for Tom."
4-6. |
Issue 19:2 |
(Spring 1994) |
Cronley, Tim. |
"At Merton's Grave." [poem]
10. |
Issue 19:2 |
(Spring 1994) |
Buchanan, William. |
"In Seach for Brahmachari."
11-13. |
Issue 19:2 |
(Spring 1994) |
Behara, Guru Charan. |
"Thomas Merton's The Geography of Lograire: A Poem of Psychotherapy."
14-18. |
Issue 19:2 |
(Spring 1994) |
McDonald, Nancy D. |
"Old Uncle Louie: A Love Poem of Thomas Merton." [poem]
19. |
Issue 19:2 |
(Spring 1994) |
Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO. |
"Jungian Commentary on Thomas Merton."
Rev. of Thomas Merton in Search of His Soul: A Jungian Perspective by Robert G. Waldron. 20-21. |
Issue 19:2 |
(Spring 1994) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Franciscan Commentary on Thomas Merton."
Rev. of Swimming in the Sun: Discovering the Lord's Prayer with Francis of Assisi and Thomas Merton by Albert Haase, OFM. 22-24. |
Issue 19:2 |
(Spring 1994) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Thomas Merton: Connections East and West More than Twenty-FiveYears After His Death."
2-3. |
Issue 19:1 |
(Winter 1994) |
Allchin, A. M. |
"Sermon Preached on Sunday 12th December in St. Lawrence's Church, Winchester, England. (Thomas Merton Conference)."
18-20. |
Issue 19:1 |
(Winter 1994) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Another Stop on 'The Road to Joy': A Letter."
11. |
Issue 19:1 |
(Winter 1994) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Discoveries and Rediscoveries Twenty-Five Years After Thomas Merton's Death."
2-3. |
Issue 19:1 |
(Winter 1994) |
Hempstead-Milton, Sheila M. |
"Some of the Treasures of a Sunday Afternoon."
4-6. |
Issue 19:1 |
(Winter 1994) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The Haunted Castle."
7-10. |
Issue 19:1 |
(Winter 1994) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
"Teaching Thomas Merton in China."
12-14. |
Issue 19:1 |
(Winter 1994) |
McDonnell, Chris. |
"An Interval Occasion Marked by Words." [poem]
17. |
Issue 19:1 |
(Winter 1994) |
Conner, James, OCSO. |
"Homily for the 25th Anniversary of the Death of Fr. Louis Merton. Abbey of Gethsemani, December 10, 1993 ."
21-22. |
Issue 19:1 |
(Winter 1994) |
McDonald, Patrick J. |
"Thomas Merton and Steven Spielberg: Some Parallels."
23-25. |
Issue 19:1 |
(Winter 1994) |
Kilcourse, George A., Jr. |
"Merton's Own Authentic Voice of the Moment."
Rev. of The Courage for Truth: Letters to Writers selected edited by Christine M. Bochen. 26-29. |
Issue 19:1 |
(Winter 1994) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"The Formation of the Thomas Merton Society (of Great Britain and Ireland)."
15. |
Issue 20:4 |
(Fall 1995) |
Biddle, Arthur W. |
"Rehearsing Style and Theme."
Rev. of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation. The Journals of Thomas Merton, Volume 1: 1939-1941 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 9-11. |
Issue 20:4 |
(Fall 1995) |
Young, Gary, CR. |
"Beautiful Gardens, Shimmering Pools."
Rev. of Thoughts on the East by Thomas Merton and Thomas Merton and Chinese Wisdom by Cyrus Lee. 25-26. |
Issue 20:4 |
(Fall 1995) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"Enthusiasm for Merton, Bonhoeffer and Hillesum."
Rev. of Dark Night Spirituality by Peter C. King. 27. |
Issue 20:4 |
(Fall 1995) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: First of the Last?: The Publication of Thomas Merton's 'Personal Journals' and the Death of a Friend."
3. |
Issue 20:4 |
(Fall 1995) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Run to the Mountain: Four More Journal Entries." Editor's Note by Patrick Hart, OCSO.
4-8. |
Issue 20:4 |
(Fall 1995) |
"Run to the Mountain: A Review Symposium."
9-15. |
Issue 20:4 |
(Fall 1995) |
Spaeth, Paul J. |
"Dealing with Texts."
Rev. of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation. The Journals of Thomas Merton, Volume 1: 1939-1941 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 13-15. |
Issue 20:4 |
(Fall 1995) |
Van Groll, Pierre D. |
"Elderhostel 1995: A Week with Thomas Merton." [poem]
16. |
Issue 20:4 |
(Fall 1995) |
McDonnell, Chris. |
"Hour of Solitude: A Poem." [poem]
24. |
Issue 20:4 |
(Fall 1995) |
Kelly, Jack. |
"Giving Up Everything."
Rev. of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation. The Journals of Thomas Merton, Volume 1: 1939-1941 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 11-12. |
Issue 20:4 |
(Fall 1995) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"Death of a 'Mertoniac': An Appreciation of W. H. 'Ping' Ferry."
17-23. |
Issue 20:3 |
(Summer 1995) |
Mathis, Rick. |
"Merton's Dilemma: The Search for Meaning in Modern Times."
17. |
Issue 20:3 |
(Summer 1995) |
Hogan, Christine Jensen. |
"St. Bonaventure's: A Poem." [poem]
9. |
Issue 20:3 |
(Summer 1995) |
Conner, James, OCSO. |
"A Prophet for the 21st Century."
4-8. |
Issue 20:3 |
(Summer 1995) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"After Bonaventure: Keeping Peace in Our Hearts."
3. |
Issue 20:3 |
(Summer 1995) |
Del Prete, Thomas. |
"Merton at Bonaventure: Some Student Recollections."
10-12. |
Issue 20:3 |
(Summer 1995) |
Mayer, Elsie F. |
"Rethinking Hiroshima with Thomas Merton: (Variations on Original Child Bomb)." [poem]
13. |
Issue 20:3 |
(Summer 1995) |
Garrigan, Gerard, OSB. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
16. |
Issue 20:3 |
(Summer 1995) |
Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO. |
"Recontacting Merton's Passion."
Rev. of Passion for Peace: The Social Essays by Thomas Merton edited by William H. Shannon. 18-19. |
Issue 20:3 |
(Summer 1995) |
Ruttle, Paul, CP. |
"Reading Someone Else's Mail."
Rev. of At Home in the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Rosemary Radford Ruether edited by Mary Tardiff, OP. 20-21. |
Issue 20:3 |
(Summer 1995) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
"Turning the Other Cheek."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 7 edited by Victor A. Kramer. 22-23. |
Issue 20:3 |
(Summer 1995) |
Paguio, Erlinda G. |
"Becoming Butterflies."
Rev. of Why Not Be a Mystic? by Frank Tuoti. 24-25. |
Issue 20:3 |
(Summer 1995) |
Adams, Daniel J. |
"Thich Nhat Hanh Then and Now."
14-15. |
Issue 20:2 |
(Spring 1995) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
"An Impeccable Visionary."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Hermana America edited by Miguel Grinberg. 21. |
Issue 20:2 |
(Spring 1995) |
Hempstead, S. Christian. |
"The Traveling of Clarity."
Rev. of Gethsemani Poems by J. T. Ledbetter. 24-25. |
Issue 20:2 |
(Spring 1995) |
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. |
"Merton on Video."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Monk, Man and Mystic a Spiritual Concert by Patrick Collins. 20. |
Issue 20:2 |
(Spring 1995) |
Guli, Francesca. |
"April Month for Merton." [poem]
19. |
Issue 20:2 |
(Spring 1995) |
"Plays About Thomas Merton."
18. |
Issue 20:2 |
(Spring 1995) |
Steinmacher, Michael. |
"Anthony Padovano's Image of Thomas Merton."
15-17. |
Issue 20:2 |
(Spring 1995) |
Cooper, John Charles. |
"Three Poems for Thomas Merton." [poem]
12-14. |
Issue 20:2 |
(Spring 1995) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Thomas Merton and the Quiz Show Scandal: 'America's Loss of Innocence?'"
4-11. |
Issue 20:2 |
(Spring 1995) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Merton, The Movies, and 'The Image'."
3. |
Issue 20:2 |
(Spring 1995) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Monks and Coyotes Sing."
Rev. of Dakota: A Spiritual Geography by Kathleen Norris. 22-23. |
Issue 20:1 |
(Winter 1995) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Hagia Sophia: An Excerpt."
4. |
Issue 20:1 |
(Winter 1995) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"'The Tradition of Wisdom and Spirit': Wisdom in Thomas Merton's Mature Thought."
5-8. |
Issue 20:1 |
(Winter 1995) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Epiphany: A Prose Poem." [poem]
9. |
Issue 20:1 |
(Winter 1995) |
Short, Brent. |
"The Hidden Paradise: Thomas Merton and the Wisdom of Genesis."
10-14. |
Issue 20:1 |
(Winter 1995) |
Shannon, William H. |
"'New Horizons for an Old Journey': No Man is an Island, A Review Forty Years Later."
16-18. |
Issue 20:1 |
(Winter 1995) |
Welsh, Francis J. |
"January 1995: Merton at Eighty: A Poem." [poem]
19. |
Issue 20:1 |
(Winter 1995) |
Lewis, Gloria Kitto. |
"Defending One's Freedom."
Rev. of Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis edited by William H. Shannon. 20-22. |
Issue 20:1 |
(Winter 1995) |
Guyton, Patrick F. |
"A Witness to Truth."
Rev. of Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis edited by William H. Shannon. 23-25. |
Issue 20:1 |
(Winter 1995) |
Getty, Richard E. |
"The Abbot: A Poem." [poem]
15. |
Issue 20:1 |
(Winter 1995) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"'Playing Before God': Wisdom, Freedom, and Thomas Merton."
3. |
Issue 21:4 |
(Winter 1996) |
Beltrán Llavador, Fernando. |
"'Faith-filled Eyes in the Night': A Network of Saints for Our Times."
12-21. |
Issue 21:4 |
(Winter 1996) |
King, John E. |
"Small Disagreement with Fr. Basil Pennington. What is Thomas Merton's First Book?"
7-11. |
Issue 21:4 |
(Winter 1996) |
McHargue, Tim. |
"A Pilgrimage in Bangkok."
3-6. |
Issue 21:3 |
(Fall 1996) |
Ruttle, Paul, CP. |
Rev. of A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life - The Journal of Thomas Merton, Vol. 3: 1952-1960 edited by Lawrence S. Cunningham. 22-25. |
Issue 21:3 |
(Fall 1996) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"A Very Early Essay."
3-9. |
Issue 21:3 |
(Fall 1996) |
Hogan, Christine Jensen. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
10-11. |
Issue 21:3 |
(Fall 1996) |
Matsko, Vincent J. |
"Reading Thomas Merton as a Non-Christian."
19-21. |
Issue 21:3 |
(Fall 1996) |
Reilly, Patrick. |
"Moses as an Exemplar: The Paradoxes of Thomas Merton."
12-18. |
Issue 21:2 |
(Summer 1996) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Hurly Burly Secrets: A Reflection on Thomas Merton's French Poems."
19-26. |
Issue 21:2 |
(Summer 1996) |
Liddell, Rose Annette, SL. |
"What I Wear is Pants."
Rev. of Merton: An Enneagram Profile by Suzanne Zuercher, OSB. 27-28. |
Issue 21:2 |
(Summer 1996) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Editorial: Creativity and a '4': Thomas Merton's Developing Style."
3. |
Issue 21:2 |
(Summer 1996) |
Murray, Mary. |
"The Waters of Siloe as Literature: Thomas Merton Glad to be Home in the Cistercian Order."
4-7. |
Issue 21:2 |
(Summer 1996) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Merton's Poetry: Early Recognition."
8-11. |
Issue 21:2 |
(Summer 1996) |
Van Groll, Pierre D. |
"Call for Dialogue."
12. |
Issue 21:2 |
(Summer 1996) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Remembering Lorca: Merton's Tribute to a Poetic
13-18. |
Issue 21:1 |
(Spring 1996) |
Gordy, Rose. |
"Will the Real Mary of Magdala Please Stand Up?"
15-18. |
Issue 21:1 |
(Spring 1996) |
Voiles, Kenneth M. |
"Prades (Merton's Birthplace): A Poem." [poem]
6. |
Issue 21:1 |
(Spring 1996) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"A Merton Mailbag (From Here and There)."
3. |
Issue 21:1 |
(Spring 1996) |
Cassani, Genevieve, SSND. |
"Outer and Inner Landscapes."
Rev. of Entering the Silence: Becoming a Monk and Writer - The Journals of Thomas Merton, Vol. 2: 1941-1952 edited by Jonathan Montaldo. 23-25. |
Issue 21:1 |
(Spring 1996) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"Thomas Merton's Eightieth Birthday is Celebrated in Prades."
4-5. |
Issue 21:1 |
(Spring 1996) |
King, John E. |
"Identifying Hammer Editions of Merton."
Rev. of An Introduction to Victor and Carolyn Hammer with a Listing of the Books Printed as Their Several Presses compiled by Paul Evans Holbrook. 28-30. |
Issue 21:1 |
(Spring 1996) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"'And Call it Macaronic': An Unpublished Early Poem of Thomas Merton."
7-8. |
Issue 21:1 |
(Spring 1996) |
Hempstead-Milton, Sheila M. |
"Merton's Search for Paradise and His Integration of Ruth Merton, Sophia and Mary."
9-14. |
Issue 21:1 |
(Spring 1996) |
Doriot, Jeanne, SP. |
"Four Poems." [poems]
19-22. |
Issue 21:1 |
(Spring 1996) |
Combs, Joan. |
"Brother Monk in Collected Essays."
Rev. of Thomas Merton, My Brother: His Journey to Freedom, Compassion, and Final Integration by M. Basil Pennington. 26-27. |
Issue 22:4 |
(Winter 1997) |
Fullerton, Timothy. |
"Old Desires and New."
Rev. of Learning to Love: Exploring Solitude and Freedom - The Journals of Thomas Merton, Vol. 6: 1966-1967 edited by Christine M. Bochen. 31-34. |
Issue 22:4 |
(Winter 1997) |
"In Memoriam: Robert E. Daggy (1940-1997)."
3-4. |
Issue 22:4 |
(Winter 1997) |
McDonnell, Chris. |
"Four Poems." [poem]
27-30. |
Issue 22:4 |
(Winter 1997) |
King, John E. |
"Finding the Merton Bibliographies: Identifying the Source Documents."
21-26. |
Issue 22:4 |
(Winter 1997) |
Paguio, Erlinda G. |
"Thomas Merton and the Psalms."
11-20. |
Issue 22:4 |
(Winter 1997) |
Mahoney, Timothy. |
"Thomas Merton's New Seeds of Contemplation: Revolutionary Happiness, Contemplation, and Solitude."
5-10. |
Issue 22:4 |
(Winter 1997) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"The Rebel in Merton."
Rev. of "Something of a Rebel:" Thomas Merton, His Life and Works - An Introduction by William H. Shannon. 35-37. |
Issue 22:4 |
(Winter 1997) |
Grip, Robert. |
"Prayerful Encounter."
Rev. of The Gethsemani Encounter: A Dialogue on the Spiritual Life by Buddhist and Christian Monastics edited by Donald W. Mitchell and James Wiseman, OSB. 38-39. |
Issue 22:3 |
(Fall 1997) |
Chura, Walt, SFO. |
"The Seeds of Thomas Merton: On Staying Put and Changing Your Life."
10-16. |
Issue 22:3 |
(Fall 1997) |
Hill, Robert. |
"Imagination and Catholicism: A Contradiction?"
Rev. of The Catholic Imagination and American Literature by Ross Labrie. 27-29. |
Issue 22:3 |
(Fall 1997) |
Nugent, Don Christopher. |
"A Labor of Mutual Self-Completion."
Rev. of Thomas Merton and James Laughlin: Selected Letters edited by David D. Cooper. 23-26. |
Issue 22:3 |
(Fall 1997) |
Lewis, Gloria Kitto. |
"Thomas Merton: Strategies of a Master Teacher of Poetry."
17-20. |
Issue 22:3 |
(Fall 1997) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Merton on the Eve of the Third Millennium."
3-9. |
Issue 22:3 |
(Fall 1997) |
Doriot, Jeanne, SP. |
"Six Poems." [poem]
21-22. |
Issue 22:2 |
(Summer 1997) |
Norris, Kathleen. |
"Refreshing Springs."
Rev. of The Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani by Thomas Merton edited by Jane Marie Richardson, SL. 27-28. |
Issue 22:2 |
(Summer 1997) |
Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO. |
"Merton in Motion."
Rev. of Dancing in the Water of Life: Seeking Peace in the Hermitage - The Journals of Thomas Merton, Vol. 5: 1963-1965 edited by Robert E. Daggy. 25-26. |
Issue 22:2 |
(Summer 1997) |
Murphy, Robert. |
"Four Poems." [poem]
23-24. |
Issue 22:2 |
(Summer 1997) |
Henken, Ted. |
"Henry David Thoreau and Thomas Merton: The Transformation of Individual Experience into Universal Myth."
13-22. |
Issue 22:2 |
(Summer 1997) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"'Kindred Spirits': Boris Pasternak and Thomas Merton."
5-12. |
Issue 22:2 |
(Summer 1997) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"My Visits to the Secular Bookhouse."
3-4. |
Issue 22:1 |
(Spring 1997) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
"Sowing a Future for Contemplative Spirituality."
Rev. of Seeds of Peace: Contemplation and Non-Violence by William H. Shannon. 33. |
Issue 22:1 |
(Spring 1997) |
Flournoy, Judith. |
"Thomas Merton and the Shakers."
7-11. |
Issue 22:1 |
(Spring 1997) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The Angel and the Machine."
3-6. |
Issue 22:1 |
(Spring 1997) |
Shannon, William H. |
"Can One be a Contemplative in a Technological Society?"
12-20. |
Issue 22:1 |
(Spring 1997) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Six Poems." [poem]
21-25. |
Issue 22:1 |
(Spring 1997) |
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. |
"We Have to Regain Our Sense of Being."
Rev. of Striving Towards Being: Letters of Thomas Merton and Czeslaw Milosz edited by Robert Faggen. 31-32. |
Issue 22:1 |
(Spring 1997) |
Dear, John. |
"Merton's Turn to the World, and Ours."
Rev. of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years - The Journals of Thomas Merton, Vol. 4: 1960-1963 edited by Victor A. Kramer. 26-30. |
Issue 23:4 |
(Winter 1998) |
Simsic, Wayne. |
"Spirituality of Everyday Life."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 10. 31-33. |
Issue 23:4 |
(Winter 1998) |
Burton-Christie, Douglas. |
"Final Passage."
Rev. of The Other Side of the Mountain: The End of the Journey - Journals of Thomas Merton, Vol. 7: 1967-1968 edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 26-30. |
Issue 23:4 |
(Winter 1998) |
Ali, Zakaria. |
"The Solitude of Thomas Merton: An Asian Perspective."
21-25. |
Issue 23:4 |
(Winter 1998) |
Karsh, Michael. |
"Holy Name." [poem]
20. |
Issue 23:4 |
(Winter 1998) |
D'Silva, Sister Teresita, OSB. |
"Bangkok Diary - December 1968 ."
3-10. |
Issue 23:4 |
(Winter 1998) |
Rifkind, Anita. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
11-12. |
Issue 23:4 |
(Winter 1998) |
McHargue, Tim. |
"Beyond Bangkok: A Pilgrimage to Rawasengeng."
13-19. |
Issue 23:3 |
(Fall 1998) |
Berger, John. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
18-19. |
Issue 23:3 |
(Fall 1998) |
Wilkes, Paul. |
"A Life that Makes Sense."
Rev. of Trappist, a production of WTVI, and Trappist: Living in the Land of Desire by Michael Downey. 29-30. |
Issue 23:3 |
(Fall 1998) |
Kropf, Richard W. |
"A Mixed Bag of Hermits."
Rev. of Hermits: The Insights of Solitude by Peter France. 24-26. |
Issue 23:3 |
(Fall 1998) |
Waldron, Robert G. |
"Poets of Pilgrimage: Thomas Merton (1915-1968) and Denise Levertov (1923-1997)."
20-23. |
Issue 23:3 |
(Fall 1998) |
Koch, William. |
"The Solitude of Lograire."
13-17. |
Issue 23:3 |
(Fall 1998) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Images in a Dark Church." [poem]
12. |
Issue 23:3 |
(Fall 1998) |
Shannon, William H. |
"The Seven Storey Mountain: Fifty Years Old!"
3-11. |
Issue 23:3 |
(Fall 1998) |
Kristoff, Donna, OSU. |
"Of Postcards, Pilgrims, and Prayer."
Rev. of Praying with Icons by Jim Forest. 24-26. |
Issue 23:2 |
(Summer 1998) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Five Limericks for Father Raymond."
11-12. |
Issue 23:2 |
(Summer 1998) |
Keirnan, Jeffrey. |
"Mentor for a New Generation."
Rev. of Thomas Merton, Poet, Priest, Prophet by Jennifer Fisher Bryant. 25-26. |
Issue 23:2 |
(Summer 1998) |
Labrie, Ross. |
"Merton Amidst the Intellectuals."
Rev. of Thomas Merton's American Prophecy by Robert Inchausti. 23-24. |
Issue 23:2 |
(Summer 1998) |
Porter, J. S. |
"Piggybacking on Merton."
19-22. |
Issue 23:2 |
(Summer 1998) |
Kelly, Patrick J. |
"Three Poems." [poem]
17-18. |
Issue 23:2 |
(Summer 1998) |
Apel, William. |
"'Who Stands Fast?' Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Thomas Merton on Obedience."
3-10. |
Issue 23:2 |
(Summer 1998) |
St. John, Donald P. |
"The Flowering of Natural Contemplation: Some Notes on Theoria Physike in Thomas Merton's Unpublished An Introduction to Christian Mysticism."
13-16. |
Issue 23:2 |
(Summer 1998) |
Murray, Mary. |
"A Rich and Generous Collection."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 5. 27-28. |
Issue 23:1 |
(Spring 1998) |
Davernson, Anne M. |
"Annual Celebrations."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volumes 8 and 9. 29-32. |
Issue 23:1 |
(Spring 1998) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"Thomas Merton - Computer Hacker (A Cyber Fantasy)."
8-13. |
Issue 23:1 |
(Spring 1998) |
Nouwen, Henri J M. |
"Thomas Merton's Call to Contemplation and Action."
14-17. |
Issue 23:1 |
(Spring 1998) |
Webster, Ronald. |
"Three Poems." [poem]
18-20. |
Issue 23:1 |
(Spring 1998) |
Goodwin, Jean. |
"Ballad: Brer Fox to Brer Merton." [poem]
28. |
Issue 23:1 |
(Spring 1998) |
"Bellarmine College Dedicates New Merton Center (with remarks by Timothy Kelly, OCSO, Robert Giroux, and Joseph J. McGowan, Jr.)
3-7. |
Issue 23:1 |
(Spring 1998) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Beyond the Shadow and the Disguise: 'Spots of Time' in Thomas Merton's Spiritual Development."
21-27. |
Issue 24:4 |
(Winter 1999) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Ishi Means Man: Book Reviews that Critique Society."
9-13. |
Issue 24:4 |
(Winter 1999) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"A Great Voyage." Introduced and Transcribed by Paul M. Pearson.
3-6. |
Issue 24:4 |
(Winter 1999) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
7-8. |
Issue 24:4 |
(Winter 1999) |
Schiffhorst, Gerald J. |
"Entering Merton's 'Friendly Communion of Silence'."
15-18. |
Issue 24:4 |
(Winter 1999) |
Graham, Terry. |
"Telling the Untold Story."
Rev. of Merton and Sufism: The Untold Story edited by Rob Baker and Gray Henry. 20-25. |
Issue 24:4 |
(Winter 1999) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"Reaping the Whirlwind."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Poet, Monk, Prophet edited by Paul M. Pearson, Danny Sullivan and Ian Thomson. 29-31. |
Issue 24:4 |
(Winter 1999) |
King, John E. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
14. |
Issue 24:4 |
(Winter 1999) |
LeBeau, Dorothy. |
"A 'World' Divided in Two."
Rev. of Contemplation in a World of Action (revised edition) by Thomas Merton and Solitude and Love of the World by Thomas Merton. 26-28. |
Issue 24:3 |
(Fall 1999) |
Tuoti, Frank X. |
"A Rich Panorama of Monastic Life."
Rev. of The Abbey of Gethsemani: Place of Peace and Paradox by Dianne Aprile. 32-34. |
Issue 24:3 |
(Fall 1999) |
Callaghan, Michael, CM. |
"Windows on Merton and His World."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 11 edited by George Kilcourse. 28-31. |
Issue 24:3 |
(Fall 1999) |
Inchausti, Robert. |
"An Ironic Success Story."
Rev. of Catholics and American Culture by Mark S. Massa, SJ. 24-27. |
Issue 24:3 |
(Fall 1999) |
Noffsinger, John. |
"New Seeds of Contemplation and John Keats' 'Vale of Soul-Making'."
19-23. |
Issue 24:3 |
(Fall 1999) |
McMillan, Allan M. |
"Kangchenjunga." [poem]
18. |
Issue 24:3 |
(Fall 1999) |
Del Prete, Thomas. |
"The Geography of Nowhere: Living Beyond Boundaries."
3-8. |
Issue 24:3 |
(Fall 1999) |
Johnson, Jeffrey. |
"Remembering Father Louis." [poem]
9. |
Issue 24:3 |
(Fall 1999) |
Paguio, Erlinda G. |
"A Country Whose Center is Everywhere: Merton at the Mim Tea Estate."
10-17. |
Issue 24:2 |
(Summer 1999) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Thomas Merton's Works and Days."
Rev. of Merton Vade Macum: A Quick Reference Bibliographic Handbook by Patricia Burton. 31-32. |
Issue 24:2 |
(Summer 1999) |
Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND. |
"Merton Made Audible."
Rev. of Heretic Blood: An Audiobiography produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 33-35. |
Issue 24:2 |
(Summer 1999) |
Ginn, Robert. |
"The Paradox of Solitude: Jack Kerouac and Thomas Merton."
18-26. |
Issue 24:2 |
(Summer 1999) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"Inseeing and Outgazing: The Shared Vision of Thomas Merton and Rainer Maria Rilke."
10-17. |
Issue 24:2 |
(Summer 1999) |
Ligo, Vivian. |
"Bystander at the Abyss: A Contemplative's Vision of Liberation."
3-9. |
Issue 24:2 |
(Summer 1999) |
Grip, Robert. |
"Looking for Faith in all the Wrong Places."
Rev. of Running to the Mountain: A Journey of Faith and Change by Jon Katz. 36-37. |
Issue 24:1 |
(Spring 1999) |
Keeler, Robert F. |
"Mapping Merton Through Blake."
Rev. of Heretic Blood: The Spiritual Geography of Thomas Merton by Michael Higgins. 20-22. |
Issue 24:1 |
(Spring 1999) |
Burton, Patricia A. |
"A Waste of Level Snow." [poem]
18-19. |
Issue 24:1 |
(Spring 1999) |
Kelty, Matthew, OCSO. |
"Touched by Fire: An Anniversary Homily."
15-17. |
Issue 24:1 |
(Spring 1999) |
O'Sullivan, Eamonn D. |
"Lines to a Monk (An Entertainment) [poem] With a Response by Thomas Merton."
12-14. |
Issue 24:1 |
(Spring 1999) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The Death of a Holy Terror: The Strange Story of Frere Pascal."
8-11. |
Issue 24:1 |
(Spring 1999) |
Rice, Edward. |
"Starting a Magazine: A Guide for the Courageous - The Short, Happy Life of Jubilee."
3-7. |
Issue 24:1 |
(Spring 1999) |
Levering, Philip. |
"Holy Editorial Foibles!"
Rev. of Holy Folly: Short and Tall Tales from the Abbey of Gethsemani by Paul Quenon, OCSO, Guerric Plante, OCSO, and Timothy Kelly, OCSO. 23-24. |
Issue 24:1 |
(Spring 1999) |
Kilgore, Diane L. |
"Early Merton for Early Morning."
Rev. of Mornings with Thomas Merton compiled by John C. Blattner. 25-26. |
Issue 25:4 |
(Winter 2000) |
Halpin, Peter. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
22. |
Issue 25:4 |
(Winter 2000) |
Eastman, Patrick. |
"Practical Guidance on the Contemplative Way."
Rev. of The Contemplative Heart by James Finley. 31-32. |
Issue 25:4 |
(Winter 2000) |
Szabo, Lynn R. |
"Praying with a Poet."
Rev. of Poetry as Prayer: Thomas Merton by Robert Waldron. 28-30. |
Issue 25:4 |
(Winter 2000) |
"In Memoriam: Robert Lax (1915-2000)."
27. |
Issue 25:4 |
(Winter 2000) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Pacific Dreams: Meditating Merton at the Redwoods."
23-26. |
Issue 25:4 |
(Winter 2000) |
Kartholl, Leslie Ann. |
"'Testimony' to a Vision Shared."
19-21. |
Issue 25:4 |
(Winter 2000) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Meditations, December 23-30, 1941 ."
3-11. |
Issue 25:4 |
(Winter 2000) |
Rhodes, Robert. |
"Sharing the Fruits of Community."
Rev. of The Orchards of Perseverance: Conversations with Trappist Monks About God, Their Lives, and the World by David D. Perata. 33-34. |
Issue 25:4 |
(Winter 2000) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Three Unpublished Poems."
12-18. |
Issue 25:3 |
(Fall 2000) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"Thomas Merton's Literary Estate: What Is Left to Be Published?"
18-19. |
Issue 25:3 |
(Fall 2000) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
"Thomas Merton's Projected Anthology of Religious Poetry."
20-28. |
Issue 25:3 |
(Fall 2000) |
Wright, Wendy M. |
"A Guide Both Scholarly and Pastoral."
Rev. of Thomas Merton's Paradise Journey by William H. Shannon. 29-30. |
Issue 25:3 |
(Fall 2000) |
Fennell, Francis L. |
"Tracking Pilgrims' Passages."
Rev. of Circuitous Journeys: Modern Spiritual Autobiography by David J. Leigh. 31-33. |
Issue 25:3 |
(Fall 2000) |
Farley, Edward J. |
"A Narrow Passageway."
Rev. of Beyond the Walls: Monastic Wisdom for Everyday Living by Paul Wilkes. 34-35. |
Issue 25:3 |
(Fall 2000) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Deep Conflict: Thomas Merton and William Carlos Williams' In the American Grain.
12-16. |
Issue 25:3 |
(Fall 2000) |
Crews, Clyde F. |
"Early Days at the Merton Center and the Founding of The Merton Seasonal."
10-11. |
Issue 25:3 |
(Fall 2000) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Three Early Unpublished Poems."
7-9. |
Issue 25:3 |
(Fall 2000) |
Burton, Patricia A. |
"A Seasonal Pilgrimage."
3-6. |
Issue 25:3 |
(Fall 2000) |
McCaslin, Susan. |
"Zen Death of a Christian Master." [poem]
17. |
Issue 25:2 |
(Summer 2000) |
Thompson, William M. |
"Fully Monastic, Fully Modern."
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Monastic Vision by Lawrence S. Cunningham. 34-38. |
Issue 25:2 |
(Summer 2000) |
Phillips, Dan Kenneth. |
"Quiet Time with Merton."
Rev. of 15 Days of Prayer with Thomas Merton by Andre Gozier, OSB. 39-40. |
Issue 25:2 |
(Summer 2000) |
Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO. |
"Thomas Merton and Henri Nouwen: Living With God in Modern America."
21-33. |
Issue 25:2 |
(Summer 2000) |
Padovano, Anthony T. |
"The Eight Conversions of Thomas Merton."
9-15. |
Issue 25:2 |
(Summer 2000) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Four Early Unpublished Poems."
5-8. |
Issue 25:2 |
(Summer 2000) |
Rafferty, Raymond M. |
"Font of Grace Revisited: The Corpus Christi Baptistry."
3-4. |
Issue 25:2 |
(Summer 2000) |
Jackson, Augustine, OCSO. |
"Wisdom Ever Ancient, Ever New, Ever Beautiful."
Rev. of Essential Monastic Wisdom: Writings on the Contemplative Life edited by Hugh Feiss, OSB. 41-42. |
Issue 25:1 |
(Spring 2000) |
Thompson, Phillip M. |
"'Full of Firecrackers': Jacques Ellul and the Technological Critique of Thomas Merton."
9-16. |
Issue 25:1 |
(Spring 2000) |
Chura, Walt, SFO. |
"Activist at the Hermitage."
Rev. of The Sound of Listening: A Retreat from Thomas Merton's Hermitage by John Dear, SJ. 31-32. |
Issue 25:1 |
(Spring 2000) |
Young, Gary, CR. |
"A Divided Man in a Divided Scene."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 12 edited by Victor A. Kramer. 28-30. |
Issue 25:1 |
(Spring 2000) |
Donnelly, Doris. |
"Merton's Legacy Distilled."
Rev. of The Intimate Merton: His Life From His Journals edited by Patrick Hart and Jonathan Montaldo. 27. |
Issue 25:1 |
(Spring 2000) |
Rhodes, Robert. |
"Striving for Spiritual Community: The Example of Thomas Merton."
21-26. |
Issue 25:1 |
(Spring 2000) |
Murphy, Robert. |
"Four Poems." [poem]
17-20. |
Issue 25:1 |
(Spring 2000) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Three Unpublished Poems on Mythological Themes."
6-8. |
Issue 25:1 |
(Spring 2000) |
Kelly, Timothy, OCSO. |
"Signs of God in Our Midst: Homily Commemorating the Anniversary of the Death of Thomas Merton."
3-5. |
Issue 26:4 |
(Winter 2001) |
Garrison, Peggy. |
"Two Poems after Robert Lax." [poem]
8. |
Issue 26:4 |
(Winter 2001) |
Bear, Virginia. |
"Pilgrimage to Prades."
3-7. |
Issue 26:4 |
(Winter 2001) |
Harford, James. |
"Ed Rice: A Remembrance."
9-13. |
Issue 26:4 |
(Winter 2001) |
Correa-Díaz, Luis. |
"Bilingual Poem for Merton." The Merton Seasonal 264 (Winter 2001):
14. |
Issue 26:4 |
(Winter 2001) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"The Ascent to Truth: A Fifty-Year Retrospective."
15-21. |
Issue 26:4 |
(Winter 2001) |
Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM. |
"Artful Prayer/Prayerful Art."
Rev. of Dialogues with Silence: Prayers and Drawings by Thomas Merton edited by Jonathan Montaldo. 23-24. |
Issue 26:4 |
(Winter 2001) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Listening Deeply, Living Deeply."
Rev. of Thomas Merton and Thich Nhat Hanh: Engaged Spirituality in an Age of Globalization by Robert H. King. 25-27. |
Issue 26:4 |
(Winter 2001) |
Russo, Tony. |
"A Compelling, Fearless, Outrageous Voice."
Rev. of Gethsemani Homilies by Matthew Kelty, OCSO. 28-30. |
Issue 26:3 |
(Fall 2001) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
"'Mercy within Mercy within Mercy': Presidential Address - ITMS Seventh General Meeting June 7, 2001 ."
3-8. |
Issue 26:3 |
(Fall 2001) |
Webster, Ronald. |
"Airflight." [poem]
9. |
Issue 26:3 |
(Fall 2001) |
Koch, William. |
"Remastering a Master."
Rev. of Thomas Merton Tapes: "Irish Mysticism"; "De Conversione" (two tapes); "Chinese Thought and the Chinese Symbol of Chung"; "The Jesus Prayer" by Thomas Merton. 27-28. |
Issue 26:3 |
(Fall 2001) |
Power-Shickler, Jon. |
"'Let Me be Quite Succinct': A Concise Merton Anthology."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Essential Writings selected with an introduction by Christine M. Bochen. 24-26. |
Issue 26:3 |
(Fall 2001) |
King, John E. |
"A Small Window on a Complex Life: Notes of Thomas Merton to Marice Gaither."
19-23. |
Issue 26:3 |
(Fall 2001) |
Cooper, Jeffrey A., CSC. |
"Adam's Stranger Panic."
18. |
Issue 26:3 |
(Fall 2001) |
Stoodley, Barbara Cliff. |
"Graceful Explorations."
Rev. of Circling to the Center: One Woman's Encounter with Silent Prayer by Susan M. Tiberghien. 29-31. |
Issue 26:3 |
(Fall 2001) |
O'Hare, Padraic. |
"Merton and Masterpiece Making."
10-17. |
Issue 26:2 |
(Summer 2001) |
McDonnell, Chris. |
"Two Poems from 'Pieces of a Broken Jar'." [poem]
23-24. |
Issue 26:2 |
(Summer 2001) |
Fogarty, Thomas. |
"Report from the Guesthouse."
Rev. of Making a Heart for God: A Week Inside a Catholic Monastery by Dianne Aprile. 35-36. |
Issue 26:2 |
(Summer 2001) |
Adams, Daniel J. |
"The Man in the Machine."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 13 (2000). 31-34. |
Issue 26:2 |
(Summer 2001) |
Phillips, Paschal, OCSO. |
"Merton as Forester - The Results."
25-26. |
Issue 26:2 |
(Summer 2001) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
"'Tom's Guardian Angels': Merton's Franciscan Mentors."
17-22. |
Issue 26:2 |
(Summer 2001) |
Collins, Roger. |
"Fronting up to the American Public: Owen Merton's Exhibitions in the United States."
4-12. |
Issue 26:2 |
(Summer 2001) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Guide to Blake: An Uncollected Early Review."
3. |
Issue 26:2 |
(Summer 2001) |
Finley, James. |
"Emptiness as Fulfillment."
Rev. of Journeys into Emptiness: Dogen, Merton, Jung and the Quest for Transformation by Robert Jingen Gunn. 27-30. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Kelly, Jack. |
"Robert Lax - Coming Home."
3-7. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Mott, Michael. |
"Meetings and Messages."
30-31. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Biddle, Arthur W. |
"The Friendship of Robert Lax and Thomas Merton."
12-13. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Nienkirchen, Charles. |
"Visiting a Desert Father."
31-32. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Davis, Jim. |
"Lax in Stuttgart." [poem]
32-36. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
McGregor, Michael. |
"After the Circus Goes By."
29-30. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Kostelanetz, Richard. |
"Writing a Spiritual Life."
27-29. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Harford, Jennifer. |
"Learning to Re-Lax."
24-25. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"First and Lasting Impressions."
25-26. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Lax, Robert. |
"Peace Poetry." [poem]
7-11. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Higgins, Michael W. |
"Writing for Writing's Sake: An Interview with Paul Spaeth."
15-19. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Eliou, Niko. |
"Four Poems for Robert Lax." [poem]
20. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Beer, John. |
"Likes and Motorbikes."
21. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Cornell, Tom. |
"A Winter with Bob Lax."
21-22. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Georgiou, S.T. |
"Reading Lax: A Brief Overview of Literature By and About Robert Lax."
37-39. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Doriot, Jeanne, SP. |
"Journals Beget Journals."
Rev. of Patmos Journal: In Search of Thomas Merton with Robert Lax by Patrick Hart, OCSO and Israel Journal: A Trappist Pilgrim in the Holy Land by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 44-45. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Harford, James. |
"Matchless Friendship, Matchless Candor."
Rev. of When Prophecy Still Had a Voice: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Robert Lax edited by Arthur W. Biddle. 40-43. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Emery, Judith. |
"An Extraordinary Consistency."
22-23. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Packard, William. |
"Poem for Bob Lax." [poem]
14. |
Issue 26:1 |
(Spring 2001) |
Knight, Jim. |
"In Good Company."
26-27. |
Issue 27:4 |
(Winter 2002) |
Kiernan, Jeffrey T. |
"Instructing the Next Generation."
Rev. of A Thomas Merton Curriculum edited by Terrence A. Taylor. 29-30. |
Issue 27:4 |
(Winter 2002) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The Road Ahead: The Church and the 'Godless World' - 6 ."
3-7. |
Issue 27:4 |
(Winter 2002) |
Webster, Ronald. |
"Aerials of Consolidation." [poem]
8. |
Issue 27:4 |
(Winter 2002) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"The Christian Center of Thomas Merton's Thought."
9-16. |
Issue 27:4 |
(Winter 2002) |
Quinn, James E. |
"Seven Storey Redux." [poem]
17. |
Issue 27:4 |
(Winter 2002) |
Smock, Frederick. |
"Pax Intrantibus: The Search for Peace in the Poetry of Thomas Merton."
18-24. |
Issue 27:4 |
(Winter 2002) |
Cechony, Therese Rowley. |
"A Christmas Present for the Spirit."
Rev. of Advent and Christmas with Thomas Merton, compiled by Judith A. Bauer and John J. Cleary. 27-28. |
Issue 27:4 |
(Winter 2002) |
Farrelly, John, OSB. |
"A Lively Monastic Dialogue."
Rev. of Survival or Prophecy?: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq edited by Patrick Hart. 25-26. |
Issue 27:3 |
(Fall 2002) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The Protest of Vitalism: The Church and the 'Godless World' - 4 ."
3-9. |
Issue 27:3 |
(Fall 2002) |
Knight, Jim. |
"The Merton I Knew."
11-20. |
Issue 27:3 |
(Fall 2002) |
Spaeth, Paul J. |
"Memories of a Mentor."
Rev. of The Way of the Dreamcatcher: Spirit Lessons with Robert Lax: Poet, Peacemaker, Sage by S.T. Georgiou. 31-32. |
Issue 27:3 |
(Fall 2002) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Finding the Right Words: Mercy for Merton."
Rev. of Spirit Book Word: An Inquiry into Literature and Spirituality by J. S. Porter. 30. |
Issue 27:3 |
(Fall 2002) |
Carr, Anne E. |
"A Fascinating Tour of Mertoniana."
Rev. of The Thomas Merton Encyclopedia edited by William H. Shannon, Christine M. Bochen and Patrick F. O'Connell. 27-29. |
Issue 27:3 |
(Fall 2002) |
Hodges, David. |
"Three Poems." [poem]
21. |
Issue 27:3 |
(Fall 2002) |
Bingham, Anne. |
"The Blessing of Father Louis." [poem]
10. |
Issue 27:3 |
(Fall 2002) |
Cooper, Jeffrey A., CSC. |
"Plight of the Peregrinatus."
22-26. |
Issue 27:2 |
(Summer 2002) |
Richardson, Jane Marie, SL. |
"The Light Shines in the Darkness."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Mind Awake in the Dark. Papers from the 2000 Oakham Conference of the Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland edited by Paul M Pearson, Danny Sullivan and Ian Thompson. 29-30. |
Issue 27:2 |
(Summer 2002) |
Fairaday, Brenda Fitch. |
"Exploring the Bridge that is Poetry."
Rev. of Walking with Thomas Merton: Discovering His Poetry, Essays and Journals by Robert Waldron. 31-32. |
Issue 27:2 |
(Summer 2002) |
Cassani, Genevieve, SSND. |
"Window on Merton's Mind and Heart."
Rev. of Thomas Merton Tapes: "Early Christian Apologists"; "The Prophets"; "The Quest for the Grail and Conversion of Manners"; "Tertullian and Cassian"; "The Virtue of Temperance" by Thomas Merton. 26-28. |
Issue 27:2 |
(Summer 2002) |
Bourgeault, Cynthia. |
"Merton in Love."
20-25. |
Issue 27:2 |
(Summer 2002) |
Srubas, Rachel M. |
"The Sun and the Moon." [poem]
19. |
Issue 27:2 |
(Summer 2002) |
Collins, Roger. |
"Beautiful, Simple and Solid: Owen Merton's House in Saint Antonin."
12-18. |
Issue 27:2 |
(Summer 2002) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"God and the World: The Church and the 'Godless World' - 3 ."
3-7. |
Issue 27:1 |
(Spring 2002) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Growing Toward Wholeness."
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Inclusive Imagination by Ross Labrie. 20-21. |
Issue 27:1 |
(Spring 2002) |
Goodwin, Jean. |
"Let Us Invoke Thomas Merton Who Needs a Miracle or Two if He Is Ever to Become a Saint." [poem]
10. |
Issue 27:1 |
(Spring 2002) |
Daggy, Robert E. |
"Thomas Merton's Critique of Language."
11-15. |
Issue 27:1 |
(Spring 2002) |
Staggs, John. |
"Reinventing the Wheel: Thomas Merton and the Christ of the Cross."
17-19. |
Issue 27:1 |
(Spring 2002) |
Ratigan, Virginia Kaib. |
"Merton Through a Feminine Lens."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 14 (2001) edited by Victor A. Kramer. 22-25. |
Issue 27:1 |
(Spring 2002) |
Hempstead-Milton, Sheila M. |
"A Not Quite Reliable Guide."
Rev. of Reading Thomas Merton: A Guide to His Life and Work by John Laughlin. 26-27. |
Issue 27:1 |
(Spring 2002) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The 'World' the Church and the 'Godless World' - 1 ."
3-9. |
Issue 27:1 |
(Spring 2002) |
McDonnell, Chris. |
"Louisville Wires (December 10, 2001)" [poem]
16. |
Issue 28:4 |
(Winter 2003) |
Stull, Bradford T. |
"Group Portrait of Four Unique Pilgrims."
Rev. of The Life You Save May Be Your Own: An American Pilgrimage by Paul Elie. 23-24. |
Issue 28:4 |
(Winter 2003) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Father Joseph Cassant, OCSO."
3-5. |
Issue 28:4 |
(Winter 2003) |
Grayston, Donald. |
"Thomas Merton: Spiritual Fake?"
Rev. of The Death of Thomas Merton: A Novel by Paul Hourihan. 25-26. |
Issue 28:4 |
(Winter 2003) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
"A Happy Anniversary."
Rev. of Merton's Palace of Nowhere: - Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition, by James Finley. 20-22. |
Issue 28:4 |
(Winter 2003) |
Mishler, William; William Manning; and Thomas Merton. |
"Summer of '68: A Brief Encounter and a Brief Note."
15-18. |
Issue 28:4 |
(Winter 2003) |
McDonnell, Chris. |
"Advent Fire." [poem]
14. |
Issue 28:4 |
(Winter 2003) |
de la Croix, Mere Marie, OCSO. |
"The Last Days of Thomas Merton."
9-13. |
Issue 28:4 |
(Winter 2003) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Three Poems" by Miguel Hernandez, translated by Thomas Merton.
6-8. |
Issue 28:3 |
(Fall 2003) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Two Poems" by Miguel Hernandez, translated by Thomas Merton.
12-14. |
Issue 28:3 |
(Fall 2003) |
McCaslin, Susan. |
"Sonnets to a Silent Interlocutor."
Rev. of Red as a Lotus: Letters to a Dead Trappist by Lisa Gill. 31-33. |
Issue 28:3 |
(Fall 2003) |
Raboteau, Albert J. |
"Transcending Divided Worlds."
Rev. of Merton and Hesychasm: The Prayer of the Heart edited by Bernadette Dieker and Jonathan Montaldo. 28-30. |
Issue 28:3 |
(Fall 2003) |
Barron, Robert. |
"A Unique Experience."
Rev. of The Inner Experience: Notes on Contemplation by Thomas Merton, edited by William H. Shannon. 25-27. |
Issue 28:3 |
(Fall 2003) |
Apel, William. |
"The Merton-Aziz Letters: An Interfaith Journey Toward Unity."
21-24. |
Issue 28:3 |
(Fall 2003) |
Paulsell, William O. |
"Thomas Merton's Ecumenical Landscape."
15-19. |
Issue 28:3 |
(Fall 2003) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
"'Going Home to Where I Have Never Been'. Thomas Merton's Flight Toward Joy."
3-11. |
Issue 28:3 |
(Fall 2003) |
Callahan, Annice, RSCJ. |
"Desert Magnificat of La Soledad."
20. |
Issue 28:2 |
(Summer 2003) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
"Beauty and Humanity at Gethsemani."
Rev. of Gethsemani and Time in the Garden: Life at the Abbey of Gethsemani filmed and edited by Morgan Atkinson. 38-40. |
Issue 28:2 |
(Summer 2003) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"Bound By Every Affection. (In Memory of Bob Daggy.)"
Rev. of The Vision of Thomas Merton edited by Patrick F. O'Connell. 35-37. |
Issue 28:2 |
(Summer 2003) |
Simsic, Wayne. |
"Attending Nature's Festival."
Rev. of When the Trees Say Nothing: Writings on Nature edited by Kathleen Deignan. 33-34. |
Issue 28:2 |
(Summer 2003) |
Waldron, Robert G. |
"Two English Diarists/Reviewers and Thomas Merton."
28-32. |
Issue 28:2 |
(Summer 2003) |
Odorisio, David. |
"Rediscovering the True Self Through the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton."
13-23. |
Issue 28:2 |
(Summer 2003) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Two Poems" by Miguel Hernandez, translated by Thomas Merton.
7-12. |
Issue 28:2 |
(Summer 2003) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Rambling with Merton."
3-6. |
Issue 28:1 |
(Spring 2003) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
"Damaged Goods: A Monk's Public 'Inner Work'."
18-23. |
Issue 28:1 |
(Spring 2003) |
Morais, Dawn. |
"Tyrannosaurus Rex."
17. |
Issue 28:1 |
(Spring 2003) |
Collins, John P. |
"Prodigals in a Distant Land: Reflections on Evil in New Seeds of Contemplation."
3-8. |
Issue 28:1 |
(Spring 2003) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Two Unpublished Poems."
9-10. |
Issue 28:1 |
(Spring 2003) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
"Gadfly and Good Friend."
Rev. of Ferrytale: The Career of W.H. 'Ping' Ferry by James A. Ward. 28-29. |
Issue 28:1 |
(Spring 2003) |
Matthews, Gray. |
"The Coherence of Epiphanies."
Rev. of Seeds selected and edited by Robert Inchausti. 24-25. |
Issue 28:1 |
(Spring 2003) |
Shannon, William H. |
"Commendably Comprehensive Compilation."
Rev. of "About Merton" Secondary Sources 1945-2000: A Bibliographic Workbook compiled by Marquita E. Breit, Patricia A. Burton and Paul M Pearson. 26-27. |
Issue 28:1 |
(Spring 2003) |
Del Prete, Thomas. |
"Recovering Paradise: The Self and the Problem of Evil."
11-16. |
Issue 29:4 |
(Winter 2004) |
Pramuk, Christopher. |
"Christ and the Birds of Appetite: Breathing Life and Beauty into the Body of Faith."
11-17. |
Issue 29:4 |
(Winter 2004) |
Seitz, Ron. |
"Three Poems." [poem]
9-10. |
Issue 29:4 |
(Winter 2004) |
Cooper, Jeffrey A., CSC. |
"Dropped: Original Monk Bomb." [poem]
18-19. |
Issue 29:4 |
(Winter 2004) |
King, John E. |
"A Merton Pamphlet in Multiple Versions: From Come to the Mountain to Cistercian Life."
20-26. |
Issue 29:4 |
(Winter 2004) |
Del Prete, Thomas. |
"A Timely Time Capsule."
Rev. of Peace in the Post-Christian Era by Thomas Merton, edited by Patricia A. Burton. 27-30. |
Issue 29:4 |
(Winter 2004) |
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. |
"Poets Doing Business."
Rev. of On the Banks of Monks Pond: The Thomas Merton/Jonathan Greene Correspondence with essays and notes by Jonathan Greene. 31. |
Issue 29:4 |
(Winter 2004) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
"Uniting Divided Worlds in Christ."
Rev. of The World in My Bloodstream: Thomas Merton's Universal Embrace edited by Angus Stuart. 32-35. |
Issue 29:4 |
(Winter 2004) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Islam in Alaska: Sufi Material in Thomas Merton in Alaska."
3-8. |
Issue 29:3 |
(Fall 2004) |
Wisniewski, Kristen. |
"Merton for a New Generation."
Rev. of Thomas Merton by Samuel Willard Crompton. 39-40. |
Issue 29:3 |
(Fall 2004) |
Simpson, John. |
"An Astonishing Variety."
Rev. of Owen Merton: Expatriate Painter by Roger Collins. 36-38. |
Issue 29:3 |
(Fall 2004) |
Doriot, Jeanne, SP. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
8. |
Issue 29:3 |
(Fall 2004) |
Berger, John. |
"Stimulating Encounters."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 16 edited by Victor A. Kramer. 33-35. |
Issue 29:3 |
(Fall 2004) |
Lagouvardos, Moschos. |
"Memories of Robert Lax."
25-33. |
Issue 29:3 |
(Fall 2004) |
Harford, James. |
"Thomas Merton and Friends in the 1940s."
9-23. |
Issue 29:3 |
(Fall 2004) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"'Life in the Damned Thing:' The Letters of Thomas Merton to Reginald Marsh" introduced by Paul M. Pearson.
3-7. |
Issue 29:2 |
(Summer 2004) |
Thompson, Phillip M. |
"Thomas Merton and Leo Szilard: A Brief Meeting at the Intersection of Science and Religion."
30-35. |
Issue 29:2 |
(Summer 2004) |
Wu, John, Jr. |
"Seeking Eastern Connections."
Rev. of Christian Contemplation and Zen-Taoism: A Study of Thomas Merton's Writings by Ekman P. C. Tam. 38-41. |
Issue 29:2 |
(Summer 2004) |
Stewart, Mary L. |
"Kernels of Truth."
Rev. of Seek the Silences with Thomas Merton: Reflections on Identity, Community and Transformative Action by Charles R. Ringma. 36-37. |
Issue 29:2 |
(Summer 2004) |
Porter, J. S. |
"Thomas Merton as Public Intellectual."
16-24. |
Issue 29:2 |
(Summer 2004) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Grave Robber Beware." [poem] Introduced by Paul M. Pearson.
14-15. |
Issue 29:2 |
(Summer 2004) |
Reiser, William, SJ. |
"Thomas Merton: A Parable for Our Time."
3-13. |
Issue 29:2 |
(Summer 2004) |
Waldron, Robert G. |
"A Novel Twist on Merton's Death."
Rev. of The Bossuet Conspiracy by Bill Goodson. 42-43. |
Issue 29:1 |
(Spring 2004) |
Chura, Walt, SFO. |
"The Tree of Life for the Healing of the Nations."
Rev. of Seeking Paradise: The Spirit of the Shakers by Thomas Merton, edited by Paul M. Pearson. 26-28. |
Issue 29:1 |
(Spring 2004) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"An Unpublished Poem." [poem]
8. |
Issue 29:1 |
(Spring 2004) |
Aitken, Mary. |
"Found Poetry in Thomas Merton's The Seven Storey Mountain."
19-25. |
Issue 29:1 |
(Spring 2004) |
Sherwin, Richard E. |
"Graced by Passion and Compassion."
Rev. of Thomas Merton and Judaism: Holiness in Words - Recognition, Repentance, and Renewal edited by Beatrice Bruteau. 29-32. |
Issue 29:1 |
(Spring 2004) |
Grip, Robert. |
"The Matrix Revisited, Merton Style."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 15 edited by George A. Kilcourse. 33-34. |
Issue 29:1 |
(Spring 2004) |
Rosen, Sheila. |
"Hunting the Unicorn: Thomas Merton's New York."
3-7. |
Issue 29:1 |
(Spring 2004) |
Merton, Ruth. |
"The Tiny House."
9-17. |
Issue 30:4 |
(Winter 2005) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
"Modeling A New Paradigm."
Rev. of No Abiding Place: Thomas Merton and the Search for God by Fred Herron. 37-38. |
Issue 30:4 |
(Winter 2005) |
Smock, Frederick. |
"Silence." [Poem]
18. |
Issue 30:4 |
(Winter 2005) |
Goodwin-O'Neal, Beth. |
"Nine-Tenths Pilgrimage and One-Tenth Vacation."
3-8. |
Issue 30:4 |
(Winter 2005) |
"A Poem by René Char: Translated by Thomas Merton."
9-12. |
Issue 30:4 |
(Winter 2005) |
Ostenburg, John A. |
"Spiritual Connectedness: Thomas Merton's Path to World Peace."
13-17. |
Issue 30:4 |
(Winter 2005) |
Peach, Robert K. |
"A Mertonian Critique of the Iraq War: An Offshoot of Fear and a Chasm in the Hidden Ground of Love."
19-31. |
Issue 30:4 |
(Winter 2005) |
Hardcastle, Judith. |
"An Affectionate Anthology."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: I Have Seen What I Was Looking For: Selected Spiritual Writings edited by M. Basil Pennington. 33-34. |
Issue 30:4 |
(Winter 2005) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Merton's First Biography."
Rev. of Tom's Book: To Granny With Tom's Best Love 1916 by Ruth Merton, edited by Sheila Milton. 35-36. |
Issue 30:3 |
(Fall 2005) |
Chura, Walt, SFO. |
"Come, Little Children, Come to Zion': A Merton Letter to a Rector's Wife."
12-16. |
Issue 30:3 |
(Fall 2005) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
"Polished Contributions from Polish Conference."
Rev. of Studia Mertonia I and Studia Mertonia 2: Collected Papers of the First Merton Conference in Poland, Lublin, Oct. 24-27, 2002. 33-36. |
Issue 30:3 |
(Fall 2005) |
Atkinson, Morgan. |
"A Virtual Pilgrimage in Word and Image."
Rev. of Thomas Merton's Gethsemani: Landscapes of Paradise by Harry Hinkle and Monica Weis. 31-32. |
Issue 30:3 |
(Fall 2005) |
Poks, Malgorzata. |
"A New Dawn for Merton's Verse."
Rev. of In the Dark Before Dawn: New Selected Poems of Thomas Merton edited by Lynn R. Szabo. 27-30. |
Issue 30:3 |
(Fall 2005) |
Dart, Ron. |
"Erasmus and Merton: Soul Friends."
18-26. |
Issue 30:3 |
(Fall 2005) |
Stewart, Mary L. |
"In the Gethsemani Fog." [Poem]
17. |
Issue 30:3 |
(Fall 2005) |
Paguio, Erlinda G. |
"A New World Being Born: Loving in a New Way: Presidential Address - ITMS Ninth General Meeting. University of San Diego. June
9. |
Issue 30:2 |
(Summer 2005) |
Funk, Mary Margaret, OSB. |
"A Window into Merton's Classroom."
Rev. of Cassian and the Fathers - Initiation into the Monastic Tradition by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick O'Connell. 29-30. |
Issue 30:2 |
(Summer 2005) |
Burton, Patricia A. |
"The Nouwen File and the Merton Book."
Rev. of Encounters with Merton: Spiritual Reflections by Henri Nouwen. 31-34. |
Issue 30:2 |
(Summer 2005) |
Goodson, Bill. |
"Jonathan Daniels and Thomas Merton: A Meditation."
24-28. |
Issue 30:2 |
(Summer 2005) |
Del Prete, Thomas. |
"'Though Art That': Merton as Contemplative Photographer."
17-21. |
Issue 30:2 |
(Summer 2005) |
Flynn, Joanne. |
"Caregivers Revisit: Merton's Waters of Siloam."
16-21. |
Issue 30:2 |
(Summer 2005) |
Lipsey, Roger. |
"Thomas Merton and Ulfert Wilke: The Friendship of Artists."
3-12. |
Issue 30:2 |
(Summer 2005) |
Doriot, Jeanne, SP. |
"A Jewel in Gethsemani's Crown."
Rev. of The Poetry of a Soul: A Monk's Story produced by Morgan Atkinson. 35-36. |
Issue 30:1 |
(Spring 2005) |
Betz, Margaret B. |
"Transcendent Creativity."
Rev. of Mystery Hidden Yet Revealed by Marie Theresa Coombs. 28-29. |
Issue 30:1 |
(Spring 2005) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Merton Dreams of Jesus." [poem]
6. |
Issue 30:1 |
(Spring 2005) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
"Remembering Naomi Burton Stone: A View from Gethsemani."
7-8. |
Issue 30:1 |
(Spring 2005) |
Wilkes, Paul. |
"Remembering Naomi Remembering Tom: An Interview with Naomi Burton Stone."
11-22. |
Issue 30:1 |
(Spring 2005) |
Fullerton, Timothy. |
"Nourishing Heart and Intellect.
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 17 edited by Victor Kramer. 25-27. |
Issue 30:1 |
(Spring 2005) |
McCormick, Anne H. |
"Remembering Naomi Burton Stone: A View from Manhattan."
3-5. |
Issue 30:1 |
(Spring 2005) |
Hulburt, Patricia. |
"Spending Time with Merton."
Rev. of A Year with Thomas Merton: Daily Meditations from his Journals by Thomas Merton edited by Jonathan Montaldo. 23-24. |
Issue 31:4 |
(Winter 2006) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
"Thomas Merton, Gandhi, the "Uprising" of Youth in the '60s, and Building Non-Violent Movements Today."
16-23. |
Issue 31:4 |
(Winter 2006) |
Bly, William J. |
"The Hermitage." [Poem]
8. |
Issue 31:4 |
(Winter 2006) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
"'And God's Forgiveness": Frank Kowalski and Merton's Prayer for Peace."
9-13. |
Issue 31:4 |
(Winter 2006) |
DeLaney, Steven. |
"First Reflection." [Poem]
14-15. |
Issue 31:4 |
(Winter 2006) |
Collins, John P. |
"A Guide to Full Integration."
Rev. of An Invitation to the Contemplative Life by Thomas Merton, edited by Wayne Simsic. 24-26. |
Issue 31:4 |
(Winter 2006) |
Rivera, Mary Anne. |
"Communication Leads to Communion."
Rev. of Merton and Friends: A Joint Biography of Thomas Merton, Robert Lax and Edward Rice by James Harford. 27-30. |
Issue 31:4 |
(Winter 2006) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
35-39. |
Issue 31:4 |
(Winter 2006) |
Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND. |
"'The Patient Architecture of Peace': Spirituality in Light of 9/11 - A Fifth-Anniversary Reflection."
3-7. |
Issue 31:4 |
(Winter 2006) |
Griffith, David A. |
"The Challenge of Radical Humility."
Rev. of "Making Peace in the Post-Christian Era: Merton's Challenge to the 'War on Terror'" by Valerie Flessati, Gerry McFlynn and Anthony Maggs; Pax Christi/ Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland Conference, 2005. 31-34. |
Issue 31:3 |
(Fall 2006) |
Balthasar, Hans Urs von. |
"Postface to Grazias Haus: Gedichte."
3-8. |
Issue 31:3 |
(Fall 2006) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Merton Set to Music."
Rev. of Sweet Irrational Worship: The Niles-Merton Songs, Opus 171 and 172 perf. by Chad Runyon and Jacqueline Chew. 30-31. |
Issue 31:3 |
(Fall 2006) |
Brennan, Michael. |
"Merton as Contemplative Catalyst."
Rev. of Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton, - "Booklet 1: Entering the School of Your Experience" and "Booklet 2: Becoming Who You Already Are" edited by Jonathan Montaldo and Robert G. Toth. 27-29. |
Issue 31:3 |
(Fall 2006) |
Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal. |
"Deep Ecumenism in the Mystical Thought of D. T. Suzuki and Thomas Merton."
17-26. |
Issue 31:3 |
(Fall 2006) |
Pennington, M. Basil, OCSO. |
Basil, OCSO. "Four Reflections on Thomas Merton."
11-15. |
Issue 31:3 |
(Fall 2006) |
Basilico, Robert Francis. |
"Nothing." [Poem]
9. |
Issue 31:3 |
(Fall 2006) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Portrait of the Monk as Artist."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 18 edited by Victor A. Kramer. 32-34. |
Issue 31:2 |
(Summer 2006) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
"Merton in His Monastic Milieu."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Prophet of Renewal by John Eudes Bamberger, OCSO. 33-34. |
Issue 31:2 |
(Summer 2006) |
Kristoff, Donna, OSU. |
"Signatures of Someone Not Around."
Rev. of Angelic Mistakes: The Art of Thomas Merton by Roger Lipsey. 30-32. |
Issue 31:2 |
(Summer 2006) |
Allen, William Loyd. |
"Thomas Merton and E. Glenn Hinson: The Aggiornamento of Spiritual Formation among Progressive Baptists."
23-29. |
Issue 31:2 |
(Summer 2006) |
Beardsley, Doug. |
"How I Became Thomas Merton." [poem]
22. |
Issue 31:2 |
(Summer 2006) |
Flynn, Joanne. |
"Caregivers Revisit: Merton's Waters of Siloam."
16-21. |
Issue 31:2 |
(Summer 2006) |
Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM. |
"A Finger Pointing at the Moon: Zen and the Photography of Thomas Merton."
3-11. |
Issue 31:2 |
(Summer 2006) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"Canaries in the Mineshaft."
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Beats of the Northern Cascades by Ron Dart. 35-36. |
Issue 31:1 |
(Spring 2006) |
Chew, Jacqueline. |
"Memoir of a Remarkable Collaboration."
Rev. of A Journey with John Jacob Niles: A Memoir of My Years With Johnnie by Jacqueline Roberts and Kerstin Warner. 33-35. |
Issue 31:1 |
(Spring 2006) |
Casagram, Michael, OCSO. |
"Remembering Father Flavian at Gethsemani: A Reflection at the Memorial Mass for Fr. Flavian Burns, OCSO, October 20, 2005 ."
3-4. |
Issue 31:1 |
(Spring 2006) |
Burton, Patricia A. |
"Merton's Books." [poem]
5-6. |
Issue 31:1 |
(Spring 2006) |
Burns, Flavian, OCSO. |
"Two Conferences on Monastic Prayer."
7-21. |
Issue 31:1 |
(Spring 2006) |
Webster, Ronald. |
"Impact Roundtable." [poem]
22. |
Issue 31:1 |
(Spring 2006) |
Barnes, Abbot Robert, OCSO. |
"Remembering Father Flavian at Berryville: Homily at the Funeral Mass for Fr. Flavian Burns, OCSO, October 17, 2005 ."
23-25. |
Issue 31:1 |
(Spring 2006) |
Griffith, Sidney H. |
"Islam From Inside and Out: A Quartet of Diverse Voices."
Rev. of Listening to Islam with Thomas Merton, Sayyid Qutb, Kenneth Cragg and Ziauddin Sardar: Praise, Reason and Reflection by John Watson. 31-32. |
Issue 31:1 |
(Spring 2006) |
Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND. |
"Rich and Challenging Reflections."
Rev. of Across the Rim of Chaos: Thomas Merton's Prophetic Vision edited by Angus Stuart. 26-30. |
Issue 32:4 |
(Winter 2007) |
Cassani, Genevieve, SSND. |
"Celebrating the Lenten and Easter Seasons.
Rev. of Lent and Easter Wisdom with Thomas Merton compiled by Jonathan Montaldo. 27-28. |
Issue 32:4 |
(Winter 2007) |
Deane, Declan. |
"Thomas Merton's Canonization Process." [poem]
12. |
Issue 32:4 |
(Winter 2007) |
Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal. |
"Builders of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth: The Transforming Power of Agape Love in King and Merton."
3-11. |
Issue 32:4 |
(Winter 2007) |
Millies, Steven P. |
"Contemplative Citizenship: Thomas Merton and Responsible Political Freedom."
13-17. |
Issue 32:4 |
(Winter 2007) |
Koch, William. |
"Words, the Word, and the World."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 19. 29-31. |
Issue 32:4 |
(Winter 2007) |
Kiernan, Jeffrey T. |
"Psalm 173 - Darfur Lament." [poem]
18. |
Issue 32:4 |
(Winter 2007) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
32-35. |
Issue 32:4 |
(Winter 2007) |
Fisher, James T. |
"An Ardent Champion of Peace."
Rev. of The Cold War Letters by Thomas Merton. 25-26. |
Issue 32:4 |
(Winter 2007) |
Dart, Ron. |
"Thomas Merton, Leslie Dewart, George Grant and the 1963 Federal Election in Canada."
19-23. |
Issue 32:3 |
(Fall 2007) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"Wide Open to Heaven and Earth: Contemplation, Community, Culture: Presidential Address - ITMS Tenth General Meeting, Memphis, TN.
3-10. |
Issue 32:3 |
(Fall 2007) |
Shannon, William H. |
"Tracking the Pilgrim of the Transcendental."
Rev. of Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton by Morgan Atkinson. 33-3. |
Issue 32:3 |
(Fall 2007) |
McDonald, Mary Murray. |
"Craft, Communication, Contemplation."
Rev. of Echoing Silence: Thomas Merton on the Vocation of Writing edited by Robert Inauchausti. 31-32. |
Issue 32:3 |
(Fall 2007) |
Coughlin, Daniel. |
"A Glimpse of Glory."
Rev. of A Book of Hours edited by Kathleen Deignan. 28-30. |
Issue 32:3 |
(Fall 2007) |
Flynn, Joanne. |
"Silence - The Promised
23-27. |
Issue 32:3 |
(Fall 2007) |
Conner, James, OCSO. |
"Thomas Merton and the Body of Christ: Closing Homily - ITMS Tenth General Meeting. Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee. June 7, 2007 ."
15-17. |
Issue 32:3 |
(Fall 2007) |
Leax, John. |
"Three Poems: Meditation on a Rural Hillside. The Rain. Field
11-14. |
Issue 32:2 |
(Summer 2007) |
Montevecchio, Arlene |
"Sacramentality, Self-Discovery, Sanctity."
Rev. of Becoming Who You Are: Insights on the True Self from Thomas Merton and Other Saints by James Martin. 42-43. |
Issue 32:2 |
(Summer 2007) |
Coff, Pascaline, OSB. |
"Finding Treasures in the Tradition."
Rev. of Pre-Benedictine Monasticism: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 2 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O'Connell. 40-41. |
Issue 32:2 |
(Summer 2007) |
Liddell, Rose Annette, SL. |
"A Creative Exchange: The Friendship of Thomas Merton and Mary Luke Tobin."
35-39. |
Issue 32:2 |
(Summer 2007) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Well Done." [poem]
34. |
Issue 32:2 |
(Summer 2007) |
McCloskey, Elizabeth. |
"More Than a Footnote: The Footprints of Mary Luke Tobin at Vatican
10-33. |
Issue 32:2 |
(Summer 2007) |
Jones, Cecily, SL. |
"The Roads You Took." [poem]
8-9. |
Issue 32:2 |
(Summer 2007) |
Richardson, Jane Marie, SL. |
"Remembering Luke: An Interview with Jane Marie Richardson, SL" conducted by Mary Frances Lottes, SL, with Mary Swain, SL.
3-7. |
Issue 32:2 |
(Summer 2007) |
Crutcher, Ellyn. |
"Nurturing a Sacramental Awareness."
Rev. of Beyond the Shadow and the Disguise: Three Essays on Thomas Merton. 44-45. |
Issue 32:1 |
(Spring 2007) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Abbey Bells (Gethsemani)." [poem]
18. |
Issue 32:1 |
(Spring 2007) |
Pramuk, Christopher. |
"A Vocation of Unity."
Rev. of Signs of Peace: The Interfaith Letters of Thomas Merton by William Apel. 28-31. |
Issue 32:1 |
(Spring 2007) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Spiritual Direction."
3-17. |
Issue 32:1 |
(Spring 2007) |
McDonald, Joan C. |
"Merton's Secular Book Houses."
19-26. |
Issue 32:1 |
(Spring 2007) |
McDonnell, Chris. |
"Loops and Circles." [poem]
27. |
Issue 32:1 |
(Spring 2007) |
Poks, Malgorzata. |
"Jacob's Ladder with a Few Missing Rungs."
Rev. of Spirituality and Metaphor: The Poetics and Poetry of Thomas Merton by Waclaw Grzybowski. 32-35. |
Issue 33:4 |
(Winter 2008) |
McGuckin, John. |
"On the Sudden Death of Thomas Merton." [poem]
20. |
Issue 33:4 |
(Winter 2008) |
Shannon, William H. |
"The Future of Thomas Merton: A Progress Report."
3-11. |
Issue 33:4 |
(Winter 2008) |
Dart, Ron. |
"In the Footsteps of Thomas Merton: Alaska."
14-19. |
Issue 33:4 |
(Winter 2008) |
Grayston, Donald. |
"In the Footsteps of Thomas Merton: Asia."
21-28. |
Issue 33:4 |
(Winter 2008) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"A Map of the Whole Territory."
Rev. of More Than Silence: A Bibliography of Thomas Merton by Patricia A. Burton. 29-30. |
Issue 33:4 |
(Winter 2008) |
O'Sullivan, Colleen, RSJ. |
"Centering on Prayer."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 20 edited by Victor A. Kramer. 31-34. |
Issue 33:4 |
(Winter 2008) |
Fullerton, Timothy. |
"The Challenge of Chatral."
Rev. of Compassionate Action by Chatral Rinpoche. 35-36. |
Issue 33:4 |
(Winter 2008) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
37-39. |
Issue 33:4 |
(Winter 2008) |
McDonnell, Chris. |
"A Beast of a Year." [poem]
12-13. |
Issue 33:3 |
(Fall 2008) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
41-43. |
Issue 33:3 |
(Fall 2008) |
Potocki, Daniel E. |
"Words to Live By."
Rev. of Thomas Merton In My Own Words selected edited by Jonathan Montaldo. 38-40. |
Issue 33:3 |
(Fall 2008) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Jacob's War."
3-8. |
Issue 33:3 |
(Fall 2008) |
Robinson, Meghan J. |
"Coming Home in Time and Eternity."
Rev. of Choosing to Love the World: On Contemplation by Thomas Merton. 36-37. |
Issue 33:3 |
(Fall 2008) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Intriguing Forays."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Hermit at the Heart of Things by J.S. Porter. 34-35. |
Issue 33:3 |
(Fall 2008) |
Scruggs, Ryan. |
"Encountering the Word: A Dialogue Between Merton and Barth on the Bible."
18-33. |
Issue 33:3 |
(Fall 2008) |
Ross, Sheilagh A. |
"The Art of Pilgrimage: Rome and Thomas Merton."
11-16. |
Issue 33:3 |
(Fall 2008) |
Goldfarb, Sheldon. |
"On Thomas Merton." [poem]
9-10. |
Issue 33:2 |
(Summer 2008) |
Shaw, Mark. |
"Thomas Merton's Italian Vision Revisited."
3-6. |
Issue 33:2 |
(Summer 2008) |
Somerville, Mary R. |
"Paying Attention to a Master."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Master of Attention by Robert Waldron. 33-34. |
Issue 33:2 |
(Summer 2008) |
Labrie, Ross. |
"Explication of Explorations."
Rev. of Thomas Merton and Latin America: A Consonance of Voices by Malgorzata Poks. 30-3. |
Issue 33:2 |
(Summer 2008) |
Egan, Keith J. |
"Mining Mystic Riches."
Rev. of An Introduction to Christian Mysticism: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 3 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 27-29. |
Issue 33:2 |
(Summer 2008) |
Kaplan, Edward K. |
"Incarcerated Prophets: Crisis Letters of Thomas Merton and Martin Luther King, Jr."
22-26. |
Issue 33:2 |
(Summer 2008) |
Peach, Robert K. |
"Merton's Madhyamika." [poem]
20-21. |
Issue 33:2 |
(Summer 2008) |
"2008 Thomas Merton Prize for Poetry of the Sacred."
7-11. |
Issue 33:2 |
(Summer 2008) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
35-39. |
Issue 33:2 |
(Summer 2008) |
Gelsheimer, Ann. |
"'The Bystander Effect': Thomas Merton and Social Psychology."
12-19. |
Issue 33:1 |
(Spring 2008) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Little Rule for a Minor Hermitage." [poem]
15. |
Issue 33:1 |
(Spring 2008) |
Collins, John P. |
"Thomas Merton and the PAX Peace Prize."
3-14. |
Issue 33:1 |
(Spring 2008) |
Eastman, Patrick. |
"Two Falling Blossoms: Merton, Meister Eckhart and Zen."
16-25. |
Issue 33:1 |
(Spring 2008) |
Smock, Frederick. |
"Sabbath." [poem]
26. |
Issue 33:1 |
(Spring 2008) |
Skudlarek, William, OSB. |
"Engaging Contacts, Enlightening Insights."
Rev. of Merton and Buddhism: Wisdom, Emptiness and Everyday Mind edited by Bonnie B. Thurston. 30-31. |
Issue 33:1 |
(Spring 2008) |
Paguio, Erlinda G. |
"Finding Merton Familiar."
Rev. of Tom Merton: A Personal Biography by Joan McDonald. 32-34. |
Issue 33:1 |
(Spring 2008) |
Szabo, Lynn R. |
"Peacemaking and Poetics."
Rev. of Pax Intrantibus: A Meditation on the Poetry of Thomas Merton by Frederick Smock. 35-36. |
Issue 33:1 |
(Spring 2008) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
37-39. |
Issue 33:1 |
(Spring 2008) |
Mangrum, William L. |
"The Parish Desert and My Ordinary Self."
27-29. |
Issue 34:4 |
(Winter 2009) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"The Cross on the Mountain."
28. |
Issue 34:4 |
(Winter 2009) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
45-47. |
Issue 34:4 |
(Winter 2009) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Christian Worship and Social Reform."
3-11. |
Issue 34:4 |
(Winter 2009) |
Dart, Ron. |
"Getting to Know the General."
Rev. of Dom Gabriel Sortais: An Amazing Abbot in Turbulent Times by Guy Oury, OSB. 43-44. |
Issue 34:4 |
(Winter 2009) |
De Trinis, Randall. |
" A Novice and His Master."
13-27. |
Issue 34:4 |
(Winter 2009) |
Mahon, J. Patrick. |
"Merton on Greed and the Economic Crisis."
29-35. |
Issue 34:4 |
(Winter 2009) |
Srubas, Rachel M. |
"The Gospel without Fanfare."
Rev. of The Rule of Saint Benedict: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 4 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 37-39. |
Issue 34:4 |
(Winter 2009) |
Forest, James H. |
"Beyond the Shadow and Disguise?"
Rev. of Beneath the Mask of Holiness: Thomas Merton and the Forbidden Love Affair That Set Him Free by Mark Shaw. 40-42. |
Issue 34:4 |
(Winter 2009) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Advent Comes to a Cistercian House." [poem]
12. |
Issue 34:3 |
(Fall 2009) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
31-35. |
Issue 34:3 |
(Fall 2009) |
Hempstead-Milton, Sheila M. |
"Old Truths and New Myths."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Contemplative and Peace-maker by Ashley Beck. 27-30. |
Issue 34:3 |
(Fall 2009) |
Stewart, Mary L. |
"Nazareth Window." [poem]
10. |
Issue 34:3 |
(Fall 2009) |
McMillan, Allan M. |
"Continuing the Conversation."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 21 edited by David Belcastro and Gray Matthews. 22-24. |
Issue 34:3 |
(Fall 2009) |
Schiffhorst, Gerald J. |
"On the Threshold of Silence: Thomas Merton and the Act of Reading."
16-21. |
Issue 34:3 |
(Fall 2009) |
Culliford, Larry. |
"Corpus Christi (for Bill Shannon)."
14-15. |
Issue 34:3 |
(Fall 2009) |
Shannon, William H. |
"Corpus Christi 2009: Closing Homily of the ITMS Eleventh General Meeting June 14, 2009 ."
11-13. |
Issue 34:3 |
(Fall 2009) |
Reilly, Richard. |
"Bystanding and Authenticity in the Professions."
Rev. of Professional Morality and Guilty Bystanding: Merton's Conjectures and the Value of Work by Barry L. Padgett. 25-26. |
Issue 34:3 |
(Fall 2009) |
Grayston, Donald. |
"Monastic in His Own Way: Thomas Merton and Leonard Cohen."
3-9. |
Issue 34:2 |
(Summer 2009) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
43-47. |
Issue 34:2 |
(Summer 2009) |
Waldron, Robert G. |
"A Novel Perspective."
Rev. of Scherib by Bill Goodson. 41-42. |
Issue 34:2 |
(Summer 2009) |
Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM. |
"Cultivating the Seed of Merton's Hope."
Rev. of Seeds of Hope: Thomas Merton's Contemplative Message, edited by Fernando Beltrán Llavador and Paul M. Pearson. 39-40. |
Issue 34:2 |
(Summer 2009) |
Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND. |
"A Common Ground of Simplicity."
Rev. of A Meeting of Angels: The Correspondence of Thomas Merton and Edward Deming and Faith Andrews edited with an introduction by Paul M. Pearson. 36-38. |
Issue 34:2 |
(Summer 2009) |
Lee, David. |
"Taking Merton to Work."
31-35. |
Issue 34:2 |
(Summer 2009) |
Collins, John P. |
"A Passionist Friendship: Barnabas Ahern and Thomas Merton."
17-29. |
Issue 34:2 |
(Summer 2009) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Your Will and Your Vocation."
3-11. |
Issue 34:1 |
(Spring 2009) |
Brennan, Michael. |
"Guidebooks for the Contemplative Journey."
Rev. of Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton, Booklets 3-8 edited by Jonathan Montaldo and Robert G. Toth. 33-36. |
Issue 34:1 |
(Spring 2009) |
Forest, James H. |
"Thomas Merton: Monk of the Undivided Church."
3-11. |
Issue 34:1 |
(Spring 2009) |
Baker, Kathleen. |
"Fastening Myself to the Page: Three Owen Merton Paintings, 1923." [poem]
12-13. |
Issue 34:1 |
(Spring 2009) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Thomas Merton and St. Paul."
14-19. |
Issue 34:1 |
(Spring 2009) |
Meade, Mark C. |
"Gethsemani Trappist Wake (Job's Lament)." [poem]
20. |
Issue 34:1 |
(Spring 2009) |
Berger, Rose Marie. |
"Personal, Prolific, Provocative."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Life in Letters, edited by William H. Shannon and Christine M. Bochen. 29-32. |
Issue 34:1 |
(Spring 2009) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"A Concert of Harmonious Voices."
Rev. of Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton edited by Morgan Atkinson and Jonathan Montaldo. 37-38. |
Issue 34:1 |
(Spring 2009) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
39-43. |
Issue 34:1 |
(Spring 2009) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
"Joan Baez, Ira Sandperl, and Thomas Merton's Non-Violent Activism."
21-28. |
Issue 35:4 |
(Winter 2010) |
Burton, Patricia A. |
"Final Integration of a Bibliographical Puzzle."
30-36. |
Issue 35:4 |
(Winter 2010) |
Valente, Judith. |
"A Death in Bangkok." [poem]
15-16. |
Issue 35:4 |
(Winter 2010) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
45-47. |
Issue 35:4 |
(Winter 2010) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
"Sowing Seeds of Contemplation and Compassion: Merton's Emerging Social Consciousness."
17-27. |
Issue 35:4 |
(Winter 2010) |
Behrens, James Stephen, OCSO. |
"A Window on Tradition."
Rev. of Monastic Observances: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 5, ed. by Patrick F. O'Connell. 37-39. |
Issue 35:4 |
(Winter 2010) |
Stuart, Angus F. |
"Hermit-Shaped Mission."
Rev. of Mission-Shaped Hermit: Thomas Merton, Mission and Spirituality by Keith James. 4. |
Issue 35:4 |
(Winter 2010) |
Chura, Walt, SFO. |
"Seeing Griffin Anew."
Rev. of Uncommon Vision: The Life and Times of John Howard Griffin by Morgan Atkinson. 43-44. |
Issue 35:4 |
(Winter 2010) |
Labrie, Ross. |
"Thomas Merton on Marx and Marxism."
3-14. |
Issue 35:4 |
(Winter 2010) |
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. |
"My Novices: Late 1950s." [poem]
28-29. |
Issue 35:3 |
(Fall 2010) |
Brennan, Michael. |
"Comforting and Discomforting Truths."
Rev. of Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton: Advent and Christmas edited by Jonathan Montaldo and Robert G. Toth. 33-35. |
Issue 35:3 |
(Fall 2010) |
Vaughan, Matthew Emile. |
"Discerning Strange Voices."
Rev. of The Voice of the Stranger by James Conner, OCSO, David Scott and Bonnie Thurston. 29-31. |
Issue 35:3 |
(Fall 2010) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Powerhouses at the Center of America."
Rev. of Hidden in the Same Mystery: Thomas Merton and Loretto edited by Bonnie Thurston with Mary Swain, SL. 27-29. |
Issue 35:3 |
(Fall 2010) |
Mittendorf, William. |
"A Monk in a Hut: Journey to a Gethsemani Hermit."
21-25. |
Issue 35:3 |
(Fall 2010) |
Dalgarno, Scott. |
"Urge to Travel: A Found Poem." [poem]
20. |
Issue 35:3 |
(Fall 2010) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"'I Spoke Most of Prayer': Thomas Merton on the West Coast (September 11 - October 15, 1968)."
10-19. |
Issue 35:3 |
(Fall 2010) |
Doriot, Jeanne, SP. |
"Three Poems."
9. |
Issue 35:3 |
(Fall 2010) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The Vatican Council and Sacred Art."
3-8. |
Issue 35:2 |
(Summer 2010) |
Smock, Frederick. |
"A Feast of Words"
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 22 edited by Gray Matthews and David Belcastro. 40-41. |
Issue 35:2 |
(Summer 2010) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
Rev. of Ad Reinhardt by Michael Corris. 42-43. |
Issue 35:2 |
(Summer 2010) |
Del Prete, Thomas. |
"An Intelligent, Friendly Guide."
Rev. of Spiritual Masters for All Seasons by Michael Ford. 37-39. |
Issue 35:2 |
(Summer 2010) |
Collins, John P. |
"Michael Carlier: A Contemplative in the Trenches."
24-36. |
Issue 35:2 |
(Summer 2010) |
Orr, Thomas Alan. |
"The Prayers of the Monks Withhold God's Judgment From the World." [poem]
22-23. |
Issue 35:2 |
(Summer 2010) |
Nugent, Don Christopher. |
"Pax Heraclitus: Heraclitus, Hagia Sophia and a Hard Night's Peace."
14-21. |
Issue 35:2 |
(Summer 2010) |
Du Moulin, Susan. |
"Discovering Cuba - A Merton Pilgrimage."
3-8. |
Issue 35:2 |
(Summer 2010) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
44-47. |
Issue 35:1 |
(Spring 2010) |
Scruggs, Ryan. |
"Illuminating Wisdom."
Rev. of Sophia: The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton by Christopher Pramuk. 34-37. |
Issue 35:1 |
(Spring 2010) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
44-47. |
Issue 35:1 |
(Spring 2010) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
"Letters of Kindred Spirits"
Rev. of Compassionate Fire: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Catherine De Hueck Doherty edited by Robert A. Wild. 38-40. |
Issue 35:1 |
(Spring 2010) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"A Conference on Integration: Praying from the Heart" edited by David M. Odorisio.
28-33. |
Issue 35:1 |
(Spring 2010) |
Smock, Frederick. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
28. |
Issue 35:1 |
(Spring 2010) |
McCaslin, Susan. |
"Transformative Solitudes: Merton and Rilke at the Pivot of Silence."
15-25. |
Issue 35:1 |
(Spring 2010) |
Kenny, Colum. |
"Four Poems." [poem]
10-14. |
Issue 35:1 |
(Spring 2010) |
Rivera, Mary Anne; and Mary J. Margosian. |
"Reasons for Rejoicing: Thomas Merton and Jubilee Magazine."
3-9. |
Issue 35:1 |
(Spring 2010) |
Berger, John. |
"Praising God from Dawn to Dusk."
Rev. of A Book of Hours: At Prayer with Thomas Merton by Kathleen Deignan, CND. 41-43. |
Issue 35:1 |
(Fall 2010) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
35-39. |
Issue 36:4 |
(Winter 2011) |
Kelly, Elizabeth M. |
"Listening to the Masters."
Rev. of A Spiritual Masters Retreat [CD] by Donald Goergen, OP. 35-37. |
Issue 36:4 |
(Winter 2011) |
Labrie, Ross. |
"Thomas Merton on the Unspeakable."
3-12. |
Issue 36:4 |
(Winter 2011) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Rest Easy, Tom Merton." [poem]
13. |
Issue 36:4 |
(Winter 2011) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
"Seeds of De(con)struction: Insights from Merton for a Postmodern World."
14-20. |
Issue 36:4 |
(Winter 2011) |
Orr, Thomas Alan. |
"Dharma Blackbird." [poem]
21-22. |
Issue 36:4 |
(Winter 2011) |
Berger, Rose Marie. |
“New Monastics Handbook.”
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Twentieth-Century Wisdom for Twenty-First-Century Living by Paul R. Dekar. 31-34. |
Issue 36:4 |
(Winter 2011) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
"Hallucinating Thomas Merton."
Rev. of The Knowledge of Good and Evil by Glenn Kleier. 38-40. |
Issue 36:4 |
(Winter 2011) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
41-43. |
Issue 36:4 |
(Winter 2011) |
Mahon, J. Patrick. |
"Thomas Merton and Current Issues in Church Renewal."
23-29. |
Issue 36:3 |
(Fall 2011) |
Grip, Robert. |
"Thomas Merton and Fulton Sheen: Roots in the Past with Messages for Eternity."
3-10. |
Issue 36:3 |
(Fall 2011) |
Racine, Catherine. |
"Merton's Choir." [poem]
15-16. |
Issue 36:3 |
(Fall 2011) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
36-39. |
Issue 36:3 |
(Fall 2011) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
"An Integrated Vision."
Rev. of Thomas Merton - Contemplation and Political Action by Mario I. Aguilar. 34-35. |
Issue 36:3 |
(Fall 2011) |
Sheridan, Thomas. |
"Psyching Out Merton."
Rev. of The Wounded Heart of Thomas Merton by Robert Waldron. 26-33. |
Issue 36:3 |
(Fall 2011) |
Apel, William. |
"Out of Solitude: Thomas Merton, John Howard Griffin, and Racial Justice."
17-22. |
Issue 36:3 |
(Fall 2011) |
Conner, James, OCSO. |
"Pentecost 2011: Closing Homily of the ITMS Twelfth General Meeting."
12-14. |
Issue 36:3 |
(Fall 2011) |
Smock, Frederick. |
"The Monastery on the Mountain." [poem]
11. |
Issue 36:3 |
(Fall 2011) |
Grayston, Donald. |
“Engaged Encounter.”
Rev. of A Silent Action: Engagements With Thomas Merton by Rowan Williams. 23-25. |
Issue 36:2 |
(Summer 2011) |
Doriot, Jeanne, SP. |
"Merton in Miniature."
Rev. of Exploring Prayer with Thomas Merton by Tony Castle. 41. |
Issue 36:2 |
(Summer 2011) |
Paguio, Erlinda G. |
"Integrating the Fragments."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 23 edited by David Belcastro and Gray Matthews. 35-40. |
Issue 36:2 |
(Summer 2011) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Seeing into the Life of Things."
Rev. of The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton by Monica Weis, SSJ. 32-34. |
Issue 36:2 |
(Summer 2011) |
Quinn, Shawn. |
"Thomas Merton and Presidential Politics."
23-31. |
Issue 36:2 |
(Summer 2011) |
Carpenter, Dan. |
"Wendell Berry, Father Louis and Beauty of Lost Causes." [poem]
22. |
Issue 36:2 |
(Summer 2011) |
Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND. |
"Masters of the Cosmos and the Soul: Thomas Berry and Thomas Merton in Dialogue."
11-21. |
Issue 36:2 |
(Summer 2011) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Monastic Vows: A Memorandum."
3-5. |
Issue 36:2 |
(Summer 2011) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
42-47. |
Issue 36:1 |
(Spring 2011) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"The Prophetic Merton - Once Again."
11-16. |
Issue 36:1 |
(Spring 2011) |
Webster, Ronald. |
"The Block Print of an Ordinary Meditation." [poem]
10. |
Issue 36:1 |
(Spring 2011) |
Bly, William J. |
"The Pool of Siloam." [poem]
28-29. |
Issue 36:1 |
(Spring 2011) |
Collins, John P. |
"The BC Connection: Thomas Merton and the Boston College Jesuits."
19-33. |
Issue 36:1 |
(Spring 2011) |
Golemboski, David. |
"Imaginary Conversations."
Rev. of Unfinished Business: Dialogues with Thomas Merton by Forrest Johnson. 36-37. |
Issue 36:1 |
(Spring 2011) |
Peach, Robert K. |
"Exploring Merton's Mountain."
Rev. of Thomas Merton - The Secret of The Seven Storey Mountain: The Author and Prophet by Vera Obbágy. 38-39. |
Issue 36:1 |
(Spring 2011) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
40-43. |
Issue 36:1 |
(Spring 2011) |
Meade, Mark C. |
"Rebels in a Death-Wish Culture: Opposition to the Death Penalty in the Writings of Thomas Merton and Albert Camus."
3-9. |
Issue 36:1 |
(Spring 2011) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
"A Prophet's Cross."
Rev. of Silence Speaks: Teilhard de Chardin, Yves Congar, John Courtney Murray by Robert Nugent. 34-3. |
Issue 37:4 |
(Winter 2012) |
Robinson, Meghan J. |
“Introductions West and East.”
Rev. of On Christian Contemplation by Thomas Merton, edited by Paul M. Pearson and On Eastern Meditation by Thomas Merton, edited by Bonnie Thurston. 26-28. |
Issue 37:4 |
(Winter 2012) |
Merton, Thomas. |
“Solitary Life in the Shadow of a Cistercian Monastery.”
3-8. |
Issue 37:4 |
(Winter 2012) |
Hodges, David. |
“Two Poems.” [poems]
9-10. |
Issue 37:4 |
(Winter 2012) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
"'A Tremendous Experience’: The Influence of St. Thérèse of Lisieux on the Spirituality of Thomas Merton.”
11-18. |
Issue 37:4 |
(Winter 2012) |
Golemboski, David. |
“Form and Function in Thomas Merton’s Seeds of Destruction.”
20-25. |
Issue 37:4 |
(Winter 2012) |
Heffernan, Mary Louise, SSJ. |
“Drawn through Love.”
Rev. of It Draws Me: The Art of Contemplation by Mary McDonald. 29. |
Issue 37:4 |
(Winter 2012) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
“Sufi Musings and Meanderings."
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Sufism [CDs], Introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 30-31. |
Issue 37:4 |
(Winter 2012) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
32. |
Issue 37:4 |
(Winter 2012) |
Janssen, Lawrence. |
"No Knowing." [poem]
19. |
Issue 37:3 |
(Fall 2012) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
“Raids on the Impossible: The Poetics of Nonviolence in Merton, Caputo and Hauerwas.”
3-10. |
Issue 37:3 |
(Fall 2012) |
Collins, John P. |
“A Tale of Two Teachers: Frank O’Malley and Thomas Merton.”
18-33. |
Issue 37:3 |
(Fall 2012) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
54-59. |
Issue 37:3 |
(Fall 2012) |
Adolfsson, Lars. |
“Heart Speaks to Heart.”
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Contemplation [CDs], Introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 51-53. |
Issue 37:3 |
(Fall 2012) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Contemplation [CDs], Introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 47-50. |
Issue 37:3 |
(Fall 2012) |
Labrie, Ross. |
“Contemplation in the Age of Technology.”
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 24 edited by David Belcastro and Gray Matthews. 43-46. |
Issue 37:3 |
(Fall 2012) |
Anglada, Eric. |
“Cities of the Dead: Thomas Merton and the Crisis of Urban Civilization."
35-42. |
Issue 37:3 |
(Fall 2012) |
Doud, Robert. |
“Merton at McDonald’s.” [poem]
34. |
Issue 37:2 |
(Summer 2012) |
Burton, Patricia A. |
"Bibliography of the Writings of William H. Shannon."
38-47. |
Issue 37:2 |
(Summer 2012) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
“A Final Testimony and Testament.”
Rev. of How to Become a Christian Even If You Already Are One by William H. Shannon. 34-37. |
Issue 37:2 |
(Summer 2012) |
"Remembering Bill Shannon: Stories and Tributes."
25-33. |
Issue 37:2 |
(Summer 2012) |
Curran, Charles E. |
“Homily for the Funeral of Msgr. William H. Shannon.”
22-24. |
Issue 37:2 |
(Summer 2012) |
Mitchell, Mary Louise, SSJ. |
“A Twenty-First Century Shepherd.”
20-21. |
Issue 37:2 |
(Summer 2012) |
Kennedy, Robert J. |
“Here on the Way to There.”
18-19. |
Issue 37:2 |
(Summer 2012) |
Shannon, William H. |
“My Second Conversion.”
7-17. |
Issue 37:2 |
(Summer 2012) |
"In Memoriam: William H. Shannon (1917 - 2012).”
3-6. |
Issue 37:1 |
(Spring 2012) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
37-39. |
Issue 37:1 |
(Spring 2012) |
Doriot, Jeanne, SP. |
“Requiescat in Pace: Matthew Kelty, OCSO (1915-2011).” [poem]
10-11. |
Issue 37:1 |
(Spring 2012) |
Culliford, Larry. |
“Seeking the True Self: Thomas Merton and Barack Obama.”
12-18. |
Issue 37:1 |
(Spring 2012) |
Stewart, Mary L. |
“Darkness at the Eighth Hour.” [poem]
19-20. |
Issue 37:1 |
(Spring 2012) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
“‘Hidden from Men in Glory’: Thomas Merton and St. Charbel Makhlouf.”
21-26. |
Issue 37:1 |
(Spring 2012) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
“Letters for Lectio.”
Rev. of Precious Thoughts: Daily Readings from the Correspondence of Thomas Merton by Fiona Gardner. 27-28. |
Issue 37:1 |
(Spring 2012) |
Gustafson, Hans. |
“A Twenty-First-Century Prophet.”
Rev. of Thomas Merton: A Spiritual Guide for the Twenty-First Century by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 34-36. |
Issue 37:1 |
(Spring 2012) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
“Thomas Merton and the Kennedys.”
3-9. |
Issue 37:1 |
(Spring 2012) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
“A One-Sided Venture.”
Rev. of The Making of a Saint: A Psychological Study of the Life of Thomas Merton by Kenneth Bragan. 29-33. |
Issue 38:4 |
(Winter 2013) |
Garrison, Peggy. |
“Two Poems in the Manner of Robert Lax.” [poem]
22. |
Issue 38:4 |
(Winter 2013) |
Morgan, Patrick Thomas. |
“Literary Merton: Joyce, Aesthetics and Contemplation.”
Rev. of “All the Living and the Dead”: The Literature of James Joyce [3 CDs] by Thomas Merton, introduction by Michael Higgins. 37-40. |
Issue 38:4 |
(Winter 2013) |
Sellner, Edward C. |
“Searching for Merton - In Death and in Life.”
3-9. |
Issue 38:4 |
(Winter 2013) |
Venable, Peter C. |
“Be Still and Know.” [poem]
10. |
Issue 38:4 |
(Winter 2013) |
Collins, John P. |
“A Bee in His Bonnet: Thomas Merton, Emily Dickinson and Sister Mary James Power.”
11-21. |
Issue 38:4 |
(Winter 2013) |
Kolp, Alan. |
“Wisdom Ever Ancient, Ever New.”
Rev. of Merton and the Tao: Dialogues with John Wu and the Ancient Sages edited by Cristóbal Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes. 29-31. |
Issue 38:4 |
(Winter 2013) |
Lawrence, Edward. |
“From Carmel to Carmel.”
Rev. of Living Contemplatively: Addresses to the Carmelite Sisters of Savannah (1967) [4 CDs] by Thomas Merton, introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 34-36. |
Issue 38:4 |
(Winter 2013) |
Apel, William. |
“'This Yes to God': The Gospel Wisdom of Thomas Merton.”
23-26. |
Issue 38:4 |
(Winter 2013) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
41-43. |
Issue 38:4 |
(Winter 2013) |
Thompson, Phillip M. |
“The Presents of Grace.”
Rev. of A Miracle of Grace: An Autobiography by E. Glenn Hinson. 32-33. |
Issue 38:3 |
(Fall 2013) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
“A Mutually Enriching Relationship.”
Rev. of Thomas Merton and Therese Lentfoehr: The Story of a Friendship by Robert Nugent, SDS. 24-26. |
Issue 38:3 |
(Fall 2013) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Camus, Catholicism and the Death Penalty" introduced and transcribed by Mark C. Meade.
12-15. |
Issue 38:3 |
(Fall 2013) |
Webster, Ronald. |
“Reveille." [poem]
11. |
Issue 38:3 |
(Fall 2013) |
Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND. |
“Dreaming Together with Wisdom.”
3-10. |
Issue 38:3 |
(Fall 2013) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
“Merton and Camus on Silence as the Language of Resistance.”
17-20. |
Issue 38:3 |
(Fall 2013) |
Greene, Dana. |
“Selection of Substance.”
Rev. of Selected Essays by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 21-23. |
Issue 38:3 |
(Fall 2013) |
Matthews, Gray. |
“Listening to Life Speaking.”
Rev. of Vatican II: The Sacred Liturgy and the Religious Life by Thomas Merton. 27-30. |
Issue 38:3 |
(Fall 2013) |
McDonald, Mary Murray. |
“The Meaning of Beauty and the Beauty of Meaning.”
Rev. of Finding True Meaning and Beauty by Thomas Merton. 31-32. |
Issue 38:3 |
(Fall 2013) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
33-35. |
Issue 38:3 |
(Fall 2013) |
Rifkind, Anita. |
"Legacy." [poem]
16. |
Issue 38:2 |
(Summer 2013) |
Chura, Walt, SFO. |
"Dancing Under the Tree of Life."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Monk on the Edge edited by Ross Labrie and Angus Stuart 42-43. |
Issue 38:2 |
(Summer 2013) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"A Miscalculated Risk."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: The Exquisite Risk of Love: The Chronicle of a Monastic Romance by Robert G. Waldron. 44-46. |
Issue 38:2 |
(Summer 2013) |
Loughrey, Glenn. |
“Rhinoceritis - Thomas Merton on Being Human."
34-41. |
Issue 38:2 |
(Summer 2013) |
Doriot, Jeanne, SP. |
“Four Poems." [poems]
33. |
Issue 38:2 |
(Summer 2013) |
Romkema, Albert. |
“Be What You Are: Thomas Merton on Vocation.”
18-32. |
Issue 38:2 |
(Summer 2013) |
Looney, Edward. |
“The Marian Devotion of the Young Thomas Merton: The Seven Storey Mountain and The Sign of Jonas.”
3-13. |
Issue 38:2 |
(Summer 2013) |
Kwon, Hyeokil. |
"Ways of a Prayerful Life."
Rev. of Ways of Prayer: A Desert Father’s Wisdom by Thomas Merton, introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 47-50. |
Issue 38:2 |
(Spring 2013) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
51-55. |
Issue 38:1 |
(Spring 2013) |
Higgins, Ed. |
“Without Knowing It." [poem]
30. |
Issue 38:1 |
(Spring 2013) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
“Merton’s 'Absurd Enterprise': A Brief Foray into Script-Writing.”
3-14. |
Issue 38:1 |
(Spring 2013) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
“Thomas Merton and Spiritual Maturity.”
17-29. |
Issue 38:1 |
(Spring 2013) |
Moran, Michael. |
“Dis-covering a Merton Conference."
31-34. |
Issue 38:1 |
(Spring 2013) |
Sutera, Judith, OSB. |
“So Long a Volume – 'So Long' to an Era.”
Rev. of The Life of the Vows: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 6 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell. 35-36. |
Issue 38:1 |
(Spring 2013) |
Zuercher, Suzanne, OSB. |
“Listening to Merton the Man and the Mentor.”
Rev. of Thomas Merton on the 12 Degrees of Humility [CD set] introduction by Anthony Ciorra. 37-38. |
Issue 38:1 |
(Spring 2013) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
“Community or Collectivity?”
Rev. of Returning to Reality: Thomas Merton’s Wisdom for a Technological World by Phillip M. Thompson. 39-40. |
Issue 38:1 |
(Spring 2013) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
41-43. |
Issue 38:1 |
(Spring 2013) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
“Two Poems.” [poems]
15-16. |
Issue 39:4 |
(Winter 2014) |
Collins, John P.; Joe Labriola; Shawn Fisher; and Timothy J. Muise. |
“Thomas Merton Comes to Prison.”
3-7. |
Issue 39:4 |
(Winter 2014) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
39-43. |
Issue 39:4 |
(Winter 2014) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
“Lively Look at a Storied Life.”
Rev. of Thomas Merton, The Seven Storey Mountain, and the Rest of the Story [DVD/CD sets] by Michael W. Higgins. 37-38. |
Issue 39:4 |
(Winter 2014) |
Grip, Robert. |
“Micro-Merton for the Lost and Longing.”
Rev. of Thomas Merton: Faithful Visionary by Michael W. Higgins. 35-36. |
Issue 39:4 |
(Winter 2014) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
“Enjoy, Ponder, Be Stunned.”
Rev. of In the Valley of Wormwood: Cistercian Blessed and Saints of the Golden Age by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 33-34. |
Issue 39:4 |
(Winter 2014) |
Burton, Patricia A. |
“Mass-Market Monk: Thomas Merton in the Paperback Revolution – Part II.”
22-32. |
Issue 39:4 |
(Winter 2014) |
Jones, Libby Falk. |
“Swift Passings.” [poem]
21. |
Issue 39:4 |
(Winter 2014) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
“To Uncage His Voice: Thomas Merton's Inner Journey toward Parrhesia.”
9-20. |
Issue 39:4 |
(Winter 2014) |
Orr, Thomas Alan. |
“Prayer is a Double Agent.” [poem]
8. |
Issue 39:3 |
(Fall 2014) |
Burton, Patricia A. |
“Mass-Market Monk: Thomas Merton in the Paperback Revolution – Part I.”
3-13. |
Issue 39:3 |
(Fall 2014) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
41-43. |
Issue 39:3 |
(Fall 2014) |
Slater, Isaac, OCSO. |
“A Two-Way Translation.”
Rev. of Thomas Merton and St. Bernard of Clairvaux. [CD set] 38-40. |
Issue 39:3 |
(Fall 2014) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
“Thomas Merton and the Old Verities.”
Rev. of Thomas Merton on William Faulkner and Classical Literature. [CD set] 35-37. |
Issue 39:3 |
(Fall 2014) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
“A Testament of Insight and Empathy.”
Rev. of The Ground of Love and Truth by Suzanne Zuercher, OSB. 32-34. |
Issue 39:3 |
(Fall 2014) |
Berger, Rose Marie. |
“By What Right Do We Protest?”
Rev. of Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest by Gordon Oyer. 28-31. |
Issue 39:3 |
(Fall 2014) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
“Merton’s Literary (and Spiritual) Lessons.”
23-27. |
Issue 39:3 |
(Fall 2014) |
St. John, Donald P. |
“Listening to a Tree.” [poem]
22. |
Issue 39:3 |
(Fall 2014) |
Steger Hoffman, Jo Ann. |
“That Which Cannot Be Expressed.” [poem]
14. |
Issue 39:3 |
(Fall 2014) |
Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND. |
“Cosmopolitan: Thomas Merton’s Urbane Spirituality.”
15-21. |
Issue 39:2 |
(Summer 2014) |
Loughrey, Glenn. |
"To Be or Not to Be - Identity Formation in a Post-Human World."
27-33. |
Issue 39:2 |
(Summer 2014) |
Lord, Andy. |
“Thomas Merton and the Quest for the Holy Spirit.”
3-12. |
Issue 39:2 |
(Summer 2014) |
Doriot, Jeanne, SP. |
"Poet." [poem]
13. |
Issue 39:2 |
(Summer 2014) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Merton in the Middle of Things." [poem]
26. |
Issue 39:2 |
(Summer 2014) |
Callahan, John J., Jr. |
"Making Meaningful Connections."
Rev. of The Search for Wholeness [CD set] by Thomas Merton. 42-43. |
Issue 39:2 |
(Summer 2014) |
Golemboski, David. |
"The Ever-Radical Merton."
Rev. of Thinking through Thomas Merton: Contemplation for Contemporary Times by Robert Inchausti. 34-36. |
Issue 39:2 |
(Summer 2014) |
Crutcher, Ellyn. |
"Share the Prayer - Know the Soul."
Rev. of You Know My Soul by John Wu, Jr. 37-38. |
Issue 39:2 |
(Summer 2014) |
Paguio, Erlinda G. |
“Merton and Sufism: The Well-told Story.”
Rev. of Mystics, Muslims, and Merton [DVD/CD sets] by Sidney H. Griffith. 39-41. |
Issue 39:2 |
(Summer 2014) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
44-47. |
Issue 39:2 |
(Summer 2014) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
“‘An Absolute Duty to Rebel’: Thomas Merton, Religious Women and the Challenges of Vatican II.”
14-25. |
Issue 39:1 |
(Spring 2014) |
DeLaney, Steven. |
"The Snail." [poem]
16-17. |
Issue 39:1 |
(Spring 2014) |
Kolp, Alan. |
“From Cloister to Classroom: Thomas Merton and Today’s College Student.”
18-22. |
Issue 39:1 |
(Spring 2014) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
37-39. |
Issue 39:1 |
(Spring 2014) |
Plekon, Michael. |
"'Mercy within Mercy within Mercy': Thomas Merton's Merciful God."
3-6. |
Issue 39:1 |
(Spring 2014) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
“Walking with Merton toward the Buddha.” [poem]
7. |
Issue 39:1 |
(Spring 2014) |
Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM. |
“Converging Visions.”
Rev. of Meatyard/Merton – Merton/Meatyard: Photographing Thomas Merton by Ralph Eugene Meatyard. 23-24. |
Issue 39:1 |
(Spring 2014) |
Labrie, Ross. |
“Parallel Doors to the Cosmos.”
Rev. of Seeing the World in a Grain of Sand: Thomas Merton on Poetry [7 CDs] by Thomas Merton with an introduction by Michael W. Higgins. 34-36. |
Issue 39:1 |
(Spring 2014) |
Cannon, Nass. |
“Merton as Prophet and Spiritual Gadfly.”
Rev. of Prayer and Growth in Christian Life [5 CDs] by Thomas Merton with an introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 25-29. |
Issue 39:1 |
(Spring 2014) |
Cuntz, Detlev. |
“Interiority, Inseeing, Insight.”
Rev. of “God Speaks to Each of Us”: The Poetry and Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke [5 CDs] by Thomas Merton with an introduction by Michael W. Higgins. 30-33. |
Issue 39:1 |
(Spring 2014) |
Cooper, Jeffrey A., CSC. |
“Merton’s Imaginal World: Liminality and the Lived Experience of Wisdom in the ‘Fire Watch’.”
8-15. |
Issue 40:4 |
(Winter 2015) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"The Camaldolese Way."
3-16. |
Issue 40:4 |
(Winter 2015) |
Lydon-Rochelle, Mona T. |
"In the Midst of Water, 1974." [poem]
17-18. |
Issue 40:4 |
(Winter 2015) |
Hinson, E. Glenn. |
"Lessons from the School of Love: Thomas Merton - A Centennial Tribute."
19-31. |
Issue 40:4 |
(Winter 2015) |
Milford, Judith Gill. |
"Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned." [poem]
32-33. |
Issue 40:4 |
(Winter 2015) |
Georgiou, S.T. |
"All Rings, One Ring: Robert Lax - A Centennial Tribute."
34-37. |
Issue 40:4 |
(Winter 2015) |
Cunningham, Lawrence S. |
"The Process behind the Product."
Rev. of The Letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton edited by Patrick Samway, SJ. 39-40. |
Issue 40:4 |
(Winter 2015) |
O'Neill, Kathleen, OCSO. |
"A Vivid Snapshot."
Rev. of Charter, Customs, and Constitutions of the Cistercians edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 41-43. |
Issue 40:4 |
(Winter 2015) |
Snyder, Thomas. |
"Imitating God According to Thomas."
Rev. of Thomas Merton on St. Thomas Aquinas and “The Ways of God” [3 CDs] by Thomas Merton. 44-45. |
Issue 40:4 |
(Winter 2015) |
Surat, Maria. |
"Witnessing to Christ's Peace."
Rev. of Thomas Merton, Peacemaker by John Dear. 46-48. |
Issue 40:4 |
(Winter 2015) |
Collins, John P. |
"A Redeemed World Perceived by Intellect and Imagination."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 27 (2014). 49-53. |
Issue 40:4 |
(Winter 2015) |
Labrie, Ross. |
"A Thorough and Generous Portrait."
Rev. of "Literchoor Is My Beat": A Life of James Laughlin, Publisher of New Directions by Ian S. MacNiven. 54-55. |
Issue 40:4 |
(Winter 2015) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
56-63. |
Issue 40:3 |
(Fall 2015) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"Dear Beneficiaries of Merton’s Legacy: Presidential Address – ITMS Fourteenth General Meeting."
3-8. |
Issue 40:3 |
(Fall 2015) |
Cox, Randy. |
"Merton's Place." [poem]
9. |
Issue 40:3 |
(Fall 2015) |
Dart, Ron. |
"Merton on the West Coast: New Camaldoli and Redwoods."
10-18. |
Issue 40:3 |
(Fall 2015) |
Garrigan, Gerard, OSB. |
"You Never Really Settled Down." [poem]
19. |
Issue 40:3 |
(Fall 2015) |
Mahon, J. Patrick. |
"Seeing Merton in the Wild Goose."
20-24. |
Issue 40:3 |
(Fall 2015) |
Allard, John E., OP. |
"Ad Experimentum: Merton’s Early Essays."
Rev. of Thomas Merton, Early Essays, 1947-1952 edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 25-27. |
Issue 40:3 |
(Fall 2015) |
Kaplan, Edward K. |
"Fruitful Encounters."
Rev. of At Play in Creation: Merton's Awakening to the Feminine Divine by Christopher Pramuk. 28-29. |
Issue 40:3 |
(Fall 2015) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"The Behavior (and Misbehavior) of Titans."
Rev. of Make Peace before the Sun Goes Down: The Long Encounter of Thomas Merton and His Abbot, James Fox by Roger Lipsey. 30-31. |
Issue 40:3 |
(Fall 2015) |
O'Donnell, Angela Alaimo. |
"Water in the Wilderness."
Rev. of Merton and Waugh: A Monk, A Crusty Old Man, and The Seven Storey Mountain by Mary Frances Coady 32-35. |
Issue 40:3 |
(Fall 2015) |
Apel, William. |
"A Life-Giving Legacy."
Rev. of The Unquiet Monk: Thomas Merton's Questing Faith by Michael Higgins. 36-38. |
Issue 40:3 |
(Fall 2015) |
Rakoczy, Susan, IHM. |
"Receptive and Renewing Ecumenism."
Rev. of Transforming Renewal: Charismatic Renewal meets Thomas Merton by Andy Lord. 39-41. |
Issue 40:3 |
(Fall 2015) |
Carhart, Michael. |
"An Invitation to Merton’s Birthday Party."
Rev. of We Are Already One: Thomas Merton's Message of Hope: Reflections to Honor His Centenary (1915–2015) edited by Gray Henry and Jonathan Montaldo. 42-43. |
Issue 40:3 |
(Fall 2015) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
44-55. |
Issue 40:2 |
(Summer 2015) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"In the Wilderness."
3-7. |
Issue 40:2 |
(Summer 2015) |
Hannan, Maryanne. |
"Trappist Monk (1915-1968)." [poem]
8. |
Issue 40:2 |
(Summer 2015) |
McGilchrist, Megan Riley. |
"Landscapes of Disaster: Cormac McCarthy and Thomas Merton on Lost Brothers."
9-15. |
Issue 40:2 |
(Summer 2015) |
McDonnell, Chris. |
"Polonnaruwa." [poem]
16. |
Issue 40:2 |
(Summer 2015) |
Plekon, Michael. |
"Two Monks: Thomas of Gethsemani and Seraphim of Sarov."
17-24. |
Issue 40:2 |
(Summer 2015) |
Kristoff, Donna, OSU. |
"Record of an Exceptional Friendship."
Rev. of The Letters of Thomas Merton and Victor and Carolyn Hammer: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam edited by F. Douglas Scutchfield and Paul Evans Holbrook Jr. 25-27. |
Issue 40:2 |
(Summer 2015) |
Scruggs, Ryan. |
"Fidelity and Discontent."
Rev. of Divine Discontent: The Prophetic Voice of Thomas Merton by John Moses. 28-30. |
Issue 40:2 |
(Summer 2015) |
Ciorra, Anthony. |
"A (Not So) Secret Son of Francis."
Rev. of The Franciscan Heart of Thomas Merton by Daniel P. Horan, OFM. 31-33. |
Issue 40:2 |
(Summer 2015) |
Oyer, Gordon. |
"Fostering Freedom, Transcending Technique."
Rev. of Illusions of Freedom: Thomas Merton and Jacques Ellul on Technology and the Human Condition by Jeffrey M. Shaw. 34-36. |
Issue 40:2 |
(Summer 2015) |
Jones, Jen. |
"Simple Guide to a Complex Design."
Rev. of Simply Merton: Wisdom from His Journals by Linus Mundy. 37-39. |
Issue 40:2 |
(Summer 2015) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
40-55. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Gustafson, Hans. |
"Why Merton Matters to This Non-Catholic."
23-24. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Kolp, Alan. |
"Personal Kaleidoscopic Spirituality."
27-28. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Kwon, Hyeokil. |
"Reconnection and Reformation: A Korean Protestant Perspective on the Monastic Wisdom of Thomas Merton."
29-30. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Merton as Mirror."
30-32. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
McCaslin, Susan. |
"Slow, Deepen, Shine: Why Merton Still Matters."
32-34. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Hall, Gary. |
"A Seer Interprets the Ministry of the Stars."
24-26. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Grip, Robert. |
"Soul Brothers."
21-23. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Adolfsson, Lars. |
"Silence, Holiness, Sanctity."
3-5. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
"'I Have Become an Explorer for You'."
20-21. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
"Silence as Attention and Antidote."
16-18. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Dart, Ron. |
"Thomas Merton: Hedgehog and Fox."
14-16. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Collins, John P. |
"The Humanism of Pope John XXIII, Thomas Merton and J. F. Powers."
12-14. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Cannon, Nass. |
"A Path to Peace – Thomas Merton, Final Integration and Us."
10-11. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Burton, Patricia A. |
"The Bibliographer’s Tale."
8-10. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Beltrán Llavador, Fernando. |
"Thomas Merton: Longing Yet Belonging – Belonging Yet Longing."
7-8. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"The Trickster-Monk’s New Creation."
6-7. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Apel, William. |
"Merton’s Search for God."
5-6. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
O'Brien, David. |
"Thomas Merton and Catholic Americanism."
39-42. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Kiernan, Jeffrey T. |
"The Next Generation."
26. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal. |
"Final Integration in Thomas Merton: The Art of Finding the Middle Way."
59-60. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Del Prete, Thomas. |
"Making the World New from Our 'Older Unity'."
19-20. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
"A Voice for Racial Justice."
46-47. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Phillips, Dan Kenneth. |
"Awakening and Propelling."
47-48. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Plekon, Michael. |
"Mercy within Mercy."
49. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Porter, J. S. |
"Beginning at the End."
51-52. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Pramuk, Christopher. |
"Where the Gospel Requires Us to Be."
52-53. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"Thomas Merton, Prayer and Us."
53-55. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
St. John, Donald P. |
"Merton as Radical Ecologist: Principles for Judging Human Action."
55-56. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
McDonnell, Chris. |
"Opening Doors, Opening Minds."
35-36. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Paguio, Erlinda G. |
"Knowing God from Experience: Thomas Merton and the Book of Job."
45-46. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
O'Hare, Padraic. |
"Merton and Young Adults in the Wilderness."
42-44. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Smock, Frederick. |
"Chanting the Square Demonic."
60-61. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
"Merton’s Call to Activism – 2015."
61-63. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Stull, Bradford T. |
"Avatars of the Absurd: Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day and Nonviolence."
63-64. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM. |
"Merton the Educator."
65. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Szabo, Lynn R. |
"Why Thomas Merton Still Matters: Thoughts on a Man for All Times."
66-67. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Icon and/or Metaphor."
67-69. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"We Always Need a Prophet."
69-71. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
"A Compassionate Transparency."
38. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
McMillan, Allan M. |
"The Equipment of an Artist."
37. |
Issue 40:1 |
(Spring 2015) |
Scruggs, Ryan. |
"Spiritual Theology."
57-59. |
Issue 41:4 |
(Winter 2016) |
Rensberger, David. |
"Sweet Irrational Worship."
3-10. |
Issue 41:4 |
(Winter 2016) |
Stewart, Tom. |
"Gethsemani Abbey – November." [poem]
11. |
Issue 41:4 |
(Winter 2016) |
Mathis, Rick. |
"Merton’s Mindfulness."
12-15. |
Issue 41:4 |
(Winter 2016) |
Hoffenkamp, Carol. |
"City Canticle." [poem]
16. |
Issue 41:4 |
(Winter 2016) |
Rakoczy, Susan, IHM. |
"The Dynamics of Discernment in the Life of Thomas Merton."
17-28. |
Issue 41:4 |
(Winter 2016) |
Berger, Rose Marie. |
"Conscientious Objection to a War-Driven World."
Rev. of The Root of War Is Fear: Thomas Merton's Advice to Peacemakers by Jim Forest. 29-32. |
Issue 41:4 |
(Winter 2016) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"These Are the Champions."
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Desert Spirituality [CDs]. 33-34. |
Issue 41:4 |
(Winter 2016) |
Meade, Mark C. |
"Questioning the Questioner."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 28. 35-39. |
Issue 41:4 |
(Winter 2016) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
40-43. |
Issue 41:3 |
(Fall 2016) |
"In Memoriam: Daniel J. Berrigan, SJ (1921-2016)."
3-5. |
Issue 41:3 |
(Fall 2016) |
Berrigan, Daniel, SJ. |
"Thomas Merton, Nonviolence and Me: A Conversation." Introduction by Paul M. Pearson.
6-17. |
Issue 41:3 |
(Fall 2016) |
Berrigan, Daniel, SJ. |
"Three Conferences for the Novices: Abbey of Gethsemani, 1962."
18-38. |
Issue 41:3 |
(Fall 2016) |
Remington, Grace, OCSO. |
"Reading Merton Reading Bernard."
Rev. of The Cistercian Fathers and Their Monastic Theology by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 39-41. |
Issue 41:3 |
(Fall 2016) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Taking Merton for a Ride."
Rev. of A Way to God: Thomas Merton’s Creation Spirituality Journey by Matthew Fox. 42-44. |
Issue 41:3 |
(Fall 2016) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Merton on the Beaten Path."
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Counterculture: A Golden String edited by Ron Dart. 45-47. |
Issue 41:3 |
(Fall 2016) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
48-51. |
Issue 41:2 |
(Summer 2016) |
Merton, Thomas. |
"Dom Vital at Gethsemani – August 1966."
3-9. |
Issue 41:2 |
(Summer 2016) |
Connah, Roger. |
"Project for a Hermitage: Five Poems." [poems]
10-13. |
Issue 41:2 |
(Summer 2016) |
Collins, John P. |
"The Idolatry of the Marketplace: Flannery O'Connor and Thomas Merton."
14-24. |
Issue 41:2 |
(Summer 2016) |
Kinsella, Sean. |
"Hand to the Plow." [poem]
25. |
Issue 41:2 |
(Summer 2016) |
Plaiss, Mark. |
"'A Lifting of the Veil': Thomas Merton's Encounter with Heschel's Radical Amazement."
26-29. |
Issue 41:2 |
(Summer 2016) |
Matthews, Gray. |
"And There Was Endlessness."
Rev. of The Only Mind Worth Having: Thomas Merton and the Child Mind by Fiona Gardner. 30-31. |
Issue 41:2 |
(Summer 2016) |
McMillan, Allan M. |
"Inklings and Convergences among the 'Janitors of Shadowland'."
Rev. of White Gulls & Wild Birds: Essays on C. S. Lewis, Inklings and Friends & Thomas Merton edited by Ron Dart. 32-35. |
Issue 41:2 |
(Summer 2016) |
Chura, Walt, SFO. |
"Creation as Revelation and Responsibility."
Rev. of Prophet and Mystic of Creation: On Retreat with Thomas Merton [DVDs/CDs] by Kathleen Deignan, CND. 36-37. |
Issue 41:2 |
(Summer 2016) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
38-43. |
Issue 41:1 |
(Spring 2016) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
"'I Must Pray to Him for Aid Now': Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day's Diaries."
3-9. |
Issue 41:1 |
(Spring 2016) |
Orr, Thomas Alan. |
"Keeping the Hours." [poem]
10. |
Issue 41:1 |
(Spring 2016) |
Ragio, Marcela. |
"Acknowledging the Other: Thomas Merton's Poetic Translations."
11-16. |
Issue 41:1 |
(Spring 2016) |
Doriot, Jeanne, SP. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
17. |
Issue 41:1 |
(Spring 2016) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"A Message from the Horizon from Two Striving Towards Being."
18-22. |
Issue 41:1 |
(Spring 2016) |
Kramer, Victor A. |
"Acedia and Wanderlust."
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon: The Camaldoli Correspondence by Donald Grayston. 23-25. |
Issue 41:1 |
(Spring 2016) |
Viviano, Pauline A. |
"Prophetic Models for a Prophetic Ministry."
Rev. of In the School of Prophets: The Formation of Thomas Merton's Prophetic Spirituality by Ephrem Arcement, OSB. 26-27. |
Issue 41:1 |
(Spring 2016) |
Brennan, Michael. |
"'He Was an Event!'"
Rev. of The Many Storeys and Last Days of Thomas Merton [film] by Morgan Atkinson. 28-32. |
Issue 41:1 |
(Spring 2016) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"'slow boat / calm river / quiet landing.'"
Rev. of Pure Act: The Uncommon Life of Robert Lax by Michael N. McGregor. 33-35. |
Issue 41:1 |
(Spring 2016) |
O'Donnell, Angela Alaimo. |
"The Play of Poetry, Praise and Prayer."
Rev. of In the Beginning Was Love: Contemplative Words of Robert Lax edited with an Introduction by S. T. Georgiou. 36-41. |
Issue 41:1 |
(Spring 2016) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
42-47. |
Issue 42:4 |
(Winter 2017) |
Ostenburg, John A. |
"Saving Both Birds and People: Toward a Spirituality of Sustainability."
3-9. |
Issue 42:4 |
(Winter 2017) |
Roeder, Antoinette Voûte. |
"Merton’s Final Words ." [poem]
10. |
Issue 42:4 |
(Winter 2017) |
Lord, Andy. |
"Seeds of the Spirit: A Charismatic Reading of New Seeds of Contemplation."
11-20. |
Issue 42:4 |
(Winter 2017) |
Mahon, J. Patrick. |
"Hagia Sophia – An Invocation ." [poem]
21. |
Issue 42:4 |
(Winter 2017) |
Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes, Cristóbal. |
"Engaged Spirituality in Thomas Merton and Thich Nhat Hanh: An Inter-Monastic Dialogue on Contemplation in a World of Action."
23-31. |
Issue 42:4 |
(Winter 2017) |
Poks, Malgorzata. |
"Two Continents in Dialogue."
Rev. of From the Monastery to the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Ernesto Cardenal translated and edited by Jessie Sandoval. 33-35. |
Issue 42:4 |
(Winter 2017) |
Brennan, Michael. |
"Merton Distilled and Applied."
Rev. of 30 Days with Thomas Merton – Words of Contemplation and Hope selected and edited by Connie Clark. 36-37. |
Issue 42:4 |
(Winter 2017) |
Berger, Rose Marie. |
"The Book of the Prophet Daniel Review."
Rev. of At Play in The Lions’ Den: A Biography and Memoir of Daniel Berrigan by Jim Forest. 38-40. |
Issue 42:4 |
(Winter 2017) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
41-43. |
Issue 42:3 |
(Fall 2017) |
Higgins, Michael W. |
"Light in a Darkening Landscape Presidential Address—ITMS Fifteenth General Meeting."
3-5. |
Issue 42:3 |
(Fall 2017) |
DeLaney, Steven. |
"Keeping the Hours." [poem]
6-7. |
Issue 42:3 |
(Fall 2017) |
Cecala, Kathleen. |
"Merton’s Constant Friend at Saint Bonaventure: Irenaeus Herscher, OFM."
8-16. |
Issue 42:3 |
(Fall 2017) |
Hanebury, Derek. |
"Great Swim Dream." [poem]
17-18. |
Issue 42:3 |
(Fall 2017) |
Apel, William. |
"Witness to Mercy: Thomas Merton’s Vocation as Letter Writer."
19-24. |
Issue 42:3 |
(Fall 2017) |
Snyder, Thomas. |
"Meeting the Mystics with Merton."
Rev. of A Course in Christian Mysticism by Thomas Merton, edited by Jon Sweeney. 25-29. |
Issue 42:3 |
(Fall 2017) |
Cannon, Nass. |
"The Thick and Thin of It."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 29. 30-32. |
Issue 42:3 |
(Fall 2017) |
Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM. |
"Walking the Bible."
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Pilgrimage to the Holy Land [3 CDs] by Thomas Merton. 33-35. |
Issue 42:3 |
(Fall 2017) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
36-39. |
Issue 42:2 |
(Summer 2017) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"'The Most Hopeful and Living Kind of Message': An Introduction to Charles de Foucauld and Thomas Merton."
3-10. |
Issue 42:2 |
(Summer 2017) |
Plank, Karl A. |
"Apophatic Prayer 3." [poem]
11. |
Issue 42:2 |
(Summer 2017) |
Kolp, Alan. |
"Mind the Light: Quaker Spirituality and the Wisdom of Thomas Merton."
12-18. |
Issue 42:2 |
(Summer 2017) |
Holmes, Daniel. |
"Merton at St. Anne's." [poem]
19-20. |
Issue 42:2 |
(Summer 2017) |
Orberson, David. |
"Eros as Koan: Thomas Merton, Monastic Life, Zen and M."
21-30. |
Issue 42:2 |
(Summer 2017) |
Apel, William. |
"Ecumenical Bridge to an Integrated Life."
Rev. of Merton and the Protestant Tradition edited by William Oliver Paulsell. 31-37. |
Issue 42:2 |
(Summer 2017) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Beyond the Divide with Merton."
Rev. of Thomas Merton's Poetics of Self-Dissolution by Sonia Petisco. 38-40. |
Issue 42:2 |
(Summer 2017) |
Scruggs, Jani and Ryan. |
"Spelling Out Merton for a New Generation."
Rev. of The ABCs of Thomas Merton: A Monk at the Heart of the World by Gregory and Elizabeth Ryan. 41-43. |
Issue 42:2 |
(Summer 2017) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
44-47. |
Issue 42:1 |
(Spring 2017) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
"Exploring Thomas Merton’s Resurrection Consciousness."
3-10. |
Issue 42:1 |
(Spring 2017) |
Leax, John. |
"Blessings Are Those Who Mourn." [poem]
11. |
Issue 42:1 |
(Spring 2017) |
Lootens, Dominiek. |
"Thomas Merton and the Spiritual Roots of Protest: Educational Reflections on the Peacemaker Retreat."
12-16. |
Issue 42:1 |
(Spring 2017) |
Porter, J. S. |
"Robert Lax (1915-2000)." [poem]
17. |
Issue 42:1 |
(Spring 2017) |
Rembert, Ron B. |
"Merton on Sports and Spirituality."
18-25. |
Issue 42:1 |
(Spring 2017) |
Sellner, Edward C. |
"Merton’s Celtic Pilgrimage."
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Celts: A New World Opening Up by Monica Weis, SSJ. 26-29. |
Issue 42:1 |
(Spring 2017) |
Forest, James H. |
"A Book of Prophets."
Rev. of American Prophets: Seven Religious Radicals and Their Struggle for Social and Political Justice by Albert J. Raboteau. 30-32. |
Issue 42:1 |
(Spring 2017) |
Ratigan, Virginia Kaib. |
"Sharing Monastic Family History."
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Monastic Spirituality [6 CDs] by Thomas Merton with an introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra. 33-35. |
Issue 42:1 |
(Spring 2017) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
36-39. |
Issue 43:4 |
(Winter 2018) |
Grayston, Donald. |
“Samut Prakhan: The Zen Death of Thomas Merton.”
3-17. |
Issue 43:4 |
(Winter 2018) |
Cash, Malcolm. |
“On the Death of Thomas Merton, December 10, 1968.” [poem]
18. |
Issue 43:4 |
(Winter 2018) |
Grimes, William. |
“Thomas Merton – A Man for All Times.”
19-23. |
Issue 43:4 |
(Winter 2018) |
Doriot, Jeanne, SP. |
“Monk Gone.” [poem]
24. |
Issue 43:4 |
(Winter 2018) |
McCaslin, Susan. |
“Burning, Sinking, Disappearing, Rising: A Poetic Reflection.”
25-31. |
Issue 43:4 |
(Winter 2018) |
Slater, Isaac, OCSO. |
“Always Right There."
Rev. of Cistercian Fathers and Forefathers: Essays and Conferences by Thomas Merton. 32-33. |
Issue 43:4 |
(Winter 2018) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
“The Poisoned Arrow and the Koan of Job."
Rev. of Thomas Merton – Evil and Why We Suffer by David E. Orberson. 34-36. |
Issue 43:4 |
(Winter 2018) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
“A Challenge to the Standard Account."
Rev. of The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: An Investigation by Hugh Turley and David Martin. 37-39. |
Issue 43:4 |
(Winter 2018) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
40-43. |
Issue 43:3 |
(Fall 2018) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
“Something ‘Hot and Abstract’: Thomas Merton, Mary Lou Williams and the Spirituality of Jazz.”
3-7. |
Issue 43:3 |
(Fall 2018) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
“Tom, Tom, What Were You Thinking When.” [poem]
8-9. |
Issue 43:3 |
(Fall 2018) |
Labrie, Ross. |
“Thomas Merton and Existentialism.”
10-13. |
Issue 43:3 |
(Fall 2018) |
Janssen, Lawrence. |
“The Voice Within: A Reflection on Seeds of Contemplation.” [poem]
14. |
Issue 43:3 |
(Fall 2018) |
Rudolph, John. |
“Merton’s Magic: Vocations Fused through Infused Grace.”
15-18. |
Issue 43:3 |
(Fall 2018) |
Kerr, Aaron K. |
“The Times They Are A’Makin’.”
Rev. of The Monk's Record Player: Thomas Merton, Bob Dylan, and the Perilous Summer of 1966 by Robert Hudson. 19-23. |
Issue 43:3 |
(Fall 2018) |
Kothe, Sarah. |
“An Anthology for Praying.”
Rev. of The Art of Thomas Merton: A Divine Passion in Word and Vision edited and compiled by John Moses. 24-25. |
Issue 43:3 |
(Fall 2018) |
Hillis, Gregory K. |
“Witness to Freedom.”
Rev. of In Praise of the Useless Life: A Monk’s Memoir by Paul Quenon. 26-28. |
Issue 43:3 |
(Fall 2018) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
29-31. |
Issue 43:2 |
(Summer 2018) |
Croghan, Richard V. |
“Mahanambrata Brahmachari and Thomas Merton.”
3-10. |
Issue 43:2 |
(Summer 2018) |
Law, Sarah. |
“Parallel." [poem]
11. |
Issue 43:2 |
(Summer 2018) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
“Celtic Monasticism: A New Lens for Viewing Day of a Stranger."
12-17. |
Issue 43:2 |
(Summer 2018) |
Call for Papers: The Merton Annual Volume 31
18. |
Issue 43:2 |
(Summer 2018) |
Venable, Peter C. |
Two Poems: "Undistracted" and "Stilling" [poems]
19-20. |
Issue 43:2 |
(Summer 2018) |
Morris, Barry K. |
"Merton, Niebuhr and the Significance of Mercy for Urban Ministry Practices."
21-28. |
Issue 43:2 |
(Summer 2018) |
Snyder, Thomas. |
"Simply Cistercian – Chautard and Merton."
Rev. of The Spirit of Simplicity by Jean-Baptiste Chautard and Thomas Merton. 29-32. |
Issue 43:2 |
(Summer 2018) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"What Am I Reading For?"
Rev. of What I Am Living For: Lessons from the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton edited by Jon M. Sweeney. 33-34. |
Issue 43:2 |
(Summer 2018) |
Fazio, Jamie |
"The Quality of Mercy Revisited."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 30 edited by Deborah Pope Kehoe and Joseph Quinn Raab. 35-38. |
Issue 43:2 |
(Summer 2018) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
39-43. |
Issue 43:1 |
(Spring 2018) |
O'Hare, Padraic. |
“Christ and the Undivided Young Adult: Clues from Merton and More.”
3-11. |
Issue 43:1 |
(Spring 2018) |
Orr, Thomas Alan. |
"Prayer Wheel." [poem]
12. |
Issue 43:1 |
(Spring 2018) |
Pynkoski, Paul. |
“Seeking God in the Forest: Thomas Merton and Emily Carr.”
13-18. |
Issue 43:1 |
(Spring 2018) |
Garrigan, Gerard, OSB. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
19. |
Issue 43:1 |
(Spring 2018) |
Kolp, Alan. |
“Thomas Merton and the Mercies of the Night.”
20-24. |
Issue 43:1 |
(Spring 2018) |
Dart, Ron. |
“True North.”
Rev. of We Are All Poets Here: Thomas Merton’s 1968 Journey to Alaska by Kathleen Witkowska Tarr. 25-27. |
Issue 43:1 |
(Spring 2018) |
Hall, Cassidy. |
"Merton Our Contemporary."
Rev. of Thomas Merton for Our Time [CDs] by Daniel P. Horan, OFM. 28-31. |
Issue 43:1 |
(Spring 2018) |
Gustafson, Hans. |
“Guidance for Contemporary Pilgrims.”
Rev. of Spiritual Guides: Pathfinders in the Desert by Fred Dallmayr. 32-34. |
Issue 43:1 |
(Spring 2018) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
35-39. |
Issue 44:4 |
(Winter 2019) |
Valente, Judith. |
“Let Peace Be Your Aim: Thomas Merton, Peacemaking and The Rule of St. Benedict.”
3-7. |
Issue 44:4 |
(Winter 2019) |
Hoffman, Jo Ann Steger. |
“Prayer Manual.” [poem]
8. |
Issue 44:4 |
(Winter 2019) |
Tarr, Kathleen. |
“From the Inner Frontier to the Last Frontier: Thomas Merton’s 1968 Alaska Journey."
9-20. |
Issue 44:4 |
(Winter 2019) |
Cox, Randy. |
“Music to My Ears.” [poem]
21. |
Issue 44:4 |
(Winter 2019) |
Culliford, Larry. |
“‘We Are Already One’: Thomas Merton, Science and Wisdom."
22-26. |
Issue 44:4 |
(Winter 2019) |
Allard, John E., OP. |
“Merton among the Doctors."
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Augustine, Jerome, and Ambrose: The Philosophy of the Great Latin Fathers [CDs] by Thomas Merton. 28-30. |
Issue 44:4 |
(Winter 2019) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
“One of ‘Tom’s Guardian Angels’."
Rev. of Called To Serve: The Untold Story of Father Irenaeus Herscher, OFM by Kathy Petersen Cecala. 31-33. |
Issue 44:4 |
(Winter 2019) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
“A Link between Beings."
Rev. of Tendrel: A Memoir of New York and the Buddhist Himalayas by Harold Talbott. 34-36. |
Issue 44:4 |
(Winter 2019) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
37-39. |
Issue 44:3 |
(Fall 2019) |
Meade, Mark C. |
“The Reality of Personal Relationships Saves Everything Presidential Address – ITMS Sixteenth General Meeting.”
3-5. |
Issue 44:3 |
(Fall 2019) |
Hoffenkamp, Carol. |
“Monk on Fire(watch).” [poem]
6. |
Issue 44:3 |
(Fall 2019) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
“Madness and Meaning: Thomas Merton’s Reading of Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault and the Babble of the 1960s."
7-14. |
Issue 44:3 |
(Fall 2019) |
Brydges, David C. |
“Thomas Merton – Guide of the God Game." [poem]
15-17. |
Issue 44:3 |
(Fall 2019) |
Apel, William. |
“How to Disagree: Peace-Building in the Interfaith Letters of Thomas Merton and Doña Luisa Coomaraswamy."
18-22. |
Issue 44:3 |
(Fall 2019) |
Weber, Richard (Columban), OCSO. |
“A Class Act."
Rev. of Medieval Cistercian History by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 23-24. |
Issue 44:3 |
(Fall 2019) |
Orberson, David. |
“An Anniversary Feast."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 31 edited by Deborah Pope Kehoe and Joseph Quinn Raab. 25-27. |
Issue 44:3 |
(Fall 2019) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Prodigious Ponderer."
Rev. of An Elemental Life: Mystery and Mercy in the Work of Father Matthew Kelty, OCSO by Louis A. Ruprecht. 28-29. |
Issue 44:3 |
(Fall 2019) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
30-39. |
Issue 44:2 |
(Summer 2019) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
“Editor's Note.”
3-4. |
Issue 44:2 |
(Summer 2019) |
“Patrick Hart, OCSO – A Biographical Timeline.”
5-6. |
Issue 44:2 |
(Summer 2019) |
Kelly, Timothy, OCSO. |
“A Life of Service for Others: Homily for the Funeral Mass of Brother Patrick Hart – February 28, 2019.”
7-8. |
Issue 44:2 |
(Summer 2019) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
“The Heritage of Celtic Monasticism.”
9-19. |
Issue 44:2 |
(Summer 2019) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
“Irish Monastic Art and Poetry.”
19-31. |
Issue 44:2 |
(Summer 2019) |
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. |
“Eremitism in the Celtic Church.”
31-40. |
Issue 44:2 |
(Summer 2019) |
“Heart to Hart: Memories and Reflections.”
41-52. |
Issue 44:2 |
(Summer 2019) |
Burton, Patricia A.; and Patrick F. O'Connell. |
“Patrick Hart, OCSO: A Bibliography.”
53-67. |
Issue 44:1 |
(Spring 2019) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
“Martin, Malcolm and Merton: The Work for Racial Justice and the Responsibility of Catholic Spirituality.”
3-12. |
Issue 44:1 |
(Spring 2019) |
Porter, J. S. |
“Robert Lax: Scratches.” [poem]
13. |
Issue 44:1 |
(Spring 2019) |
Cannon, Nass. |
“A Circle Dance of Love: Thomas Merton, Contemplation and the Cosmic Dance.”
14-19. |
Issue 44:1 |
(Spring 2019) |
Hodges, David. |
“Two Poems.” [poem]
20-21. |
Issue 44:1 |
(Spring 2019) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
“Thomas Merton and Richard Rodriguez: A Conversation at the Edge of a Desert.”
22-28. |
Issue 44:1 |
(Spring 2019) |
Simsic, Wayne. |
“Cherishing the Stillness.”
Rev. of Silence, Joy by Thomas Merton, edited by Christopher Wait. 29-30. |
Issue 44:1 |
(Spring 2019) |
Dart, Ron. |
“A Lively Pas de Deux.”
Rev. of Superabundantly Alive: Thomas Merton’s Dance with the Feminine by Susan McCaslin and J. S. Porter. 31-32. |
Issue 44:1 |
(Spring 2019) |
Matthews, Gray. |
“Sacred Disrupters as Spiritual Guides.”
Rev. of Thomas Merton and Henri Nouwen: Spiritual Guides for the 21st Century [CDs] by Michael W. Higgins. 33-35. |
Issue 44:1 |
(Spring 2019) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
36-43. |
Issue 45:4 |
(Winter 2020) |
Ryan, James. |
"Thomas Merton, Joan Baez and the Midnight Run to Bardstown."
3-7. |
Issue 45:4 |
(Winter 2020) |
Orr, Thomas Alan. |
"Last Testament.” [poem]
8. |
Issue 45:4 |
(Winter 2020) |
Huyal, Allyson. |
"Thomas Merton: Role Model for Catholics Who Practice Yoga Today.”
9-17. |
Issue 45:4 |
(Winter 2020) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
"M. After '68.” [poem]
18-19. |
Issue 45:4 |
(Winter 2020) |
Myrick, Don. |
"Of Merton, Main and Mantras.”
20-24. |
Issue 45:4 |
(Winter 2020) |
Toth, Robert G. |
"Merton’s Words on the Word of God.”
Rev. of A Monastic Introduction to Sacred Scripture: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell. 25-26. |
Issue 45:4 |
(Winter 2020) |
McNary-Zak, Bernadette. |
"Monastic Historian, Monastic Educator.”
Rev. of Thomas Merton on the Great Monks and Thomas Merton on the Cistercians: Sages of Silence [CDs] by Thomas Merton. 27-29. |
Issue 45:4 |
(Winter 2020) |
Kiernan, Jeffrey T. |
"A Mertonian Lens on Teen Life.”
Rev. of Authenticity, Passion, and Advocacy: Approaching Adolescent Spirituality from the Life and Wisdom of Thomas Merton by Thomas E. Malewitz. 30-32. |
Issue 45:4 |
(Winter 2020) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
33-35. |
Issue 45:3 |
(Fall 2020) |
Labrie, Ross. |
"Art and Being in Thomas Merton."
3-8. |
Issue 45:3 |
(Fall 2020) |
McCaslin, Susan. |
"Hildegard of Bingen Considers the Migrant Farm Workers.” [poem]
9-10. |
Issue 45:3 |
(Fall 2020) |
Kolp, Alan. |
"A Revolution of Love: Creating Contemplatives in the College Classroom."
11-16. |
Issue 45:3 |
(Fall 2020) |
Brydges, David C. |
"Madness of a Dying Age.” [poem]
17-18. |
Issue 45:3 |
(Fall 2020) |
Raggio, Marcela. |
"Out in the Open: Meeting Merton in Mendoza."
19-22. |
Issue 45:3 |
(Fall 2020) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Belated Encounters."
Rev. of On Thomas Merton by Mary Gordon. 23-26. |
Issue 45:3 |
(Fall 2020) |
Viviano, Pauline A. |
"In the End Is My Meaning."
Rev. of Shaped by the End You Live For: Thomas Merton’s Monastic Spirituality by Bonnie B. Thurston. 27-29. |
Issue 45:3 |
(Fall 2020) |
Oyer, Gordon. |
"Crooked Made Straight."
Rev. of Writing Straight with Crooked Lines: A Memoir by Jim Forest. 30-32. |
Issue 45:3 |
(Fall 2020) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
33-35. |
Issue 45:2 |
(Summer 2020) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Rain, Contemplation and Social Responsibility: Merton’s Challenge to Us."
3-8. |
Issue 45:2 |
(Summer 2020) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"a variance of thoughts on an otherwise day.” [poem]
9. |
Issue 45:2 |
(Summer 2020) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
"‘Sobornost’: Thomas Merton’s Russian Influences."
10-17. |
Issue 45:2 |
(Summer 2020) |
Woodward, Michael. |
"Elegy for Patrick Hart (1925-2019).” [poem]
18-19. |
Issue 45:2 |
(Summer 2020) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
"Thomas Merton on 'The Wilderness of Compassion'."
20-24. |
Issue 45:2 |
(Summer 2020) |
Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND. |
"A Refreshing Desert."
Rev. of A Course in Desert Spirituality: Fifteen Sessions with the Famous Trappist Monk by Thomas Merton. 25-27. |
Issue 45:2 |
(Summer 2020) |
Wallace, Julianne E. |
"Seeds of Hope in This Mad Place."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 32 edited by Deborah Pope Kehoe and Joseph Quinn Raab. 28-30. |
Issue 45:2 |
(Summer 2020) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"Models for Global Pilgrimage."
Rev. of Mystics, Sages, and Saints: Archetypes of Spiritual Excellence [audio course] by Kenneth Rose. 31-32. |
Issue 45:2 |
(Summer 2020) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
33-39. |
Issue 45:1 |
(Spring 2020) |
Montaldo, Jonathan. |
"A Testament of Confession and Witness: Thomas Merton’s Christian, Monastic and Personalist Philosophy."
3-12. |
Issue 45:1 |
(Spring 2020) |
Roeder, Antoinette Voûte. |
"Heron.” [poem]
13-14. |
Issue 45:1 |
(Spring 2020) |
O'Hare, Padraic. |
"Thomas Merton and Educative Dialogue among Diverse Christians.”
15-22. |
Issue 45:1 |
(Spring 2020) |
Warner, Theodore. |
"The Mercy of God.” [poem]
23-24. |
Issue 45:1 |
(Spring 2020) |
Torres, Gary. |
"Thomas Merton and the Second Step of Alcoholics Anonymous: A Commitment to Healthy Spirituality.”
25-30. |
Issue 45:1 |
(Spring 2020) |
McCarthy, Anne, OSB. |
"Building on Merton’s Legacy of Dialogue.”
Rev. of Thomas Merton’s Encounter with Buddhism and Beyond: His Interreligious Dialogue, Inter-Monastic Exchanges, and Their Legacy by Jaechan Anselmo Park. 31-33. |
Issue 45:1 |
(Spring 2020) |
Golemboski, David. |
"Recognizing the Spiritual Richness of the Indian Genius.”
Rev. of Merton and Indigenous Wisdom edited by Peter Savastano. 34-36. |
Issue 45:1 |
(Spring 2020) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Still Shining Like the Sun.”
Rev. of Looking for the Sun at Merton’s Corner: A Collection of Portraits by Susan Griffin Ward. 37-38. |
Issue 45:1 |
(Spring 2020) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
39-43. |
Issue 46:4 |
(Winter 2021) |
Odorisio, David. |
"'Yes to Everyone': Thomas Merton's Radical Ecumenism and Inter-Monastic Mysticism of the Ground."
3-11. |
Issue 46:4 |
(Winter 2021) |
Roeder, Antoinette Voûte. |
"Dying." [poem]
12. |
Issue 46:4 |
(Winter 2021) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Fifty Years and Counting."
13-15. |
Issue 46:4 |
(Winter 2021) |
Garrigan, Gerard, OSB. |
"Three Poems." [poems]
16-17. |
Issue 46:4 |
(Winter 2021) |
Pynkoski, Paul. |
"Eyes to See and Ears to Hear: Dancing in Paradise with Merton and Cockburn."
18-24. |
Issue 46:4 |
(Winter 2021) |
McDonald, Emma. |
"Engaging the Scriptures with Humor and Humanity."
Rev. of Notes on Genesis and Exodus: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 2 by Thomas Merton, edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O’Connell. 26-28. |
Issue 46:4 |
(Winter 2021) |
Pramuk, Christopher. |
"Scouts on the Spiritual Frontier."
Rev. of The Seeker and the Monk: Everyday Conversations with Thomas Merton by Sophfronia Scott. 29-31. |
Issue 46:4 |
(Winter 2021) |
Grip, Robert. |
"The Prescient Merton."
Rev. of Thomas Merton: God's Messenger on the Road towards a New World by Paul R. Dekar. 32-34. |
Issue 46:4 |
(Winter 2021) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
35-39. |
Issue 46:3 |
(Fall 2021) |
Golemboski, David. |
"Absurdity and Imagination in a Time of Upheaval."
3-8. |
Issue 46:3 |
(Fall 2021) |
Porter, J. S. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
9-10. |
Issue 46:3 |
(Fall 2021) |
Amorosia, Glenn. |
"Merton and Fénelon: Social Prophets."
11-21. |
Issue 46:3 |
(Fall 2021) |
Venable, Peter C. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
22-23. |
Issue 46:3 |
(Fall 2021) |
Mahon, Christopher. |
"'Free at Last, Free at Last': A Faith Journey with Thomas Merton."
24-28. |
Issue 46:3 |
(Fall 2021) |
Miller, Lucien. |
"Elective Affinities."
Rev. of Merton and Confucianism: Rites, Righteousness and Integral Humanity edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. 29-31. |
Issue 46:3 |
(Fall 2021) |
Pynkoski, Paul. |
"An Apostolate of Friendship."
Rev. of Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton and the Greatest Commandment by Julie Leininger Pycior. 32-34. |
Issue 46:3 |
(Fall 2021) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"Corresponding with Grace and Honesty."
Rev. of A Focus on Truth: Thomas Merton's Uncensored Mind by Patrick W. Collins. 35-36. |
Issue 46:3 |
(Fall 2021) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
37-39. |
Issue 46:2 |
(Summer 2021) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
"Portrait of the Writer as a Young Man: Thomas Merton's Early Publications, 1931-1941."
3-11. |
Issue 46:2 |
(Summer 2021) |
Cox, Randy. |
"Three Poems from the Hermitage." [poems]
12-14. |
Issue 46:2 |
(Summer 2021) |
Meegan, William J. |
"The Paternal Ancestors of Thomas Merton: 1652-1968."
15-22. |
Issue 46:2 |
(Summer 2021) |
Dugat, Josh. |
"Notes Recovered from a Search for Sanctity." [poem]
23-24. |
Issue 46:2 |
(Summer 2021) |
Ostenburg, John A. |
"A Gethsemani Journal."
25-35. |
Issue 46:2 |
(Summer 2021) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"This Spiritual Light - This Vision."
Rev. of Beholding Paradise: The Photographs of Thomas Merton edited by Paul M. Pearson. 36-37. |
Issue 46:2 |
(Summer 2021) |
Higgins, Michael W. |
"A Singular Look at Religious Pluralism."
Rev. of Opening New Horizons: Seeds of a Theology of Religious Pluralism in Thomas Merton's Dialogue with D. T. Suzuki by Joseph Quinn Raab. 38-39. |
Issue 46:2 |
(Summer 2021) |
O'Hare, Padraic. |
"Confronting Convention with Wisdom and Wit."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 33 edited by Deborah Pope Kehoe and Joseph Quinn Raab. 40-44. |
Issue 46:2 |
(Summer 2021) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
45-51. |
Issue 46:1 |
(Spring 2021) |
Valente, Judith. |
"Journeying with Merton in the ‘New Normal’."
3-7. |
Issue 46:1 |
(Spring 2021) |
Macarie, Teofila. |
"Un Trappista / Trappist.” [poem]
8-9. |
Issue 46:1 |
(Spring 2021) |
Stark, Philip M. |
"My Summer with Thomas Merton.”
10-15. |
Issue 46:1 |
(Spring 2021) |
McHargue, Tim. |
"Sacred Stones: Ruminations on Rubble.” [poem]
16-17. |
Issue 46:1 |
(Spring 2021) |
Lenox, Carol. |
"The Exterior Silence of the Forest – Merton’s Guidance for Environmentalists."
18-23. |
Issue 46:1 |
(Spring 2021) |
Weis, Monica, SSJ. |
"Guarding God’s Image with Merton as Guide."
Rev. of Guard the Human Image for It Is the Image of God: Essays on Thomas Merton. edited by Gary Hall and Detlev Cuntz. 24-26. |
Issue 46:1 |
(Spring 2021) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
"Sounding the Depths of Silence."
Rev. of Silence: A Social History of One of the Least Understood Elements of Our Lives by Jane Brox. 27-36. |
Issue 46:1 |
(Spring 2021) |
Dart, Ron. |
"Castle Culture in Church and World."
Rev. of Thomas Merton on Franz Kafka by Thomas Merton. 37-39. |
Issue 46:1 |
(Spring 2021) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
40-54. |
Issue 47:4 |
(Winter 2022) |
Pearson, Paul M.; Christine M. Bochen; Jonathan Montaldo; Gregory Ryan; and Bonnie Thurston |
“Robert E. Daggy—Reminiscenses and Tributes.”
3-14. |
Issue 47:4 |
(Winter 2022) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Glory Be to God for Dappled Things." [poem]
15-16. |
Issue 47:4 |
(Winter 2022) |
Oyer, Gordon. |
"Hiking the Hallowed Ground of Herman the Hermit."
17-26. |
Issue 47:4 |
(Winter 2022) |
Mahon, Christopher. |
"East Meets West." [poem]
27-28. |
Issue 47:4 |
(Winter 2022) |
Amorosia, Glenn. |
"Gun Culture, Mass Shootings and the Prophetic Witness of Thomas Merton."
29-35. |
Issue 47:4 |
(Winter 2022) |
ITMS 18TH General Meeting—Schedule and Registration Information.
36-38. |
Issue 47:4 |
(Winter 2022) |
Whalen, Robert Weldon. |
"Getting with the Beat."
Rev. of Thomas Merton, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and the Protection of All Beings: The Correspondence by Bill Morgan. 39-40. |
Issue 47:4 |
(Winter 2022) |
Hall, Gary. |
"Prophetic Practice, Practical Prophecy."
Rev. of Open to the Full Dimension: Thomas Merton, Practical Theology, and Pastoral Practice by Dominiek Lootens. 41-42. |
Issue 47:4 |
(Winter 2022) |
Wallace, Julianne E. |
"A Harmonious Collaboration."
Rev. of Words and Silences [CD and accompanying booklet] by Brian Harnetty. 43-45. |
Issue 47:4 |
(Winter 2022) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
46-47. |
Issue 47:3 |
(Fall 2022) |
Meegan, William J. |
“The Maternal Ancestors of Thomas Merton.”
3-12. |
Issue 47:3 |
(Fall 2022) |
Davis, Ed. |
“Three Poems.” [poem]
13-15. |
Issue 47:3 |
(Fall 2022) |
McCaslin, Susan. |
“The Monk and the Feminist: A Reflection on the Merton-Reuther Correspondence."
16-25. |
Issue 47:3 |
(Fall 2022) |
Padhi, Bibhu. |
“Two Poems." [poem]
26-28. |
Issue 47:3 |
(Fall 2022) |
Tarr, Kathleen. |
“The Necessity of Pilgrimage."
29-34. |
Issue 47:3 |
(Fall 2022) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
“Expanding the Vision of Merton's Church.”
Rev. of Man of Dialogue: Thomas Merton's Catholic Vision by Greg Hillis. 35-36. |
Issue 47:3 |
(Fall 2022) |
Pynkoski, Paul. |
“Encounters with the Stranger.”
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 34 edited by Deborah Pope Kehoe and David Golemboski. 37-41. |
Issue 47:3 |
(Fall 2022) |
Meade, Mark C. |
“A Meditative Month with Merton.”
Rev. of Come into the Silence by Thomas Merton. 42-43. |
Issue 47:3 |
(Fall 2022) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
44-47. |
Issue 47:2 |
(Summer 2022) |
O'Connell, Patrick F. |
“An Introductory Note.”
3-5. |
Issue 47:2 |
(Summer 2022) |
Forest, James H. |
“A Pilgrimage of Illness.”
6-11. |
Issue 47:2 |
(Summer 2022) |
Hassler-Forest, Daniel. |
“Jim Forest: A Son's Reflection.”
12-13. |
Issue 47:2 |
(Summer 2022) |
Forest, James H. |
“Saying No to Caesar.”
14-21. |
Issue 47:2 |
(Summer 2022) |
Oyer, Gordon. |
“Remembering Jim Forest, Friend of Merton.”
22-28. |
Issue 47:2 |
(Summer 2022) |
Plekon, Michael. |
“Jim Forest: Peacemaker and Witness.”
29-32. |
Issue 47:2 |
(Summer 2022) |
Baxter, Michael. |
“What Jim Had to Offer Us.”
33-37. |
Issue 47:2 |
(Summer 2022) |
“Jim Forest: A Bibliography.”
38-39. |
Issue 47:2 |
(Summer 2022) |
“Jim Forest on Thomas Merton: A Chronological List of Publications.”
40-44. |
Issue 47:2 |
(Summer 2022) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
“Of Tangerines and Tea.”
Rev. of Eyes of Compassion: Living with Thich Nhat Hanh by Jim Forest. 45-46. |
Issue 47:2 |
(Summer 2022) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
“Beneath the Varnished Surface.”
Rev. of Signs of Hope: Thomas Merton's Letters on Peace, Race, and Ecology by Gordon Oyer. 47-49. |
Issue 47:2 |
(Summer 2022) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
51-55. |
Issue 47:1 |
(Spring 2022) |
Kolp, Alan. |
“A Transforming Moment: The Pivotal Visions of Thomas Merton and Ilia Delio.”
3-11. |
Issue 47:1 |
(Spring 2022) |
Young, Stephan. |
"Seven Haiku." [poem]
12-13. |
Issue 47:1 |
(Spring 2022) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
“‘They Were Mine and I Theirs’: The Shared Vision of Humanity of Thomas Merton and Richard Wright.”
14-18. |
Issue 47:1 |
(Spring 2022) |
Lopez, Kay. |
“The Work of the Cell.” [poem]
19. |
Issue 47:1 |
(Spring 2022) |
Dart, Ron. |
“Reading the Psalms: Thomas Merton, C. S. Lewis and Bede Griffiths.”
20-26. |
Issue 47:1 |
(Spring 2022) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"A Captivating Capstone."
Rev. of Merton and Hinduism: The Yoga of the Heart edited by David M. Odorisio. 27-29. |
Issue 47:1 |
(Spring 2022) |
Simsic, Wayne. |
“Monastic Spirituality for Everyone.”
Rev. of Thomas Merton: An Introduction to His Life, Teachings, and Practices by Jon M. Sweeney. 30-32. |
Issue 47:1 |
(Spring 2022) |
Valente, Judith. |
"Wise Teacher, Fellow Seeker, Spiritual Friend."
Rev. of Peace Smiles: Rediscovering Thomas Merton by Bishop Fintan Monaghan. 33-35. |
Issue 47:1 |
(Spring 2022) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
36-39. |
Issue 48:4 |
(Winter 2023) |
Hilkert, Mary Catherine, OP. |
“Sophia Comes Reaching. Homily for Closing Eucharist, ITMS Eighteenth General Meeting, June 24, 2023.”
3-6. |
Issue 48:4 |
(Winter 2023) |
Mangano, Mary Grace. |
“Christ of the Burnt Men." [poem]
7. |
Issue 48:4 |
(Winter 2023) |
Berger, John and Tim McHargue. |
“'Understanding Our Exact Position': Contemplating Merton's 'Letter to Pablo Antonio Cuadra Concerning Giants'."
8-18. |
Issue 48:4 |
(Winter 2023) |
Valente, Judith. |
"At Thomas Merton's Hermitage on His Death Anniversary." [poem]
19-20. |
Issue 48:4 |
(Winter 2023) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
"'Love for Africa … in Some Measure My Own': Thomas Merton's African Awakening."
21-28. |
Issue 48:4 |
(Winter 2023) |
Kehoe, Deborah Pope. |
"Sharing the Healing Spirit."
Rev. of In Search of the Healing Spirit by Nass Cannon Jr. 30-32. |
Issue 48:4 |
(Winter 2023) |
Grip, Robert. |
"The Merton Prayer."
Rev. of The Merton Prayer: An Exercise in Authenticity by Steven A. Denny. 33-34. |
Issue 48:4 |
(Winter 2023) |
McDonnell, Chris. |
"Merton as Guide for the Lenten Journey."
Rev. of The Way of Thomas Merton: A Prayer Journey through Lent by Robert Inchausti. 35-37. |
Issue 48:4 |
(Winter 2023) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
38-39. |
Issue 48:3 |
(Fall 2023) |
Pramuk, Christopher. |
“By Bowing My Ear a Little. I Have Received Her.”
3-11. |
Issue 48:3 |
(Fall 2023) |
Blaine, Amrita Skye. |
"Four Poems." [poem]
12-14. |
Issue 48:3 |
(Fall 2023) |
Kolp, Alan. |
"From Monk to Dancing Star: The Mertonian Influence on Ilia Delio."
15-21. |
Issue 48:3 |
(Fall 2023) |
Lopez, Kay. |
"Thoughts in a New York Cathedral." [poem]
22. |
Issue 48:3 |
(Fall 2023) |
Dekar, Paul R. |
"Praying in the Way of Catherine de Hueck Doherty and Thomas Merton."
23-26. |
Issue 48:3 |
(Fall 2023) |
Burkemper, Elizabeth. |
"Praying in the Way of Catherine de Hueck Doherty and Thomas Merton."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 35. 27-30. |
Issue 48:3 |
(Fall 2023) |
Kiernan, Jeffrey T. |
"Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Person."
Rev. of Remembering the Forgotten Merton by William J. Meegan. 31-37. |
Issue 48:3 |
(Fall 2023) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"A Life and a Work in Progress."
Rev. of Reading Thomas Merton and Longing for God in Haiti: Learning Wisdom in the School of My Life by Gerard Thomas Straub. 38-40. |
Issue 48:3 |
(Fall 2023) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
41-43. |
Issue 48:2 |
(Summer 2023) |
Gardner, Fiona. |
“The Emotional Literacy of Thomas Merton.”
3-11. |
Issue 48:2 |
(Summer 2023) |
Altany, Alan. |
“Imagined Memories: At the Grave of Thomas Merton." [poem]
12. |
Issue 48:2 |
(Summer 2023) |
Srubas, Rachel M. |
“Writing the True Self."
13-20. |
Issue 48:2 |
(Summer 2023) |
Meegan, William J. |
“Trees II."
21. |
Issue 48:2 |
(Summer 2023) |
Colvin, Geoff. |
“Developing and Sustaining a Practice of Contemplative Prayer."
22-31. |
Issue 48:2 |
(Summer 2023) |
Plekon, Michael. |
“Posthumous Prophet in the Post-Christian Era."
Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Individual Witness: Kingdom Making in a Post-Christian, Post-Truth World by David E. Orberson. 32-33. |
Issue 48:2 |
(Summer 2023) |
Bochen, Christine M. |
“New Discovery, Newer Speculation."
Rev. of Enacting Love: How Thomas Merton Died for Peace by John Smelcer. 34-43. |
Issue 48:2 |
(Summer 2023) |
Kristoff, Donna, OSU. |
“A Graced Exchange."
Rev. of Dearest Sister Wendy . . . A Surprising Story of Faith and Friendship by Sister Wendy Beckett and Robert Ellsberg. 44-46. |
Issue 48:2 |
(Summer 2023) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
47-51. |
Issue 48:1 |
(Spring 2023) |
Ostenburg, John A. |
“The Merton Influence on Public Policy Development.”
3-8. |
Issue 48:1 |
(Spring 2023) |
Lenox, Gary. |
“Reinventing the Wheel." [poem]
9-10. |
Issue 48:1 |
(Spring 2023) |
Meyer, William. |
“The Contemplative Core: A Mertonian Vision of Education for a Post-Covid World."
11-15. |
Issue 48:1 |
(Spring 2023) |
de Andrade, Eduardo. |
“Epiphany in Saffron." [poem]
16-17. |
Issue 48:1 |
(Spring 2023) |
Morris, Barry K. |
“Creative Tension and Balanced Attention: Merton on Contemplation and Action."
18-23. |
Issue 48:1 |
(Spring 2023) |
Lescher, Bruce H. |
“Feasts and Seasons to Savor and Celebrate."
Rev. of Liturgical Feasts and Seasons: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 3 by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick F. O’Connell. 24-26. |
Issue 48:1 |
(Spring 2023) |
Malewitz, Thomas. |
“Mining Memories of Merton."
Rev. of Awake and Alive: Thomas Merton According to His Novices edited by Jon M. Sweeney. 27-28. |
Issue 48:1 |
(Spring 2023) |
Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND. |
“Survival of Prophecy."
Rev. of Great American Prophets: Pope Francis’s Models of Christian Life: Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton by Daniel Cosacchi. 29-35. |
Issue 48:1 |
(Spring 2023) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
36-39. |
Issue 49:4 |
(Winter 2024) |
Lord, Andy. |
"Merton's Ecological Imagination."
3-12. |
Issue 49:4 |
(Winter 2024) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"Two Poems." [poem]
13-14. |
Issue 49:4 |
(Winter 2024) |
Ledbetter, J.T. |
"A Mertonian Reflection on Language and Technology in the Age of Artificial Intelligence."
15-23. |
Issue 49:4 |
(Winter 2024) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Four Poems." [poem]
24-26. |
Issue 49:4 |
(Winter 2024) |
Riddle, Matthew. |
"'I Feel Like a Human Being Again': Thomas Merton, the Desert Fathers, Christian Counterculture and Contemplative Renewal.”
27-31. |
Issue 49:4 |
(Winter 2024) |
Raab, Joseph Quinn. |
"Dissolving False Dichotomies.”
Rev. of Imitating Christ: The Disputed Character of Christian Discipleship by Luke Timothy Johnson. 32-34. |
Issue 49:4 |
(Winter 2024) |
Belcastro, David Joseph. |
"Thoughts in Solitude.”
Rev. of My Life in Seventeen Books: A Literary Memoir by Jon M. Sweeney. 35-37. |
Issue 49:4 |
(Winter 2024) |
Way, Megan. |
"Living the General Dance at Gethsemani.”
Rev. of A Matter of the Heart: A Monk’s Journal, 1970-2022 by Paul Quenon, OCSO. 38-39. |
Issue 49:4 |
(Winter 2024) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
40-43. |
Issue 49:3 |
(Fall 2024) |
Meegan, William J. |
"Ruth Merton: An Enigma No Longer."
3-12. |
Issue 49:3 |
(Fall 2024) |
Tarr, Kathleen. |
"Three Poems." [poem]
13-14. |
Issue 49:3 |
(Fall 2024) |
Ostenburg, John A. |
"Thomas Merton, John Lewis and 'Diversity-Equity-Inclusion'."
15-16. |
Issue 49:3 |
(Fall 2024) |
Kerr, Gretchen H. |
"On the Edge of Gethsemani."
21. |
Issue 49:3 |
(Fall 2024) |
Zorrilla, Maria Guadalupe. |
"Thomas Merton's Educational Philosophy in a Post-Covid World."
22-25. |
Issue 49:3 |
(Fall 2024) |
Deignan, Kathleen Noone, CND. |
"Growing Older—Gratefully and Gracefully."
Rev. of On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity, and Getting Old by Parker J. Palmer. 26-28. |
Issue 49:3 |
(Fall 2024) |
Thurston, Bonnie B. |
"Frameworks for Faithful Living."
Rev. of Our Hearts are Restless: The Art of Spiritual Memoir by Richard Lischer. 29-30. |
Issue 49:3 |
(Fall 2024) |
Matthews, Gray. |
"Stumbling Blocks and Tenterhooks."
Rev. of Thomas Merton's Betrayers: The Case Against Abbot James Fox and Author John Howard Griffin by Hugh Turley and David Martin. 31-32. |
Issue 49:3 |
(Fall 2024) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
33-35. |
Issue 49:2 |
(Summer 2024) |
Antilla, Phillip. |
"'Elias Becomes His Own Geography’: Thomas Merton, Space and Place."
3-9. |
Issue 49:2 |
(Summer 2024) |
Reece, Erik. |
"Monks Pond." [poem]
10. |
Issue 49:2 |
(Summer 2024) |
Amorosia, Glenn. |
"A New Look at New Seeds: Merton’s Personal Exposition through Lectio Divina."
11-21. |
Issue 49:2 |
(Summer 2024) |
Orr, Thomas Alan. |
"Nuns Going Down to the Sea." [poem]
22-23. |
Issue 49:2 |
(Summer 2024) |
Valente, Judith. |
"Soul Friends: Thomas Merton and Mary Oliver."
24-31. |
Issue 49:2 |
(Summer 2024) |
Spencer, Thomas. |
"Divine Wisdom Reaching Forth."
Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 36. 32-35. |
Issue 49:2 |
(Summer 2024) |
Horan, Daniel P., OFM. |
"Meeting Merton among the Mystics."
Rev. of Modern Mystics: An Introduction by Bernard McGinn. 36-38. |
Issue 49:2 |
(Summer 2024) |
Ryan, Gregory J. |
"Finley’s Choices (and Ours)."
Rev. of The Healing Path: A Memoir and an Invitation by James Finley. 39-40. |
Issue 49:2 |
(Summer 2024) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
41-43. |
Issue 49:1 |
(Spring 2024) |
Meade, Mark C. |
"O'Connor, Merton and the 'Christ-Haunted' South: Text and Context of a Newly Discovered Poem."
3-17. |
Issue 49:1 |
(Spring 2024) |
Leax, John. |
"Four Poems." [poem]
18-21. |
Issue 49:1 |
(Spring 2024) |
Liebenow, Mark. |
"In the Hermitage with John Howard Griffin."
22-28. |
Issue 49:1 |
(Spring 2024) |
Hunter, Paul. |
"Evening Gatha." [poem]
29. |
Issue 49:1 |
(Spring 2024) |
Colvin, Geoff; and William Apel. |
"Living Mindfully and Beyond: Learning from Thomas Merton."
30-38. |
Issue 49:1 |
(Spring 2024) |
Crutcher, Ellyn. |
"Fresh Encounters with a Real Christian."
Rev. of Thomas Merton in California: The Redwoods Conferences and Letters by Thomas Merton, edited and introduced by David M. Odorisio. 39-43. |
Issue 49:1 |
(Spring 2024) |
Kehoe, George G. |
"Fruitful Provocation."
Rev. of Engaging Thomas Merton: Spirituality, Justice, and Racism by Daniel P. Horan, OFM. 44-48. |
Issue 49:1 |
(Spring 2024) |
Pearson, Anne. |
"Growing Towards Racial Justice Advocacy."
Rev. of Thomas Merton, the Monk of Civil Rights by Edward Vinski. 49-51. |
Issue 49:1 |
(Spring 2024) |
Pearson, Paul M. |
Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton.
52-55. |
[end of SEASONAL results] top of page ▲ |